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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 60 KB, 565x388, 1701721119361998929_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58525384 No.58525384 [Reply] [Original]

schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1701714232016875630

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters.

Previous thread: >>58464560

>> No.58525424

me in the OP

>> No.58525430

me on the left

>> No.58525445
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>> No.58525471

Does shondo want to get kidnapped? Is this kidnap bait? Does she have unresolved issues and can only achieve catharsis through an authentic kidnapping?

>> No.58525476


>> No.58525481

where did you find this picture of meK820VS

>> No.58525507
File: 125 KB, 1260x1572, 1670593030238068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58525540
File: 398 KB, 475x556, manlet from outer space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think this image was making fun of the manlets in her community?

>> No.58525542


>> No.58525583

Shes really good at this game

>> No.58525590


>> No.58525597


>> No.58525608

yeah you

>> No.58525650


>> No.58525687

me in the OP I made it bros

>> No.58525695

its crazy how bad women are at video games I'll never get over it

>> No.58525746

just think of it as your little sister playing games and its cute again

>> No.58525838

she was thinking of iProe the entire time

>> No.58525856

I have a little sister and her being shit at video games annoys the fuck out of me

>> No.58525890
File: 147 KB, 408x297, 1690155246289749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you subbed

>> No.58525945
File: 60 KB, 211x219, 1694555177595347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope not

>> No.58526012

back foul beast

>> No.58526546

This game is batshit insane.

>> No.58526560

no problem!! big big love<3

>> No.58526571

did she not read that one out?

>> No.58526642

i need to squish and squeeze her

>> No.58526667
File: 7 KB, 255x42, 1672784502684012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58526706

yeah me

>> No.58527286

pyro :D

>> No.58527354

got it, never saving shondo because she will literally never do the sex

>> No.58527454

my wife is such a gamer

>> No.58527548

She did sex with me already. Had her first squirt and shes pairbonded to me now

>> No.58527595

doubters btfo

>> No.58527609


>> No.58527800

Didn’t Alice get stuck at this part for like 3 hours?

>> No.58528169

Is this a potential filter?

>> No.58528211

Not anymore. She basically did it already.

>> No.58528747

Why is it always florida

>> No.58528797

why do women always say it's either [...] or me

>> No.58528800

It’s a nice place when it isn’t being fucked by the weather

>> No.58528886

my wife is searching for the perfect child

>> No.58528893

Someone get this girl a mirror

>> No.58528959
File: 1.79 MB, 1920x1080, 1675818519666845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's free lolis at the orphanage they don't want you to know about you can just take them

>> No.58529000


>> No.58529019

Man I love her laugh

>> No.58529061

I bet David Cage liked Dragon Ball Evolution

>> No.58529156

its lovely isnt it

>> No.58529307

Huh, furry artist

>> No.58529368
File: 657 KB, 1920x1080, 1668151465155788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not taking any chances with this screenshot but the artist who raided is still streaming for some reason and she said shadow has a cute voice

>> No.58529381

>look them up
>first thing I see is a loli furry getting dicked

>> No.58529407

Hi moobot

>> No.58529543
File: 441 KB, 1660x2048, FdJPJ5haAAAgnu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this is the art she drew. I love this one

>> No.58529603

can you post a link?

>> No.58529643


>> No.58529673

racal_ra, they just stopped streaming there

>> No.58529686


>> No.58529712

oh yeah thats a great one

>> No.58529875


>> No.58529966


>> No.58530053

if you want her to love you as a fetish friend just draw her once

>> No.58530144
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, 1663585194374728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58530163

Her cumming you say

>> No.58530166
File: 1.00 MB, 1393x555, 1691588158488583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58530168


>> No.58530194


>> No.58530210


>> No.58530226

Good screenshot

>> No.58530289


>> No.58530356

incoming sex scene

>> No.58530414

hopefully with the loli

>> No.58530448

how long has it been since she kissed us after she comes back?

>> No.58530475

She should get a wireless headset and go nose powder with it on

>> No.58530486

how can she powder her nose this fast?
i went to take a piss as soon as she said it and she was back at the same time as me

>> No.58530507

She has a very small bladder

>> No.58530522

Anon, I go at the same time as her and always come back before her. Just how much are you pissing?

>> No.58530543

Reminds me of someone who was wearing 3D, I think that mocopi one, and they went to the toilet with it still on and getting so far away the model just spazzed out.
Can't remember who it was now.

>> No.58530583

im hydromaxing
I'd rather not piss a kidney stone

>> No.58530604

I feel like she runs there and tries to do it as fast as possible

>> No.58530737

Based hydromaxxer.
Drink so much you feel like you are on drugs.

>> No.58530808

I like when people put on a pastor voice they just sound like that chicken from looney tunes

>> No.58530811

inis antis doko

>> No.58530836

cumming in shondo's mouth while inis sucks on my balls

>> No.58530863

you do not want to let inis near your balls. please trust me on this one.

>> No.58530914

girls have stronger bladder muscles

>> No.58530926

only a weak man couldnt force one of their balls up their pee hole. also reminder inis made fun of circumsized peepees

>> No.58530928

why are you talking about inis in my wife's thread

>> No.58530952

>inis made fun of circumsized peepees

>> No.58530993

rude to the people who had to do it for medical reasons...

>> No.58531009

I hate my parents

>> No.58531047

just to remind you she thought when people are circumcized, they take away all skin, all the way to the base

>> No.58531067

phimosis is not a serious problem I think

>> No.58531128

do you think phimosis is just the exact same condition every time? if it's so bad you can't wash in there and it leads to infections it is a serious problem

>> No.58531147

What the fuck is this game

>> No.58531169

>last thread
you guys can't help but cock watch every regular can you

>> No.58531274


>> No.58531388

I need a QRD on what the fuck happened in this story

>> No.58531405

the word pretentious has david cage's face next to it in the dictionary

>> No.58531497

why doesn't anyone want to rate my cock

>> No.58531537

i want to

>> No.58531565

sent ;)

>> No.58531589

Focus on the stream Mod

>> No.58531600

Hooded guy and his bosses stem from Mayan times. Yellow guy is an AI that grew from the internet. A child comes along who can grant great power/destroy humanity.

Mayan guys get Lucas to kill a guy in ritual to get more information on shit, because Lucas was tainted by that Chroma thing thats in the final battle when he was a kid the Mayans power makes him turn into a super saiyan.

Lucas saves the child and puts it in the Chroma thing, stopping the Mayans or the AIs from using her power to enslave humanity.

And Lucas has zombie sex with a woman who loves him who barely knows him and cums his zomie cum in her retarded womb.

>> No.58531687
File: 8 KB, 309x159, 1690135394540241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting, not surprising

>> No.58531699

shondo thinks IT is a single job...

>> No.58531791

without being reminded?

>> No.58531823

I'm a programmer but I can't seem to find a well paying one that lets me paypig like all the other IT guys, what am I doing wrong

>> No.58531844

>black guy shows up
>groovy music starts

>> No.58531853

If you are in EU you are pretty much fucked.

>> No.58531886

either find a niche or get good enough at sucking dick to land a job with better pay

>> No.58531927

Did Shondo start doing ASMR again? I remember her saying that she didn't feel comfortable doing them many months ago, but I haven't had much time to watch streams.

>> No.58531929

you need to work in the US. literally the only place in the world where developers are paid well (entry-level 6 figure salary).

>> No.58531936

1/3 of the yesses is in tech support, 1/3 is either still studying CS in uni or neets

>> No.58531940

If you are in the EU you can just be a neet

>> No.58531951


>> No.58532076

She never stopped. What she doesn't want to do is cater to the mommyfags.

>> No.58532101

I don't know, either slave away with java til you have the kind of tenure to make good money on it or keep really up to date on whatever new dumb fad comes along because those cryptofags were making beaucoup money until that whole industry imploded

>> No.58532128

I'm one of the NEETs.

>> No.58532148
File: 3.06 MB, 256x256, 1672329860543178.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58532176

if by "many months ago" anon means like, march of last year then she did express not wanting to make videos anymore because of brainworms or whatever

>> No.58532196

shondo refuses to acknowledge that some people just don't go to work

>> No.58532222

im doing this and its pretty hard sometimes
Gotta plan shit way in advance, and if anything ever breaks youre fucked
Also cant whale as much as i want
only have like 100 euro that i can freely spend on stuff

>> No.58532290

romania and bulgaria are in the eu

>> No.58532372

really skewed it by adding IT, and then afterwards she says there's that many programmers kek
I think many oilers and regulars were actual programmers still

>> No.58532398

a soul crushing revelation

>> No.58532412

i don't get how you do it. i was unemployed for a year and wanted to kill myself from boredom. sounds nice in theory but in reality it's hell imo

>> No.58532487

when I got out of uni it took me four months to find a job and by month 3 I was starting to go a bit insane and started drawing and learning JP so I wasn't just consooming all day

>> No.58532589

ive been a neet for 10 years now
in the beginning i just used to play a lot of games, but nowadays i mostly browse /v/ and read manga
it is mind numbingly boring and im pretty much just looking for shit to do all day

>> No.58532681

I would only make 300 € more per month if I work, dont really see the point in that, being bored is preferable.

>> No.58532732

I don't get how it's that difficult, just watch vtubers and play games

>> No.58532812

bravo david cage, bravo

>> No.58532901

maintain passion programming projects, learn JP, do music production, exercise properly, and you already don't have enough time for everything even if you neet.

>> No.58533023

hi ray

>> No.58533043


>> No.58533058


>> No.58533075

That was a great stream. The laughs through it were great.

I physically cringed when she demonstrated that.

>> No.58533093


>> No.58533101

3/10 - most fun I ever had

>> No.58533113


>> No.58533115

sorry not ur namefriend

>> No.58533147


>> No.58533146

Oh yeah I forgot about the magical draw stream.
I will be away at that time. Pain.

>> No.58533171

it defies ratings, it is simply kino

>> No.58533179

Hilarious and a major fucking trainwreck/10

>> No.58533270


>> No.58533294

since everyone is haha muh irony xD i'm gonna give the only serious rating and say 2/10

>> No.58533314

It's amazing how he continued to make games after this one/10

>> No.58533321

>shondo raiding some random chuuba instead of her wife nina
What did she mean by this?

>> No.58533348

Did she ever read this sub?

>> No.58533375

Mimi is her oomfie

>> No.58533381

fuck off newfag

>> No.58533384

My guess is that she doesn't want to exclusively raid her friends.

>> No.58533389

>random chuuba
die newfag die

>> No.58533395

she feels bad that we terrorized her chat during collab

>> No.58533434
File: 613 KB, 2856x3714, 1684862818181815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true oomfie

>> No.58533461

I hate everyone who says oomfie.

>> No.58533475

always funny seeing newfags out themselves

>> No.58533524

okay oomfie

>> No.58533525


>> No.58533538

Fuck you!

>> No.58533594

I've been a neet since covid but was in IT before. I'll start applying to jobs today, thanks for the motivation /shon/

>> No.58533597

>unironically calls Ellen Page Elliot
Yeah, not watching that.

>> No.58533609

love you too oomfie

>> No.58533654

My nigga Tyler made it/10

>> No.58533690

Silly fun/10

>> No.58533693

shut the fuck up snowflake no one cares about your sensitive ass

>> No.58533704

pure kino/10

>> No.58533716

how ironic

>> No.58533799

I mean close friends

>> No.58533810

and they say women don't have self awareness

>> No.58533869

>has a mental breakdown because someone doesn't accept your made-up reality
>calls others snowflakes
i love this for you oomfie

>> No.58533967


>> No.58533975

alright /shon/ you keep doing you see you all next stream

>> No.58534203

lmao i wonder if juno is considered an mpreg movie now

>> No.58534313

Suicide anon how are you feeling after the stream today?

>> No.58534390

man im dead

>> No.58534396

he ain't here no more

>> No.58534464

not ironic it's just hard to rate something that's bad in a good way like B-movies

>> No.58534513

you came to the thread to complain kek

>> No.58534561


>> No.58534600

Sorry that some of us like to have fun

>> No.58534881
File: 931 KB, 686x789, 1682640817814423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he still kills himself after this kino there was no hope

>> No.58535302

seems i hit a nerve. i had fun too, but i'm still not gonna pretend that it's an amazing game. really can't stand the whole i love brainrot (ironic) culture in current year. it's retarded. it's like people are scared of good things because it's lame to actually like things or something

>> No.58535384

Oh sorry you're just autistic

>> No.58535497

should i practice drawing for saturday or just rawdog it

>> No.58535549

Considering the timing of everything, it was likely Onion. But I'm glad she ignored his highlight at the end the stream. Hope he clues in that he's not special.

>> No.58535556

autism is being afraid to like things unironically. look at tobs or marimari if you want to know what i mean. it's 100% of their content. shondo is kind of like that sometimes with games like this but it's rarer for her

>> No.58535579

You're too autistic to understand the concept of a joke, I'm so sorry

>> No.58535612

Hope you can someday clue in that you're a shitty person

>> No.58535622

maybe you're just exceedingly bad at making jokes?

>> No.58535642

I'm not going to practice but I need to decide what I'm going to draw. Any ideas? Like do we draw her, cats, random things.

>> No.58535688

shon animals is a good idea if youre not experienced drawing people

>> No.58535753

I hope you can clue in that I'm not as shitty as someone who dumps a death on a mentally ill girl during her stream-pep time and pressures her with the expectation to entertain him still.

>> No.58535799 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.35 MB, 2100x1395, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna draw a huge fat cock

>> No.58535829

that's average

>> No.58535866

Draw a sign that says 'Welcome to Shonrrasic Park' and I'll draw dinosaurs with ribbons on their limbs and necks next to it

>> No.58535900

kill yourself

>> No.58535919

it still works okay :(

>> No.58535992

I have no reason to, angychama.

>> No.58536364

What do you think she got to eat after stream?
Please dont say my cum

>> No.58536397

my cum

>> No.58536414

processed fake meat

>> No.58536428

my cum

>> No.58536476 [SPOILER] 
File: 302 KB, 1652x2048, huegcoq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cum
thats huge? weak

>> No.58536480

my cum

>> No.58536509

writing this made me realize how worthless i am
no passions, no ambitions, i am just consooming all day every day
being a neet is suffering

>> No.58536634

being a neet is based. all i do is go to the gym, play videogames, and watch shondo
the only downside is im sad all the time

>> No.58536752

sounds like a pretty big downside anon. i don't think anyone can feel good about themselves while parasitizing on others desu, no matter how edgy of a facade you may have.

>> No.58536814

you feel bad because you have no passions and no ambitions, not because you're a neet

>> No.58536846

yeah it was more of a joke. I made this post >>58533594
I've realized how unhappy I really am recently and will try to improve myself. Starting to go to the gym for shondo helped a lot but now its just making me want to be even better

>> No.58536909
File: 703 KB, 825x811, 1685049459593770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pounding on my door from inside as a random female waits helplessly for the elevator.

>> No.58536987

my second favorite passtime after shadowboxing outside the battered women's shelter

>> No.58537049


>> No.58538437
File: 709 KB, 951x879, 1667834676058853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meeting a psychiatric doctor in <8 hours (I'm ridiculously drunk)

>> No.58538476


>> No.58538538

Remember never be honest with them

>> No.58538563

let us know what they say about shondo if you bring her up

>> No.58538709

just don't take any meds or shondo might disappear

>> No.58538829

Have fun in the mental hospital

>> No.58538900

I hope not, but I'll pack for it.

>> No.58539293

shondos cheeks

>> No.58539351

Shondo's soles on my face

>> No.58539371

which ones

>> No.58539407

whats the point of not telling them whats wrong with you? not trying to say you're wrong im just ignorant

>> No.58539536

I see some shiggers acting strange. I bet they are cheating and DMers seething about no more dms
I see you cheater scum

>> No.58539617

spill the tea sis

>> No.58539821
File: 881 KB, 2230x2894, FpeIz4qWcAAMrf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i'm tech illiterate. how do you back up your stuff? i think i'd kill myself if my ssd with my shondo folder died. i'm starting to have a significant number of items that i wouldn't be able to get again

>> No.58539931

Shondo stop larping as a black person on the intenet.

>> No.58540305

Buy two expensive HDDs and backup your shit in both of them
Or buy a plan for dropbox or something like that and upload all your shit there

>> No.58540338

Using a cattle brand on Shonshon

>> No.58540346

get an external drive and copy it over.

>> No.58540612

They dont care, best case they just prescribe you something worst case mental hospital for 2 months or longer, you can tell them hey i think i have x because i have the symptoms DSM-5 describes and thats it. Dont go into depth into your personal life, they will just pretend that you have more things than you really have.

>> No.58541392


>> No.58542756


>> No.58543342

I personally would love to hear what a psych or therapist thinks of an anon talking about Shondo

>> No.58543752

Based Mr. Bucket keeping his problems to his twitter and not dumping on Shondo in pre-stream offline chat. Take notes, that is how you do it, gents.

>> No.58545610


>> No.58547836

obsessed with other men

>> No.58547877

Lucky you

>> No.58548653

Yes, how did you know?

>> No.58549048

Haven't watched in a while, is she still dming her biggest donators?

>> No.58549201

Wrong girl catalogchama
She dm'd anyone who dm'd her but closed them a while back due to excessive traumadumping

>> No.58549205

it was far more than just that guy, most of them not oilers, but she told people to stop DMing her awhile ago

>> No.58549360

Not donators, never was, she just had dms open for all fans for "important" reasons only. People took advantage of this and would spam 4chan rrats, any tiny brainworm they had, and it got to the point where she was getting 50+ dms a day and she had to beg people to stop abusing it because it was stressing her out big time

>> No.58549686

he probably read about darkkal and assumed the DM bit was exclusive to him

>> No.58549835

I still hate this faggot so much but shondo was right as always and no one did shit

>> No.58550164

>Trauma dumping to vtubers at every chance
I'll never get this, no girl is going to be impressed by a dude dumping all his issues at them

>> No.58551015

shoggers are really concerned about coming on top of all the husbands and somehow think they're doing so by being a whimpering cunt around her at all times

>> No.58552231

Why are you all so fucking obsessed with other chatters it's so weird

>> No.58552806

I dont know it just happened one day. Some days are better than others and I can ignore it other days I seethe about almost anything

>> No.58552907

We've been overrun by homosexuals

>> No.58553040

I don't know why I keep coming here. Every time I see a comment about me here it's like a knife in my gut. It's deserved yet I'm still here. I just accept being a punching bag.

>> No.58553126

shut the fuck up moobot

>> No.58553138

some husbands are more husbands than others

>> No.58553732

are you saying this because they're dereks or because as a derek you see all their infidelity

>> No.58554506

who followed her back? I see artists that follow her but not that she follows back

>> No.58556230
File: 1.09 MB, 1081x887, 1686749917747206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this image?

>> No.58556441

She talks too much anyway

>> No.58556498

Yeah to me

>> No.58556549
File: 762 KB, 870x796, 1664920440951293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I keep her when she isn't streaming, gagged, blindfolded, tied up.

>> No.58556590
File: 1.97 MB, 925x1440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58556710
File: 644 KB, 508x762, 1676911109918521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did her best. I will carry her back to safety.
Very nice art

>> No.58556821

Hot but he needs to draw her flat again

>> No.58557842

Wonder if she'll do stuff on twitter again tonight. Feeling tired already and wanted to go to bed early.

>> No.58559737


>> No.58561639

pomf plap plap plap

>> No.58562436

I think he is trying to play safe

>> No.58563436 [DELETED] 
File: 1.98 MB, 3120x4160, 1693662639889924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me to hell high.

>> No.58563525


>> No.58563587

why didn't you jump?

>> No.58563682

Sweep your floor you fat slob

>> No.58564447

Tf was that even supposed to be

>> No.58564989

A last ditch effort for attention.

>> No.58565229

I like the way she says plap

>> No.58565422
File: 915 KB, 1009x980, 1675247440824116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna watch stuff with her rn :C

>> No.58565563

me too im feeling really lonely tonight :[

>> No.58565733

Dm me

>> No.58565777

Stop baiting me, Shondo. Go the fuck to sleep.

>> No.58565792
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 1690016559035302.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about what

>> No.58565914

In 2 days.

>> No.58566296

nobody ever dms me even when i do something odd or retarded...

>> No.58566399
File: 323 KB, 1536x2048, 1663227088045686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need wife to clean my house its filthy and im too tired. I will cook for you in exchange.

>> No.58566427

If I posted my phone number in this thread would shondo call me?

>> No.58566460

No but you would get surprises

>> No.58566540

you shouldn't talk about your problems on the internet at all. he's still hoping she'll find it when she stalks lol

>> No.58566558

Did you not buy merch? She would have it if you did.

>> No.58566864

no but I would call you

>> No.58566997

I'll call you right now if you post it

>> No.58567034

Ok if I do it you guys wont dox me, right? I never anti'd or trauma dumped in donos or anything

>> No.58567086

go the fuck to sleep, shondo

>> No.58567101

this is not a private conversation hundreds of seaniggers will potentially see it now or in the future

>> No.58567867

at least with Bucketchama, its done in a place that she can comfortably ignore if she needs to. hell he didn't even @ her, which is surprising given how most shoggers are.

>> No.58568254

If she doesn't see my traumadumps its a skill issue. I don't need to @ her. Do your reps shondo.

>> No.58568314

Her stalking has been pretty mid for a while now. more interested in stalking her old classmates

>> No.58568374
File: 17 KB, 544x796, 1663360155555154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They grow up so fast

>> No.58568781

her "stalking" is going through her list a few days in a row every few weeks and thats it. She doesnt really check husbands twitters anymore

>> No.58569580

shlop shlop shlop shlop

>> No.58570274


>> No.58570692

need her little buttcheeks

>> No.58570890
File: 977 KB, 1373x2100, F3jpb5_b0AISDSh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.58570939

yes i would

>> No.58571575

Most of their twitters are very boring

>> No.58571956

I spend 5 hours of my free time watching someone else play video games of course my twitter is boring

>> No.58572964

I am sorry :(

>> No.58573273

and yet shoggers in this very thread watch those twitters for who knows what purpose
maybe they should be making something of themselves like shondo is
