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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58473096 No.58473096 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.58473673

come back to youtube, Mel
better yet, move to camwhore sites and start masturbating on stream

>> No.58475400

Mel can't do youtube, she has her info linked to her Komari identity debuting in October.

>> No.58475417

i like mel

>> No.58475810

why is vinny there though

>> No.58477143

She was being a little shit and doing a male on stream bit.
It's what she wanted for the next thread's thumbnail.

>> No.58478815

does Mel know that she has autism

>> No.58479251

Has she done the toothbrush bit again

>> No.58479733

this bitch is racist against furries

>> No.58480110

>already has her next grift set up when this one is over

>> No.58480174

>people arent born to be terrible, they're corrupted by society
isn't Rousseau the originator of that? you know, the paranoid schizophrenic who put his kids in the orphanage

>> No.58480236

>9 viewers
>Mel trannies posting this garbage to shill her
>No one is biting
>Samefag to bump the thread
Pathetic retards just like your whore oshi

>> No.58480326

But shes a cutie.

>> No.58480603

I'm looking forward to you doing GFE and pretending to be my wife as Komori

>> No.58480869

you definitely have autism, nobody without autism would play this obscure game every year like a ritual
plus it's obvious from the way you talk, you can't read intentions

>> No.58481177 [DELETED] 

please peg me mel

>> No.58481188

>This komari person isn't me
>Makes a youtube channel
>Makes a twitter
>Makes a reddit
>Doesn't use it
>Doesn't network with anyone
>Doesn't interact
>Same Bday as her NijiJP oshi
>Always picks April Birthdays
>Mel did this as Nerissa Delfina
>Mel did this as Ichigo Nogashi
Okay Mel, we'll pretend you don't follow the same pattern.

>> No.58481828

Not only are you Komari you are the person who outed yourself as Komari on 4chan just like you outed all of your previous personas.

>> No.58481858

>They blocked me on everything
They blocked an account, they can't block your entire existence. This is like saying if I blocked you on Twitter you'll be blocked eternally on every account you make. Don't worry Mel, you're dead set on saying this obvious profile isn't you, you have nothing to worry about or have to keep talking about it, just let people live in their rrats.

>> No.58482095

>If I don't tell you my next persona it means I don't want you there
Well yes, that's the point of people discovering who you are and putting out the warning.

>> No.58482298

why are you so mean i'm crying right now

>> No.58482740

>I hate everyone but 2 people I'm no longer friends with
I like when Mel is tired because she always contradicts things she said barely 2 days ago.

>> No.58484018

night night mel

>> No.58484241 [DELETED] 

since this retard seems so hellbent on saying she isnt komari and even told us to message sin ourselves i guess ill go ahead and do that so that sin can prove that is mel and give the big middle finger to mel yet again. you brought this upon yourself mel. heres sin if you wish to reach out as well, im not telling anyone to reach out im just providing the info. https://twitter.com/SINx2480

>> No.58484431

and to add on if you want to sweeten the deal, sin does not work on stuff until its paid off in full so that means mel dropped at least a couple hundred already to make the komari model. if sin proves it is mel they will not refund the money she spent so it will be an even bigger fuck you to mel. i personally cant wait to see mel have a meltdown when shes told she wont get her money refunded just like how she stole money from others.

>> No.58486647

Classic Mel self-anti post

>> No.58487158

Yep, also:
Just browse EN Vtubing indies and see how many follow this pattern kek Hint: Only Mel does this

>> No.58487505

>Acting like all those fuckheads aren't Mel shilling herself
Nice try Mel.

>> No.58487925

Oh a Mel thread. Hey Mel go fuck yourself

>> No.58487983

she is obsessed and madly inlove with him

>> No.58488822

you mean madly in love with me

>> No.58488933

I don't remember posting this

>> No.58489337
File: 457 KB, 592x621, 1657531931161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to go cook dinner and now Mel's gone..

>> No.58489419

Yeah, this is why she parted with her Nerissa Delfina model for $500 because it was to finish off the Komari model. She sold nudes and no doubt still got money from others so it's obvious how she had this model fully funded, especially since because of Mel, Sin requires full payment from foreigners now.

>> No.58490343

Better get used to it

>> No.58490940

It's been happening for years now, but it never hurts any less..

>> No.58491415

Is she actually hot enough for it?

Which kind?

It's a slippery slope after all.

Who the fuck are you talking about?

Proof? According to what standards?

Yeah, this without a doubt is a fact. Do you love her or hate her for it?

It couldn't have been worse than telling Fraxinus how he sounded ugly and cringe.

I can relate

Talk shit get hit. Harsh, but maybe that's what she needs.

>> No.58492383

Watched vod, she was seething pretty hard over supposedly not being this komari person

>> No.58492861

I missed the stream shit

>> No.58493136

holy shit is that THEY Joey Vsauce??

>> No.58493511

At least she always comes back

>> No.58493934

I told her that I would be there to watch but I forgot.

>> No.58496565

That's true, I can always count on Mel to come back in some way, shape or form

>> No.58498750
File: 310 KB, 528x513, deceasedames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope Mel is feeling better next time

>> No.58499148

What happened?

>> No.58499930

Pretty typical Mel denying identity things. With how much she says people won't believe her so there's no point I wish she'd just stop talking about it period since it doesn't matter

>> No.58499996

I care about her, just not romantically.

>> No.58500245

Whatever you say. I just like when her game autism lines up with mine

>> No.58500339

Yeah bro, I rememberbeing into Neopets and Marapets and it makes me feel like going back.

>> No.58500526

I've had that kind of pull to go back too, but reliving it through Mel is enough for me for now. There was some knockoff neopets site I used to frequent that can't fucking remember the name of for the life of me at this point...chickennoodle something

>> No.58500786

There's Goatlings and then another one I'm trying to find.

>> No.58500909

Subeta and I feel like there's 1 or 2 more good ones.

>> No.58501485

All things considered I think it's pretty impressive how little Mel gives a fuck about others

>> No.58501796

She is very expressive in sharing her thoughts and beliefs, but when it comes to allowing people to get close to her she seems... I don't know, but I don't think she's a bad person regardless of whatever she might say.

>> No.58501867

Mel should do a subathon where she removes a piece of cloth every 200 dollar and post her progress here

>> No.58501960

She doesn't need to subject herself to even more negative attention, despite the idea being quite arousing.

>> No.58502157

> Shitty VTuber with a shitty sexpest streamer as the clickbait

>> No.58502232

So who do you like as Twitch streamers then?

>> No.58502282

It's not even a matter of getting closer, she just absolutely lacks any empathy and compassion for others to an astonishing degree even though she does have sympathy for others but only if they're in a situation that she personally experienced was in, so she projects a lot.

>> No.58502376

I'll be honest, I am totally new to her.

>> No.58502445

kys kys kys kys scamming piece of shit brapper

>> No.58502490

its called being a sociopath, a great hallmark of billionaires and politicians

>> No.58502529

Except she's kind of a loser just like us.

>> No.58502575

A sociopath but without the intelligence to get rich.

>> No.58502591

I'm curious about something... Who do you think is worse, her or Enna?

>> No.58502828

You need to run if your heart easily falls for autistic chuubas. Mel is pretty good at manipulating people, so only engage if you understand who she is

>> No.58503166

I think Enna is worse because she is a sociopath with a huge ego whereas Mel had her ego cut at the knees because of the past few years. This could flip instantly though if Mel achieves a modicum of success and stability

>> No.58503183

Neither is bad.

>> No.58504553

I was hoping someone would say that

>> No.58504740

What are her reasons for manipulating though?

>> No.58504911

This but unironically.
Catalog shitposting is meaningless. Yes, even for Mel.

>> No.58504957

Well... It is meaningless in a real sense, but sadly it can potentially have a negative impact on Mel's mental health. It would be for the best if she hardened herself against it and ignored schizos though.

>> No.58505047

How do we help her understand this, despite how vicious some attacks against her have been?

>> No.58505099

Ennas a bitch but Mel is an fully fledged scammer who lied about having cancer so the choice is obvious.

>> No.58505133

Did she really lie about having cancer? I can't stand people that lie about such a serious thing...

>> No.58505236

I honestly don't know other than mental illness. Each reincarnation, she gets an okay amount of support that most indies would be jealous of, but then she just ruins it for herself by lying and taking money, only to run off and then reappear again as someone different.

She claims it's because she wants to avoid certain people, but over the past few years it's pretty clear she isn't going to dodge her dedicated schizos no matter what she does, so I wish she'd just give up on that plan and just enjoy streaming

>> No.58505334

There's no deep reasoning behind it. As a woman and a sociopath/narcissist she has severe mood swings and when something catches her fancy she obsesses over it until she has it even if it means scheming, manipulating, and lying to get it. If she doesn't get it she regrets it for her entire life. Just typical sociopathic behavior, all short term plans for short term gains with no real long term plans. Even in her recent streams, every time she would do a stream longer than 8 hours for a few days she eventually burns out and only does short streams or fucks off completely for a few days. She's also getting older so her stamina isn't what it used to be. But she enjoys it because it means she doesn't have to be awake and can just sleep most of her life away and doesn't have to live in this personal hell she made for herself. She is a severely broken human. It's a shame because she's pretty normal otherwise. But don't pity her, she actually doesn't believe she has a problem and is only upset about the negative consequences of her actions. If she somehow fit a million dollars she pay off her debts, do this shit all over again, and be right back in debt.

>> No.58505398

Do you think she feels like her fans/viewers are being fake and perhaps manipulative when she recieves support? Lovebombing is a tactic that some use, so I just wonder if the girl feels taken advantage of. And if she does, how could we approach her differently as to make her more comfortable and secure?

>> No.58505423

>How do we help her
You can't. God knows people have tried for years and the end result is her current state
>but I'm different, I can fix her
Be my guest but don't say no one warned you

>> No.58505456

It may take me a while to process all of this.

>> No.58505516

I'm going to be honest with you since you seem pretty genuine. I don't know at a deep level what Mel's problem is; I could armchair psychologist about it all day, but that won't help. I do not feel like there is any way to approach her that will make her feel more comfortable or secure because she has an extreme self sabotage problem. No matter what you do, she is going to find fault with it (unless you're vinny vinesauce).

If you like watching Mel like I do, the best thing you can do is just tune in and chat with her normally, ride out the schizo arcs, and bask in the glory of her autistic farm/life sim arcs.

>> No.58505536

Even I couldn't believe or even understand it at first and I've been watching her for years. I thought she didn't used to be this bad but eventually came to terms with the fact she was always like this and I just didn't want to believe because it seems so crazy.

>> No.58505560

Maybe she just has severe paranoia or something.

>> No.58505747

One thing that I can commend her with is that she's got a surprising amount of resilience.

>> No.58505762

>make her more comfortable and secure
The problem is when she feels comfortable and secure she inevitably starts the loop all over again. Please understand, she doesn't want viewers per se, she'd rather have a chat full of John's and Ben's that are there for the games and not her. She has no respect for people complimenting her or donating. She also thinks a large viewerbase is bad and wants to stay a 2 view but somehow make a full-time living from it. I know, don't try to make it make sense.

>> No.58505872

If you consider a dead horse that can withstand a beating resilient I guess

>> No.58506035

Despite having known her for only a little while, my intuition tells me that she's got a lot of potential. I don't believe that's she's just a "dead horse."

>> No.58506105

You're not the first to say she has potential, you won't be the last. If you believe you can really help her you're welcome to try

>> No.58506167

It's female chris chan she won't understand shit ever

>> No.58506360

I would like to just be there for her to vent to if she needs it, she's worthy of being treated with care. Hell, it's kinda strange because I sort of see a little bit of myself in her... It's like a reflection and perhaps a warning of what I could become if I allow myself to hit rock bottom...

>> No.58506398

It's interesting that you draw a parallel between her and him. Could you explain what you mean?

>> No.58506400

She probably does due to what happened with her first discord group and also her discovery of a discord server dedicated to harassing her according to her

>> No.58506491

>Do you think she feels like her fans/viewers are being fake and perhaps manipulative when she recieves support?
No, while Mel is a retard, she just has a VERY good sense of when people catch onto her bullshit and lies. For example, everyone knows she was Nerissa Delfina but she is adamant she wasn't her. Everyone knows she's Komari, but she's adamant she isn't her. She goes on long tangents every. single. time. denying things and shitting on people then claim she's not bothered because "it's not me." Earlier in the thread someone brought up a good point >>58481188
People get called "vtweeters" for a reason, whether they're "Pre-Debut" chubbas for years and vtweet or they actually do shit, the common factor is they USE their socials. Mel for the last 3 years has said it's a waste of time and pointless to use unless to advertise, which is one of the biggest giveaways it's her because she does it every reincarnation.
>so I just wonder if the girl feels taken advantage of
I hope you're just a newfag, because this girl has lied about having cancer and her throat needing surgery, which were both of her biggest scams through the last 3 years. She's not "Taken advantage of" if I were to armchair, I would say she's just getting revenge for losing her 2 friends John and Benjamin she claims are the only people she liked and that one guy she was into that chose Baelz over her during her birthday, so now anyone that gets even slightly close to her she uses and manipulates.
This. Unless you're someone she's into (Vinny) you mean nothing to her and she'll try running away from you or even worse, will use you as a scapegoat if she can get away clean which she tried to do during Ichigo > Nerissa Delfina transition.
She could be the perfect Vtuber if she would stop hating on everyone and just stream and enjoy herself. She said herself she's only streaming now to "protect" people, which in Mel speak means she knows she was caught so she hopes this will distract people from her new identities. I understand she wants to get away from some hate watchers but realistically speaking, the last year alone they've done nothing (she's proven none of her claims) and all they do is just talk shit /here/ or in their discord server (she's shown proof of this.) Yeah it's scary to see people hate you but as Ichigo she tuned them out until she fell into her usual pattern and chose to scam. Her problem can be summed up in the way she just wants money and run away.

>> No.58506589

>she's worthy of being treated with care
If you think so give it a try. Try not to feel too upset when it doesn't pan out the way you thought it would though
>hit rock bottom
Weird thing is she actively dug this pit herself over years despite multiple people advising her to stop

>> No.58506809

Tbf she did use twitter in one of her reincarnations but it eventually ended in her using it to to anti herself from and alt account, I think it was over lolis when the whole Nyanners thing was popping off? I forget the details, it's probably in the archives somewhere.

>> No.58506838

Even in the event that I may find myself upset, I would need to remain calm and patient. We all have dug holes that we need to escape from, just some are deeper than others and some people have softer or stiffer soil flowing back in which makes it harder to get out.

>> No.58506899

with how much bad shit she has connected to her, she needs to stop telling people she's making new personas, create a new one and use a voice changer

>> No.58506906

>she's worthy of being treated with care
Do your thing my guy kek, she's had numerous friends and fans over the last year alone that thought this and even tried helping her or being there for and she didn't care and instead see it as an chance to use someone. If it makes it easier to understand, think of Gold Diggers, they don't give 2 shits about you and your problems and will go the minute you're broke or stop giving them money, this is what Mel is, only Vtuber equivalent and the best example is when she only pulled 5-8 viewers as Nerissa Delfina and gained no donations so she quit after a few days. What chubba does this?

>> No.58506934

Ogey Mel

>> No.58507024

It was a bad seed and we all know Mel is a save scum, it's to be expected

>> No.58507060

To anti oneself is perhaps a cry for help without feeling like one is able to directly address it.

>> No.58507124

No, she did it to shit stir some drama to try to get some payoigs with a savior complex.

>> No.58507181

Is that what my deal is? Do I have a savior/caretaker complex?

>> No.58507224

Nta but you do, so you're the exact type of person Mel can easily manipulate. If you've got a savior complex, just go find another indie that isn't riddled with as many problems as Mel has

>> No.58507229

Who knows, either way you'll play out your expect role.

>> No.58507241

>create a new one and use a voice changer
>Nerissa Delfina
>Komari Mikoshiba
She's done the voice changer thing, she's also tried the pop up as a new chubba without saying thing only to get caught because she can't help herself but show her usual patterns.
I remember this, I think the point is more often than not she does the exact opposite of what thousands of vtubers does which narrows it down dramatically when people scan for her to put out warnings. Mel wants to be left alone which is perfectly acceptable but the ONLY reason she wants to be left alone is because she wants to scam a new set of people and the reason I can say that with my full chest is because there's nothing stopping her from streaming now like she's doing, having fun and still making money because she can get affiliation on Twitch, people can donate bits or subscribe and she makes passive income, she won't do it though because she wants to scam a large amount in a short time and run away.

>> No.58507299

It doesnt matter what she does to try and dip old viewers. People will find her. The only way things will go back to normal is if she just acts normal. Just stream as 1 person for an extended period of time and let people get bored. Its easy to restart the cycle every re-debut when they know it bothers her. Of course selling content doesnt help either but she craves the validation.

>> No.58507303

>She's done the voice changer thing
RIP she should move on from streaming then

>> No.58507443

In case anyone is curious, my name is Fraxinus and I'm the one that provided a voice clip of myself in her chat.

>> No.58507526

>The only way things will go back to normal is if she just acts normal. Just stream as 1 person for an extended period of time and let people get bored.
Her main haters have gotten bored, notice it realistically is only people /here/ and probably that discord talking shit but actually doing nothing. The only reason she got attacked as ichigo is because she decided to scam people and of course, people wouldn't take that lightly. However prior to that, the streams were kino and she gained a new following and had a steady viewer base that most en indie chubbas will never get. As another anon said, one of Mel's biggest problems is self-sabotage. There's just something in her brain that switches on and she goes
>"Hmm, I think I'll scam people today or try to, what can I say or do...."
>selling content doesnt help either but she craves the validation.
Supposedly she's stopped doing it but it's less validation and more easy money. She recently scammed $1k for "apartment and furniture expenses" so unless she dumped all of that on her upcoming October debut, she'll be "fine" for awhile til she needs more money.

>> No.58507602

Honestly wish I never found Mel in the first place; I feel as stuck as she does with following her through her cycles. I was really hoping ichigo was going to stick, since she was finding moderate success. I'd have hope for this one too if I didn't already know the next part of the cycle was on the way.

Mel, I'm begging you to just stick to one persona and enjoy yourself for once. Your past only finds you because you're addicted to it hurting you.

>> No.58507777

She's not addicted to it hurting her, she legit just wants to runaway from her past no matter the cost and become a corpo vtuber.

>> No.58507987

If she wanted that, she wouldn't anti herself and still interact with people /here/ all the time. She'd be actually networking again and try to put things behind her, but she never does; she only pulls people in to take money from them before throwing them away. I'd love it if I was wrong, since that would probably mean Mel would finally move on from all this, but I'm not.

>> No.58508002

why would she come here if she wanted to forget her past?

>> No.58508028

She's not addicted to it hurting her, she's addicted to thinking she can get away with scamming. There was absolutely no reason for her to scam people as Ichigo, but she did it anyway. She wanted to make Nerissa Delfina work but because people already put the warning out on her, she quit when she made no money or viewers and used the excuse that her house was damaged in a storm (no storms of that size happened at the time in her area) and she was displaced, which she ALSO told content buyers she cannot make videos because she's homeless, meaning she inadvertently confirmed she's Nerissa Delfina even though we already knew it. Mel has said as clear as day she doesn't like using general purpose models because she won't have an "identity" since numerous people can use it so even Ichigo wouldn't have lasted, but this is why she scammed a simp or had one pay for a 2.0 model she teased, so she could have broken the cycle, yet she chose not to. Mel is right there's no fixing or saving her because she ENJOYS being broken and not salvageable.

>> No.58508169

I just want to watch this autistic bitch play a video game I've never heard of for 12 hours, that's it

>> No.58508260

Same desu

>> No.58508278

She's a sociopath and only plans for the immediate short term to get the thing she wants now in the present moment. Unfortunately this also means she sucks a long term thinking. She actually tried networking in 2 reincarnations but couldn't keep it up because it takes effort and Mel gets exhausted pretending to be sweet and nice when interacting one on one with people. Eventually she thinks she could be playing games instead of networking. Currently she uses 4chan as 2nd chat because people can post comments that aren't allowed on Twitch or Youtube and the whacky (read schizo) stuff posted here makes her laugh. Once we're no longer funny or engaging she ignores the thread and she'll literally say you guys are boring.

>> No.58508418

I wouldn't say she enjoys being broken, more like she doesn't actually believe ahe is broken and thinks she's just doing what she has to do to survive. Classic sociopath justification btw and internally it's about survival because their short term planning always results in massive shitstorms so they feel like they're always backed into a corner or on the run when most of the time people don't give a fuck about them other than the people they scam.

>> No.58508456

Only caring or being able to conceive the short term is very common for normal people, it’s not special.

>> No.58508504

Nta but I have a different interpretation. I think she only scams once she realizes that there's no saving the persona or when she accidentally outs herself as Mel. In the Ichigo persona she scammed people after that one instance where she accidentally showed an account of something (forgot what it was) which had the name "Mel Nekomata." The Nerissa Delfina persona performed absolutely terribly so she just scrapped that one. I think she genuinely tried in those two personas but quit after making some mistakes. She also never read anything /here/ during those two incarnations (as far as I can tell).

>> No.58508587

Way too many words

>> No.58508783
File: 147 KB, 824x737, For the newfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most normal people don't resort to scamming and faking cancer for short term monetary gain.
Timeline is a bit off. She outed herself as Mel accidentally during Elden Ring, but the "throat hort" scenario happened prior to that, she got caught as Mel shortly after that.

>> No.58508794

Mel commenting on Kiki's stream while live to prove she's not Komari except it backfires because she says the same thing about Conker as Mel

>> No.58508832

No, when I say short term I'm not talking like a day or two. I'm talking minutes to hours, and the longer she doesn't get the thing she wants it eventually becomes one of her breakdowns. Example of this is when she was streaming her homework and chat giving answers to how to solve. 30 mins in she's crying, screaming, guessing answers, or just skipping them completely to be marked wrong to get a barely passing grade for a class that she now has to pay the gov't back for failing. 30 minutes was all it took. One of the craziest things I've seen.

>> No.58508930

>still get my promotion
top kek

>> No.58508992

I mean, besides the obvious like in this example, the fact Mel gets so pressed about people saying she's "such and such chubba" kind of says it. We already know she's Komari because everything else lines up to how Mel setup her identities.

>> No.58509017

Mel if you're reading don't get it twisted, we still like you. Just think your a crazy bitch that could settle down.

>> No.58509085

I wish people wouldn't blab about her new reincarnations until either she posts herself, which is what usually happens, or she actually debuts and streams for a bit with the new model.

>> No.58509093

I see. If that is the case then I don't know what the fuck made her ruin a vtuber persona that is going well.

>> No.58509226

She's definitely reading it. The problem is it doesn't matter to her, because she's been told step by step how to settle down or to not have to deal with assholes directly. An anon last thread or two told her instead of shitting on people coming by to watch her, at least pretend she's happy to see someone wanting to check her out, however >>58508794 kind of proves the only reason she's streaming now is to distract people from her Komari identity. The most fucked up part about all of this isn't that she's redebuting but that she commissioned the artist that ABSOLUTELY hates her again. She claims she owes money yet she keeps dropping it on trying to scam people out of money. Mel, I know you're /here/, use the money ON WHAT YOU OWE kek. If you want to do vtubing stick to Rei, start enjoying yourself, drop your October Debut and sign up for affiliate, people pass by and drop bit/sub bombs all the time as long as you aren't constantly telling people what retards they are for watching you.

>> No.58509247

She did post herself...for example she made the below thread, it's her classic style

>> No.58509332

No, I want her to insult her viewers being Rei, she can do the nice act as Komari.

>> No.58509370

>at least pretend she's happy
This. Every chuuba is acting to a certain extent, that's their job. No one would watch streamers if they were miserable.
She said last stream "I don't want to be streaming, but no one BELIEVES me why so I won't even explain it." whatever the fuck that means. What a thing to hear when watching a streamer.

>> No.58509393

This is either Mel or Nerdroundabout, no one else is retarded enough to sit there and say let her scam people.

>> No.58509431

>What a thing to hear when watching a streamer
I know, hot right

>> No.58509484

But her scamming random losers is the best part

>> No.58509548

She wanted quick money. Apparently she wasn't happy enough with having an anon drop $100-200 every stream, literally, every stream he dropped $100-200 donations to her, not counting the smaller donos here and there. Most EN indies in particular won't see even $1 for years til they build up a solid base. Mel just, hates doing things normally.
Or she can just stay as Rei, build that up, get another simp to fund her 2.0 Rei model like she did as Ichigo and not scam people?

>> No.58509785

>She wanted quick money.
Yeah but the problem is you have to assume that Mel is absolutely braindead. After having multiple personas that did many times worse than Ichigo, you would think that she would be more cautious and try to maintain the Ichigo persona for a little while longer. $3500 is not even that much money according to your information on how much money she gets per stream. It's not like Mel just goes around scamming companies that she works for. I find it hard to believe that someone is that stupid.

>> No.58509837

Not only this, but the only reason she's trying to backtrack now is because she regrets self-posting. I'm looking at indie chubbas now and while a lot are vtweeters, they actually seem to network, Mel every time, every reincarnation refuses to network and acts like she's too good for people which is hilarious when she claims everyone hates her. Pick your battle kek

>> No.58509888

also besides the style of the OP look at this post >>58002453
>I made this thread so people can stop posting about it in /vrt/ and can talk about it in other places. Tired of Mel and her schizos ruining established threads.
Here is Mel complaining about schizos ruining "established" threads by talking about her, exact same terminology
So she both outed herself and also appears to be making genuine efforts to cover it up. Incomprehensible.

>> No.58509939

>I find it hard to believe that someone is that stupid.
Welcome to Mel kek
>$3500 is not even that much money according to your information on how much money she gets per stream
It's more like she scammed $3555 in her 24 hour donothon, in which she "slept" during most of it for the last half. She was making $100-200 a stream before doing that, so she made more than $3500, it's just she wanted a large chunk of money in a short time since she wasn't happy with the "small donations" daily. Mel literally threw away her chance at being a regular vtuber again for absolutely no reason other than money.

>> No.58510037

I wasn't going to point this out since deleted threads makes it harder for newfags to find "proof", but correct. Mel always outs herself, she is a slave to pattern behavior which is good and bad. It's only bad because it makes its easier to catch her when she doesn't out herself, but it's good because it means she knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.58510073

>SEA hours
>mel schizos running rampant
And yeah yeah I'm mel or whatever.

>> No.58510080

>people in that thread mentioning pippa again
Was there an interaction between them?

>> No.58510203

Mel claims Pippa doxed her, which I wouldn't be surprised since Pippa is a shit person that probably would do something like that.
It's 8am at the latest in the US, it's burger hours.

>> No.58510272

I would believe it for the same reason if it was anyone else making the claim. Was there any logic behind how or why Pippa doxed her? Or was it a "trust me bro" event

>> No.58510326

It's because Pippa showed up in Mel's chat during her meltdown stream around that time, she only laughed so it neither confirmed/denied it happened other than Pippa showing up to laugh at Mel.

>> No.58510351

>Pippa showing up to laugh at Mel
Kinda based

>> No.58510551
File: 78 KB, 1080x383, 1694695147089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try

>> No.58510826

>Retard doesn't know timezones are a thing
While I personally didn't feel bad, it's the only shred of evidence that her and pippa had any path crossing.

>> No.58511200

Is that stream still up? if you can give ma hint how to find it i'd love to watch that

>> No.58511253

You'd have to find an archive or reup of it. She nuked it ages ago

>> No.58513019

