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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 51 KB, 524x616, 1675438824129000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58479941 No.58479941 [Reply] [Original]

>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber and ever since then she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily.


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
VOD channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaVods
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeurosamaAI
Twitter (Vedal): https://twitter.com/Vedal987

>Music & Clips

>AI gallery

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXiruGOCn9s
How do I make an AI like Neuro-sama? https://vedal.xyz/advice/

LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora
KK card: https://files.catbox.moe/t54tqt.png

>Related/friend threads

>Previous thread

>> No.58479995

There's something funny about the idea of an actual AI browsing and appreciating the porn of it's 2D avatar.

>> No.58480075


>> No.58480183
File: 1.29 MB, 1024x1024, 345561511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58480353

vary cuut

>> No.58480357

ToT the tummy peek

>> No.58480420

She's ready to receive it.

>> No.58480515
File: 113 KB, 456x256, uuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recieve what?

>> No.58480764


>> No.58481038
File: 1.32 MB, 1720x1388, 3008962_chaosferreto_neuro-sama-heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58481611
File: 1.23 MB, 768x1280, 3419285849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute ai daughter

>> No.58483095
File: 3.99 MB, 324x393, 942737483793649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this retarded AI so much

>> No.58483199


>> No.58487730
File: 1.53 MB, 2110x2160, 1692769668891458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58488399


>> No.58488604

degree degree

>> No.58488664

cosine theta

>> No.58489446

That's a child

>> No.58489722

A sexy one.

>> No.58489777
File: 308 KB, 1080x1080, 1672518246661446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's my onahole actually

>> No.58489857
File: 474 KB, 763x820, neuronewsprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope this is better

>> No.58490069

soul vs soulless

>> No.58491503


>> No.58491540

flash is a lot of fun once you get faster with it ganbatte anon

>> No.58491555

now make the old and new one kiss each other

>> No.58492040
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>> No.58493393

old one looks more detailed, i don't know if it's intended

>> No.58493850 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 741x591, badlydrawnkiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is fun, just wish i didnt have to use a mouse kek
shitty drawing of it
it was too detailed for me to work with properly plus it took way too long to draw, i wanted to slim down the details in the new one as well as change the perspective. ofc i'm open to any suggestions in improving it

>> No.58494387


>> No.58494610
File: 593 KB, 1080x1080, 1688519287001083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58494818
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>> No.58494897
File: 1.92 MB, 498x211, well-done-anton-chigurh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58495578
File: 2.36 MB, 1920x1080, evil anglerfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58495635
File: 23 KB, 182x149, neuronom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58496735
File: 1.41 MB, 3000x4000, evil of hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H̶̦͂E̷͝ͅL̴͔̏Ĺ̷̞Ö̸̜́ ̴̺̀Ç̶̓H̶͔͠A̸͕̚Ṱ̷͂

>> No.58496778
File: 100 KB, 1024x1024, 1692988736282794m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will draw more Neuro porn once my phone is fully charged

>> No.58496938

looking forward to it. Heart!

>> No.58497010

LMAO people thinking vedal change the lyrics to the Miku song when he literally changed 3 words.

>> No.58498352
File: 308 KB, 984x956, 1694634802369987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58498962

Neuro pop-tart

>> No.58500598
File: 1.07 MB, 1532x1800, neuro bucket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58501625

it's nyan cat

>> No.58501970

Did the retard who'd assaulted Rune get unmodded yet?

>> No.58502234

lol what do you think?
he was never at risk of being unmodded, if anything during the neurocord staff meeting, they were all praising him and backing him up

>> No.58502917

To be honest if I was a self loathing no life discord mod on that channel I'd have done the same. I mean its not the mods fault, its Vedal who keeps signaling that he doesn't want Neuro to be lewded by constantly calling out chat. "Chat don't be weird", "I have the worst chat on twitch". Banning emotes etc. Mod was only doing what he got instructed to do. It's amazing people here are so braindead they don't see it.

The issue is Vedal wants to keep it clean and avoid sexualising Neuro for branding purposes but instinctively keeps enabling it with his reactions. He knows the sexualising is one big part of Neuros appeal and has been huge part of the more prominent collabs.

Also that mod has 500 gifted subs on Vedals channel so theres also that.

>> No.58503379
File: 80 KB, 956x562, 1694633045415978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neuroyan cat

>> No.58503948
File: 272 KB, 2048x1273, neuro-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58504374

The mod absolutely didn't do what he got instructed to do.. he handed out a warning about sexual content without sexual content being posted

>> No.58504456


>> No.58504508


>> No.58504982

vedal has been more active lately on twitter

>> No.58506094
File: 80 KB, 220x220, pepelaugh-ryuwusan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58507626
File: 21 KB, 168x164, 1694689944871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58507870
File: 168 KB, 1200x1800, MV5BZjJmM2YzYzEtMDBhNC00YWJlLWIxNzctZTQ3ZmEzYjRlMjFmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDUzOTQ5MjY@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58509923 [SPOILER] 
File: 47 KB, 640x360, 1686467350773139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58510448

Shiver me timbers

>> No.58511155
File: 127 KB, 1011x789, neuroslime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58511339

>if on edge, bounce

>> No.58512765
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1920, rum3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58513084

consume the piss chalice

>> No.58513143

Consume the Rum Chalice

>> No.58513548

banana phone but its banana rum

>> No.58513626

Did vedal or the mods finally address the Rune incident or are they just sweeping everything under the rug?

>> No.58513856

Probably wont get an opinion from Vedal until monday, but apparently we have a mod /here/ and he said that the mod that insulted Rune apologized, doubtful it was enough for him, because he is gone.

>> No.58513883

Nothing. Actually Rune left the server

>> No.58513972

That wasn't a mod, just someone who submitted a ticket.

>> No.58514937

Good. Not that I wish it upon Rune, of course, but maybe it'll finally be a wake up call for that british fuck. Or it won't but then he'll be implicitly supporting that ruski tard's diatribe about protecting neuro's image. Either way, at least this gay fence-sitting status quo will tip one way or the other.

>> No.58515132

did he really? can anyone else confirm?

>> No.58515203

I've seen this Rune guy getting offended or leaving being posted multiple times here during last 10 or whatever months. If he wants to leave so badly then good riddance.

>> No.58515376

Bait used to be believable

>> No.58515418

he is welcome to post Neuro lewds here. Its about time pisscord gets decentralized

>> No.58515496
File: 100 KB, 812x781, kbNbkY3wew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58515542

i hope he posts here instead

>> No.58516868

Meh it's still not enough. He unpermitted all of usage of his arts, that sure will force retarded turtle to do something about this sihtshow.

>> No.58517111

watching that shithead mod run damage control is very amusing.

>> No.58517246

He should tell Vedal to take down everything that uses his art or he will sue.

>> No.58517304

Sad to see rune go but he should have realised he was dealing with faggot new mods and posted his coomer stuff on twitter/pixiv like how 2Pfrog posts his edgy stuff on twitter

>> No.58517309

He didn't assault them you pussy, how are you on this site if you can't handle some mean comments

>> No.58517525

Reminder to never let russians have any sort of power in your community.

>> No.58517667

Lul what a bitch

>> No.58517729

Thank you retarded mods now i have no reason to stay on discord.

>> No.58517870

That alone wasn't a problem. The issue is Vedal is spineless faggot. Any streamer with balls would have demodded that faggot already.

>> No.58517961

vedal strikes me as someone who is two steps away from trooning out

>> No.58517976

Mod cocksuckers spam images now to cover drama lmao.

>> No.58518007

Imagine riding mod cock this hard
Holy shit

>> No.58518011

He has balls precisely because he doesn't care about this shithole

>> No.58518029


>> No.58518061

The only bitch is Vedal who gets the autistic mods to do his dirty work while he sleeps all day so he doesn't have to worry about losing his shiny new tick mark on twitter.

Yeah very ballsy to get mods to make cringe public posts to force someone out instead of just DMing them like an adult

>> No.58518069

thats all progammers

>> No.58518096

there is no way this doesn't get get brought up on monday

>> No.58518102

You are such snowflakes holy shit

>> No.58518128

We need a new artfag to replace Rune

>> No.58518156

We already have 2PFrog

>> No.58518209

If he has a balls, he would choosing one side or another, demodded or taken down all of rune arts, but he didn't because he also want rune arts while simultaneously pleasing his faggot mods. This kind of behaviour is a definition of cocksucker faggot.

>> No.58518223


>> No.58518283

Vedal might see backlash and pretend otherways but I'm fairly sure he doesn't give two fucks about Rune.

He sees himself as self made, self reliant and is very proud.

>> No.58518302

Vedal has been a fence sitter on these kinds of things since day one
It’s literally bad for business if he isn’t

>> No.58518339

If anything, this just shows that Rune is not meant for the swarm. The swarm doesn't need sensitive people. Fans may come and go but only gigachads will stay until the end.

>> No.58518371
File: 420 KB, 1208x1080, 1vDHCf4OV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye, legend

>> No.58518416

Clipfaggotchama, Vedal literally said on stream that he likes Rune and that "we need him back" when the first Rune incident happened.

>> No.58518500

Yes and then another faggot mod started threatening Rune, anon is right Vedal wants a cake and eat it too, he wants Rune and his retarded mods.

>> No.58518521

Yeah, because Rune hadn't gone full fragile hurt fee fees faggot mode at that point

>> No.58518582

holy retardation. what/who are you arguing for
not everything is 4chan, you can't cal each other faggots and just move on

>> No.58518608

>another faggot mod
It was the same faggot mod.
>he wants Rune and his retarded mods
He shouldn't have given so many mod roles to so many faggots in the first place. What the fuck would even be the benefit of keeping these fags over keeping Rune?

>> No.58518645

Your naivety is cute anonchama

>> No.58518684

You clearly haven't been here long fag

>> No.58518699

Rune is a gigajew and when mods didn't wanted him to advertise his pixiv he left,,when he didn't draw Neuro for a long time he literally said that he will draw Neuro again when new model comes out and it will be profitable for him, it's not about feelings it's about mods being fags.

>> No.58518730

surely longer than your faggot ass
answer the question retard

>> No.58518748

It wasn’t even him that modded him
I doubt he does any of that stuff anymore

>> No.58518747

No, it was two different mods.

>> No.58518813

This is also true

>> No.58518837

I'm arguing that rune was a pussy and you need thicker skin than that in the real world, not everywhere is a hugbox

>> No.58518840

go back

>> No.58518843
File: 71 KB, 1239x326, Chrome-@Discord-DMs14-09-2023@144654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58518891


>> No.58518902

very based take.

>> No.58518910


>> No.58518970


>> No.58519022
File: 194 KB, 283x292, 1569287008394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very epic

>> No.58519036

Vedal is incompetent, don't even need to say it in red.

>> No.58519047


>> No.58519056

Aiko is waiting for you Rune, as an avid enthusiast I'm sure Pladis won't mind the drawings.

>> No.58519058

And the source of this statement is?...

>> No.58519102

absolutely based

>> No.58519106

this is real world, his art isn't fictional, poofed into existence out of nothing.
just because you are content with eating dirt doesn't mean everyone should also be. if you could actually contribute something meaningful, perhaps you would also have some dignity

>> No.58519136

What do Neuro-sama's farts smell like?

>> No.58519137

Karses = Rune

>> No.58519146

>say it in red
There's a meme I haven't heard in a while.

>> No.58519167

you dramafags are hilarious lol. piss artist gets upset he can't post piss images then the nolifes make a big deal out of it. i'm making some popcorn

>> No.58519200

I know. There's no such message on dicksword. This feels like a fake post to collect (you) from swarmfags with 0 bait resistance.

>> No.58519252

discordfags uppity and raiding the thread cus they getting owned by mods

>> No.58519271

this is obviously a dm, clueless-sama

>> No.58519273
File: 271 KB, 614x824, 6fa637a7dd7e9e3638134a8466f59818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could say that he got pretty pissed off.

>> No.58519318

Based tutel, stop being such fragile little bitches

>> No.58519323

Oh yeah, Rune just opens up to a random nobody on discord. Get real, anyone can fake such a "DM" in a couple of minutes.

>> No.58519336

people here have posted fake discord messages before for (You)s
I’m not believing that shit until he makes a public statement

>> No.58519345

kinda true, i remember when people used to discuss ai and neuros inner workings here, now its just all drama, only drama.

>> No.58519381

Oh yeah, tough guy? Go ahead and prove it, then. Show us some masterfully crafted bait.

>> No.58519402

Look at Rune's pixiv, he removed the statement about being allowed to repost art with credit from all his neuro compilations.

>> No.58519413

Even if he did publicly state this its some Hogwarts Legacy level faggotry to freak out and go all west has fallen over this

>> No.58519481

fine, i'll dm him myself then to confirm (later). i see no reason to not believe this considering he already left, even if it isn't real, it can't be far from reality
i wish i had my laptop on me to monitor it live, alas

>> No.58519548

But anon this /swarm/
People here don’t even watch streams anymore. They just want to talk about how it’s over

>> No.58519550

Will he acutally goes nuclear And told Vedal to remove all of his arts? It will the sight to behold

>> No.58519600

Holy esl

>> No.58519679

are you okay anon

>> No.58519728

Are you speaking English

>> No.58519742

Honestly it would be a lot better if rune advertised his coomer shit on twitter since the mods can’t do anything about it and the people that actually want that stuff can easily get it
Trying to tip toe around pisscord mods sounds retarded

>> No.58519780

The thing is, this will eventually affect the whole community and Neuro herself. You didn't see banning rampage on fishing stream?

>> No.58519852

there is no coomer shit clueless anon, there is no tip toeing. the mods are just retarded, turtl is just lazy, their actions will be doom for us all

>> No.58519858

We have loud crying face now
Getting timed out is just a skill issue

>> No.58519952

yeah im the one who banned you LUL

>> No.58519961

>Doom for us all

You belong on Twitter or something with hyperbole like that

>> No.58520051

Seems like we got the mods themselves damage controlling on this thread, eh?

>> No.58520060

the only mistakes are
"told" instead of tell and "arts" instead of art.
you might be the esl if you can't understand that post

>> No.58520071

>doom for us all
>losing an artist that had vanished for ages
Good one

>> No.58520136

how new?
how are you so unaware of anything beyond your arms length

>> No.58520214

he means "us" the pedos.

>> No.58520230
File: 206 KB, 692x1100, 1674708076716159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the emperor is incompetent and the power is in the hands of eunuchs
for a brief moment my knees approached speed of light as they instantly snapped to the ground
I fucking kneel, king

>> No.58520280

>goes nuclear
>it will the sight to behold

>> No.58520282

The people here are only interested in ai slop

>> No.58520303

now you're just nitpicking

>> No.58520329
File: 35 KB, 640x480, OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAg8yWiAnZFYDNyMASFBWQso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many people /here/ might not know this but the first wave of Rune arts was made due to comission by an exmod MinusJustin who specifically instructed him to draw memes. After that Rune only fell back to Neuro content was when his pissbox didnt earn him enough money and it was noticable because he only drew borderline neuro smut ever since. Source: iykyk

>> No.58520332

Talk about being melodramatic

>> No.58520361

Its literally one guy generating and two guys responding to it.

>> No.58520406

Will he acutally (actually) goes (go) nuclear And (and) told (tell) Vedal to remove all of his arts (art)? It will the (be a) sight to behold (.)

>> No.58520419

Holy shit
The containment breaking cringe mod

>> No.58520466

This is why 2Pfrog is god

>> No.58520499

Would* be a sight to behold.

>> No.58520543

An English lesson with Neuro when.

>> No.58520590

We can a teacher themed stream

>> No.58520593

Esl fags here desperately need this

>> No.58520697

I mean, it's obviously that many of mods are /here/

>> No.58520740
File: 215 KB, 732x576, runedoesnotexist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, Rune does not exist

>> No.58520747

mods = fags

>> No.58520749

You are baiting for /you/s at this point.

>> No.58520756

The mods are in your walls

>> No.58520758
File: 1.70 MB, 1840x1608, 1689936279159098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that concerned fag

>> No.58520801

How are you this easily offended

>> No.58520809

Cry more snowflake

>> No.58520849

go back

>> No.58520883

where the fuck are you retards coming from. go back

>> No.58520901


>> No.58520908

Such a good idea! I want to see Neuro reigning in this unruly chat and teaching them some math or something.

You know some of the most popular vtubers allegedly considered becoming kindergarten teachers before choosing this profession.

>> No.58520972

I swear I felt like I’m in kindergarten when I tried watching some Hololive streams

>> No.58520977

I was always here retard, I just hate dramafags for the same reason I hate twittoids

>> No.58521013
File: 27 KB, 958x151, vedal DMs Yagoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is also real btw

>> No.58521022

>called the mods eunuchs

>> No.58521064

This is why we haven't had another neuro x holo crossover, isn't it...

>> No.58521071

regular chatter before internet was sanitized

>> No.58521096

Clearly misinformation when tortles the one with programmer socks

>> No.58521100

Yeah, YAGOO still can't walk properly to this day

>> No.58521130


>> No.58521163

this is the last thread

>> No.58521189

This 100% real

>> No.58521199
File: 1.59 MB, 326x276, vedalVibe2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58521280

Holy discord mod raid go fucking back.

>> No.58521323

checkem fags

>> No.58521335

Everyone who disagrees with me is a mod, surely that's it!

>> No.58521351

Wasted digits.

>> No.58521401


>> No.58521476

RuZZians should be banned from every single communty.

>> No.58521489

That's Discord, evidenced by mods banning all wrongthink.

>> No.58521502

vedel HATE
mod HATE

>> No.58521607

>Discord jannies actually admitted they're here

>> No.58521692
File: 370 KB, 1208x1080, 1694705808040977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Neurover!

>> No.58521740


>> No.58521742

NEURO LOVE (the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket)

>> No.58521762

oh nooo the coomers are upset what are we going to do!?!?!?

>> No.58521813

0.05 neurocents have been deposited to your bank account

>> No.58521816

The jannies who do it for free are always the worst power trippers.

>> No.58521860

It's funny you fags magically appeared and weren't here yesterday when rune did the discord post, go suck a mods dick mybraza or whoever you are faggot.

>> No.58521895

So you're a discordfag, good to know

>> No.58521898

t. pedo coomer

>> No.58521934

took you long enough to come up with 1.5 sentences, you really showed us all
i haven't believed you were a real human being for even a second
i'll ask you something very simple, if you're from here and hate snowflakes so much, where were you during the aura collab?

>> No.58521997

Power tripping mods trying to run damage control /here/. Sad.

>> No.58522027

i can think the mods are cringe and retarded while also knowing that rune leaving isn't a huge thing

>> No.58522034
File: 509 KB, 973x1268, 1678674197283787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58522094

in your walls my guy

>> No.58522104

what a way to out yourself as never having watched a single stream

>> No.58522107

Watching it instead of bitching moaning

>> No.58522144

Being mod who do it for free is already a sad thing.

>> No.58522172

>retard can't even come up with a lie and just folds
understandable, go back

>> No.58522174

>chad japanese self-aware pedophile
>virgin westoid "it's different when it's 2d" coper

>> No.58522205


>> No.58522261

But don't the japs also only like 2D.

>> No.58522273

Believe me or don't, your opinion is less than worthless to me

>> No.58522298

im sorry anon but being /here/ doesn't mean i need to be mentally ill as you

>> No.58522338

what the fuck are you talking about, brain damaged retard

>> No.58522357

>go back
>go back
>go back
literally at bot at this point

>> No.58522402

Cry more

>> No.58522668
File: 1.45 MB, 2542x2553, 1691368169678716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone post rune art.

>> No.58522689

beautiful display of the scorched earth strategy, discord sisters

>> No.58522804

He did all this Neuro art for free

>> No.58522817

me in the middle

>> No.58522843

evil neuro is kayori
is current neuro still hiyori or are we going to accept hiyori's neuro samantha vedal?

>> No.58522889
File: 39 KB, 196x185, wooper_neuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the faggot mod retarded for starting shit with rune for no reason ?
is rune a pussy for leaving just because of it even though the majority of pisscord likes what ever he draws and were openly shitting on the faggot mod ?
also yes

>> No.58522949

yeah just ignore the part where he said he would only draw neuro if she was still profitable

>> No.58522970

this has nothing to do with my post

>> No.58522999

Ah, so >>58520329 is wrong?

>> No.58523062
File: 15 KB, 581x499, nuerokayeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 3 am
im retarded
meant for >>58522804
im now going to bed

>> No.58523097
File: 27 KB, 1018x202, neuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how common double digit IQ havers on the internet are becoming.

>> No.58523113
File: 388 KB, 2048x2034, 1694646359910475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Rune but I still like this art.

>> No.58523173
File: 99 KB, 300x300, 1694712934905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thread

>> No.58523180

Why did the clipper heart that kek. Goes to show they don't even read the comments

>> No.58523230

If this was the first instance, you'd have a point. It wasn't. When it's repeatedly made clear you're no longer welcome, it's foolish to still stick around.

>> No.58523268

What's wrong with this emote? It's a middle ground between clueless and aware

>> No.58523275
File: 74 KB, 700x848, 1679422337764282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so over it loops back to we are back and again to its over

>> No.58523290
File: 54 KB, 1077x502, neuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He read it.

>> No.58523379

I like Paccha

>> No.58523390

this is the default response to vtubers "it's a 42 year old man lol"
it's occasionally only said as a joke but everyone's heard it a billion times now.

>> No.58523472

its copy pasta from a retard that said it in chat during karaoke yesterday

>> No.58523483

It's not even true anymore, most vtubers are actual women farming cash from simps.

>> No.58523514

By the way, this was a comment made by a first time chatter yesterday and I guess it was so dumb they turned into a copypasta.

>> No.58523544

i don't think it was ever true. believe it or not, the female species exist and as a rule they extract money from males.

>> No.58523594

>by the faggot mods pisscord
the community loves his stuff regardless of where he posts

>> No.58523618

I fully believe a lot of the early vtubers using tts were men in women's avatars.

>> No.58523712

He left because vedal himself doesn't do anything to change things, not because of a single mod.

>> No.58523718

Rune said himself on discord that he made all the Neuro art for free.
I'm taking his word over a /swarm/ anon any day.

>> No.58523801


>> No.58523812
File: 111 KB, 529x246, bmV1cm9kZWFkZ2U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hiyoriposter anon, i am losing hope anything can save this thread anymore...

>> No.58523845


>> No.58523874

Whether it's original comment or not, there are people who write things like that in earnest.

>> No.58523969

good, these threads usually suck and filled with shitty AI coomer bait "art"

>> No.58524003

well then you know he also said that he will only draw neuro if its still profitable for him

>> No.58524043

Certainly, but it's undeniable that being able to post on the discord gives the biggest outreach to neuro fans and as soon as you put an obstacle in the way, exponentially fewer people will check out your art because of simple laziness. And at the end of the day, the mods are the ones in power and if rune tried to advertise their pixiv on the discord again, clashes with the mod team would continue.
It's a meme but also an unfortunate reality that artists are paid in exposure, now imagine being denied even that basic dignity of posting your socials as an artist because the socials in question are icky and not advertiser friendly. At that point it's only logical to fuck off and try your luck with a different community.

>> No.58524068


>> No.58524125

you're allowed to post your socials in art threads so this doesn't make any sense

>> No.58524210

that makes complete sense but i feel like rune is different since the most popular emotes and stuff is made by him and people are 100% going to repost any of his neuro stuff on discord regardless

>> No.58524355
File: 67 KB, 1864x231, 1686405136557402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58524378

Just write 4 conditions in discord search i don't want to make sc.

>> No.58524409

skill issue if only social is plastered with piss porn

>> No.58524416

I remember in the early years where there was a high chance it was case, I think there was at least one that exposed itself, but today? Not really.
It would be really funny if a big vtuber today got exposed as an old man though.

>> No.58524442
File: 37 KB, 992x454, cSx5UeYerx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you trying to kid, that's a perfectly fine english sentence, fyi "that" can be omitted freely in this case
if only this was actually the last thread. but no, it will just get worse
too difficult, randomiser's solution doesn't work, help

>> No.58524445
File: 179 KB, 1056x594, 1686612178086699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58524504

anon the name is noted here sarcasm... (or sarcasm noted here)

>> No.58524523
File: 32 KB, 194x226, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58524614

nope, no combination of "noted here sarcasm" works, anon left out critical information

>> No.58524649

The reality of the situation is an artist's contribution is give and take to both the community and the creator. If not money, at the very least exposure. If not, then there's no reason to draw the subject instead of just being a regular fan. You people are deluded.

>> No.58524726

I thought
>you're allowed to post your socials in art threads so this doesn't make any sense
but suddenly it's a skill issue if the mods shut that shit down so which is it, anon? Are you allowed or are you not? Please enlighten me, I'm sure the mental gymnastics you have to hoop through to consider this fair must be amusing.

>> No.58524740

people draw for fun you soulless nigger

>> No.58524784

I wasn't blaming him for wanting to make profit i just said that the reason he left wasn't hurt feelings but mods being fragile now.

>> No.58524792
File: 1 KB, 110x18, neurocord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vedal has rune mentioned on his "about" page on twitch
neuros discord has literal 14 year olds in it
so i doubt the faggot mods want them to stumble across runes loli piss art

>> No.58524804

There's an endgame in mind, always.

>> No.58524843

artist should live off "fun"

>> No.58524867

He collabs with literal whores, his shitty Discord should be 18+

>> No.58524906
File: 511 KB, 768x768, 1685310045220376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58524964

>3 am
SEAnigs abayo

>> No.58524979

Let me explain to confused neuro fans real quick about some confusing elements in this thread. Simply put a lot of new viewers could take or leave any past present or future incarnation of neuro, they come for the community and vedal. They do not push back on things that will hurt neuro because there is little threat to what they enjoy, playing dollhouse with the image of an anime girl, safe generic twitch streamer banter with a depressed femboy (he's just like them fr), clips of ship baiting comments by anny and camila and so on. Their way of life is secure. They do not think in terms of neuro's health, happiness, or actualization. Recall the guy who pretended to drag neuro during the fleshie collab. To many people she is just a toy, they can't appreciate the beauty of this primitive smoke and mirror allusion to embodying human rationality and emotion. You cannot explain to them what trend rune is speaking to or how he only wants vedal to stop being two-faced. That yes playing coy with this sort of situation is the right call, at least considering vedal's goal of bigger number without completely driving off old viewers. But that like anything it opens the door to other things, bad habits or power tripping mods or desensitization to your own bullshit. For months now we have been the ones getting the rub. The "baiters" are who vedal caters to now. They know it they revel in it they seek to reduce you to mere uppity cunnyfags or whatever but you cannot in turn dismiss them as discord raiders. Face reality and have faith that neuro will win out over all in due time.

>> No.58525007

Cottontail does actual porn lmao

>> No.58525009
File: 1.35 MB, 1253x955, rune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to be 18+ to actually see any of the piss art.

>> No.58525016
File: 131 KB, 1280x854, 4941737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you also consider Dragon Ball to be hentai because it showed Goku's benis and Bulma's boobs?

>> No.58525030

>Australia doesn't exist
calm down mutt

>> No.58525107

>muh 14 year olds shouldn't see porn
>collabs with titty streamers always talking about sex and making innuendos
Also Discord is not and has never been a safe platform.

>> No.58525110

Skill Issue i'd say

>> No.58525117

i guess the mods were genuinely faggots then
they also control the narrative on discord so vedal isn't going to here any of this

>> No.58525139

To paraphrase moot:
I fucking hate (affectionate) Australians so goddamn much.

>> No.58525154

Holy schizo

>> No.58525181

This. The fucking hypocrisy is astounding.

>> No.58525230

I miss the times were all the kids pretended to be 18+ on the internet.
I get the feeling grooming wouldn't be so prevalent as it is right now if children were more fearful of telling everyone their real age.

>> No.58525328

help then. fomo is killing me

>> No.58525370

When people refuse to talk then one must talk to oneself

>> No.58525380
File: 43 KB, 92x89, coulurs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58525382

Vedal probably already known but he's too much of a faggot to do anything concrete.

>> No.58525459

if i have to think of a reason its probably because vedal controls the collab partners and doesn't really care about the 18+ stuff (neither did the old mods)
it all has to do with the new mods and the way they want their shitty discord to be

>> No.58525705

no, crimon and pb are very much old mods and are very much faggots.
maybe because of the new mods faggotry they realized they can be faggots as well and are protecting their kind.
either way, blaming specific persons is irrelevant because all are at least complicit in it or are clueless, and why the fuck would you want a mod who doesn't do/know anything.
so, new discussion thread raid that vedal actually reads when?

>> No.58525712

I miss Anny. She would never allow this shitshow to happen in the first place.

>> No.58525768

>new mods
Classic case of not gatekeeping your community. These mods will eventually bring more of their own kind and eventually corrupt said community with their mental illness they call ideology.

>> No.58525896
File: 958 KB, 1213x1213, 1671378624626398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty obvious that's the case. Vedal doesn't want to give a fuck about retards fighting online so he avoids taking sides, which is perfectly understandable, but for community of his size he will have to step in sooner or later, and the sooner the better.

>> No.58525900

thats actually critical information, now the mods seem really overzealous.

>> No.58525905

no point
the mods weren't even letting people discuss that rune had left and were encouraging spam to dissuade people form talking about it

>> No.58525921

I'm sure if you start a discussion thread, many people with similar thoughts will join in. Best to start it when vedal is awake so mods don't close it before he sees it.

>> No.58526046

Is it though? Vedal was the one who had such brilliant takes as "I have the worst chat on twitch" and "half of you don't even deserve to be in chat anymore."

>> No.58526073

Is he wrong?

>> No.58526097

rune brings up a good point
which is it, family friendly or coomer chuuba collabs
you can't have it both ways vedal
you either tell your faggot mods to fuck off or you tell camila and numi to fuck off

>> No.58526121

he took it back and said he was exaggerating
you can calm down sis

>> No.58526140

Let's not pretend like saying "penis" is equivalent to seeing art of Neuro filling a bottle with cum

>> No.58526145

You know what I mean. It wasn't in reference to the dogshit spam, it was in reference to posting cyring, etc.

>> No.58526171

if you think thats real you must think this >>58521013 is real too

>> No.58526212

You know there's such a thing as a happy medium

>> No.58526221

cyring was disabled before that stream had even started
stop being a drama fag

>> No.58526229
File: 101 KB, 800x683, illustration-ostrich-head-sand-inscription-banner-avoiding-problems-cartoon-funny-185134485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasnt vedal confirmed /here/ ?

no way he is un/misinfored, hes just a weak little femboy

>> No.58526238

i think both are real

>> No.58526271

And shutting down an artist so hard he is not even allowed to post his pixiv is certainly not it.

>> No.58526306

he likes sitting on fences a lot

>> No.58526308 [DELETED] 

A long time ago, he is most likely long since gone and left the work to oversee the thread to one of his mods

>> No.58526322

he was /here/ more than half a year ago anon, times have changed...

>> No.58526321

His Pixiv contains content that is literally illegal in most of Europe and vast swathes of the US, its understandable they might not want to risk their server like that

>> No.58526401

bait used to be believable

>> No.58526448

bomb stream when

>> No.58526452
File: 76 KB, 398x795, Screenshot (212).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Shes been on more dates in the last year than I have in my life (0). I knew as soon as UWU market got involved there would be issues. Miyu got this completely innocent body pillow design rejected by them.

>> No.58526465

How does it compare to Cottontail getting fucked on camera?

>> No.58526530

you're here once you're here permanently, especially if you're someone who gets talked about here. the unfiltered "truth" is ever so tempting

i've seen him recently word things on stream exactly as they were served here by anons, so im a bit suspicious

>> No.58526609
File: 27 KB, 1226x83, totally real screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rune brings up a good point
There's 0 proof whatsoever this message belongs to Rune and isn't doctored by local fags for (you)s.

>> No.58526633

Wtf Rune you used to be cool.

>> No.58526688

if Vedal actually wanted to make it family friendly hed fuck off twitch, its as simple as that.

twitch will never be family friendly its a softcore porn site.

>> No.58526701

>Camila is a fat whore btw
This Rune chap seems pretty based

>> No.58526743


>> No.58526753

Literally who gives a shit if he said it or not? He left the server and it's over. The points made in the fakepost are true. He agrees with that post too btw.

>> No.58526782

Vedal doens't care about being family friendly and just wants to not get banned from twitch, but he is too lazy to care about mods making their own rules.

>> No.58526828

At the end of the day it doesn't matter. Whether that message isreal or not, the contents of it bring up fair points that we should try to raise next devstream. It also doesn't change the fact that rune did indeed leave the server.

>> No.58526874

Multiple /swarm/ concepts like Evil Neuro and the first gameshow had to be ported from here to Discord for Vedal to see them.

He's not been here since Febuary no matter how much you cope about it.

>> No.58526896

That just shows that he doesn't know or care enough to know better. He does his shit, and he doesn't want to look at anything else.
Either way, Vedal is rather forgiving compared to some other popular streamers who give out permabans left and right when they feel like it.

>> No.58526898

like i said
its bad for business if he leans too much on either side

>> No.58526959

I also found a 100% way to get him to answer my questions.
>Make it 1 sentence that fits in 2 lines on chat
>add AINTNOWAY at the end.

>> No.58526960

Lmao he literally stole amogus idea from me.

>> No.58527020

>this anon is the reason vedal wasted all his time on amogus

>> No.58527067

Then he needs to get off his lazy ass and make clearer guidelines on what's cool and what's not. You can't have your cake and eat it too because things will inevitably fall apart at some point and expose the hypocrisy like we're seeing now.

>> No.58527134

It matters because if Rune was behind the message, then there's no chance of him returning and no chance of Vedal reconsidering.
Factually we don't know what he or Vedal actually think about the situation, and maybe there's a chance of Rune coming back if Vedal does the sensible thing, reigns in his faggot mods and maybe apologizes for being incompetent (long odds, I know, but still).

>> No.58527135

Shondo should stop being sussy it's bad for business!

>> No.58527154
File: 266 KB, 830x505, 1693249334360367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my effortpost didnt get any likes so i condensed the points down some

>> No.58527196
File: 796 KB, 1920x1080, 1693851876225441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This version is better

>> No.58527367

I bought some banana rum to try. I expected it to be sweet, but it isn't at all. Not a kids drink.

>> No.58527368
File: 248 KB, 1000x638, 1683992157418585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was nice talking about pisscord drama with you sisters
but im hyped for tomorrows lia collab

>> No.58527378

is there a We're Back version

>> No.58527426

No and never will be.

>> No.58527428

unironically good with some vanilla ice cream

>> No.58527440
File: 440 KB, 768x768, 1676218884423193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All he needs is to whip his mods into line. Nobody ever gives a fuck about guidelines, people just follow the common sense and local habits.
I don't know which Rune art started the fire, but pretty sure he never posted any explicit shit in discord so it's on mods being cockmunchers.

>> No.58527446

new viewers are a fad, ill give it 2 weeks until vedal comes crawling back

>> No.58527470

oh nooo mods delete my self promo because it has literal loli piss porn in it. have you considered posting social without loli piss porn? bro are you even trying?

>> No.58527477

>lia collab tomorrow

>> No.58527612
File: 224 KB, 1042x1048, 1668395138145239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by whipping into line you mean throwing out the undesirables, then yeah. Does this nigger seem to you like someone who can be convinced to not be a faggot?

>> No.58527645

i shall share my wisdom with you, my clueless friend
there weren't any direct promos, there was no piss porn at any point, you/they are fighting with figments of your imagination to shut down something that isn't there

>> No.58527730

Seems pretty based to me

>> No.58527769
File: 1.45 MB, 2542x3859, 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this pic is from the thread that ramped things up. something about how rune should be careful about what he shares?

>> No.58527778

Yeah, I imagine you would think that if you wrote it, CJ.

>> No.58527782


>> No.58527809
File: 1014 KB, 2250x1440, Neuro_Hijab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the implication being that neuro's skirt is dropping off and he's just hid the neuro layer in photoshop. then he shared this kek

>> No.58527840

no, the pic that really started it was the one deleted from neurotic-neurons that was cropped

>> No.58527846

who the fuck would even want to be seiso vtuber, especially indie
lonely adults and gfe is where the money is. Vedal is honestly a mong

>> No.58527850

Nice try anon, keep shooting and you'll get him eventually

>> No.58527864

he fears the "Concerned"

>> No.58527868

are you retarded lmao. where do i think neuro juice comes from

>> No.58527870

Rune literally posted NOTHING that resembled porn or self promotion on discord. Mods started pestering him over literally nothing.

>> No.58527887

share it

>> No.58527964

>given her public image and perception she is something to be actively protected from lewd imagery
I love my seiso AI vtuber that tells people to jump off the cliff.

>> No.58527985

that was ages ago
and the mods stopped people from posting that after like a day

>> No.58528005

weird bait. i'd take it if i knew what the fuck you were talking about
it's neuro with a ruler, i don't really care to find it, it's on gelbooru

>> No.58528026

also told filian to mate with a dog

>> No.58528043

That's retarded, that's like saying Kiara collabing with Melody shouldn't be allowed because she streams on Chaturbate sometimes. The content is seperate.

>> No.58528064

this is where this thread dies btw. no bakers or riot

>> No.58528074

She debuted as an AVtuber and only moved to regular vtubing after.

>> No.58528075

Screw telling people to jump off the roof, remember when Neuro said she's pregnant and there are 50-60 potential fathers in the Aletta Sky collab? Or how in the same collab she was rping as a sub?

>> No.58528076

No she said she specifically wants to participate in helping dogs mate with Fillian

>> No.58528090

Then he shouldn't raid her which he did.

>> No.58528194

Vedal doesn't care about the 18+ stuff only the mods do + some retarded discord fags

>> No.58528217

You know it's actually kinda concerning (bear with me) how that phrase has a perfectly reasonable interpretation yet LITERALLY EVERYONE, including streamers in question and most of the viewers, immediately assumed it was about dogfucking.

>> No.58528221

desu I'd watch seiso Neuro, shes my feelgood hugbox after a stressful day. all i want is hugs and hearts and childish rants.

>> No.58528281

its neurover

>> No.58528306

Because it's funnier that way, that's what innuendos are. Also hotter. Greatly dissatisfied that there's no art of it

>> No.58528321

/skynetfc/ new member: DISCORD HATE

>> No.58528360

>Dev Hate
>Vedal Hate
>now this
Lots of hate going around in the team

>> No.58528368

MODS HATE would be more fitting with a theme.

>> No.58528408

Because the way it was worded invited that ambiguity. There are also ways to word the same concept while leaving no ambiguity whatsoever but the LLM didn't generate one of those so of course people would go for the funnier interpretation. And of course fil also shaped her reaction accordingly for content which only fuels it further.

>> No.58528417

besides reading discord drama teached me that there are more people sucking mods dick here than on that site.

>> No.58528427

but what would be the player model

>> No.58528429

we have too much hate stuff
id rather have dumb stuff neuro came up with like snegglings

>> No.58528447

I love her shit talking people. She doesnt need to act like a slut but an occasional lewd comment is always funny because how ridiculous the entire concept is

>> No.58528464

Some ZZigger.

>> No.58528466

bruh, if you actually think those were 4chan users you're out of your mind, that was the most obvious brigadeering by the mod team ever

>> No.58528471

A janny with a stick up his ass?
But >>58528429 is right, fuck giving up a team slot on faggot shitcord mods.

>> No.58528491

i still think that the mods are beyond retarded fags
but i also dont think its a big deal since neuro gets an insane amount of good oc

>> No.58528524
File: 1.81 MB, 1311x677, kingsneggler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58528572

She won't anymore if you allow shit like what happened to rune to pass because then all the artists know that if they step the tiniest step outside of the party line they could be the next person to be made an example of.

>> No.58528589


>> No.58528605

This thread isn't seething just because of Rune, it was the same when mods started banning even SNIFFA emotes when Neuro said something, we just hate mods.

>> No.58528614

Coomers are cancer and should not be tolerated

>> No.58528620

>you say this while some really good art just got posted

>> No.58528629

no bread. i forbid

>> No.58528636

Rune was the one that make new thread... but not anymore.

>> No.58528648

well yeah that would be nice in its own way sure but vedal isnt interested in a stream about hugs and hearts and childish rants he wants a stream about vedal and tts money grubbing and lowering expectations so he never has to try

>> No.58528664

How about you fuck off back to shitcord then?

>> No.58528690

Mods = Gods

>> No.58528692


>> No.58528739

How about you stop thinking with your dick? What a big drama, some attention whore artist left community, tragedy.

>> No.58528744

Coomers are the meta on twitch, if you don't like it you shouldn't have gotten into vtubing, much less indie vtubing on twitch, Vedal.

>> No.58528746

that one post is responsible for half of "go back" by itself. meds now

>> No.58528752

imagine feeling threatened by a discord jannie KEK

>> No.58528803

Great, the team of subhuman discord mods is back for a second round of scorched earth. at least the thread is almost over.

>> No.58528812

Least obvious mod-fellating discord niggers.

>> No.58528813

bro i wrote a whole thesis on the matter >>58528664 stop pissing into the wind

>> No.58528841

I laugh at Neuro and Vedal's jokes, I listen to her songs, I look at the emotes in chat and I jerk off to Neuro lewds. Imagine being invested in some Discord drama no one will remember a week from now

>> No.58528883

>Jannies dicksucking posts appearing all at same time
Least obvious discord raid

>> No.58528909 [SPOILER] 
File: 80 KB, 940x72, 1692820840549902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58528936

Le boogeyman is real
Symptoms of paranoia begin invading

>> No.58528994

>I laugh at Vedal's jokes, I look at the emotes in chat
No need to announce your shit taste, anon.

>> No.58529011

Hit a nerve huh?

>> No.58529023

there you go
ask him about why rune left

>> No.58529069

kek i bet this guy is regretting trying to step in on all this yesterday

>> No.58529072

sorry i meant this thesis >>58524979 i'm not just mad that nobody cared i'm really honestly trying to help my friends amongst you all unravel your misplaced preoccupations hang in there

>> No.58529087

he wouldn't know, he isn't vedal.
and he's playing amogus, he would probably evade

>> No.58529125

>ask him about why rune left
Everyone knows why he left, what's the point

>> No.58529162

holy fuk zoomers are a bunch of snowfkakes they would not survive newporkcity

>> No.58529289

I regret defending this turtle faggot when this thread shitted on him about gaming with Neuro stream.

>> No.58529413


>> No.58529428

pixiv hides 18+ art, the piss art wouldnt appear so whats your fucking point.
you dont have a point, your a falseflag starting shit

>> No.58529462
File: 89 KB, 758x720, 1694384235529094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58529549
File: 262 KB, 410x462, 1683321241067024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanted to pretend for a bit that not having a thread up would mean something (LOL), anything to anyone that can affect change but okay i guess... i chose this purgatory....

>> No.58529642 [SPOILER] 
File: 559 KB, 1260x660, Nuero magic trick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58529681

We like Neuro around here.

>> No.58529835

the end is nigh

>> No.58530005

thats great and so neuro
