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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58441794 No.58441794 [Reply] [Original]

I think it's between laplus and mori

>> No.58441856

where are Vesper and Magni in the picture

>> No.58441860

Laplus 100%, i can't see mori graduate any time soon, laplus already half graduated recently.

>> No.58442080

No way Calli, even if she is burn out, her rm do not have the impact Calli does

>> No.58442242

>images (6) (22).jpg

>> No.58442245

Who cares about m*n

>> No.58442348


>> No.58442403

We can't all get what we want.
I'm hoping for Kronii or Ame.

>> No.58442428

Fubuki / Flare / Irys / Aki
In accordance to the patterns of previous graduations.

>> No.58442474

Do you hate Fauna and Mumei? Council is just healing from being the failed gen, and you want to make it the first Hololive gen to lose two members?

>> No.58442770

If Laplus didn't start to take her meds, it will be her.

>> No.58442783


>> No.58442840

Two more weeks, surely

>> No.58442859

Mori has a universal deal, I know how much you jerk off to the idea but she isn't going anywhere. Laplus seems more than possible, she's kinda losing it

>> No.58442867

She doesn't need to. They'll take her in Vshojo. Any Holomem has a secure second job at this point.

>> No.58442935

>no Hitomi Chris lmao

>> No.58442973

Surely two more weeks sisters. Make a more believable bait next time.

>> No.58442980

Ina is the most likely simply because she's checked out and Sana was her best friend since she was 5 years old and she can't go on without her (which is why she's been on hiatus almost constantly every few months).

Mori will never graduate because unlike laplus, she's intelligent enough to know hololive can get her music deals where otherwise she'd just be some indie loser streaming crappy music no one wants to hear. But in HOLOLIVE all the deadbeats have to pretend to like it, for their queen.

>> No.58443018

Gura won't quit because she is the new Ayame. Come back, stream for 2 weeks, fuck off for another crazy Cancun vacation complete with all the alcohol her little liver and kidneys can stand. Easy. Paypigs will pony up 100k every single comeback, "For real this time".

>> No.58443081

All of those girls are either too lazy or too well respected in the company with too much to lose leaving it to graduate.

Girls like Ayame won't leave because she's a grifter.

Aqua won't leave because that implies she has the courage to tell Yagoo she's quitting to be an autistic neet.


>> No.58443087

Duh, Hololive has a cooperation with Universal, everyone has a deal under the cover roof
that isn’t a reason not to quit, still I don’t believe mori will be gone soon (sadly)

>> No.58443910

Probably Laplus, especially if her new plan (shorts + twitch FPS streams) doesn't work out, which I'm not optimistic about. The other candidate is probably Roboco.

Mori has at least a few years left in her, especially now that her career is actually taking off.

>> No.58444282

I wish. She’s not doing anywhere unless someone fires her. She’s not gonna let go all the money and the clout hololive provides. She’s living her dream of being japan’s number one male e-celeb cocksleeve.

>> No.58444371


>> No.58444380

none of you watch any of the chuubas brought up

>> No.58444423

Laplus by a mile. Calli's not going anywhere since she finally has a bit of success.

>> No.58444431

At this point it's hard to tell because Cover is fine just letting them do 1-2 streams a month. So even if the girls are burnt out none of them are giving up all this easy money.

>> No.58444493

you better hope her gamble doesn't work

>> No.58444504

It's a race between Laplus and Kronii.

>> No.58444577

retards. No girl is leaving hololive unless they get a massive deal from another corpo, just look at Azki or Gura.

>> No.58444699

I'd say Coco, but the idiot was dumb enough to think that 50% cut from merch was "low"

>> No.58444870

These images are always bizarre to me. What's the pattern here? There have only been 3 graduations: Aloe, Coco, and Sana. Aloe's is also borderline anyway. It's like half graduation and half termination. They don't even list her as alumni.
The rest are terminated. Rushia was terminated, not graduated. But if this image is supposed to have them all regardless of graduation or termination, where's Chris? Where's the Chinese branch? I may hate them, but at least be consistent.

>> No.58444872

She was too greedy anon, she gas that jew lineage

>> No.58445027

holy freudian slip anon

>> No.58445041

that's the correct answer

>> No.58445256

That's retarded.
That's like saying Matsuri, Mel, Noel and others have "half graduated".

There is a graduation coming. Soon. I don't want it to happen, but it's coming to a close and it is obvious with how she has been acting as of recent.
She wants more in life and Hololive is just stress after stress doing all these side projects now, no more comfy streaming.
For the same reason many quit Nijisanji over the recent years, once one of them drops from Hololive, the others will consider it too.
Even Miko has mentioned many times how busy they all are now, Sora too.
Not all of them were made for this work and it is destroying some of them.
More so - none of them signed up for this work. (well, the early ones at least, later gens absolutely knew what they were getting in to)
You'll see in a couple months if she goes ahead with it or not.
No doubt YAGOO will do anything in his power to stop it like he has in the past. (allowing some to do less as long as they don't quit)
Some of them have even said how they were considering quitting, like Suichan and Aki. I think Flare did as well? Or am I mixing her up with someone else? Probably.
Haachama nearly did. Twice. For all we know her "health issues" is bullshit and she is still unsure if she wants to continue or not. I don't think it is though, I've watched her long enough to know she'd not bullshit like that, she's as open as a book with her emotions. That time she fucking broke when blaming herself for Coco crushed me.

>> No.58445264

Haachama unfortunately is the most likely. She's been sick for so long now and if she truly is sick the length of a sickness like that takes a lot of you. Your body will be super weak and unable to do stuff. Streaming might even be difficult for her and I can't imagine how she would be able to perform on stage

>> No.58445355

What could she possibly even have that has her so hospitalized for 7 months that she can’t even tweet or do anything?

>> No.58445401

severe rratitis

>> No.58445454

obsessed monkeys

>> No.58445849

Fuck man, I've been missing Haachama for so long. Every single hiatus made me miss her more. I am hopeful she will come back, but I know it will never be like the old days. If she ever graduated, I would be inconsolable. I would suffer from a multi-month depression that would ruin me.

>> No.58446123

Next year maybe, this one no. All of them already signed their contracts for one more year

>> No.58446164


>> No.58446380

Laplus only focused on her rm and will only do the bare minimum in hololive. She doesn’t even participate in holobox events outside of the corporate mandated ones.
Also you wrote that long as text walk and dropped no name? At least finish your schizo ratt ffs.

>> No.58446508

>From JP
La+, Haachama, Suisei, Roboco, Shion, Aqua
>From EN
Gura, Mumei, Ame, Ina, Shiori. Kronii
>From ID
Risu, Kaela (if you know, you know)

>> No.58447919

just a reminder to treasure your oshi anon

>> No.58447988

>Vague posting

>> No.58448326

Her depression just doesn't align with what goes on in Hololive anymore. It's too much for her puny body to get out of bed at stupid o'clock on the regular to go to work. It's wrecking her. She was already off for long periods
Hell, on that note... the onion too. There's a reason she was away for a long ass time with barely any streams.
The fact Ayame hasn't left because of her broken butt is because she is determined as all hell.
Nazigumi may well break apart permanently soon.

>> No.58448566


>> No.58449112
File: 186 KB, 614x149, Mori Monthly Listeners Spotify Sep 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's not going anywhere.
She said a few months ago that she's doing a collab song with another Shonen Jump property that is expected to come out next year, and she's said she has "years worth of projects in development".

>> No.58450517

Where's Hitomi Chris?
Anyway, Haachama is the only non-schizo answer. Sisters love seeing someone not stream for a week or stream more on their RM and think it means something. In Haachama's case she's been hospitalized for god knows how long and for all we know is unable to stream ever again or lost her drive.

>> No.58451061
File: 147 KB, 294x238, 1622932391495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roboco is not leaving
please shut the fuck up about my oshi

>> No.58451389

Laplus going to retire that's for sure. You know it you can smell it when r/hololive stops talking about it and censor her drama you know she's going to get fired soon just like how hololive didn't renew the contract of vesper and magni.

>> No.58451450

she's going menhera route with not collabing with her fellow holomems and not even putting in effort to help with minecraft events like she's always tired and leave lui and iroha to finish all her work.

>> No.58451537

Anon, shion is not depressed. She was found out playing valorant with males offstream (I think laplus was playing too sometimes). There was a schizo who even made a sheet that showed how much she played and the fact just after that she ask to her fans on a mengen stream “what will you do if I disappear forever?” confirms it.
The “shion doesn’t stream because she’s depressed” is nothing but a meme at this point.
Nazigumi in general just don’t care. Ayame doesn’t give a fuck and has mio and lui as her personal tardwranglers.
They aren’t gonna leave a job where they can stay not doing anything at all and get rich. If anything talents who actually work hard, are tired and feel like they fulfilled their goals are more likely to quit. People who are just taking it easy and have no goals are the ones who will sink along with the ship.

>> No.58451566


>> No.58451610

No, she's probably staying in Hololive forever because it's easy money.
Hololive is her career now. She'll only leave if she's fired for some reason or finally drinks herself to death.
Ding ding ding. You didn't even say Shiori but that grifter's taking the Magni/Vesper route. Stay for 6 months to a year, milk the simps, get clout, leave.

>> No.58451647

Unironically, I hope not. she can chill in her little corner or whatever, I still want HoloX to be a unit of five.
I loved sankisei when it was intact, and Rushia still hurts to this day. Like, any time current sankisei gather it feels like an invisible hole is there, and things are never the same anymore.
HoloX is the first JP gen I follow from the start and don't want it to happen to them in near future.

>> No.58451684

I hope chammers comes back, but I will understand if she cant do it anymore, still it will be devastating.

>> No.58451745

sorry to disappoint you but holo doesnt have regular graduations like other corpos. find your drama elsewhere

>> No.58451757

She won’t quit and won’t get fired either. That being said holox would get a huge buff wasn’t she there. I think holox could even become something like nepolabo if laplus weren’t there.

>> No.58451769

Mori will graduate due to cardiovascular issues

>> No.58451877

Not cirrhosis?

>> No.58451971

they were people in hololive that they knew of at the time of getting into the hobby in 2020 that they would have been able to watch and just be virtue of being in hololive, no matter the circumstances of them leaving, they are all treated the same. A current holo could get fired literally say she hates hololive and its fanbase and still probably be included in these kinds of artworks treated to the same level of value as the others.

>> No.58452146

She got covid over new years and honestly my rrat is that it resulted in her going to some sort of ICU and required a very long recovery process. That shit can damage and scar your internal organs and for all we know her lungs/voice might be fucked up beyond all belief now. Maybe she's been doing physical therapy? That shit takes months to have any effect.

I just want her to be okay. She was who I followed the closest until she went on hiatus.

>> No.58452240
File: 131 KB, 1080x1314, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just decided to have a change of platforms
>replied directly to to people shit talking in comments
>The HongEunChaeV person turned out to be nijinigger (she unfollowed all niji channels)
>schizos think this is worthy of drama

>gives more attention to redditors than la+ ever would to some chink

I don't know how anons think they are same. La+ is not graduating. Its good that they are trying to expand for the twitch audience.

>> No.58452461

twitch fucking sucks
and this "twitch audience" is even worse
it's only going to be ironic weebs that contribute nothing in the way of monitary support
Lap will see her own mistake when she sees how shitty it really is

>> No.58452579

Haachama unfortunately

>> No.58452721

>Sorry, Japanese only please!
>No spamming!

Twitch chat fixed.
Sucks but I can't see any other solution.

>> No.58452750
File: 84 KB, 225x225, image_2023-09-14_032001351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama is taking this long exactly because she wants to come back. She would have graduated already if it's not meant to be.

>> No.58452825
File: 1.22 MB, 2000x1125, !E3wdMu3UUAYElVM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strongest idol after all
I believe in you haachama

>> No.58452858

we must believe in her

>> No.58452875
File: 606 KB, 1000x1000, 1673052576499159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That shit can damage and scar your internal organs

>> No.58452911

Gura obvs

>> No.58453657

The idea that someone becomes too sick to even stream is laughable. What work would they do aftewards aside from collect a disability check from the government and eek out the most basic bare essentials life possible? Most of the girls with few exceptions are too dumb to save their money so don't say they are gonna live on savings for the rest of their lives.

>> No.58453698

Look, I know this is hard for you to understand, but you don't screw around with that. Illnesses like that can affect different people in different ways, and when the possibility is permanent impairment of a thing you need, like breathing, you don't roll the dice to try to make a point. Nobody wants to be on oxygen in their 20s -30s. Especially if you want a career in singing. Why do you think Nerissa is so adamant in preserving her voice, you can't risk things on such a delicate instrument.

>> No.58453814

>1.jpg filename
LOL, this guy watches some kawaii pro slut.

>> No.58453821

Never ever gonna happen. Cover would tell her she only has to appear for events if she ever seriously considered that.

>> No.58453925

Is also a Nijinigger if you scroll down

>> No.58453951

LA+ problem is she's a zoomer that never had to wage slave. You should ask yourself when considering who would graduate not who hates the company but who thinks they can do better and who's delusional enough to think they have a bad deal going on.

>> No.58454307

spoonfed me about ID

>> No.58454324

Cover should hire exclusively hags that are desperate to make it. Imagine a branch full of Koyoris but with different talents

>> No.58454442

OK I haven't paid attention at all, and I never take anything anyone from the holo thread on /jp/ seriously.
Why does 5ch and the JP-nikkis hate Laplus so much?

>> No.58454551

Risu hates her gen mates and Kaela wants to go back to professional LoL.

>> No.58454591
File: 168 KB, 956x335, 1677305362441884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder, no refunds.

>> No.58454605

The only justifiable disease is a suicidal depression (with actual attempts), something as mentally and physically severe as cancer or pregnancy.
The rest, as you said, doesn’t add up.

>> No.58454609

you know? even if ends becoming in cope I beleev it

>> No.58454732
File: 193 KB, 1078x795, IMG_7725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fukku you

>> No.58454838


>> No.58454935

Nah, there is a higher chance for Mori to stay than Laplus

>> No.58455635

Mori Mario party kills
You can add vesper and magni too
She also played OT off-line against Mano Aloe pre debut week
Her RM even played it against Hitomi Chris 5 years ago

Mario party is 100% holo death

>> No.58455779

Hopefully Kronii

>> No.58456107

There is no jap twitch audience they don't use it
See nazuna

>> No.58456119 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1267x1299, FiPskZGaEAYU1wB.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58456209

Or former OLs like marine

>> No.58456404

Haachama 100%. She's been gone for most of the year.

>> No.58456704

Mori has impressive mental fortitude and she will stay in Hololive for the next decade just to own the haters. Laplus on the other hand doesn't seem to like being a vtuber and might have a graduation in 2024. Depending on how things go with Haachama and her contract dispute she might also have a graduation.

>> No.58457147

Some incomprehensible roommate autism

>> No.58457341

She ditched a HoloX minecraft collab citing motion sickness then went on to play APEX for like 5 hours.

>> No.58457697

I will wait for you Chammers.

>> No.58458562

And everybody knows it

>> No.58458787

I am taking the 100 replies

>> No.58459180

>who thinks they can do better and who's delusional enough to think they have a bad deal going on
Coco was not a zoomer and she was this fucking dumb

>> No.58460470

Coco was high on her own supply after getting 3 million dollars in supas

China and talent freedom didn't help either

>> No.58460949


>> No.58461263

The difference is that Ayame is a Cover OL or dance instructor or something. Every time Korosan or Lui-tan talks about being in the office it involves grabbing a meal with her.

>> No.58461310

None of EN, but a JP or two, and maybe an ID

>> No.58461536

>mori will graduate this year
>mori will graduate this year
>mori will graduate this year
>mori will graduate this year
>hololive has died, mori is still part of hololive thanks to her being digitized to AI

>> No.58461841

pls be mori

>> No.58462087

there's still a chance to get a good zoomer. the problem is you can get a la+ while looking for a biboo
it was the holox anniversary stream

>> No.58465138

The meta is shifting to hags, fren. Mentally ill zoomers who are maidenless will slurp up any content that has a mature and motherly touch. Freud was right.

>> No.58466685

Mori and Kiara just confirmed Mori couldn't graduate even if she wanted to. My guess would be because the UMG contract is based on number of albums.

>> No.58466814

Since there's a lot of Nijisisters in here, Selen and Rosemi.

>> No.58467040

Don't forget Shu

>> No.58467452

Even in death we will give them no respect.

>> No.58468457

haachama or matsuri at this point hell I'll throw Kronii in there as well

>> No.58469140

Remove rushia
She's being fired

>> No.58469172

>Being in the ICU for lung damage doesn't hurt you.
Don't you feel ashamed of wasting carbon on that shit you call a brain?

>> No.58469272

Fubuki is getting married dude

>> No.58469297

Yeah, to me

>> No.58469919

Anyone saying Mori or laplus are just highlighting how much of a catalog reader they are

>> No.58472580

Keep in mind streaming does require multitasking and commitment if you actually care about your fans.
A good streamer should interact with her chat and read superchats and add commentary to the things that she's doing. It can be draining

>> No.58474058

Sounds more like she's just mooching off the other hololive members for free food.

>> No.58474421

Fuwamoco will graduate within the next month

>> No.58481144

The whores of Hololive (except for Aloe who is pure).

>> No.58482004


>> No.58483737

Based on the pattern, the next graduation will come from the gens which still has 5 person in it.

>> No.58487839

There is plenty of Jap audience on twitch, using a member from western corpo is bad example anon.

>> No.58488183

I would let ojou mooch free food from me

>> No.58488186
File: 357 KB, 522x643, 1584699688273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in her. I hate seeing vtubers go because of health, mental of physical. I know this whole Coco business didn't leave her unscarred, just like some other members, but I just hope it's just unfortunate timing and she won't give up.

>> No.58488819

What the hell is this rrat about Ina being childhood friends with Sana. They met in ff14

>> No.58489046

>Mori couldn't get their dicks out of her and Kronii's mouth
>Immediately memory hole them as soon as they graduate
You have to respect how utterly devoid of emotion or empathy Mori has to the graduated/terminated

>> No.58490047

She causes them with Mario party wins
She's gone numb from so many

>> No.58494075

yeah, the only way laplus is leaving is if cover decides not to renew when contract season comes around. I can see it happening at some point since she doesn't have anyone backing her up anymore

>> No.58494244

She sacrificed her numbers for those two who just decided to slink away in the night like a pair of nigs.
Not surprising that she doesn't want to talk about them.
>but the music video
was probably done ages ago and would cost more to redo.

>> No.58494290

When did the doxnigs cook this up?

>> No.58494480

Mori ain't ever leaving you fucking need to get used to it. She literally pockets 100k a year off Spotify residuals.

>> No.58495380

she said wife was ok today
