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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58277067 No.58277067 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she the only HoloEN doing ASMR? She's my friend btw.

>> No.58277489

My Oshi does some too, but not something regularly

>> No.58277512

Didn't Mumei do ASMR recently?

>> No.58277930

You’re a customer she has to smile at, but she’s not your friend and forgets about you as soon as she finishes up her stream and closes the streaming software.

>> No.58278059


>> No.58278420
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>> No.58278497
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You already tried this one mere hours ago, how humiliating

>> No.58278579

Is this not a good thing?

>> No.58279511

kek qrd?

>> No.58280055

fauna said this

>I mean, if you want me to be real, I'll be real
>we as fauna and saplings, we cannot be friends, or we should not be friends, there's a lot of reasons
>it is I think important for boundaries to be maintained
>I am here to entertain you, and that is all really
>and if you can have a good time here then that makes me happy
>That's if I'm being really real, which maybe, I don't know did you want me to be real? and this goes for every streamer I think
>I don't know, I used to.. really- because I've always liked youtubers and stuff
>And I used to look at youtubers and be like: "OMG if only I could be their friend! like I really wish I could be their friend, it would be so cool"
>But as I've gotten older, I've realized like there's nothing particularly special or that amazing that makes the youtuber different from anyone else
>Just because they're a youtubers doesn't mean they would be good friends to you
>The people you know in real life, your friends, they can be better friends to you than any youtuber can be
>They're just as cool, they have just as many interesting ideas and cool traits about themselves than the youtubers who you admire do
>I think its easy to look at youtubers and then admire them but I promise if you look at your friends through the same lens you will also see the cool things about your friends that makes your friends special too
>youtubers are just normal people, I mean I'm a kirin, keeper of nature but I'm pretty normal, or maybe I'm not I don't know
>but yea, I think I understand cause I used to always watch youtubers and want to be their friends and I think that's normal to some extent
>but its important to keep in mind that I'm just here to stream and hopefully entertain you and make your day better in some way
>I promise its better that way, its better that way, its better that way
>You should cherish your friends in your life. mmhm hmm, and I hope you can have a good time in the sapling community
>There are many people you can make friends with

schizos saw it and latched on ever since

>> No.58280735

nice damage control sapcuck except you didn't include the whole part she broke immersion
>I think I try to be myself on stream but you know, if we were friends we might have disagreements, who knows
>there might be things that you would be like, like maybe, the fact that I made 10 servings of curries and you don't eat leftovers is irreconcilable
>Because I want to show you guys only the best side of myself you know
>I think that's best, because I don't want to bring your guys moods down, by showing you, like, a non positive side of me, you know. But I think for friends its important to open up, show them more of you if you want to be really close
>Anyway there's my deep talk, I answered it as honestly as I could, I am happy to be here, and entertain you guys and hang out and its fun
>Put yourselves #1 always.
>I'm just some silly streamer on the internet.
>And I will not be happy if you're neglecting yourselves
>No you wont? *laughs* You must, you must.
>Please take care of yourselves.

>> No.58281715

She's so bland and boring otherwise, she needs a crutch to stay halfway relevant.

>> No.58281981

She quietly ranted into her microphone from different angles for two hours

>> No.58282443

Reading this makes it clear how badly Fauna fucked up. Imagine the owner of a restaurant you go to coming out front to tell you “hey, man, we appreciate your business, but you are not a friend and can never be a friend to me.”
Even if you didn’t want to be their friend, it’s laughably presumptuous and rude.

>> No.58282521

This, for example, it comes with the service that the döner kebab guy calls you brother or whatever. If he just one day said to me "You are not my brother" or whatever it would be extremely weird and cringe

>> No.58282559

>And I used to look at youtubers and be like: "OMG if only I could be their friend! like I really wish I could be their friend, it would be so cool"
Gura is ghosting her too, isn't she?

>> No.58282583

>sir, we can never be friends
>i just want sriracha on my sub for fucks sake

>> No.58282964
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>> No.58286373

my god...

>> No.58287068

It should be obvious whenever there’s thousands of viewers, there’s going to be a range of parasociality (it’s not always bad)
Her mistake was not explicitly stating that it was directed to those who needed to hear it AND NOT towards those who didn’t need to, for the very reason you’ve already detailed
People in general have a nasty habit of defaulting to treating a crowd exactly the same as they would treat an individual

>> No.58287211

>Imagine the owner of a restaurant you go to coming out front to tell you “hey, man, we appreciate your business, but you are not a friend and can never be a friend to me.”
>Even if you didn’t want to be their friend, it’s laughably presumptuous and rude.
This example is shit because someone literally asked and I can't believe idiots are actually believing your shit.

>> No.58287254

Strictly speaking she isn't wrong. She cannot fulfill your needs socially, and is not a substitute for real friends.

>> No.58287620

Are you dumb? She was literally asked, this was an answer to a direct question. Please exercise some reading comprehension.

>> No.58287662

Reminder that these threads are all made by the same schizo SEA sapling who thinks he's "doing Fauna a favor" by spamming this shit 24/7.
He admitted as much in a recent /uuu/. Why does he do it? Nobody really knows. I guess it just goes to show how fans always turn out to be the worst antis in the end.

>> No.58287735

No, it’s an understandable reason
Due to there being thousands of viewers, there’s going to be a range of parasociality, as well as context evaluation abilities
Some absolutely need to hear it
Others already understand, which means they DON’T need to hear it
And there will be those that will be able to figure out that she wasn’t talking to them, while others won’t

>> No.58287884

Love and Hate are two sides of the same coin after all
Unless you include apathy

>> No.58288079

Most of them do ASMR but keep it Member's Only. JP's are the same. Marine and pretty much everyone do ASMR but is Member's Only.

>> No.58288534

>is asked about berserk
>Goes on a rant about how, like Griffith, she doesnt consider you friends
Fauna will sacrifice you gladly

>> No.58289627

She does gfe asmr

>> No.58289710
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She's right tho. Fauna is supposed to be your mom, not your friend, no one is friends with their moms.

>> No.58291241

Never happened you schizo fuck. Keep trying though, someone will eventually believe your delusions if you repeat them daily im sure.
Jakartans...not even once

>> No.58291575

lol, are you regretting posting in /uuu/ about it? It's okay, we're all anonymous here. I just don't get why you do it. Do did the statement really mindbreak you into becoming an anti, or is this some misguided attempt at damage control on her behalf? Everyone else moved on anon, you're the only one who can't let go.

>> No.58291962

Link the evidence.

>> No.58292039

You can search the archives if you're so inclined, it's one or two /uuu/s back. Just search for schizo and you'll find it.
(Not that you need to, you know what you posted.)

>> No.58292310

So no evidence. Shouldn't you be in bed right now?

>> No.58295590


>> No.58295922

>no replies
>bump your own thread one hour later on the dot

>> No.58295941

she did zatsu """asmr"""

>> No.58297563

He doesn't know the big Faunothingburger.
This board was literal fire during one week because of it.
One retard asked a troll question in a SC, Fauna made the error to believe her viewers were functional humans and told her the obvious, no you're not the friend of someone you don't even know.
Unicorns had a stroke
Really, I'm not kidding, I'm a sapling but those schizos literally went hysterical it was crazy. Some poor guys were literally at the bottom because of this, you could read some tragic blocks like
>go on
>mock me
>step on a knocked down man
>I know I shouldn't be hurt by her words but it still feel so harsh…
>I'm not sure I will be able to follow her streams in the future
>something broke…
I swear to god.
She literally said "No we're not friends and we shouldn't" that's all.
Also the fuckin' troll who left the SC (banned on Kronii stream) asked "are we your simps? Or your friends?", dishonest as hell. Either she acquiesced her viewers are friends (which is obviously wrong and would betrays herself) or she said the truth (what she did) and everybody goes numb. Because yes she wasn't gonna dissert over the word "simp" since it is a taboo word and of course a corporate vtuber won't explain why her viewers are or aren't simps. Or maybe she forgot that part and just focused on the "friend" part I don't know. Anyway I respect her even more for telling the truth like a Stacy.
Those fuckers were :
>nooooooooooooo you can't give me ASMRs and then tell me I'm not your friend ! Give me my money back you slut traitor!
>when you watch a streamer a contract is created, you watch them and support them and in return you get entertainment and services which can be parasocial if the streamer is OK with that and it's what you seek :fubucopium:
Like yeah, let's totally forget how you consciously dive into a parasocial deluded fantasm where you're important and close to someone you never met IRL nor interacted with, what she never consented explicitly, to then blame this person when she gives you a reality check, how pathetic and immoral it is and how it shows your lack of fundamental self-respect.

>> No.58298829

She is basically saying "never meet your heroes" which has been an age long warning for a reason.

>> No.58300375

>Still no proof
>still falseflagging as if you're not the schizo
You're not slick. Watch you bump this while I haven't, too.

>> No.58301413

So this is what you're talking about? >>58072483
I have no clue what goes on in the mind of that schizo. If you're mindbroken so badly, why continue to watch her streams? Isn't the kayfabe broken by now? I personally thought the schizo simply had a vendetta against some sapling and that's why these bait threads were created, but maybe it's simply mental illness.

>> No.58301747

uh huh. then look at the replies for the 'reason' this was posted. Schizo samefagging:
>heh, if I post this shit again I can convince them to keep up /uuu/ to shitpost constantly!
don't take a word this faggot says at face value, it's all pagpag and mirrors. even the way he responds is as if he's an outsider, he's so retarded he can't even falseflag properly because he forgets where he is.

>> No.58301880

the funny thing is her asmr is bad

>> No.58302043

I know, I saw the reply and laughed that nobody took the bait. It wouldn't even make sense; why keep /uuu/ up constantly when the schizo is within our walls? It makes more sense to have it down as much as possible so we aren't a target for falseflagging 24/7. Taking into consideration the amount of blacked posting he was doing, I believe his goal is to try to paint saplings in the worst light possible through false flags, hence why he wants the thread up at all times.

hi schizo

>> No.58302574

Yeah, you're 100% right. Him samefagging himself for literally HOURS trying to paint saplings as ERP fags, into hypno shit, and into blacked shit is so painfully transparent every time he does it. He can then point to it a few weeks later and go 'SEE, SAPLINGS ARE THE WORST FANBASE'.
Utterly mindbroken. Glad to see that no matter what he does, he still just shows how rent free we live in his head.
Maybe he lost someone close to him after they strung themselves up in a tree dealing with his schizo ass and he gets triggered everytime he hears 'sapling' or 'fauna'.

>> No.58302656

her ASMR is so bad, it's simply unintelligible. I don't know why people jizz all over themselves for it. I'm glad more ENs don't do it, that shit is beyond cringe

>> No.58302754

What the fuck is this discussion in this thread
Most insane shit I’ve ever seen. Schizos schizoing schizos

>> No.58303139

Something I've considered is if it is relevant at all to the guy who came in and posted some koikatsu webm of Suisei beheading Fauna. That's the first time I can remember us being invaded, though I was not here from the start so there might be something even further back. But that guy had some vendetta against someone in /jp/ and thinking that he had migrated to /uuu/, brought his vendetta to us. I do wonder if that was the start of this particular schizo or if it was just a different random passerby schizo.

>> No.58303320
File: 580 KB, 1538x786, FaunaGK_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside of the friend discussion, I'm working on a Fauna GK and hope the saplings like it

>> No.58303737

>Him samefagging himself for literally HOURS trying to paint saplings as ERP fags
Alright, read this shit again.
>everyone who does thing I don't like are not true saplings, in fact, they're this one single guy
/uuu/ clique brainrot at its finest.

>> No.58303877

I can't compete

>> No.58303911

Very based

>> No.58304888

>shit hasn't happened for 2 years of /uuu/
What an embarrassing mess you are. I must have really hit home, thanks for confirming. I'll remember this for the future.

Also, you tried this before, schizo. kek

>> No.58304952

Blacked-posting is almost always obvious schizoposting, the intention is to farm visceral reactions from people. I guarantee you though there's saplings /here/ that are into hypno feminization shit, unironic ERP, and want Fauna to peg them.
If you don't believe me, wait until Friday when the Saplings thread gets made again. Way too many participants to chalk up solely to a lone gunman schizo. And no, the thread isn't made by the Jakartan, it's actually an Aussie sanalite.

>> No.58305827

No, I saw it. I'm aware. Just never happened in 2 years of /uuu/. Very odd it happens all in the span of 1 hour, each post within 2 minutes of each other in what was 2 back to back page 10 bumps.
Must be my imagination.

>> No.58309265

You've obviously never been to a Mel Nekomata thread
