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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58259933 No.58259933 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese here. Holy fucking cringe. Gura and Kronii should stop singing in Japanese. They and their fans doesn’t know how bad it sounds. Like when Japanese tries to sing English song.

>> No.58259997

Dub dubs based

>> No.58260024

damn nigga, who ASKED?

>> No.58260067

>Japanese here
Shut the fuck up Indog!

>> No.58260111

We've fucking TRIED, we want English songs too.

>> No.58260181

gura sings real japanese

>> No.58260220

>shows up late to the meme song
>Song is terribly off key and her Japanese is forced with the pronunciation
>She will blame post and audio producers
>Say this 10 minute recording session is why she was gone for 2+ months
Bravo shark

>> No.58260245

real japanese here, it does sound retarded but it's great

>> No.58260252


>> No.58260254

what do you think about the rest of the EN girls singing jp?

>> No.58260273

But the JP comments like it

>> No.58260304

>"real Japanese here"
we're really reaching the bottom for pathetic anti posts, huh

>> No.58260327


>> No.58260329 [DELETED] 

If her fans don't know how bad it sounds then what's the problem? You slanty eyed, buck toothed faggots aren't her audience.

>> No.58260371

>Like when Japanese tries to sing English song.
I love this song

>> No.58260373

>Like when Japanese tries to sing English song.
but i like that?

>> No.58260375

>Japanese here.
Sorry but your English is just good enough for that to be impossible.

>> No.58260470

Is this what she's been gone so long for, the fucking meme song?

>> No.58260477

all races are equal, but learning the japanese language makes you inferior.

>> No.58260489

>Japanese here
Faggot doesn't know he just exposed himself as a liar

>> No.58260764

>japanese people only set Japanese language on their phone.

>> No.58260852

This is one thread where ESLs will understand better than EOPs.
Most PROFESSIONAL singers sound cringe when singing lyrics in a foreign language. I can't imagine what hearing our EN girls sing in Japanese must be like for native speakers.
Basically, imagine Suisei releasing English-only songs.

>> No.58261001

Yeah fucking right. Pronunciation is the one thing Gura actually tries a bit on. She can't remember more than like 4 words period, but if you give her some lines of what to say and how to say it, she will do it OK.

Kronii on the other hand yes is a lost cause, like she just reads words with exact English grammar as if she had never heard the language actually being spoken in her life. In any case OP is a faggot tryhard for trying to equate Gura's actual-attempt vs Kronii talking like you put Japanese words in an English TTS.

>> No.58261341

you mean KINO?

>> No.58261485

two nukes weren't enough

>> No.58261567

Now tell her to sing an English song without practicing 100 times.

>> No.58261752

Hi, Sora the Troll.

>> No.58261925

>Like when Japanese tries to sing English song

>> No.58261955

Your English slang is a bit too good to be believed

>> No.58261956

That's how it's said. Only woke countries feel pressured to stick 'person' at the nation. You don't say American person, do you?

>> No.58262056


>> No.58262057

Kiara’s new album is almost entirely in English. But people don’t like Kiara so they ignore her.

t. somebody who used to hate Kiara but who then realized she gives western Hololive fans everything they ask for when it comes to an English vtuber.

>> No.58262100

It's not the same. English speakers can generally make all the sounds of the Japanese language, while Japanese speakers have to train their tongues to make some English sounds, which is especially difficult the older they get.

>> No.58262212

>They and their fans doesn’t know how bad it sounds
And you should stop speaking in English, manlet!

>> No.58262301

Actual japanese here (I have small penis). She sounds perfect.

>> No.58262310

This. Mumei does JP songs almost perfectly but even ID singers sound ESL singing in English.

>> No.58262345

Gura's Japanese is atrocious. Chumbuds aren't ready for that conversation though. They think she sounds like an anime character, so it's good enough.

>> No.58262539

Japs love to preface their comments with their nationality though

>> No.58262708

I like Akiko Shikata dude

>> No.58262769

The fact that you're so proficient in English to the point where you can say 'chan-like shit like "Holy fucking cringe" means that you are DEFINITELY a turbo westaboo and therefore even if you WERE Japanese (which you're not), your opinion goes DIRECTLY IN THE TRASH

>> No.58262826

Here you go

>> No.58263412

OP was right. Holy cringe

>> No.58263428

The Japanese don't "cringe" at things. they love cute silly shit. Try again

>> No.58263776

Wait, Suisei is really cute.

>> No.58265044

what the fuck, based?

>> No.58265701
File: 727 KB, 498x281, osage-chan on her way to sage your shit thread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a water bottle and post timestamp you lying faggot

>> No.58266855

>Japanese here
the last SEAmurai

>> No.58267125

No no not!Not Japanese. FAQ mayn George cute you teme. Elite Kohai are berry berry good yah mayn

>> No.58267672

>implying Japanese people can't speak or write decent English
I've met a few of those. Some of them sound British for some reason, but they're alright

>> No.58267785

Yes, they fucking do.

>> No.58267824


>> No.58267971

>English speakers can generally make all the sounds of the Japanese language

list goes on

>> No.58268158
File: 114 KB, 1080x1526, PSX_20230911_120704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual jp likes it
>somehow this larper faggot doesnt
you will never be japanese

>> No.58268191

EOP board!

>> No.58268913

you didn't even fucking try to make this believable kek

>> No.58268978

numberfag song to get easy views, she's going to break 20m and make the sisters seethe out of their mind

>> No.58269193
File: 22 KB, 242x278, 1687464389412347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese here

>> No.58269422 [DELETED] 

>Japanese here
Ywnb a nip you retarded faggot.

>> No.58269435
File: 150 KB, 1600x1280, IMG_1193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58269476

>Japanese here
You aren't fooling anyone Nguyen.

>> No.58269477
File: 340 KB, 1896x1125, 1692986753769015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese here

>> No.58269951

>Japanese here

>> No.58270019

Me. Every time

>> No.58271187

This anon >>58260489 is a fucking retard. Thanks for the laughs.

>> No.58271300

Your company forces it.

>> No.58271302

but my oshi can speak Japanese?

>> No.58271431
File: 8 KB, 236x202, unamused pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese here
>Holy fucking cringe
You’re not Japanese

>> No.58271497
File: 35 KB, 396x382, go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not funny

>> No.58271511

>They and their fans doesn’t know how
They should stop speaking your language and you should stop speaking ours, also it's obvious you're SEA and not Japanese.

>> No.58271521

kys frogposter
OP will never be japanese
and (You) will never belong here

>> No.58272488

Kys too
you also do not belong here..

>> No.58272836

>Javanese here*
fixed that for you, OP

>> No.58272969

Don't care. Girls cute.

>> No.58273090

Speak for yourself, faggot.
Cute girls speaking engrish is adorable.

>> No.58273661

That's not true there's plenty of great ESL singers in english. It's easier to sing in another language than speak I think.

>> No.58273705

Singers should practice though...

>> No.58273786


>> No.58274208

I agree, not because of how they sound but because I don't want to share EN with you anymore and fuck you

>> No.58274520

god I love chammers I miss her

>> No.58274640

>Japanesu heru. Horee fucking cringu. Gura and Kuronii shoud stop singeng inu Japanesu. They and their fans doesn’t kno hau bad it sounds. Like when Japanese tries to sing Engrish songu.
Here, I fixed it for you nippon friend

>> No.58274705

you will never be japanese

>> No.58274923

I agree, not because I agree with your larping ass but because I want more english songs.

>> No.58274989

I am perfectly aware just how bad the EN chuubas sound when singing in japanese, cause I learned the language, but I like the shitass pronunciation either way, it's like hearing a cartoonish over-enunciation which always cracks me up.

>> No.58275205

>Real Japanese
You can’t fool me I know the JPs love Gura’s JP singing and it’s not just the normies it’s the Japs in 5chan as well

>> No.58275348

Is this true? I'm ESL and I can most certainly make all of those

>> No.58275382

RYS faker. I think Japanese Holomems singing in English is adorable.

>> No.58275428

eat shit, Gura sings better in Japanese than 80% of the actual nips. Kronii is awful, though

>> No.58275486

Fuck you! Don't you know how many months ghosting chumbuds has to endure in the making of this project? Its her tears, blood and sweat.

>> No.58275535

I never realized how much i needed Suisei singing English songs in my life. Are there anymore?

>> No.58275624

Moving the goal posts much?

>> No.58276036

Real Japanese people don't understand the concept of woke. It's such a non factor in their country. Stop falsefagging.

>> No.58276823

cringe kino

>> No.58276861
File: 168 KB, 512x512, 1661931445366438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They and their fans doesn’t know how bad it sounds.
ok whats the problem then

>> No.58276869

Yes onichan. I am a Japanese too, sumimasen to you too owari da kono kisestsunamayo

>> No.58276954

Femanon with a Japanese bf here. OP's post is subjective, as most of our Japanese friends, my bf included, loves when Gura sings in Japanese.

OP might not even be Japanese and is only sharing a thought that came up when he took his once a month shower.

>> No.58277122
File: 426 KB, 891x684, 1693251538660455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be Japanese

>> No.58277135

You will never be Japanese you midwestern potato eating fag

>> No.58277273

kys jap

>> No.58277435

read up on what it is, i think thats what they call woke as more or less

>> No.58277490
File: 178 KB, 284x428, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good yield anon

>> No.58278830


>> No.58279224

She had a whole unarchived english karaoke stream, you can probably find it reuploaded on youtube.

>> No.58279386

No, she doesn’t
Here’s the thing, even if most of the pronunciation is “correct” it still sounds slightly off (the intonation and the consonants)
Her pronunciation in stellar stellar sounds off to me as do most HoloEN covers, but most jp niki don’t mind, they like it, it adds to the cuteness

>> No.58279522

When Azki was singing song from Ghost in the shell, I couldn't understand 80% of Russian words she was saying, I still appreciated the sentiment, it's just randomly start playing and I'm like wtf am I hearing russian?

>> No.58279556

Wasn't cringe though, I thought it was cool

>> No.58279618

>Japanese here.
Good, already setting the expectation for a shit take, Japanese do have horrible tastes after all.
>Holy fucking cringe.
Yeah, this post.
>Gura and Kronii should stop singing in Japanese.
Agree, Japanese music has been sucking fat dicks in the last years, because, again, Japanese have shit tastes.
>They and their fans doesn’t know how bad it sounds.
Not the performer fault if the base is shit.
>Like when Japanese tries to sing English song.
Difference is that Japanese is an irrelevant language heading to extinction, the fact that almost no Japanese even attempts to speak decent English is plain embarrassing. Also, broken English is mostly kino, you should learn to appreciate people who at least put in the effort to try and fail.

>> No.58279698

>Femanon here
*unzips cock*

>> No.58279972
File: 845 KB, 1249x702, 1667601980574519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee people at Cover directed her to make her pronunciation extra retarded because some Japanese people, and most importantly the ones that buy her shit, find it cute.

>> No.58280104
File: 86 KB, 468x656, IMG_1462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YWNBJ Amerimutt tranny

>> No.58280563

She actually did pretty well.

>> No.58280711

Reminds me of that time when I found a song where a Japanese singer tried to sing in English. I let my parents listen to it and asked them what language they thought it was. They guessed it was something Nordic. They were pretty surprised when I told them it was English.

>> No.58280723

honto japanese koko
totemo bad desu desu senpai

>> No.58281616

Damn, I really don't give a fuck.

>> No.58281632

>"_ is always shit"
>Shown something that isn't shit
>"T-that doesn't count cause it's not shit!"
Holy retard logic

>> No.58282257

>English speakers can generally make all the sounds of the Japanese language
Then why do you suck so bad at it? Japs parodying amerimutts speaking Japanese still doesn't sound as bad as the real thing somehow.

>> No.58282287

There's a lot of coping chumbuds ITT

>> No.58282403

a starving person will do anything to justify eating shit covered food

>> No.58282405

Are you...retarded? Probably the only ones that give English speakers issues is the rolling R sound but that's pretty easy to fix unless you're an American who is used to hard R sounds.

Probably the most difficult sound to get properly as a native is つ and ふ

>> No.58282406

Gura is doing the reverse idol journey, she is just getting worse and worse at singing in general and singing in japanese

>> No.58282477

>Spend 500k on a dogshit intro
>Spends god know how much on this song, 4 months after it was meme-able
>Spends money on singing lessons she clearly isn't attending
I envy how easily she can produce money to then piss away

>> No.58282526

>shitting on a jap larper is now coping

>> No.58282542

>hello japanese here
>tuktuk and horn blaring in the background
>holy fucking cringe when gura sing
>inarticulate screaming in indonesian
>calls to prayer
>finishes typing 'doesn't know how bad it sounds'

>> No.58282621

Japanese here
I hate Ina

>> No.58282669

>つ and ふ
The best way I learned these is:
ふ - Pretend you're softly blowing out a candle
つ - Pretend you're making a 'short' sizzling sound when water hits a hot pan

>> No.58282686

オーストラリア人 ここ

>> No.58282772

Japanese here
I love Mori Calliope

>> No.58282832

>Like when Japanese tries to sing English song.
Japs and Koreans do that all the fucking time and no one complains.

>> No.58282849

>no one complains
oh sweet summer child

>> No.58282952

Hey guys Japanman here

>> No.58283099
File: 336 KB, 544x544, 1693628863684725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English pronunciation is the most retarded and difficult thing there. There are like 17 unique vowel sounds and yet most of the resolve into schwas.

>> No.58283267


>> No.58284919

>Japanese here.
Sure you are

>> No.58285041

>Japanese here.
Kill yourself.

>> No.58285168

Japanese here, Ui’s 3D loli concert features the definitive edition of this song and all others have been rendered obsolete.

>> No.58285380

This is revenge for when Japanese directors like Miyazaki and Anno don't bother to hire English speaking VA's for English lines, and they come out sounding like Engrish. Seriously what is wrong with you ninjas?

>> No.58285462

Those are her low effort singing. Her real passion lie on city pop

>> No.58286033

lol Based.

>> No.58286199
File: 194 KB, 463x384, SMUG BRAT S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese here.

>> No.58286574

つ is easy because we already use the word tsunami.

I'm a native English speaker and the only sounds I needed to practice for JP is らりるれろふ and ん before other n sounds like in こんにちは

>> No.58286786

The only people that "belong" on this shit board are indogs, you played your hand too early you pagpag munching subhuman.

>> No.58286827

>he is proud of wasting time to learn japanese
Learn a useful language.

>> No.58286874

There is no language in the world more useful to know than English, so if you're gonna learn a less useful one you might as well pick one you're interested in.

>> No.58286935

>Learn a useful language
>He said, wasting his time on a vtuber board

>> No.58287014
File: 447 KB, 611x604, 1644185758318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese here. Holy fucking cringe
Holy fucking larp. No true JP would use the word "cringe". Go play in traffic kid.

>> No.58287089

Weird nips keep throwing english words into their music then if it's cringe.

>> No.58287129

It's OK when japs do it because they are retarded and last samurai will always lick their ass regardless.

>> No.58287467

I'm not learning chinese zhang, for the last fucking time

>> No.58287547

rent free

>> No.58287758
File: 324 KB, 1575x1890, 1656555387825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you bringing up Kronii now when it's been a month since her last cover?
