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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58226691 No.58226691 [Reply] [Original]

>why didn't I just call them JP7 instead of this new branch nonsense

>> No.58226811

dedicated homostars cocksleeves branch, separated from hololive

>> No.58226934

This. Pretty simple stuff.

>> No.58227092

I'm homostar btw.

>> No.58228426

Because if they were called jp7, you people would bitch about different treatment like you did when gen6 debuted.

>> No.58228614

Their whole purpose is to be popular and have the ability to collab with males so the homos can leech off of them. The ones who've already gone out of their way to speak with them are certified cumrags.

>> No.58228658

>two more weeks, two more weeks

>> No.58228682

I honestly still have no idea what DEV_S is supposed to be, but the girls are cute so I dont really care thatt much.

>> No.58228937
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There seems to be something going on, as far as how this branch works and who is responsible for it.
Compare their budget with Gen 5 or even Gen 4's introductions and you will see this was far more rushed.
I wonder if it has to do with the unit theming going on, as they are the first hologroup to share an uniform from the get go, I think.
Or something about the UMG deal.
Its a curious case which I am trying to understand, but unfortunately /vt/ is EOP central and the Reddit refuges here are so gullible they will take rrats as fact, which seems to be that they are a group created entirely by Omega (who is still employed) for the express purpose of collabing with homostars (source: they tweeted hi at everyone on HoloPro)

>> No.58230516

i'm going to pretend this isn't true so i can be outraged when they male collab.

>> No.58230662

Sadly Regloss are for homos. Yagoo is a cunt.

>> No.58230744

Sometimes Yagoo has the best ideas. Sometimes he has the worst ideas. Please understand.

>Their whole purpose is to be popular
Fission mailed

>I am trying to understand
ReGLOSS inherently makes no sense. It's impossible to understand.

>> No.58230812

Even if they don’t end up collabing with them, they will be used to advertise them. Therefore hoping for their total failure

>> No.58231184

>already preparing the cope
good anon

>> No.58231318
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They were not in the financial report like ID4 and EN3 were. The girls already said their management is different too.
My theory is that they are sort of a "marriage bond" between Hololive and UMG. Hololive-ish brand with UMG management and finance, which would explain why these girls lacked basic resources.
Hololive was probably holding a hands-off approach until it became clear the ReGloss management had no fucking idea what they were doing.
Would also explain why they thought saying HI to everyone in the company is a good idea, including the homos.

>> No.58231634

Because none of them are full blood Japanese but they can all speak it. This was actually the launch of HoloKR/SEA in disguise.

>> No.58231778

Because ReGloss is made up of existing Holos doing new characters, and he didn't want to lie? Who knows.

>> No.58232053

oh so that's why it's device

>> No.58232284
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>> No.58232525


>> No.58232831

You said this about Shiori too and she still hasn't male collabed kek

>> No.58232907

She will. Just wait for a few more months

>> No.58232943

Cocks live free in their minds. Best to leave them alone with their delusions.

>> No.58233003

Only one in her branch that follows them. That’s an irrefutable fact. And enough for me to label her pro homo

>> No.58233034

Read it out loud. It's a device, a regloss device, to make something shiny again.

>> No.58233404

If it was that easy to understand, every basement potatoes here would be CEOs of their own vtuber companies.

>> No.58233445

Do you truly believe she said that during her debut for no reason? She was covering her bases in advance. At any point in the future she can pull a homo/twitchclique collab and pull the "I told you so" card. And no amount of copium can change this.

>> No.58233739

im waiting for around 1-2 years after her debut, she does a mumei-like collab with the stars and the retards finally go "SEE I TOLD YOU SHE WAS A HOMO LOVER" only for her to never do it again

>> No.58234056

t. increasingly coping homobeggar

>> No.58234173

dont look at Fauna's following

>> No.58234610

It's pretty clearly some racist shit so they can let others into holojp.

>> No.58234813

Don’t deflect. That’s not a good look

>> No.58234866

You forget that a couple of holo fan bases are extremely hostile to other members

>> No.58235106
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>> No.58235213

You fags act all tough yet shit like that is all it takes for you to start shitting your pants. That's unironically some twittard SJW level of sensitivity.

>> No.58235859

>You fags act all tough yet shit like that is all it takes for you to start shitting your pants. That's unironically some twittard SJW level of sensitivity.
You can shine a mirror on these retards they'll claim their own reflection is yours instead.

>> No.58236378

2 more weeks

>> No.58237787

That still seems like a premature assessment. It's possible, but I'll reserve criticism for when/if it actually happens.

>> No.58239625

My theory is that it's because they are Cover produced. Cover, or the Dev_is management handles their careers and produces them as a group and gets them songs and projects. A normal holo is self produced and decides what they want to do or what projects they want to go for. It's likely their funding also comes out of a seperate pot than the general holojp funding and they have a seperate creative direction.

>> No.58240268

Don't avoid the truth that's not a good look

>> No.58242778


>> No.58243185


>> No.58243880
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Should've really just been called gen 7 but oh well.

>> No.58244036

They're too "normal" to be gen7

>> No.58244788

>why didn't my staff hire better girls for this year EN and JP branch? There's no way these were the best applications

>> No.58245088

You wanna complain more about why [random indie #26618] didn't make hololive?

>> No.58246656
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Wanted to make a 'Bocchi the Rock' gen. Wanted Hololive's first 'band gen'. Scouting team could find instrumentalists that stream and would fit under Hololive, the best they ended up with is this Vsinger gen that could've just been JP7

>> No.58246798

Gen 6.5 makes more sense. I think its a good addition to hololive either way. These girls still see themselves in hololive anyways.

>> No.58250170

IF you did care for DEV_IS, which one impressed you the most?

>> No.58250808

Do they even sing?
I hoped to get something a bit more spectacular with at least one talent, but what I got instead was Nijisanji...

>> No.58253972
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why the fuck are you people so focused on names and labels? theyre here already, might as well call them jp7 if you want or not, they called the branching members gamers yet no one bats an eye, IRyS as Project hope but people include her with council anyway. names and titles dont matter in the long run.

>> No.58254150

their whole group theme is an idol group thats extra focused on music in the first place.

>> No.58254163

Because he can just chop them off if they misbehave. Yagoo can't cut the main JP branch so this is a workaround

>> No.58255235

Cuz he's a dumb egotistical tech bro like Elon musk naming Twitter x and stupid shit like that.

>> No.58255708

that's a lot of effort to go to as apologism for a corp

>> No.58258675

She already interacts with them which is something the rest don't. Notice how none of them have had any real collabs yet. There's only Kaela and Kiara who pushed themselves on a new member which is not the same as collabing with someone you've had limited interaction with.

>> No.58258977

Mori got there first

>> No.58259204

Remember when people were saying Kanade might not be native Japanese..........well, uhh, theres a bit more than that.

>> No.58262147

yet you schizos bother making threads about this everyday? if anything that's more effort than id be bother to do.

>> No.58262473

Re:Gloss? More like Re:Glazed with Stars' jizz.
