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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58177001 No.58177001 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (VSPO!, Neo-Porte, indies, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (Crazy Raccoon, KNR, DTN, 芸人旅団, GETI, etc.) is also on topic.
Previous thread: >>57898159

Upcoming/ongoing events:
Shiranami Ramune 1st Anniversary:

VSPO! Academic Test 2023

Rage Valorant 2023

VSPO! Custom @ TGS2023 Presented by GALLERIA


VSPO! Cultural Sports Festival:

Virtual Girl Gamers' Convention:

Pacific Racing Team collab

VSPO! is:


Recent personal projects:
Sumire custom: PUBG main POV:
Lisa's 30 People Totsumachi
Minecraft Hide & Seek (Met POV)
Sumire's VSPO Morals Check
恋はエクスプロージョン (feat.田村ゆかり) Covered by Kurumi Noah Ft. Utai Meika

Songs, anime, etc.:
Point two seconds story
New Logo Animation PV
Original Song "for Victory!" Animation MV (Short ver.)
for Victory! (Full ver.)
International Branch PV
Cultural Sports Festival PV

Main channel competitions:
Previous: New Year OW2 Winter Campaign
Extra: Autumn Sudden Test (Ren's channel)

VSPO! Gekiro:
Premium: https://ch.nicovideo.jp/vspo
Previous: Quiz Derby

>> No.58177179

previous thread

>> No.58177538
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pi, protector of thread
she looks down on shitposters and bait-repliers

>> No.58181002

kamito dark and darker

>> No.58182424

Beni solo valo

>> No.58182594
File: 1.08 MB, 1892x970, ftyan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58182609

>Wake up
>Hit troll
>Go to bed
>Hit troll

>> No.58182739

Watching the ftyan mvp 'clutch' moment with other teams, saku kill himself to zone without any pressure from other teams, nafen crashed and nrg killed each other until 1 person left, ftyan swapped his purple armor into empty red armor and reswap back, kill someone,hit 3 shots out of 6 with his wingman, reswap his purple into an empty red again and sweet die to gas kek with red armor still on. Literally the most bullshit luck into a win when he actually did nothing and make plat level plays, fc destroy must feel so bewildered lmao.

>> No.58183323

sex with noah in her new clothes!

>> No.58183327

when is kamito's new outfit >we are sick of waiting

>> No.58183467

lisa spent 2 hours on starfield character creation

>> No.58184463

noah utawaku in less than 30

>> No.58185094

she leads the bullets in space really well

>> No.58186685


>> No.58187104

if you actually watch streams then you'd know he's been saying that a lot of good stuff (costume, merch, cover songs, special streams) are coming out in November/December.
He'll start teasing the costume next month, if you're a member you can check the community tab.

>> No.58187209

What is wrong with Lisa?

>> No.58188294

I discovered OREAPO and now I love VSPO and friends!

>> No.58188352
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should we tell him

>> No.58189576
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All the 尊い straight ships are long dead.
All that's left now are gay homo ships played just for laughs.

>> No.58189828
File: 1.16 MB, 259x224, oreapo015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, please no, I was just half-way through the oreapo playlist.

>> No.58189982
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you are meming right

>> No.58190239
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>> No.58190244

If this were off-stream I bet Noah would have seethed and screamed back at Shibuharu.

>> No.58190294

N-no. Last month the algorithm started showing me vspo clips after I watched some holos playing on the gta vcr server. That's how i discovered vspo, the cr boys and their friends.
I was surprised virtual gorilla is still around... isn't he like from Ai times?

>> No.58190581

kamilisa > oreapo

>> No.58190772

it's funny that this picture exists. while I do appreciate the cunt face, it's very unrealistic to assume hinano isn't scrunching her face up like a lemon, biting her lips till they bleed, wiping waterfalls of tears down her face, and hyperventilating in sheer impotent rage whenever she encounters someone not being 100% positive in reaction to her bitch tendencies

>> No.58190878


>> No.58191047

spread out the oreapo clips a bit or you will crash and burn compared to today's baseline. sadly 芸人旅団 rarely does stuff together also, for multiple reasons probably
>discovered cr boys
literally the worst time to discover cr lmao
all the crsisters killed themselves in 2022 anyway though
>their friends
there used to be some dude on twitter who made relationship diagrams, not sure if anything exists anymore
>virtual gorilla
yes, the same. at some point he became an apex predator and is the gigachad of apex vtubers. or even male vtubers. his vsai teams are always kino
also, ignore the schizo

>> No.58191436

>scrunching her face up like a lemon, biting her lips till they bleed, wiping waterfalls of tears down her face, and hyperventilating in sheer impotent rage
wow that's just like you when someone mentions hinano

>> No.58192555


>> No.58193561

the game has massive aim assist for space

>> No.58193737

another game ruined by aim assist, then

>> No.58194933

how can one man have so much autism

>> No.58194974

Sumire is worthless

>> No.58195017


>> No.58196649

manbu sumire

>> No.58196699

sex with sumire and noah on their pajamas!

>> No.58196946

funny how kamito was going through all the vspo members for the バカ決定戦 and he never mentions hinano even though a bunch of fags kept spamming her name

>> No.58198193

yes yes they hate each other now its over im gonna go die now goodbye

>> No.58198838

retard valo tonight
might be furupa since he said it'll be after the academic test

>> No.58198994

Bottom 3 pics for most retarded:

>> No.58198998

academic test starting

>> No.58199377

he also predicted that bottom 4 would include beni, hanabu, shinomiya, met

>> No.58199618

runa giving me a 心太

>> No.58199798
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>> No.58200194

I can't believe Beni is in charge of finances for ALL IN

>> No.58200354
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>> No.58200397
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no saving these

>> No.58200418

Aren't girls just the cutest when they're retarded

>> No.58200489

is this another qpi sweep

>> No.58200635


>> No.58200649

I thought Asians were good at math?

>> No.58200688

two of those aren't even from this planet
one is a dog and the other is 5 years old
though beni and busa have no excuse

>> No.58200869
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English Lisa gets a pass at being bad at maths

>> No.58201056
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what's her endgame?

>> No.58201087

get into last place, play a horror game for punishment/numbers

>> No.58201309

qpi should get 1/2 a point for that

>> No.58201459

every time I see shit like this I just assume they are playing it up for comedy, no one that got through school is this dumb

>> No.58201647

>puts down other people for being wrong
>leaves the answer blank instead of trying to write something interesting
>screamed and terrorized 80k people when trying to justify her wrong answer

>> No.58201792

You don't actually have to go through high school
also they were probably all 文系 so didn't have to even look at math or anything

>> No.58202193
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toto's anus...

>> No.58202197

>Others write "wakanai" for some answers; nobody cares
>Hinano writes "maji wakanai"; what a fucking bitch try and be funny

>> No.58202280
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but you learn fractions in middle school...

>> No.58202284

since when did sena became that pretty?

>> No.58202359

nobody cares because that person is not in call + doesn't make fun of others for being wrong on a simple question

>> No.58202627

>others are wrong
>"mann and here I thought no way someone would get something this easy wrong~"
>she's wrong
>"ok ok whatever let's move on next slide"

>> No.58203005

They're all in the call? There's nothing wrong with leaving the answer blank if you don't know the answer. I get that you've got a stick up your ass when it comes to Hinano but you're just looking for excuses to seethe.

>> No.58203083

hinanofag's too blind to see how obnoxious their bitch is
they can't even see hanabusa and nazuna's not in the call

>> No.58203227

Hinanoanti's too blind with rage to see there's 15 other people in the call. What's next, complaining about her writing in pink or that her handwriting is bad?

>> No.58203347

>deflects from the fact that they were wrong about everyone being in the call
hinanofags truly follow in the bitch's footsteps
can never admit that they were wrong

>> No.58203421

shouldn't it have been 1億3千万 anyway rounding up from ~125 million?

>> No.58203799

You're acting like 2 people being missing from the call changes anything? There's still no reason to seethe over Hinano leaving answers blank instead of trying to be funny. Others in the call have done that and you aren't bitching at them so there's no reasoning for it except that everything Hinano does makes you seethe. And when you get called out for your retardation you start pushing semantics like it matters.

>> No.58204030

others in the call didn't accumulate enough ill will to get called out
also she just called a senpai かす when it's her turn to get made fun of
good sport

>> No.58204326

"uuhhhh i was wrong but that's suddenly not relevant now! here's another goal post!"

>> No.58204341

Ill will to be called out for what? Leaving a blank answer? Do you really need to call someone out for that? Is there anything wrong with that? No there isn't. Who's deflecting now?

>> No.58204443

please continue to ignore the absolute truth, hinanofag ^^

>> No.58204572

>Hinano doesn't cross her Is
What a fucking bitch

>> No.58204638

>also she just called a senpai かす when it's her turn to get made fun of
conveniently leaving this part out your retort, hinanofag?
inb4 "they're good friends!"

>> No.58204850

I'm not a Hinanofag and I'm not defending her bad behaviour. I'm calling you retarded for complaining about leaving an answer blank like it's something bad.

>> No.58204875

That かす came out as naturally as she breathed.
Hinanofags just can't understand that the fact she does shit like this is how she accumulated a bunch of ill will throughout the years.

>> No.58205006

leaving an answer blank means she doesn't want to give others ammo to make fun of her
she can dish out but can't take it

>> No.58205020

>Hinano didn't draw a picture with her answer
What a fucking bitch

>> No.58205136

Always funny to see the anti justify their hatred and hinanofags can only deflect.

>> No.58205486
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>> No.58205521

I respect the girls purposely writing idiotic answers so that the goblin can drown the entire call with her laugh track.

>> No.58205830
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>> No.58205900

cheeky korean flexing her english and drawing skills

>> No.58206138

>a minute of her talking alone to justify her wrong answer
>everyone: ahhh... yeah... (she's finally done)

>> No.58206210

Toto 6th is quite the improvement from last time...

>> No.58206338
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>> No.58206356

I refuse to believe a gyaru can be that smart

>> No.58206533

He almost had it.

>> No.58206545

my anti social wife sumire

>> No.58206751


>> No.58206844

beni is the balancing factor

>> No.58206921

i will teach mimi english personally so she can be first place next year

>> No.58207016

look at the thread from last time for a laugh. funny how some things haven't changed (fear of eop, numberschizos minds' blown, bitching about qpi not streaming lol). but generally the thread's in a really bad place compared to then - think that's just a reflection of the general degeneration of the board desu (hard to believe /vt/ could've got worse but it did..)

>> No.58207249

I once saw hinano say a bad word I hate her so fucking much

>> No.58207355


>> No.58207632

valid but now amplify that by a thousand and now you're much closer to the truth

>> No.58207763

almost like her smartness and maturity sometimes to balance her menhera tendency that goes over the line

>> No.58208016

>every solo stream
>"shut the fuck up you disgusting virgin neets die already"
>fans slowly getting jaded from having to listen to the same shit every time
>antis getting riled up from her biting the bait
Man, I wonder why so many people hate Hinano.

>> No.58208158
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my wives

>> No.58208243

Hinano killing herself is the simple solution to all our problems. Why isn't this encouraged for more?

>> No.58208283

hinanofags don't see any fault in having verbal abuse roll off the tongue
they get off on that unfortunately

>> No.58208633

How about we swap hinano with aqua?

>> No.58209236

hinano so perfect so cute

>> No.58209579


>> No.58210280

hinano trying to make herself look smarter than she is when she already admitted that she used to sleep during class

>> No.58211300

hinano I love you

>> No.58211547

Post more art. It's a better distraction tool than these forced hinano positivity posts

>> No.58211636
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>> No.58211798

Pulverex will win champs with how lucky they got yesterday, it's as if fate want them to win the whole thing. I believe in the script.

>> No.58211816

I do love her

>> No.58211889
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>> No.58211977

Usually they would lobotomize people when retardation got this bad. It's a shame.

>> No.58212253


>> No.58212324

nose just had to stop herself from saying that she doesn't actually want to play valo every day

>> No.58213412

Well, considering how autistic the fps community can be, if she said it out loud, chances are, she wouldn't get invited to future collabs because everyone just assumes she doesn't want to play today.

>> No.58213430

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtHnJlM98LM still hasn't started yet though

>> No.58213505

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjOjhtzped8 cheeky korean bitch, retard, yufuna, mahjong dude, clutch

>> No.58214049

please take him away from DaD for sure this time...

>> No.58214562

calling it now:
8th or worse
>enter force 36
10th or worse
5th or worse
15th or worse (indonesians always choke at championship finals)
script says they win in 7 games

>> No.58214590

I thought Kamito sisters prefer DaD than holding angle simulator

>> No.58214760

most women do not enjoy dad while valorant is egirl/sister central

>> No.58214889


>> No.58215136


>> No.58215652
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>> No.58215729
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>> No.58216153

>Sponsored by EA

>> No.58216541


>> No.58216578

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgaerHaSSgI qpi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEu2DDGub-0 hal
https://www.twitch.tv/chihiro2434 chihiro

>> No.58216616

i will have long passionate sex with uwuca nui and you cannot do anything to stop me

>> No.58216667

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwEcVph40-8 CHEEKY

>> No.58216682

castration is an option

>> No.58216902 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 1080x1350, blvkhvnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these guys 100% post on vt catalog right

>> No.58216932 [DELETED] 

average /#/ posters

>> No.58216955

They keep making sure that Yufuna never gets recommended by youtube again.

>> No.58216974

>God I hate hinano so much

>> No.58216982

what is this edgelord name

>> No.58217156

Game start

>> No.58217208

rlz keks??

>> No.58217211

rlz bro...

>> No.58217239

the voices in obly's head won't like this

>> No.58217291

why the fuck would you contest in final????

>> No.58217333


>> No.58217344

>tsm already in god spot

>> No.58217433

Exclusive chinese rats.

>> No.58217486


>> No.58217490


>> No.58217512

i kneel snipe

>> No.58217540
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>> No.58217563


>> No.58217642

She looks like she can fall over easily by slightly pushing her forehead with your foot. Luckily for her, I will go full strength and leave a shoeprint on her skull

>> No.58217656

my sides kek

>> No.58217698

>optic already in god spot

>> No.58217777

>the hinanoanti reported the blvkhnd picture

>> No.58217793

okay that was actually a goated play by blvkhvnd

>> No.58217827

now that's nice

>> No.58217965

kamito would have won that, pvx should sign him

>> No.58217981

as expected, you can only rat so far

>> No.58218129

>optic 32 point

>> No.58218176

already 32 points
this gonna be a short final

>> No.58218187

also deleted >>58216932

>> No.58218390

i actually still have no fucking idea whether paka is a dude or no

>> No.58218577


>> No.58218608

he's going to retire for mental health reasons again

>> No.58218610

vspo en asking if teabagging is okay.
Apex world finals is nothing but disrespecting each other

>> No.58218673

seriously why can't they just back off instead of 50-50 contest, what's the fucking point

>> No.58218698

these are the two most retarded teams with the most ego IGLs in the lobby

>> No.58218708
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>> No.58219118

>ftyan rat again

>> No.58219166

>back to rat again
keeping yufuna spirit alive

>> No.58219231

can't even rat properly..

>> No.58219337

isn't this the same final circle as this year's vsai?

>> No.58219392

>>58219337 (Me)
nvm it was a different spot

>> No.58219410


>> No.58219422


>> No.58219624

eh, went back to look and it wasn't even the guy who won the 1v1 doing the teabagging. lame

>> No.58219700

Vote hinano for EA positive player award

>> No.58219933

TSM sisters...

>> No.58219957

TSM sister ...

>> No.58219960

kek tsm eliminated already you cannot make this shit up

>> No.58220104

>blvkhvnd 3-man ratting
>nobody within 1000m of them

>> No.58220169

kamito keeps doing (relatively) well during rihabiri somehow. he's one loss away from dia though kek

>> No.58220188

>PVX push someone and win

>> No.58220233

DF should give up contesting next round and just get the few points left to reach match point if they are smart.

>> No.58220480

lol delete

>> No.58220591

optic on match point

>> No.58220640

its ogre

>> No.58220656

match point in 3 rounds?

>> No.58220676

EZ and FREE ???

>> No.58220711

optic wins next game

>> No.58221061

if pvx finish higher than tsm it's all worth it

>> No.58221198

>30 minute interval between every match

>> No.58221495

And ppl thought Macau was bad

>> No.58221831

>pvx a duo due to out of bounds
is the script activating?

>> No.58221845

pvx feel more comfortable ratting with 2

>> No.58221892

>shunmi alive instead of saku
owari da

>> No.58222085

>optic in god spot again
yawn yawn yawn

>> No.58222223

Chinese rat strats

>> No.58222483

no way it's going to end in 4 rounds

>> No.58222504

Optic will win this round

>> No.58222515

lol it's over

>> No.58222549

ez gg

>> No.58222550


>> No.58222559

Owari da

>> No.58222564


>> No.58222582


>> No.58222595

sweet the goat

>> No.58222604


>> No.58222607

one time i'll root for NRG

>> No.58222618

>round 5

>> No.58222677

OG got kek'd haha

>> No.58222766

optic threw

>> No.58222857

Optic still the only team on matchpoint

>> No.58223120

alliance kek

>> No.58223154

the fuck alliance

>> No.58223229

majority of the teams are so braindead they're gonna let optic get into that position again

>> No.58223286

stick to ratting kid

>> No.58223314

>PVX just here to grief other team

>> No.58223621


>> No.58223673

apacn sisters...

>> No.58223693


>> No.58223717

wtf is this dogshit ring lol

>> No.58223733

the optic win ring

>> No.58223761

here we go

>> No.58223763

>optic winning again
lmao all these teams are clowns

>> No.58223940


>> No.58223967


>> No.58223979

3 rollers > 3 mnk

>> No.58223981


>> No.58223984

keep jinxing them. it's working

>> No.58224002

It is fun

>> No.58224005

>Roieee solo got DF to 50

>> No.58224100

all in the script

>> No.58224406

this one for sure opticsisters

>> No.58224451

on the other news :
1. cheeky korean and friends are still going (and losing)
2. mafuyu is still struggling (and also losing)

>> No.58224559

>ring on df

>> No.58224578


>> No.58224592


>> No.58224604

forgot to jinx...

>> No.58224607

Holy fuck

>> No.58224633

it took these retard 2 game to stop the pointless contest

>> No.58224648
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based kashera

>> No.58224784

>be bald guy
>seethe at random special needs asian calling you bald

>> No.58224871


>> No.58225216

New game

>> No.58225223

insane levels of kekery from df

>> No.58225230


>> No.58225449

Ring dead

>> No.58225500
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SEAbros... it's our turn

>> No.58225806

Indonesia >> Japan

>> No.58226027

Apac S >> Apac L

>> No.58226030

obly just trolling the lobby chat

>> No.58226263

Why don't they play safe and go for a good position instead of early engagement?

>> No.58226300


>> No.58226315

same question
maybe they need more point because they are china

>> No.58226457

The fuck df doing

>> No.58226559

To hold good position they need good
loot they cant hold position only with 3 white shields

>> No.58226824

Setsuna sounds like Niu sometimes and that kinda ruins her for me.

>> No.58226847

but niu is sex

>> No.58227074

Mnk bros we can do it

>> No.58227117

tsm script

>> No.58227136

1 more game

>> No.58227147

another wall zone next game lol

>> No.58227156

totally scripted match

>> No.58227182


>> No.58227262

Not scripted btw, drop another wall zone and that's it.

>> No.58227345

rEAspawn can choose the rings

>> No.58227347
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Timmeh will pull through not a curse btw

>> No.58227471

ourguys on match point:
they will all lose

>> No.58227858

Rigged for TSM

>> No.58227952

what's the backstory with lg and yanya for qpi?

>> No.58227968

DF trolling

>> No.58228071

Would take literally anyone but imperialfaggot and co

>> No.58228211

now tsm walk in for free kek

>> No.58228262

Lmao, why the team above didn't shoot

>> No.58228316

Saving bullets for the next match

>> No.58228364

fuck you

also I love hinano

>> No.58228469

Nice script

>> No.58228483

fucking bullshit

>> No.58228507

This is a fucking joke

>> No.58228564

actually rigged

>> No.58228601

You fucking jinxed it

>> No.58228620

Fuck you Apex

>> No.58228625


>> No.58228627

lol, tsm wins again
no don't question all the teams that inted

>> No.58228628

holy shit

>> No.58228653

Literally paid actors on saf

>> No.58228687

BRs why

>> No.58228703

Didn't get to use the bullets they saved

>> No.58228731

I was basically right, except TSM won games 6, 7, 8

>> No.58228829
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indoCHAD... we made top 3

>> No.58228957

Cuntroller chad domination

>> No.58229034

When is it gonna be japan's turn?

>> No.58229037


>> No.58229094

realize and oblysisters our schizo did better than nrg and alliance DAEBAK

>> No.58229129

>tsm almost hit lower bracket
>siphon ring in the last round
>tsm sucking dicks for 5 rounds in a row in the finals
>then casually win 3 rounds in a row
>with the last match having almost the exact same zone as in thr previous lan
Ye, say whatever you want, the shit is unironically scripted

>> No.58229202
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the definition of suspicious

>> No.58229252
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Next month in Fortnite Champs.

>> No.58229323

>pulverex beat alliance by doing nothing and ratting for 8 games
well-deserved for hakis tbdesu

>> No.58229332

Wait for Project F to become a global esport

>> No.58229403
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any day now

>> No.58229509

qpi wants to play genshit? absolutely fuck this shit. finish bio4 you slacker, maybe a members' stream more than every 3 months and don't delete them

>> No.58229596

genshin is cancer but i think qpi of all people could make it an interesting zatsu to make up for it at least

>> No.58229655
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i was gonna say that last time anon linked her algs stream, feels like its more like alltimes

>> No.58229660

When they have competent igls

>> No.58229757

I have enjoyed Met's genshin runs, even though I have absolutely zero interest in the game itself. I just think of it as extended zatsus

>> No.58229858

>qpi of all people could make it an interesting zatsu
true. i guess i'm just like: *this* is what might get you streaming again?!

>> No.58230185

i love all of met's designs but noah's newest outfit makes me want a pjs/loungewear alt for met as well

>> No.58230271

I think that they should all have a design where they have no clothes

>> No.58230317
File: 110 KB, 1920x1080, ashumi phone - sena_asumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another scripted tsm win

>> No.58230546

Setsuna is more of a goblin. Best way I could describe it. Also her low tension voice is more sex.

>> No.58232127

I just started watching her cause of that one anon shilling her. Seems like an inbetween Niu and MikeCat, without being in constant heat or the menhera insanity.
