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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58023255 No.58023255 [Reply] [Original]

>said that her fans weren't and never will be her friends and they should know their place beneath her feet as an entertainer
>told the streamer she copies all her bits from (NorthernLion) to fuck off and that she didn't want to be friends and they should respect the boundaries between a fan and a streamer when his wife offered to collab with her
>told Neurofags that she will never, ever be friends with an AI and only ever viewed her as a quaint curiosity
>told Jermafags the same thing
>ghosted her colleagues and then gave the whole "we're in the same line of work, we're not friends" speech
>blatantly ignores any attempt at unity brought up by fans and just says she's "doing her own thing"
>ghosted everyone in Japan, kept emphasizing how busy she was and how everyone was there "for work"
>publically humiliated the pink rabbit and made sure Phase and Hololive never interact
>but for some reason seemed perfectly willing to milk the clout out of Gura's shark tits and suck her clit, the most popular vtuber in the world
What the fuck is her problem? Why is she such a schizoid?

>> No.58023408

not reading all that
good for her or too bad
either way, uuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.58024194

Time in Jakarta, Indonesia: 11:35 AM

>> No.58024244


>> No.58024265

non sequitur

>> No.58024314

>>told the streamer she copies all her bits from (NorthernLion) to fuck off and that she didn't want to be friends and they should respect the boundaries between a fan and a streamer when his wife offered to collab with her
Yeah because she didn't want to collab with k8
she wanted to collab with NL
Also she knows her schizo fans (ie: this board) would have a meltdown and hold a mass suicide congregation if they ever saw her on stream with him.

>> No.58024402

she's a psychopath definitely, but a smart one.

>> No.58024479

Typical sapcuck responses. She won't fuck you. She's too busy being a bridge burning schizo online

>> No.58024783
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>> No.58025114

When did this happen? I missed this

>> No.58025169

She went after Pipa? Incredibly based, when was this?

>> No.58025235

>is green

>> No.58025297 [DELETED] 

Pippa showed up on her stream and membered using her official account. She singled Pippa out and said "I know who you are, Pippa Pipkin" and then Pippa got freaked out and never showed up or chatted again.

>> No.58025333


>> No.58025418

doesn't Pippa already have a surrogate Fauna (Lisa)? she should just go hang out with that zoomer.

>> No.58025496

Didn't read BUT I do want to stick my face in Fauna's ass and makeout with her butthole

>> No.58026249

that's hot

>> No.58026284
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>> No.58026427

Fauna is an elitist, and she has every right to be.

>> No.58026484

Expecting vegans to be mentally sane kek

>> No.58026560

All that sounds based as fuck.

>> No.58026877

Fauna tomorrow

>> No.58027042

post the webm i want it

>> No.58027117

the vegetables rotted her brain

>> No.58029380

>we're in the same line of work, we're not friends
is there an actual link to this?

>> No.58029511

*lick lick chew nibble slurp*

>> No.58029766

That's just another shit-stirrer. She has repeatedly said that she prefers to be just a viewer and asked her viewers to please refrain from soliciting NL and crew with collab requests on her behalf.

>> No.58030106

God, I need to plow this kirin...

>> No.58030202

green woman...

>> No.58030313

>publically humiliated the pink rabbit and made sure Phase and Hololive never interact
Based. Phasefags BTFO.

>> No.58030566

You just described a regular NT female with no mental illness. This is as stable as youvwill find them. Menhera's are the same minus the consistency aka cluster B, also known as 'evil'.
>bridge burning schizo online
Thats all of EN by default.

>> No.58030752

Some of the shit OP said was so retarded I wondered if they were ESL. I needed the other posts in this thread as context to even make sense of this unhinged babble.
This copy-paste not get enough (You)s in the last schizo thread that you had to use it as an OP?

>> No.58031127
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You don't have to wonder
The embarrassing tale of Faunaschizo's self-doxx and samefagging (Jakarta timezone btw)

>> No.58031150

>>said that her fans weren't and never will be her friends and they should know their place beneath her feet as an entertainer
>>told the streamer she copies all her bits from (NorthernLion) to fuck off and that she didn't want to be friends and they should respect the boundaries between a fan and a streamer when his wife offered to collab with her
>>told Neurofags that she will never, ever be friends with an AI and only ever viewed her as a quaint curiosity
>>told Jermafags the same thing
mondo based
>>publically humiliated the pink rabbit and made sure Phase and Hololive never interact
this didn't happen but would have been hot if it did. Pippa would have enjoyed it, even.
