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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.29 MB, 1906x6762, FUCKHOLOSTAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58016144 No.58016144 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't COVER understand that we do not want things shoved down our throat and that constantly putting Holostars in our face is only gonna turn us off even more. You might make fun of MUH FREEDOM but I actually hate the feeling of being forced to do or like something.
I used to be neutral and just ignored the homos since they didn't interest me and just left them alone.
Now? I fucking despise them. I fucking hate them. I want nothing but the whole god damn branch to be dissolved and have them be left on the streets. The more I learn about them the more I realize they're lazy sacks of shits that are riding the coattails of hololive's success. They don't do anything to promote themselves or strive to become more popular. I barely see them grind as hard as the girls used to. They're leeches of the highest caliber that depend on the girls for success instead of themselves.
Fuck them and fuck Cover for potentially ruining what's great right now and actually ruining these poor ReGLOSS's girls future in the company. Imagine celebrating 6 years and the video is mostly filled with negative sentiment on what is supposed to be a happy occasion.

>> No.58016384


*cums on you*

>> No.58016490

touch grass, take a shower, get a job.
inb4 some "homobeggar" deflection. I'm not some insane retard screaming about anime men on the internet. I have a job and shit I have to do, bills to pay, real life shit happening like getting fucked in the ass by hospital bills. I can't be assed if some autismo (male) is in the general vicinity of some ethot in 2d clothing or whatever insane hyperbole drivil you're shitting your pants over. I just want to watch some assholes play minecraft when I get off of work.

>> No.58016806

seethe homobeggars

>> No.58016820

thats not enough complaints for them to give a shit

>> No.58016844

*rapes ur mom*

>> No.58016881

Keep in one thread faggot. No one cares about your obsession with homo cock.

>> No.58016892

>hospital bills
I am sorry that HRT pills are more expesive now sis....

>> No.58016913

do you not understand that cover's obsession with promoting the stars is actually hurting the girls

>> No.58016951

No fucking way you expect me to read Youtube comments, faggot.

>> No.58016983

>blaming holostars for regloss being a total trainwreck

>> No.58017004

I have never seen SideM mentioned in /a/ even once, tells you everything you need to know about this business.

>> No.58017029

Don't care, seeth more

>> No.58017093

>touch grass, take a shower, get a job.
You cant shitpost while doing those?
>Skill issue
Improve yourself Homobeggar!

>> No.58017158

>JP thriving
>Advent thriving
>Gura grifting and leeching as if nothing ever changed
>the brap reaper is getting praised by the author of the most popular anime/manga in the world
>new costumes and model updates everywhere
>ID3 3D just announced
>new branch is all female


>> No.58017188

*Cums on the entire thread*

>> No.58017193

hopefully regloss flopping will be enough for them to give a shit.

>> No.58017218

They have no other solution. They hired a bunch of incompetent people into high management positions whose only answer to the homo problem is the equivalent of continuously running head-first into a brick wall until it breaks.

>> No.58017233

Ten years ago you newfags would be chomping at the bit to make fun of these triggered cretins. The irony would be staggering if it weren't so predictable.

>> No.58017282

*cums on your dad to show dominance

>> No.58017312

>touch grass, take a shower, get a job.
inb4 some "homobeggar" deflection. I'm not some insane retard screaming
yet you are here
nice way of outing yourself as a faggot

>> No.58017320

Omega didn't get fired, he got promoted into JP high management

>> No.58017335

They'll probably see it as "oh look, we put out more girls and they flopped, I guess they want more boys!"

>> No.58017354
File: 60 KB, 183x203, 1693990426577919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if
*Homobeggars little english dictionary

>> No.58017380

Shut up and consume products

>> No.58017409


>> No.58017440

>Anti-homo comments only get around 100 likes at most
Unicorns are irrelevant. Cover knows nothing will come of it but a few losers crying in the comments who have no power and so they'll continue doing it anyway.
As soon as you set the precedent that you're okay with tolerating the Stars in any capacity, Cover is going to take that inch and go the full mile with it.
I look forward to your continued seethe.

>> No.58017477

i have this stance as well for the most part, however i gotta say it was really fucking odd how they included holostars debuts in there and not a single mention of council 3d nor advent, considering it was supposed to be a recap and all.

>> No.58017532

Even Miko is cheering on Holostars, so why do you fuckers have to be like this?

>> No.58017632

I'm sorry that medicament for axe wounds are so expensive

>> No.58017666

There's no way you're actually this clueless

>> No.58017723

You dont watch Migo to understand that she didnt like it

>> No.58017736

I stopped watching Hololive after holostars EN, and I wasn't the only one

>> No.58017761

Yeah, with names like @user-lj4nx3xh9p, @user-wh7up2pp1v, and @user-io3jw4gw5i, I'm sure this "outrage" is totally organic and not botted by some discord faggots with an agenda.

>> No.58017775

It didn't work once, it doesn't work and it won't work, I don't know because the company doesn't understand it. Shinove tried to make stars have their own name, now they are FORCING the holopro thing

>> No.58017805

Miko is too old for her opinion to count, I only want to hear opinions from vtubers who debuted in 2020 (the year I started watching vtubers!) or later

>> No.58017975

Miko is a professional. They threw the homos in her face but she's not going to just ignore and shit on them because she's a nice girl. Don't get it twisted beggar.

>> No.58018079

They advertised ongoing and upcoming events. EN3 debuted a month ago, not something that really needs advertising now. Tempus 2 debuted 6 months ago, did everyone forget council also celebrated their 6 month anniversary back then?
Why are they surprised they get a small segment considering we are also in the middle of tempus 1 year anniversary celebration?

>> No.58018113

She literally told the stream to support hololive and followed with a "holostars too" unprompted in the stream.

>> No.58018132

I know you beggars don't watch streams, but holy shit.

>> No.58018193

>Tempus 2 debuted 6 months ago, did everyone forget council also celebrated their 6 month anniversary back then?
>faggot homopusher Yagoo debuted Tempiss 2 just to sabotage Council's anniversary and spit on Sana's memory
God I hate this fucking company so much

>> No.58018229

You really dont watch Migo then

>> No.58018271

Because nobody who watches Hololive cares about them. And they never will.

>> No.58018303

because they don't like Stars

>> No.58018369

its the ipo bullshit biting his ass god what a fag

>> No.58018380

>Unicorns are irrelevant.
In grand scale but they are the megaphone for most silent majority of holofag and homobeggar are irrelevant. There a reason shoving homostar on every holo event doesn't incline them at all, because the silent majority agreed that they all suck with the exception of roberu who going outside of holosphere.

>> No.58018490




>> No.58018565

Tldr anon is a brain rot wage slave stop asking questions

>> No.58018575
File: 82 KB, 363x561, hot063f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bestPosting his own shitpost
You should consider following them too
Theyre waiting....

>> No.58018586


>> No.58018721

I didn't plan to watch since I particularly don't give a shit about the new gen but I went to watch and hololive sure is desperate when it comes to homos huh, such random shoehorning of nowhere, they exist for quite a long time and the majority of holofags already knows of their existence, they aren't more watched simply because the average fan doesn't give a shit about them

>> No.58018752

I agree with you LMAO, the ones actually getting hurt are the stars, the girls will continue to thrive but the boys are only getting more and more hate because Cover doesn't know any other way to promote them apart from trying to merge them with girls. Which causes more trouble than anything.

>> No.58018760

Explain why they went in the opposite direction with the EN homos then. It's the nips turn to make management kneel.

>> No.58018859

Come on let the SEA unicucks have some fun. They can't get a girl IRL so this is all they have!

>> No.58018891

Go watch Dream then faggot, and the vastly majority of people have a job, do you think mentioning it changes something?

>> No.58018921

OP definitely wants something shoved down his throat

>> No.58019015

gachikoi =/= unicorns
everyone knew the main driving force of profit are gachikois and the casuals, meanwhile what does Unicorn does other than complaining but not controbuting in any profit?
then again most unicorns are greynames anyway

>> No.58019129

>OMG why did they shill current celebrations and upcoming events and not something that already happened a month ago?

>> No.58019271

nigga they shilled Tempus 2 which debuted half a year ago but not Advent which is just 1 month

>> No.58019359

Holy shit I didn't even pay attention to the names but you are right. The comments were spammed by one schizo (probably the OP) to push his agenda. lmfao.

>> No.58019423

Tempus "2" is now the majority of Tempus so they've been grandfathered into one big Tempus group for the anniversary

>> No.58019448

Advent is having a JP collab tomorrow and you know they are getting 10x more viewers than whatever shit your talentless hobos can spout in your shitter week so they should've advertised that instead

>> No.58019475

why is this thread full of sisters

>> No.58019482

Holy shit, I thought it was on a clip or buried in hundreds of positive comments but it's on the first row

>> No.58019575

still not a reason to shill them instead of advent

>> No.58019588

Everywhere is full of sisters. Which makes it seem like the homos would be better than 3view shitters but they barely even watch clips.

>> No.58019597

this has to be bait if you ever watched a stream in your life you know thats the default

>> No.58019659

it's not bait, they're low-intelligent

>> No.58019693

>then again most unicorns are greynames anyway
so does casuals and beggars, yet i doubt casuals would even care about Homos

>> No.58019729

not bait they simply dont watch streams

>> No.58019734

Do you think we're joking when we say that sisters don't support the homos? The homos would beat quite a few holos if people who defend them watched streams

>> No.58019754

The most liked comment on the video is one shitting on the stars. Of course this faggot doesn't tell you that because every beggar is a slimy dishonest rat.

>> No.58019762

Anon homobeggars don't watch streams, nor even the Stars ones even if they defend them, not even fucking /MANS/ wants them homobeggars because theya re a bunch of screeching trannys not willing to pay for a 5$ membership.

>> No.58019776

From which video is this?

>> No.58019851

The 6th year anniversary of Hololive, no mention of advent of the grils's 3D. the comments are the first ones, just DEEPL them

>> No.58019855

>probably see it
They already do and nothing will change their mind. At this point I feel the way they are trying so hard to make Hololive fail has got to be related to some money-laundering scheme.

>> No.58019882

can I pay you to write my essay due tomorrow?

>> No.58019998

>Would pay a rando on 4chan for an essay but would not pay a single membership for one of the homos
The jokes literally write themselves at this point.

>> No.58020006
File: 351 KB, 1191x1684, nazigumi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those lazy girls in hololive better start strapping up and try to milk their fans as much as they can because this is a sinking ship.
i'm looking at you 3 lazy shits

>> No.58020033

What video is this comment section even from?

>> No.58020084

scroll up, sis

>> No.58020095

homobeggars out themselves so easily
keep seething samefaggot

>> No.58020173

Stop virtue signaling, you don't even watch the homo let alone pay them

>> No.58020220

Males. Men men boy male? Boooooy! Boy... Man men male, male men. MEN man he man boy males. Male dude, guy dude, bro dude, DUDE DUDE! Y CHROMOSONAL, BRO. Maaaaayne man him he man men male dude bro penis. Bro? Fella male males. Men men man guys. Guy-male-dude bro. Men him? Men man his, guy him. Man bro... guy...

>> No.58020349

The psychiatric hospital is that way --->

>> No.58020452

So true sis!

>> No.58020454

At least say men in different ways or in another language, retard

>> No.58020523

Why are you shitposting here notMagni-san?

>> No.58020533

Stars xisters why is the pendulum turning against us...

>> No.58020556

Reminder that the JP members have no problem with this.
If you want to complain to someone complain to them. Go ask Miko why does she agree to promote holostars.

>> No.58020578

Still not watching the sharts

>> No.58020676

There is no amount of sisterly delusion that can justify shilling the homos yet have zero mention of advent.

>> No.58020829

It was the fucking 6th anniversary of hololive yet there's only holostar and this new gen that probably will suck holostar too, did holostar fucked Yagoo's ass or something?

>> No.58020910

Miko is there to support Gen 0 and Hololive. Cover is playing dirty knowing she won't decline that appearance and put her in an uncomfortable position.

>> No.58020934

can someome tell who is omega and what did he do to get so much hate? the only thing I know about him is that hes part of holo en

>> No.58021081

>miko didn't scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER as soon as the stars appeared so she must support them being shoehorned into everything
are you underage

>> No.58021083

Miko's opinion doesn't count because she debuted before 2020 (the year I fell down the vtuber rabbit hole!!!)

>> No.58021156

>shills Tempus 2 that debuted 8 months ago
>shills ReGLOSS that didn't even debut
Advent doko? what the fuck happened within COVER?

>> No.58021166

Was the stream just not a glorified ad for two upcoming events?

>> No.58021207

He's the only one people can put the blame since the only public staff are A-chan, Nerissa and Fagoot
A-chan is in hololive since the beginning, Nerissa is a dork and Yagoo helped to build hololive, it's almost impossible to hate them so people put their frustrations on Omega

>> No.58021222

You can tell all the en tourists are seething by this post lmao, no one had issues with male collabs back on jp we just supported the talents.

>> No.58021269


>> No.58021297

What video is this in reaction to? I feel lost

>> No.58021311

>t. newfag

>> No.58021325

Omega vs Jap internal war

>> No.58021349
File: 170 KB, 1840x1226, 20230908_004718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this

>> No.58021371
File: 3 KB, 347x94, f93e1584290d12ab847e7057222c3f3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you expose me like this

>> No.58021389
File: 113 KB, 305x350, 1691561027305602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The debut of EN3's Adbent is a topic that deserves more attention than the Holostar information

>> No.58021410

Its in the main holo channel
>Its a blatant homoshilling using Gen0

>> No.58021421

>Nerissa was there since beginning
This is not bizarro /vt/ anon

>> No.58021446

just your typical xe/xir blue haired woke twitter activist. not even exaggeration.

>> No.58021465
File: 6 KB, 516x148, jj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are literally me

>> No.58021522

Mucho texto. Sorry or glad that happened of course. Just wait for our next special new year concert which will feature all of your hololive and holostars favourite pairings. Its a popular demand.

>> No.58021535
File: 465 KB, 833x713, 1693763032973075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nodoka, I didn't even noticed

>> No.58021575
File: 85 KB, 450x509, 0pi1a9xecdv51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im actually everyone in this thread

>> No.58021597

Oh I was expecting it to take up the whole video

>> No.58021608

Cry me a river, homobeggar. Does it still sting that Vesper and Magni graduated and Holo EN stopped doing intergender collabs? I bet it still stings kek

>Unicorns are irrelevant.
This thread really got the trannies seething. Unicorns pay the bills while you homobeggars don't even watch streams. That's why we have power and your opinion doesn't even count. Stay mad.

>Reminder that the JP members have no problem with this.
It doesn't matter what the JP members think. The anti-homo gatekeeping marches on.

>> No.58021831

Your anti-homo gatekeeping is worthless when the top hololive members agree to promote the holostars

>> No.58021999

Okay sister, now go watch them

>> No.58022016

>shilling homostars in hololive anniv event
when the fuck will they realize that fanbases don't overlap, the overwhelming part of hololive fans don't watch holostars and they never will
the management is truly and utterly retarded

>> No.58022071

Altare is next little buddy.

>> No.58022086

How many top Hololive talent actually collab with the Homos? And how many will agree to keep promoting them after this backlash? HLZTNL is a fail, ReGLOSS is a fail, Tempus is a fail, Vesper and Magni are a fail. Meanwhile us unicorns literally can't stop winning. You salty?

>> No.58022105
File: 352 KB, 512x512, iidus32wse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True sister! VamFAG and Mr hands are still in tempus right??
Should we go to clown next??

>> No.58022185

Guaranteed replies, hat's off.
Wait what did the schizo clown do this time?

>> No.58022187

>How many top Hololive talent actually collab with the Homos?
Most of them
>And how many will agree to keep promoting them after this backlash?
All of them

>le unichad image
Hilarious. Your EN oshi has or had a boyfriend. If you were a real CHAD unicorn you would hate her, but you don't.

>> No.58022191

remember when hlg raided homo chats? nah course you dont newfag.

>> No.58022217


>> No.58022230

LMAO. The absolutely seethe. What a fucking virgin loser. Makes me smile to see how losers like you will never have sex or pro-create in any way. Until the branch is killed off, Stars is here to stay.

>> No.58022263

>scratch a homosister and a doxnigger is revealed
jewish behavior

>> No.58022269

unicorn seethe always brings a smile to my face

>> No.58022307

If you don't like Stars, then just ignore it.
Why cause yourself so much seething that isn't good for your body?

>> No.58022365

I was honestly weirded out that they shilled Holostars during the stream. When they showed up I just knew it would cause problems. I also think that if they had no choice but to shill Holostars then gen 0 really was the best choice. These girls won't be affected as much by any possible backlash stemming from speaking about men. I think that if the program had also shilled Advent then I wouldn't be as weirded out by the inclusion of the boys.

I don't hate holostars - Suisei is my oshi and she's collabed enough times with them for me to know that I don't care if she continues to do so. At the same time, I also know that no amount of Holostars shilling will make me watch them actively. Best I can do is watch clips here and there or be welcoming when they show up on a stream I'm watching.

As for ReGLOSS, I'll support them because Ririka is hot as fuck.

>> No.58022367

>no new ip
oh no no

>> No.58022404

nijinigger campaign before new wave

>> No.58022408

The beggar to anti pipeline is a real thing. They can't force the girls to acknowledge their homos so they resort to calling them whores and dox posting

>> No.58022494

homobeggars are so desperate. Miko still won't collab with your irrelevant homos.

>> No.58022521

The maximum you can use is the hypothesis old man
The maximum you can use is twitter posts from more than 4 years ago
The maximum you can use is collabs with Maimoto from 4 years ago too
Literally nothing
The maximum you can use is she bringing voice actors for her radio show
Literally nothing unless you're a doxxfag

Only Suisei is a top holo that collabs with them, and it isn't even frequently

>> No.58022592

>Most of them
Kek. Tell me which top Hololive talents have collabed with the Homos. Name names. But remember, you said TOP Hololive talent so ones like Ollie are immediately disqualified.
>All of them
Hardly any of them agreed to promote the Homostars in the first place. Less of them will agree to do it in the future.
>Your EN oshi has or had a boyfriend.
My oshi is Kiara. She never had a boyfriend.

>no argument
I accept your surrender

>> No.58022593

Your mother's getting piped line is long but at least she goes through everyone as fast as she could

>> No.58022656
File: 156 KB, 600x245, 1678668370734062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? Fuck you. These projects are already gonna do nothing, and by acknowledging them, you have done more to make people think about them. I am TIRED of you people crying about them at all. I am TIRED of every fucking fifth thread about some random ass male that stays in his own lane, or is suspended. I am just done. and this was over what, TWO fucking minutes of a shitty ass promotion? Be more upset at this being a glorified DEV_IS shill stream than the males taking up two minutes. The worst mistake Hiromoot ever did was make /vt/.

>> No.58022686

>muh doxxx!!!
Uour ynucorn LARP is so fucking embarrassing.
Who the fuck do you think cares about a vtuber having a boyfriend, you stuoid fucking cuck?
Your are right now saying that it's actually fine if your whore EN oshit has a boyfriend.

>> No.58022706

I have never payed any attention to holostars and have never felt like it was being forced upon me? This is weird, you are weird

>> No.58022730

>hypothesis old man

>> No.58022744


>> No.58022764

Marine literally had males on her channel several times and collabed with a babiniku on the same stream as a holostar.

>> No.58022776
File: 495 KB, 512x512, unicorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am her Boyfriend BTW

>> No.58022782

The point is that I ignore them, I watch hololive for more than 4 years yet I never watched a homo stream, yet they are shilled even in the 6th anniversary of hololive, the way is just to stop watching anything from the main channel it seems

>> No.58022790

>pro hyphen create

>> No.58022830

You are not Eddy, Marcel or Pending.

>> No.58022853

>If you don't like Stars, then just ignore it.
Tempus/Stars JP is like a disease. Ignoring it would allow it to spread and metastasize. It has to be aggressively fought against at all times in order to keep it contained and limit the damage. In other words, unicorns are the chemo.

>> No.58022890
File: 214 KB, 331x373, mikoquestionmark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you okay sister?

>> No.58022895

It was 6 minutes

>> No.58022976
File: 356 KB, 472x511, unicorn_gigchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am all of them
>I catfished them all

>> No.58023021

You think they are gonna flop? I do think they might underperform but straight up flop? Idk

>> No.58023034
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 92839218390123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uour ynucorn
>homobeggar seething so hard he can no longer type correctly
Oh what a shame

>> No.58023042

Yeah man, they're a branch of the company, just go take a piss break when they roll that stuff. Do you get this upset when a hololive member you don't follow gets the spotlight as well? It seems exhausting.

>> No.58023086

This continues until the Stars/Tempus branch is terminated. Enjoy!

>> No.58023152

>they're a branch of the company
Time to rectify that.

>> No.58023155
File: 58 KB, 195x307, HoloChad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask me how I know

>> No.58023159

I'm sorry I thought it was a ridiculous enough thing to say that it crosses over to being funny

>> No.58023177
File: 110 KB, 416x431, pegok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK! Zer probably crying while typing it

>> No.58023216

They still at least have people who exist. I hate the stars but they are people. Better idea would've been to promote them on the holostars channel, not on the 6th anniversary. But thats covers fault.

>> No.58023227

>Literally nothing
rabu u onion!

>> No.58023343

>real life shit happening like getting fucked in the ass by hospital bills
Those monkeypox and aidsmeds really adding up huh?

>> No.58023347

HoloEN is a branch too yet they showed nothing about Advent even though they're way newer than the homos

>> No.58023426

>Why doesn't COVER understand that we do not want things shoved down our throat
This isn't dicks being forced down your throat, this is you opening your mouth wide and swallowing it whole then ranting about it.
Stop being homos so homos would die out already.

>> No.58023484

Someone felt called out lol

>> No.58023531

2 died already, at least the JPs had the balls to keep up for years

>> No.58023547

I literqlly just don't give enough of a fuck to correct anything, cuck. Have fun being a fake unicorn and a cuck.
Your oshit is used up.

>> No.58023593

A girl will stream with guys like 3 times in 3 years and these faggots will paint it as "several times".

>> No.58023600

They're not gonna stop even if the japanese fan speak up. At this point it seems more beneficial to join holostars if you're male instead of niji because Cover will make sure everyone sees your face, even if they don't want to and go out of their way to ignore you, in places you're not even supposed to be in. It's some hardcore marketing and forceful acknowledgement. So even if you're a holostars that wants to keep to himself and do your own thing, Cover WILL put you next to a bunch of the girls that don't even know who you are for the sake of promoting you.

>> No.58023606

I think the Holostars branch was a mistake but this is way too much. Its really only a matter of time before this blows up to a level that isn't ignorable by Cover or god forbid people outside of the vtubing sphere. When it does it will fuck with EVERYONE.

>> No.58023618

Again, who do you think cares about a vtuber having a boyfriend? Answer the question.

>> No.58023665

You either fat or seething whole lot, can't tell which one would be better in my mind, anyway, lose weight first, before having any discussion on the internet.

>> No.58023673

You sound like you're about to start crying.

>> No.58023687

If they don't rise at all, even after all this shilling and marketing, then cover is gonna end up with a bullet behind their backs. the stars do not deserve this, and they don't want this.

>> No.58023820

How do you feel about your oshi getting fucked by her boyfriend (aka not you) after the stream, unichad?

>> No.58023933

Apart of the obvious throwaway accounts I spot SEA-nogs names in th handles. So nothing worth of the attention of Cover.

>> No.58023989

>posting a picture of a homocollaber

>> No.58024055

If it's on twitter I think there would be a bigger chance of exploding, thank God that depressed nousagi lost his reputation if not he would make a video about it and those twitch fags would react and say "that's fucked up" and then a huge wave of tourists would came to support the homos and fuck off days after that

>> No.58024088

The image is using google translate. Most of those comments are in japanese. Not that you would know. You dont watch streams. Like every homobeggar. Just projection.

>> No.58024171
File: 79 KB, 448x448, 72813721731283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I literqlly just don't give enough of a fuck to correct anything
Is it hard to type through the tears, little bro?

>> No.58024237

Please dont cry anon. I know losing vesper was hard on you. He was your poster boy of owning the unichuds. Maybe you'll win your next little culture war!

>> No.58024283

>They're not gonna stop
Cover already stopped pushing the Homos in the Holo EN branch. They'll stop being pushed in the Holo JP branch too after the failures pile up enough.

>> No.58024301

If you're Martin then pls tell Gura to stream ffs

>> No.58024305

They've been around for about 4 years now. They have their dedicated fans, regardless of the shilling.

>> No.58024334

Projecting this hard that you wrote so many words on this Loli hentai sharing forum

>> No.58024466

It is inevitable as Cover is slowly transitioning into a big corpo.
Soon Cover will follow riku style management and there is nothing you can do.
This is why ReGloss is for new audience or old audience that can accept these changes.

>> No.58024489


>> No.58024502

>Cover aint public yet back then
/Our/ voices (Unicorns with fat wallet) will be heard and will be priorities next public stockholders meeting
And theres nothing you can do to stop it

>> No.58024541

If I not remember wrongly, this is a perfect example of PMDD

>> No.58024544

>there is nothing you can do.
We can gatekeep. It worked for Holo EN. Also the investors won't be happy about flops like reGLOSS and HLZNTL. Capitalism favors unicorns.

>> No.58024603


>> No.58024640

Less than 30k subs, that new audience already did wonder
And don't use the cull cope, even without that they still would be way lower than previous gens(after gen 4 since holo was small)

>> No.58024663

*cums on you

>> No.58024680

If only sisters actually watch their streams

>> No.58024698

>Homobeggars is now doxxing
Not surprised honestly

>> No.58024712
File: 103 KB, 690x539, 1693403213768869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait to ask Yagoo in public about this massive failure thats dragging the girls down

>> No.58024723

Suisei also hates Hololive and her only top content that is actually part of the Hololive bubble is an extremely popular yuri pairing with Sakura "no boys allowed" Miko.

>> No.58024740

Thats the billion dollar answer. None of this shit matters unless the dumbfucks actually watch them.

>> No.58024747

True, they are scouting in the wrong places. All the competent experts are gathered /here/

>> No.58024816

>you want a thing you like stay the same way you like
Yes? Do you think star wars fans like the direction the franchise is going for a long time?

>> No.58024833

>All the competent experts are gathered /here/
Unironically true.

>> No.58024861

Some steakholder asked Yagoo about the failures of tempiss and tempoop, that homolover shat his pants, kek.

>> No.58024962

From how much we seen that vtuber company management is incompetent I think the average schizo from /here/ would make a better job than that

>> No.58024974

here's the fucking difference, dumbass, between what you said, and what this garbage is

Star Wars is a dumb profitable franchise that can just jiggle the keys to the dumbasses. They do not need to worry about "le unicorns" when everyone and their mother will watch. They will never stop trying for money. COVER is a vtuber corporation, and they can literally ignore the unicorns that are "supposedly" on hololive's side, who in fucking reality don't watch anyone at all. They are liars and people who want hololive to be destroyed. You're playing a dangerous game by wanting the males to go bye bye, and i say that as someone who isn't a fan of the stars. You have been warned.

>> No.58025000

That's true tho? No male collabs, more branch events, incentives for the girls, beg hard for mod perms, get perms easily.
Nigga i said this in another thread, but I asked the faggot who made pizza tower for permissions to stream his game saying i was a small vtuber corpo, mofo answered me in 3 hours and gave me the ok and yet it took HoloEN 3 MONTHS to get them

>> No.58025002

And now the failures of Tempus are even worse. It'll be fun when that get brought up again rumao

>> No.58025037

>no new comment is being shown
oh no no no they locked it

>> No.58025061

You do realize that the moment the stars go bye bye, a lot of trust in cover will be lost from the girls. Its a bad domino effect. You do not want that. Mass firings are a terrible sign.

>> No.58025078

>I understand why Shinove-san quit...

>> No.58025100

>>58025037 (me)
i am retarded

>> No.58025110

>COVER is a vtuber corporation, and they can literally ignore the unicorns that are "supposedly" on hololive's side, who in fucking reality don't watch anyone at all. They are liars and people who want hololive to be destroyed. You're playing a dangerous game by wanting the males to go bye bye, and i say that as someone who isn't a fan of the stars. You have been warned.
you just replace the word ''unicorns'' with ''homobeggars' and it actually makes sense, kek.
Try harder sis

>> No.58025136
File: 236 KB, 2000x1600, 1075337988-1520226577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Burr's rant on the WNBA encapsulates this situation almost perfectly, except if the WNBA players were forced into NBA games to play alongside the men.

>> No.58025143

They BOTH are not on your side, the actual fan who watches hololive.

>> No.58025149

Roru rumao. Stars getting culled will raise the girl's morale isntead of the other way around. Go spin up some better lies, sister.

>> No.58025156

Where the doxxxx? Also, you do realize that in Japan it is the "unichads" that dox, right?

>> No.58025157

>they are the megaphone for most silent majority
They are the megaphone for their mental illness.

>> No.58025180

??? just let them fucking exist in their isolated corner, instead of throwing millions in the trash trying to advertise them and making whales upset they can for much less money just leave them in their corner and ignore them.

>> No.58025198

>COVER is a vtuber corporation, and they can literally ignore the unicorns
But that's wrong, sisterchama. Unicorns are the biggest paypigs and the primary audience of Hololive. So when Cover tries to ignore them it results in disasters like reGLOSS.
>homobeggars are liars and people who want hololive to be destroyed

>> No.58025203

Few want the homos to truly disappear, just stop shoehorning them in supposedly holo only events and streams, besides if they truly disappear it would a loss of what, 5% of the fans? That's if all of their fans go away with them, and I doubt that would happen

>> No.58025210

You still need to keep employees happy. I don't like the stars, but they still exist. They aren't chopped fucking liver.

>> No.58025230

>All HoloEN bring something to the table
>All HoloID are basically the best and biggest ID Vtuebr company in the world
>All HoloJP bring massive earnings to them
Anon, NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THE HOMOS BUT YAGOO HIMSELF, I fucking guarantee you that the girls want the guys to go to another company and thrive and not be in Hololive where the fanbase has already been cemented, they could literaly have 3x the audience by being indies.

>> No.58025237

>2 failures
>Just 2

Nintendo was in the red for half a decade before the Switch. If they didn't close their doors after the Wii U, Cover won't listen to unibros just because ONE branch isn't doing as hot as their still moneyprinting, still existing JP branch that fuels every single one of Yagoo's homo projects.

>> No.58025283

>just stop shoehorning them in supposedly holo only events and streams
that im fine with. They have their own channel. You do not need to remove them

>> No.58025286

>You do realize that the moment the stars go bye bye, a lot of trust in cover will be lost from the girls.
lmao. Nice headcanon, sister. Meanwhile in reality, none of the girls gave a single shit when Vesper and Magni got canned. The evidence is against you.

>> No.58025339

Fubuki suddenly got forgotten?

>> No.58025338

It's all fucking esl SEAnigs

>> No.58025402

Stopped reading there. Opinion discarded.

>> No.58025439

Fubuki is a cold, hard professional
Little things like a bunch of nobodies being scissored off isn't going to faze her

>> No.58025459

>Unicorns are the biggest paypigs and the primary audience of Hololive
Proven completely wrong by Suisei and Marine being popular.

>> No.58025471

>Fubuki suddenly got forgotten?
Did Fubuki say she gave a fuck about Vesper and Magni getting terminated? Keep in mind your hallucinations don't count.

>> No.58025506

Old Billy red nuts!

>> No.58025528

>I actually hate the feeling of being forced to do or like something.
Literally a (You) problem, holy kek. Stop forcing youself, retard.

>> No.58025556

Sorry sister, but Suisei is the exception that proves the rule.
Unicorn friendly. Try again.

>> No.58025562

>t. incel

>> No.58025566

Never said anything about those two fools

>> No.58025569

>unironic snoy in /vt/
don't you have a starfield thread to post?

>> No.58025579

Well, you should apply then. Or better yet start your own company, you'll mog those corpo idiots in no time.

>> No.58025663

Marine is gachi/unicorn magnet though, it's just that kind of thing that unicorn wouldn't admit I feel like. "Unicorn for Marine? Really?" That type of stuff.

>> No.58025666

>Never said anything about those two fools
So you have no point. Neat.

>you should apply then
I don't went any males in Holopro. Applying would be counterproductive.

>> No.58025689

This is always been the case, only true schizos get angry about their existence, the majority of unicorns only get annoyed when they show where they shouldn't, it's like watching a movie you like and an ad shows up, sure you can skip the ad(if you're watching the vod)or you can ignore it(if you're watching live), but it's annoying nonetheless

>> No.58025750

The majority of unicorns don't tolerate Homos at all. We fucking bullied them out of Holo EN.

>> No.58025765

>Unicorn friendly.
Collabs with men and has a boyfriend. She is not unicorn friendly.

Nobody is unicorn for Marine because everyone knows she's used up. "Unicorns" if this board are not actual unicorns.

>> No.58025794

Cool falseflag but you dont watch hololive

>> No.58025828

This post and the youtube bots comments are a conspiracy by nijifaggots. Don't be mistaken!

>> No.58025848

I unironically would If I didn't have 2 restaurants to manage, anon, but at least finding out getting perms for indie games is absurdly easy makes me question HoloEN's management, imagine if i had proof i was from Cover, they would beg me to play their games just like the powerwashing simulator dev did on twitter when gura said she had no perms.

>> No.58025885

>depressed nousagi lost his reputation
What happened again, wasn't he getting into 4view territory just recently?

>> No.58025890

>real unicorns weren't tried yet!
My nigga, what are you on about, some twisted definition of unicorn again? Who gives a shit, you know exactly what I meant, nijisister.

>> No.58025893

Sure you did.

>> No.58025907

>/Our/ voices (Unicorns with fat wallet)
Lol, wallet is the only part of you that ISN'T fat, SEA nigger. People with money don't waste their time here.

>> No.58026001
File: 70 KB, 544x484, kkdose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens to /vt/....

>> No.58026006

I think he means the time when cucksagi was selling doxx on his patreon
Shamefully nobody cares about that incident anon, he's already made videos about how the Holos are boring while shilling indies, specially IdolEN in one of his videos.

>> No.58026082

Wow, you work at 2 McDonald's at the same time? Don't stretch yourself.

>> No.58026148

I read some comments and japs know where to hit kek, plenty are EN fags commenting in japanese but there's japs among them too, it's a pity cover will turn a deaf ear to that like always and will only back off when there's no other option

>> No.58026178

Oh yea, you americans think Mcdonalds is a restaurant, no wonder the obesity rate is so high. But no anon, fine dining.

>> No.58026208

>I don't went any males in Holopro
Why are you are that short-sighted?
Get in there and manipulate those fags until they starts treating the girls like plague, exactly like almost all of the girls treating them. hell, destroys Holostar's reputation to the point where even the most Homo friendly holomem find them repulsive, then just go vesper and pretend nothing ever happened.

>> No.58026233

Neither do you evidently

>> No.58026268

the amount of seethe from a few phrases is insane.

>> No.58026292
File: 78 KB, 376x381, migo_slurp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesnt watch Migo anyways?
>Probably Homobeggars like you

>> No.58026296
File: 123 KB, 767x663, 1686407174332070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They won't understand until it's too late, Even if the girls collab with them it still won't make people watch them.
It's impossible while Nijisanji exists for fuck sake, Why do you think 99% of female Nijisanji talent doesn't even touch Holo female members?

>> No.58026345

Theres already a bunch of Jops in chat thats saying "Holostars again?"

>> No.58026374

Isn't it because the Holos don't want to or Riku doesn't let them? I mean Marine recently appear at some Niji's event, there was a huge event with nijis and Holos with pekora and subaru.

>> No.58026440
File: 118 KB, 463x453, 1680628134163978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every seething reply is almost the same
are these people even real

>> No.58026458

>they still cry about Omegaα
The easiest way to spot a retarded rrat peddler.

>> No.58026482

they used to interact with each other a lot though

>> No.58026526

When did I say anything like that? I said the cucks on this board are not unicorns. Nips have real unicorns and they are treated as antis.

>> No.58026637

Yeah, and nijiniggers are shot on sight there
See, anyone can make shit up

>> No.58026652

Still you have enough time to ask for fake permissions between your toilet management duties. Might as well chase the dream and start your own true idol corpo.

>> No.58026698

What exactly is the point of turning Hololive into just Nijisanji but with way less popular male streamers?
A female niji collabing with say Kuzuha may at least get something out of it because he’s popular, but any holo collabing with the stars is just alienating part of her audience with no payoff.

>> No.58026729

There's practically no benefits from that type of collab, even when Suisei collabs with them nothing change for them, people just don't care, only the girls get less and less viewers instead of the guys gaining viewers, just like Matsuri almost has a dead channel now

>> No.58026749

>real unicorns

>> No.58026816

Marine? Not gachi/unicorn friendly?
Do you watch Marine?

>> No.58026828

This begs the question... Eveyrone in Japan knows who Kuzuha is. Would a holo collabing with him do any type of damage?

>> No.58026857

Look at how popular nijiJP is, this is why cover is trying to imitate them.

>> No.58026913

Who brings up vtubers having bofriends if not unicorns?

>> No.58026947

Greed, nothing else
>HomoEN desired the Luxiem audience
>HLZNTL desired the VSPO audience
>Re:GLOSS desires the Niji audience
They're basically out of touch, and out of time but they're out of their head when we're not around.

>> No.58026983

Depends which holo desu. If we consider this place will become even more unusable as a type of damage, then yes absolutely otherwise, depends on how professional they are , idk anything about Kuzuha aside from vaguely how he looks like.

>> No.58026993

She has males on her channel and is open about how she will graduate once she wants to marry her boyfriend. Do YOU watch Marine?
I get the feeling yhat you get your info about Marine from clips and retarded goslings.

>> No.58027044

They fail to realize that Nijisanji was destroying them on numbers for a whole month because they spammed their most watched cross-company event. Instead of doing more research they decided Nijisanji is the way to go.

>> No.58027146


>> No.58027164

Literally only the holo would suffer, in every scenario.
consider this, anon

>Koyori announces collab with Kuzuha
>Joshu-kun: "E-eh? Why is she collabing with a male :( I don't want that!"
>Kachiku: "lol who the fuck is this chump bastard coming in here? never heard of them before"
>Collab ends
>Joshu-kun: "I'm sorry, Koyochan, I can't support you anymore. This collab really left a bad taste in my mouth. You shouldn't be collabing with a male in front of your fans like this!"
>Kachiku: "lmao ok bye then. what a weirdo. what was her name again? i forgot already www"

Kuzuha gains nothing, Koyo loses everything.

>> No.58027191

Their goal is probably to filter mentally ill fans like you. Hopefully it works, but more than likely you'll just keep watching while being an anti because you can't help yourself.

>> No.58027307

Cope unicuck

>> No.58027454

They filtered so much they don't even have 100k subs together as a gen, and don't came with muh cull cope

>> No.58027490

Glad the holostars hate is making its way out of containment. There was a time where even /here/ liked them(after Tempus debuted) I was worried this hobby was coming to an end. Guess the only upside of cover shilling stars is they will only garner more hate

>> No.58027631

I already gave dislike to the stream and liked several comments shitting on the homos, do your part too anontachi, I'll go sleep after doing God's work

>> No.58027691
File: 707 KB, 1500x500, 1689621347181418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>unicucks and homobeggars act like they have more power than they actually do.

Don't you retards have lunch right now or something?

>> No.58028031

>filters holofans
>immediately deploy gen0 to shill them
retardo strike again!

>> No.58028048

How do unicorns manage to cope with their oshi so clearly hating them?

>> No.58028118

What do you mean me and my oshi are married and having sweaty sex every night.

>> No.58028170

Coping is their strongest trait. It has to be when you're so removed from reality.

>> No.58028173

It's both sides anon. Stars' brand got damaged cause of "leeching" while the girls are conflicted whether to strike or work

>> No.58028184

I dont know sister, we dont have a sudden 2homo termination

>> No.58028198

>it's bots
>it's falseflags
Homobeggars really don't like the reality huh, maybe that's why they don't accept that they're male and cut their own dick

>> No.58028300

So this... is the intellect... of a unicorn...
Not bad...

>> No.58028349

Why upwoted yt comments making homobeggars seethe? Because it's ruins "unicorns le minority" narrative?

>> No.58028523

20 comments with a few hundred likes from 360k views - "everyone hates it". Talk about accepting reality.
And the usual tranny projection. You've the one hating your own gender. Ywnbaw

>> No.58028536

>makes a thread about some youtube comment section
>never mention which video or the context
>300 posts
I'm convinced I'm the only non-bot poster on this entire fucking board

>> No.58028589

>shitting on homos got 100 likes
>defending homos got less than 10 likes
And most of them homo defenders have mohammed or something from LATAM as their name, literally a bunch of SEA nigs and latinx ahahahaha

>> No.58028774

Holy sea ESL
It's not like they donate or sub anyway, so who cares.

>> No.58028777

>t.doesnt understand a lingo

>> No.58028814


>> No.58028867

wahh wahh wahh cry more big baby

>> No.58028901

Thats google translated japanese comments. Delete this.

>> No.58028902
File: 223 KB, 1500x1500, Ribeye-or-T-bone-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you expect from SEA?
Steak is ucking expensive out there

>> No.58028942

kekw, beggars are losers

>> No.58029127

I'm going to stop you, right there

>> No.58029150

Ruffians are literally homobeggars

>> No.58029175

So SeaNogs larping as japanese using crude google translations. Duly noted.

>> No.58029237
File: 76 KB, 299x311, kiwawa_slurp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If theyre SEA's then youre a Woman

>> No.58029376

Great, you've proven you're a hundred retards fighting an even smaller group of retards while most of 360k people don't give a fuck. What a surprise.

>> No.58029436

most of 360k people will just silently leave anon, it happened to kronii, it happened to that big tittied indie who did NTR on stream and it will happen to Hololive if they keep pushing this shit.

>> No.58029464

>a lingo
>possible a flip

>> No.58029472
File: 191 KB, 2523x951, 1666643217230301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my image

>> No.58029612

cope and seethe all you want, when the ceo and the most important/oldest members of hololive support holostars your opinions means nothing, seniority is final

>> No.58029685

Sister, the sea people is actually defending your boys.

>> No.58029841

>@vtuber-tv9yz going around to damage control
Please tell me this one is on Cover's payroll or else it will be too pitiful www
>Reminder that the JP members have no problem with this
Yeah, to the point they ignore the existence of Holostars for years until they suddenly start shilling them in 2023
I wonder what could have happened, eh? Surely it's not management "convincing" them just like Lui and IRyS, right?

>> No.58029909

Remember how JOPs treated StarsJP 1 in 2019?

>> No.58030044

not sun to fuwamoco

>> No.58030094


>> No.58030180

Ruffians are the worst advent fanbase by far even without the homobegging
Insufferably smug and constantly shit on other holos to make their oshis seem better

>> No.58030237

see >>58030044
now back to coping about being the actual worse fanbase of advent novelite

>> No.58030238

Imagine actually crying about the mention of men, holy shit I can't imagine being this pathetic

>> No.58030340

dude only subbed to mori from holo en.fucking deadbeats

>> No.58030419 [DELETED] 

Ride on time~~

>> No.58030693

It starts making a lot more sense when you realize a lot of the larping SEA unicorns here are just closet gays.

>> No.58030738

>literally 3 minutes of an hour long stream is enough to make people break down into tears and enter a seething rage
genuinely how can holofans be so thin skinned?

>> No.58030933
File: 4 KB, 504x89, how troons argue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look! a troon have an argument with himself again

>> No.58030958

what are you talking about

>> No.58031254

Leaving a dissatisfied comment (takes 10 seconds of your day)= breaking down in tears.


>> No.58031373

feeling the need to comment and whine about 3 minutes of an hour long stream and cry favoritism and bias and "holostars propaganda" over said 3 minutes is crying about it, yes. If anything simply crying would be less pathetic.

>> No.58031379

novelites are ntr fetishists but at least dont shit too much on the others

>> No.58031444

It's fucking Gen 0, are you guys actually retarded? How are you still surprised?

>> No.58031498

Yes, infact homos shouldn't be there in the first place
>Holostarts =/= Hololive

>> No.58031660

stop crying over other people crying man. Not a good look

>> No.58032155

Because they want you anons to be more physical instead of whining in a site where they wont ever touch.... So what are you doing now anon? Go send DT to them, spam their dms, throw garbage at their office. let it be known that you guys dont like this direction
