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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57955598 No.57955598 [Reply] [Original]

They're trying to cancel Nophi already. What is is about teenage girls that make roasties seethe?

>> No.57955668

so those threads were all seething femanons then, makes sense

>> No.57955693
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>> No.57955708


>> No.57955837

>let's reveal to the world that one of our talents is underage, surely nothing could go wrong right? People will even thank us for telling artists to not draw lewd art of her!
Poor single digit IQ manager.

>> No.57955849

Pretty soon, jokes about liking Friend Chicken and Watermelon will get you cancelled too

>> No.57955977

literally who
buy an ad

>> No.57956015 [DELETED] 
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>be slavery
>be practiced since the earliest civilizations
>almost a universal thing
>still exists to this day

>> No.57956101


>> No.57956110
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>model in progress
>most likely pronouns too
i almost forgot vtweeters are one of the loudest

>> No.57956129 [DELETED] 

>I think you mistook this app for 4chan
meanwhile /here/
>twittard screenshot
>plebbit screenshot
>jewtube commen section screenshot

>> No.57956137


>> No.57956391

Xitter faggots can't even handle a minor kek

>> No.57957319

stop obsessing over the minor.

>> No.57957635
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>> No.57957800

The challenger to Rushia throne

>> No.57958257
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>aryan pekora

>> No.57958324

they think men dont want them because they're old because it's easier than facing the reality that men dont want them because they're cunts

>> No.57958486
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one drop rule

>> No.57958518

Xitterfags trying to decide between absolving a minor of all responsibility and treating them like a heckin child and harassing a minor for saying something dumb

>> No.57958615

S-she's tanned! Like Nagatoro!

>> No.57958622 [DELETED] 

white people literally enslaved half of the world and still do since the entire world is made hostage by nuclear weapons

>> No.57958627

Something dumb? That is a fucking harmless joke for fucks sake

>> No.57958636

/vt/ groomers fixating on a minor again? Can't you just dip your genitals in acid instead?

>> No.57958686

no FUN, no BANTER ALLOWED. I did NOT give consent to this. I'm offended in place of all the black american slaves (not any other slaves they are irrelevant and can fuck off). I'm white whale waiting for my prince to provide for me cuz I'm a queen.

>> No.57958789 [DELETED] 

>white people
Who owned the slave ships in the Atlantic slave trade anon? Time to get edumacated.

>> No.57958831

> Claim that they want to "protect" minor.
> Proceed to harass and cancel her

>> No.57958883 [DELETED] 

>Reality has enslaved all of humanity since everyone is made to suffer and will be killed by reality.
Nothing others havent done before. Also, we were bored.
Cant argue with moral relativists npc programs.

>> No.57959023

Americans are going to turn that comment into something racial at any second

>> No.57959067

Already did.

>> No.57959085

Found out they don't allow sunscreen in japanese schools. so based. Teachers know what they doin.

>> No.57959113 [DELETED] 

that's right, fear the white old men who control the world!!

>> No.57959210

>don't allow sunscreen in japanese schools
What? Why?

>> No.57959214 [DELETED] 

Those damn white evangelical christians! With their nukes, and media and NGO's spread all over the world, and their federal reserve banks, and their usuary, and their chicken swining, and little hats, and their foreskin eating volcano demon...

>> No.57959284

Cos they see it as cosmetics rather than medication. It's actually fucking retarded. But the more girls with sukumizu shaped tans on their body, the better, just don't worry about the skin cancer.

>> No.57959295 [DELETED] 

You subhumans selling eachother to real people and us keeping you in check from being too retarded is not taking anything hostage, its called fuck about found out.

>> No.57959305 [DELETED] 

Weird too how the evangelical boogeymen are given absolutely nothing they want in the culture war except for Zionism which never needs to be fought for. Must be a concidence

>> No.57959358

always has been
theres no males on the internet

>> No.57959385 [DELETED] 

enslaved them by doubling their life expectancy, giving them the wheel and 2 story houses and antibiotics, and writing. kek. shoulda fuckin left them alone.

>> No.57959391

Was just going to say this

>> No.57959435 [DELETED] 

They want eunach jannisaries controlling the society for them, till their golem turns on them. Never said they were smart.

>> No.57959451 [DELETED] 

so I can roll up in Jakarta with a nuke and build my harem?

>> No.57959539 [DELETED] 

>shoulda fuckin left them alone.
This so much. And only trade with Asia.
Actually no. Should have just k****d all n****rs when we had the chance and technological advantage. They were gonna leave the stone age at some point and become a plague, just by osmosis. Anyway its all over now. Full redditor death.

>> No.57959585

16 is of age in the vast majority of the world including America, Anonchama.

>> No.57959733

The corp's words, not mine.

>> No.57959735
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Alright, I just wanna ask, legitimately.
Do you think this company will cave in to SJW faggots, that don't even watch vtubers anyway mind you, or will they hold strong?

I'm watching from the sideline. If they cave, I'll ridicule them then continue not watching any of their shit. If they don't cave, I'll know that they have a backbone and I will check out their talents and possibly stick around.
I strongly suspect they'll cave though, like the spineless little bitches they are. All these companies have to do is weather the twitter outrage storm for like a month until the low attention span outrage squad get board and move onto the next thing to be outraged with, but these faggot companies can't even manage that.

>> No.57959745

you sure they didn't mean fake tan?

>> No.57959748

slavery is the reason everything is as bad as it is. they couldn’t fathom what it would ultimately lead too. Their demand for cheap cotton back then has turned into the most expensive purchase in history, in top of completely eroding any sense of social cohesion

>> No.57959761

lolis are the final solution. So imma go support her and stick it to the chicken swingers, construction site joggers, wall bobbers, tit loppers, and cock tuckers and laugh as they kvetch and seethe.

>> No.57959814 [DELETED] 
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>> No.57959850

Yes. Some of the boomers think it's more healthy to not wear sunscreen and get a tan. Though same in the west, some people still think tans are healthy and fashionable. Tans still sexy on jap girls though and i shall continue to fetishize them kek.

>> No.57959899

>Hires a minor
>Announce it to the world
>Pleads in twitter to respect her
>Said minor hire is already showing signs of mental instability

This should be interesting. I can already see the writing on the wall. It's just a matter of when

>> No.57959900 [DELETED] 

fucking kek

>> No.57959947

this is the company who explicitly stated that they will kneel and suck chinese cock because they thought Hololive's decision during the Taiwan yab was a mistake, so yeah they certainly will buckle through pressure and terminate the girl.

>> No.57959958 [DELETED] 



>> No.57960001 [DELETED] 

99% of the countries there would persecute and/or kill anyone who isn't a native

>> No.57960008

>twitter squad ruins a girls dreams
>"its for your own good"
>girl commits sudoku

>> No.57960024 [DELETED] 

Iran was white before the arab invasion. Georgia is unimpressed. Kick all Yayoi out of Jomon japan and japan will be white, Pink nippled girls get to stay. Chilli and Argentina seething. How'd the fijians get in?!

>> No.57960041 [DELETED] 

Based map. And so factual and non-political that /pol/tards will seethe about it anyway so even better.

>> No.57960060

She's perfect. Imma find her. Imma fuck her.

>> No.57960068 [DELETED] 

Read the second line

>> No.57960080
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holy based...

>> No.57960098

Senpai, subhumans are literally all over the place outside of that zone.

>> No.57960116 [DELETED] 

Yes. You will escape your white boogeyman and find something far, far, FAR worse

>> No.57960137

>women being into slavery
Isn't it more appropriate to use the word bondage or whatever. Also isn't she a literal child. Why the fuck would she talk about sex shit.

>> No.57960147 [DELETED] 

Don't explain the joke anon.

>> No.57960187

Bondage is far more kinky and explicitly sexual than a master-servant relationship.

>> No.57960204 [DELETED] 

No one in that screnshot said that you cannot say slavery you fucking retard

>> No.57960223


>> No.57960231 [DELETED] 

Wow that's rough buddy. If things are that bad it makes you wonder why you even stick around?

>> No.57960240

>Why the fuck would she talk about sex shit
and you didn't when you were 16?

>> No.57960349 [DELETED] 

>Muh context is important and she is celebratinbg slavery in this tweet! I'm sooooo triggered!
You ain't slick retard, your semantics games (it isn't about the word itself reeeeeeeeee) don't work on anyone who has been around the internet block. Fuck off back to your lefty pol or wherever the fuck you come from, don't care.

>> No.57960366 [DELETED] 

Racism in Japan is a lot more mild than Racism in the US. Some places you can't even own your own home because the overwhelmingly white, baptist majority run a Home Owners Association and legally prevent you from owning a home. Whites in the US like to pretend they're not racist but will charge a white less than they do to LATAMs or blacks. You guys also complain that Asians are stealing jobs even though you retards sent the factories overseas for cheap labor.
t. SEA who came here for college.

>> No.57960384

>Model in progress
Fucking trannies. Hang yourself already.

>> No.57960398 [DELETED] 

You need to go back.

>> No.57960420

I'm a dude, I've been jacking my peen since 6th grade. It's different for girls, they're not ready at that age.

>> No.57960422 [DELETED] 

You are delusional, for real SEA shitposter. japan doesn't have civil rights laws that lawyers love to prosecute that prevent every signle thing you just listed. You can be denied service in japan as a foreigner and nobody will help you. Which is a good thing because Japan is based.

>> No.57960466

idk I distinctly remember when in highschool group of girls was asking guys if they watch lesbian porn

>> No.57960486
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>> No.57960530

Wow, this poor girls is just getting fucked left and right. I will be surprised if she doesnt graduate as soon as she debuts.

>> No.57960547

>Also isn't she a literal child. Why the fuck would she talk about sex shit.
Shinjirare nai!

>> No.57960548 [DELETED] 

>Upset about semantics
Nigger moment

>> No.57960590

And there's levels of it, too. Whites are preferred the most here. SEA is absolutely abhorred

>> No.57960607

Japanese don't treat you like a literal animal. Some shops might refuse to serve you if you're in the sticks but that's about as bad as it gets. In the US you could literally die if you look at a trigger happy cop the wrong way and your skin color isn't pearly white. You people just hide your prejudice in the private sector and through the prison industrial complex. One could argue everyone who's poor is fucked in America but your people are too brain damaged to understand that and would just cry about socialism.

>> No.57960622

This whole thing is weird, whole fucking en vtuber community is nothing but freaks.

>> No.57960669

>he fell for the cop meme
Just stop breaking the law. You always love fucking everything up and then blaming others

>> No.57960704

so you didn't even think about sex till you were 18? No cunny kissing behind the sports shed at elementary? Kids will fuck and you won't stop them. Seethe.

>> No.57960711

>Please pick me anon
Am I supposed to care about this cunt who is going to abandon us as soon as she builds a big enough fanbase?

>> No.57960724

>only people who break the law get arrested or stop by cops
He fell for the meme. I bet you also believe cops never lied, plant evidence, make things up, tamper with their own body cams or intimidate judges and jurors.
I bet you also believe cops don't have the highest rates of domestic abuse for any profession.

>> No.57960726 [DELETED] 

kill yourself you tranny prude faggot man in a dress. YWNBAW

>> No.57960757 [DELETED] 

Sure, pajeet. Just try not to caught at your next deal, and if you do just blame the whites again

>> No.57960768

>I have never been to Japan before

Japan legally and illegally prevents non-japs from doing tons of shit.

>> No.57960781 [DELETED] 

You are trying too hard tourist

>> No.57960787

This girl is already against lewd stuff so I don't care about her. Hook me up with lewd underage vtubers. I don't care if they are 1view or whatever, just needs to be a horny girl.

>> No.57960802

Whites did not send manufacturing overseas, another tribe from the middle east did that. HOA don't want higher crime rates in their neighbourhoods. The one thing whites do need to do however, is stop pretending they're not racist, because they are racist, and that's a good thing, cos it keeps people like you the hell away from us.

>> No.57960827

You are just racist against white people. Also just shut the fuck up nigger. Nobody cares about your hyporitical sobstory oppression-swindle.

>> No.57960836

Like what?
I live in japan by the way.

>> No.57960837

>Nooooo u cant say that word
>Nooo you cant say that word
Why are americans like this???

>> No.57960840

Just to make sure nobody falls for this retards bullshit

This study proves that under the same circumstances, white people are more likely to be shot by police than black people.

>> No.57960863

>Why are americans like this???
The jews.

>> No.57960876

"x race gets unfair treatment" arguments get destroyed as soon as you look at x race crime statistics

>> No.57960878

>I live in japan by the way.
Okay prove it. Then prove you're white.

>> No.57960892

>say you're a virgin that has never interacted with girls without saying your a virgin that has never interacted with girls.
Girls were as horny as I was, at the same age I became horny. They were so ready to breed, and I was eatin good.

>> No.57960898

statistics are a form of white superiority.

>> No.57960917

Yes, we are superior. Thank you for the acknlowedgement.

>> No.57960923

No one is saying slavery is a slur in that screenshot, what about you adress what they are whining about?

>> No.57960931
File: 674 KB, 768x768, Literally Me 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Kiara can save us now

>> No.57960941

There's nothing a dried up, fat, ugly or self-uglified bitch hates more than the young and unspoiled. They will seethe with the power of a thousand suns and will do all they can to destroy.

>> No.57960951

I think its great honestly, biggest deterrent from being woke is woke people harassing you non stop since you were teenager, because you are healing child working for money and making dark jokes instead of changing pronounces every other week and becoming mentally ill from 10 different pills you have to take because doctor said so.

>> No.57960969

there's a group that has even higher rates of domestic abuse. Trannies. The same trannies that are trying to cancel this girl who just wants to stream. Gonna support her while drinking tranny tears.

>> No.57960985

Hecking* instead of healing

>> No.57960987 [DELETED] 

yes lol

>> No.57961000

You’re the first one to bring up blacks in this thread, something you want to tell us anon? Maybe some deep seeded complexes?

>> No.57961020 [DELETED] 

>white people were unique in their desire to procure slaves
No. They were just better at it than everybody else.
>white people were unique in their desrie to abolish slavery
Yes. The most important country in the global abolishment of slavery was Britain.

>> No.57961033 [DELETED] 

tourist? No one likes your kind here. Why don't you go stop the middle eastern small hate wearing tribe that actually literally abuse and rape children more than any other ethnicity and leave the lolicons alone to enjoy their based vtuber instead of trying to get an innocent child fired. kys.

>> No.57961043

I thought they were all chammers at first. Festival and fatcat are very hot here

>> No.57961061

Do not give up the search. They're out there friend.

>> No.57961100

>muh dick
Ok this cant be real and has to be a troll. No way an unironic leftgroid made it this far into 4chan.

>> No.57961118 [DELETED] 

Are you done being a faggot, or are you going to continue?

>> No.57961140 [DELETED] 

White is spelled with a capital W. And black is spelled with a small b.

>> No.57961151

Girls at that age are generally grossed out by the idea of sex and only do it because their boyfriends pressure them into it

>> No.57961169

Tell me anon, did any girls pay attention to you in highschool?

>> No.57961182 [DELETED] 

The ones in charge of procuring the slaves were not white. Nor were they black. They literally ran the slave trade and intentionally left us in this mess cos they want us dead.

>> No.57961199

nigger worship

>> No.57961201

Sora doko?
Saved btw

>> No.57961206 [DELETED] 

Have you tried not being subhuman jungle monkey?

>> No.57961221

>This study proves that under the same circumstances, white people are more likely to be shot by police than black people.
>"x race gets unfair treatment" arguments get destroyed as soon as you look at x race crime statistics
I like how you can actually prove white people are getting much worse treatment by cops in America today statiscally, including political prisoners like the J6 protesters or Proud Boys or Patriotic Alternative who did nothing wrong while BLM and Antifa are allowed ot be set loose to riot as the elite's foot soldiers without consequences, and you still refuse to a acknowledge this is a political problem that needs to be addressed because cuckservative gatekeepers have fried your brains about how this isn't an issue you can ever have, this issue is only for others to organize around and cops (feds or local) are your friends despite all evidence to the contrary.

>> No.57961223

In a good society, but ours has disintegrated

>> No.57961230

>10+ minutes can can't take a picture of hand outside to prove you're white in japan

PSA to everybody, they're all fucking SEA monkeys.

>> No.57961229 [DELETED] 

I'm not even close to being done tranny. So how does it feel to look in the mirror and know deep within your soul that you are a man and that you will never ever pass, no matter how many people you try to fool with your lies and pilpul. You are an evil being, and you know you are evil. You probably abuse animals too. Stay the fuck away from children, fuckin psycho.

>> No.57961257

>immediately thinks of dicks
Freud would have an absolute field day with you anon, smoke any cigars lately?

>> No.57961285

Literally parasites.

>> No.57961301

>this poor motherfucker has never had a girl be horny at him.
And these fuckin tranny faggots call US incels. Dunno about all these zoomer tranny retards, but I was fucking drowning in pussy in elementary, it's why i love loli shit to this day. Now put that phone to the FBI down tranny, and learn the difference between fictional characters and real people, i know it's hard. but do try. Dumb faggot.

>> No.57961317

>Muh dick

>> No.57961320

nothing wrong with being a virgin, anon but don't try to appear as an expert on sexuality

>> No.57961380 [DELETED] 

Jewish created tranny faggots always do this sex projection trick, and it's fuckin ineffective and gay. All freud kikery can be disgarded because freud was jewish, and he fucked kids.

>> No.57961382

>Freud would have an absolute field day with you anon
Cliche NPC phrase #32438
Kill yourself in reddit

>> No.57961383

Huh, weird, nothing changed for me.

>> No.57961424

nothing wrong with being a virgin, yet you use it as an insult against your political opponents. you're either a fucking scumbag, or a fun larp. how's it feel that trannies lost the culture war against lolicons? Never made a fuckin dent. Lol.

>> No.57961461

>anyone who disagrees with my viewpoint is projecting their sexual inferiority complex

Do you faggots get tired of doing the same old shit constantly? Or are you such a fundamentally broken person that you're no longer a human being and instead just a societal byproduct who hides because 9 layers of irony to the point you've forgotten what it's like to be sincere?

>> No.57961487

I can hear Miko's ovaries throbbing from here.

>> No.57961521

>trannies lost the culture war against lolicons
You are both degenerate liberals, doesn't matter if a left or right liberal they are almost the same thing) working toward the same end goals, just working different angles is all. One side confuses the gender of children and the other side dores everything possible to sexualize them as some subversize act against the system or something. But really, you are just drag queen story hour on the internet.

>> No.57961526

I think you've mistaken me for another poster. I'm just saying underage girls like to fuck about as much as underage boys.

>> No.57961563

now THIS is some cope

>> No.57961589

>Japanese don't treat you like a literal animal. Some shops might refuse to serve you if you're in the sticks but that's about as bad as it gets
Good job trying to rent or buying a home lmao even as a white american that grew up in japan you still get denied. there is an interview with a pair of twins that grew up in japan and their neighbour bought their house from the landlord when the landlord wanted to sell so they now pay rent to their neighbour. He didnt want to sell to the stinking "gaijins" lmao.
Meanwhile in america and the rest of the white world: every type of minority is free to own their property and sell shit

>> No.57961596

>insinuates dick insinuation overdone tripe
>wow i cant believe you insinuated that i insinuated that. You are projecting
I hontoni believed NPC had died out from the internet after the activation commands stopped after the biden coup. Are they being reactivated? Why is it on /vt/?

>> No.57961640

I do love that segragation and racism are OK when thre Japanese do it but it is the worst thing in the world when anyone else does. Is this the brain rot of being a weeb at work?

>> No.57961650

not liberal. national socialist. I just think young teenage white girls should be making cute white babies for the white race. Leaving it til 18 results in the low birthrates that are killing our race. Liberals can face the wall. Libs hate sex for the creation of life, breeding vaginal sex, they loathe it, and instead they love degenerate demented sex for pleasure that doesn't create life, Sex with bears, sex with dogs, gay sex, tranny sex, sex with trans children. Sex foor pleasure. They're fucking sick and need to be fed into woodchippers. This 16 year old vtuber is built for sex and having my white babies.

>> No.57961680

The same reason why you’re attracted to them. They’re stupid, weak, and easily suggestible. They’re ripe for all kinds of abuse.

>> No.57961683

Dunno. The mods let trannies use /vt/ for some reason, with their homobegger tempus threads and other gay shit. They all need to be banned and fucking leave. No one wants these evil fucks here.

>> No.57961720

Kek the resistance is strong with these people

>> No.57961773

Nobody freaked out when Nicklodeon hires teenage girls for teens shows where they used sexy outfits

>> No.57961839

I haf my first ""serious"" (i.e. not just sitting next to each other during recess) gf when we were both in 7th grade (so 12-13 I think) and she begged me for weeks to give me a blowjob until I agreed and she blew me in the boy's bathroom during class, and that wasn't even close to the wildest shit that was going on in my school.

>> No.57961889

>he doesnt know teens are the most horny
My ex gf started masturbating when she was 8, and I used to make fun of her cuz I started only at 13.

>> No.57961896

This one seems to have activated dorment lines of codes. Hope its not an omen.
Was it good?

>> No.57961906

Aryan Marine is makin me blush

>> No.57961949 [DELETED] 

I think a few thousand bucks would do the trick well enough there.

>> No.57961982

>My ex gf started masturbating when she was 8
This so much.
Normalniggers have no idea about this shit and wont believe you. Lolis literally sexually activate themselves at age 7 thinking about daddy or unkie. Its wild. We are so domesticated and cucked by tptb. They still get prima noctis.

>> No.57961981 [DELETED] 

>The ones in charge of procuring the slaves were not white.
fucking berbers

>> No.57961987

that's because oof who runs nickelodeon, and who gets to fuck those girls. Same with Netflix's cuties. The trannies will push the 3dpd kid fucking stuff because trannies literally want to fuck kids, they want a piece of the pie the jews are feeding from. And they project their kiddie fiddling tendancies by targetting lolicons and wasting fed resources on them. Sick and evil. And they'll cancel any loli anime and manga they can because they know that loli stuff inspires breeding young healthy girls, raises families and helps make white babies, and trannies and jews HATE that. Instead they want you watching advertising with black people in them.

>> No.57962022 [DELETED] 

It was a jewish slaver.

>> No.57962074

>pure unconditional love with a non corrupted non-mentally ill, non-roastbeef cute girl
Yeah. I guess youre right.

>> No.57962086 [DELETED] 

not quite the middle eastern tribe i was alluding to, but don't get me started on those motherfuckers. That was one of the reasons whites went into north africa, to stop that shit. Decolonizing the barbary coast was a fuckin mistake and now europe gets flooded with sub saharans. Fortunately they can't swim for shit, so they don't all make it. But isn't it interesting how the NGO's that rescue these noble immigrants that can't swim and ship them to europe are run and owned by israelis.

>> No.57962136

so the people harassing a 17 year old for a silly slavery joke where she doesnt even mention race, after it was found out a black company hired her despite being underage, are the good guys and the heckin evil 4chan unicorns are the ones leading vtubers to graduating?

>> No.57962137

raising a healthy young family with a fit healthy young girl with an instinct for motherhood and a desire to raise 10 - 20 beautiful white children when not subjected to jewish brainwashing their entire life.

>> No.57962145
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nice vtuber thread

>> No.57962146 [DELETED] 
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>> No.57962178

that's unironically how they see it. it's gonna blow up in their face. She's just gonna acquire more followers, and an even more loyal fanbase because of this. I love when shit blows up in tranny faces.

>> No.57962218

I keep telling everyone that anime is literally nazi propoganda, and that this is a GOOD thing. The japs know what they're doing.

>> No.57962238

Wherever i go
I must filter

>> No.57962241

>>pure unconditional love
The problem is you are already corrupted and can't give anything to anyone unconditionally. And should leave said innocent girl to someone much less corruped than you are that is closer to her own age. THAT is why age matters despite all the rhetorical hoops you people jump through to justify it.

>> No.57962284

Why does every catalog thread on this board devolve into off topic /pol/faggotry instead of talking about the topic at hand? Why arent these posts deleted for being off topic? If you want to talk about politics so bad why dont you just go to /pol/, this is the vtuber board. Like why the fuck are you niggers discussing age of consent and jews when the original post has nothing to do with it.

>> No.57962296

I'm not corrupted though. Now what?

>> No.57962359

what do you mean? This is the most fun i've had in weeks.

>> No.57962394

Fucking based lmao
I can see why they hired her she's great

>> No.57962437

Go back to plebbit

>> No.57962480 [DELETED] 

With age comes wisdom. And wisdom works well with the shining beauty of youth. They compliment each other well. How do you think couples dealt with having 14 or so kids back in the day? We evolved to be like this. It's why menopause exists. 40 year old men literally evolved to impregnate 16 year old girls. And 16 year old girls are built to be impregnated by greying 40 year old men that can support them. It's simple evolution. It also maximizes the birthing potential of the girl, who will give me a new daughter every 9 months until she reaches menopause. If you disagree with me you're a homo , so go spread monkeypox to dogs and kids or whatever you gays and trannies do these days.

>> No.57962584

that's what twitter screencaps bring out of people

>> No.57962603

The people bullying this vtuber are leftist progressives. That's the whole reason why they're bullying her. You can't discuss this without bringing up politics.

>> No.57962626 [DELETED] 

This larp doesnt work very well when youre on the fucking vtuber board and everyone knows youre not going to be getting any woman pregnant any time soon. You spend your days obsessing over women who will never know you, and when you arent doing that you are gossiping about them on 4chan. What makes you think youd be a good provider for a 16 year old girl?

>> No.57962709

You can recognize theyre retarded SJWs without completely derailing the conversation

>> No.57962710

Youre bias is showing. You are assuming im corrupted without foundation, that is personist against me. You are unprincipled in moral ethics.
>leave said innocent girl to someone much less corruped than you are that is closer to her own age
Why are you also assuming men her own age are not corrupted. What if infact they are the corrupted sociopaths who corrupt and traumatise her? I think you are projecting a deeply ingrained social conditioning that is meant to actually destroy the innocense of young girls systemetically by granting young sociopath males unlimited access to young females.

>> No.57962751

>ad hominem
Im actually a Chad. He also might be a Chad.

>> No.57962754 [DELETED] 

Unironically the arabs are also at fault for the desertifcation of north Africa, the carthaginians then the romans basically spent hundreds of years "terraforming" .

>> No.57962777 [DELETED] 

why are you so mad lol. you actually think we're all virgins don't you. how do you think i got this breeding fetish in the first place you fucking retard. hope you get laid one day lol.

>> No.57962844 [DELETED] 

Ah I see. Yes youre totally chads and perfectly functioning members of society, yes you, the person arguing with people about the age of consent on /vt/ under a twitter screen cap. And im sure you both have child wives and 10 children as well. Definitely.

>> No.57962855 [DELETED] 

God did that. He needed a natural barrier because someone made a genetic yabai.
(Some say it was Yakub, the bigbrain nibba)

>> No.57962871 [DELETED] 

aboriginals turned australia from a forest continent into a desert. They burned it all down, and killed all the megafauna. Irrelevant fun fact! Also all the historic artifacts from egyptian to sumerian, including the sphynx, all of it, were defaced by iconoclastic jewish people. Muslims learnt the practice from them.

>> No.57962894 [DELETED] 

Not an argument.

>> No.57962906

Im sure if she said "eat the rich" they would bow down and worship her.

>> No.57962908 [DELETED] 

I wasnt arguing. You do have a childwife of your own, right? I assumed you were speaking from experience.

>> No.57962948 [DELETED] 

smells like someone losing an argument in here. ALL CHUDS ARE INCELS RIGHT? NO EXCEPTIONS. Why don't you use the institutionalized power granted to you by those in control, and use it to make some healthy white babies? Or are you still too busy wearing women's clothing and shoving dildos up your ass while you watch "Cuties" on netflix and fuck bears in baldur's gate 3?

>> No.57962972

eat the rich. NO NOT THE JEWISH RICH.

>> No.57962991 [DELETED] 

Youre argument would imply functioning members of society should in fact deserve childwives
(who start fingering themselved at age 8 btw). With this your logic has failed and if this was a debate you would have lost now.
Anyway all women are whores. Goodbye.

>> No.57963054 [DELETED] 

I never said anything about incels. I never even said youre a virgin, just that you wouldnt be impregnating anyone soon. Am I wrong in that assumption? Are you actually married? >>57962991
They do. Youre the one who made the assumption I was directly arguing against child/adult relationships.

>> No.57963071 [DELETED] 

once they turn 18 they are. They're like lightening in a bottle that has to be captured within a short window of time. Then you grow old with them.

>> No.57963114

Lmaooo these are exactly the kinds of braindead yabs I’d expect from a kid. The pedo founder was definitely thinking with his dick instead of his brain for this one. Why would you hire this moron?

>> No.57963116 [DELETED] 

Gib loli

>> No.57963135 [DELETED] 

>moving the goal posts
"if.. if your not a virgin.... you're still an incel... and if you're not an incel... you're n-not married... and if... if your married... you don't have kids yet...right... right???"
Your "chuds are incels" meme is dead in the water, tranny, and is no longer a valid argument.

>> No.57963171

She sounds based to me. I think I'm gonna watch her.

>> No.57963186

I never once moved the goalposts. Because I never called you a virgin, Nor an incel. Why do you keep acting as if I did? And why cant you answer my question?

>> No.57963234

I think you’re mistaking based for the cringy weebs in the anime club at highschool. This type of stuff is just really reminiscent of socially awkward teenage edgy humour. It’s not clever enough to be based, it’s just tryhard.

>> No.57963297
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>> No.57963345

>Minors can't drink alcohol
Why xtards are so detached from reality?

>> No.57963351 [DELETED] 

Sounds like a pretty superior race if they're capable of enslaving half he world.

>> No.57963409
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I'm not answering your big gotcha question you dumb tranny faggot. Stop harrassing children on the internet, stop being a tranny faggot, or kill yourself. Just admit you hate it when straight white people breed. I'm gonna check out this vtuber and watch her, while watching you sjw virtue signalling peacocking jewish mind controlled child grooming teenage tit slicing boy dick mutilating leftist libtard pillow biting shirt lifting pro-ship hating tranny faggot poofters that can't tell the difference between fictional characters and real people fucking seethe forever, while I enjoy my lolis. Leave /vt/ and stay the fuck in your twitter freak containment zone, or at least stay in your tempus threads.

>> No.57963434

one tranny's cringe is another chad's gold.

>> No.57963452

If you drink alcohol before turning the magical age of 21, you'll actually die.

>> No.57963468

Who the fuck waits till 18 to drink. Lol. God zoomers are fucking prudes.

>> No.57963482

Man, I decided to read posts under it, xisters are really something, I was getting drunk with lads for the first time when I was 13. What are these snowflakes. My father let me try his alcohol only for me to repulse in disgust, now he would be lynched on xitter lmao

>> No.57963504

My pronouns are Shocked/Surprised

>> No.57963517

Not a tranny or a faggot. And i dont have twitter because im not retarded. I assume the answer is no, but instead of simply saying that you choose to embarass yourself by screaming "TRANNY TRANNY YOU MUST BE A TRANNY YOURE CALLING ME AN INCEL ARENT YOU? WELL IM NOT!". I can bet you im a bigger fucking lolicon than you are and you are severely misconstruing the situation. Your seething at a simple question just goes to show youre not fit for taking care of a teenage girl.

>> No.57963533

Transgender people are detached from reality. That's why they are transgender.

>> No.57963580 [DELETED] 

They are the new bugman race. The final drone product of social engineering. A nu-caste system if you will.

>> No.57963591

I can already imagine the harassment she'll face during her debut. I wouldn't be surprised if they give her the boot. Sad stuff. I bet she was so excited too.

>> No.57963599
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Actual sisters lmao

>> No.57963653

>actual troon
Full sweep.

>> No.57963692

Holy shit she’s so socially incompetent.
She’s gonna get groomed so hard.
I hope it’s all documented. She has amazing lolcow potential.

>> No.57963714

Let her cook.

>> No.57963826

poor girl. fuck the twitter trannies but fuck akio air for even hiring her in the first place. why the fuck did they even think it was a good idea to publicly announce shes underage and catch trannies and groomers attention with it? i really hope shes mentally strong enough to not get groomed by her fans, not let harassment get to her head, and not get exploited by the black company, if shes not itd be best if she quit because this could be terrible for her.

>> No.57963832

>drinking alcohol before youre 21

>take hormones at 11 to fuel your illness
>"teehee so cuuuute and brave <3"
why are they like this. I thought vtubing was supposed to be safe from this. the dogpiling on her is insane.

>> No.57963835 [DELETED] 

Middle eastern and chinese kingdoms ensaved their neighbors for literal thousands of years before whities put out their first colony. The atlantic slave trade was only enabled because of coastal african groups capturing slaves from tribes in the african interior.

>> No.57963954

Nah, I think it's fine to hire her, it's a nice comfy job for a teen, sure you can be exposed to a lot of grooming, but so is sitting on discord, and I bet my ass someone who is gonna become underage vtuber is already "discord kitten". It's leagues better than working some attraction shit under the sun getting paid next to nothing and if you are rapeable well you know...you never know.
Still retarded for them to announce it, it's like asking horde of sisters to attack her, and she is undeveloped, I just hope she won't get fucked up by whole thing.

>> No.57965593

people under the age of 18 should not be in the entertainment industry in any form.

>> No.57967412


>> No.57967549

>"She is identified as a minor in the majority of jurisdictions worldwide"
Straight from the corpo's statement

>> No.57967606

Are you retarded?
Those have been considered racist by most people for like 20 years what bubble do you live in?

>> No.57967608

>Joined in May 2022
So many cases!

>> No.57967696

I think he meant age of consent. Age of consent is 16 is the vast majority of the world. Age of vote or parent emancipation is 18 or above almost everywhere.

>> No.57967728

>Pretty soon
>Something that has been considered racist for 2 decades
