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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57924395 No.57924395 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of people in /vrt/ shitting up the thread by talking about the brapper so I'm making this thread so they can talk here and leave my thread the fuck alone.
First post >>57804138
Totally real and not AI voice >>57862219 >>57923596
Talking about university >>57916770 to which someone says she begged people to buy content to afford tuition >>57923689
Someone said she is a shiba inu so we'll know next month exactly who Mel is >>57885716 >>57886088
Talk about the brapper in this thread and nowhere else or never talk about her again. I'm sick of this menhera being brought up over and over again. She has no talent, she has no fans, she scams thousands of dollars, she throws her "friends" under the bus, she denounces racism and homophobia but openly calls her "friends" trannies and niggers under the illusion that she's anonymous /here/ I'm so sick of this girl.

>> No.57924632

Unfortunately, she's trying to "blend in" so it will keep going to other threads.

>> No.57924652

QRD on the drama?

>> No.57924672

Can't believe some of the retards in vrt were falling for her bullshit after everything

>> No.57924689

I'm tired of it. I'm trying to enjoy /vrt/ yet people keep talking about her. I used to report it all as off topic but I got vacationed for false reports? This place fucking sucks.

>> No.57924726

>Implying it's not a schizo trying to make a point in favor of gatekeeping again

>> No.57925035

I can believe it.

>> No.57925109

nah it just mel samefagging

>> No.57925141

For a second there I thought you meant she was unironically going back to the Mel identity and that the entirety of /vrt/ had somehow never heard of her (despite the fact that it's absolutely crawling with schizos).

>> No.57925221

vrt hasn't been good since they let there be 7 sins

>> No.57925506

I'll give you everything that I know after watching her for 2 years. Anons can add on if the feel I missed something.

Debuts in early 2021 as Chihaya Hanamura, a married military man tries to get in her panties but she feels awkward about it and tells him no, married military man throws a shit fit, Mel's mental state breaks so she quits as Chihaya Hanamura.
A few months later she redebuts as Mel Nekomata, doesn't tell her 10 viewers about the redebut, gets famous for farting, shitting, pissing on stream, doesn't like fartfags and tell them they are not welcome, fartfags harass her, she quits, gets a new model and tells a select few she is redebuting.
Redebuts as Alice, told a select few, some of the select few hated her so leaked it, fartfags harass her.
Quits streaming for a number of months, did private streams where you needed a link to view, someone posted the link the fartfags, she gets harassed again and quits for even longer.
Decides to stream regardless, goes back to Mel Nekomata channel, streams whenever she wants, buys a few more models and tries to decide what she wants for a model and name, commissions someone to make her a custom model, pink cat with the name of Ames from the game Princess Re Connect, debuts on new channel after telling everyone.
Streams as Ames for a while, gets monetized, gets memberships, has menhera moment yet again, hates fartfags following her around.
Redebuts as Narumi Mihama, told literally no one and everyone thought it was a completely different person, gets 4k subs in about a month, best version yet in terms of numbers and fans. Finds out person who made model supports and makes NFTS, has woman moment about it, gets new model and redebuts on same channel under new name after telling everyone, stops streaming.
Goes back to Mel Nekomata channel, starts streaming with a doomer attitude, doesn't care, plays whatever she wants whenever she wants and does whatever she wants, knows she is a failure and will never amount to anything, unironically the best version because she didn't try to bullshit anyone, told us not to donate, told us all about her past and said she did a lot of bad things and semi-owned up to it, used general purpose sexy older sister model, leaned into it, played kino games, chilled with us /here/ for a while, even tried to commission a model and kept us in the know regarding that because she wanted to chill with us /here/ while also trying to be decent at vtubing.
After several menhera moments she goes radio silent for a few months, then Ichigo Nogashi shows up, instantly gains a lot of viewers like 20-30 on average and is doing well, suddenly ends stream early, goes to ER because she's been having trouble talking without her voice being in a lot of pain, hours later she says she needs surgery for her vocal chords, it's of course not true but it could happen to her someday because she's been pitching up her voice for 3 years at this point, needs surgery, can't find a job, fans tell her to do donothon, raises 3,500, suddenly paypal issues and she can't withdraw the money, suddenly gets "hacked" and the "hacker" deletes her Twitter and YouTube channel, makes a new one, mass reported and taken down, posts on Reddit since that was the only other account she had.
A month later Nerissa Delfina pops up, using obvious AI voice, can't even get 3 viewers, after a few days the new Hololive generation pops up and one has the name Nerissa, Mel suddenly stops streaming, suddenly trying to sell model, says storm hit her neighborhood and damaged her house and neighbors houses so needs to sell model to try and afford repairs while she stays in a shelter along with her neighbors, no one wants it, lowers price to $500, some guy making a new vtuber corpo buys it so we will see it in a year or so being used by someone else.
Nerissa Delfina and Ichigo Nogashi stop posting on Twitter and Reddit, Reddit accounts are deleted by Mel, as of 2 days ago someone has been posting mainly in /vrt/ about how they want game suggestions because they want to play games that people barely play or don't play and they want to make people smile by doing so, this person is obviously Mel and if you listen to the voice recordings it's clearly an AI voice.
You are now here.

>> No.57925535

It isn't, everyone knows how Mel types.
Yeah it happens unfortunately, til she's outted and lays low for a month again, it's gonna keep happening. We know she's also trying to get AI Covers created, no new chubba will be dumb enough to AI cover popular songs so at least she'll be caught day one.

>> No.57925575

ah sweet a schizo thread

>> No.57925684

how many fucking surgeries and procedures does this woman need to pay for

>> No.57925691

Awww she looks cute.

>> No.57925714

Not saying I don't believe you but can I have proof of the claim that she's doing AI covers? I need to make sure I keep this shit compiled for future reference.
None. Lied about having cancer, lied about needing vocal chord surgery...all lies.

>> No.57925753

my favorite grifter
i love seeing the excuses she makes for every single iteration

>> No.57925778

Adding in
>She's been selling nudes to help pay for tuition
Everyone knows this point because she did this on stream too.
>She keeps trying to distract people by bring up unrelated chubbas unprompted
She will resurface within a few weeks, she's been commissioning AI people for voices and music. No new chubba will use AI for covers, she was caught stealing covers as well in the last thread here >>57712624

>> No.57925849

Nerissa Delfina proven she's focusing on AI now, I think it was more just stretching because of being caught taking covers as
Was posted.

>> No.57925908

Where can I find the proof of her commissioning AI voices and music? Again, not saying I don't believe you but I need to make sure I have the proof so I can keep it all compiled. If I include any false information in this documentary then people will discredit the entire thing.

>> No.57926145
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>> No.57926646

Wonder which paypig will spill the beans first since she only talks to people who gives her money these days

>> No.57926675

this thread was created by Mel, I checked the IP

>> No.57926753

if they do there is no proof. nerissa had 3 viewers at most, none of the usual people were ever there

>> No.57926816

okay buddy

>> No.57927003

Yeah she didn't want to tell her "regulars" but she did have a few regulars that popped up that's been hovering since Ames.

>> No.57927076

she didnt tell anyone as nerissa though, not even estelle, ask him

>> No.57927197


>> No.57927335

The only person that makes Mel threads is Mel herself. There's nothing that can convince me otherwise.

>> No.57927383

it's pretty sad, i always give her a couple replies out of pity because no one else seems to care anymore

>> No.57928009

Jesus fuck. I'm impressed. I understand why people would follow her, she's an entertaining trainwreck in a surprisingly less unhealthy way than chris chan.

>> No.57929146

It is entertaining from a far, but the fact she scams each time is why people give warnings.

>> No.57929492

>less unhealthy way than chris chan
I dunno, has anyone done a wellness check on her mother to confirm?

>> No.57929536

chris chan is a man

>> No.57929611

is this the farter?

>> No.57929715

referring to Mel.

>> No.57929796

my bad, misunderstood lmao. mel lives with her mom and dad, theyre retired veterans who sit around and play video games all day and sometimes upload gaming videos to youtube.

>> No.57929879

The poop eater?

>> No.57930159

The Loathsome Dung-Eater?

>> No.57930607

please also add the dogbear saga and the whole cancer ordeal.

>> No.57930736

I'll fill in some blanks too.

>> No.57930928

The post is getting too long so I'm going to re-type it. Feel free to edit the post and fill in blanks but I will try to make it slightly shorter while keeping all the info. Let me type mine out first then you can edit.

>> No.57931986

Debuts as Chihaya Hanamura early 2021, married military man named Surtr tries to get into a relationship with her, she tells him no and he deletes everything and Mel then stops streaming as Chihaya Hanamura because of the stress Surtr created.

Months later she redebuts as Mel Nekomata, popular for farting and shitting on stream, tells fartfags off and creates antis for it, stops streaming because of fartfags.

Days later redebuts as Alice, told a select few she was redebuting, some of these select few were fartfags and leaked it and started harassing her from day one as Alice, Mel stops streaming as Alice.

Doesn't stream for public viewers for a few months, anyone who wants to watch a stream needs a link, links are leaked and she gets harassed in private streams, stops streaming.

Goes back to Mel Nekomata channel, streams whenever she wants and whatever she wants, buys multiple models trying to find what she wants and find a name that she wants to use, commissions a custom model and names it Ames from Princess Re Connect, debuts on new channel and leads everyone there, does well for a few months but then has a woman moment over fartfags still orbiting her, stops streaming.

Months later redebuts as Narumi Mihama, told no one, everyone thought it was a different person for a while, hugely successful, 4,000 subs in under a month, averages 20 viewers give or take, gets doxed by SEAnigger named Bruno, stops streaming for a while because of this, comes back and streams again, finds out model artist makes and supports NFTs, has woman moment over it, buys new model, changes name, redebuts on same channel, suddenly stops streaming.

For several months she had no online presence, appeared as Matricaria Nobilis for a few days in September 2022 but stopped a few days in and went back to having no online presence.

Months later she returns to the Narumi Mihama channel, doomer personality, realizes she is an awful person, is not entertaining, no one likes her and she scammed thousands from people, semi-owns up to all her mistakes and openly tells people not to donate to her and outright refuses money because she knows she's a shitty person, unironically the best part of the Mel saga because she was /here/ reading threads on stream treating us like a second chat, tries to commission a model and get a new name to redebut as and wanted to continuing interacting with /here/ in the new persona, this never happens because she then starts selling nudes, audios, anything for money around her birthday and then she disappears for a while, comes back not too long after and says she has gastric cancer that of course no one believes and needs to fund surgery so she still tries to sell nudes, audios, etc. so she disappears again for a while.

I'm very confused on the timeline for the previous part and this part so someone else will have to edit it and clarify stuff. I don't know/remember what happened after the previous part and what happened in this part but I do know what happened in the next part.

Ichigo Nogashi debuts, it's clearly Mel, posts a cover song that is clearly just a re-upload of someone else's cover, huge success, about 20-30 viewers on average, constant stream of donations, playing the most kino games you've never heard of, suddenly ends a stream early and goes to the ER, comes back hours later saying she needs surgery for vocal chords, it's of course fake but could happen because she's been pitching up her voice for 3 years at this point, can't afford surgery, fans tell her to do donothon, raises $3,500, paypal won't give her the money, gets "hacked", only Reddit account is left and she posts updates there from time to time.

Nerissa Delfina debuts, clearly Mel with AI voice, days later Nerissa from Hololive appears, Mel stops streaming, starts trying to sell model because storm damaged her house and her neighbors houses so her and her neighbors have to live in a shelter, needs to sell model to afford repairs, doesn't sell, guy buys it for $500 to use in a new chuuba corp, will see Nerissa Delfina model sometime in a year or so.

Ichigo Nogashi and Nerissa Delfina Reddit accounts deleted within the last 2 to 3 weeks, suddenly posts are being made in /vrt/ about a chuuba debuting next month who wants to play games that are either never played or not played often so they can make their viewers smile, posts voice recordings via catbox, it's an AI voice and the posts are apparently being made by Mel.

You are here.

>> No.57932033

>Openly talks shit about anyone that's helped her or bought her content
>Will run back to them when she needs money and a scam fails (Nerissa Delfina)
>Caused a few Vtuber promoters to refuse to do it anymore after the Ichigo Nogashi saga
On the last point she was dumb enough to keep going to the person that boosted her, which is logical, but her writing style is so obvious he had questions which later was confirmed by a few anons pointing him here.

>> No.57932465

Wait, does anyone have her real name and nudes that she sold?

>> No.57932572

her nudes have been posted here before, as for the other thing you are asking about she talked about it herself on stream and if you want to buy nudes you have to contact her email which has that information but talking about it gets you a vacation

>> No.57932603

Obviously no one will post this info here unless they don't mind the 2-3 week vacation.

>> No.57932634


>> No.57932917

Mel desperately trying to advertise her fake nude sellling scam

>> No.57933079

They're legit but
>$100 per picture, no face
>$200 per 30 second/video
She no longer offers videos because she knows there's some people around from her Ichigo scam so she says she's homeless right now, which somehow doesn't prevent taking pictures but prevents videos because she's too scared to upload to a file host in fear of getting caught kek

>> No.57933145

keep up, she isnt homeless anymore, someone dropped like a grand on her to help get her into an apartment and then offered more money to get her an air mattress and some food, shes currently job hunting because she got rejected by mcdonalds of all places lmao. but if i remember right she used to work at mcdonalds and quit so maybe they dont want her to quit again.

>> No.57933328

Oh I'm well aware bro, I'm just filling in the gaps of everything she's said.

>> No.57933404

How the absolute fuck do you get rejected by McDonald's?

>> No.57933490

mel lives in a small town so there arent a lot of places to work at, she used to work at mcdonalds and quit so presumably shes a liability

>> No.57933525

Ya forget about her masturbating on stream as Ames and

>> No.57933565

dude I don't want to have to type it all out again and add stuff, people can re-type it and format it better if they want but im too fucking lazy to do it

>> No.57934130

hey, it's back! the most schizo thread on /vt/. you people need to really consider how you spend your time.

>> No.57934250

Sorry for making this thread. Schizos are shitting up /vrt/ so I just wanted to give them a place to talk so they'd hopefully leave /vrt/ but it seems it didn't work. I don't know, and I don't care, if that new chuuba is Mel or not but part of me wishes it wasn't so that the schizos will hopefully open their eyes and realize they're attacking some random girl.

>> No.57934277

Good summary so far

>> No.57934458

We know it's Mel, you're new so it's understandable. I hate what happened to that thread but it's making sure unaware people don't get caught up in her shit like they did as Ichigo Nogashi. Blame Mel for hiding in it, she didn't go into asp because they'd actually ban her.

>> No.57934528

I made this thread so no, I'm not new. I know it's more than likely Mel but I'm just saying that if it's not these schizos will need to deal with the fact that they're attacking some random nobody just like they did with Riifu.

>> No.57934857
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The brap queen is back, boys

>> No.57937911

How the fuck does she afford that many debuts? The models alone would cost a shit ton

>> No.57938007

She scams people and begs people for money with sob stories. If she talks to you, it's only because she wants money out of you.

>> No.57939913

She scams and sells her nudes for an exorbitant price, upwards of $100 per pic.

>> No.57940817

>get a ~20$ model
>get 1000$+ when you pity for donations
Its the ironlung strat

>> No.57941286

Mel your next scam better be something interesting and not some boring ass medical shit again. People are getting bored, have some creativity.

>> No.57941748

>I'm homeless
She's gonna lean on this or
>My Apt lost internet, I can't stream anymore
After she gets no donations.

>> No.57942498

Mel, I will pay money for audio of you farting for me. Confidential, of course.


>> No.57942860

heres the new mel account, she's harassing babymimi >>57942503

>> No.57945788
File: 18 KB, 548x90, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she pretending she uses eastern time when we all know she uses central time? its 9:58 for her, not 10:58

>> No.57945826

Lol and based on this post
She's seriously trying to get one over the artist that absolutely HATES her guts.

>> No.57945934

I don't get it. Just stop farting and the fartfags will go away.

>> No.57946071

she did that but the fartfags still find her. i was a fan of her narumi mihama days and she never did the brap shit then but the fartfags still orbited her, the funniest thing is that when she started charging for it they started harassing her even more. fartfags are poorfags.

>> No.57946191
File: 54 KB, 603x480, Dumb Bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this bitch's fascination with April birthdays for her reincarnations? She doesn't want to hide but I wonder how the people feel who paid for her "tuition" KEK

>> No.57946313

mel is a nijinigger and looked up fuwa minato's rm because she loves him that much. that is his vtuber birthday.

>> No.57946401

For how long though. If she stopped for like a year and stuck to something I'd bet it be different.
Does she eat crackers for like 6 months and use her wagie savings for models? Or is it a paypig? Feel bad for her if it's the former clearly an addiction at this point.

>> No.57946451

Sent them a message asking if they know they're working with Mel Nekomata/"Aya" Kek

>> No.57946618

i love you. this is gonna be some good drama! sin HATES mel's guts lmao.

>> No.57946782

keep us updated please, i wanna know when they view it so i can be prepared
