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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57928887 No.57928887 [Reply] [Original]

How was your life before /vt/?

>> No.57928978

much better

>> No.57929027

I was enjoying streams and now I don't.

>> No.57929037

same but I'd seen a lot less cartoon cp

>> No.57929152

I'm an immigrant from /a/
Came here about the same time i dropped anime for vtubers. Feel much better here with this board and this form of entertainment.

>> No.57929287

/vt/ unironically ruined my life. I had swore off 4chan and started lifting weights and touching grass but now I'm on here 24/7 arguing with other neckbeards about my oshi. Help.

>> No.57929598
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i used to browse /tg/ and worldbuild and sometimes play video games.
then someone posted Watame's model there and it led me to the /jp/ thread before /vt/ was made.
I haven't touched a single splatbook since Myth debuted. I just spend my off time reading zero substance drama here like a housewife addicted to People magazine.

>> No.57930046
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I watched anime, I read VNs while keeping a part time job and going to university.
I lurked /a/ on my favorite seasonal anime generals.
Now I just do university. I think it was lockdown that fucked up my life more than vtubers though.

>> No.57930049

I was in /jp/ saying this board was a terrible idea and that we would see immense degradation of the hobby from it.

>> No.57930942

I used to be obsessed with VTubers. I was already beginning to have some doubts but ever since I came here I haven't been able to see them the same way, I realize now they are basically just Twitch thots with a anime model and a better personality. Seeing all the $500 super chats from deranged schizos, Michael cat and her mentally ill fan base, and finding out how much money they make is what eventually woke me up. As well as how hard they try to hide any trace of having boyfriends to make sure they don't lose their pay pigs. The magic is gone now that I realize how predatory the industry is.

>> No.57933899

No much different, if its a big collab or some popular stream I just pop out the video and come here to laugh at the dumbassery, also helps tons if I missed something. Before I just put the stream in the background while working.

If anything, this shithole increased a lot my love for the hobby.

>> No.57933973

darker, but simpler

>> No.57934100

Boring, still is but at least I can distract myself

>> No.57934157

Used to be a /b/-tard around that time between goatsies and /mlp/. Quit 4chan 1 years after /mlp/separated from /b/.
Got into eSports and real sports (karate, taekwondo, swimming, tennis, badminton), loved competing even if I sucked at it. Bronze for country-wide swimming freestyle under 18. Almost made it to the continental championship for taekwondo. Infamous for beating very strong top-tier badminton players in the first rounds of the tournament.
Seen a haha funny video of the first Western vtuber theonemanny, a beta tester for facerig.
Kizuna Ai pops up and goes viral. Me learning the term vtuber. Cool stuff, I like it.
Finished uni with multiple degrees and a spot in the HoF of my uni. Tryharded it, constantly broke, hungry, and learning.
Got a high-paying job, and almost got married. Didn't work out, she got a once-in-a-lifetime job offer in another country. Her job was her passion, no hard feelings. Would have done the same.
Favorite IRL streamer who is a speedrunner starts becoming a vtuber. Aight, dude playing a girl... I have seen worse.
Everyone becomes a vtuber. Me watch haha funny senzawa clips. Sakura Miko clips. Youtube algorithm go BRRRRRRR.
Enter Gura debute. Shit, that's drunk loli Senzawa! NO WAY! Kiara! I know her, fellow german speaker, she semi-famous in german scene. (the same community that gave you melonpan/maidocafe)
Down the holo algorithm hell, enjoying the ride.
Youtube: Bro, we running out of clips to feed you and you ain't no fucking jap. Try Nijisanji
Watch Enna, holy shit is she a songbird. Wow, Pomu is funny.
Life was good. Did not see the Luna drama. EOP retard.
Zaion joins, holy shit, this pipsqueak is funny. Dang, her DnD sheet would be Wisdom 17.
Tune in every chance I get, Gura is cool but Zaion slaps differently. New kamioshi, let's go! Same age connection and all.
Bitch gets shadow realm'd harder than throw away bad guys in YGO.
WTF is going on???
Life: Time to get redpilled retard!
Read Reddit, wtf is going on? Find nothing aside from one mad lad. Goes against all the rules of subreddit, spills the beans. absolute rrat festival.
What is real? IDK anymore! Dig into his sources. 4chan /vt/. VoDs of PL, everything.
And that is how I got back to 4chan.
Here to look at rrats with more experience. Better at seeing what is trash rrat, what is real, and what is possibly plausible.

Fuck Nijisanji.

>> No.57934246

Before /vt/ I saw a lot more touhous.

>> No.57934811

>oshii disappoints me and betrays me
>go on a bender looking up dox for nearly everyone I watch
>realize they're all just women making insane money for lying to people
>this entire industry is inherently predatory to people who are mentally at their limit
>just watch vtubers who are decent entertainers now and don't try to be anything more
>watch indies who have full time jobs and whose numbers and donations are so low it really is just a fun hobby for them

>> No.57935243

would play destiny until i discovered vtubers, and then i stopped playing destiny
feel a lot better now

>> No.57935394


>> No.57943963


>> No.57944372

Better and happier

>> No.57946588
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I was pretty depressed because of certain life circumstances, and finally giving into watching vtubers gave me a way to restructure some of my life around to give me things to look forward to every day, a sense of community and people to talk to and make friends with, I was pretty fortunate to take the good things out from vtubing to help me become more normal, specially in the terms of talking to and interacting with women and strangers.

These days I'm doing pretty well, and I have returned to my older hobbies that I left due to depression, I'm also more responsible when it comes to taking care of my aparment, and my hygiene.

/vt/ fucking sucks though, you're all worse schizos than /r9k/ and I'm very happy to say that if vtubing as we know it changed for the worse in the following years, I'm very much safe to rebound to my previous life before this hobby.

Love Pomu, Rosemi, Nina, and Reimu.

>> No.57946795

>literal redditshit holobrony
top kek

>> No.57946949

Do all redditors have to type like faggots?

>> No.57947077

I loved vtubbing before vt. Vt killed my passion for it.

>> No.57947143

Who's your oshi anon?

>> No.57952384

I was on /vg/ for like 7 years and it was awful by the last 3. Felt so liberating to drop everything and take a look into the chuuba scene.

>> No.57954334

you dont want to know what /co/, /v/ devolved too

>> No.57954875

Don't /vt/ have streams open while browing? geez.

>> No.57954995

I was watching Hololive and now i don't thanks to /vt/

>> No.57955111

mostly spent my time on /a/ and /vg/. What's interesting is seeing more and more femanons from my old IRC circles becoming popular on this board as vtubers.
Coming here is like going on a nostalgia trip, except it's full of POVs from people who never even knew them.

>> No.57955262

Was buying ads

>> No.57956409

Ah, welcome to the club. Contrary to popular belief, this isn’t a *complete* cesspool. There’s a decent amount of genuine discussion once you figure out how to tell the schizos apart from the falseflaggers apart from people trying to have real discussions. People also throw around random accusations, and it’s both entertaining how often anons get it wrong and uncanny how often they get it right.
I’ve become fascinated at the process of identity construction in vtubing—in other words, how anons are divided into groups like unicorns, gachis, CGDCT enjoyers, homobeggars, nijisisters, twitchfags, etc, and how vtubers let their viewers know which group they’re aiming for.
Shit’s genuinely interesting, and I’ve thought a lot about the relationship between branding and the digital content economy during my time /here/.
But it’s only been like that since I started actually watching streams again. I don’t watch streams religiously, but even doing around half an hour to an hour each day has made being here actually enjoyable instead of just a slog through the catalog I did out of habit.
Also, I became a numberfag because I was liked the foot art in /#/. That’s nice too.

>> No.57956605

Found out on /vt/ that my oshi cheated on her husband and used to fuck around with boys. Now I can't fall asleep to her ASMR anymore and I needed it for my anxiety.

>> No.57956755

I talked to a lot more poeple and wasn't invested in retarded gossip but at least I discovered my oshi

>> No.57956824

Probably better.
This board is a shithole filled with probably the most mentally ill schizos on this site (which is saying quite a lot), and literal underaged seething 3rd worlders shitting up the catalog nearly 24/7, half the time with made up shit cause they have nothing better to do with their worthless existences on this planet.
This board should be nuked. Or turned into generals only, would improve the quality a lot. Also improve the moderation, this board easily gets raided the most too by discord, twitter, and kiwi trannies.

>> No.57957047
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I had free time. Now all I do in my entire free time is watch streams and try to catch up with vods when I'm not watching streams, I can't sleep either because I need to watch streams.
By the way Roca sex.

>> No.57958373

I would say it was better overall but I wouldn't say /vt/ started to actually fuck with me until the last year. I always knocked the parasocial aspect of it as something for autistic shut ins, but when severe medical shit slaps you in the dick eventually all you can really do is sit at home, consume content and sleep. My usual after work passtime became something more intense, and when there's nobody else around to talk to and no other distraction from the fact that you're going to die, I've found its really hard not to get clingy and develop attachments to these people you'll never meet. Of course, once I came /here/ the usual thing happened. Read some obscure post about my oshi, asked, was told to do my reps, did my reps, and it felt like a gut punch. It was in the back of my mind that surely this gal had a boyfriend based on how likeable I and many others found her, but the real gut punch was hearing the currently dominant theory of when their relationship actually started. THAT was fucked, and just made me even more depressed for her on top of things.

On the bright side though, talking to some of you faggots has been a decent passtime as well, so I don't really put everything on the board itself, even if I would've been better off without coming here.

>> No.57958676


>> No.57959111

No. The Japanese ASMR goddess.

>> No.57959327

Not much changed, now I just shitpost more and tell lolipedos to kill themselves. It's honest work.

>> No.57959389

I was in an abusive relationship

>> No.57959392

Am /a/ dweller

>> No.57959400

I’ve caught one of her karaokes since she reincarnated. Does Roca still do ASMRs?

>> No.57959408
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It's pretty much the same but I actually enjoy life now

>> No.57959548

Not yet. I hope she will. Can someone confirm if she talked about it?

>> No.57959612

Mary is better

>> No.57959670

Never watched anyone other than my oshi in that company, so I don't know anything about her.

>> No.57959674

I realised that I enjoyed women talk a lot and decided to fully transition after /vt/. You can do it too!

>> No.57959807

I spent most of my 20s avoiding giving a single shit about eceleb gossip and judging anybody who did. Now 3 years later I usually start my day checking the catalog for any new yabs, I read less, play less vidya and watch fewer streams, I often go to sleep with multiple tabs open I intended to read the previous night but then when I wake up the next morning I briefly realise I don't actually give that much of a shit and close them all. That fleeting moment of clarity doesn't stop me from doing the same thing the next day though. Maybe when my oshi graduates I can finally be free, I barely give a fuck about the streams anymore either.

>> No.57959861

Got into Vtubing during the height of the pandemic when I lost contact to pretty much everyone I knew. Browsed /jp/ and later /vt/ when it was created so I could comment on streams outside of shitty hugboxes. Admittedly, it's just a really lazy way of coping with loneliness because I never had to learn how to make friends and now I'm getting too old to make new ones. My life was better before /vt/ but that's not /vt/'s fault.

>> No.57960000

had fun looking at vtuber thread on /jp/, I unironically thought the whole Holo vs Niji thing was just banter and shitposting, I don't know what to think anymore...

>> No.57960111

I stopped visiting 4chan 14 years ago, a vtuber dragged me back in and now I keep /vt/ open on my phone, the moment I catch a break here I'm browsing generals and catalog
I need some help

>> No.57960148

I've been on 4chan since 05.
Early /vt/ was nice, but i don't think it should have ever left /jp/.

>> No.57961027

Used to be a /pol/ election tourist long ago, then went to /biz/ during the crypto season. I left both boards after I got into vtubers. To me vtubers were one of the few sources of unfiltered enterntainment online. Shortly after I came to /vt/ to get my daily dose of schizo rrats as nothing else in the world could fulfil my thirst for vtuber/vtuber-related degeneracy.
My life was already ruined before /vt/, and it has been harder for me to make friends irl since I am constantly reminded of the schizos on this board. Sometimes I also imagine that I am living as one of my favourite vtubers. Yes, I know that it's delusional, yet I cling here as it has become a drug for me...

>> No.57961195

>wants to /become/ the very thing he swore to destroy
/pol/ has to be the weirdest, selft contradicting pipeline to ever exist.

>> No.57961240

with lots of pent up anger

>> No.57961302

Wtf are you talking about, normalfag? /vt/ is honorary aryans.

>> No.57961419

get a job (and argue with your coworkers)

>> No.57961500

You're way too far gone, worse than a schoolgirl.
I suggest swiftly killing yourself

>> No.57961907

You misunderstood my intent there, I only seek the forbidden fruit of knowledge to understand more about vtubers and nothing else.

>> No.57962305

I was exaggerating but I really do feel schoolgirl tier sometimes when I am reading some thread about a chuuba I don't watch doing some shit I shouldn't give a fuck about.

>> No.57964693

the same

>> No.57965786

Mostly lurked holoreddit and xqc viewer
Mostly lurks /vt/ and /a/ and sometimes /sp/ if my favorite soccer team playing, because I realized that xqc became boring and holoreddit is just a bunch of boring yesmen

>> No.57966277

Garnacho was onside.
Simple as.

>> No.57968833

Boring. /vt/ saved my life
This shithole is a heaven for bored wageslaves

>> No.57970119

obsessed over pokemon and happily watched and subbed to 2view streams without a care in the world. still doing so now so i guess nothings changed

>> No.57970219

Kind of boring and aimless, but now I hate women, have a former oshi I wish I could strangle with my bare hands and I'm an even greater misogynist. And my life is still boring and aimless, but angrier.

>> No.57971755


>> No.57972070

I used to go to facebook to pick fight with people about politics
this place was actually an improvement

>> No.57972082

/jp/ in 2016-2017 had the best vtuber discussion

>> No.57972813

Aimless and lacking.
I was struggling with mental illness and the world shat the bed so it was hard to even try anymore.
Found my oshi, became motivated. Finished education and got a cushy job.
Now I live on my own, have a huge social circle, have a better relationship with my family.
Biggest downside is failing health with unknown cause. Had done bloodwork a year ago and it came out fine, multiple ultrasounds found nothing suspicious. I might not be around for much longer or am just suffering psychosis tier anxiety.. Such a shame. Life just became interesting despite the state of the world.
I spend too much time here that should be spent enjoying life instead.

>> No.57974409

>How was your life before /vt/?
I had so much potential.

>> No.57974474

>realize they're all just women making insane money for lying to people
Should have found a better oshi

>> No.57974536

Just as hopeless, but now I can't kill myself because I have to do my daily ritual post in my dog wife's discord

>> No.57974623

Comfy vtuber threads on /jp/
Then the tourists came in 2019 and 2020 and now we get to have all sorts of fun, together

>> No.57974735

I liked Hololive and had an oshi, now i don't.
You may think this is bad but it was liberating to get out of the rabbit hole.
Now i come here sometimes just to shitpost and laugh at the cucks still stuck with this shitty hobby.

>> No.57974830
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>this entire industry is inherently predatory to people who are mentally at their limit
Haha... you are memeing on us..

>> No.57975299

>He thought "your here forever" was just a joke.

>> No.57975965

That’s why you treat these whores like masturbation aides.

>> No.57978703

Dumb eop

>> No.57978988

Same as it was before /mlp/, and before /tg/, and before /b/. There is no escape, just like there is no escape from the inability to fit in the society and the constant recollections of all the embarrasing moments that were created by that same inability.

>> No.57980546

/a/, /v/, /jp/, /b/ oldfag here, touched grass and swore off 4chan since 2013, became a musician in a bunch of long-term bands and had the opportunity to open up for some bigtime and up and coming musicians in our local scene.
Went into medical school, became an executive in a big local and international organization, finished and went into specialty training
I used to follow Kizuna Ai and Kaguya Luna since 2017 but in 2019, I stumbled across some Nijisanji and Hololive clips but never got into it until I watched one of Suisei's karaokes. Pandemic hit, depression hit me, lost loved ones and I became disillusioned with our local healthcare system, quit my program, went into a less intensive one, and doubled down on vtubing. Spent my time since then lurking /jp/ then /vt/ falseflagging and shitposting as a holoanti and nijianti in my free time

Also, fuck NijiEN

>> No.57980563

Gura? Fauna? Ironmouse? Pippa? Yuko? Nene? it's kinda saddening and revealing at the same time how all the top hitters of their group are deeply involved with male partners

>> No.57984133

> First Spoiler
Damn thats pretty impressive anon

>> No.57984461
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I don't like this place when my favorite streamer isn't on.
I also didn't know any "rrats." Still trying to learn all the lingo too after like a year browsing here.

>> No.57985335

i only used 4chan to catch up shit in /a/ because live dumping is fun, /vg/ for mcg and /g/ to see what wacky shit is going on. i used to visit r9k just to laugh at people. /jp/ for kantai collection. i was already watching vtubers at the time but now its taken most of my time online.

>> No.57986503


>> No.57987029

Pretty much this except I also now lust after Japanese hags.

>> No.57991262

First used Reddit and then came here after the Hololive subreddit declined. Was pretty aimless the whole time.
I realized that I am only like VTubers ironically. I dont actually like the streams, just the community behind VTubers and the idea of them. After that life improved a lot and I got going again. I am still waiting for a Vtuber to actually enjoy.

>> No.57993960

Can't say it was much better, but at least I could enjoy vtubers for what they were.

>> No.57994490
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I floated around lit and jp before vt came about. Mostly just working on my arts and looking for info about Japan etc. Just a workaholic looking at his phone.
Then vt hit and I got charmed by one of the Myth girls. I wanted her to succeed and have lots of visibility so I ran her general for about six months at the start before I went menhera and passed the torch.
As my sanity was reduced to ashes and returned to the spoil, I found a new purpose.
Now I squeeb.

>> No.57997690

I had a job.

>> No.57999174

Unironically on the edge of suicide. Nothing could make me feel anything and it was tiring

>> No.58000646

I spent more of my time getting increasingly unhealthily mad about stupid political shit that was becoming toxic to the few relationships I do have. Vtubing being one of the few forms of entertainment that remains largely apolitical and divorced from the 24/7 outrage cycle, besides a couple incidents and a side that's easily ignored, helped me tremendously to get away from that shit and realize https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX-YfuVQmX8 Of course this place is a toxic shithole in its own way, but I still have a lot of fun posting in my general when it isn't being raided by kiwifags and the occasional schizo.

>> No.58000758
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Shitposting on /jp/

>> No.58004529

I was far less of a weeb, I'll tell you that much. I still surprise myself sometimes, buying things that I never would have a year and a half ago. And I'm only sort of ashamed of it, is the thing. This stuff warps your mind, man.

>> No.58008162

i posted on /m/ most of the time

>> No.58009616

Me too lmfao

>> No.58016897

Baby Mimi

>> No.58021591

good times
