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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57910465 No.57910465 [Reply] [Original]

>every single member of ReGLOSS has been openly interacting with the Holostars on Twitter pre-debut
It is so fucking over.

>> No.57910584
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>Those who survive a long time in this industry start to think they're invincible. I bet you do, too, Yagoo.

>> No.57910616

why do you care?

>> No.57910836

Real musicians will interact with other people of both genders, yes. Also, actual idol unicorns have never had an issue with this before Holokek autism.

>> No.57910915

>Holokek autism
you mean false flagging antis astroturfing a narrative

>> No.57910939

They're not "real musicians" no matter how hard Cover tries to act like they are. Their debut song wasn't even any good.

>> No.57910982

t. Homobeggars

>> No.57911069

t. shitposter

>> No.57911233

Why does Cover try so hard anyway? Nobody will ever give a shit about homostars. Nobody.

>> No.57911237
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It's funny watching them get 80% of their subs culled then you retards run around shitting yourselves. You should really focus on your own company, sister.

>> No.57911317

I kind of agree, however
>real musicians
They will be playing Minecraft, Apex, and Chilla's shit within a month.

>> No.57911380

Because Yagoo is a saviorfag and the boys are his pet project.

>> No.57911409

>openly interacting
Has any done anything but a single tweet thanking the stars for welcoming them to Hololive?

>> No.57911454

They are all open homolovers, thats just an objective fact. Trying to deflect from that and act like they aren't make you the one astroturfing a narrative.

>> No.57911458
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I want Nijisanji/Anycolor, Phasenignog, idol?something and vshojo to all die.
I also want Homofaggotry out of Hololive.

>> No.57911474

this industry is creatively bankrupt, what i would give for a chuuba who actually makes music live and has something interesting to talk about instead of this ooo karaoke once a month let's have a drawing zatsu about my lunch FILLER FILLER FILLER GAMES GAMES GAMES so fucking boring

>> No.57911553
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Even actual homobeggars are confused by how hard Cover is pushing the homobegging angle with this gen.

>> No.57911643

They believe they are the key to reaching a "mainstream" audience. Cover is trying to stop being an idol company and become a more generic entertainment company.

As with many small companies trying to grow, I think there's a lack of understanding of their current market (or a belief that they can "grow beyond" it) and a lack of understanding of what their new desired target market is. The term "mainstream" is so fuzzily defined as to be nearly meaningless, and you can't expand your market by watering down your content and making it boring and generic. That just chases off your old fans and fails to gain you new ones.

>> No.57911669
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Yagoo's been getting a reality check regarding the Homos lately. Stars JP denied custom merch due to their shitty performance, Tempus driving people away from the entire EN branch, Vesper and Magni fucking off, literally everybody hating the Overwatch 2 collab, and male-friendly ReGLOSS being dead on arrival. At some point he'll be forced to admit his farcical male vtuber experiment will never work and he's going to give up on it.

>> No.57912567

Why does it matter you faggots weren't going to watch them anyways.

>> No.57912618

Well I'm not going to watch them NOW, yeah. I would have given them a chance before they showed their true colors though.

>> No.57912634

Because unicorns would have watched them and thrown money at them. Not anymore, though.

>> No.57912663

I don't even watch Hololive anymore, women are boring as fuck in every dimension

>> No.57912819

Pretty sure he doesn't read /vt/ an is not aware of most of these "disasters"

>> No.57912896

So true sister. Vesper and Magni are actually still in Holostars despite what /vt/ thinks/

>> No.57912965

What is your definition of real musician anyway

>> No.57912994

STFU about homo cock you sound more obsessed with them than Shiori's Christian friend

>> No.57913068

>getting unicorntrannies seething before they even debut

>> No.57913117

Someone who actually writes and performs their own music. These girls are doing the exact same "musician" stuff as every other girl in the company just with a bigger inorganic marketing push behind it.

>> No.57913573

>most of
I know reading is hard with your condition but c'mon at least try.
Even then, what's the "reality check" here? Two fucked off, the rest are still fine. They are already looking for the next gen, auditions still open.

>> No.57913827

Nigger half of the music industry has been using ghost writers for literal decades

>> No.57913852

So... how long until Cover just pulls another Suisei/AZKi and rolls them into the main group and then there numbers incline because they are in the box.

>> No.57913896

Great idea the homos are gonna LOVE this

>> No.57913910
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No... but he can read charts and so can the investors he is beholden to.

>> No.57913999

Are we supposed to ignore how sharp that JP decline is, faggot?

>> No.57914117
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No because it looks even worse zooming out. JP is just in a normal up and down channel. EN went through a literal dark age.

>> No.57914149
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>Also, actual idol unicorns have never had an issue with this before Holokek autism.
Pic related happened.

>> No.57914151

A vtuber company without boundaries when??

>> No.57914183

/vt/ saw screenshots of 5ch pretending to be schizo unicorns, didn't realize they were pretending, and decided that, because they REALLY want to be japanese, they should act like that too.

>> No.57914236

You're here just to suffer

>> No.57914316

Hopefully better than you faggots.
This version is conveniently cropped to not show the decline is a continuation of a previous trend.

>> No.57914413

Holy shit this was spot on

>> No.57914460

>he doesn't know

>> No.57914503
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Totally all cause of the homos

>> No.57914619

Why are sisters getting so defensive about this?

>> No.57914752

Are there any male vtubers who don't interact with women? Just curious

>> No.57914801

Sharing your gf with 3000 other dudes is cuckshit, I only watch chuubas who are streaming to me alone

>> No.57914864

Not all of them have. The reverse trap hasn't. This thread is fake and gay

>> No.57915085

Anon... I don't know how to tell you this, but she did. She did it late, but she did.

>> No.57915134

They're Vsingers, and Holostars has many talented singers like Izuru, Rika, Astel, Rio, Axel, and Hakka

>> No.57915263

>the homobeggar cry while she harass girls who don't collab with males
now that is a real kek.

>> No.57915299

y-yeah i will sure be looking forward to those duets anon (does not subscribe) (does not watch)

>> No.57915333

>Real musicians will interact with other people of both genders, yes. Also, actual idol unicorns have never had an issue with this
Regloss is frequently interacting with Holostars which hasn't been seen with previous gens. The DEV_IS branch must be different than Hololive either in terms of their contracts or their management. Cover is clearly going to push HoloPro unity further but wanted to use a test branch.

>> No.57915506

Karaoke would be fine if it was actually done with as much effort as the real deal, live with real instruments on an actual stage and a properly rehearsed karaoke instead of all these meme karaoke "teehee I'm just having fun this is nothing serious" and then not hitting every second note while being too quiet

>> No.57916181

>music music mmmmuuuisssiiiccccccccccccc ohhh musiccccccccccccccccccccc this is a musical branch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but idk what would make them musically so special compared to holo jp. if they really focus on band live with 3d avatars it will be special tho, but can these really play guitar, bass, drum, and keyboard on at least a non amateur level? what each member can do on their solo channel is limited. utattemita, karaoke, and sometimes the og song. it will be completely the same as holo jp members

>> No.57916312

You'll live bitch.

>> No.57916746

No idea who they are but I can already tell you Kaf and Yuka Nagase mog them both artistically and with their ability to sing. They'll probably be some half-toasted shitty utaites like Irys

>> No.57916792

I have some bad news for you anon.

>> No.57916894

>I want Nijisanji/Anycolor, Phasenignog, idol?something and vshojo to all die.
So you want the board to be empty?

>> No.57916969

>and no. they are not for you, incel. they are for the "modern" audience!

>> No.57917006

Why haven’t unicorns gone for a new hobby yet? They do realize more likely than not every girl has to interact with a guy from yagoo to some manager or basic staff member right?

And even if you only care about online, they will all interact with a mostly male chat. Sorry retards but they’re basically interacting with a male, especially one more brave by actually typing in chat or even sending a super where 9/10 girls read.

>> No.57917103


>> No.57917232

To be honest I think it's only been this place saying that and not cover themselves

>> No.57917265

"Unicorns" are the only ones keeping the hobby alive, homobeggars have proven time and time again that they don't even watch streams.

>> No.57917384

>new branding, new stale style, not a real gen, vsinger limbo, obviously directed homo push
They don't have to scream it from the rooftops, "this is a new direction" is loud and clear and landing like a thud.

>> No.57917450

They were triple culled by notSusan weren't they?

>> No.57917667

I'm gonna have sex with Ao.

>> No.57917873

real musicians have real talent and don't have to hide behind an anime avatar to get famous
even the most talented musician in all holo, suisei, would be a complete nobody if she tried what she's doing as a regular girl
>oh but I like her songs
no you listen because it's anime girl quit lying to yourself

>> No.57917938

>even the most talented musician in all holo, suisei
Great bait

>> No.57917989

Someone pointed out that the more musically successful members of Hololive succeeded because they used their streams to help cultivate a large fanbase.

What Cover seems to be doing here is trying to start with the music and stream only in a limited way. Obviously they haven't yet launched, but presenting them immediately as a band/group and streaming in a very limited way is highly likely to kneecap them. Especially if it's being done to try to avoid Hololive's usual audience and appeal to a more "mainstream" audience who probably doesn't even know they exist (and doubly so if the reason for avoiding Hololive's usual fanbase is because they want to try to prop up Holostars).

>> No.57918000

>half of the music industry has been using ghost writers for literal decades
correct and they are not real musicians

>> No.57918062

With your powers of being able to read minds and see the future I'm surprised you are not making daily prediction threads on /x/

>> No.57918072

If they're trying to use them to help the Holostars, it's not going to work. Look at Matsuri.

>> No.57918215

Could have just used wojaks instead of retard scribbles

>> No.57918301

>the future
ReGLOSS has failed already.

>> No.57918362

>Why haven’t unicorns gone for a new hobby yet?
Because this hobby belongs to us. Why on Earth would we leave it?

>> No.57918650

You have understood absolutely nothing. The homogenous blop that is chat doesn't matter, it's not a male, a streamer is playing games by themselves and you can always ignore the chat if you wanted, you can't do that with a collab partner in the stream. And it's not a male collab anyway even with a 100% male chat because no one is actually interacted with solely and constantly.

>> No.57918653

You said the same thing for every single hololive gen and you failed every time

>> No.57918893

>You said the same thing for every single hololive gen
But I didn't. I'm only saying ReGLOSS is a failure because they are. No Hololive gen should even be capable of performing this badly but ReGLOSS found a way.

>> No.57919140

>Are we supposed to ignore how sharp that JP decline is
Holo JP inclined at the same time Tempus was making Holo EN decline. Homosisters hallucinating their own version of reality as per usual.

>> No.57919240

>yo, help boost our numbers
>sure thing
Of course OP thinks it's about SEX and not the money.

>> No.57919321

They are more than likely off contract now instead of revenue
They WILL push the new narrative
You WILL watch more and more girls give in to male collabs
You WILL watch the forced esports

>> No.57919442

>They WILL push the new narrative
It's DOA.
>You WILL watch more and more girls give in to male collabs
>You WILL watch the forced esports

>> No.57919531

>yo, help boost our numbers
Stars are incapable of boosting anyone's numbers. And Hololive is incapable of boosting Stars numbers. Try again.
>OP thinks it's about SEX
OP didn't say a word about sex. That's you and your projection. Why can't you stop thinking about sex?

>> No.57919740

They haven't even debuted yet and you are already numberfagging I fucking swear/ #/s has permanently rotted this boards brain

>> No.57919749

Whoops, can't have this parasocial anti coming in here ruining our girls harmonious time. Sorry, gonna have to demonize your responses and use it to push another forced collab

>> No.57919799
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>real musicians have real talent and don't have to hide behind an anime avatar
by far, the proliferation of otaku culture newfaggotry is THE WORST THING to come out of western vtubing....
JP musicians have been doing this since the dawn of niconico. We didn't know what Claris looked like until fairly recently and always used anime art as stand-ins, as did hundreds of other musicians. We still don't know what Ado fucking looks like and still uses an anime still image for a stand in. I don't even need to mention picrel, since you should at least know who she is, newfaggot. fucking newfaggots. I hate all of you newfaggots so much

>> No.57920104

>Call Talents whores and sluts for acknowledging men exist
>Get mad that management doesn't like you

>> No.57920205

Lmao even

>> No.57920221
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but Shiori will collab with them homostars right?

>> No.57920228

It's a lose-lose for Cover at this point. If they give in and stop everything, they will be hounded and dogged on non-stop and basically show everyone that if you bitch hard enough, they will stop. If they keep pushing on, doxxing, anti'ing, and general bad-manner shit will escalate

>> No.57920314

Someone needs to buy enough Cover shares to attend a shareholder meeting and ask them why they are bleeding money with Holostars instead of supporting the branch that actually makes money

>> No.57920326

>If they give in and stop everything, they will be hounded and dogged on non-stop and basically show everyone that if you bitch hard enough, they will stop.
Showing that they will actually listen to negative responses from fans, the horror.

>> No.57920371

I unironically think she'd collab with Nijimales or the Twitch crowd before Tempus, since she's gone out of her way to even like or mention any of them on X/Twitter, whereas she already alluded to wanting to collab with "some people" not mentioned yet

Please Shiori at least softball us with Merryweather, Joel, or even Rpr

>> No.57920543

Unless all of them know how to play 5 instruments, have Azki's technical level and an unique singing voice then this branch existence is meaningless since the holo girls already can do what they will do anyways

>> No.57920552
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That only works once anon, then shareholders will figure out the "forced esports" thing is just a cloak for "forced male interaction via esports"
They'll just keep shifting the medium until they point out its just a male/female thing
>Oh the fans didn't want a joint concert too? They thought it was forced?
>Or a joint game show?
>Or a joint movie broadcast watchalong?
>Wait a second....the fans sure do hate a lot of things they otherwise would love
>Fuck these unicorn incels! Bring out the Tenga sponsorship and Have Roberu use a fleshlight then compare it to Mori's loose and gaping holes!

>> No.57920685

You're talking as if those examples are great singers

>> No.57920968

They are if you don't have shit taste

>> No.57921255
File: 149 KB, 400x400, 1692989866392796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So over the moon because Hololive accepted your audition
>Shoved you into a brand new branch with vague activity direction
>Hololive fans confused about the entire thing before A-chan and some Hololive member informed the Hololive fans that you're not Hololive JP7 and just side grade branch (it is sisters branch or some shit)
>Got hit with subs cull to the point your subs is down to 10Kish
But at least their debut song is ok, trash MV tho

>> No.57921566

who is it then?
Suisei is the only one that barely gets close enough to being okay
There is nothing else in Holo that even comes close

>> No.57921630


>> No.57921638

perfect example of shit that would never be popular if it wasn't for being directly associated with anime

>> No.57921677

That has to be the funniest thing i've heard all day. Thank you anon

>> No.57921770

Terrible singer and not even an anime avatar can save her shitty voice

>> No.57922166

Marine, but that's my personal taste, I can listen to any song she covers or original, her voice is a massage to my ears. But with Suisei not every song clicks for me, although she was my first exposure to vtuber music, and Watame too, before that I thought they probably have some crappy music, those chuubas.

>> No.57922265

Marine is a great performer and entertainer. This is not even up for debate.
But even marine is not involved in any part of the creative process of her music or her videos outside of providing the voice and the money for the videos.

>> No.57922307

Surely you can provide timestamp for this claim right?

>> No.57922449

Just look at the credits on any of her videos, she's not the one coming up with lyrics, music, or doing anything other than paying for the artists and providing the voice.
Even suisei is barely involved in the music production aspect of her music.

>> No.57922682

STOP POSTING ABOUT HOMOS! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! THE FANS OF HOLOLIVE THINK ABOUT HOMOS, ON NIJI IT'S FUCKING HOMOS! I was on the catalog, right? and ALL OF THE THREADS were just homos. I-I DMed my dakimakura to my oshi and I taped a banana to the bottom and I said "hey babe, when the daki is MALE HAHA COCKS COCKS COCKS COCKS COCKS COCKS COCKS COCKS" I fucking looked at the new Holo Dev_IS girls and said "THEY DEFINITELY HAVE PENISES." I looked at my penis and I think of my oshi taking a way bigger one from another man. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGESFG

>> No.57922995

Ah fair when you put it like that, I never thought about it actually. Yes, Suisei is definitely more into her music so to say, but I still prefer Marine on pure voice, because I'm EOP, so lyrics don't matter to me really, I'm sure Japs appreciate Suiseis lyrics a lot. I did read Stellar(I think?) lyrics, they were very touching.
I still do think Marine has involvement in her music since it fits her a lot or maybe she has godlike writers.

>> No.57923074

Actually I kind of contradicted myself when I said lyrics don't matter and Marines songs fit her lol, how would I know without bare minimum of lyrics.

>> No.57923754

Time to work on your own AI tuber.

>> No.57924642

is it really falseflag when we all know it's true?

>> No.57925075

get the fuck out off the board newfags

>> No.57925318

even Ao-kun? proof?

>> No.57925357
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>It is so fucking over.
Yeah, for unicorns. Get fucked.

>> No.57925360
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>> No.57925407

homie do you not see how you're making that anon's point

>> No.57925429

NTA but that sounds better than what we have now.

>> No.57925758

some day you guys will make it
just seat and wait :)

>> No.57925877

Maaaaaan.. ty tho

>> No.57926173

This is nowhere close to how it happened. People would never accept tweet @ males before

>> No.57926222

>complaining about people taking the music seriously when the whole misguided goal of this project is that Cover wants people to take the music seriously

>> No.57928498
File: 424 KB, 740x854, Nerd 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fact check this as true!

>> No.57928607

Thanks cheebs

>> No.57928828

Watch Holostars, so

>> No.57929826

>notice a pattern that's losing them money
>try to force it anyway
Unless you have jews and trannies forcing this shit at monetary cost to themselves, it's not going to stick. We just have to gatekeep even harder.

>> No.57930193

I will gatekeep your face

>> No.57930291

its twitter, who cares?

>> No.57930423

/ vt/ for some reason

>> No.57932916
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I love the song, Raden best girl

>> No.57933157

We're witnessing ReGLOSS die in real time before they even properly debut so I'd say the gatekeeping is working pretty well.

>> No.57934084

They'll split up and fill up any group that has 4

>> No.57934331

<<So, have you found a reason to fight yet? Bubby.>>

>> No.57935351

>unicorn acting like a homobeggar
not every girl has to be pandering towards virgins. go eat something you malnourished fuck.

>> No.57935804

the cope from homofans is fucking pathetic, i fucking despise these faggots and it has nothing to do with wanting to be japanese, that is the most retarded cope i've ever seen

>> No.57935898

I love when people make fun of how short Astel is

>> No.57935940

only newfags think it's all localized to here, cover loves deleting shit

>> No.57936140

>Unicorns" are the only ones keeping the hobby alive,
is utter bullshit, the people that i've met at cons are okay with male collabs as long as they are not forced, the same people who bought back to to back merch for years. Your retarded narrative of only unicorns are keeping this hobby alive is just ignorant and stupid

>> No.57936249

unironically, i think cover made a new branch for these girls solely so they could collab with holostars freely without backlash (at least that's how cover envisions this playing out), Hololive DEV_IS is literally the nijisanji immitation branch

>> No.57936341

yeah it's almost as if people aren't likely to say they're a unicorn out loud in person because hololive fans have a history of ruthlessly harassing anyone who says they dislike these collabs

>> No.57936474

They are for women. My friend who was never into Hololive or even Stars likes them after listening to their song

>> No.57936608


>> No.57936617

>unicorns are a bunch of pussys who cannot stand up for themselves
>unicorns did not gate keep hard enough
its over for you guys

>> No.57937550

When most of those responses are incoherent death threats or doxing I would delete that to

>> No.57938209

If they stop everything, retards on Twitter will scream for a week or two before moving onto the next thing to be outraged about. Most of these people demanding male collabs probably don't even watch streams.

The reason Cover is doing this is because there are delusions at the top that forced collabs are a gateway to the "mainstream market" (whatever that means) or at least a gateway to steal Nijisanji's audience.

>> No.57938312

>unicorns pretending that it's not the other way around

>> No.57938368

KAF literally only works because she sounds like an anime girl

she sucks shit as a normal singer

>> No.57939025

dude have you never been to the comments section of a controversial male collab? hololive fans are ruthless and go for the jugular whenever someone says they don't like male collabs
advent is pure GFE, we're doing fine

>> No.57941029

Thank you anon I laughed

>> No.57941948

If Ao-kun said Pixy's lines i would become pregnant on the spot

>> No.57944844

Just the fact that the girls are at least 50 times bigger than the homos already says everything that needs to be said

>> No.57944975

Of course you do, Lui already cucked you with the homos and made fun of you for being nothing but an ATM to her.

>> No.57945367

Marine knows who to hire which is an important skill that Cover lacks and knows what direction she wants her music to go.
Look at Marine's personal music projects vs the company provided songs from UMISEA for example.

>> No.57947699

Oh no, oh no :( Interacting with the opposite gender, oh the horror!

Who fucking cares, you mentally deranged cuck.

>> No.57952698

Not as retarded as this board genuinely and unironically believing Cover would create an entirely new branch just to promote Holostars.

>> No.57953216

Lmao, so you are telling me the menhera orc actually single handedly, or at least initiated, the collapse of the holoen unicornomics. Then once he impregnated holoen and his fill, he just bounced? Fucking based.

>> No.57953355

Magni actually did. But homos bad I guess

>> No.57953698

i think there's some interesting difference between these two for their takes on projects
marine's projects are basically like the rolls-royce of holo projects, very expensive but often of high quality, and she actually knows how to market them which is why her mvs are way more successful than even suisei's despite being far from the best musical talent
on the other hand, suisei's projects are driven by her own passion and it shows. even if she isn't as algorithm-blessed like marine, she still successfully garnered a very dedicated fanbase who will listen to her on repeat and grab her merch whenever possible, hence her position as the undisputed jp merch queen as well

>> No.57953705

>using faggot soulless wojak
Not in this weeb board you fucking poltard.

>> No.57954449

>unicorns are a bunch of pussys who cannot stand up for themselves
Watching some retard homobeggar sperging out over 1 dude on twitter saying he doesn't like male collab is funny, because it make holo aware these beggar are faggots that not worth catering hence there no more star collab within EN. They can't even mention advent name kek.
>unicorns did not gate keep hard enough
Money talk, with how much back peddling cover done this few months from regloss is a holopro unit to "jk it a hololive branch", holozontal is a genderless boundaryless new thing to "jk, no homo vc, oh and we change from outside streamer to denied them entirely" and homobeggar saying advent/star collab is the new norm to homo receiving a gag order and even bettel won't admit he a senpai to advent after getting a sc bait from a sis.

>> No.57954587

Im so sick of you retard SEAfags with your poorly written posts as if you have anything meaningful to say. You are a lesser being. Stop wasting my time trying to decipher your garbage

>> No.57956104

Can you retard just kys, en management saw you faggot doesn't support the girls nor the boys so they stop catering to you. Do you mongoloid even watch any stream? No, then kys.

>> No.57956118

>advent is pure GFE
I do think Baubau and Nerissa look like GFE, and I don't know about the rock, but is Shiori supposed to be a cheating/cuckolding girlfriend or what?

>> No.57957971

It's normalfag slop packaged into a hololive product made in order to appeal to new demographics. Just ignore it completely unless you're into that

>> No.57958430
File: 392 KB, 666x666, Shiori_laugh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4so3kx.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she is then she's not gotten to that bit yet. And going off PL shit is a mixed bag despite what people will tell you. If someone like Polka debuted tomorrow, do you have any idea how much doomposting there'd be?

>> No.57961726

anon can you stop thinking about males for 5 fucking minutes

>> No.57961880

Might as well claim that regloss was originally a mixed gen but because people complained Cover changed that, in the time span of 4 days.

>> No.57961924

The management sure are desperate after the initial marketing failure.

>> No.57964481

Exactly the right mindset

>> No.57966402
File: 37 KB, 621x414, protecthissmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

astel kun my boy

>> No.57967104

So, missed the stream, what happened here?
Did they made a "emergency shilling show" for "sidegen"?

Did it worked?

>> No.57967183
File: 580 KB, 813x709, 1694083358138130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did they made a "emergency shilling show" for "sidegen"?
>Did it worked?

>> No.57970743

It's not a big deal

>> No.57970796

They finally showcase their models with casual outfits instead of uniform
