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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57918577 No.57918577 [Reply] [Original]

"What are your interests?"
> I don't know
"Do you have any hobbies?"
> I dance sometimes
"Will you act cute for us?"
> No
"Are you thinking about anything?"
> Not really
"What's important to you?"
> Idk
"The person you're collabing with did something cool!!"
> Ah.
"Your genmate is acting risque!"
> Oh.
"Have you seen/played/read literally any piece of media created in the past 50 years?"
> Ummm... Not really

How is this the embodiment of chaos? She's not just the dullest member of council by a long shot, she's the dullest holo period. I just don't get it bros, what do you see in her? Please help me understand.

>> No.57918700

wow another bait thread
how original

>> No.57918732


>> No.57918751

my interests
>mating press (with bae)
>mating press (with bae)
>mating press (with bae)
>mating press (with bae)
>mating press (with bae)

>> No.57918761

>"Your branchmate is acting risque!"
>> Oh.
Found the butthurt Rissatard. Her over the top horny kayfabe needed to be shut the fuck down by a senpai and not encouraged anymore the way others do.

>> No.57918796

Entropy (chaos) slowly tends towards a boring equilibrium.

>> No.57918880


If you've got an answer, I'm completely open to hear it, but it's not bait. Maybe I just haven't watched the right VOD yet. But as it stands, every collab she's in, she's just seems like a normie gen Z chick that's been fluoridated by Australian tap water

>> No.57919045


Nah, I definitely agree with that. I really don't like the way Nerissa conducts herself. But surely if someone says something outlandish, you can come up with something other than sitting there vacantly staring off into space? You can show disgust or something, ANYTHING, to show you're alive and have a pulse

>> No.57919130

Her main problem is she just doesn’t know anything. I thought she was just playing it up at first
It’s hard to relate to her when I have so little in common with her, and I’m in the same age group as her

>> No.57919414

I am only a clipfag for her, but even i know her interests are in k-pops and learning languages, that she is a normie asian who graduated from university, a tik-tok zoomer who only like mainstream animes like naruto, a homo lover who told you from day one and her gags is to act surprised to anything risque, and a former vtuber before holo if i remember correctly.
All these from clips, you are just a faggot baiting.

>> No.57919572

>"The person you're collabing with did something cool!!"
>"Your genmate is acting risque!"
She's nice for not blocking you from her chat, you know. Coming into chat to talk about other girls. You dumbass

>> No.57919940


Alright, well that's something, that's an answer at least. Maybe she just needs a few more years before she can be engaging, I guess. Feels like a poor choice for chaos, but what's done is done and we're already here.

I've never spoken in her chat, just watched while trying to understand. If I was in chat more though, I guess I would see when she'd display some sex appeal or interesting thoughts or something whatever it is that keeps people coming back in. I'm sure something is there and i'm just missing it.

I'm sorry if you were hoping to get back at some guy that hurt your oshi. Right now, I'm just trying to learn.

>> No.57920039

Isn't she the boke, the idiot? The real question is who's her tsukkomi.

>> No.57920316

the concept is wasted on this zoomer, she isn't old and experienced enough to develop the coping mechanisms of a neurotic joker woman, instead we just get "idk i'm australian I LOVE TIKTOK LMAOOOOOOOO" just utterly vapid

>> No.57920402

how can someone hate on bae ?

>> No.57920463

True chaos is actually dumb as fuck. It's boring and unstimulating because it doesn't resonate with any of our experience about the limitations and contours of the real world

>> No.57920613


Not trying to hate, and I don't think there's really anything there TO hate. Like someone else said in the thread, she's a "normie that graduated from university and likes learning languages." You can add to the list, because so far it's

-Hot design
-Likes kpop
-Boring in multiple languages
-Has a higher education like most of the modern 1st world

I don't think any of this warrants being watched by 775k people, so the search for what she is besides a nepotistic normie that lucked out is still on

>> No.57920616

Nice copium my friend. If she's really earnest, she can be like Mori in the same amount of time post-debut

>> No.57920697

It's unbecoming to display such jealousy, femoid.

>> No.57920741


How are you even using cope in this context. What would I be coping with? Some of you fags just line up random words and hit send

>> No.57920782

She could be undergoing a phase of metamorphosis right now. That act makes me think of some possibilities. She could be either sick of this, or she's self-doubting how she interprets others and doesn't know how to react nicely.

>> No.57920888

>I just don't get it bros, what do you see in her?
She's the poor man's version of what happened with Calli and Kronii: A completely SEX design but with a horrible talking voice.
I'd bet that most people on this board have never watched a stream from Bae but still want to pin her down and impregnate her.

>> No.57920927

I like when she wears the silly hat.

>> No.57920928


>> No.57920989

She's not too basic but not over the top, and that's the charm. Seeing her just having fun and sharing her thoughts with people is kind of great, even if it goes against the "kayfabe only" policy adopted by a lot people here.
I don't need the greatest entertainer to be happy with someone's content, I just need a cool human, and Bae is exactly that. Also she really loves Hololive, so she's usually invested in most projects.

>> No.57920994

Bae has the sexiest voice in EN by far nowadays, doubly so when she's relaxed

>> No.57921004
File: 1.53 MB, 1100x1834, bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just don't get it bros, what do you see in her?
Well, for some reason, I just find her "less positive" traits to be oddly endearing. For most other people I'd get annoyed at them for it, but with Bae, I just don't. To list some things that she does, she:
>Is very loud and energetic to the point of being obnoxious
>Often repeats herself
>Tends to just talk or make sounds solely for the sake of filling dead air
>Seems to begin sentences without having fully formed the thought first and doesn't really know where it's gonna end up
>Has an inconsistent voice. Sometimes it's just an Aussie accent with a stuffy nose, next her voice will be higher pitched or deeper without sounding congested, next she'll momentarily gain a slight American accent or say things with an American pronunciation.
>Is a zoomer with zoomer humour
>And a few other things.

And despite all of these things, they counter-intuitively just endear me to her. Again, if it was someone else doing it, I'd want to kick their head in, but Bae just makes it work and I kinda like it. Also, we're both Aussies and it would be mighty faggoty and un-Australian for me to not look out for my fellow countrymen.

>> No.57921066

She went to and graduated from uni? The fuck? What did she study?
Jeezus with how retarded and brainless she is at times I'd thought she'd just be a high school grad. You guys aren't counting community college as uni right?

>> No.57921121

The most she's said about it is "Humanities"
Japanese, drama, Korean etc and whatever other classes would have her writing papers
Nothing adjacent to science or math

>> No.57921147

But enough about Mumei

>> No.57921178

Ah, so she burned her parents money, gotcha.

>> No.57921210

aren't you bearing the weight of your expectation of Bae? everyone copes with their shitty encounters of life through something. using reason is one of them.
it's not good or bad, people has and needs to do it. sometimes people don't realize they're doing it, and people call them out for it, which wasn't my intention in your case. I just thought it's a good form of coping with it since it's been justified by Mori doing the exact thing you mentioned

>> No.57921510


So many beautiful, talented, angel-voiced women in the industry. I'm not particularly jealous of the one that chokes up mid-collab and can't respond to a basic question or interaction.

I mean, we both know Mori skyrocketed because of bad music, hate, and then the fan reaction to the hate. There are volatile compounds there. Whether it's bad or good is up to any individual person, but there's shit bubbling there. Life. Activity.

>> No.57921614

This makes her the most relatable hololive for me

>> No.57921617

you know what? I'm dum.
>Mori got better lately. Bae might too. So you're right.
there. fixed it

>> No.57921675

I mean, she could always be apart of the travel and tourism industry. I know a lot of folks who majored in an Asian Language and ended up going that route. She'd have to move out of Australia and go somewhere where a lot of Asians go to for vacation (like Hawaii) but it's feasible.

>> No.57921682

>The most she's said about it is "Humanities"
In otherwords Bae is uneducated. It's a miracle she can even read and write.

>> No.57921775

How disappointed would Brats be if she actually meant "Liberal Arts" instead of "Humanities"? Because Liberal Arts is literally the worse degree

>> No.57921839

Grow up

>> No.57922054

>How is this the embodiment of chaos? She's not just the dullest member of council by a long shot, she's the dullest holo period. I just don't get it bros, what do you see in her? Please help me understand.
The fact that you're confused now has already worked. She did her job without actually doing anything therefore sowed chaos straight into your cranial nerves. Did that help?

>> No.57922087

Her parents making her do nothing but study while she was developing = no succinct personality.

>> No.57922114

It's a basic comedy routine, she just needs Mumei or Irys to make it work.

>> No.57922118

She's unironically, genuinely pure and wholesome. Congrats you found out her niche. Bae isn't a thot, she doesn't do coombait, she isn't acting like a wigger. She's a cute yumejo you watch because it's a nice change from everything being cynical, fake and depressings. Her pretending to be retarded is annoying, but her wholesomeness makes up for it.

>> No.57922701 [DELETED] 

It's liberal arts, her RM was in some promo material for her uni with student interviews and shit and she mentions her degree, so, yea.

>> No.57922836

Well, actually, philosophy is the ACTUAL worse degree, since it's literally just the equivalent of a participation trophy for the dumb kids who weren't smart enough to earn a real degree.

It's sort of like when you let the retarded kid play football with you and your friends because you feel bad for him, like "Okay, you can play with us because we feel bad for you", "Okay, philosophy, we'll let you pretend you're just as valid as actual sciences because we feel bad for you." It's as bottom rung as it can get.

>> No.57923000

Whether you like it or not 90% of humanity majors are worthless, and considering her age, I wouldent be shocked if it turned out hers was gender studies (I hate that thats a thing.) and thats why she didn't go into detail at all.

>> No.57923124

none of you fuckers watch bae enough and it shows

>> No.57923297

I have never missed a Bae stream

>> No.57923443

Wow nice debating skills there anon
I wonder what branch teaches you how to reason and argue though KEK

>> No.57923627

She's just like me fr fr

>> No.57924143

Bae general keeps her interest/hobby talk in her zatsu's. She likes to talk about what she's been up to, what fruity anime she's gotten herself engrossed in and other stuff like how she's going with her hobbies like bouldering and projects, a big highlight is usually at the start of she had a dream and she'll go into indepth detail of just the strangeness of them.
If you'rr only watching collabs I'm surprised you haven't gotten a small taste of this in one of Bae and Mumei's brain rot sessions.

Clip below is a good highlight of her getting engrossed in a fruity anime.

>> No.57925677
File: 175 KB, 637x824, wanna cry faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry that the truth has upset you.

I'm sorry that your bottom of the barrel subject has no real world application.

I'm sorry that the only thing your participation award of a degree allows you to do is argue disingenuously and suffer from extreme Dunning-Kruger.

I'm sorry that you need to copy the thoughts of philosophers from thousands of years ago and pretend like their thoughts are your own original thoughts that you totally came up with on your own because you can't actually think for yourself, ironically enough.

I'm sorry that you're not even close to being as smart as you think you are, simply because you pondered something for a little while. Man get a load of this guy... He THINKS about things for a bit... Yep, no one has ever THOUGHT about something for an extended period of time before. This guy's a fuckin' genius.

And once again, I'm sorry that the truth has upset you.

>> No.57926307

>It's liberal arts, her RM was in some promo material for her uni with student interviews and shit and she mentions her degree, so, yea.
I thought she had tiger parents? Or are the parent's ok becuase they sacrificed her sister to the med school gods?

>> No.57926475

I forgot to add, my favourite parts about vtuber education is Matsuri being an electrician. I dislike her, but it's pretty wholesome to me for some reason that she has a trade skill, I just wish vtubers I liked were more like that instead of some uni shit or youtube career.

I also again don't like Choco, but I really admired her approach to her education.
>I need a skill for a job
>I hate cooking
>I will learn to cook, because I expect it to be shit and have no positive expectations

Unironically based as fuck and I wish I had that mindset when choosing my career path.

>> No.57927161

>Matsuri being an electrician.
Did not know that, thats cute as fuck ngl.

>> No.57927884

you seem really hurt by the idea of philosophy

>> No.57928431
File: 48 KB, 450x338, anon I think you should (graduate).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clearly doesn't watch streams
>doesn't even watch clips
many such cases
