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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57921444 No.57921444 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to Meica+Nisha+Eru+Shura+Sagi+Merun+Yukine+Axtre+Natsuri+Mui+Rui+Momo】
+Himea and friends

previous thread >>57856702

coooool pose edition














thread dedicated to appreciating and loving your oshi

>> No.57921791


>> No.57921922

Sedai just lost another girl

>> No.57921967


Ok what's going on in Sedai

>> No.57922028

>that spacing
Kill yourself

>> No.57922093

/PÑG/ is a retarded name, even more taking in account that most of the ex-wactorettes already have a live2D.

>> No.57922123

Real thread

>> No.57922157

This other fag forgot the topic

>> No.57922249
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>> No.57922379
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You must be really bored anon. Here's your daily attention dose.

>> No.57922443

Why do I have the instinctive urge to shout "mommy" when I see that pic?

>> No.57922451
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>thread dedicated to appreciating and loving your oshi

>> No.57922497
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Crayon is a cute natural born women

>> No.57922509

Said no one

>> No.57922578


>> No.57922678

>Sedai starts bullying Shura for whatever reason
>Lily leaves
>Aimi leaves

>> No.57922732

That's not what his XY chromosomes say.

>> No.57922864

so lily and aimi got jealous of the new girls and that's why they leaving...

>> No.57922892

Drop proof

>> No.57923030
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I found out that Himea can change age and size at pleasure, which means that I can have sex with a Himea of 142 cm H cup breasts and at the same time she can contract her vagina that squeezes me hard

>> No.57923053

>Shura mentioned being harassed for three or so months by someone
>Affiliates have collabed with the rest of the girls except her even if fans ask for it
>”Si ven que yo no voy a un evento, por favor no crean la narrativa de que es porque onions envidiosa, yo sí quería”
>fags leak it /here/ and suddenly she says thank you for speaking up for her, things have been resolved and she goes to lily’s graduation

>> No.57923086

I'll send her a dono asking her to call me onii-chan

>> No.57923357

If true
>fags leak it /here/ and suddenly she says thank you for speaking up for her, things have been resolved and she goes to lily’s graduation
>Anons helping the girls even without that being the intention.
We're too powerful

>> No.57923650

the most important thing that nobody talks about is, what happened between Nisha-Eru, Meica and Shura? she has been isolated for practically 2 months

>> No.57923677

Hi argie gata

>> No.57923724

Nisha la mas envidiosita thinks she is too good for friends

>> No.57923804

Eru isn't a good person

>> No.57923807

Eru-Shura-Meica interact, I’ve seen Shura commenting to Nisha on twitter but getting ignored, she only talks to Meica

>> No.57923931

Based Nisha putting panchitos in place.

>> No.57923977

that's what I mean, first she started ignoring Eru then Shura although for a while she didn't interact with Meica either

>> No.57924034

Nisha is fine as she's now, stop bothering her, faggots. Didn't you have enough with all that pressure to force her participate in Lily's graduation?

>> No.57924126

>sedai mistreated lily
>she decides to leave
>sedai hires an ex-wactorete and an ex-amai leech to replace her
>aimi finds out about the shit that’s going on
>aimi asks to leave
>PÑG gang realizes Sedai is pulling a WACTOR on lily and aimi
>shura hints about how someone is bullying her
>while lily is obviously friends with her
>meica asks to go to lily’s graduation
>meica publicly offers lily help if she wants to return as an indie

pñg gang is too strong

>> No.57924131

She's with me now, it's fine

>> No.57924140

My guess is Eru and her fought, causing them to not go to the png funeral since Eru was snarky about it and Nisha just doesn’t want anything to do with her, including talking with Shura

>> No.57924195

Hi Nisha
Don’t worry, Lily forgives you a she will probably reach out to you again when she returns

>> No.57924218

What is happening at SEDAI ONE?

>> No.57924231

You forget how dragona is literally a Shura nepotism hire, they have too much influence

>> No.57924271


>> No.57924319

If we are so important, if they are so happy, then why are they leaving?

>> No.57924328

Why Nisha who has a higher ccv than Shura and Eru, doesn't have any mods and the two of them do have Ofeb as a mod?

>> No.57924335

Holy retardation

>> No.57924363

nisha said she wanted to bring back the true vtuber culture
it's ironic since she's friend with meica

>> No.57924396

Sedaishills where never important.

>> No.57924414

>muh twitter interactions
a u t i s m .

>> No.57924442

ironic how? do you see her doing the same things Meica does on stream or social media? Meica doesn't even try to involve her in her shit either

>> No.57924491

Another proof that mods are an unnecessary burden.
If Nisha can manage on her own with so many people in her chat, why others can't?

>> No.57924611

>meica forcing her to collab with twitch whores
why do you think nisha didn't do streams in the last ones?

>> No.57924659

Yeah, what are nisahdows going to do with Nisha's dream of spreading the classic vtuber culture into the ES community?
With Meica around any bitch will think that being a thot with an anime avatar is enough to work in this business.

>> No.57924681


>> No.57924783


>> No.57924887

Nisha literally pulling pedobait
>true vtuber culture

>> No.57924946

Yeah she's based like that

>> No.57924988
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do you remember this stream?
it's ironic how it came from someone who was full dedicated to coomerbait all her streams

>> No.57925113

seethe meicatard, pedos are cooler than (YOU)

>> No.57925131

Ready to see Meica's collaboration with that ass-smelling Peruvian?

>> No.57925202

Lily was seiso.

>> No.57925205

for anons who care
I know most of you hate her but
lily is coming back as an indie?

>> No.57925296

>ass-smelling Peruvian
Be more specific please

>> No.57925328

Meica already collabed with Peruvians tho

>> No.57925363

>that ass-smelling Peruvian
Do you have how little that description narrows it?

>> No.57925370

No. She retired to become my wife.

>> No.57925502
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>> No.57925581

found the thread shitter:

>> No.57925588

But this time she has been paid to have discord sex, the superchat reading is for money laundering.

>> No.57925678

Thanks for the head ups.
So anons, do you want Meica to say anything in particular?

>> No.57925689

so you can have meica said anything?

>> No.57925692
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>> No.57925736

denigrating, she really think that will get more viewers for collabing with those pseudo e-celebs?

>> No.57925749

Oh you meant Meica's husband.

>> No.57925759

And bet I'll make it be as much as possible.

>> No.57925807

Come on anons, think of some lines that she'll have to say. I don't mind dropping some bucks for it.

>> No.57925829

She is following in the footsteps of her idol, she has just found her Rubs.

>> No.57925896

pat pat pat

>> No.57925943

extreme racist and homophobic comment to Peruvians

>> No.57925955

Why are you so eager to give you money to that faggot? That's exactly what he wants
He's basically pimping Meica so brocucksitos give him money.

>> No.57925971

Anon, stuff that doesn't get the message filtered before she reads it.

>> No.57926005

Please raise awareness on pidgeons' extinction in perivuan landmass.

>> No.57926028

If you can come up with something humiliating enough, to either Meica or brotecitos, that isn't straight up banned words. I'll send it, if not I won't.

>> No.57926086

I think I will donate for her to say "Coscu is God" and then clarify that I meant "Cusco is good"

>> No.57926097

shitter thread

>> No.57926427

Nisha has no need for moderators, all her fans love her

>> No.57926531

now that you mention, eru is ignoring every comment about nisha on her streams since her debut, i think she's mad with nisha because nisha was selfish and didn't shared her debut on twitter

>> No.57926562

Fuck off Anya.

>> No.57926662

fuck off pettanko go and harass ru
nisha will never accept you again

>> No.57926735


>> No.57926744

sedai managers promoting new talents in lily fans discord server

>> No.57926750

Lia my cutie lovely cunny
Im ozuni

>> No.57926833


>> No.57926837

Nara/Palta/Zona gang on suicide watch

>> No.57926945

https://twitter.com/sedaionetv/status/1686534778663702528 Literally a copypaste of Lily's announcement kek

>> No.57927030

Shura is begging (You) to coom

>> No.57927247

She acts all tsun tsun, but she fucking loves the horny marshmallow fanfics

>> No.57927281

my love just woke up from her beauty sleep

>> No.57927294

She said she was taking September as a personal challenge

>> No.57927327

enya is the true leech
lily fans are so dumb

>> No.57927346

She acts all hot and then she gets flustered and stutters, such powerful gap moe

>> No.57927441


>> No.57927541
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>> No.57927555

Wassup Enya, dont you have some leeching to do?

>> No.57927610

lily come back and tell us all we want to know about how shit is sendai

>> No.57927674
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lol not even a week

>> No.57927717

keep that morenazi out of my sight

>> No.57927916
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>> No.57928048

there have your reply.

>> No.57928212

fk off falseflagger nigger

>> No.57928219

"Mi amor" KEK Bruhtecitos on suicide watch.

>> No.57928384

So Nisha is still on the crazy pills...

>> No.57928421
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>> No.57928497

Lily is in aimi's stream

>> No.57928930

Papearon a alguien?

>> No.57928955

why are you watching that? lmao tsundere anon

>> No.57928981

Anya kek

>> No.57929072

So you remain silent like a good cuck.

>> No.57929262

Jesus fuck that Nisha scream.

>> No.57929304

what? im watching my wife nisha fag
i just don't get why if that faggot hate meica so much is watching her

>> No.57929346

see >>57927319

>> No.57929410
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>> No.57929490

hes just like me fr

>> No.57929525

la pedofilia es horrorosa hijo de puta cómo piensas decir eso.
es increíble como nisha cultiva pedófilos en todo su chat y redes sociales.

>> No.57929570

wtf? that's me

>> No.57929630

nice edit doomentio xdd

>> No.57929674

Based jealouscito

>> No.57929726

don't watch meicagos

>> No.57929739

hi ario honorario
>Hail Doom

>> No.57929924

What so good about that downs syndrome peruca that makes Meica so wet?

>> No.57929976

He has viewers. Meica is a leecher.

>> No.57929984

dick size

>> No.57930140

remember months ago she said I was going to give you 90% of everything donated in that stream.

>> No.57930176

is there a clip of the "mi amor" moment ?

>> No.57930252

This game is more torture for the ears than anything.

>> No.57930255

I have no fucking idea how twitch works and how to send a donation with a message lmao what a shitty convoluted interface

>> No.57930320
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>> No.57930363

git gud scrub

>> No.57930442

someone please make meica says "get me pregnant" with ai

>> No.57930455

That's probably what she did to Akira too.

>> No.57930467

that's the idea anon

>> No.57930517
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>> No.57930575

what did you say??

>> No.57930603

She already read it

>> No.57930674


>> No.57930742

but what was!!!

>> No.57930748


>> No.57930804

>Locochon papi rico dejame darte un beso mmmmmmaaahh~

>> No.57930850

Come watch an argie

>> No.57930876


>> No.57930895

Hi, Akira! How is that subdural hematoma going?

>> No.57930911 [SPOILER] 
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brokekcitos rn

>> No.57931088

Why AI when you can make her say it herself

>> No.57931168 [SPOILER] 
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I miss Diego's era... what a downgrade.

>> No.57931224

Meicaschizo is very jealous today KEK

>> No.57931545


Nova bros...

>> No.57931651


>> No.57931732

>nisha mocking on obese girls

>> No.57931779

>te vas a convertir en una tremenda foca

>> No.57931808


>> No.57931913

scrawny midget hag hate

>> No.57931919

>still banned
It's over...

>> No.57931972


>> No.57932045

>That Rushia cosplay

>> No.57932082

This fag is still around?

>> No.57932124

so it was you kek

>> No.57932176

>Mienteme como siempre
This looks like a mindbroken fan that is angry and mourning at the same time kek.
But we all know joteador is just a serial shitter.

>> No.57932222


>> No.57932250

Okay, this is reaching sticky's levels of comedy

>> No.57932311

>Aimi schedule
>Collabs with Eru and Yukine but still no Shura
Sedai black corpo bros...

>> No.57932370

>perjudican o ignoran
>amigas compañeras de agencia
this nigger is illiterate

>> No.57932426

Would have been based if he just bashed on Meica and not Nisha

>> No.57932451

>Nisha la mas manipuladorsita

>> No.57932481

holy shit this is so cringe and I don't even like meicatards KEKEKEK

>> No.57932486

that nigger is from supremacia diskek, what you expect

>> No.57932535

anon nisha is the most double faced bitch after meica

>> No.57932628

>anon eru is the most double faced bitch after eru and eru
fixed for you

>> No.57932706
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>> No.57932728 [DELETED] 

>mienteme por favor mienteme
he should have used this song instead

>> No.57932730

>he doesnt know

>> No.57932767

>giving attention
never learn anons.

>> No.57932791

eru is the third one
at least she shared nisha's debut even when that little brat didn't shared eru's one

>> No.57932848

>Ren: Buen trabajo

>> No.57932847

this but with Anya

>> No.57932918

So the tsundere meica schizo was joteador all these time?
What a pathetic existence

>> No.57932936

anon, take a screenshot of your account after changing the name to ren, this shithole will take the bait

>> No.57933004
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>> No.57933019

are you even watching nisha right now? is not a bait, he was there

>> No.57933041

Who's a Locochon?

>> No.57933107

Let him go anon… he is fucking Anya rn.

>> No.57933122

So supremacia fags confirmed to have gone full anti on Nisha once again?

>> No.57933143

i'm not talking about that ren

>> No.57933178

since her first tweet as nisha.
also joteador is lookers

>> No.57933190

Researcher anons, do you recognize all of those Eru pics? were all of them posted here?

>> No.57933221

A fat Peruvian from Twitch and new Meica groomer

>> No.57933226


>> No.57933271

Yes, and that's an insult for our local AI anons.

>> No.57933300


>> No.57933364

Why would they?

>> No.57933375

so joteador is an erucuck

>> No.57933401

Video is funny and all, but I'll side with Nisha because of her commitment to save vtubing

>> No.57933435

What a shitty name lol

>> No.57933468 [DELETED] 

>save vtubing
>while having a bf on arsland
yeah sure nishadown

>> No.57933529

>save vtubing
>Hating on Eru because she is stealing Fer Purafil’s love

>> No.57933578

it was his old yt channel that used to shit on a literal who, but since it have subs is using that account, dude was lookers and got his channel nuked by wactor, so a mod told akira, why you think that they are obssesed with ofeb?

>> No.57933585


>> No.57933590

>Yume on nisha's stream
oh nvm is Yome

>> No.57933629


>> No.57933638

What would you do if Joteador is a jealous 0view girl?

>> No.57933666

ignore these mongoloids.

>> No.57933680

>the tourist got scared

>> No.57933683 [DELETED] 

Why is argie dick so desirable if they are literally starving?

>> No.57933687

argieCHADs can't stop ganamos

>> No.57933691


>> No.57933727

Rape!! \^^/

>> No.57933733

post her twitter then

>> No.57933748

is the accent
the girls loves it

>> No.57933780
File: 516 KB, 1920x1080, 1690837750972166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was posted >>57927319 and she immediately ran in anger to make a video to throw shit at Nisha
and there are still people here who don't believe that trAnnya was a femanon for more than a year

>> No.57933803


>> No.57933805

said it by shura herself when she was sezia

>> No.57933832

anon...are you ok? did you take your meds?

>> No.57933952 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.57933970

fk off Anya go to fuck with Ren or something instead of doing those shitty low quality videos

>> No.57934039

I think I saw you in chat, watch your impulses, anon

>> No.57934040

make her a 1view, and a mother

>> No.57934095



>> No.57934097

Anon is it normal to have a boner by thinking about nisha having sex with an argensimian? im kinda into cuckoldry tho

>> No.57934106

>Anyaschizo with his usual hateboner for her.

>> No.57934187


>> No.57934226

haha busted

>> No.57934239

this level of autism....pettanko?

>> No.57934303 [DELETED] 

>nisha having sex with ofeb and fer at the same time while yof watches

>> No.57934328

As an Argentinian myself I hate it, but I guess it sounds less macaco than the rest of latam.

>> No.57934348

I'm starting to believe that Anyaschizo is Yuritroon to make her believe that Anons are the bad guys....

>> No.57934360

Holy shit, joteador if you are here, you are the hero of this general for telling the truths that were told here a long time ago

>> No.57934363

she is talking about Aimi
or Eru

>> No.57934381

Yuritroon your low quality impression of him is not going to fool anyone.
Why are you working with him in this?

>> No.57934391

cucking nisha is more funny
>having sex with eru while nisha watches

>> No.57934457

I know, that's why I wonder why they think something from 10 years ago has anything to do with her current vtuber activities.

>> No.57934496

>having sex with nisha with a picture of eru taped on her face

>> No.57934549

It is obvious that they want to manipulate Anya. I know what Yuritroon and Ren do.

>> No.57934588

you can only hate it if you talk like a cordobe'

>> No.57934589

Make that MeicaxAkira video already, dummy!

>> No.57934619

>no one pays attention to his shit thread
>come here to throw shit and start fights

>> No.57934753

spammer-kun do your thing.

>> No.57935176

Meica managed to ride peruvian cock for 2 hours!
>espero que se repita
>amo tu contenido
Based guaraní.

>> No.57935325 [DELETED] 

Nisha's boyfriend here, just to confirm I just came inside her before the stream. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not an argie, but a salvadoreñoGOD. Get cucked

>> No.57935353

Paraguayan girls are natural born succubus.

>> No.57935433

don't forget the travas

>> No.57935454

how long is this shit

>> No.57935641

Her biggest fanbase was Peruvian already, and after this it'll grow even more. Prepare for even more retardation, Peruvians are unhinged.

>> No.57935697 [DELETED] 

ferpurafil here, i'm nisha's boyfriend, ask what you want

>> No.57935724

It makes me laugh how true argies believe they are relevant in Nisha's stream. They are lucky she's an angel who treats everyone equally; that's what I like about her, she gives hope to the less fortunate

>> No.57935748

they are better than mexitards ngl

>> No.57935787
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>> No.57935834

you are nisha's boyfriend too? is she cucking me? oh no i can't believe this...

>> No.57935910 [DELETED] 

Paraguayan girls had to learn to procreate non-stop to repopulate the country after we almost wiped out the Paraguayans in the Triple Alliance War. It's in Meica's dna.

>> No.57936052

everything you do to have the latin american dollar

>> No.57936067 [DELETED] 

How many STDs for fucking Meica?

>> No.57936193

Fer draws more attention with his blue monopoly money supa than most fags sending akasupas

>> No.57936215

What do you mean "too"? Damn kusogaki, rape correction is clearly needed. We'll spitroast her next time, fellow ojisan, that'll teach her

>> No.57936229

all of them

>> No.57936392

That's a lot...

>> No.57936541

Hi Fer are you still resentful because Nisha didn't notice you?
You better go back to eru's streams, fag

>> No.57936623
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>> No.57936630

Peruvians have a retarded humour that is going to piss her off kek. She can't even stand the no fap september mongoloids.

>> No.57936976

>Meica, pa kchar pe chibola

>> No.57937038

both eru and nisha are trying their best to do their vtuber activities in peace without bothering anyone, especially nisha who even deleted her discord server and uses a chat without mods in order to avoid any kind of retarded drama, I don't understand why there are so many schizos that try to harm them.

>> No.57937144


>> No.57937240


>> No.57937244

Seething discordfags that wanted to groom her.

>> No.57938389

Meica serranita ToT

>> No.57938906

>so many schizos that try to harm them
is the same patetic femanon nigger

>> No.57938976 [DELETED] 

She even let argies fuck her little shaved pussy, that sweet angel...

>> No.57939193

Suffer, argie. Fans like you are cancer

>> No.57939497

meica, Peru is with miu, it won't do any good if you suck locochon's balls.


>> No.57939537


>> No.57939744

You wish Fer, you know what you leaked

>> No.57941358
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>> No.57942138

ok sedai insiders give me the rrats for their entire first gen graduating

>> No.57942191

Premium content

>> No.57942544

No males in my thread

>> No.57942979

Second phase of holoES's auditions starts next month. They probably won't make it.

>> No.57943625

you are savage anon, but that's true

>> No.57943678

Nisha NTRed me yet again...

>> No.57945071

Substantiate you claim Anon

>> No.57945166

sorry about that anon, better luck next time.

>> No.57945900

I saw it in a dream. Just remember my comment and wait 2 months for them to reincarnate as indies or 8 months to see one of them debut in holoES next year (which I doubt)

>> No.57946889


>> No.57946892

Sedainiggers status?

>> No.57947161

We are IdolCHADS now, what about you wactordrone?

>> No.57947412
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>> No.57947434


>> No.57947549

once sedainigger, always sedai nigger

>> No.57947792

mad wactordrone?

>> No.57947798

>hi fer
Keep trying, if it weren't for the rules of chat many would have fuckyou

>> No.57948101

to vote anon

>> No.57948381

it is an insult to the idolbro's to be compared to a sedainigger.

>> No.57948850 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.57949163

Need some Anya

>> No.57949402

>That inviting anus
Goki is literally turning me into an analfag keep it up anon

>> No.57949575

eruculo when?

>> No.57949644

Who's Eru?

>> No.57949687


>> No.57949777

More anal Goki anon, you're doing god's work

>> No.57949790

Dear Lord.
AIbro can you Anyafy+Rufy this please? https://files.catbox.moe/kwyfv7.jpeg

>> No.57950221
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>> No.57950862

nisha and eru too

>> No.57951138

Nisha and Lunita

>> No.57952104
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>> No.57952114


/pñg/ is what we needed in January, when Misora and Luna disappeared. To do it now, when both of them already have Live2D is fucking retarded.

There is no doubt that the person making this threads is a shitter trying to add sidiosas and other random Twitch whores into the WACTOR community. I will remind everyone that there is no need to drop /wactor/. Let the Akira dicksuckers seethe, meica, nisha, and any other girl who worked at W will always have a place /here/.

>> No.57952140

I wish that the AI anon can give very spicy dreams.
Night anons

>> No.57952171
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>> No.57952317

gn anons, and hope the shitters get run over a bus.

>> No.57952398
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>> No.57952437
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>> No.57952490

>There is no doubt that the person making this threads is a shitter trying to add sidiosas and other random Twitch whores into the WACTOR community. I will remind everyone that there is no need to drop /wactor/. Let the Akira dicksuckers seethe, meica, nisha, and any other girl who worked at W will always have a place /here/.

fuck off ozuni, we are comfortable here

>> No.57952596

>a fag is comenting ancient posts...

>> No.57952680

>t. shitter

>> No.57952689
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>> No.57953242

Did Shura read a marshmellow about apples?

>> No.57953541

She mentioned a brrrr guy before starting the game and some fags telling her they’re having sex while moaning her name

>> No.57953753
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>> No.57954035

>She mentioned a brrrr guy before
That was me.

>> No.57954124
File: 217 KB, 1377x1377, 5413524754165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GN anons

>> No.57954225

>PÑG reached bump limit without wactor in the op

>> No.57954540

>reached bump limit shitting on meica

>> No.57954596

Gn anons, specially you AI anon for delievering that Goki

>> No.57954606

That's the best part.

>> No.57954877
File: 130 KB, 790x679, 23323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57954962

God I hope they have lots of sex tonight

>> No.57957699

It's over Wactordrones
