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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57913019 No.57913019 [Reply] [Original]

Fauna inspired me to drink green juice and exercise weekly

>> No.57913105

Shiori inspired me to cut my wrists and jerk off on bugs

>> No.57913235
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You...you ban evaded to make this? This is your magnum opus?
Jakartachama...you might need to call it a day, you're washed. Try again tomorrow.

>> No.57913632

My Oshi inspires me to stop masturbating whenever I imagine how disappointed in me she'd be.

>> No.57913705
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tried oatmilk because of fauna, it was awful

>> No.57914549

Fauna inspired me to eat more meats, i am making up for her portion.

>> No.57919954

For the last time moomposter, not everyone who posts fauna is from Jakarta. Please either shut up, or stop bothering everyone else

>> No.57921019

ponto nei inspired me to drink tea

>> No.57922630


>> No.57923556
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Fauna inspired me into wanting to shove a baseball bat down her throat, and test the limits of her thick neck

>> No.57923817
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Okayu. Fat nobody whos now living the idol dream after she put the work in herself. I think she is pretty inspiring at least.

>> No.57924016
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>> No.57924486
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Bae got me back into doing my weights and /fit/ reps and was a really good motivation to keep pushing forward. then everything came crashing down when my GF left me

>> No.57924522

That's very good, OP. Keep up the good work and become big and strong like mama nature wants you to. :)

>> No.57924601

shondo inspired me to completely destroy my life in order to show dedication to her

>> No.57925119

She is the rude one, plants are living organism too, but vegans decided since they can't scream, they can eat them.

>> No.57925285
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moom poster, /uuu/ has been down for a week and we wish to fauna post.....

>> No.57925301

>I made all of the good decisions in my life without input from a chuuba
>Usually after lots of discussions on 4chan
you retards are my oshi

>> No.57925915
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Mococo inspired me to be the best I can be

>> No.57927224

I just did 32 pull-ups for fauna. I am no longer a sapling, I am a sturdy oak

>> No.57927300

Sorry to hear that anon, keep lifting. Weights will never betray you

>> No.57927678

I did very bad things because of my oshi and I fell into a very sad, obsessive mindstate, hurting her in the process
I ended up confessing this to her and like Jesus Christ she forgave me and empathized with me
I want to do better by her now and become a better person

>> No.57927774

Not now Riifufag, this is an anti thread

>> No.57928442

The only thing vtubers have inspired in me is to stretch more of my shitposting muscles. The only reps I do are in editing funny memes through image, audio and text.
I think that's ok though, a lot of the dumb stuff I've made gets used in several generals, global, the catalog and even broke containment into twitter.

>> No.57930880

youre welcome , faggot

>> No.57931191

Did you have sex with men or something?

>> No.57931367

They all inspired me to perhaps kill myself soon since I'm never gonna make as much money as a fake anime girl on the internet, so all these years of grinding a normal job and watching them serves as a grim reminder that I'm always gonna be at the bottom of the economic chain for both being a man and for simply not getting lucky with anything.

>> No.57931746

fauna inspired me to make real friends they don't appreciate my lewdposting though

>> No.57936761
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Good for you anon, same here!

>> No.57938947
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I started dedicating every minor thing I did to Filian ironically, but it's not a joke anymore.

>> No.57939309

I'm in grad school because of Ina

I'm probably going to regret blowing 60 grand on this but eh, at least I'm accomplishing something

>> No.57939530
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Her fans really mean a lot to her and I started taking better care of myself because of that.

>> No.57939724
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Shondo taught me that beating women is a good thing

>> No.57940142
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Miko inspired me to be attracted to women

>> No.57943137
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Whatcha studying tako

>> No.57943217

Kiara inspired me to stop watching her.

>> No.57943278

Fauna inspired me to put on the skirt!

>> No.57950151
File: 169 KB, 354x651, A97A862F-34CF-4BDB-8F12-59E30E8567EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a vegan recipe once because of Fauna

>> No.57952756

I had barely eaten any meat, only doing so on social meets and whatnot, but Fauna made me commit to being a full-time vegetarian.

>> No.57956518

Gross, just be like >>57952756 and go vegetarian.
You wanna be healthy for Fauna which is not possible with veganism.

>> No.57958432
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Good for you sapling^^
Lamy also inspired me to drink

>> No.57961002

IRyS inspired me to workout and lose weight and now after the letter WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEAAAAAAAAH BABYYYYY
