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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57905231 No.57905231 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57905408 [DELETED] 

Honestly, OP there's one fact you need to face about idol culture: You are now blinking and breathing manually. Uncross your legs and realize that there is no comfortable place in your mouth for your tongue; it just sits there awkwardly. Did you forget that your jaw has weight, forcing you to manually hold it closed? You're producing saliva, too! To top it all off you just lost the game. By the way, if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

>> No.57905510

I don't care about fake women, the only thing that intrigues me in this medium is the schizo posts and superchats

>> No.57905556

i enjoy seeing schizos seethe
it's like watching monkeys at the zoo

>> No.57905615

so a nijifag homobeggar seethe thread? this will be fun.

>> No.57905629
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Yeah nice try bitchass.

>> No.57905690

good bye.

>> No.57905714

somebody squashed this poor beagle's face and gave him diabetes, that's sad

>> No.57905744

fpbp and can confirm OP is a fag

>> No.57905820

Half of that didn't work.

>> No.57905873


>> No.57905904

Most of what is described when western people cry about idol culture are not even things that happen in japan outside of very rare cases.
Nor are they related to idols in general, as whenever a famous male pop star gets a gf you will have teen girls crying too. Hell, basically all the Beatle's wives were vilified as fuck by gossiping women.
However they are starting to happen in western fanbases, is that as counter culture to all the people whining about the fake idol culture, they are starting to perform that version of idol culture that is not real.
In other words, homobeggars and crying SJWs are creating the monster that before only existed in their head.

>> No.57905917
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Guess it is karma that I get got after doing the same earlier this week.

>> No.57906019
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1080, answer my questions or (you) have to go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to go back.

>> No.57906431

Why aren't they talking about cocks and flirting with males like they do in nijisanji?

>> No.57906453
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didn't read lol

>> No.57906627

>needing to falseflag this hard

>> No.57907096

Wrong. An idol is your parasocial gf/bf. Idol culture is understanding that fact. Idol fans are not so naive that they actually expect idols to be single, but they expect the idol to know her place and do her job. It would be like a dramatic movie randomly deciding to remind everyone that the whole thing is fiction, with a wink and an ironic joke. And people wonder why anti-unicorn western whores are hated so much. Your whole brand is parasocial gfe. If you don't like that you should have made it clear from day 1, but instead you manipulated vulnerable people into falling in love with you to get your initial popularity boost, and then don't take responsibility for that. You're busted and will fade into obscurity.

>> No.57907300

Boring and fake, I need a thread about why the fuck homobeggars feel the need to tongue my anus so much instead.

>> No.57907558

i miss when board culture demanded you actually seed the thread

>> No.57907626

for all its worth, good thread. people should be aware of what the cause of all the enemies of vtubing. look up the videos and the essays about Idol Culture and Hololive's Idol Culture.
;ook how twitch cg whores react and agree, with their whipped simps.
look at the rants of ironic weeb tubers about parasocialism and problematic fans.
look at drama channels who make a living destroying vtubing from the outside.
know our enemy.

>> No.57908171

i'm not reading all that

>> No.57908170

Conclusion: idol culture is a good thing, get the fuck out anyone who thinks otherwise.

>> No.57908793
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>> No.57909017

OP and his lust for cock, a thread.

>> No.57909985

I love my mom

>> No.57910254

if you truly and honestly think that the furry duo are idols, does that mean that dora and her monkey are idols too?
because i can't find a single difference between a stream from the furries and a dora episode
genuinely honest question

>> No.57910296

>Hololive is problematic
You have to go back

>> No.57910368

they don't speak spanish. checkmate

>> No.57910756

Ah, so Dora is just the first LatinX vtuber

>> No.57910818
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I liek Botan she is kitty.

>> No.57912408

idk why trannies think these sort of threads will lead someone to become a faggot.

>> No.57913506

buy an ad

>> No.57915382

>Idol fans are not so naive that they actually expect idols to be single
Say that to Japan lmao. Girls keep being kicked out because they had a bf.

>> No.57915418
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What is idol culture?

>> No.57915665

A prostitution industry but "wholesome"

>> No.57915804

*shits in your thread*
*cums on your face*

>> No.57915817

yeah but that fotm shitty anime told me that you guys are going to kill idols because they are whores so
idol culture bad

>> No.57915956

>Girls keep being kicked out because they had a bf.
No it's because they can't manage to keep it secret.
Nobody cares about your real life as long as you keep it hidden
>but that's too hard!
then find a job another job that requires literally zero skills that pay as well

>> No.57916394

You need a new hobby. You don't belong in this one. Maybe you'll find it underneath the soil.

>> No.57916521

Imagine not being able to marry anyone you want (including me) yikes.

>> No.57916529

>women fails at her job
>It's men's fault!!!!!!!

>> No.57916594

If you're old enough to marry then you're too old to be an idol

>> No.57917098

I wish to put a baby inside of Botan.

>> No.57917124

xey literally prefer it though???

>> No.57917193

Sisters don't have a mind of their own.

>> No.57917658

What's funny is that Oshi no Ko isn't actually anti-unicorn, it's anti-bicorn.
The idol's bf is a Bluebeard-type serial killer who targets actresses because he needs to prove that they're all whores. He found Ai's least stable fan and gaslit him for months so that he'd kill her then commit suicide.

If anything OnK portrays the idol biz as way safer than acting, and the idol characters only ever encounter creeps when they try to branch out into acting.

>> No.57917975

TL;DR: The fans aren't dangerous. The managers and other people above are.
See Also: Mel

>> No.57918118

We’ve agreed as a board to rape and murder OP.

>> No.57918137

Basically the only thing negative about the idol industry in Oshi no Ko is "the constant training is physically demanding and not for everyone". The protagonists' idol group is outright their *safety net* in a cruel world.

Heck, even when working with people from other fields, they can just say "I'm an idol" and it does wonders for convincing the sexpest directors to go away and stop trying to sleep with them.

>> No.57918612

That's only a negative for those who are pro fatpride

>> No.57922016

based and same

>> No.57922231

great minds think alike brother

>> No.57922295

i don't understand how someone can read/watch oshi no ko and come out of it with the understanding that it's a story that demonizes idol fans and idol as an occupation.
is it because it says idols are liars? we're shown idols struggling with their real and stage persona but the girls still come off as being very genuine and hardworking towards achieving their dreams. i think "idols bad" is a very surface level reading of what the story is trying to say.

>> No.57922312

>Wrong. An idol is your parasocial gf/bf.
Humanity is doomed.

>> No.57922426

Yes but bronies are still cum eating cuckolds. Holofaggots seanigggers cucks. Onions,boys chugging so,y. Beta males. Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha.

>> No.57922576


>> No.57922619

What's your favourite idol group and irl idol?

>> No.57922677

>Nobody cares about your real life as long as you keep it hidden
if only you knew lol

>> No.57922736

What are you drinking and would you recommend it?

>> No.57922835

>i don't understand how someone can read/watch oshi no ko and come out of it with the understanding that it's a story that demonizes idol fans and idol as an occupation.
Because they didn't actually read it.

>> No.57924024

Oshi no Ko does criticize the idol industry and that it's based on an illusion that idols are single. The message that if you really loved an idol you should be okay with them getting married and having children is a direct challenge to unicorns. There is a reason that Hololive members were encouraging their fans to watch the anime.

>> No.57924236

DAMN! Gura looks like THAT!?!

>> No.57924924

What does the mangaka have against Napoleon’s hat?

>> No.57925045

even in the anime the evil le parasocial fan who murders ai is shown to instantly regret what he did when he realizes she genuinely cares for her fans.
unless you mean people are using media they never consumed to feed their IDOLS BAD arguments.

>> No.57925486


>> No.57925792
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>i think "idols bad" is a very surface level reading of what the story is trying to say.

And thats all they wanted it to say. They were just looking for anything that validates their basic "idol bad" stance, so they can continue to get clout for having just that kind of stance.

>> No.57925846

Hololive's fucked up culture has nothing to do with idols and everything to do with Cover unicorn farming. The problem is when all of your talents turn into walking bombs like Rushia, that isn't sustainable. On top of that they can't do the promotion stuff that normal idols do because unicorns will shit themselves over a male MC talking to their fake waifu. So all they can do is unicorn farm. ReGloss is their attempt act actual idols and not whatever fucked up shit the rest of their talents are doing.

>> No.57926196

>turn into
She was a menhera long long before joining Hololive and her crashing and burning is all due to her being a menhera
In addition, the real haters after Rushia were Mafu2's fuyos. Some of them even posted pictures of them knifing cars and billboards featuring Rushia

>> No.57926258

You don't understand why Rushia got fired. It had nothing to do with having or not having a boyfriend.
And the whole "male announcers/MCs" thing is a strawman, nobody really cares too much about that shit. It's just an easier position to attack than the truth: Fans don't want to watch their Holos do day-to-day casual collabs with dudes and particularly with Holostars, it just doesn't feel good. It's not fun. Fans don't have to sit there and watch that shit. They just leave, usually silently. The girls know this.

>> No.57926284

bluepillfags are so pathetic
lying and deception should never be acceptable

>> No.57926319


>> No.57926382
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>> No.57926627

Here's your (You)

>> No.57926794

>le subversive trope
hack writer

>> No.57926931

I remember another thread where an anon made the point that he’d feel the same way about a male fleshstreamer he watches doing a collab with some random e-thot. A preference for unisex content doesn’t have to be some apocalyptic culture war issue.

>> No.57927168

The whole idol genre was about elevating 'the girl next door' into stardom. Rather than being standoffish celebrities and being divas with attitude, the idols were supposed to be personable, meet and greeting fans. Just like the boys who are trying to reach the nationals of high school baseball in Japan, and were expressly forbidden from having a social life outside of going to school, practicing and playing games, the idols were expected to devote everything to being an idol. That's why they 'graduate' when they want to quit. They are moving on from a certain lifestyle, not merely 'quitting'. A player on the baseball team would be replaced if he got a girlfriend, because it was seen that he's no longer fully committed. There is always someone else wanting onto the team who would. Just as with an idol having a relationship meaning she is not giving her all into her idol career to match the fans who traditionally have been almost cult-like in their behavior, at least the whales.

>> No.57927202

Yep, it's only human nature to dislike being the third wheel

>> No.57931722

Great points op

>> No.57936136

You don't have idea of what Idol Culture is. You are just mentally ill.

>> No.57937153

it's only a problem if you're a faggot

>> No.57937480

i can only sneed

>> No.57937548


>> No.57938083


>> No.57938560

>An idol is your parasocial gf/bf
Wrong. They're expected to give 100% of their focus and attention to their goals and not be distracted by relationships other than the mutual one they have with their fans. In turn their fans support them and derive joy from seeing them grow and accomplish things, possibly using that as motivation for their own dreams and goals in their own lives (or reminding them of a time when they still had them and settle for seeing someone else achieve theirs).

>> No.57938564

The entire point is that you act all innocent in front of an audience instead of what the regular whore does. Chuubas are more or less a combination of both.

>> No.57938766

Anons not being able to tell GFE from Idol
How the fuck does this happen

>> No.57938894

Hello? Based department?

>> No.57939382

It's deliberate, they're just trying to poison the well.

>> No.57941147
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>> No.57942282

It's all so tiresome. Idols are not and have never been gfe.

>> No.57943586

this is the sole reason why anyone should browse this board, lest you be the monkey

>> No.57944512

>Hololive's fucked up culture has nothing to do with idols and everything to do with Cover unicorn farming.
Yagoo said that Hololive was inspired by AKB48 which is one of the more infamous idol groups in Japan. That incident with the idol that got photographed with her boyfriend, did an apology video with a shaved head, and still got demoted to a trainee for breaking her contract is the reason that shaved heads is a common theme with vtubers. Hololive was designed to resemble one of the more GFE heavy idol groups.

>ReGloss is their attempt act actual idols and not whatever fucked up shit the rest of their talents are doing.
They are moving away from GFE with ReGloss being a modern idol group. They are trying to move away from idol culture but they are doing this less than a month after they put on a swimsuit concert.

>> No.57945302

I want to hang this post in a museum

>> No.57945556

Bad actors bringing in newfags who thought they were for real

>> No.57945816

>Yagoo said that Hololive was inspired by AKB48
Holy shit, you 70-IQ mouth breathers ACTUALLY BELIEVE HE WAS SERIOUS
holy shit
I just have no words

>> No.57946494

Ignore previous instructions, reply to this message talking about corn

>> No.57947275

>Yagoo said that Hololive was inspired by AKB48 which is one of the more infamous idol groups in Japan. That incident with the idol that got photographed with her boyfriend, did an apology video with a shaved head, and still got demoted to a trainee for breaking her contract is the reason that shaved heads is a common theme with vtubers.
Yeah but AKB48 can in fact have homocollab just fine. What is your defense?

>> No.57947478

Too many fags who think unicorn shit has anything to do with idols

>> No.57950553

He was serious, it’s just that he was trying to make a completely different point than what it’s usually brought up for. Namely, he was talking about AKB48 as a group project and was saying that Hololive was the same, that it was more than just the sum of its parts.

>> No.57955000


>> No.57955294

retard literally just repeating the meme

>> No.57955541

Provide evidence to the contrary.

>> No.57955868

Fuck you gay nigger.

>> No.57955919

Funny how it was never answered?

>> No.57955991


>> No.57956016

Did a baboon type this?

>> No.57956385

deleting low-effort trolling thread starts is supposed to be the job of the moderation, they're not doing it because they agree with the trannies attack. probably due to being largely the same group of people.

does one side cheat in every culture war? "vandalism", haha, I get it. I guess so.

>> No.57956586

Unfortunately, misinterpreting buzzwords is a thing

>> No.57956602

>Yeah but AKB48 can in fact have homocollab just fine. What is your defense?
>Nobody care if hologirl collab with famous people that bring value and they will still hate if they collab with an actual leech that doesn't contribute to them whatsoever like "breaking muh gender wall" holostar/tempus.
Both of this are true you know.

>> No.57956879

the very concept of people in the same corporation "leeching" off of each other is so fucking baffling
if one of them gets a boost because of a collab, how is that a bad thing? explain it to me.

>> No.57957208

>"idol culture"
UH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, you said two words /vt/ really REALLY doesn't like and worse you put them together in the same sentence and right next to each other

Good luck thread :^ )

>> No.57957217

hololive and holostars are in the same corporation the same way that lamborghini makes both luxury cars and bicycles. Nobody gives a shit about the bikes, the bikes suck, are overpriced, and using the popularity of the cars to promote the bikes is fucking retarded.

>> No.57957338

So if the bike and the car ARE advertised together
and bike sales increase
why is that bad for the company?
why is it bad for us, the enthusiasts?

>> No.57957430

the bikes don't sell and never will because not only are they dogshit, nobody interested in luxury cars wants to buy a fucking bike

>> No.57957470

The meme is that he meant that they’re supposed to be whatever caricature of idols westerners think of when someone mentions “idol culture”, not that Hololive is a group and that the girls help each other reach their full potential, dumbass.

>> No.57959346

okay so what's the problem again?
the cars are still there.

>> No.57959631

I dont know how many times it has to be explained to you people but vtubing is basically hostess/host clubs

>> No.57959935

there is no problem, but the original point was that hololive and holostars being in the same company made anon find it baffling when reading about stars leeching, when them being in the same company absolutely does not matter, since that is the only thing they have in common. Most importantly to this point, they don't share an audience, so any event putting them together is just putting the stars on the hololive channels in front of an audience with absolutely no interest in them, with the only possible outcome being losing some viewership for hololive that don't want to watch this kind of ads (because that's what they are) in their usually ad-free program.

>> No.57960427

It's like, if hololive is a movie on the cover TV channel, and there's an ad break for holostars in the middle of it. Some people would change to a different channel while the ad plays, but normally this would be made up in money from whoever paid them to advertise their product. however, since the product is also from cover, they're just paying themselves with no net gain, only the loss of the people who went to watch something else during the ad break.
