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57717990 No.57717990 [Reply] [Original]

I want to be her friend

>> No.57718166
File: 203 KB, 1235x1301, 1686550766946310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you vegan?

>> No.57718253

i wouldnt want to be friend with vegans they smell bad

>> No.57718433

You cannot

>> No.57718577
File: 560 KB, 489x804, 1673913886923099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57718611

>crippling lactose intolerance
>meat upsets my stomach
>bread upsets my stomach too
Yes out of necessity
Can confirm. I stink and I have no idea why

>> No.57718694

eww fauna

>> No.57719150

Friend of mine became vegan because of stomach issues, too. I feel for you, anon.

>> No.57719425
File: 101 KB, 900x900, xnvOg932U90JOQR-6_yDJS1monpmzCTXF-8vNTbqnj8yd6HdZIzPXpEkr2XmlSfGK95mS4RT6w=s900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody say eww?

>> No.57719554

I dont. She messed up that one time in pico park.
That was the day I became her anti

>> No.57719576

people shit on Ame for not just doing the right thing but developing food intolerance later in life is one of the most miserable things ever especially ones that lock you out of your favorite foods/common food

Also nobody gives a fuck about stomach problems and will make fun of you or downplay it. My issue isn't "oh no milk makes me fart" if I have milk I will literally be bed ridden in pain for over a day

>> No.57720384

She is my friend, she said so herself

>> No.57720558

Just take some Pepto faggot. You're not gonna eat ice cream with the boys? Fuckin loser can't even hang.

>> No.57720722
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>> No.57720803


>> No.57721040

>meat upsets my stomach
bullshit meat is way easier to digest than most plants either its in your head or you're somehow eating exclusively shitty meat.

>> No.57721157

Its easier to find clean plants in America than untainted meat so your theory won't be tested

>> No.57721512 [DELETED] 

Bill Gates has released ticks and mosquitos that will infect you with a disease that makes you basically allergic to meat.

>> No.57722144

We will never be fauna's friend

>> No.57723022
File: 68 KB, 675x672, mumeiphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The embarrassing tale of Faunaschizo's self-doxx and samefagging (Jakarta timezone btw)
>wake up in mudhut (10 am jakarta)
>seethes all day

>> No.57723144

She’s betrayed friends before, you should be happy you’re not one

>> No.57723438

Based moomposter. What's even more funny is that he wasn't able to samefag in the divegrass chat so if you watch the replay you can watch him pathetically flail about unable to perform his usual tactics.

>> No.57726677

she probably has smelly farts, it wouldn't be pleasant

>> No.57727067

saplings worst fanbase. u shit across board using moom. u shud go outside an get sunburned.
>inb4 ESL
>lowIQ monoglot

>> No.57729636

I'm lactose intolerant but still drink milk like a motherfucker. I don't give a fuck. I'll fart and shit all day if I have to.

>> No.57732609

She requires that her friends are vegan. She's a hardcore vegan.

>> No.57734183

If I ever met a girl even half as lovely as Fauna, I would give up whatever indulgence she asked. I fucking love Fauna so much.
It’s un *claps* real *claps*

>> No.57734291
File: 57 KB, 680x680, 4876586211899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, thanks for the assist. He keeps posting in real Jakarta hours now.

>> No.57738008


>> No.57738151


>> No.57742270
File: 92 KB, 772x525, Yes, you are low IQ[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F25iyyt.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not moomposter, nor their sub in. Just giving you what you asked for.
Also I know French but I don't type it at people when I know I sound like a retard to them.

>> No.57742304

I want to pee in her butt

>> No.57742737


>> No.57742825

Veganism is a disgusting american fad that can only exist in a society where people are so divorced from real food that they think eating "cheese substitute made with bug protein" is a great choice. Fauna is actually worse because most vegans are commies who become such to save the planet or whatever, fauna is just a woman whose parents told her "we are vegan now" and she never grew her own opinion.

>> No.57742884

Based street shitter.

>> No.57743040

You know people used to only eat meat a few times a week, right? Even carnivores animals dint eat meat every single day. Its not as crazy as your city slickin' zoomer ass thinks it is

>> No.57743065

Drink lactose free milk?

>> No.57743869

Subhumans are subhumans wether they eat animal corpses or not.
Chad and Stacey genectics, such as Fauner has, override diet and their bodies can be sustained on any food, even slop.

>> No.57743876

whoo.. asked?
you sapfags truly are the worst fanbase. stop using moom pic for your bad rep. you're gonna make people shit on her.

>> No.57746203

Are you?

>> No.57748493

She isn't a stacy, you're just literally an omegamale.

That's interesting but it's not the 12th century and you're retarded.
A zoomer is ecstatic to eat your slop, you retarded obese faggot.

>> No.57748671

As someone who's doing the carnivore diet right now (though, only temporarily for the next few months), let me just say, settle the fuck down, dude. It's not that serious. She's just a nice, compassionate, caring girl who doesn't want to eat animals, because she likes them and cares about them. That's not a bad thing, it's actually quite admirable. Stop being a schizo.

>> No.57750250

Fauna doesn't want to be our friend sapbro

>> No.57750440

Fauna said that being friends with your fave streamers isn't all it's cracked up to be and that you already know cool people, you should listen to her

>> No.57750509

I actually don't know anybody.

>> No.57752619

Should he be?

>> No.57753510

>durrr everyting we do now thats the norm is healthy and good
Retarded city slicker zoomer

>> No.57753556

I'm gonna be honest, at this point this post is even more cringe

>> No.57753576
File: 27 KB, 748x460, 01BDB4DE-A751-4193-B8F0-D3953DAE393B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same bro. I keep telling Fauna we should just be friends but she keeps insisting that we take the relationship further.

>> No.57753649

>12th century
Literally just back in the 1900s people werent eating meat every single day. But if course, your sheltered city slickin zoomer ass wouldnt know that cause youre too hsiy shovin mcdonalds cheeseburgers down youre throat every day. Lmao lose some weight fat fuck

>> No.57753717

I also care about animals, but that doesn't mean I can't eat pigs, cows and chicken. You can dislike war but you don't have to be a pacifist, i.e. be aware that you have to wage a defensive war if you're attacked, which a pacifist would not.

>> No.57753767

>Its easier to find clean plants in America than untainted meat so your theory won't be tested
*laughs in chipotle lettuce e.coli*

>> No.57753883

That was purely out of economic reasons. Lmao, you think the average person was even able to eat healthy just a century ago? Sure, people today also consume slop en masse but that's their own inability to control their diet, 200 years or so you physically couldn't get on meat constantly as an average citizen, but today you can. So don't make comparisons to old times as if they're applicable in any way to today

>> No.57754141

>just back in the 1900s
ah yes back when the average height for men was 5'1
truly an aspirational model of nutrition

>> No.57756216

Way to point out the obvious, dipshit. You said literally nothing of value. Like as if I don't already know all that shit. It's irrelevant to my point. My point being that Fauna isn't this bad person that he's trying to make her out to be, and he needs to just chill the fuck out. That's literally all I was trying to say.

>> No.57757793

>Point out the obvious
Yeah right, you said she doesn't eat animals because she's a caring girl, I'm saying being caring or not has nothing to do with eating animals, way to miss my point.
And furthermore, every vegan is at least delusional, vegetarians I understand, but vegans are either insane, do it to virtue signal, or out of peer influence like fauna
