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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57687205 No.57687205 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57687431

Fuck I made a typo in the title. I meant to say "artist" but I fucked it up.

>> No.57688195

This is old news, someone had already mentioned in past thread that artists were reselling all the models she had abandoned over the years.

>> No.57688280

Her past artist SIN just posted her Aya Arashiyama model on Nizima so it's news to me. I also didn't notice that SIN remade and is reselling her Chihaya Hanamura model. I think it's based of SIN.

>> No.57691909


>> No.57692058

Good, no point letting them rot in mel's graveyard
thank god that snake woman model was never wasted on her, it might end up somewhere quarter decent eventually

>> No.57698337


>> No.57699427

Possibly. Since she sold her Nerissa Delfina model for $500, she's planning on popping up again regardless, as another anon buyer said last thread, she tells people who buy content some hints so she can keep us around but won't give out the link til she self-posts here. She's being more strict about who she converses with.

>> No.57701679

It was listed today (JST), this isn't old news technically, the thing we knew about was she could no longer use it.

>> No.57705078

Got tired of chasing her around, no idea why she wont settle down

>> No.57705337

Because she often scams people with sob stories and doesn’t want people to rediscover her. And then Mel quickly realizes she’s shit and that’s why she starts farting up a storm again.
Either way, not worth the time to rediscover. Just threadread whenever she returns so you can catch up on all the drama.

>> No.57705885

Because she thinks she can get away from people after scamming. She even scammed her "friends" and threw them onto the train tracks for distraction. Just catalog hop, read the warning thread that'll pop up when she resurface in a week or two and engage at your own risk.

>> No.57706488

This kek.
>I need throat surgery (Ichigo Nogashi)
>I'm homeless I have to sell my equipment
>I can only sell pics cuz no home
>I have to quit vtubing because storm destroyed my house (Nerissa Delfina)

>> No.57708679

Mel is the only chuuba who is hyped for that Fae Farm game coming out on the 8th along with the Dark Souls + Pinocchio game called Lies of P coming out on the 19th so basically any "new" chuuba who is gonna play one or both of those games will be Mel.

>> No.57710094

>Suddenly get a response to my email to Mel
This gets posted
>Follows the usual ignorant writing style and acting like she's the only one interested in indies games
Hey Mel, shouldn't you be focusing on your next reincarnation? You scammed enough money from that poor fag as Nerissa and your "friends", right?

>> No.57710706

Quick search of twitter shows there's plenty of EN vtubers ready to play Lies of P. Fae Farm has the usual comfort vtubers ready to play. The only way to spot Mel is the horrible AI voice she's going to be using, she's also going to use AI for music covers now too because she got caught lying as Ichigo using a slightly pitched up reupload of the original song.

>> No.57711877

Actually as Ichigo she stole covers from someone else, it wasn't pitched up. Sadly I know people probably won't believe me but this person did have a cover of Mikeneko's song Drop but it's been deleted since. I wonder if they knew Ichigo stole it and took it down?https://www.youtube.com/@negoto_bunnyla/videos

>> No.57712017

Most schizo thread on /vt/. Always. GSH.

>> No.57712132

If this is true this is fucked up. This persons covers barely get 100 views and Ichigo's "cover" managed to get like 2k views in under a month.

>> No.57712212

>>I'm homeless I have to sell my equipment
She lives at home with parents on Mil gibs.

>> No.57712376

It's not that I don't believe you, as a few people who got tangled up with Mel as Ichigo seemed to delete their channels/works or changed how they operate, for example the guy that usually promoted indie chubbas no longer will or will be extra strict due to Mel's bs as ichigo fucking his reputation over.
This shows how if Mel wanted to be a legit chubba, she should have stayed as Ichigo. Yeah she stole shit and scammed someone for the "2.0 model" which was probably one of her supposed friends paying for it, but she had new fans and support. Bitch threw it all away because she couldn't stand going one single day without a dono.

>> No.57712432

The homeless excuse is what she's telling content buyers in order to not do videos and her excuse as Nerissa Delfina when she quit that reiteration.

>> No.57712624
File: 3.47 MB, 2894x4093, ichigo nogashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have proof of this claim. She was "working" on releasing a second "cover" (aka uploading someone else's work) and she commissioned her 2.0 model artist some artwork to use for a music video. This is the art she commissioned that she posted in discord and it matches the sitting position of this cover done by the same YouTube channel.
I don't think she ever told us who she commissioned to do the music video for her second "cover" but if we would find that person somehow they could more than likely corroborate this since they would have this artwork as well as the song.

>> No.57712710

Yeah her Nerissa Delfina excuse falls through when you realize that Nebraska has not had any bad storms to warrant any houses being destroyed to make her have to quit streaming. I hope that guy who is making a new chuuba corp starts soon, I can't wait to see the shitstorm that is caused by one of their members having to use the Nerissa Delfina model lmao.

>> No.57712774

holy shit

>> No.57712852

This is pretty damning evidence.

>> No.57713033

kek especially at the timing of the deadly storm that happened to destroy only her house and no one else's in the neighborhood.
That is going to be a shitstorm to rival Mel's actual shitstorms. Imagine starting a chubba group and your hire is linked to Mel Nekomata's scams just because they chose to buy a $500 model, which apparently she used $2100 of the $3551 she scammed as Ichigo on.

>> No.57713195

she said on reddit the storm destroyed other houses in her neighborhood. she went so far as to include something like this in her lie "my neighbor got his roof blown off but he's a veteran so he was able to get help thankfully"

>> No.57713201

>This is damning evidence
Anonchama, everything posted about her since over a year ago has been damning. At this point it's beyond absurd how many chances she's had and how she continues to grift and dupe people.

>> No.57713273

No I meant that we don't have evidence she stole her "cover" from this person because they don't have their Mikeneko cover up anymore, so the fact that this person was able to get the artwork and link it to their other cover is what's damning.

>> No.57713514

Must have missed that before she scorched earth on reddit. I've only heard when she said just her house was hit and everyone else was fine, but that's usual Mel narrative.
>At this point it's beyond absurd how many chances she's had and how she continues to grift and dupe people
I don't think it's her getting chances but rather her escaping the eyes of people who put out the warnings just long enough. She's only still around because of scamming her "friends" and selling overpriced nudes to 1 or 2 people. If the idiot content buyer fucks off Mel would finally vanish.

>> No.57713688

Don't know how many of us there are since she tells all of us that we're the only one, but I stopped buying content a little before Nerissa tried to debut and she hasn't messaged me since.

>> No.57713783

Majority of the time she doesn't message people first, she waits for us to message her because she doesn't care about people unless they're there to give her money.

>> No.57713803

Who would want to use these when their history is known?

>> No.57713950

I stopped shortly after the cancer arc when I found out she was bullshitting about that. She emails me occasionally asking if I want to buy because "no one else will buy content/is buying anymore" but all it takes is one guy dropping enough to fund her model. She also never told her "friends" about Nerissa Delfina so she probably scammed them out of some money without saying she had $500 towards it.

>> No.57713960

People use Mel's models all the time even though she taints them.

>> No.57714037

That Estelle dude never seemed to orbit Nerissa Delfina, how much you wanna bet she didn't even tell him about it? I bet if we were to bring this information to light he would tell Mel off in the funniest way possible, especially since he knows her address.

>> No.57714082

She HAD always been messaging me first to ask if I wanted more. Something about that neediness made it hotter for me.

It's a Japanese website, and their history is only known in the EN sphere. Japanese viewers have no idea who Mel is and don't care.

>> No.57714148

Estellia doesn't know that Mel is Nerissa because she didn't tell anyone, including Estellia and Nar. If they knew they wouldn't be giving her money.

>> No.57714195

>doesn’t want people to rediscover her.
>is probably the OP for most threads that get posted about her
>admitting to it
holy kek

>> No.57714260

Now that you mention it, even in her low numbers I didn't see any of her supposed "friends" there either, just a few of her regulars like nerdroundabout.
I believe it's the opposite, Mel picks up free use models established chubbas already have been using and I think the only instance of someone not using it anymore already had plans for their own model.

>> No.57714265

Stop shitting up the thread by saying retarded shit like "she totally messages me bro". You and how many other anons say this shit but don't post proof. Someone was able to post a picture of her asshole /here/ and yet none of you faggots can post proof of her totally messaging you. Catbox exists for a reason.

>> No.57714294

He had some vagueposting on Twitter about learning his lesson not to trust people blah blah blah around the same time the Ichigo donothon arc was wrapping up.

>> No.57714352

Sorry, the language I used made it seem like I bought content from her, I don't. I had her added on discord at some point and she didn't care to talk unless it was about money.

>> No.57714414

You're not getting fucking report material, mel. Stop trying already and go back to preparing for your next failed scam kek

>> No.57714527

Estelle always vagueposts, no wonder he uses a female model, he talks like a female all the goddamn time and is cryptic. When can we start talking about how weird Estelle is anyways? Dude has an obvious feeder fetish because he constantly sends DoorDash gift cards to Mel and has said shit like "Yeah get bigger for me"??? Men who use female models are weird as fuck bro.

>> No.57714609

Oh, she finally sold it? I remember her constantly posting it on Twitter and reducing the price over and over because no wanted it.

>> No.57714618

NTA but the person who posted her nudes did so in a way that they couldn't get reported for it so is it so much to ask that we get proof that people are "talking to Mel"?

>> No.57714715

She sold it to some guy who is starting up a chuuba corp. So sometime in the next year or two we'll see a fun shitstorm whenever the person who auditions and uses the model has to deal with Mel's past.

>> No.57714748

This is why her twitter is suddenly empty after spamming it up to 2 times daily.

>> No.57714871

Said guy posted recently that he still got vacationed for it, jannies seem to act in weird ways when it comes to this bitch.
I can't wait for this

>> No.57714946

I didn't get vacationed for posting her asshole picture? Unless someone else recently leaked another nude of hers.

>> No.57715021

There were 2 pictures posted recently, you're probably the one from the thread where mel outed herself posting "totally not her hand" in the same topic.

>> No.57715118

How recently? I posted her asshole picture but that was like over a month ago. Didn't know someone posted more nudes of her, any links to the threads or post numbers so I can search the archives?

>> No.57715335

>Mel posting in this topic trying to deflect attention to someone else
A lot of the general use model chubbas are EN or Non-JP, the JP ones don't care and the only time EN chubbas care is when it comes time to grow their engagement by drama or pitybaiting, like what Mel does unsuccessfully.

>> No.57715408

My brother in Christ, it's an anonymous board. A screenshot of an email chain with her in one post doesn't confirm any of my other posts.

>> No.57715460

Except it does because Mel has a very unique way of writing. Hi Mel, we can tell it's you writing this.

>> No.57715816

She so does kek. Hilarious how you can tell when its her trying to throw everyone onto random chubbas or pretend it isn't her while confirming its her like this post >>54132980 kek

>> No.57716214

This is how she is with emails too unless she's absolutely desperate like when she wanted to get Nerissa Delfina.

>> No.57716455

I will try to see if I can dig up the catbox letters, it was in the last 2 weeks though, her topics were starting to die faster. This is one of the few that lasted longer than a few hours.

>> No.57716828

Do you at least have the threads? I can just look through the archived threads and see if they're there. Would feel bad to make you do all that work just for some ugly nudes.

>> No.57717499

I miss her…

>> No.57717545

We don't miss you Mel

>> No.57717759

Hey Mel, if you're in here this is for you

>> No.57717799

I miss when she always had the thread open while streaming and loved us. Why couldn't things have stayed like that?

>> No.57717910

Because she's a greedy manipulative bitch

>> No.57717975

But I miss you…

>> No.57718036

Get some help, there's no reason to spend your time hating on someone like Mel who is completely pathetic in every sense of the word.

>> No.57718076

>"We" didn't fund her snake mommy model
>Gained a paypig or two directly for future sales
>Found a way to scam people (Cancer/Throat hort)
>Scamming people close to her
She has no reason to do what she used to because she's in her running away and trying to hide mode currently, prior to Ichigo/Nerissa Delfina she didn't pretend to not know of this place's existence aside the slip up as ichigo when she said she was getting harassment but not the other 20 people using Nogashi Ichigo.

>> No.57718327

Nah, I think she can go fuck herself

>> No.57718375

Why would you spend your time on someone like Mel? Go spend it on shit you actually like retard. You're as mentally ill as she is.

>> No.57718552

I'm already watching anime and 2 Holo streams. Go fuck yourself

>> No.57718641

Clearly you aren't if you're posting /here/ about Mel

>> No.57718718

For catalogfags discovering this and don't want to read, QRD:
>Mel commissioned artist
>Artist found out Mel is a PoS
>Artist took back rights of her using it
>Artist now selling the Model (her Aya reincarnation)
>Mel comes out of the woodwork to shit on someone else to deflect thinking no one knows its her
>Someone discovers she's stealing covers
>Ex paypigs posting occasionally.
You are now here.

>> No.57718741

Inside you there are two wolves. One is your oshi. One is Mel Nekomata. Which one wins?

>> No.57718793

That's only like 1% of the entire Mel saga, you're missing a lot more.

>> No.57718944

I'm only giving a QRD of this topic since the usual people/person is starting to shit it up again kek

>> No.57719012

DB was a hero

>> No.57719020

Mel shut the fuck up already. Nobody wants to hear about your attempts to dramafag to get eyes back on you. Just fade into obscurity.

>> No.57719044

Mel is not anyone's oshi, everyone hates her.

>> No.57719127


>> No.57719135

For catalogfags discovering this and don't want to read, actual QRD:
>these threads are filled with Mel and her paypigs desperately trying to keep her relevant by posting "new info" instead of letting her die in obscurity, and they pretend it's a public service announcement

>> No.57719160

>mel was the only en belly stuffing vtuber

>> No.57719220

yet you guys keep posting about her instead of reporting the threads? youre just as bad as she is by keeping these threads up

>> No.57719289

What do you mean by belly stuffing? Never heard this term before.

>> No.57719428

Mel threads are trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls, and this board is a less flavorful place when there isn't one up.

>> No.57719555

This is Mel trying to deflect attention off of her after making this topic now that she's hit post nut clarity and no longer need the attention.
Pretty sure she that wouldn't serve paypig purposes when they buy nudes, something she doesn't do on stream.

>> No.57719719

Did you reply to the wrong person? Or are you saying that because I don't know what "belly stuffing" is that I'm now the braphog?

>> No.57719872

Person you're asking is Mel posting, so no point in asking since she only brought that up to shift focus away. She's a braphog, not a 'belly stuffer', in which there are plenty of chubbas that does mukbang streams.

>> No.57719879

Seeing a lot of "Hi Mel" posts; can someone reply to me with all of the posts ITT that are from Mel? Is it more than half of the posts?

>> No.57720042

Every post in here is Mel until proven otherwise, yours included.

>> No.57720048

I got you anon.

>> No.57720162

Here you go bro:

>> No.57720219

hi mel

>> No.57721425

how is it that she keeps getting worse? If she played it straight she would get paypigs to pay for shit and she wouldn't have to scam people every five minutes. It's truly amazing how retarded she is.

>> No.57721592

hi mel

>> No.57721971

She still has a nude buyer or two plus she's likely scamming her "friends" still.

>> No.57721997

hi mel

>> No.57722029

hi mel

>> No.57723832

I remember when the one pic of her in that succubus(?) outfit got leaked lmao.

>> No.57724026

hi mel

>> No.57724676

Thinking back on a lot of this stuff and knowing she herself leaks some stuff and tries to blame others, I definitely feel this was her leaking it herself

>> No.57725968

>how is it that she keeps getting worse?
Her scams aren't working anymore so she's throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks.

>> No.57726051

hi mel

>> No.57731124

Anybody actually got her nudes?
