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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57629290 No.57629290 [Reply] [Original]

Love wife

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1696254231844471037

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters.

Previous thread: >>57615954

>> No.57629310


>> No.57629356
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Collab was lots of fun

>> No.57629373

I warmed up to the collab, it ended up being really fun

>> No.57629383

god shes so fuckin cute.

>> No.57629385

I couldn't pay attention to it. Hope shondo had fun.

>> No.57629389


>> No.57629392

That was okay, I liked the murder part a lot

>> No.57629395

Didn't really enjoy it, but I'm glad my wife had fun. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

>> No.57629401
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that was fun. Not sure a new thread was needed considering it's over.

>> No.57629410

It got good after an hour when they started doing something

>> No.57629413

Passionate love making with Shondo

>> No.57629434

She wasn't next to nina the whole time like i expected, and it seems like she had lots of fun

>> No.57629457
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>> No.57629529
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>> No.57629605


>> No.57629618


>> No.57629652

It was a fun stream. I'm glad she's having fun

>> No.57629677
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>> No.57630059
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I really want a Nina x Shondo VR collab
It's amazing how great friends they are. So glad they have each other.

>> No.57630134
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, 1664262171130427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh grape had a very different pov

>> No.57630142

kek good screenshot

>> No.57630317
File: 1.02 MB, 720x720, 1672802486800251.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you want to see her interact with more?
I really want some ShondoxNina VR, but I really want her to get closer to Soya too. They were together for most of the time Soya was there and seemed to be talking a lot and had good chemistry from what I could see.

>> No.57630329

i can see that as a sub screen to show where everyone is but is that the main display

>> No.57630390

Same. Just remove the rest of GirlsFC desu.

>> No.57630418

Soya 1 on 1 collab would be nice, but I think she would get along with tobs really well

>> No.57630454

Shondo and Tobs would be interesting honestly

>> No.57630467

Yeah it was when she died
I want Shondo to compliment Bat and make her spill her spaghetti

>> No.57630568

Was pleasantly surprised by ShondoxBat. She instantly stuck her arm down Moriko's ears like she was magnetically drawn to it, and the bat was surprisingly not as weird with her as I thought.

>> No.57630640
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I wish more chuubas would turn off chat/alerts during VR streams like Grape seems to. Makes for better screenshots. I don't know what's going on with the top and bottom of the screen though

>> No.57631209
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>> No.57631347

>"Do you like this?"
>"It's okay"
Fucking sent me

>> No.57631491

I genuinely believe she has a magic effect that makes everyone love her. I did not at all expect her to be able to get along with Moriko or Geega and yet she did.

>> No.57631915


i know you're groomers but can you at least put SOME effort into not being pathetic and @ing her crying about something for one day?

>> No.57631929

I think so too, although there are moments where I just want to beat her to death because I hate her so much, but that's probably a me problem

>> No.57631986

That's literally how today was. Or did you not read the thread? Not everyone was sitting there like a retard clapping at the sound of any noise they hear.

>> No.57631999

>checked who liked it
KEK. Sometimes I wonder if they even like her

>> No.57632064

Of course the other groomer likes it

>> No.57632086

It was a bit shit at the start but got better. I doom posted too fast

>> No.57632165

There's a difference between shit throwing here instead of her replies

>> No.57632167

No this is normal, I think she has this effect on men but women just love her.

>> No.57632181

Yeah so it's almost like opinions might matter if she can give husbands a better experience next time. Instead of just yes-man'ing cause you don't want to hurt wifey's wittle feewings

>> No.57632248

kys ironic ryonafags

>> No.57632289

Disagreeing with you isn't yes-manning, I liked the stream and had fun watching it and that's my whole opinion

>> No.57632296


>> No.57632336


>> No.57632378

yeah sorry shondo can you not collab with a group anymore cause i want the only focus to be you. also ignoring it was nina's stream and not hers
stop being a fag and crying

>> No.57632402

I can't believe 100% of her content isnt catered to me and only me
Fuck this bitch

>> No.57632420

Then others should be allowed to vocalize their feedback just the same to her as I'm sure you did in your reply to her.
Or is this another /shon/ moment conveniently forgetting she has asked us to be honest with feedback?

>> No.57632427

There's a reason I post about it here and not @ing her about it

>> No.57632489

At least roli elaborated instead of saying "too many voices uuuuu"

>> No.57632510

>yeah sorry shondo can you not collab with a group anymore cause i want the only focus to be you.
No one said that.

>> No.57632545

That is far from what was even said but sure, cover your eyes and pretend to have read whatever you feel like you thought you read. Retard.

>> No.57632590

Except none of that is her fault, its Ninas. So youre just making her feel bad for shit outside her control retard

>> No.57632622

>making her feel bad
Stop babying her christ

>> No.57632630

shondo should just collab with me

>> No.57632653

Please no more collabs. This is not the content I'm here for

>> No.57632661

NTA but she really needs to be babied

>> No.57632679

Do you seriously think they don't discuss how to improve the experience with each other especially when they are good friends and understand each other's audiences? Holy fuck shut up.

>> No.57632680

Fuck you furfag

>> No.57632731

Maybe I didn't make it clear enough, but I don't inherently dislike big collabs. I just want to be able to see and hear what is going on.

>> No.57632751

Jesus are you a woman or something? All I said is that's not what being a yesman is. Next time wait until your period is over before coming here.

>> No.57632760

then say that faggot

>> No.57632804

was there seriously a male furry who invaded or is it just some thing funny
i didnt watch

>> No.57632816
File: 109 KB, 652x837, patpatshondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo is cute.

>> No.57632839


>> No.57632870

They went to a world with a furry sleeping in it. Most likely a male. They left quickly when they realized it wasn't an NPC

>> No.57632879

One of the girls accidently opened a portal to a public lobby and there was an afk sleeping furry there

>> No.57632887

Kind of. There was just a furry sleeping on the ground. Didn't say or do anything, and he didn't invade, Grape just went with them into a public world by mistake.

>> No.57632895

lol: https://twitter.com/J_Dewdman/status/1698102461318226405
either you're one of the groomers or blind

>> No.57632970
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Nina is also cute.

>> No.57632995

do people try to live in vr what the fuck

>> No.57633003

Shondo has very cute friends

>> No.57633034

I hate this fag too but there's nothing wrong with saying this

>> No.57633038

He isn't saying that either, even though he might think that.

>> No.57633041


>> No.57633067
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Do people just expect her to never collab?

>> No.57633164

>It was cute, but it wasn't for me

>> No.57633186
File: 62 KB, 850x421, ninaandshondo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very happy for Shondo and her cute friends.

>> No.57633196

It will raise her confidence, she'll start banging Vedal and then she'll be a housewife/hentai artist and you'll never see her again.

>> No.57633200

He literally never said to not collab what the fuck is wrong with you fags. Can we not form any opinions on /shon/ that isn't just "durrhurr le groomercord" or are you all just retarded and ESL? I don't like him either but holy shit.

>> No.57633239

imagine going to sleep in vr and waking up to being vr molested by some furry

>> No.57633289

Listen if we're going to make a boogie man at least have it be about something real

>> No.57633294

Yeah they dont give a fuck about how she might enjoy the experience just give me my content uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Watch now shes gonna have an anxiety attack over feeling like she cant hangout and have fun with them without upsetting her groomers

>> No.57633328

housewife + hentai artist always creates ntr for some reason

>> No.57633338

This. I can't believe these illiterate retads make me defend the cuckposter. Holy shit.

>> No.57633429

I hope she realizes they don't actually care about her

>> No.57633447 [DELETED] 

women with anxiety go get railed by randos all the time, they need crippling PTSD to remain pure

>> No.57633488

I think I hate you babying shondo fags as much as the groomercord

>> No.57633611

I do hope she eventually realizes the groomers do not give a fuck about her, they just see her as an object to generate attention for themselves.

>> No.57633613

>by saying I enjoyed the collab

>> No.57633637
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>> No.57633649

She already got an inkling of that when they kept ignoring her wishes regarding DMs and one of them tried using twitter circles

>> No.57633670

when you say babying shondofags do you mean one who babies and coddles a shondofag, or a shondofag who is acting like a baby

>> No.57633724

>Having an opinion that is different from yours is babying

>> No.57633733

If you think I was referring to you and not the people saying "SHES GONNA HAVE AN ANXEITY ATTACK" that is your problem

>> No.57633777

you're either them and seething or just illiterate. they clearly hate the idea of her having friends but wont say it outright look at digi crying about her sending merch early to them the other day

>> No.57633792

Why do you feel addressed if it doesn't apply to you?

>> No.57633810

If the relationship is not toxic I do no want it

>> No.57633846

>be honest and give me criticism
>/shon/ malds when husbands actually give her criticism

Sorry you chimps can't form more coherent thoughts but if even the groomers have a point, you shiggers might need to reevaluate yourselves.

>> No.57633866

It hasn't stopped the favoritism she shows them. She had the will power to ignore them for maybe a week afterwards and then went back to replying to them constantly

>> No.57633920

you're either retarded or trolling so opinion discarded, kill yourself.

>> No.57633961

They probably do think that way, but it makes no sense to get mad at their tweets when they didn't write anything bad or unreasonable. At that point you are just making shit up to get mad at.

>> No.57633994

>Thinking criticism of how NINA operated the stream is appropriate to bring up to Shondo
You are beyond retarded

>> No.57634003

no the problem is you belong in a prison and think if its not domestic abuse its babying

>> No.57634039
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>> No.57634064

Need shos bussy

>> No.57634097

He is clearly referring to anons losing their shit because not everyone enjoyed the collab as much as they did, retard.

>> No.57634165

>not liking a collab is abuse
Do you hear yourself?

>> No.57634180

>thinking this criticism doesn't apply to Shondo and Nina when they are close and understand each other's audience
You need help. Leave the thread, you are too stupid to comprehend this.

>> No.57634310

You can pretend you dont know what i mean but youre the same people who want to replace her stepdad

>> No.57634329

Not to mention that having to rely on Nina's stream (or Grape's) is a criticism in itself.

>> No.57634387

>new IP
>retarded reply
>kill yourself

>> No.57634407

Are those people in the room with you right now?

>> No.57634431

I just like watching anime woman playing vidya dawg

>> No.57634506

I see it as a give and take, I was given nothing this collab so I gave nothing that wasn't at least a little self serving and started playing video games about an hour in. I am not going to complain about her having fun with friends when she already explained why she won't be streaming this collab.

>> No.57634632

That's the currently problem these braindead retards don't seem to understand. No one once complained that she was having fun with friends.
But hey, let's just be so retarded about this that these anons may as well be fucking trolling at this point.

>> No.57634753

what game did you play
you will be judged

>> No.57634810

Chances of alt stream tonight?

>> No.57634831

Playing devil's advocate: Maybe they're implying that certain husbands showing their personal disinterest in collabs will discourage Shondo from taking part in them more often, so it's better to shut up about your preferences for her own sake.

>> No.57634860


>> No.57634897

I think there's a good chance.

>> No.57634915

Yeah I think some people need to take what she said to heart about not showing up if they're just not up for it. Maybe she can stop putting it on the schedule if these people are going to say "collabs aren't for me" every time she has a collab that isn't 1 on 1 with Nina
If she read the replies 0%

>> No.57634962

I would hope she is not that stupid but I know anons here think she is.

>> No.57635040

She said she'll catch up with us tomorrow, so I would say probably low. When do that critters start school again?

>> No.57635091

they're up 24/7 now

>> No.57635260

null. VR tires her out

>> No.57635287

For whatever godforsaken reason, despite nothing of value ever being produced from /shon/

>> No.57635300

I heard the game tomorrow is only 15 minutes? I wonder what her plan is afterwards

>> No.57635349

that is a terrible idea. Short term threads mean there isn't downtime threads where the most retarded shit goes down

>> No.57635355

Every time she has a schizo attack about doing something wrong its not because of magic brainworms but because shes been reading you complain in these threads. She will feel the pressure of trying to satiate you

>> No.57635402

That's just blatantly untrue but okay

>> No.57635438

It's like half an hour. Then she's playing the sequel in the same stream which is a couple of hours

>> No.57635442

Because it unironically improved the thread quality. The reason we never had any while she was offline was to fight against shitposting, but that didn't help. The threads were pretty much unusable, so we said fuck it and kept making them. Feel free to check the archives.

>> No.57635443

Then she'd be having schizo attacks every 20 minutes...

>> No.57635469

the sequel is longer and has multiple endings

>> No.57635499

It's the usual retardation. but at slower rate than usual. They're better than any afterstream thread tho.

>> No.57635510

DM me your cunny, Shondo.

>> No.57635616

The irony as always is that it's the metaposters and people constantly complaining about the state of the threads that are shitting them up the most. Will never stop being funny to me

>> No.57635635

shon pls i need toe pics, im go ng to die without them

>> No.57635651

She already sent it to me, DM me and I'll send you a copy

>> No.57635715

Ok, Nina. Sent.

>> No.57635727 [DELETED] 

Maybe. It's impressive how she's able to say "I love (you)" knowing damn well how her viewers are.

>> No.57635819

This is a very toxic relationship anon, everyone knows it including Shondo, but it's what we all signed up for

>> No.57635900

She's a masochist with abandonment issues and a ryona fetish. What do you think?

>> No.57635998

Please don't give away my secrets. I love watching who agrees or disagrees with me depending on how I decide to larp that day.

>> No.57636049

It's totally not a fetish (acc to her)

>> No.57636408
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Now that i think about it props to her for keeping it professional.

>> No.57636427

I really want her to do a marriage vow stream and have us sign documents legally marrying us. She could even get abi or someone to officiate it

>> No.57637128

I want to see more of her feet

>> No.57637333

She needs to get a model like Miyune.

>> No.57637396

She gave us a tease freely until some fag let her know people would pay lots of money to see them again

>> No.57639248

as a foot fetishist I have never paid for feet

>> No.57639733

Shondo plays with the big leagues now

>> No.57639821

Thats not a hotdog

>> No.57639947

we were deceived

>> No.57639950


>> No.57639961

Very nice of her to join the collab when she had her debut just a few hours after

>> No.57639988

Just because you don't doesn't mean there are any who'll pay any price for feet. Furries will commission inflation art from artists who do 10 minute sketchs with crayons.

>> No.57640108

*there aren't any

>> No.57640354


>> No.57642927
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>> No.57643042

She really is a fucking cat
This is cat behavior

>> No.57643192

She's trying to get some milkies.

>> No.57643710

I am becoming convinced she really is just a shapeshifting creature that experienced being a cat before being a human, and thus is just as cat as she is little girl.

>> No.57643753
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>still no breas feeding fan art

>> No.57643845

I wish I was better at art

>> No.57643852


>> No.57646155

i luv her

>> No.57646518
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Its fucking over my shoggers
I missed 3 stream for health reasons out of my control I want to die. Its over

>> No.57646734
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That's not too bad, it's not even a full week. Which 3 streams were they? The last 3?

>> No.57647227

The last merch pictures she replied to was dewdholes over a week ago.
I'm starting to believe that she put the hair in there on purpose and was waiting for him to find it. She doesn't care about anyone else's

>> No.57647554

You know people can go and check this isnt true right

>> No.57647645


>> No.57648088
File: 62 KB, 830x690, 1691154879262610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got around to making a new twitter to post KK stuff again

>> No.57648218

Nice, starting off strong.

>> No.57648254

im reserving weakestschitzo4

>> No.57648370

good stuff

>> No.57650359
File: 355 KB, 581x673, 1685141299881945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed most most of a Fahrenheit stream and fully missed the kusoge from yesterday and today's collab
Its fucking over

>> No.57653742


>> No.57654089

Man I don't like when she gets super silent
I just get paranoid I'm missing out on something on some 8th level alt account

>> No.57654190

>he doesnt know
he doesnt know

>> No.57654256

Wow totally unexpected reply

>> No.57654295

i want to suck the farts out of shondo's ass

>> No.57654619

you're missing the alt alt stream

>> No.57655026

She's posting about you saying that you smell and need a shower

>> No.57655160

Lies she can't smell

>> No.57656824
File: 3.90 MB, 236x310, 1689138619977238.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being schizo she is indoctrinating her siblings

>> No.57656949

Anon we both know none of us can stop being schizo

>> No.57657009

she has promised multiple times over now that she wasnt doing that anymore. if it turns out she is it will kill my trust in her and ill be pretty mad

>> No.57657091
File: 3.83 MB, 323x297, 1684353671268701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She moves like such a girl
She had the most girly body language in that group by a landslide

>> No.57657194
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>> No.57657612

she knows some people don't like collabs, that literally goes without saying
you don't have to shove it in her face and make her feel bad about spending time with friends
not all of the messages are so harsh but the fact it's coming from some of the most entitled shoggers doesn't help at all

>> No.57658001

Nailed it shogger
She's said many times she knows not everyone likes collabs, she even clarified that right after the stream ended which means she's predominantly always worried about spending time with her friends and what certain idiots might think about it.
I'd get it if 50% or more of her streams were collabs but the last collab this big she was in was her birthday, over a month ago? Of course she knows big collabs aren't for everyone, and there's nothing wrong with not liking them, but it makes me feel bad she's worried about it probably even during the stream when I just want her to be having fun.

>> No.57658417

People have the wrong perspective on this. Big collabs like these are not for us. They're hanging out and bonding and they're letting us get a peek as a treat. The only thing you can fault shondo for is that she promised that collabs would never replace streams. She said that hey'd always be an addition to her regular schedule.

>> No.57658463

honestly she should just collab with me

>> No.57658544

She streamed 4 times this week without the collab, one of them was 7 hours
I don't think you can argue against this being an extra stream

>> No.57658896

If you don't like collabs, then don't watch them. It's not her fault that you're a weak kid. You should go back to your 2views, the groomers are there.

>> No.57659015


>> No.57659042

some shoggas hate each other so much they'll anonymously jump at each others throats even when nothing wrong happened

>> No.57659052


>> No.57659080

My new favorite shogger

>> No.57659196

when will they follow the rest of the groomers and move on to nep?

>> No.57659455

please don't hold her to the whole "having to make up for any collabs with an extra stream"
I think doing a 5 day week, especially if one of them is a longer stream, is more than enough
an alt stream would be fine too, but really I don't want to give her the idea she has to work herself more if she does anything with friends

>> No.57659621

Good troll funny man. Guess we should all be super mega chad like you who never give her feedback on the content she asks us to give her feedback on.

>> No.57659664

you are a weak kid

>> No.57659704
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>> No.57659869

We'd be time looping if I give my opinion to you, so instead, I'll just tell you to kill yourself.
kill yourself

>> No.57659902

Sadly, there are a shit ton of reasons to hate some shoggas. Shondo doesn't step in since there is no "nice way" to tell tards off without collateral It will be like this for some time.

>> No.57659914

still talking about feedback like it was her stream and not nina's. you're a bot

>> No.57659925

I would be time looping as well suggesting you shiggers do the same. Wifey loves me more. Kill yourselves.

>> No.57659954

She really should collab more and stop giving attention to the her shitty fans who are trying to control her.
She's an entertainer, not your "wifey". Collabs are peak entrainment. And she really should drop the no male collabs meme her shitty fanbase keeps forcing on her
cry more weirdo groomer

>> No.57660030

Yeah I don't make a big deal about not liking collabs or asmr, I just skip those streams. I have sent a tweet once or twice with the familiar "not my type of content but glad you had fun," but now I kind of just avoid the topic and don't respond to tweets about streams I didn't watch.

>> No.57660039

>she really should drop the no male collabs meme

>> No.57660203

Anon your not replying to bait reps

>> No.57660238
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>> No.57660263

Most of you shoggers seem really cranky, maybe it's time for you guys to go to bed.
Shondo is live in less than 12 hours, you don't want to oversleep right?

>> No.57660444

I will dream about Shondo's silky smooth armpits.

>> No.57660458

I like when they try to discredit anything by replying to it with pretend support laced with cuckshit

>> No.57660602

thats a long time to sleep

>> No.57661086

dewd cant help himself please understand

>> No.57661140


>> No.57661308

Can you actually explain the cuck shit with Dewd? I don't understand the deal with him. I just assume most favorites of her are secretly cuckbait faggots.

>> No.57661843

acts like a massive cuck and cries about shit here in tweets. pretty sure it was him that made a blacked reference of all things as well in chat recently. prime suspect for being the bbc poster

>> No.57662117

he just says bizarre shit sometimes and also one of the thread schizos latched onto his name because he got a hair in his merch

>> No.57662253

You guys are quite the detectives! I'll keep an eye out for him and block him immediately.

>> No.57662301

that's your prerogative but I don't think it's that serious shogga

>> No.57664294
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>> No.57666477
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>> No.57666665

G !!

>> No.57667119

reminder she does this irl while being driven around too

>> No.57668389
File: 673 KB, 817x744, Shontongue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo love

>> No.57668574

Why has she been so distant on Twitter recently? If she was still in a menhera episode I would understand but she's said multiple times now that she's feeling much better.
It feels like something is going on behind the scenes that she's mad at us about, like when she was distant during the DM incident

>> No.57668783

Missing the Fahrenheit stream is tragic. Watch the VOD as soon as you can. The other kusoge stream was a nice watch, but nothing extraordinary. The collab you can skip without missing anything if you are just watching for Shondo. Everything worth seeing in that stream will be in a clip either on youtube or here as a webm.

>> No.57668890

At this point, it can be anything. Maybe menhera struck again, or shoggers throwing slap fights. I hope she tells us openly if we fucked something up.

>> No.57668903

Hasn't been the same since her spergout about the altalt stuff. We'll get her back. The trust will be restored at some point

>> No.57669124

Y'all really made her mad, huh.

>> No.57669275

I don't think that's what did it, she was fine up until about a week ago but has barely replied to anyone recently. The last time was when she talked about her ryona ASMR idea, I guess maybe some of the weirder responses could have made het feel bad or something

>> No.57669415


>> No.57669467

Now that you mentioned it, she stopped replying to merch tweets on 25th and didn't do her usual art retweets

>> No.57669666

you don't seem to understand which spergout was meant

>> No.57669744

What altalt stuff then? The one where she said she wouldn't have any other alts because it was bad for her? Just because you aren't getting interactions since then doesn't mean she wasn't replying to people

>> No.57669831

it was bad for her for a specific reason
anons /here/ broke her trust

>> No.57670102

Oh I understand, it took her a little while to get back to normal after rrk, she's just not dumping her brain soup every time she has a mental breakdown.

>> No.57670240

because some regulars sperged out over alt accounts

>> No.57671831
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>> No.57672618

Just shot out my baby batter fro Shondo.

>> No.57674770

I miss her

>> No.57675046

I hope today is a normal stream day.

>> No.57676872
File: 81 KB, 611x932, 117116221540049034894884865_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57676905

she's drinking my milk

>> No.57677803
File: 1.44 MB, 2746x2502, 1683723677286342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my wife.

>> No.57678614
File: 98 KB, 1804x491, Tupafaggit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tupajumi you have to have the most embarrassing main protagonist syndrome I have ever fucking seen. But congrats on your little meltdown! A mod has seen that and they will put you on their que of problems to bring up to her on whether or not she should ban you. She probably won't, don't get me wrong here. But she will see how much of a pathetic little rodent you are whining about muh favortism like a literal child. You are the the saddest anti I have seen in a while and none of this has done you any favors. Good job, retard.

>> No.57678804

He actually fell for the shitposts...

>> No.57678861

In the discord. What the fuck?

>> No.57678866

I'm new and she's responded to my original messages several times. I guess these retards just have to be more interesting.

>> No.57679072

I need to get better at timing my messages because this does actually happen to me

>> No.57679140
File: 142 KB, 867x921, 1666389539293527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being retarded enough to take narratives posted in a mongolian basket weaving forum seriously

>> No.57679150
File: 2.64 MB, 1920x1080, 1678009570271794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently tob posted some screenshots

>> No.57679228
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>> No.57679262
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>> No.57679268

Look at that massive fucking head. And you guys still think she is stupid even though she has a huge brain, baka desu.

>> No.57679389

Thanks for not being a faggot about it and shitting up the discord. We all know it happens but we either save it for /here/ or keep it to ourselves. He's been teetering on the edge of anti for a while, I have a feeling he's about to leave or have an even bigger meltdown

>> No.57679558

he won't leave. retards like him develop a dependency on the chances that they will some how take over the old regulars. it's pretty cringe

>> No.57679652
File: 14 KB, 351x71, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like he unfollowed her at some point

>> No.57679656
File: 234 KB, 1080x1481, 1693751357555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes playing the game because saeu told her about it

>> No.57679707

Tbf, I unfollowed someone on accident before.

>> No.57679731

That’s cute!

>> No.57679739

iirc that shouldn't reset the date

>> No.57679746

I mean I don't even use the discord anymore since I'm convinced she doesn't read it often if at all. But yeah I keep shit to myself or /here/
She mentioned this in the replies to the schedule

>> No.57679798

I fucking hate the "improve yourself" meme because ame used it to hurt her fans but unironically a lot of shoggers should try to improve themselves rather than rely on Shondo to give them all their self worth
Do something with your life, get some hobbies, start lifting, start drawing, anything. Women notice this sort of thing and Shondo knows when you're desperate like this

>> No.57679853

I know I fucked up. That whole rant was uncalled for. I wish I could take it back

>> No.57679871

Shondo inspires me to be better without telling me directly.
I unironically got a job for her. Not a NEET for the first time since COVID, I’ve never felt better.

>> No.57679916

You'll do it again

>> No.57679920

More than anything Shondo rewards effort I don't know how a 1+ year sub doesn't realize this
I hope you're someone larping as him because apologizing /here/ does very little

>> No.57680001

Lots of subathon husbands still don't really "get" her which is strange. They had a trial by fire when they joined to know everything about her but still shit like this happens more than you would think

>> No.57680014

Can't say this without sounding like a faggot, but your feelings are valid. There's just no point ever saying anything other than syadouLove and "I luv wifey!!!!" in a server full of retarded yes-men. Say that shit here instead

>> No.57680053

No one gives a shit, we already know you're a double faggot. Crying here for sympathy only makes you a tripple faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.57680218

Not him, but when she said she doesn't even read names when she reads chat was incredibly disingenuous since up until a few weeks ago should would respond to chat messages with their names. Fallen "I hate lying" shadow

>> No.57680258

Having her not react to a joke you make but instead take and use herself later is a weird feeling. Does this count as an interaction?

>> No.57680332

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

>> No.57680458
File: 161 KB, 275x483, 1688181453789127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as someone who isn't a husband but just a big fan of shondo you people are very entertaining but should probably relax a little

>> No.57680597

Similar things have happened a lot to me, vtubers stealing my joke or using assets I made without telling chat. I like it because it's like a secret between us which is better than getting agnolegemint from chat

>> No.57680640

Are you ok anon?

>> No.57680647


>> No.57680795

Not exactly the same but there's been multiple times when I phrase something a certain way and Shondo phrases something completely different the same way. Feels like I got to her even though she didn't reply or acknowledge what I said. I could also be schizoing but I prefer to imagine the former.

>> No.57681152

>but I prefer to imagine the former
This is the best way to treat this relationship. Angry that she ignored what you said and then read it from someone else later? She was actually just remembering what you said and going back to it. You can also block all of the "favorites" if you want to really enhance the illusion

>> No.57683058


>> No.57683082

Shondo's foot in my mouth

>> No.57683653


>> No.57683816

Shoncunny fumes

>> No.57683903

Hes cheating again...

>> No.57683945

are you obsessing over men again anon

>> No.57684004


>> No.57684120

Check twitter

>> No.57684168

What am I supposed to see?

>> No.57684172

You are a stupid nigger stop vague posting if you want to actually bring something up

>> No.57684444

I checked the usual suspects and nothing out of the ordinary

>> No.57684477

Not my fault the other vtubers are so sexy

>> No.57684500

this desu

>> No.57684605
File: 119 KB, 1281x873, 1678838301166949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking towards her playing this. I think that me being drunk for the past 24 hours is appropriate for the atmosphere.

>> No.57684621

You alright anon?

>> No.57684650

Does anyone know when the monthly twitch recap thingy will be available? I want to see if I improved my chat messages per stream.

>> No.57684677

I guess I need to up my husband stalking reps because I dont see shit

>> No.57684686

I have half a bottle i campagne over from lunch that I'll drink to the stream tonight

>> No.57684692


>> No.57684770 [DELETED] 

She streams so rarely nowadays I don't think it's accurate to call her viewers husbands anymore

>> No.57684771

No re in that lapse.

>> No.57684841


>> No.57684861

I think he's just having a schizo moment

>> No.57684910

I think he cheated himself, and is trying to see if anyone found out.

>> No.57684966 [DELETED] 

He's obviously correct, I was about to seriously oshi shondo and follow her alt Twitter responding to everything then I realized her heart is already full and even the husbands who have been around a while were being pushed away with her no more DMs thing a few months back. Like I said before she has the Barbie Girls now and doesn't need husbands for anything but money.

>> No.57685011

I will be her last favorite husband and I'll pull the ladder up behind me

>> No.57685037
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>> No.57685076 [DELETED] 

I think if you actually became involved with shondo in real life and her weird ass family you'd become depressed eventually.

>> No.57685105 [SPOILER] 
File: 574 KB, 1758x2048, F5G54ZgWAAAEhSN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though, what the fuck is his problem?

>> No.57685124

He takes after me

>> No.57685137

>what the fuck is his problem

>> No.57685168

hes so cute, i want shondo to force him to do a fashion show so we can see all of his vests and outfits

>> No.57685212


>> No.57685272

I'm always there, inside the womb.
I will come out soon.

>> No.57685370

I'm deleting my posts, I'm not taking another 3 day vacation just after my last one finished, and not over shondo of all chuubas.

>> No.57685421

I dont want to be involved with her in real life, I just want her to reply to my tweets and read my chat messages every once in a while :(

>> No.57685481

Another samefag kek

>> No.57685744


>> No.57685773

>no milk tag
She is a fake milk enjoyer.

>> No.57686025

>stream starts

>> No.57686026
File: 2.59 MB, 2894x4093, 107056755_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love my wife

>> No.57686044

want to touch those feet

>> No.57686064

>donates 100 subs
>makes my stream lag

>> No.57686242

Daw this game with saru sbf it wasn't anything special but maybe a 2nd time with someone who is slower and looks at all the things will make me bet it getter and I'll understand the gsne

>> No.57686271

>Daw this game with saru sbf

>> No.57686272

Damn, I got the urge to fap. Gotta resist for now.

>> No.57686348

Hand glitch firm the booz

>> No.57686660


>> No.57686700

That makes me like her mom significantly less.

>> No.57686717


>> No.57686899

She refused to breastfeed her child because "it would make her boobs saggy"

>> No.57686934

>the worst part of it is streaming it
She really hates streaming now

>> No.57686944

Because denying you child something as important as breastfeeding because of pure vanity is a very shitty thing to do. But that was a long time ago, so I won't start hating her for it.

>> No.57686945

you'd want to keep those if your wedding altar is a revolving door

>> No.57686972

Shadowmama is also mentally ill, pls understand

>> No.57687014

So you think she breastfed the critters or the baby bunny then? I've said it before but she's a fucking horrible mother

>> No.57687105

I don't know if she did, which is why I can't judge her for it.

>> No.57687115

shondo please stop shilling for free

>> No.57687116

Bringing Shondo to the family cookout

>> No.57687129

There is research showing that feeding a baby only with formula can have negative outcomes. Obviously some people don't have a choice but still...

>> No.57687186

I want to eat Shondo meat.

>> No.57687213

it's over for me

>> No.57687223

>light week again

>> No.57687241

another light week

>> No.57687266

How much of farenheit is left?

>> No.57687271

She hates us

>> No.57687281

Based shadowmom. Worked out perfectly fine in the end.

>> No.57687283

>6th light week in a row

>> No.57687313

This was a regular sized week though?

>> No.57687328

shes on chapter 27/41

>> No.57687331

She could finish it in one stream.

>> No.57687334

>perfectly fine

>> No.57687372

She did 4 streams + 1 collab, 4 - 1 = 3 streams

>> No.57687383

Is Forest Tree the only normal person in the family?

>> No.57687414
File: 16 KB, 823x107, 1686194688360800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I meant to be seeing?

>> No.57687438


>> No.57687441

a big cock

>> No.57687452

It was a penis

>> No.57687459

Was thinking of redeeming Papa for the name redeem but I also kinda wanna save up for baby time

>> No.57687469


>> No.57687480

Mods are about to lose their job

>> No.57687487

yes, grandma won't let them use the living room and is as much a shutin as shondo

>> No.57687489

>Most likely the year they were born
Why are children allowed on the Internet

>> No.57687490

Both Forest Elders and Oldest Critter are/were normal

>> No.57687501

not risking a vacation https://files.catbox.moe/4l1t7m.png

>> No.57687502

For once, we're the one who cucked her (with the mods).

>> No.57687522


>> No.57687535

Has anyone ever redeemed "absolutely nothing"?

>> No.57687545


>> No.57687550


>> No.57687559

Yes, and it did, and this is crazy, did absolutely nothing

>> No.57687606

Shnido is perfect the way she is - pregnant, with me.

>> No.57687624

So I hit 100k points after hitting 0, it took 72 days with auto collect points to get back

>> No.57687643

T1 sub?

>> No.57687649

I feel like she would need to pay the mods if she wants people who arent really invested

>> No.57687674


>> No.57687699

I would have applied last time if it didn't mean divorcing her

>> No.57687736


>> No.57687781

It seems so slow.

>> No.57687826

Funny that Lucy showed up. Her mods are exactly like the ones Shondo was complaining about.

>> No.57687830

Wow, that's making me reconsider a name redeem since I want babytime

>> No.57687858


>> No.57687883

epic thread reference bratty! you win an internet!

>> No.57687910

you should have seen lucys first mod

>> No.57687958

That was discussed on stream too, to be fair.

>> No.57687997

because someone asked the same thing on her discord

>> No.57688442

shon feet
