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File: 139 KB, 260x500, 1693179281605534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57624598 No.57624598 [Reply] [Original]

You can literally feel the bitchiness emanating from her. You just know she's a megabitch from behind the scenes.

>> No.57624636
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>> No.57624697
File: 193 KB, 2080x1170, IMG_9701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s Covers bitch, why do you think they forced her to do this?

>> No.57624743

the smaller the breast, the larger the bitch.

>> No.57624789

yeah, mine

>> No.57624853

It's called hatefuck that's part of the appeal

>> No.57624861

Her bitchiness is just frustration over being used as a sex toy by investors. It's also why she is a prude, it's shame and projection

>> No.57624925

kek you can tell from her stance that she wanted this shit to be over

>> No.57624999

Suisei, Kanata, laplus, matsuri, mococo damn you're right.

>> No.57625009
File: 49 KB, 960x540, 1689934751188952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei is the most humble of all holos.
The only reason you made this post is because your EN and ID focused EOP ass was just reminded she exists by the Asmongold reaction video.

>> No.57625060

Shit thread, lemme save it. Have you guys listened to this?

>> No.57625099

NTA but hahahah damn bro i just watched that vid

>> No.57625259

She actually has the reputation of being very nice in a weird autistic way behind the scenes.

>> No.57625359

>Suisei being called for another in person meeting
>She walks in and sees multiple managers with their pants off, again.

>> No.57625382
File: 3.66 MB, 1280x720, Talalalalala[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Foui0ht.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way better

>> No.57625596

>behind the scenes

>> No.57625650

Suisei seems like the kind of girl who would sneer with pure hatred if she caught an anon even glancing at her irl. Definitely a bitch.

>> No.57625696

She is very much the type of person that huffs her own farts and masturbates staring at a full-body mirror.

>> No.57625712

All of them in line for some immediate correction.

>> No.57625793

Yeah, me

>> No.57625862

She only does that because she knows what I'm going to do to her
Can't blame her

>> No.57626503

if that's a perk I need to invest in cover somehow

>> No.57627197

Which streams of hers have you been watching lately, OP?

>> No.57627250


>> No.57627291
File: 999 KB, 653x885, 1620319830307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like this?

>> No.57627532
File: 153 KB, 1257x712, KNEEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi is mogged by Suisei. Kneel.

>> No.57627589

I want her to peg me and call me a faggot

>> No.57627787

>Pic unrelated
>Insert Kiara picture if you want Yous but also the truth

Get to work with better bait OP.

>> No.57630322

what do you mean behind the scenes? do you knot know Japanese well enough to realise she's not even hiding it?

>> No.57630605
File: 1.95 MB, 498x498, 1678036419621817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just know she's a megabitch from behind the scenes.
This contradicts literally every single thing everyone ever says about how she looks intimidating but is actually incredibly friendly and approachable.

>> No.57630792

Ah yes and all the talents happen to be incredibly beautiful and kind because they say so right?

>> No.57630854

>i met [holo] today, she was so cute!
>i met [holo] today, holy shit she was so pretty and fashionable she looked like a model
I dunno threadreader, do you really find it that hard to distinguish lip service from sincere comments or are you that much of an autist?

>> No.57630935

>the woman who talks with dolls is a bitch behind the scenes
please anon

>> No.57630958

but everything they say about suisei is how much of a fucking weirdo autist she is especially with her plushies and that they find it hilarious. gura said she just showed up and started randomly giving everyone cookies while saying "gift for you" in english and how she sounded funny.

>> No.57631109
File: 133 KB, 850x1188, sample_e631cf628301f66c74efe9e922b08a1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagines she's bitchy towards you and tells you to get on the ground, hands and knees, and lick her toes

>> No.57631204

Autism and fame seem to go hand-in-hand. There's nothing normal about making in big or being famous.

>> No.57631281

You forgot the biggest of them all

>> No.57631328

Crazy how all the talents have somehow avoided to ever get into too much detail about Mori's appearance. They are all liars and they should be if they want to make money.

>> No.57631369


>> No.57631449

>everyone raves about how holos like suisei look like supermodels
>nobody says a word about mori's appearance
didn't you just prove his point

>> No.57631453

I keep seeing this "she's a bitch" take but never anything to support it. She always seems pretty relaxed and easy going whenever I see her in collabs and stuff. Everytime I just get what essentially accounts for "well isn't it obvious!? just look at her!!" or just headcanons.

>> No.57631471


>> No.57631481

Doesn't Suisei hate being seen in a sexual way? How the fuck they got her to perform with the swimsuit

>> No.57631655
File: 2.79 MB, 1920x1080, 1648733333805.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she just hates seeing lewd stuff in her art tag, if she can she'll avoid teasing her audience as much as possible but she can still concede for a bit of fun. she literally has a song that talks about not being able to keep it in her pants (je t'aime).

>> No.57631692

What a slut

>> No.57631702
File: 435 KB, 607x364, Rufflet about Suisei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are none

>> No.57631705

Cover Corp. stock is publicly traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Anyone can purchase it.

>> No.57631722

How has there not been a million Mori sightings in Japan?

>> No.57631806

She's also a real life flesh artist. Can just say it's her and not Mori

>> No.57631977

We have this kinda thread at least once every month and it's always by some anon who clearly doesn't even watch her and just projects some TV tropes onto her because of his own lack of people knowledge and insecurity. Please stop.

>> No.57632081

Why even try. You cannot beat Suisei.
I sent Nijifags after her and they conceded defeat.
I sent the Chinese after her and they all went rogue from the hive.
I sent Nazis after her and they became pacifists.
I sent Jews after her and they donated all their money to her.
I sent the Taliban and they converted to worshipping her.
We should just be glad she is a merciful entity who just wants to be cute and sing.

>> No.57632599

Suisei slander on this board is really weird. Normally when dramafags have shit to say about a chuuba they spam timestamps or clips and whatnot, but with her they either just post about their feelings ("s-she has the vibe") or just straight up fabricate stuff (like that fake clip about her addressing on-stream "sorry about wearing swimsuit, it's not gonna happen"). But then again, this isn't exclusive to Suisei as that goes for a few other JP holos as well like Marine who are also widely beloved by their peers and audience and are squeaky clean, so the EOP board has to resort to interpreting whatever they say in the most cynical way imaginable.

>> No.57635520

exactly like that

>> No.57636556

It's mostly because Suisei won't throw coomers a bone and that's the biggest sin ever.

>> No.57636836


>> No.57636963

pretty much this
also, hoe she mad she sussy LUL

>> No.57637097

She probably has incredibly low-key fashion sense when not performing.

>> No.57637486

hard not to spot a 300lb blonde in greasy sweatpants in japan my friend
