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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 67 KB, 640x193, shiorinnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57606762 No.57606762 [Reply] [Original]

Congratulations Shiori!! For hitting 400k subscribers!!

According to our simulations, you'll be hitting 500k in... let's see... 6 months or so!!

Omedetou Shiorinnnn~~

>> No.57606824
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Shiori is cool. Don't shitpost against her or you have the Ruffians to deal with. BAU BAU

>> No.57606859

numbercancer posters should be arrested and jailed for life and given 50 lashes per day until the numbers are whipped out of their pathetic brains

>> No.57606903

Nerissa and rock loli don't have much more though, only the dogs are out ahead with their content for babies. I guess you could say Advent didn't do as well as they expected.

>> No.57606922

>mogged so hard by two dogs that you have to falseflag in order to defend you oshi

>> No.57606935

If I rape one of you Blue's Clues knockoffs, will the other feel it too

>> No.57606944

400k Ryan Gosling self-serts

>> No.57606950

This reeks of bvtm brownposting

>> No.57606951
File: 549 KB, 720x954, ar15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm did something happen to niji today? The sisters start flooding the catalog

>> No.57607006

>shit math
nijisister hands typed this

>> No.57607034

Dude, this is really pathetic. You can defend her yourself, you don’t need us.

>> No.57607043

Numberfags are a plague. Half of the bait threads on this board comes from that schizo thread.

>> No.57607066

She’ll get 300k members at least

>> No.57607081

Why did you immediately just drop the pretense for your bait thread and reveal you're a nijicuck/phasecuck lmao

>> No.57607091


>> No.57607136

Fuck off nijisister, stop blaming the boogieman.

>> No.57607139
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>> No.57607149

Is this the discord tranny general

>> No.57607154

It's really cringe when a fanbase does this.

>> No.57607209

One person pretending there is an alliance, by saying “or you have the Ruffians to deal with”, is retarded IMO.

>> No.57607240

It's really cringe when people post anti threads about hololive members because they're jealous roasties

>> No.57607246

>t. seething numberfag
Hit a nerve, eh? You know it's true. Vast majority of bait threads in the catalog either comes from /#/ or uses material from there to shitpost with. Which wouldn't happen if you faggots didn't exist. Now scurry back to your schizo thread, subhuman.

>> No.57607270

Oof... /#/fag spotted

>> No.57607277


>> No.57607312

all me

>> No.57607385

I don't know what you mean I only asked a question about rape

>> No.57607744

she's already below 1k/day and this number only decreases over time, 6 months is fairly accurate

>> No.57607794

>It's really cringe when a fanbase does this.
Right, pretending to speak for all ruffians in order to defend someone is really dumb.
>really cringe when people post anti threads
Both are bad. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

>> No.57607855
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>> No.57607883

If numberfags disappeared, what sector of society would suffer?

>> No.57607941

imagine being a numbernigger

>> No.57608100

Spoken like a true /#/fag

>> No.57608143
File: 28 KB, 638x677, 1693470991166328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this industry is all about numbers, liking or not

bad numbers will force companies to take desperate actions, like the Blizzard thing or worse

>> No.57608189

>you don't like my absolute cancer shitposts? well then you must like the vtubers that i don't like (for no reason other than less people watch them except sometimes when i make up excuses for why so many are watching them like blaming bots or something)
in a just world you would have all your possessions seized and be thrown in a mine and forced to dig up rare earth metals so you could at least contribute something positive to humanity rather than your current complete waste of an existence you worthless worm

>> No.57608199


>> No.57608314

>it stopped at 400k
LMAO! She’s legit the worst one of her genmate! The black sheep! The runt! The Sana!

>> No.57608327

I don't watch her since I hate GFE grifting, but she seems pretty fucking funny from the collabs I've seen. I only mention this because the pre-debut narrative around her was "guys she's boring trust me guys her RM is so boring, she's like so boring because she's uhhh boring."

>> No.57608356

You are really trying hard today huh

>> No.57608589

She is in it for the money because her mother is dying from cancer.

>> No.57608631

Deflect harder numbernigger. You're the real plague. Your kind has always been the real plague infesting this board.

>> No.57608690

Fanbase unity is the way to go.
Did wonders for Gen 5
If you give them an inch you will open the floodgates for endless shitposting.

>> No.57608717

What’s wrong with that? I watched breaking bad too bitch

>> No.57608814

This company survived a year without a single person hitting 100k, then one more with only Sora as the 100k talent, do you think one person at 500k is the end of the world?

>> No.57609069
File: 59 KB, 1316x864, 1681916457902452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking LOSER only has an equivalent of a MEDIUM city's population subbed to her! Holy shit, this is embarassing!! How can some WHORE be such a FAILURE??? OMG HAHAHAHA I CAN'T STOP GLOATING AT HER ONLY GETTING A FUCKING MODERATE SUCCESS!

>> No.57609141

Shitskin hands typed this

>> No.57609196

Ruffians either ignore the endless shitposts or defend their oshi from them, but pretending you can make them defend someone else’s oshi from shitposts, is just beyond ridiculous at this point, and can have the opposite effect.
I think the idea is that ruffians have enough on their plate already, and don’t want to take on the burdens of someone else’s oshi.

>> No.57609205

Philipino 3 wheel drivers

>> No.57609465

She hasn't even done anything that bad. She decided to debuff herself with a bunch of red flags, like the break, husbando list, the collab speech and homo follows. I don't really see why she thinks those are worth the debuff

>> No.57609638

>yeah my oshi totally has back up from other more popular chubbas
like that comic with vesper and kiara

>> No.57609672

>husbando list
Funny how Shiori caught flak for that meanwhile Nerissa violently thirsts for men on stream all the time.

>> No.57609802

Actually killing yourself will be a great help for world healing.

>> No.57609815

Based unity dogs

>> No.57609909

>sora's initial insane numbers, including alien alien

>> No.57609963

fuwamoco only has 538k really not any different lol

>> No.57610079

Jannies should shoot numberfag threads outside of /#/ on sight, but I guess that would require actually doing their jobs.

>> No.57610190

I'm a bit confused. Hitting half a million subs in a little over half a year is something to jeer at now? Jeez, spare a thought for the 2views who post /here/

>> No.57610266

Yeah I don’t get that either. I’m tired of fake yurishit but that is prime hololive material to most I guess

>> No.57610368

Yeah I don't mean to hate on Nerissa because I do like her despite this but the way she went excessively into yuribaiting and followed that up with excessive thirsting over Astarion and other characters kinda rubbed me the wrong way.

>> No.57610596

Nerissa is just straight up horny . She wants to fuck her own damn model

>> No.57610888

10PM EST is a shitty stream timeslot.
Stream earlier, fuck everyone else

>> No.57611238

It’s actually the best slot, because it can get the most raids. Having said that though, Biboo streams just before the rest as a waiting room for them, and I think she opens chat too, then even raids herself during fulls collabs to keep the waiting room. She can also stream long enough to get the benefit from raids. She goes for more popular games too. Absolute beast in terms of exploiting everything to her advantage.

>> No.57611466

Almost 100k difference is not much more? What are you comparing this to?

>> No.57611561

I can't think of a vtuber as pathetic.
Predates everything, was the first to try to organize EN vtubers back when the holofad was just starting, first to do shit like bait anime ASMR.
And always, other girls, better girls, step over her.
Anons like to see a tragedy, but it is not, its a natural order.
No greater proof is that after all these years, after she failed, didn't achieve shit and was discarded, she gets into Hololive, she is given the golden chance, she is put at the center of the lights...

And it doesn't work. She is the least subbed girl in all of hololive, she was swiped to the side and even there she feelsl like she doesn't belong. There is no greater proof she is not an unlucky underdog, she just sucks, she failed before because she sucks, she fails now because she sucks.
There is no merit for hardwork if all you do is crap. Bitch should understand she will never make it, she wasn't born for this. Go be a cashier, find some loser to marry or jump off a bridge (in minecraft), but stop wasting space.

>> No.57611608

>almost 100k difference
>400k vs 441k

>> No.57611618

No one’s reading that

>> No.57611640

(In Minecraft) isn't a defense. Some fat 4chan anon got arrested for that shit, just saying.

>> No.57611853

It’s actually the best time slot in EN. She starts prime time PST and is constantly getting raided by the rest of Advent and any other chuubas who happen to be finishing up at that time. She basically gets all of Advents viewers funneled into her channel and then rarely ever has to pass on the football cause she finishes last.

I think she picked it on purpose.

>> No.57611979

she's already raking in tons of that GFE cash tho
even if she eventually yabs and goes through the le epic graduation arc in less than a year, she'll still be set with like 15 years worth of wagie savings.
I'd call that a win, much better fate than being a cashier.
only if some men weren't so much of a vulnerable easy prey.

>> No.57612083

Sucks is harsh. Her voice is terrible, she’s boring, she’s super abrasive in collabs, and every stream is a stealth zatsu but she’s good at GFE.

>> No.57612189

>thirsts over a character that is literally a victim of sex trafficking
she's just a thoughtless coomer, lots of those around here really

>> No.57612209

Ah but that is the key of it.
Cash isnt her objective, she legitimately cares about prestige.
If you gave her 1 million usd, she would spend a lot of that trying to be a vtuber star instead of just fucking off, and still wouldn't make it.

>> No.57612801

Bijou is 16k ahead of Shiori and Nerissa is 41k ahead. That's 4% and 10% higher respectively. So if Shiori's numbers are shit, so are theirs.

>> No.57612938

When she busted out stories of being hazed by freemasons, they had to move to "she's going to graduate in 1 year sisses just watch" even though this is basically her end game, she can be autistic and never shut up in zatsudan and cruise easily.

>> No.57613207

She was, she changed a lot since her RM days.

>> No.57613603

Don't forget your SEA tag when you go out there !

>> No.57613625
File: 42 KB, 578x159, 8f7476c8b25c1fd9f3fbd7ecc325e7ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post triggered the nijisisters making holoseethe threads around the clock.

>> No.57613907

I don't think this is too surprising for her, she has to know her choice of content is pretty niche and won't get the same attention as her genmates. Hololive has room for people branching out from video games and music, can't really give her shit for it though I probably won't watch her too often.

>> No.57613921

Have some fucking respect for your oshi, Novelite. I don't like her, but she deserves better than this shit you're trting to pull.

>> No.57613985
File: 3.22 MB, 4460x2512, 1693624937049671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her choices are definitely more niche than the rest of the girls

>> No.57614020

You're going to the fucking wheat fields you damn serf!

>> No.57614048

/a/ banned numberthreads years ago for this very reason, they plague whatever board they infest.

>> No.57614139
File: 243 KB, 900x900, 1693673446198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>call out numberfags for being cancerous
>assumes the person is a nijifag
>lashes out at his perceived boogieman while yelling boogieman

>> No.57614284
File: 670 KB, 1272x617, IMG_0350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts Ame
>Expects me to read that shit

>> No.57614304

Didn't Novelites love numbers in the first week of Advent? Why "numbers bad" now?

>> No.57614348
File: 171 KB, 578x709, 1693673738030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill accept your concession

>> No.57614359

All you people talking about how no one watches her because husbando list or niche content.
It's because she pulled an ame on her debut and that led to people digging up all the NTR shit from her PL.
It's really that simple, even if she does GFE now people think it's going to lead to NTR, and many people just don't want to waste time or money on her when they think they will get cucked. First impressions are everything.

>> No.57614400

Kek the replies to this post are all over the place, based dogs

>> No.57614405

According to my calculations she will reach 500k in 3 months. Still very bad.

>> No.57614489
File: 81 KB, 1051x510, IMG_9997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concede bofadees nuts!

>> No.57614561

I actually like her content choices but she starts stream at like 10pm EST and I'm falling asleep by that time.

I was really hoping that some in advent would have different time slots once they got a few weeks in but seems that everyone in hololive wants to compete for the same time slot.

>> No.57614614

You think normalfags actually care about that shit? 4 or 5 hardcore unicorns on 4channel maybe shit their pants and schizo pl post but no one cares about that.
Most People were filtered because they expected her to have a dominating mommy aura and voice, like kronii. And act appropriately.But she’s a cute cinnamon roll with a sweet voice instead and they feel this doesn’t fit her model

>> No.57614719

So many different opinions, and yet I still struggle to understand why she seems to be so hated by /vt/.

>> No.57614753

/vt/ just hates everything, simple as

>> No.57614811

>be nice to your viewers and celebrate them
>get loads of subs fast
>get drowned in money

It's literally so easy holy shit

>> No.57614851

Nerissa violently thirsts for anything humanoid with 2 legs.

>> No.57614858

Someone should superchat this. Come on you fags are better than this.

>> No.57614867

Exactly. She’s doing very well

>> No.57614901

god i wish i had 2 legs

>> No.57614932

The jealousy is so palpable.

>> No.57614984

>tfw dick so big it's medically considered a third leg
it's so over

>> No.57615027

I love Shiorin but her fans and her split is the worst cesspit on /vt/. It's easy to understand why she's hated besides catalog shitposting, as you always relate her with her lowest common denominator fanbase filled with cringe goslings that make Ame goslings seem medicated and normal.

>> No.57615030

Amount of unbridled seethe that emanates from this post because despite everything typed here she still fucking made it lmao

>> No.57615071

The unmedicated ame goslings killed themselves a year ago

>> No.57615103

I post there and I don't think we are that bad

>> No.57615115

They should do the same here. That thread and the subhumans in it offers nothing of substance. The only thing they accomplish is having their mental illness leak out into the rest of the board.

>> No.57615176

Hi Shiori

>> No.57615213


>> No.57615307

I wish i was so i could get some personal satisfaction out of reading that wall of pure seethe

>> No.57615308

I open the thread and I see a namefag and some people laying up plans on how to long term catch her attention via commentspam, spread of superchats and even "ghosting" her to make her wonder where her loyal fan went to. You people are insane.

>> No.57615309

Her stream topics also interest me, but the timeslot and her voice are the main reason I don't watch. Still, I wish her the best and hope she does well enough to convince HoloENs that not streaming video games constantly is viable.

>> No.57615346
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Don't bump the thread, retard.

>> No.57615389

People want her to fail so bad but she just doesn't. Despite lagging behind in subs, she's having near identical viewership with Nerissa in collabs and she's outearning everyone in her gen except fuwamoco.

>> No.57615536
File: 384 KB, 640x605, 1691315829532928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Shiori is a /here/tuber so do you think she'd be on suicide watch upon reading this lovely wall of roastie seethe or will she just snigger and move on?

>> No.57615595

Shiori is more oldfag than 99% of the kids browsing this board

>> No.57615655

The best part is that if she didn't get in, she would be the one posting the wall of seethe. And that's why we love her.

>> No.57615656

because her faggot fans spammed the catalog to exhaustion

>> No.57615720

Realistically the former but the latter seems like the funnier scenario

>> No.57615860

Nice history rewrite, but the Shiori antis started the spamming as soon as she debuted with NTR, respect my collabs, mogged by Bijou etc. as soon as she debuted. And it continues to this day, with this very thread as the latest example.

>> No.57615873
File: 89 KB, 850x850, __shiori_novella_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mush_mushlicious__sample-2ed3c7046958c8c56f25853cbe52cb31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those fans? Me. Proof? Me posting picrel.

>> No.57615957

Idk. I posted it but then felt like I went a bit overboard.

>> No.57616008

You joke but the cretins in this board are so retardedly oblivious falseflagging tactics it hurts. Board might genuinely dethrone /v/ as the underageb& central.

>> No.57616037

God I just want to have an afternoon slowfuck with this bitch

>> No.57616093

*oblivious to falseflsgging

>> No.57616235

Thanks for the pasta regardless lol

>> No.57618706

Now she has as many subs as in her previous life.

>> No.57618864

Even if this is true it just proves that Advent are one big gen of "second chances"

Nerissa's music channel never took off so now she has a platform to show her golden voice off, even if she's still a nervous awkward wreck
Bijou blended in with other 2views to a comical degree, now she can stand out as the gamer of HoloEN
FuwaMoco... I mean need I say anymore? Everyone knows they deserve their spot, so the same goes for Shiori.

>> No.57618996

Eilene's subs...

>> No.57619290

Shiori is hated because she, more than any other member thus far, does not mesh with Hololive. As weird as it was to see Kronii in an idol getup, I can't imagine the confusion when Shiori inevitably goes on stage.

Her content is heavily edited and involves a lot of handcam stuff, and she talks your ear off more than a Flare zatsudan, with the cadence of a genuine ADHD basket case. She talks to her fans and interacts with them 1 on 1, and in collabs she has a role that I can't say anyone else has done so far.

More than anything it's hard to figure out what her endgame is. She's an oldfag, she knows all the tricks, and yet watching her she almost appears like a random 2view waltzing into the sorority house.

>> No.57619815

That is, even gura was a snorefest in her PL streams, just low volume mumble playing dbd (the few she do, because if she ghost now, her RM was 50 times worse)

>> No.57619857

Kill yourself retard

>> No.57621021

Baused, fuck dramaniggers

>> No.57621135

Don’t be stupid, and read this >>57609196

>> No.57621298

Yeah Assvent didn't do as good as expected

>> No.57621299

Go back, and kys on the way

>> No.57621317

don’t (You) me you dumb nigger

>> No.57621773

Kill yourself fake Ruffian

>> No.57622912
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>OP says congrats
>somehow cucklites immediately think this is a hostile posts
damn are they brainded cuckolds or what

>> No.57623742

She is like Fauna in every term even in terms of numbers kek

>> No.57623859

Dead hours anons are far better than prime time hours anons in the shiori general.
You get gems like >>57518414
>fanfic writing
From the general that follows the girl that encourages creative writing the most, yeah.

>> No.57624811

I mean that's cool and all and I'm glad there are still people having fun there but one or three guys does not make up for the myriad of schizo goslings.

>> No.57625034

Fair point, I'm more active in the dead hours so I don't really see them as much.

>> No.57629208

