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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57590733 No.57590733 [Reply] [Original]

>casually Moggs your oshi's Karaoke and becomes the best En singer
How does the Owl do it?

>> No.57590768

She gets low numbers for a karaoke. It’s shameful.

>> No.57590823

By not having orisong other than anustart

>> No.57590824

>How does the Owl do it?
She does not, she can't sing for shit

>> No.57590973

she's a bad singer. annoying, forced, high-pitched voice.

>> No.57590984 [DELETED] 

Yeah, Mumei has been killing it lately
Even doing great on the cripple tally
Why doesn't Nijisanji EN stream, though?

>> No.57591017
File: 151 KB, 1107x846, niji_doesntstream_sanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Mumei has been killing it lately
Even doing great on the cripple tally
Why doesn't Nijisanji EN stream, though?

>> No.57591026

She rarely streams now in order to wait for more popular content, because she’s afraid of the lower numbers. That’s the reality now.

>> No.57591097

You’re putting up a raided karaoke. If you have to do stuff like that, you don’t think much of it yourself.

>> No.57591135
File: 409 KB, 754x730, 1693236574575561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't go to the numbers thread, why haven't nijilivers streamed for the last 2 days. don't they have like 50 vtubers in that branch?

>> No.57591301

stop stealing moom images from other threads to make your shitty bait threads

>> No.57591380 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 643x482, dsaasdds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that fag steals my moom images too...

>> No.57591538
File: 162 KB, 720x998, Pippaoncall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holo vs Holo
is this a a Plappa getting plappragnant (again lol) deflection thread?

>> No.57591738

>throat dies from asthma

>> No.57591991
File: 362 KB, 1592x893, MUMEI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57592010

rent free lmao

>> No.57592311

she's going gura's route. barely stream so anything you do is interesting/rare.

>> No.57593969
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>> No.57594032

*hacks out a phlegm ball*

>> No.57596722

>How does the Owl do it?
Pure skill

>> No.57596758

It's crazy how someone's affection for their oshi can actually warp their perception of their singing ability.

>> No.57596764

7+ fucking hours, I don't think anyone can beat that

>> No.57596831

It's pretty clear you don't think.

>> No.57597251

You don't understand, she's just not serious in karaoke streams. And in recordings evil producers auto tune her for no reason.

>> No.57597303

The best part about the
>not serious
cope is how she went for months and months without doing karaokes at one point on account of how crap she perceived her own singing to be.

>> No.57597311
File: 54 KB, 751x946, mumei tummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to impregnate her.

>> No.57597454

Her voice is just generic White girl singing in college to me. Gura, Irys, Kronii and Rissa are better.

>> No.57597534

Yes, the OP of this thread is definitely a hooman because they posted it with a Mumei image! It's definitely not a bait thread!

>> No.57597595

Are you deaf? Kronii can’t sing for shit, she’s on par with Fauna’s singing ability.

>> No.57597628
File: 2.89 MB, 720x480, MumeiMoriMogged[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl4swfh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best rapper too

>> No.57597634

So you've never seen her karokes then, gotcha

>> No.57598253

Gura > Mumei

>> No.57598713

maybe the old gura. not the gura who can't sing now.

>> No.57598767

>>How does the Owl do it?
>the owl literally didn't do it
what exactly did OP mean by this?

>> No.57599233
File: 805 KB, 3028x4096, 1674267103099967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While she is a good singer, she's without a doubt the most boring member of EN. Her content so so unbelievably stale. It's like she does the same 2 things on repeat.

>> No.57599318

anon...why do you have a mumei image saved when you're obviously not a mumei fan
beginning to think none of the people posting mumei on /vt/ are hoomans...

>> No.57599550

I have images saved of every Hololive girl.

>> No.57600390

Endurance karaoke is like playing louder than anyone else in the venue. It simply isn’t a measure of quality and it’s actually obnoxious.

>> No.57600469

Wow, this thread just smells of pure and putrid seethe.

>> No.57600563

because people have different opinions to you?

>> No.57600639

...This is what /#/fags get off on?

>> No.57600661
File: 9 KB, 83x78, 1692169657858185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete them, they belong to real hoomans

>> No.57600727
File: 331 KB, 541x794, 1693655459390135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what nijitroons get off on?

>> No.57601050


>> No.57601082

>real hoomans

>> No.57601314

This thread reek of jealousy

>> No.57601381

As do most Mumei bait threads.

>> No.57601492

As do most bait threads.

>> No.57601504

>obvious false flag thread made by someone using images taken from another thread as pointed out here >>57591301
I don't think this thread is about gathering genuine opinions, and there's not much actual karaoke skill discussion in here compared to just people shitting on mumei. The fact that numbers got brought up multiple times in the first few posts is bizarre when that never happens in singing discussion threads
tl;dr numberfag bait thread

>> No.57601593

>only streams karaoke and holocure


>> No.57601779

My oshii are the twins. So no she didn't

>> No.57602168

I wonder. Mumei improves her singing constantly.
IRyS' skills are constantly same. I don't write it as a bait, just look at their first and last karaoke.
Difference for Mumei is astounding like she was like diamond in rough with great voice, but no technics and now she started to sprout
IRyS is literally same since debut. Technically good, but same level and soulless

>> No.57602335

Nah, as a hooman, IRyS has definitely improved her karaokes, same as Mumei. Although IRyS was just more technically skilled to start with, it does feel like she started putting more emotion/flair into her performances.

>> No.57603419

Gura has blessed Mumei and fauna
but more so Mumei
i hope she bless Fauna as well, she really deserves it

>> No.57603834

>t. never listen to IRyS’ karaoke.

>> No.57603858

Mumei just gives their fans a fantastic idol journey and that's a big part of her draw. Generic white girls with some hidden talents and absolutely no confidence. Chat fosters and encourages her, she's actually trying to do shit, to improve on her skills, to jump over her shadow and tries new things to please her fans and becomes a better streamer, entertainer and person in turn. It's very rewarding to watch and it's honestly also what being an idol is all about. Permanently seething SEAniggers that even their own mother won't pretend to love just won't ever understand.

>> No.57604339

As a person who has several years experience working in studio. I never hear any talent or potential in Mumei’s voice but only inconsistency and roughness. Honestly I don’t see any potential or talent in any holo member, maybe a little bit in IRyS and Risu but still not even close to professional level.

>> No.57604963

I think people just really like the way her voice sounds rather than the technicality of it.

>> No.57605424

What do you fucking expect from a regular thread in the catalog? Do you HONESTLY expect any legitimate discussion at all? Every thread that isn't a general is just bait for antis and shitposting. That's all this board has ever been really - Not that I want it that way, but it's still the truth. No matter how good willed a thread is, or if it was made in good faith, if it's got some reaction picture of a chuuba's face, tier list etc. then it's going to devolve into dogshit.

>> No.57605844

Thread was made by women seething about their nijihomos not doing good right now

>> No.57606009

Mumei is an awful singer. Her voice warbles constantly due to a lack of strength and vocal control. She wouldn’t last 5 minutes in an actual music career.

>> No.57606314
File: 285 KB, 1777x1000, 1688400959817991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just that good and the other girls that could sing as well as her are not streaming.

And IRyS is IRyS.

>> No.57606414

She's a campfire tier singer. Someone who sings with the back of her throat, which sounds nice but is an incredibly basic for most female singers.

>> No.57606712
File: 218 KB, 482x528, 1693454435590924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your oshi sing Michael Jackson? I didn't think so.

>> No.57606793

IRyS>Rissa> Gura> Mori> Bae
She is not even the top 5 singer in EN.

>> No.57606878

>Bae and Risa without studio post
You're not even trying

>> No.57607036

So where is your oshi’s music contract or album hooman?

>> No.57607141
File: 893 KB, 1202x1130, 1693454905430224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you concede the point then, good.

>> No.57607186
File: 419 KB, 350x350, 1662851099030927.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back to the good old reliable council bait threads
Order has been restored.

>> No.57607214

mumei is a woman of focus...

>> No.57607238

So why UMG gave Mori the contract but not mumei?

>> No.57607308

Mumei sings different songs than IRyS, IRyS usually sings the same songs.

>> No.57607371

This is literally the only person who actually gets it, this is the only person I've ever seen mention Mumei's journey from scared autist to excited professional idol autist, thank you.

>> No.57607373

Is it normal to say Rissa here, or just Nerissa?

>> No.57607380

Mumei doesn't suck producers for a living.

>> No.57607449

I see Rissa used all the time, even the chuubas use it.

>> No.57607605
File: 89 KB, 342x283, 1629675817864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying hard to falseflag, nijitroon. No deadbeat defends mori this hard except unironic schizos.

>> No.57607665

The singing highlights how fake her speaking voice is

>> No.57607705
File: 313 KB, 419x443, 123123t3476543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was asleep when fwmc raided me into her so i couldnt shit up her algo by leaving early. sad!

>> No.57607800
File: 1.86 MB, 2216x1264, 1693052677714606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holo vs holo
Nice try nijitranny

>> No.57611507

Your value as a viewer means nothing to her channel. Wake up!

>> No.57613818

The three best Hololive EN singers are, in no particular order, Nerissa, IRyS and Gura.
Mumei is competing for the #4 spot with Bae, though I'd probably give Bae the narrow edge.

>> No.57614767

She's not even my oshi, I only follow her sporadically. If even a person like me can identify that much in her, you can imagine how little streams the troons in this thread and on this board are actually watching. Don't let a couple antis and thread readers spoil the fun for you.

>> No.57615746

Any other retarded takes?

>> No.57616770

he's not wrong about her voice. It's fake in the sense that she consciously makes the effort to speak in a slightly higher pitch than her natural one
