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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 622 KB, 1282x1000, cn02p21s13n61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57567136 No.57567136 [Reply] [Original]

>Who was I back at the start?
>Young, foolish, idealistic
>Thinking I could take what was perfect and "fix it"
>Sinking even lower, life was good, now it's twisted
>Deals with the devil that I should have resisted

>Feels like I'm singing six feet underground
>This heart is beating without any sound
>There are no second chances for me
>Nobody's likely to come back around
>Upon the ashes of what once grew here
>I'll plant a seed and depart by nightfall
>Was I the hero no one believed?
>Was I the villain after all?

>人が人を傷つけて 愛とか夢 着続けて
>Still dreaming you'll accept me
>Imperfect, in shambles, it hurts but I want you to smile


>> No.57567899


>> No.57567954

What is this, poetry hour?

>> No.57567967

Brad, release the IRyS review.

>> No.57569532

>Still dreaming you'll accept me

>> No.57570071

Brad Jones does Holo stuff?

>> No.57570482

All songs, including rap, are just poetry.

>> No.57570805

Please don't insult poetry by comparing it with rap.

>> No.57570808

Is she a good girl now?

>> No.57570902

Please don't pretend to be educated.

>> No.57571191

Seethe, hooting afrobeast

>> No.57571400

That's better.

>> No.57571450
File: 646 KB, 1106x747, 1688982833063059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you

>> No.57571652

So, you understand my point better now that I've stated it in your tongue?

>> No.57572070

English, you retard?

>> No.57572626

That was English, you should learn to read it.

>> No.57576769
File: 75 KB, 729x861, 1670931040962045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is such a girly girl. Yesterday I was watching her play Armored Core and you're playing big mechs. They have human voices but it's basically just giant battle mechs, explosions and violence.
So Mori is sitting here with metaphorically two big mechs in her hands. Her mech and a mech piloted by a character named Rusty.
"These mechs are dating."
I say this because to me this sounds like simile song to 'I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world..."

>> No.57576852

She was calling the giant killer robots cute and talking to them like they were pets

>> No.57578037
File: 1.39 MB, 1299x948, RavenandRustyinMorisdollhouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you're getting paid double for this one Raven. Looks like Mori bought us a dollhouse and we're expected to have tea at sixteen hundred.
I'll take care of the puppy and give it lots of headpats. Raven, you're to clear the area of any cooties while Mori gets our nighties ready. Over and out. Buddy.

>> No.57580120
File: 519 KB, 512x512, Polka vibrate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57587919

Mama told me when I was young
"Come sit beside me, my only son
And listen closely to what I say
And if you do this it'll help you
Some sunny day"
Oh, yeah
Oh, take your time, don't live too fast
Troubles will come and they will pass
You'll find a woman, yeah, and you'll find love
And don't forget son there is someone up above
And be a simple kind of man
Oh, be something you love and understand
Baby, be a simple kind of man
Oh, won't you do this for me son, if you can?

>> No.57590275
File: 242 KB, 850x1245, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_quasarcake__sample-a62294c3c54d40b0c79f59e8db25d4c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57590391

Kek, good one bros

>> No.57590664


>> No.57591171

Magni and vesper getting axed is the only thing Mori has done that I've liked about her since debut

>> No.57592068

All while carrying a pair of massive pink and teal shotguns capable of evaporating lesser mechs in a single shot. She calls them Fuwa and Moco.

>> No.57592116

A bit touching, not gonna lie.

>> No.57592189

They're mechs, not robots.

>> No.57592609

But later in the song it just turns into her saying she's going to win and stuff

>> No.57593463

kinda lame, she should just go full gay and molest japanese girls with her big american clit, she'd be happier that way

>> No.57593768

Mori, maybe if you focused more on learning what it actually means to be an actress and a public personality, things would have turned out better. Here's a tip for the 1views and 2views out there. You're playing a character. Sure, people are interested in how you feel as a person and what you do, but you need to remember that your entire personal life should be separated from your character. Do you want to know why chuubas like Pekora and Miko are so popular and well-loved by the community? Because they understand that they're not here to "own the haters" or prove a fucking point to anyone. They're here to have fun and make sure that their fans also have fun in the process. Do you want to end up like Miko or like Mori? The choice is yours.

>> No.57593848

>Because they understand that they're not here to "own the haters" or prove a fucking point to anyone.
Theres no "own the haters" song in Jigoku 6.

>> No.57593873

rap stands for rhythm and poetry dumbass

>> No.57594022

>black music and poetry
>true whites doing music and poetry

>> No.57594073

lol cope retard neck yourself for the sake of your niggernoise

>> No.57594150

did you post the two shittiest songs you could find?

>> No.57594159

Ok nigger

>> No.57594356


>> No.57594374

What does nigger music have to do with this thread? Mori was a Fake Type animator, and her music is based on Fake Type and BoogieVox. It has nothing to do with Nigger rap.
Does not really matter since most of her new music barely even qualifies as rap anyway.

>> No.57594548

The existence of bad songs doesn't make all music bad, you mentally deficient cum guzzler.

>> No.57594549

You are asking FAR too much of this board to understand the difference between western rap and Net or J rap. Pretty sure the only reason she even listened to any western rap was because people kept bugging her asking her opinions on western stuff that came out. If those people would ask her about J-rap she probally could list of a dozen artists she likes kek.

>> No.57594638

Don't be disingenuous

>> No.57594676

I am not

>> No.57594696

She's talked a lot about how liked Rap before moving to Japan but the moment she got into JP Rap she lost all interest in American Rap except for Eminem's tentpole albums.

>> No.57594787
File: 88 KB, 300x300, IMG_1793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think MF Doom and her would have been good friends. Man… look at those bars.

>> No.57594802

She also said she was a Creepy Nuts fan since 2016. Before that she was in many /a/ sings videos as far back as 2012. You really think she ever cared about Western hip hop songs?

>> No.57594803

Anon, she moved to Japan TO get into into the J-rap scene. She was well into J-rap before moving there and like you said she only really listened to super big western rap releases.

>> No.57594804

>nothing to do with rap

>> No.57594900

>woe is whigger
still won’t buy her Blu-ray’s

>> No.57595443

You are. But just in case you're dumb and don't understand my argument, Mori's song here - specifically the lyrics in the OP - is about how she's contemplating her earlier days versus her current circumstances. The implication is that she's responsible for it, yet she mostly fails to actually recognize the very reason why she's become what she has.
Mori has plenty of songs where "owning the haters" is an explicit motif. She's become far too invested in proving a point to her myriad detractors that its done nothing but perpetuate a vicious cycle for her. Rather than attempt to emulate the behavior of her more successful seniors, and introspectively grow as a person, she's done very little. Now were just at the "woe is me, I'm the hero no one believes in" stage wherein she continues to assert how she is in the right all along.
My point is that if she simply looked to her seniors (and other existing popular vtubers), genuinely made an attempt to understand why they are successful and how she can use that to learn for herself, and capitalized on all of that, she would be happier and more successful overall.
Sure, girls like Pekora and Miko have their detractors, but they're few and far between when compared to other vtubers. They consistency have high viewership and the vast majority of the vtuber audience holds them in high regard. All Mori needed to do was ask herself "what are these other girls doing that I'm not, and how can I change the way I do things to be better?"

>> No.57595615

Just a Friend by Biz Markie is the anthem of /vt/

>> No.57597375

You should listen to actual poetry, like this song.

>> No.57597637
File: 447 KB, 720x876, 1690766605658342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then there is Future Island...

>> No.57597732

Is Mori an eternal chuuni?

>> No.57597948

The best part of the EP was LFDL though
You tell me >>57552101 >>57544758

>> No.57598341

it's actually funny to see you have the lyrics in front of you and still be explicitly wrong about them

>> No.57600823

not even once

>> No.57601018

All of J6 was so good. Some songs on Sinderella I loved, so seeing her bust out an entire EP of hits was great. Maybe bittersweet given the subject matter and how quickly she outdid her own recent release. I'm really glad Mori stuck around, matured, and found happiness.

>> No.57601218

Just stop drinking, Mori. At least half the problems in your life come from your alcoholism.

>> No.57601600

She has not been drinking for a long time. She has reaffirmed it multiple times including quite recently

>> No.57602061

In the words of mgk- (who ironically enough also switched to rock punk)
“I'm sick of them sweatsuits and them corny hats, let's talk about it”
“I'm sick of you bein' rich and you still mad, let's talk about it”

>> No.57602066

Technically rap is poetry, but we all know that it was burn to the ground, even back then most of the rappers barely knew how to play with words and make meaningful lyrics, but now it's even worse and it's hard to find any rap that isn't "I'm rich and fuck lots of women lol", I don't like most of Mori's songs yet she's 10 times better than those faggots who only sing about drugs, money and women

>> No.57602346

Im racist towards blacks but rap is the most relevant poetry has been in decades.

>> No.57602415

>t. fedora wearing chud redditor

>> No.57604377

Yeah, same.

>> No.57604445

What happened to your Bob Dylans and the like? In Sweden people that perform "vispop" (poetry-pop maybe is the closest translation, still sell out big concerts, most of the times accompanied by just an acoustic guitar or a piano)

>> No.57604889

thats just hiphop in general retard, not rap esltardchama

>> No.57606486

It sounds like her life is complete and she should move on to the afterlife

>> No.57606615

Mori stopped. It’s Gura who fell back off the wagon.

>> No.57606648

>What happened to your Bob Dylans and the like?
The Vietnam war has been over for decades anon. He was at his height with protest music. Like i said, im no fan of blacks bht they have actually used poetry, meanwhile you read whitevpoets and they are still writing like theybare 1940 student at cambridge.

>> No.57606921

Poetry is gay bro

>> No.57607029


>> No.57607098

Bob Dylan? He hasn’t been relevant since the 70’s, except for when the Nobel prize committee went full retard and gave him the award in literature. Most of the music in America since the 1980s has been commercialized pop bullshit.

Rap is poetry, at least good rap is.

>> No.57607153

She didn’t stop dude she just doesn’t do it on stream

>> No.57607164

somebody get me a scythe

>> No.57607875

Sure, when I do it.
