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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 189 KB, 340x340, 1668226441125713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57564348 No.57564348 [Reply] [Original]

The Finana of Hololive

>> No.57564469
File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, F4s2189X0AEDSvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Finana do this?

>> No.57564480

She's way cuter and not a gacha brain

>> No.57564525

when is she gonna tell everyone they are parasocial fucks?

>> No.57564542

nigger of /vt/

>> No.57564562

>no coombait
>no gacha streams
>streams more than everyone in her branch
I don't see it

>> No.57564602

>>57564542 (me)
(i have no idea what the fuck is a finana)

>> No.57564625

Does she alienate her fans? Does she spout woke shit on Twitter and streams? Is she a 3view?

>> No.57564634

Wtf pebbles, I kneel, your oshi is baused

>> No.57564635

She actually plays real video games and not Genshit, so no.

>> No.57564655

go biboo go

>> No.57564672

She loves trap, so clearly not

>> No.57564690
File: 313 KB, 558x570, finana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dont compare your shit bijou no my cute Finana

>> No.57564711

this is the greatest EN gemeration ever

>> No.57564755
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>> No.57564764
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>> No.57564830

Who the fuck is finana

>> No.57564923

fpbp, /thread, everyone after this post is brown unless you agree with me

>> No.57564967

Damn Biboo, I kneel. Go go!

>> No.57565075

chudcels still reposting and seething about this to this very day lel

>> No.57565160

biboo you rock!

>> No.57565201 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.19 MB, 964x714, 1448444717671-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people could post more material if anyone still watched her

>> No.57565466

She doesn't like shitty gacha so no

>> No.57565807

Wow, number go up. Let's see her content:
>Elden Ring
I'd rather put a bullet through my head than watch this shit.

>> No.57565944

where's the sex ASMR then?

>> No.57566114

Then go ahead and do just that

>> No.57566223


>> No.57566269

Do the world a favor and do so.

>> No.57566292

Based Bibster.

>> No.57566322
File: 339 KB, 1463x2048, F42oMkmasAAz_0o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel to the pink coyote

>> No.57566321

Her shitting on her fans is the only thing entertaining about her and it’s also the only thing she’ll be remembered for

>> No.57566355

When does she starts coomering then

>> No.57566681

The only good thing about Finana is a video that I'm not allowed to post or link on this board. Biboo is an infinitely better vtuber.

>> No.57566777

I wanna bounce this little Thai cocksleeve on my dick while her mother cooks us supper in the other room.

>> No.57566816

Jeebus Biboo leave some luck for me

>> No.57567005

Bijou is such a force that future vtubers will be referred to as the "Bijou of Their Corp".

>> No.57567025

I read a doujin about this once

>> No.57567106

How is Bijou like Finana in any way? She hasn't shamed her fans and hasn't brought up some social justice shit

>> No.57567125

what are you waiting for

>> No.57567211

Bijou is not a disgusting whore who only plays garbage gachas and talks about her pussy flaps as much as she breathes but nice try retardchama

>> No.57567359

Wait, does this mean there's a clip of her masturbating?

>> No.57567471
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>> No.57567776
File: 258 KB, 1073x1217, b v f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to play this game Nijifag?

>> No.57567857
File: 249 KB, 319x586, oh ho ho ho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bijou's someone I actually want to watch while Finana is literally only worthwhile as masturbation material. If I want to have a good time with someone respectable, I'll watch Bijou. If I want to jerk off to a genuine fucking retard with terrible taste, I'll go find a Finana lewd and get it out of my system.

>> No.57567875

That's Bae

>> No.57567895


>> No.57568019

Bijou: 10k every day
Finana: 400 before raids

Bijou is actually entertaining and great. Finana is a Nijiwhore who is nothing but a male accessory.

>> No.57568223

NijiEN Feesh. tbf, she's Hmong and they are like the Blacks of SEAs.

>> No.57570332
File: 249 KB, 781x893, Bijou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57570756


Do a flip after

>> No.57570759

the educated parasocial fucks gaslit her?

>> No.57571025

Am I mistaken, or Bijou has more than all 9 of them combined?

>> No.57571218

Nah, together they beat her but only by about 1000

>> No.57571278

Go Biboo!!!

>> No.57571384

I kneel to Pebble superiority

>> No.57571558
File: 168 KB, 1200x1200, 1662710420787110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le next Finana
Unlike Finana, Bijou can actually be funny and not depend on sex jokes. OP is a faggot and is malding at her doing well.

>> No.57571564

there is no comparison between the two
i like both btw, but biboo is a better gamer/streamer

>> No.57571583

but those streams weren't concurrent, she did beat all the concurrent streams

>> No.57572999

It doesn't matter what the CCV is, they all get the same silver play button to hang on thei... oh wait.

>> No.57576716


>> No.57576831

The return on views per hour streamed by pekor...

>> No.57576847


>> No.57577014

Bijou is a better gamer than Connor.

>> No.57577022

Hey why are you guys shitting on him? Doesn't that kind of make sense? No holo member has really picked good games. I qatch bijou in spite of the games she plays. Not sure why you guys went so hostile on him

>> No.57577203

We'll be recording it tonight.

>> No.57577254

>Lets see her content
The guy has a grifter opinion, he might as well end himself, not even those anons.

>> No.57577365

Because he purposefully skipped some games, and even the games he listed aren't that bad with the exception of Apex which was a one off.

>> No.57577589

one day riku will have a yacht made out of silver play buttons.

>> No.57578296
File: 14 KB, 268x276, thebeeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think Bijou is better than all nijilivers but I won't shit on Finana because I used to watch her and now her channel is dying

>> No.57578667
File: 93 KB, 316x316, 480px-Gawr_Gura_-_Portrait_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Aia Amare of Hololive

>> No.57578969

they're pretty similar but Bijou's proven herself to be a massive upgrade in basically every aspect

>> No.57579058

Pebblephiles are so lucky

>> No.57579087

They're like identical twins separated at birth (for science) with one placed into a caring, wealthy home and the other dropped into a ghetto

>> No.57579214

Please elaborate

>> No.57580892
File: 1.90 MB, 316x332, Bijou sings The Only Thing I Know for Real[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhdamoq.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57580915
File: 80 KB, 455x557, all smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Pekora of Nijisanji

>> No.57581505

wtf that's NijisanjiID's number

>> No.57581803

don't insult my daughter

>> No.57581864
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>> No.57584008
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The Yagoo Of NijiSanji

>> No.57585055

finana is a whore

>> No.57585325
File: 144 KB, 1280x1280, 1604220199737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I totally agree with that anon, but those games are kinda filtering me, I don't know what to do I'm even a joined bibou membership.

>> No.57585550

Finana is actually really dumb though, whereas Bijou seems like she's playing it up

>> No.57585645


>> No.57585907

She actually looks like Finana

>> No.57586313
File: 10 KB, 260x194, 1606277213955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single person in this thread had explain why she's the Finana of Hololive.
>family friendly gamer vs PARASOCIAL FUCK coomer
>Hard worker vs Lazy fuck
>like interacting with her fans vs discord groomed

>> No.57586485

she makes it enjoying for me. not sure about you

>> No.57586822

I'm a total faggot and I love everything she had played so far, aside from Apex. What would you like to see her play though?

>> No.57586912

Based goddess Koseki Biboo.

>> No.57587026

For the same reason people are calling Nerissa the Kronii of Advent. Superficial similarities and a slight resemblance in their audiences.
It’s retarded as fuck, assuming it’s not bait.

>> No.57587342

She's what Nijifags wished for Finana after her debut.
I'm not surprised if any ex-ryukeks ended up being a pebblephiles

>> No.57587760

It's really hard for me
I could not watch Zelda, Apex and Elden, I got filtered with those games, but with Holocure, I can watch it like for an hour.
I wana see Bibou play minecraft (Main server.).

>> No.57587815


>> No.57587876


>> No.57587891

Honestly, her voice is a huge filter for me, and a lot of others I imagine. It's just too "2view indie putting on a fake uwu voice" for my liking.

>> No.57587925

We know you don't get none, Nijisis. Spare the seethe.

>> No.57588258
File: 378 KB, 655x612, 1693501907507493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mumei of Hololive

>> No.57589311

Don't you dare insult her like that

>> No.57589418

>no gacha streams
Thanks Coco. Shiori would be all over Genshit if she could going by her debut.

>> No.57589633

Finana CCV still dropping to this very day

She and Aia are locked in battle for "who will become the first literal-actual 2view status"

>> No.57589677
File: 409 KB, 754x730, 1690374224148386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure about that...?

>> No.57591804

More like the preyabbed Finana without the coombait who's still better in a myriad of ways

>> No.57592132

There's a clip of Finana masturbating.

>> No.57592174

>posts brown lamy
sure thing kid

>> No.57592196

It reminds me of Mari Mari

>> No.57592557

Imagine not thinking that's her real voice
>inb4 dumbest 4channer wants to say no adult woman sounds like that

>> No.57592838
File: 408 KB, 757x665, 1693278391282535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora and Koyori are almost tied in views but Pekor only has less than one third of streamed hours of Koyori's total, Jesas. Pekora really is unstoppable. Proud nousagi.

>> No.57592962


>> No.57594753


>> No.57594781

I think Shiori just hinted that they'll be playing Minecraft next week so you're fine

>> No.57594823

kek dont do them like that

>> No.57594849

holy based

>> No.57594898

>her voice is a huge filter for me
too bad.. that's her real voice

>> No.57594914

Hololive domination as usual

>> No.57595145

Finana: Parasocial fucks!
Biboo: [B]arascocial [B]uggs!

>> No.57595420


>> No.57595437

Its nice how you still want to advertise Finana, but nobody has thought about her in over a year.

>> No.57595580
File: 115 KB, 1012x837, she never streamed Zelda again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest /vt/, do you think she'd place that high if not for the Elden Ring and Holocure spams? Is she strong enough to stand on her own or is she a slave to her game choices?

>> No.57595719

Are you unironically in the wrong thread? OP is referring to Bijou, not Shiori.

>> No.57595850
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1648044392482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's really entertaining so I'd assume she would be.

>> No.57595897
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At least 1 dog made it

>> No.57595923
File: 15 KB, 229x223, kobo77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's NijiEN?

>> No.57596014

Both have a high-pitched voice, small, Asian ancestry, similar silhouette/face.
That's literally it.

>> No.57596023

Holy fuck. Pebble chads, I kneel.

>> No.57596216

People watched her play Katamari Damacy for 6 hours and fucking Rock Simulator for 3, I think she'll be fine

>> No.57596421

Well, what are you waiting for?

>> No.57596573

Better than playing random flavor of the month like Only Go Up or Parasocial. At least those are actual games.

>> No.57596679

Dew it

>> No.57596680


>> No.57596809

put me in a screencap

>> No.57596891

Please do.

>> No.57596900

The fuck is op's problem.
Biboo is hardworking, stays pure, doesn't resort to coomer baiting or dirty jokes or homo content, always expressing her appreciation for her viewers and hololive, never shows any kind of contempt for the fanbase, how is she in any way comparable to finana?

>> No.57596950

Then where is her sex ASMR?

>> No.57596979

>clip of her masturbating
Understatement of the century. That clip is so "juicy" it turns gay men straight.

>> No.57597005

>plays attention-catching games in entertaining ways for long hours
Holy shit, what a terrible streamer. She should be playing Jump King and Getting Over It again and again.

>> No.57597084

Throw us a bone, man.
captcha: whyty

>> No.57597181

Anons... I watch Biboo almost every day because I find her funny and a great streamer, but I'm not as deaf as to think it's her real voice. She's 100% using a filter.
Proof: watch her at 2x, it will sound exactly like a faster recording (chipmunks/nightcore) which means her normal streaming voice is pitch-shifted.

>> No.57597206


>> No.57597814

I can't wait for the
KKK - Kaela Koyori Koseki

>> No.57597862

I've known a couple SEA girls who sound extremely similar to her naturally, they're made of anime over there

>> No.57598525

Sorry I can't find the backup where it was supposed to be.
you'll have to search something like archive.palanq.win for deleted /vt/ posts that contain catbox

>> No.57598606

I read the last bit as
>spank coyote

>> No.57598662

I bet you do, your spleens appear to do that to their own carrers lol

>> No.57601404


>> No.57601461

She is very good at armored core

>> No.57601470

>Koyori 1st playing the weakest Persona game in the trilogy
That's pretty based.

>> No.57602620
File: 20 KB, 676x465, 1685108493826021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing the weakest Persona game in the trilogy
>Persona game in the trilogy

>> No.57602955

huh, didn't know finana played ff14 over a "guildmate's" house for a month

>> No.57603023

Man, you know what I mean.

>> No.57603954

Based rock cunny and Pebblephiles

>> No.57604602

Honorably GET

>> No.57604783


>> No.57604832


>> No.57604874

idk if you're shitposting but give my kek back
I've seen her PL streams before so I know its her real voice

>> No.57604915

No it's not NijiID's numbers are barely 3 view

>> No.57604964

It's the dumb :D face, they both make it constantly

>> No.57605037

They’re putting on a fake voice, retard. Adult women in Asian countries are well documented as intentionally speaking in high pitched tones to attract men.
Or did you think Holomems all just coincidentally have voices higher pitched than girls half their age?

>> No.57605151
File: 296 KB, 728x410, holy numbers[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbafo37.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, very nice

>> No.57605157

3 of those games at fotm fucktard and apex is battle royale hogshit

>> No.57605758

>Elden Ring
>In 2023
