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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57533283 No.57533283 [Reply] [Original]

Holizontal reddit thread deleted by a moderator (so T-chan)
We won unicorn bros

>> No.57533337

Everyday you faggots disappoint me.

>> No.57533356

stay on reddit ponyfag

>> No.57533406


>> No.57533437

They deleted it because even reddit was shitting on holizontal, almost everybody thinks it's a bad idea. Forcing casual videogame players to participate in Esports tournaments is stupid

>> No.57533479

Why are you posting here again retard?

>> No.57533486

>They thought external collab is the problem not Holostars.
I don't think so.

>> No.57533512

>They silencing opinions on reddit

>> No.57533550

this is literally a reddit board
well reddit and sea facebook combined technically

>> No.57533563

GOD I hate you fags with a burning passion

>> No.57533570
File: 2.34 MB, 1546x1231, hololive x holostars overwatch collab viewership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people keep coping about this, saying people didn't watch because it was overwatch, and yet their practice games for the event got double the viewership, almost as if people skipped it only when holostars became involved

>> No.57533610

what did you expect from the weeaboo equivalent of bronies

>> No.57533619

they silence opinions to save face but they usually bend the knee, take tempoop for instance, reddit hated them, reddit was silenced, but then the boys were put on a tighter leash as a result. ultimately a win

>> No.57533706

hey at least they have upvote downvote shit so cover knows what fans hate

>> No.57533711
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>> No.57533824

This is not about unicorns, nobody wants to see their oshi getting stomped in tournaments, it's not fun

>> No.57533835

The OP was deleted, but all the comments shitting on it remain. Anything positive seems downboated the hell.

>> No.57534010

considering gachis were already begging the stars to go easy on the girls is fucking hilarious to me

>> No.57534013

Post a screen of the comments, vtspy

>> No.57534057
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>> No.57534107

Yes most things get removed due to automod which works on reports and /#/ loves raiding their sister subreddit

>> No.57534192
File: 389 KB, 648x678, 1691660172800391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm sympathetic to unicorns, this is not about them winning. The OW2 event was outright shit. Just the homos stomping on the girls. If I wanted to see that kind of stuff, I'd log on to Starcraft 2 and join comp stomp lobbies.

>> No.57534299

This is no worse than the twitter posts.

>> No.57534339

Based hags not even going to practice this shit game

>> No.57534387

>shitting on things
I never thought I would say it, but based

>> No.57534486

if it was about wanting to see their oshis do well, then how come the homofans didnt show up in droves when everyone expected them to dominate?

>> No.57534516


nobody seems to like this shit because it feels like they're pushing girls to participate against their own best interest, this turned even regular "slay queen collab with whoever you want" simps against this project.

>> No.57534530

Why do they play so much goddamn Minecraft?

>> No.57534604

it's practically a social game thanks to how the shared servers work

>> No.57534625
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>unicorns are redditshits
So it wasn't just /#/ who is filled with them, it's all of hololive KEK
That explains why holofags are incredibly retarded and insecure

>> No.57534690

anon that WAS homofans showing up in droves

>> No.57534729

preparing for the festival. i can see why you wouldn't know because almost all of EN skipped it and no EN helped build it.

>> No.57534767

But they did, Have you seen their regular numbers?
homofans are not that many, I think holizontal is another stealth way to promote holostars

>> No.57534830
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How fitting.

>> No.57534843

I feel like the hype around startend and the SF6 racoon cup made cover think that they should go all in on these tournaments, not realizing that with higher frequency the novelty and therefore interest will dwindle.

>> No.57534885

Blockgame Summer Festival to see off summer. Lots of prep.

>> No.57534926
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>> No.57534961

T-chan sucks

>> No.57535722

How come the recent Pokemon Unite tournament (which was a girls-only event) didnt get shat on this hard when that contest was sponsored too? I feel like other than not wanting corpo-mandated e-sports obligations, the normie side of the audience just doesnt want to admit that they also dont care as much for the boys.

>> No.57535852

That was before this esports angle came out, so people pretty much thought nothing of it.

>> No.57536272

wait i thou reddit love homo ?

>> No.57536406

The Pokemon Unite Tourney was actually fucking fun though. It's not even comparable to a 1 sided shitheap.

>> No.57536562

What is this horizontal shit I keep seeing? Anyway, as an outsider the reason I hope holos don't get into fps scene is to keep holobronies away from all that. All of the niji, vspo, neoporte, facecam etc JP streamers having fun in different games would be ruined by having non-OG holo fanbase anywhere near those circles.

>> No.57536684

lol dumbass

>> No.57536938

Esports fags are some of the most toxic people online, principally in the fps scene

>> No.57537003

Because every branch had their moment, even EN went back with a game under their belt. Also girls + pokemon is cute.

>> No.57537069

>so T-chan
There are auto-mods too. If many people report a thread it gets auto-deleted.

>> No.57537471
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>> No.57537564

>requires no skill
>endless content farming
>copy some design from the internet, 5 gazillion other holo's suddenly have an hour of content looking at it

>> No.57537566

so i was right. those cringy VN japanese monologues only reeked of videogames

>> No.57537929

Because it wasn't OW2 and there were no faggots invloved?

>> No.57537970

You vill play competitively for your oshi's amusement.

>> No.57537972

So if they rigged horizontal to give everyone their moment, it would have been okay? Are scripted outcomes like in pro-wrestling the way to go for sponsored contests?

>> No.57538334

nice cope

>> No.57538358

>So if they rigged horizontal to give everyone their moment, it would have been okay?
It would have been better yeah, assuming they manage to make it look convincing

>> No.57538466

Very mild critical comments. This how people get trained into being lapdogs. Either celebrate what the corpo is doing or you will be silenced

>> No.57538646

Considering that Cover was planning to collab with external persons, rigging outcomes sounds like a terrible idea. Outside parties could easily leak shit, and I'd also assume certain talents don't like the idea of lying.

>> No.57538661

>and yet their practice games for the event got double the viewership
It was a shit show and poorly run but, and this is important, Botan and Lui didn't stream their povs for the practice so most the audience went to Towa.

>> No.57538684

Honestly it's retarded, I don't really have an opinion on homos, I don't want them to collab with the ones I watch or even just like, but this "go easy on them" is retarded, obviously they are gonna get stomped they are women for fucksake, besides, the faster they get stomped the faster collab ends, it should be win-win for gachis

>> No.57538822

sounds like kino, WWE was basically soap opera for young men back in my day up until Chris Benoit murdered his family, the rrats would be plentiful and glorious

>> No.57538844

No homos and no shizzard. Just cute girls playing like bunch of retards.

>> No.57539344

Get the cocks out of your brain, will you?
I won't deny Holos playing with Stars is one of the annoying part about hlzntl project, but it's not solely due to that, people also hate the idea of the girls playing something they have no interest at
Not to mention, this retarded shit is taking away their oshi's precious time
I really can't understand why Cover is trying to put Holos and Stars in the same stream and pick the non FPS girls to do this thing

>> No.57539600

there's only 3 games fit to be esports
Counter Strike, Dota 2 and Starcraft 2
if your game is not listed above than its trash and no fighting games are not esports neither is battle royale since it is literally rng

>> No.57539912

Dicks are poison to idols, nobody wants to see the idol they worship lose to the cock. People put themselves below idols willingly as something to be inspired by and aspire toward. When the idol puts herself below a man, you are now below that man. No self-respecting guy wants to feel that.

>> No.57540398

I'll give my two cents on this one..

They need Stars to be profitable..
Since only a handful of females collab with them, this is their "discreet" way to showcase the stars to other holomem viewers..
Not a direct collab, but implicitly saying that they exist and they're cool too..

Im super against on this not because of the stars, but because of forcing holomems that dont generally interact with them..

>> No.57540527

lol true

>> No.57540646

Going public was a mistake and may end the Hololive as we know it.

>> No.57540973

WWE gets away with the obvious soap opera stuff because the damage from outing themselves as a scripted show had been long done. You can't apply the same thing to vtubing because it's not the same thing. There's no guarantee that Hololive will survive the fallout from a potential "Curtain Call" or "Steroid Lawsuit" equivalent.

>> No.57541428

because it's kino
did you see the haunted house?

>> No.57541630

oh did gura finally finish it

>> No.57542133

This wasn't about the unicorns. But I am glad they are having second thoughts about it. Noone wants to see their oshi get wafflestomped and/or communicate with males.

>> No.57542167
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> Management thinks that gachi would look at some homo stomping their oshi in ow2 and think "Wow, they are so cool"

>> No.57542517

The Japanese are fine with this. And there's nothing wrong with collabing with Holostars. Westerners are hating it because they hate Blizzard because they fell for some propaganda or some shit, just look at how much hate OW2 get, there's no way that game is the worst game on stream

>> No.57542733

They really aren't lmao just check the quoted tweets of the Horizon project

>> No.57542770

> said the voices in my head
Japanese are as not fine with it that anyone.Just go look at the amount of people who suscribed to the youtube, twitch and twitter. You barely reach 5K additioning it all. All JP comments are negatives on twitters ALL.
Btw INB4 "it's only chink" cope.

>> No.57542819

No homos, not blizzard, not an FPS.
It wasn't even part or holizontal project.

>> No.57542821

We already know they exist. The stars are known by a majority of the fanbase. If people wanted to watch those faggots then they would. This project is just cover using the girls as a shield to promote their 3view failure pet project fags and get sponsorship money at the same time while using said sponsorships as another shield to prop up their failure fags.

>> No.57542844

Also the fact the Cover hasn't posted anything about the project on their own app is very telling.

>> No.57542939

A-chan didn't mention it in her stream where she talks about Hololive things that have happened.

>> No.57542998

>the normie side of the audience just doesnt want to admit that they also dont care as much for the boys.
Well duh. You get crucified for those opinions anywhere except /here/. It's virtue signaling all the way down.

>> No.57543034

>Starcraft 2
Get outta here with that trash. BW or bust.

>> No.57543068

JPs are yes men who take everything quietly yet even them are against this shit, just to show how badly holo fucked up and don't understand their audience

>> No.57543163

JPs will comment publicly that they love it then go to their burner account and to a private qrt where they seethe about it. Truly a conquered people

>> No.57543190

>No interest
Botan, Towa and Irys play overwatch. Towa even played with en. They like the game but you don’t watch streams so you wouldn’t know that. Homobeggar

>> No.57543199

It’s a little funny to me how these fans are so brow beaten not to voice discontent. Like holy fuck, your oshi isn’t made of glass. She’s not gonna shit her pants and cry if you post “I didn’t like this collab” into her comments section.

>> No.57543222

>Unicorn bros
Literally don’t care about the dudes, this just another time sink project that I don’t want

>> No.57543233

>Holizontal reddit thread deleted by a moderator
Good. Holizontal is a terrible idea and there's no audience for it so the faster it gets bullied to death the better. It takes something truly awful to make /vt/, twitter, and reddit all shit on it in unison.

>> No.57543260

>Not a direct collab
The only way it could get anymore direct is if the girls sat on their laps

>> No.57543288

Anon, the majority of the Japanese are going with the "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say it at all" route. Why do you think the comment sections for all of the discussions / contents about HLZNTL seems deserted compared to other ones?

>> No.57543372

T-chan, eh? I remember that faggot from a certain Discord server. I think shit's still about to go down tho.

>> No.57543375

Seethe and return to reddit holocuck

>> No.57543435

>They need Stars to be profitable..
The most profitable move would be terminating the Stars branch.

>> No.57543493

Should have girls vs girls instead

>the boys play the pve, showing off the new game mode as the competent player compares how it is to the other mode
>they then join fbk on the main channel to give their impression while the girls prepare for the pvp
>the girls play against each other showing off how despite being bad at it, it is a fun game
That's how you shill.

>> No.57543529

Add 5ch to that list, they hate it too.

>> No.57543545

>And there's nothing wrong with collabing with Holostars
Yeah aside from betraying your audience, losing paypigs, and fracturing your own fanbase, collabing with Homostars is a perfectly good idea kek

>> No.57543581

Lmao, newfag here. Came for Vtuber content, stayed for vtubing drama. This shit show is fucking entertaining.

>> No.57543659

Blizz didn't want to pay for another set of girls.

>> No.57543685

Fan: I don’t like those collabs
Holo: Fuck you
The fans are the ones with fragile egos and zero standards. What’s left of Mori’s fans are cucks but the others left when they didn’t like it. Crazy thing is Mori has never directly attacked her fans, keyword being hers, while the others get attacked complain then refuse to leave. It’s weird how they chain themselves to the girls while not being happy. People complain that Gura doesn’t lose her fans but she’s never barked at them, she avoids collabs they don’t like, and has pretty much been the same since debut. The only complaint is not seeing her enough while everyone else in en has a laundry list

>> No.57543705

This is total bullshit. They aren't and you likely know it.

>> No.57543763

get over it

>> No.57543790

Yes blizzard knew about a bunch of 2-3 views and picked those 5. If they were saving money why’d they stop at 5? Towa and Botan don’t mind teaming with homos they could’ve saved even more money. Retard

>> No.57543871

Unicorns are really on the same level as twitter users and reddit... Maybe they really don't belong here

>> No.57543938

You don't belong here, sister.

>> No.57544041

Ive never understood this. The numbers make it obvious to everyone.
It took advent under 2 days to surpass an entire year of Tempus in subs.
The worst thing is, even most of the so-called "stars" supporters dont watch them either.

>> No.57544089

>Unicorns are Redditors
kek of fucking course

>> No.57544144

>no Homos
>the girls taking part actually wanted to
>no Homos
>not an extreme debuff game that's widely hated all over the internet
>no Homos

>> No.57544146

Reddit hasn't been welcome here since 2011.

>> No.57544148

Nobody likes to watch a curbstomp. Reminder that people were also mad when Marine ended up bulldozing everyone (including Suisei) in Puyo Puyo Tetris.
You want your mixed gender collabs, sure go with it. But at least spend the fucking effort to make the team balanced!
As soon as I saw Astel on the other team I already know this won't end well for the Holomembers, especially in Overwatch. Now add Izuru into the composition plus Aruran and Miyabi who aren't really strangers to FPS and Uyu who freaking wrecks people in DBD.
While on the other side of the team we only have Towa and Botan who can't even manage on their own, and the rest are just negligible punching bags for distraction.

>> No.57544203

Cancer spreads and kills the host, as expected

>> No.57544252

IRyS just mentioned the girls only learned of the OW2 collab even existing 2 days ahead of the public, pretty much confirming not one of the girls signed up for it willingly. They were forced into it.

>> No.57544386

CR Cup is fun because of scrims. Just like idols, the fun part is seeing the player improve and seeing the fruits of their practice, both in happiness and frustration. If participants aren't enthusiastic, nobody really gives a fuck.

>> No.57544422

How about: When Blizz found out Cover planned to only have homos in, they complained about getting stuck with nobodies and Cover scrambled to get some girls in.

>> No.57544486

Sorry, I don't have any reddit gold for you

>> No.57544542

How many girls are laying hint against that fucking project? Sora, Nene, Irys... they hate it so much LOL.

>> No.57544567

reddit opinion, invalidated

>> No.57544587

doesn't explain why they picked IRyS and others with no past of collabing with males, why didn't they pick matsuri or laplus? if they are going to force someone, why not people who play fps and male collab?

>> No.57544719

Staff probably saw IRyS getting closer to Towa recently.
>She plays a lot of Splatoon 3 as well, that's kinda like Overwatch 2, right?

>> No.57544782

Maybe they were busy with other stuff

>> No.57544859

Aren't all of them busy with other stuff all the time. I just seeing this as something that would mess with their current schedule.

>> No.57544889

thats too convoluted, if you have to speculate that much is probably not the truth, it's way simpler to assume they wanted to test the fan reaction to a stars collab with different teams.

>> No.57544965

Lui also said management practically begged her to join, that they needed the girls for it to be a success.

>> No.57544999

These fucking retards.

>> No.57545181

>Puyo Puyo
Even then, that was all-girls and still drew 200k+ viewers. Meanwhile, OW2 with the boys had the girls drawing below average viewers.

I still assert that the "I don't like forced eSports" reason from the non-unicorn fans is more of a pretense and deep down they just don't want to admit that they'll ultimately prefer the girls over the boys if they had to choose, and don't want the boys overshadowing them. If the girls had won, I bet this event wouldn't be getting the same amount of shit that it has right now.

>> No.57545244

My rrat is that chloe, lui, and irys share the same manager.

>> No.57545424

You should have been here during the Rushia arc, it was glorious

>> No.57545445

I saw a Pippa stream once. All she does is ramble about shit and shill merch like a grifter. That's who you like to watch?

>> No.57545514

The collab itself upset people with how one-sided it was (reminder that at this point, the goal of the program was just to get sponsors).
Cover releasing a statement afterwards saying they want to officially get deeper into the e-sports scene made everyone lose their shit (more pointless shit to keep the girls busy and integration with flesh streamers).
They removed that last part today on their website.

>> No.57545614

Should just can the whole thing.

>> No.57545616

>manages to piss off unicorns and homobeggars both
Maybe this is Cover's master plan to achieve fan unity

>> No.57545688

This entire board is a reddit and Twitter Colony.

>> No.57545762

IRyS just said that she was only asked 3days before the event; she was probably a last minute addition.
So it's likely they asked another JP, who eventually smartly dipped, and they had to fish around for another victim to coerce.

>> No.57545792

It has literally come to the point now that whenever Cover does something I get mad. That fucking retarded MV. Splashfest crashing. Holizontal. This fucking OW2 shit which people saw from a mile away that it was unbalanced teams that would result in a shit viewing experience.
Why do they hire management that have ZERO CLUE about gaming and vtubing is fucking beyond me. They have high as fuck standards for the girls but for management a warm body will suffice (extra points if they want to ruin a vtubers career like Nenes manager or IRyS manager)

>> No.57545854

Matsuri would've been an obvious pick but she had her bday live yesterday, so with rehearsals she wouldn't have been an option.

>> No.57545922

>Nenes manager
What did Nene's manager do?

>> No.57545984

When Sora anxious about the direction they want to force her channel into you know that something is very wrong.

>> No.57545987

Strongly encouraged her to pivot to streaming more FPS games

>> No.57546010

told her to get with the times and stream fps

>> No.57546011

I got hired without speaking a word of Japanese and made her a mother

>> No.57546050

I posted this

>> No.57546053


>> No.57546069

Who cares
I'am more curious why you aren't banned yet

>> No.57546087
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I really hope for a Holo Brawl Out

>> No.57546159

Gaslit her into playing valorant
>because it'd be totes good for your channel growth!
Everybody hates fps, whether JP or foreigners. JP's are against valorant especially since it's basically used as a zoomer dating service there.
Nekko were up in arms, threatening to leave, unmember etc. Some did.
Nene in tears.
Great "advice", huh?

>> No.57546212

If only they'd stop being such pussies about it and speak up properly. Fuck the homos. Even YouTube comments has more of a sack than these neutered fucks.

>> No.57546281

Oh okay I knew about that one. For some reason I thought there may have been something else I didn't know about. Thanks though! Definitely a stupid decision on the mangers part.

>> No.57546325

Better than watching Goldberg stomp everyone all the time with the same fucking 3 moves.

>> No.57546346

I didn't know Sora talked about something like that. The Nene stuff is well known. You wouldn't be making shit up, right anon?

>> No.57546390

Where the fuck do they find these people.

>> No.57546392

That's not true, sisters told me JPs never have any problem with anything cover does, only EN schizos always make up problems!

>> No.57546468

This was obviously not on the manager's own initiative; likely orders from upper management to push holos into FPS hell nobody wants.
Now we now why 2 months or so later.

>> No.57546536

I'm not gonna be a sperg and shit up my oshi's comments when she's just trying to do her thing. They aren't retards, they know /vt/ exists. If she wants unicorn opinions they know where to find them

If she asks for opinions or a discussion I would leave a personal comment but otherwise I keep my autistic seethe quarantined where hopefully she can't see

>> No.57546585

Pretty much this.
If they had started a separate branch to foster esports, it would have been more well received.
VSPO is growing and now they have an EN branch on the way. Although admittedly it seems dead before arrival given they are pandering to the Reddit crowd lmao, actually had a poll asking if it was okay for members to teabag people in games.

>> No.57546633

>If the girls had won
There is NO if, there's no version of it where the girls came out on top of the boys in that OW match. That's why nobody's watching that shit and starts hating on it

>> No.57546668

read between the lines etc.,

>> No.57546691

Nene is menhera prime that is chronically depressed so she is easy to push around. She is going to feel like shit when this project gets canned and she burned her loyal viewers up in smoke for nothing. I hope a live naked dogeza from her manager would bring them back

>> No.57546817

The manager would've long been shuffled to damage another girl's channel or, more likely for cover since they're fucking retarded, they'd have been promoted by then.

>> No.57546828

The curse of something going mainstream, that is what is great about HoloEN, they likely know that it will stay as a niche interest for a niche audience and will just let them be and do their own thing. They bring in dollars that is super strong against the weak yen. However the JP side is going mainstream and there must be more sponsorships and less reliance on viewers paypigging so it looks good on financial reports and sponsorships are viewed as more stable

>> No.57546884

Damn, the Activision CEO has his cock really far down your throat. I'm impressed you managed to type all that out while gagging so much.

>> No.57547205

I'm mostly indifferent to this whole thing but i will say it was hilarious how bad the girls got stomped and how a significant portion of the criticism seems to stem from that. Maybe demand more from your oshis instead of everyone else? Getting good at vidya isnt that hard

>> No.57547351

What they didn't mention is what Nene said recently which was that she initially turned down the Valorant offer but her manager kept pulling her into meetings in order to convince her to join.
Basically her own manager doing high pressures salesman tactics on her.
There has to be some sort of incentive that upper management is offering these lower level managers to willingly throw their own girls to the wolves like this.

>> No.57547461

My oshi is a singer retard

>> No.57547479

Are the chuubas not allowed to run this shit by chat before playing it out?

>> No.57547580

Right back @ you sis. Maybe ask the boiz to be more entertaining instead of trying to leech off hololive?

>> No.57547591

She's a vtuber. She streams vidya. Playing vidya for a few hours every week and getting paid more than most people make in a month is not a hard job. The least you can do is be good at it.

>> No.57547610

>IRyS confirmed they were informed of the tournament 2-3 days before it was announced to the public
>Everyone was busy with Splash Party and MC Summer Fest is near
>expect the girls to waste precious time playing garbage game of a garbage company instead of streaming for their viewers

>> No.57547734

only a woman would get offended at being told women are bad at video games

>> No.57547792

Nobody thought HoloEN was getting a win in the Pokemon Unite tournament (they did) and people still watched that.
Korone and Botan got absolutely washed in the SF6 CR Cup and none of their fans threw a tantrum over that.
Again, people complaining over the event based on the one-sided expectations/outcomes just keep sounding more and more pretentious and just can't bring themselves to point fingers at the obvious outlier, the holostars involvement.

>> No.57547842

Umm, no? That's not why her audience watch and give her money. If the audience want to watch competent player they will watch actual competent player instead.

>> No.57547849

God you really are dumb aren't you.

>> No.57547873

Just be good at fps games, bro. The skills transfer to most fps. Expect better from your oshis.

>> No.57547913
File: 551 KB, 1242x773, 1686307974103110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remembers Lamy's first manger, now that was a shit manager. My god where the fuck did they even get someone that shit?

>> No.57547944

Yeah and I'm saying her audience has shit standards resulting in a feedback loop of mediocrity between the streamer and the audience's expectations.

>> No.57548028


>> No.57548035

I missed that whole story, feels good, wouldnt want to get more angry than I already am

>> No.57548052

It's vtubing, mediocrity is the name of the game. If any of these bitches were actually skilled or talented at something they wouldn't need the anime girl crutch

>> No.57548062

This is gonna be like that time Omega tried to make HoloEN go through a FF14 arc and made them play off-stream only for them all to hate the idea except for Ina who likes FF14

>You have no chemistry with your coworkers and genmates you cannot collab with them
>You're terrible at singing don't even bother
Did he even know what company he was working for like holy shit

>> No.57548070

>Anyone remembers Lamy's first manger, now that was a shit manager.
What did they even do?

>> No.57548126

All of the events you mentioned had the girls' investment. They gave it their all, practiced, and were emotionally invested.
Even if they lost they were excited and ultimately happy they took part in it, it was good content.

For the OW2 sponsorship the teams were not only extremely unbalanced but none of the girls, outside of Towa, were invested in the match or interested in Overwatch at all, whatsoever.
Up until she was forced into this collab Botan said multiple times she strongly dislikes Overwatch and would never play 2 for example.

Even the Homos and their fans hated it. Completely curbstomping a team of newbies when you are a seasoned FPS veteran and then trying to make a good eSports event out of it just isn't a thing that's possible.
It was mismanaged from the ground up, a first for this kind of event from Cover.

>> No.57548155

I love how this sentence is true with or without comma

>> No.57548305
File: 342 KB, 650x650, 1680795539543946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mangers advice:
>Talk very soft and don't talk at all, you're very shit at talking
>You're super shit at singing, so never sing ever
>You're super boring and shit and would ruin any collab you're in, so please don't collab with any of your genmates or anyone else in Hololive
>Do not do drinking stream, you're suppose be mature and soft spoken
>Do not cry at your genmate leaving it looks bad, in fact no one here should show that scared at all
This list goes on and on. It more seemed like they were actively trying to kill her before she started.

>> No.57548357

You really can't involve most of the stars anyways cause they're all seasoned FPS players unless you use the same rotation of girls every time (Towa/Botan/Matsuri/Laplus/Roboco). On that note, where the fuck were those last three?
The other FPS girls actively don't want anything to do with the stars.

>> No.57548360

Stars fans seem to be the only ones who were happy.

>> No.57548409

Ah is that why she went from Rushia Jr to what she is now

>> No.57548427

Everyone started shitting on EN for not practicing and getting humiliated in these tournaments. That got them off their asses and they tried to practice.

>> No.57548453

I dont see why they would be, this just brings unnecessary attention and hate to the stars.

>> No.57548464

The Homos themselves were clearly not into the game at all and now pretend the whole collab never happened.
I have yet to see ANYONE at all that liked that collab that wasn't very obviously shitposting. Neither from the Japanese, nor the English communities.

>> No.57548473

On the opposite end you got the homos who are on their 1 week of Rust PVP on the Stars server and have done nothing but grinding resources on Rust and raiding each other.
The only advantage the homos have over the holos was their innate higher FPS skills and most importantly their teamplay was really good.

The bigger issue with the holo team was that they were absolute dogshit at coordinating with each other because they weren't exactly the most close knit group. The lack of skill barring Botan and Towa only compounds that further.
Being shit at FPS is fine, but if they were able to coordinate with each other well and properly support their strong players like Botan and Towa, it wouldn't be that big of a curbstomp.

>> No.57548529

Nah, Lamy is just probably one of the most menhera girls in Hololive right now. She is just self aware enough to realize she was going too far.

>> No.57548570

No one actually knows, he was talking about Mio tarot reading and just "read between the lines" or "connecting the dots"

>> No.57548584

Homobeggars liked it. They didn't watch it, but they liked it

>> No.57548585

Nah she was doing that long after he was gone. What she is now is a result of not being able to drink anymore(because she's on some medication that she can't have alcohol while on) and being in close proximity to her oshi(24 hour access to Marine's pussy would change anybody)

>> No.57548611

That's a good questions since LA+ would never turn down a chance to be on a team with Towa so she can say very creepy and awkward things to her.

>> No.57548642

>The only advantage the homos have over the holos was their innate higher FPS skills and most importantly their teamplay was really good.
You what? Astel and Izuru played a FUCKTON of Overwatch 2. Those two alone could have effortlessly 2v5'd the girls.

>> No.57548702

Seeing these comments and then in another thread people talking about how Lamy "betrayed" her fans by being GFE at the start and not doing it anymore makes me really curious to know the who story/trajection she has been though. personally I have only ever watched parts of streams (like 30 minutes tops), seen her in collabs, seen some clips. I was always interested in her but never got that into her and hearing all this makes me interested to know more about it all. From an outside perspective I picture her as a needy girfriend type rich spoiled big breasted alchohol fan but I;m sure the reality is quite different. I wish there was like a summary of her whole deal cause I have been curious for a while now.

>> No.57548701

Nene sometimes streams Apex, but she's still beginner-level. Management is retarded for thinking she could somehow fit into Holizontal.

>> No.57548780

Seems like an odd stance to take on a fucking vtuber board doesn't it??? WHy would you watch the girls if you think they are mediocre? I mean some of them I think are, I don't watch them, I watch the ones I think are genuinly funny or talented...

>> No.57548783

>Homo already good at fps and don't need much practice
>Pick 3 beginners for Holo team and gave them less than 2 weeks when they're already have a tight schedule
and you see no problem with that kind of management?

>> No.57548800

Yeah my boys honestly didn't even need any help lmao. Pretty funny

>> No.57548814

Something like 80% of Roboco's channel is FPSes. She has at least a thousand hours of FPS experience on-stream over five years and I'm probably low-balling it.
I wouldn't bet on her ever hitting Master rank in APEX or Valorant.

>> No.57548819
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>Lamy moved above Marine when Marine made an off comment about how would be fun if they lived close towy days after Marine saying that
>Lamy walked into Marine stream during a stream
>Sniffed her crotch
>Said she panty color was light blue like her
>Then said she's glad her love her manifested as her panty color
Lamy has some problems

>> No.57548855

I don't know why you even bring up homos, they should just let go of their keyboard and give them free wins? Blame retards who made this collab, not homos for doing what is required from them to do.

>> No.57548872

doesn't matter, Irys isn't good at it so its a pain to watch. Its pretty much just watching her lose constantly.

>> No.57548886

>betrayed" her fans by being GFE at the start and not doing it anymore
She still does, just not as much to the point of seeming like a fucking crazy person. Do those people not watch her?

>> No.57548907

Extremely based

>> No.57548937

Most of the people in the thread are blaming management actually.

>> No.57548988

Wait what the fuck. I had no idea this had happened. She legit moved into the same apartment complex as Marine? And she cant drink anymore?
>sniffed her crotch
The fuck?
The more I learn about Lamy the more confused I am.

>> No.57548997

I meant to add
>Got under her desk
Before she sniffed her crotch, but you get the idea

>> No.57549019

No one is blaming homos themselves. Yes their involvement stinks, but all blame for this shit goes to management.

>> No.57549025

He's not wrong. You're blinded by the uwu cute waifus and don't really see the slop you're being peddled. I'm not even shitposting but with full sincerity: if you gave one of the advent girls a twitch vtuber's body and I didn't know who they were, I would legit not be able to tell if this streamer is "hololive material" because there really is no difference between those who are and those who aren't

>> No.57549033

no... Marine's maiden purity...

>> No.57549064

The Homos have all done multiple APEX tournaments together, the only newcomer there was the irrelevant ghost dude whose name I can never remember.
Astel ranks among the best Japanese APEX players (Top 100 solo Predator in multiple seasons), Izuru has done solo Master in APEX, and the others are all high Diamond tiers. Izuru and Astel also had a big OW2 arc in the past where they grinded that shit daily for 10+ hours a month straight
3 of the girls don't even play FPS, pretty much ever, while Botan hasn't seriously played an FPS in over half a decade while Towa, the only one who had even touched OW2 before, is at best average and played Support.

The guys weren't just a bit better, these teams were literal worlds apart.

>> No.57549063

Yea Marine made an off comment that it would be neat if Lamy lived next to her. Then 2 days later Lamy moved just in the same apartment complex as Marine. but actually the room right above hers.

>> No.57549134

Why the fuck are you on this board? And don't try and pull the "He's not wrong", don't refer to yourself as "he".

>> No.57549164

Imagine how ravenous she is while in withdrawal. Marine's pussy stench is the only thing keeping her alive

>> No.57549169

I'm talking about retards that even give attention to this falseflagger homobeggar , telling girls to gitgud

>> No.57549189

the fucking apex tournaments that towa keeps joining have an entire different point category just for astel and management seriously threw him in against a disorganized team of complete newbies lmao

>> No.57549228

Imagine being the cover guy who has to explain to blizzard that the teams need to be strictly gender segregated with zero contact between them ever because the girl's fans will have an emotional meltdown if they breathe the same air as a man lol

>> No.57549236

Lamy is a stalker, we need to protect marine

Lamy is a obsessive ichimi, Lui is a good ichimi

>> No.57549239

>samefagging cope
I'm on this board because I watch people from several different companies but I'm still not mushbrained enough yet to not be objective about the state of vtubing as a whole

>> No.57549279

He's just replying to himself. I'm just ignoring him.

>> No.57549280

>Nobody cares about us, let's show them our skills in a game
Nobody cares about your skill on a game, go outside and say that you have 87 kills in a match to a random person

>> No.57549304

No they still watch her, she lost some fans when she absolutely lost her shit when chat was backseating her during DQ4. It was so bad she had to take a few weeks off and just uploaded vids of her playthrough.

>> No.57549314

real woman moment

>> No.57549338
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Lamy is very much obsessed with Marine. Please ignore the gen number being wrong.

>> No.57549374

And only a fag would care about someone else ability in a game

>> No.57549391

>she lost some fans when she absolutely lost her shit when chat was backseating her during DQ4
You mean those guys. No fuck those guys there were super faggots and I hope they kill themselves

>> No.57549402

Woman opinion, invalidated

>> No.57549424

Only a woman would say this.

>> No.57549431

that sounds retarded

>> No.57549430

> If any of these bitches were actually skilled or talented at something they wouldn't need the anime girl crutch
This a blanket statement in the post I originally responded to that applies to all vtubers. If they were talented, they wouldn't need the models. Thats what I repsonded to. Now you say, you actually do watch tubers, and only some of them are medicore, which is also what i said? Of course most entertainers in any industry are mediocre. What are you even trying to prove here?
I myself said I watch the ones I believe are talented, which is literally what you just said. Why are you trying to act so pretentious and contrarian about this?

>> No.57549450

This, take some vocal lessons for like a month and learn some chords on a guitar and people will get super impressed and you will have actually learned a life skill that will help you in life

>> No.57549489
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What the fuck is wrong with some of these girls? Chloe was asking Shion's manager if she could take home Shions used garbage the other day

>> No.57549490

What people didn't mention yet is that for a while Lamy had a key to Marine's apartment and would sometimes just completely randomly invite herself in.
You could occasionally just hear her do shit in the background of Marine's stream without her even being aware Lamy was there at all.
Eventually it was getting too much and Marine had to take her key away again. It was a whole thing.

>> No.57549504


>> No.57549584

I don't need my oshi to git gud. Nobody watches Hololive for good vidya gameplay, people watch it for cute streams and idol stuff. That's why this hlzntl thing is pointless in the first place.

>> No.57549608

What the fuck. This jsut makes me more interested. I need to get up on my Lamy reps. I don't like being a clipwatcher but I hope there are a sufficient amount to get mysef up to speed/entertained regarding this.

>> No.57549634

Imagine losing your time in a retarded board about something you hate, kill yourself at that point, you're worse than a tranny and is pure waste of oxygen in the world

>> No.57549681

I didn't remember the fact that marine actually took away her keys lol
Lamy was asking for them back.

>> No.57549691

Try that one more time in English

>> No.57549756

>Those two alone could have effortlessly 2v5'd the girls.
And the remaining 3 has enough FPS skills+teamwork to do the same fucking thing.

When the lineup was first released it was obvious the homos were going to win, hell I'd wager you could replace Astel and Izuru with other homos and they'd still win. Even if they have Oga in the team and he had to afk midway through because he got motion sickness, they'd still win.
FPS skills aside, the homos are a close knit group and work with each other well. You're never going to find a 5-person group in Hololive that can come close to the teamplay that the homos exhibit because of how close they are. Sure you may be able to form a team of holos that are experienced in FPS and are skilled, but they won't be able to coordinate as well as the homos.

>> No.57549917

I know you're pretending to be retarded but you can clearly see the viewership is down for their practice rounds too. Nobody cares about casual Holos getting into esports.

>> No.57549986

You can consume media whilst also being critical about the shortcomings of said media. And I think the absolute vast majority of them are absolutely mid and I mostly watch them as filler content when I'm eating or running or something. I've tried to get into individuals, been watching longer than the Myth fans, but it's just the same minecraft/flavor of the month/fps slop most of them peddle, intermittently spersed with karaokes and other streams. Vtubing as a whole has so much potential but most people aren't really interested in anything besides moeblobshit and GF/BFE, especially holo. And ofcourse you can't say that because the incels here will throw a shitfit for daring to question their questionable interests.

>> No.57550050

auto-mod, otherwise it'd also be locked.

>> No.57550143

you are trying too hard sis

>> No.57550171
File: 153 KB, 1080x1080, astelwink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you recognize the superior chuubas, anon

>> No.57550248

>unicorns are redditcucks

>> No.57550287

I wish I could see Aqua and this tard play a match APEX together. I don't want cuck memes or shit, but I just want to see the actual fucking autism singularity from it happening.

>> No.57550318

I saw a shitrysstream once. All she does is be boring as shit and shill merch like a grifter. That's who you like to watch?

>> No.57550351

>I'm actually a intellectual
Just say it isn't your taste and move on, faggot
Go back

>> No.57550388

Neck yourself.

>> No.57550429

>insults when no counter argument
Your standards for being an intellectual are low but I accept thine concession

>> No.57550449

This place is 90% reddit anon

>> No.57550486

He raped you bro give up

>> No.57550520

always have been
*cocks cock*

>> No.57550529

Being good chuuba is more than just being good at games.
Many best chuubas are shit at them.

>> No.57550569
File: 55 KB, 347x240, 1691681709004131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if we asked the girls they would all say how great their managers have been, like Mel.

>> No.57550643
File: 198 KB, 2000x1125, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone loves block game

>> No.57550667

your shit got pushed in so hard you're gonna need a laxative lmao

>> No.57550732

Cute kids, for their sakes I hope they aren't American

>> No.57550740

Unicorns can't keep taking all the Ls today, leave some for the rest of us cuck BWAAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.57550741

You're the type who watches a movie and after that immediately goes to metacritc(idk their name)to give a opinion, muh critical view is useless in hololive, people watch it because it makes them happy, if you don't like it nobody is holding you back

>> No.57550758

boring counter

>> No.57550785

God kids are so ugly and disgusting. what do pedophiles even see in them?

>> No.57550796

>not even Reddit likes it

>> No.57550799

Boring whore gets a boring response.

>> No.57550846

Cover could Mike Tyson box a paraplegic and these corpo boot licker will tell the now comma guy to gitgud.

>> No.57550891

I wonder who else has been/is still being pressured into this shit.
They should just speak up so their fanbase riots.
If they all do it wtf are their middlemanager scum going to do?

>> No.57550895

don't try to excuse your lack of creativity anon

>> No.57550969

Where's that is a L? I'll continue to watch cute girls while someone tries to look deeply in shit that doesn't need to, if you want to deeply analyze something go read a Truman's book or something like that

>> No.57551004

this is why corporations shouldn't be involved in forums
they can just delete all the bad think

>> No.57551016

I think meru got the nene treatment but was too dumb to see it for what it was and just ended up having a pleasant enough time playing shit she's just not suited to and then went back to bday.
Being oblivious does have its perks.
They'll ask her again when everyone else who knows what's going on turns it down again.

>> No.57551030


>> No.57551081

What happened to the English in this thread holy guacamole

>> No.57551139

>went back to bday.
PREP, bday prep.
Reminder that Meru's bday is on all Hallow's Eve.

>> No.57551326

I feel bad about how dumb Mel is sometimes. She is so dumb she was biked a few blocks with no pants on before realizing it.

>> No.57551643

>Crazy thing is Mori has never directly attacked her fans
Literally replied to an anti who posted an edited comic of Deadbeats getting cucked, drawing attention to it, then drank herself into a stupor and cried on Reddit about people criticizing her over it.

>> No.57551813

I wish I was that bike...

>> No.57552648
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>> No.57552758

What sick man sends babies to fight Astel?

>> No.57552967

So not an attack of her fans just a mishandled situation

>> No.57553020

No you retarded tranny, it's more of a case of
>It's SO bad even leddit hates it

>> No.57553037

When you constantly oneguy your chat you are attacking your fans.

>> No.57553200

basically yeah the only one who actually could arguably belong in such a unit out of literally all of Hololive (not stars, live) would be basically just Botan. And that's assuming Botan would want to go back into the sweaty tryhard mode lifestyle, which I don't think she does.

They would have to recruit actual esports people to get such a thing off the ground if they're trying to knock off VSPO. They wouldn't and couldn't operate under the normal Holo auspices, you wouldn't get someone who plays just one game professionally so that's literally all her content and have her play that crucially-important game like once a week and then make her go wander around minecraft and play getting over it and expect there to be good results from forcing her to stop practicing. It'd be a very different deal overall and the current Holo setup is not designed for it.

>> No.57553266

I don't know how much more of an egregious attack you can get.

>> No.57554185

Pipcuck can’t do anything but regurgitate insults and cry about it. The fans really do reflect the oshi.

>> No.57554460

pippa is fine but too heavy on react content for my taste and nobody seem to watch her for more regular stuff like gaming.

>> No.57554937

I quite enjoyed watching that Homobeggar die on his own hill. I'm surprised at how many people are fucking sick of collab begging "Break down the wall like Nijisanji" fags there actually are. Maybe things are healing there.

>> No.57555072

Yet reddit is the usual homobeggar hugbox, where everything not supporting unity get downvoted to hell

>> No.57555085

>nobody wants to see their oshi getting stomped in tournaments
how is this illness called in the DSM?

>> No.57555239

Anon, nobody actually believes this anymore. You have to give up.

>> No.57555271

Anyone with eyes and a brain they are self-permitting to actually think for itself can see that nijiEN's route is not a good example to follow, and if they have memory they permit to work they'd remember probably literally over 99% of people there got into Hololive specifically because it's cute girls content and co-ed content is obligatorily not that and can never be.

Furthermore they've probably realized by now that what they like a lot about Holo, the unreal-feeling experiences like Korone or Fuwamoco now, REQUIRE a lot of serious boundaries on topics and types of interactions to maintain the suspension of disbelief from the audience. We don't see them like just regular people with anime masks on - and we don't WANT to. We see them as Korone and Fuwamoco, IRL anime girls. That's what vtubing is best at being, that's what it's about. There can be IRL anime boys too but one would expect them to be catered towards a female audience - that's fine actually, why shouldn't they have that. It's just "cute girls" literally cannot have "and boys" in there too.

>> No.57555299

Without going too deep Cover automatically disqualifies manager application if you
- have oshi
- have any trace of being a hardcore gamer
- not DQ but extremely minus point if you play rhythm games

and bonus points if you
- have real-life idol experience on any side
- have literally anything else unrelated to vtubing (art, movie,sports)

They ask for this.

>> No.57555302


they pretty much never do male collab, i suppose that a way for management to "break" them (or rather their fanbase) so they give more light to the homo.

*no unicorn, no problem*

Chloe and kanata did that minecraft collab but out of those who did participate only botan started opening herself to male collab with the sf6 and gta streamer event.

(pekora just don't need/care and laplus is...laplus)

>> No.57555572

Only way to make it look convincing is to rope in Matsuri, Aqua and Ayame instead of Irys, Lui and Chloe so it’s then at least people who play fps games.

>> No.57555625

Hololive wants just the purest yes men and if even reddit can't accept that then they pretty much fucked up

>> No.57555849

It is pretty fucking peculiar they brought in .. Botan and Towa, okay that makes sense, but then Irys, Lui, Chloe? Who all are coin-toss odds on if they know which way to point a gun? It really makes just no sense. If they wanted Horizontal to be a thing it'd be like the top 4 FPS holos.

I think, perhaps this was engineered to fail because while Cover did accept the giant bag of money to do it they didn't actually-want to be stuck being Overwatch shills so made it unlikable on purpose (making it co-ed with stars) and mixing in a bunch of obvious noobs and daring to call it an esports-oriented project. They put a poison pill in it, or at least someone did, because they probably were thinking "fuck the shareholders/fuck blizzard/fuck yagoo" or whoever was most-responsible. Arguably more than one pill even. Clearly recently some discussion was had with leadership in the company observing how popular VSPO is getting and someone ignorant of the reality of esports demanded it be copied and the others just went "well ooookay if you say so.."

>> No.57555862

should report that whole channel for fraud honestly.
(or just hire a hitman to **** the fag behind it)

>> No.57556106

>lamy is obssesed with marine
Then why does she keep shipping herself with Botan?
Now I'm angry with le drunk blue elf

>> No.57556437

Cus is not ntr if you not in relationship

>> No.57556844


>> No.57557011

framing, they didn't frame it like the future of the company where the girls were going to be forced to start practicing various esports games on top of their schedules and shit. It was framed as a one and done little event.

>> No.57557135

Actually fucking insane, I get that they are paranoid about insane fans but you gotta draw the line somewhere. Actual fucking celebrities live life without screening this hard

>> No.57557352

From what I can tell, a decently large chunk of the reddit fanbase is "le enlightened centrist", telling both the unicorns AND the homobeggars to fuck off, and stop telling the girls (and guys) who they should or shouldn't talk to.

>> No.57557508

>Actual fucking celebrities live life without screening this hard
That's what I think too every other time. Reminds how people say about gloves in handcam "oh it's so you can't find them by moles, surely there is schizo that would do that", my nigga, literally 90% of holos have IRL pictures on the internet, if such "schizo" exists, he would rather fucking find them by their faces then counting moles on their forearms.
I'm gonna be honest, it doesn't really bother me that much, but I don't like when girls try to be too secretive about everything, it just makes me feel like they don't trust their audience and don't like them or see them as these oogling schizos. I'm not talking about actual potential dox information, but I've seen some chuubas even afraid to say what kind of clothes they like to wear and shit like this.

>> No.57557988

She told her fans they are pathetic losers but not as Mori, just deep dive into her "vent" lyrics.

>> No.57558210

>They need Stars to be profitable
Yet they keep doing the most retarded moves to promote them, they know % of male fans of the holomems, they know the majority of those fans don't like male vtubers yet they keep trying to shove them into that fandom instead of making those faggots pander to women like vox did, whoever is in charge of promoting them should be fucking fired

>> No.57558425

That's unironically the best way of action against homobeggars.
It often ends up with mask slipped moment and showcase they don't care about talents at all. They only care about their war against "incels".

>> No.57558512

good they can fk off

>> No.57558536

What's wrong with that? It's better than explaining why the campaign was a failure

>> No.57558597

What a pathetic cope

>> No.57558878

>Everyone typing up essays trying to avoid saying "Don't force my oshi to play with men!" directly

>> No.57559156

I think the funniest part is bitching on plebbit works to no possible benefit
>Management sees it as a swathing pit of perverts and incels
>/vt/ sees it as an echo chamber of simps and knee benders
>Talents see it as a waste of time
>Plebbit itself sees it as karma farming and shitty art posts

>> No.57559800


>> No.57559923
File: 440 KB, 635x512, 1622271003037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6th gen

>> No.57560109

>Have a gamer wave
>None of them want to game
For what purpose

>> No.57561626

Do you want them to call yagoo a nigger or smth ?

>> No.57561958

Proof next thread?

>> No.57562557

almost ever post approving of this mentions nijisanji, please try harder to conceal yourselves sisters
