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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57507159 No.57507159 [Reply] [Original]

This is depressing

>> No.57507300

at least they look aesthetic together unlike the previous monstrosities

>> No.57507477

damn yo

>> No.57507484


>> No.57507526


>> No.57507531


>> No.57507538

i'll just watch it anyway, im bored

>> No.57507550
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They'll be gone too within another year

>> No.57507554


>> No.57507583

>new original song
oh yeah, so depressing

>> No.57507652

>P-Please come to their party
Jesas this is like when you are forced to go to another lonely kid birthday party just because your mom is friends with their mom

>> No.57507736


>> No.57507743

Watch this ship be entirly sunk once Bettel abandons it too
They sure were all on the same boat, amiright?

>> No.57507766

Sorry it's hard to not laught at that. While i dislike the homo, altroon and beggar too, i kinda pitty them for being in such an akward possition, they really should have graduated at the same time honnestly.

>> No.57507770
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Please show up. It was the only time I got to pretend that people liked me.

>> No.57507907

Bettel's a wildcard given how close he is to Magni

>> No.57507912

>Stuff that usually happens with a anniversary.
How about they have to merge with the next gen and have a full week anniversary when even most groups just get the 1 anniversary and 1 for themselves. They just gave the gen after them another anniversary (it's only been over 7 months) before their actual anniversary.

>> No.57507958

I only went for the birthday cake and to see your mom's giant tits

>> No.57507961

are you guys just putting this up because you're afraid to get lynched on X?
no offense by the way

>> No.57508064

We're all laughing at this now but consider this, one day there will be JP Gens that are down to just 1-2 members remaining...

>> No.57508106

Well to be fair ID did does the same thing. They celebrate the creation of the branch as a whole

>> No.57508202

Well that day isn’t today now is it you sentimental faggot? Fuck off back to /MANS/ and stay there subhuman

>> No.57508292

Tempus 3 soon
Public Servant

>> No.57508417

they should roleplay that Magni and Vesper were tragically killed during a Guild mission

>> No.57508426

Obsessedfags are like 5 filipinos upset about their e-girlfriends. So teammates, obviously.

>> No.57508454

they work hard and didn't deserve the two shitters that ruined most of their events and the overall reputation of Holostars EN

>> No.57508615

>"Gotta support the cause"
>sex pesting a manager
>"I'm holotori"
>Bettel being griftbuddies with Magni
>the complete abomination that is Flayon
The narrative doesn't work when they're only marginally better than Vesper and Magni

>> No.57508660

I don't know because I don't watch them but nobody deserves half of their gen fucking off like that

>> No.57508723

>he says while in a catalog shitpost thread

>> No.57508759

why are people still clinging on these old narratives

>> No.57508809

I want holostars to succeed as their own thing but jesus christ, they are just fucking cursed.

>> No.57508820

so 2 of same thing?

>> No.57508849

Why can't they sing their 1st original song, "Top of the World"...oh

>> No.57508917

Magni and Vesper were the biggest mistakes Cover could have ever made. Both are more menhera than most female vtubers and they probably grossly overvalued themselves when it came to renewing their contracts.

>> No.57508923

Have the two sex pests even expressed any sense of remorse for quitting?

>> No.57508966


>> No.57509093

theres no way you compare hakka saying "im holotori" to magni and vesper lmfao. holy shit these dudes say 1 small thing and you latch on like parasites to it

>> No.57509177


>> No.57509240

No, they are pretending that they are happier than ever. But Vesper was clearly seething on his return stream

>> No.57509378

we're gonna get axel again?

>> No.57509477

woohoo male collabs
let's gooooooooooo

>> No.57509809

Magni probably is happy, he's a grifting faggot. Vesper is hard for me to read because he's a pathological liar though.
All things considered he probably quit for the same reasons as Magni, "I'm too good for this shit" sentiment + thinking your fans will all follow you to your RM

>> No.57509889

Even I didn't expect how badly the homofags would go. half of the first gen didn't even make it the 1 year anniversary, surely this is a wake up call to management about the viability of homofags

>> No.57509940

this. Magni and Vesper 1.0 had horrible designs

>> No.57510137

>I'm too good for this shit
Magni's content as a holostar was lots more entertaining and creative than his previous and current shit content

>> No.57510399

Maybe, but he's a narcissist so he sure as hell won't realize it.

>> No.57510430

The synergy is just...gone.

>> No.57510552

oh holy fuck I don't know whether to laugh or pity them

>> No.57510555

Yeah OP I'm laughing with sorrow

>> No.57510675

I celebrated the graduations but this is just sad. I ALMOST feel bad for the homos

>> No.57510759
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I'd feel a bit more sympathetic if their fans weren't obnoxious little assfuckers. You brought this on them and yourselves, faggots.

>> No.57510808
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>> No.57510865


>> No.57511072

just go merge with gen 2 holy shit, change name and make another ori song and show vesper and magni graveyard on the MV

>> No.57511232

They pretend "gens" don't exist (a directive by Omegatroon). Now that those two are axed, they're gonna pretend "it's all just Tempus" more than ever before, probably even never bring up the guildhouse distinction again

>> No.57511407

did they even have one? especially after Vesper fight with Altroon

>> No.57511673

Before Vesper’s suspension, their full collabs was always fun to watch. Too bad Vesper fucked it up.

>> No.57511830

Will Randon and Lando stream over them (or call in)?

>> No.57511943

by being too based yes, it's a shame

>> No.57512009

They should invite Kobo, Zeta and Nodoka kek

>> No.57512405

Too busy collabing with real people
Stop living in 2022
Same point as Zeta

>> No.57512506

>"Gotta support the cause"
i wonder if he said it sarcastically
cause of the two menhera faggots

>> No.57512889

yeah wow that seems really fucking obnoxious, get a grip you fucking retard

>> No.57512976

Why don't they just bite the fucking bullet and merge into the second gen.

>> No.57513027

I feel bad for them. They just wanted their cushy side job and then it all got burned down by two menheras with big egos.

>> No.57513455

>regularly xeets about homos
>pinned xeet is a homo post
What did they mean by this?

>> No.57513489

Sex pesting a manager should be an allowable thing if she's hot.
"Oh not mane-chan, my dick grew so big and can't go down because you're so beautiful and sexy. How are you going to take responsibility for this so I can start my stream on time?"

>> No.57513561

Thread theme

>> No.57513710

They shut down the Hololive Productions twitter because nobody wanted to read about homos and turned the Holo EN twitter into something nobody wants to look at either.

>> No.57513763

>Vesper is hard for me to read because he's a pathological liar
I'm tired of this schizo narrative, he's not.

>> No.57513943

He's easy to read because you can just assume everything he says is a lie?

>> No.57514311

You only call him a "pathological liar" because some of his stories might be fake and you have a hateboner against him.

>> No.57514435

do you think he genuinely has a psychological disorder requiring medication or is this just a convenient excuse to avoid the consequences of his actions

>> No.57514495

go back, /orc/schizo

>> No.57514631

>the complete abomination that is Flayon
Quick rundown?

>> No.57514659

Axel is all of them, retard.

>> No.57514684

they'll remake it: bottom of the barrel

>> No.57514698

The new rrat is that he medicates with dudeweedlmao, ehich would track with why he couldn't get meds in Japan

>> No.57514710

imagine the gayest faggiest man alive with a shitty anime dub voice that he never drops. That's him

>> No.57514725

>"femboy" and plays into it a lot
>loud obnoxious zoomer
>basically belongs in Nijiitrash

>> No.57514770

6 months, take it or leave it

>> No.57514800

"playing VN and being cringe is my only identity" personified.

>> No.57514895

>ehich would track with why he couldn't get meds in Japan
Vesper doesn't need anxiety meds because he doesn't have anxiety, Anon. He made the whole thing up just to avoid his genmates.

>> No.57514901

The man is old enough to be your father, you don't need carry water for him.

>> No.57514906

Autismal as fuck kusogaki femboy trauma patient who has a obsessive affinity for 00s voice acting. It's a shame, since his voice in a vaccum would actually be pretty decent. Constantly filters people with that, and by playing debuff games like VNs. Calling him an abomination is excessive, but he doesn't do himself any favors.

>> No.57514929

Nta, but between blue and orange, the blue ones might be there longer. For some reason StarsJP appreciate him more than the JP-speaking orange ones

>> No.57514945

Damn, sounds like a male gura.
Just goes to show you that life's not fair.

>> No.57515002

It's easy to like someone who doesn't speak a word of your language and is obligated to be nice to you.

>> No.57515266

>tempus 3
I'll wait for the Villain faction so I can torture blue faggot and blame him for Magni and Vesper's "deaths"

>> No.57515742

The viability was clear from the beginning; let them be an SBFP-like group with some skits and music here and there and don't force them to do shit they don't want to. People act like "lol, males in cgdct company" is the reason they failed when a million things had to go wrong to get to this point. The winning formula was apparent when we got kino shit like Judge Magni, but a combination of external bullshit like the car accident and management being extremely restrictive knee-capped them until they were as dull and neutered as JPstars. Maybe some day Cover will wake up and see what they have to do to make them a success, but it's not going to happen with their current roster or any future rosters until they stop trying them as "Hololive, but male".

>> No.57515932

>stop trying [to make them] Hololive but male
I absolutely 100% agree with this
but unicorn cucks will still seethe like mad for existing under the same roof as the girls

>> No.57516039

I don't think unicorns give a fuck if they stay away. mentally ill people pretending to be unicorns to cause drama are a different story

>> No.57516080

At lease there are two of them - imagine if 3/4 were out before their first anniveersary, now that'd be grim. Otherwise I agree on merging first and second gen (but if you're gonna make more StarsEN gens then make them unrelated to the whole "guild" thing).

>> No.57516224


>> No.57516232

Haven't you noticed there has been practically zero seethe towards gen 2
People won't seethe at someone who doesn't interact because you can't seethe at someone you barely know exists
Most people still probably don't know the clown maori's name

>> No.57516251

There's a comparison but the thing is that Gura is entry level but Flayon's power level is actually extremely high. He has an extremely limited market.

>> No.57516327
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>> No.57516520 [DELETED] 

Not a unicorn nor a homobeggar but they should've never started Tempus and Vanguard in the first place. They've should've learned they're lesson from Holostars JP that makes vtubers are just not popular compared to females.

>> No.57516620

Not a unicorn nor a homobeggar but they should've never started Tempus and Vanguard in the first place. They've should've learned they're lesson from Holostars JP that male vtubers are just not as popular compared to females.

>> No.57516772

I don't think most posters here are actually familiar with Holostars JP and their history but Tempus did actually avoid the pitfalls of Holostars JP extremely well. Their failings are completely different from the ones that affected JP.

>> No.57516830

The idea of male idols just doesn't work especially in the west. If Cover wanted a boys holo branch, they should have focussed on making them more skit, improv and comedy based since men are just genuinely funnier than women. Like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mhSj_pjWmc
This is actually kind of funny, I assume if I was a woman it would actually be kind of charming. If they focussed more on this, it could work.

>> No.57516864

And then there were only two.

>> No.57516865


>> No.57516950

they were already merged and wasn't VG wont get their true 1 year anni. either

>> No.57517158

It's hilarious how Altare's one-off line that was probably just to get people off his back mindbroke this board.

>> No.57517474

I'm honestly convinced that the vast majority of hate over that was Vesties vindicating Vesper.

>> No.57517533

I liked tempus as a 4 man unit, good range of personalities. Thinking about the judge magni courtroom and what could've been

>> No.57517696

that was actually quite funny, I hope the remaining tempus boys can do something like this in the future

>> No.57517918

>Makes "anniversary" an entire week
>Now puts special massages to beg people to watch it days before it starts
Yes. It's depressing how desperate Cover is too pump their numbers.

>> No.57517960

Cool ranch AND nacho cheese vtubers? Let’s fucking go

>> No.57517997
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Damn. This IS sad. I, on behalf of the unicorns would like to apologize...

>> No.57518014

Kinda sad, but then I remembered they collabed with HoloEN

>> No.57518048

>posts the biggest bitch in MMA

>> No.57518078

Regis could square up with McGregor not really lmfao could you imagine an off collab match and Regis getting his shit beat in off camera

>> No.57518103

This is the sort of person who cries about how you can’t compliment women anymore and wokeness has gone mad

>> No.57518196

He didn’t need to mention it at all though. Nobody would have cared.

>> No.57518242

No one cares about homos who stay in their lane, I wish them well, even if they are leeching from hologirls money.

>> No.57518266
File: 246 KB, 285x444, 1615390015556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PFffffffffffffffff HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.57518390

So tranny Fuwamoco

>> No.57518446

I think its pretty funny lol

>> No.57518473

Forget Regis. That would be like Mike Tyson fighting Cher. I'd rather see a possible 27 seconds of good action with McGregor vs Axel.

>> No.57518584

hard agree, nobody wants to watch male idol. If he insists to make one, he should start StarsKR. Also another proof that Yagoo is not a skilled businessman, he won by pure luck and the only strong contender led by a retard who keep shitting chuubas. Let's hope his successor either is a skilled businessman or has as much as luck as him, or Hololive will be fucked

>> No.57518602

>Memoryholing Mori Bae Kronii rushing to them first
>Ame's karaoke where she sang to Altare's unarchived cover or the Worms tournament she set up
>Kronii owning her unicorns with the Vesper collabs
>"but they could've hav-"
Cope and Sneed city slicker

>> No.57518637

Hi, unicorn here, I don't give a fuck about them. I don't even think about them. They should be their own thing. I think what >>57515742 is suggesting is the smartest thing and he should be given the keys to Yagoo's car to go fuck his wife.

>> No.57518707

Blue one actually likes being in stars and respects his senpai so I see why. Axel just joined to chase after girls.

>> No.57518739

I feel sorry for them, but they should die if they use an account called hololiveproEN.
They are in the way of hololiveEN

>> No.57518747

>Axel just joined to chase after girls.
There is no way he's that stupid

>> No.57518792

he joined the wrong company

>> No.57518940

That was fun, I wanted to like, but then saw whose clip it was

>> No.57518954

if you watched his stream, im gonna tell you right now, you're off the mark by a mile

>> No.57518974

StarsJP have literally always been like that but can still switch to idol mode (and they're damn good performers), they had a variety show on their channel--Uproar too--but they both ended. Their official 3D streams are always just them fucking around and playing games. That clip isn't an outlier, it's the norm for their streams.

StarsEN likewise were doing skits and improv in the beginning and they release their own skit animations, they haven't even begun to do any idol shit aside from some covers. That's why some of their fans were so insistent that they're "brotubers" and "different" from StarsJP even though they're exactly the same.

So they're already doing exactly what you say they should be, what else can be done aside from Cover saying "Holostars aren't idols," which they'll never do?

>> No.57519070

I don't disagree with you but it also wasn't something that warranted the bonkers reaction from this board.

>> No.57519117

Cry more, sis.

>> No.57519152

no, he's just an utaite

>> No.57519197

I don't care about them though, I'm a newfag, so I never had interest for them because they are homocollabers. I think it's fine if you want to homocollab and he transparent about, like Bae, I don't care, I won't watch, but I don't mind her in other streams.

>> No.57519223

It depends. Unlike Magni he was blessed with a good model and he doesn't have a bigger roommate like Magni does.

>> No.57519224

Axel's rm is a utaite, he also wants to be in Stars. The problem is because he is bilingual the JP members put a distance because >>57515002
The same thing happened in the RUST and GTA servers with the other japanese streamers and the reason behind Axel ended being groom by the balcan guy.

>> No.57519229

Keep crying, won't bring your two male collab champions back.

>> No.57519257

Just got back from active duty

Wtf Magni and Vesper graduated? /MANS/ had a consensus during their debut they're the top 2 best debuts among Tempus.

Did they try to negotiate for a better salary or something and Cover refused?

>> No.57519279

Just to remind that they don't even last a year kek

>> No.57519322

>top 2 best debuts among Tempus.
Apparently too good for tempus...

>> No.57519342

So Fuwamoco for tumblr girls.

>> No.57519352

t. koefficient

>> No.57519389

>the top 2 best debuts among Tempus
Maybe last year but ever since Tempus 2, Bettel is in the lead.

>> No.57519411

Omegatroon's final legacy.

>> No.57519423

>So they're already doing exactly what you say they should be, what else can be done aside from Cover saying "Holostars aren't idols," which they'll never do?
But that's exactly what they need to do. Whether they're idols in name only or not doesn't matter, the aesthetic and expectations are still holding them back. Women are better with restrictions, men aren't.
What Magni and Vesper are doing now together in their post-graduation days is unironically what StarsEN should have been in the beginning, and to some extent it was. Just completely unfiltered 2012-2015 style LP content with a skit here and there to show them having fun with their models in a way that can't be done no-cam (the "where are your legs" segment of Judge Magni was a quick and snappy bit impossible outside of vtubing). The early potential for Tempus was genuinely very big and showed it can work. The expectations of being an "idol" are holding them back.

>> No.57519444

Low viewership for their channels. Magni's RM's account is much, much bigger in scope. Nowa's aware he has cultivated his own niche fan base and won't flop even if he graduated

>> No.57519502

Never call that thing a femboy again, it spits on Kira and Kaoru's graves.

>> No.57519650

God, Izuru has such a fuckable design...

>> No.57519719

Uh, hello?? Based department?

>> No.57520311


>> No.57520694

eh vespie 1.0 is fine, magni is a monstrosity

>> No.57520841

I wish there was holos' villains guild I could join. It would fun to larp a villain.

>> No.57520856

Nips HATE diaspora nips more than they hate chinks or gooks.
The only thing japs hate more than foreign born and raised japs are hafu.

>> No.57520895

He won't be a retard like Vesper right? Double dipping is the smarter thing to do at their size, also they'll have access to 3Ds, multiple con appearances and more merch. The only one that made sense leaving was Magni

>> No.57520921

Found the boy fucker.

>> No.57520934

It won't matter. That line is NOT his only blunder. There's a lot of stuff he says on a regular basis that could absolutely cause a "meltdown" here like how he mistook Mel for Choco recently:
But SEA antis already latched on to the first wrong thing he said long ago and parrot it across this board to this day. If he said none of the "for the cause" thing, they will think of another reason to hate him. It's a simple truth that most /vt/ users enjoy shitting on people more than watching streams.

>> No.57520997

Wow, brilliant deduction, Sherlock.

>> No.57521021 [DELETED] 

>why don't you freely voice you opinion on the platform populated by seething, cancelling troons where you have to jump through rings of fire in order to create an account?
that wasn't the "own" you thought it was, digusting nigger

>> No.57521033

Bettel didn't need meds just to function as a human.

>> No.57521050

Sorry, I do not associate with homosexuals.

>> No.57521074

And yet you're posting here.

>> No.57521079

Yeah just like the One Piece song...

>> No.57521237

You got me, boy fucker.

>> No.57521403

It was the first instance in holo where someone, voluntarily, acknowledged troonery and legitimised their batshit cancelling and coercion campaign against those that just wanted to play a fucking video game in peace.
Fuck this faggot for opening that door and double fuck retarded nogs like you that excuse that.

>> No.57521598


>> No.57521618

Thanks, I do my best.

>> No.57521678

What were the JP fallings?

>> No.57521759

unicorns were right males don't deserve any support

>> No.57522052

now that there's only two left, they're obligated to fuck

>> No.57522097


>> No.57522104

literally aster from nijiEN (the most boring faggot imaginable, so ass he is the raspberry emperor) if you put him into a holo environment

>> No.57522355

beat me to it kek

>> No.57522786

Hololive only started blowing up and looking how it does now from gen 3 onwards, even talents like Miko and Fubuki were in the gutter for a long time. When Holostars came out, shortly before gen 3 debuted and awhile before they actually started getting really popular, they didn't really advertise them as the male counterpart of the company. Them, along with some other properties like Inonaka Music, were just other brands under Cover. It wasn't a problem unique to the boys, there were a ton of talents under Cover that no one gave a shit about. Sora legitimately carried the shit out of the company, and then Holostars was already floundering and segregated by the time Hololive caught on.

Early Cover support was fucking terrible too, they'd mail the talents a phone and never meet them in person. This wasn't specifically Holostars, but they didn't have the same promise that Hololive did because they didn't have Sora. With no breakouts, they floundered the same way most Cover brands actually did in reality, but they couldn't just be conveniently merged into Hololive after it blew up.

Finally a major failing that was in fact Holostars specific is that Cover didn't have any plans for them except that they wanted to establish a male branch. The male idol thing wasn't actually a prominently advertised focus early on, all the original boys were femboys, then they released three more masculine designs later in a second batch for gen 1. Cover did a similar thing with what became hololive gen 0, and Sora caught on, but nothing of the sort happened with the Holostars.

A lot of the shit people complain about Tempus over are directly counter to Holostars JP failing. They did an obscene amount of push to fit them in with the girls, with the Twitter merger or fast track to collabing. And they received more support and babysitting than literally any unit than Cover had ever received in their early career with the exception of holoX who're pushed like crazy. Yagoo officially stated early on that they were targeting a male audience with Tempus HQ, and advertised them accordingly which ultimately did manage a niche until the management shake up put them in limbo.

>> No.57522836

>The idea of male idols just doesn't work especially in the west
They can, it's just Japan isn't the right starting point for it. I guarantee a vtuber BTS is an explosion waiting to happen; i'm surprised no Korean entertainment corpo is capitalizing on that yet.

>> No.57523050
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>> No.57523208

>i'm surprised no Korean entertainment corpo is capitalizing on that yet.
I think it's because BTS exists in the first place that they haven't done something similar to them or they HAVE but it's nowhere near as popular; VTuber BTS is 100% going to be overshadowed by real BTS.
Also, the VTuber fandom is a niche within a niche (anime fandom).
I could be wrong on that niche thing, I'm a stupid motherfucker 80% of my daily life.

>> No.57523348

there's something similar called PLAVE

>> No.57523351

Jerry sex

>> No.57523399

Now is actually a good time to bring up a vtuber counterpart because the real BTS is being forcibly hiatused due to conscriptions.
Though that leaves the possibility of the vtuber group being conscripted eventually too.

>> No.57523400

This is so sad alexa play despacito

>> No.57523522

User did not specify artist. Playing Despacito.

>> No.57523618

Imagine chancing upon some Korean yumes who are mourning retired BTS knockoff VTubers.
You try to offer some sympathy, saying something like "Maybe they'll show up in another corpo", assuming that they graduated, only for the yumes to reveal that the ENTIRE group was KIA in basic training.

>> No.57523694

this explains IRyS

>> No.57523704

"Ahoy? What's that, a One Piece song?"

>> No.57523911


>sex pesting a manager
Imagine what Kiara makes Jenma do behind the scenes.

>> No.57523913
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>"I-i d-didn't mean it!"
Make a public statement denying it faggot, say you don't support the cause, cause those are the exact words, that "sarcasm" cope is just that, cope

>> No.57523938

How dare you come in here with historical information and level headed logic!

>> No.57523958

Plave, the Nijis, Mafumafu

>> No.57523966

The absolute irony of posting Kiara to denounce fag/tranny shit

>> No.57524010

Plave just started out out and we will see how much traction we can get.
Nijis and Mafumafu have little western recognition.

>> No.57524034
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>> No.57524053

fuck its 5 am i dont want to associate with those fruity fags

>> No.57524054

Well, she hated omega, so there is that

>> No.57524103
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how long can he support the cause

>> No.57524138

Plave staff-kun

>> No.57524276

He got mindbroke by a cheater and wishing to fight him 1v1 irl are just distasteful.

>> No.57524311

First time I've heard of that, when'd that happen?

>> No.57524410

so they finally found the cure to stars curse with Tempus but failed to do the groundwork and let Hololive EN to steer into same "Idol territory" as JP, which then resulted into audience backlash

realistically the backlash could have been sucked up and buried for more prosperous future but Cover being Cover does Cover thing and takes feedback from the most loudest minority...

>> No.57524505

Its 4chan, they'll latch on to anything they can smear malechuubas with. Pathetically small men.

>> No.57524519

2 more weeks

>> No.57524534

The 1v1 fight me faggot was just cringe and embarassing. Like just let it go. No need to go on for 5 minutes crying.

>> No.57524570

>Japan isn't the right starting point
Have you ever heard Snowman? Or other Jap boybands? Whether it's JP, TW, CN or KR male music group will always prevail. Also JP birthed Boys Over Flower for fuck sake, the series that got overadapted across different countries

>> No.57524589

Most of starjp don't even want another gen because they know it's just going to stretch their fanbase even further.

>> No.57524625

Popular demand.

>> No.57524655

Are you sure posting here will increase KPI or you gave up already?

>> No.57524805
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This is like an arc on a fantasy novel where the guild gets culled before an upcoming "happy" event

>> No.57524828

Tempus is speculative territory until we have the hindsight of Stars JP but the members who fought against idol territory are demonstrably the ones that did the most damage so I wouldn't jump the gun.

What we really know for a fact is that the talent was volatile and that their local EN side management was so bad that they basically replaced the staff and changed internal policy. Stars JP had beloved staff that was extremely dedicated to their talents despite the failings of the branch but it's clear that no matter who we blame, Stars EN was a total shitshow on the inside.

>> No.57524872

Bahahaha, so you are afraid of pushback against your comments. Nice ego, faggot.

>> No.57525028

Like I said, small men. Barely passes as men.

>> No.57525339
File: 174 KB, 326x282, 1619271943977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rich coming from someone with such a faggy voice

>> No.57525736

Pretty much. Also explains her desperate desire to be accepted by her senpai and the JP audience.

>> No.57525810

ESL shitskins like youself don't pass as human.

>> No.57526033

fuck autocorrect too

>> No.57526194

It's not really what stance talents had on being classified as Idols, since company does all the marketing which then translates into public expectance.

ofc it is in company's best interest to sell them as Idols, "videogame streamer" or "music artist" doesn't really encourage fans to buy 3 sets of each merch packages...

>> No.57526215
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>calls other people ESL
>misspells "yourself"

>> No.57526274
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>> No.57526351
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My reaction to that information.

>> No.57526392

laugh it up niggers
all I had to do was correct a mistake I made with my shitty mob kb, (you) will always be a subhuman

>> No.57526395

>Vesper is hard for me to read because he's a pathological liar though.
because the spear was totally fake like all you fags claimed right

>> No.57526447

The Cover biggest mistake was accelerating tempus.
EN collab drama was nothing compared to shitstorm when Tempus 2 debuted.
Holofans come to watch girls and girls only.
EN fans might be more willing to accept males, but not favouritism towards them or delaying EN3 for them.

>> No.57528473

Or better yet, make a cover of a song with the same name.

>> No.57528587

That's the thing you can't tell as the guy never changes his inflection. It's fucking insane just how neutral his tone is.

>> No.57528620

You had people actually show up for yours?

>> No.57528639


>> No.57528681

Axel prefers being around jp celebs (vcr) because he can hunt cute jp girls
