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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57452318 No.57452318 [Reply] [Original]

>holostar mop the floor with the girls
>clippers ignore that and only clip the girls highlights
Even the clippers know their audience better than cover kek

>> No.57452380
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>> No.57452555

I admire Yagoo for making it possible in the first place.

>> No.57452685

Well you have to understand that the vast majority of the stream was holostars making the girls eat shit. It's not that feasible for the purpose of clipping.

>> No.57452834

lol Botan had her hag ass beat like a slave through the entire match. It was sad.

>> No.57452884

>Botam hag ass beat
Oooohhh erection

>> No.57453165

If it's the opposite there'll be lots of clips showing how good the girls are, clippers know that holostar beating the girls isn't that attractive

>> No.57453563

WTF? Couldn't they go a little softer on them?

>> No.57453695

>dva bomb
>fps skills

The clippers are clearly retarded.

>> No.57453787

kys clipfag

>> No.57453800

Come on, you're more retarded because you know more about overwatch than the clippers.

>> No.57453957

your oshi got FUCKED, HARD, NO MERCY

>> No.57453979

Even if you don't know anything about OW, it's easily visible that there's no skill involved when you press a button and tons of people die. I get the OW hate but you clearly see a bomb and there's d.va from pornhub there, you homo.

>> No.57454256

No one gives a single fuck about Holostars, who would watch clip of them? The most viewers that one of the dudes had in the event is 1,3k, they're litteral nobodies.

>> No.57454349

Clippers falsifying and rewriting history, no better than commie chinks

>> No.57454432

Aren’t we supposed to cheer on the underdog? Why is everyone trashing the underdog

>> No.57454588

>there's d.va from pornhub

>> No.57454622

not when the underdog will FUCK my vtuber ON STREAM and CUM INSIDE her WOMB making her PREGNANT while I WATCH

>> No.57454769

Mental illness required to get off to cuck shit like this?

>> No.57454844

Based YouTube thumbnail clickbait poster

>> No.57454870

They won the match though, the girls had both the underdog and the girl buff. Homostars in shambles.

>> No.57454974

Ah you are approaching underdog in terms of skill, but what about underdog in terms of support? Clearly the underdog in that regard was Holostars

>> No.57455003

Clippers just follow the money.
Cover meanwhile is willing to literally set piles of money on fire just to push their homostar agenda (see Tempiss)

>> No.57455008

Nobody asked for homostars in the first place and they've been here regardless for at least 2 years I think. If they were "under dogs" their time to win us over has long passed. At this point they're rodents that won't go away no matter how much we push them away.

>> No.57455221

>Botan had her hag ass beat like a slave
yeah, by me

>> No.57455348
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A shame those skills couldn't save them from such a humiliating loss. Maybe stay in your lane and stick to your LGBT bullshit.

>> No.57455479


>> No.57455581

That's not how underdog stories really work. You need a combination of a disadvantaged situation + passion against all odds. The odds of winning were always in the Stars' favor. Lacking support is part of the narrative, but doesn't work as the main part of the narrative. Like how would you write a compelling underdog narrative for Stars?

>> No.57455585

Never really played OW, but i heard that it's not that easy to carry, if your team sucks then it's over.

>> No.57455666

Come on guys, the dude was clearly sarcastic.

>> No.57455677

>Expecting the schizo seaweed to hold back

>> No.57455700

Usually the underdog in terms of both skill and support are on the same side but in this case they were split between the two sides dependent on which definition you use and prioritize.

Honestly this sounds more like Hololive fans aren't ready for esports. Kind of makes one wonder if they have ever competed in sports or at the least can comprehend how things are supposed to work.

>> No.57455786

I didn't even watched the clip retard, I'll never watch anything related with males vtubers, I'm not a fag that watches a man behind an anime png

>> No.57455838

>Like how would you write a compelling underdog narrative for Stars?
Unrecognized but talented sports league not given their due and finally get a chance to prove themselves against a much more celebrated league while the fans are overwhelmingly dismissive of them being relevant at all and licking their lips at the thought of the Holostars sports league being dissolved due to lack of funds/support/recognition. They make the most of their moment in the sun and beat the more celebrated sports league of Hololive Girls.

>> No.57455863

>We have to support the cause
>twinks behind anime png
I don't know, to me male vtubers are way more lgbt than holos

>> No.57455939


>> No.57456045

Because yuribaiting isn't gay and whatever mental gymnastics you faggot /vt/rannies come up with. Your board is a joke RUMAO.

>> No.57456069

>Honestly this sounds more like Hololive fans aren't ready for esports.
Why would holofag want to watch some retarded fps esport, they could just watch vspo. That like saying niji/vspo are not ready to join idol journey.

>> No.57456188

We cheer for the underdog because usually they are trying their best. This time the "underdogs" are being handed the stage in a silver platter by the company.

>> No.57456220

Sarcasm and autism do not mesh well

>> No.57456352

Except for this scenario the "more celebrated sports league" had a disadvantage of having to prepare for multiple concerts and events that pay for your underdogs to even exist.

>> No.57456407

I mean, Aruran for half the map I watched was just flinging himself around in circles as the hamster ball thing. I really doubt the Stars were doing much besides playing around.

>> No.57457029

Ogey tourist, take one or two screenshots and go back to /v/irgins

>> No.57457418
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The Holo girls should have had Fareeha (female OW content creator) as a coach and the stars should have had some male OW streamer like emongg to balance it out.

>> No.57457590

The boys fucked around half the game, otherwise it would be more than simple rape, it would be genocide.

>> No.57457666

>Praising a clipnigger
go back

>> No.57457677

>baiting gay shit
>Isn't gay
Uh huh

>> No.57457760

>girls lose in video games
Seems pretty accurate on average. Botan is the exception which proves the rule.

>> No.57457763

>Except for this scenario the "more celebrated sports league" had a disadvantage of having to prepare for multiple concerts and events that pay for your underdogs to even exist.
You can paint them as overconfident and dismissive of the lesser league thus they thought nothing of overburdening themselves since they think they are just. that. much. better. and could never lose. Arrogance and Pride go before the Fall.

>> No.57457917

I think you're both overthinking this and it was literally as simple as "hey, we need some warm bodies to play Overwatch, we'll cut you a check for it afterward, segregated teams btw".

>> No.57457950
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>Boys immediately start training as soon as the announcement is made
>Girls didn't care and fucked around, half had to calm raging unicorns from going berserk
>Girls lose so hard the boys had to nerf themselves mid-match
Hard Work betrays no one, bitches

>> No.57458062

As if one day would make a difference, Irys and Lui needs to play for weeks with a pro couch to get near the worst holostar in this tournament

>> No.57458359

Sir, this is a vtuer board I don't give an iota of a fuck about esports. Judging by how hard you want them to be "undrdog" I'm assuming your one of the faggots who was in the collab.

>> No.57458365

I honestly think they could have made it more even if the girls actually cared about team comps. I would have swapped Dva for Sigma, Baptiste for Mercy and Ana for Zenyatta. It's not that I think IryS needed to healbot either; Mercy's damage boost combined with Towa putting a Discord orb on targets would have helped Lui and Chloe delete basically any hero barring the Tank. Plus Zenyatta would have let Towa focus on FPS things while letting her orbs debuff/heal while she shoots.

>> No.57458379

Oh I'm not trying to approach this as a rational explanation of reality, I'm just taking on the other anon's challenge of how do you give the Holostars an 'underdog' narrative. Its alot easier than I expected and I'm just channeling my Disney childhood and love for the Mighty Ducks movies.

>> No.57458475

She's not as good as some shitters here claimed her to be.

>> No.57458591

The Mighty Ducks movies were shit. Mystery, Alaska and Goon are better.

>> No.57458746

She was stuck as a tank, the only tanks that would have really let her showcase FPS skills are Sigma, Junker Queen and Zarya. She should have been on Sojourn with one of the Supports going Mercy to damage boost.

>> No.57458758

Girls can't play video games

>> No.57458867

Who the fuck asked for esports? I'm not a fat sweaty man or a skinny asian teen, I don't give a shit about esport. I just want these homos to do their own shit if they love it so much, no one cares about them here, all due respect.

>> No.57458938

you fuckers are unironically worried about a holoJP will be fucked by a holostar as if you expected them to willingly give up their comfy japanese lifestyle and fly 500+ miles around the world to marry you in your awful country
JPtubers are purely for entertainment and cooming

>> No.57458954

Of course they did, they're men.
We don't watch female VTubers because they're good at video games.

>> No.57459108

You know that you could just take it as the girls doing a collab and queuing against randoms, right? Because that's literally it, plus the chat seems like it's even deactivated metaphorically speaking. And no, clippers don't know their audience better, you only tune in to what stream you want to watch the ignore the other one.

>> No.57459129

>Boys immediately start training as soon as the announcement is made
4/5 of them were spamming rust and they only played overwatch like once. If anything, stars play a shit ton of games together in general so they have better teamwork.

>> No.57459141

>Pretending the boys don’t have their own dedicated clippers

>> No.57459155

Homostars don't get popular clips unless they have some female interaction or mention. Never seen anything like it

>> No.57459297

They were holding back. Astel at some point tried to go full throttle and wiped by himself all the girls team.

>> No.57459329

>only way to succeed as a male vtuber is to be surrounded by women and banter with them
Are homo watchers actual, unironic cucks?

>> No.57459376

>girls said that they don't have time for practice
>Hard Work betrays no one, bitches
certified retard

>> No.57459399

No, they self inserts as the girls
t. Shojokek

>> No.57459550


>> No.57460064
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>pro couch
Goddamn, this mental image...

>> No.57460121

Anon that you replied to here: Is the narrative even applicable? What do you mean by "unrecognized", do you mean lack of viewers? In that case, let's define sports league. If by sports league, you mean skill/ability in OW, I'm pretty sure everyone recognized that Stars should win. Everyone was questioning whether the girls even had a reasonable chance. From what it reads like, by "sports league" you mean fan base. So who is the narrative for? Because winning or losing the tournament has no bearing on your narrative.
>Stars wins tournament. "Oh, Stars win as expected. Congrats"
>Stars loses tournament. "Oh, we thought Stars were better at FPS, congrats to Hololive for pulling the surprise win."
In your narrative, what would be the resolutions in the case of them winning and losing?

>> No.57460205
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Why Fubuki is made for sex? Always that I search holo in pixiv she's in of the top spots no matter what hashtag that I use

>> No.57460230

I want to see a homostar mlg montage to the tune of let the bodies hit the floor just to see how bad they can make the hologirls look.

>> No.57460265

Resolution for them losing: Rocky 1 ending
Resolution for them winning: Karate Kid 1 ending

>> No.57460735

I guess by "them" you mean Hololive? Maybe I'm misremembering because in both cases Rocky and Daniel were not the expected winners.

>> No.57461193

Not him but it is strange that I can never get a hard on with frendo. I had raging boner for pretty much all the other holos, but not Foob.
Not fanart, not MMD either. She's too pure for me. At most I can jack off to cosplay.

>> No.57461411

i've unsubbed from clippers for making holostars clips.

>> No.57461592

All I see is a cringe sponsored event the girls rightly didn't even practice for. We didn't come to hololive to watch this. Maybe management could take a hint.

>> No.57461598
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>Who the fuck asked for esports?
These guys

>> No.57461857

Thoughts on Kurokami?

>> No.57462266

sorry anon she said she could still play well if we fucked doggy while she streamed

>> No.57462343

Maybe next time include the FPS gamers in the event at least.

>> No.57463021

Youtube is pretty good for me, I never got recommended holostar clips, besides once with that oboretai cuck

>> No.57464153

I was starting to forget how fucking retarded cover fans are with their fucking fake positivity, claiming that the homos are amazing and everyone should watch them but they still don't watch them, sucking the company's balls and acting like the girls didn't get destroyed.

>> No.57464489

> fake positivity
It's white knight syndrome that brutalizes any expression of negativity.

>> No.57464789

I seen people say that everyone supports that, how the fuck all the homos together had less viewers than a single pov from the girls if everyone supports it

>> No.57464971

>pushed by the corporate

>> No.57465668

None of the Holostars play Overwatch. Most of them play Apex and Valorant. The Holostars Rust Season 2 is also going on and most of the people on that team have been doing almost a week straight of 5-10 hour streams. The difference is the Holostars actually play games. Almost all of the ones in that team besides Miyabi and maybe Uyu have played in at least one tournament.

>> No.57465767

im not ill enough for this shit

>> No.57466229

>she scored 45% of the kills

>they still overwhelmingly lost

What a bunch of fucking dead weight

>> No.57466796

Damn, was she the tank?

>> No.57467005
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It was 33%. The issue with the girls was their dps was doing the same dps as the healers while the boys dps actually put out proper dps. Can't be helped really. They put their newbies on dps because there is less for them to do and they don't know the game.

>> No.57467083

tanks can afford to be very aggressive in this kusoge so it's not unheard of that they get the most damage and participate in the most kills, those statistics aren't very out of the ordinary

>> No.57467424

I stood corrected, it should’ve just been Botan vs Astel

>> No.57467821

Irys and Lui are terrible. Irys at least has the excuse of being healer, but what was Lui doing?

>> No.57468336 [DELETED] 
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No one cares if a guy is good at video games. It's expected of him to be better than girls.

>> No.57468599

The game was literally that Tribes meme of "practiced Hololive girls team playing on $4000 PCs" vs "Holostars on 128kbps toasters who were hungover and scrambled their team together the morning of the match"

>> No.57468636


>> No.57468859

Botan on dps would have been the only thing that could have worked. But then Towa would have to tank, which would have been fine but then Irys would have to carry heals on her own.

>> No.57468943


>> No.57469184


>> No.57469319

holy based

>> No.57469328

Botan was the real winner there, so there's no way around it.

Yeah sure, men are better yadda yadda, but that there was not men vs women, it was 5 men vs 1 woman and 4 babies

>> No.57469448

don't ask about how holofags hyped up korone in SF6 and how she did in a SF6 tourney

>> No.57469669

I would probably feel like a winner too if I was a hag that got gangbanged by 5 grown men

>> No.57469685

but enough about your mom

>> No.57469773

My mom can take 9, Botan should learn to use her elbows and knees before they give out

>> No.57469810

Wow japanese fans are vocal about Horizontal and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way every girl was curbstomped and the whole mixed unit pushing. I guess they were holding out hope for the boys to stop being shilled. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have the unit disbanded. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.

>> No.57469845

Stop watching the homos, faggot.

>> No.57469946 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.57470614

>believing women

>> No.57470766
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Did you have to phrase it like that anon

>> No.57471646

Not really. In the first match Astel was basically absent and the Stars still steamrolled the Holos. After that Miyabi 'suggested' Aruran to play with other characters as tanks (because Aruran only knows how to play one character) and still the matches were one sided.

>> No.57473035

Cover hates it's talents? For the girls there's no benefit from this(besides money, but they already have plenty and I doubt it's worth enough to cause drama over it)and for the guys there's no benefit too since they won't get new viewers and will just gain haters and their fans already are tired of being treated like worms

>> No.57476735


>> No.57479605
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>2nd highest dmg as the tank while having to babysit a bunch of dead weights
Kek she's in her own league

>> No.57479966


>Thumbnail says POTG Botan
>The actual POTG in that match was Astel who wiped them right after the Botan moment


>> No.57480389 [DELETED] 

She should team up with better players males next time.

>> No.57480648

Same situation with StartEnd and Aqua

>> No.57480832

towa shouldve dps and lui glued to botans ass with mercy

>> No.57480959

Men are just better than women, they even have to gender segregate simple games like Chess.

>> No.57481235

But then she'd go from being the best player on the team to being the worst.

>> No.57482714

Lmao, who? Holostars?
They'd still drag her down.

>> No.57483135

>Honestly this sounds more like Hololive fans aren't ready for esports
I don't want esports in Hololive. And its even worse because they tell the girls telling them "it's only for fun" so they go in casual and then get crushed and look bad.
If they want to have the tryhards play together, fine, but when they are bringing in the casuals it's no longer cool.

>> No.57483213

Those incels need to fucking know their inferior place.

>> No.57483516
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They would have gotten bent over and raped with any amount of training anon. Women are simply inferior to men in any form of competition outside of simp gathering. You don't watch these girls for their awe inspiring gameplay.

>> No.57483687

If you look at the absolute top, sure, it's dominated by males. Holostars aren't the absolute top, in fact they aren't even the best players of the company they belong to.

>> No.57483776

I fucking kneel

>> No.57484863

The problem was they couldn't balance the teams without mixing genders. You can't have fun in competitive games when there's a massive skill gap, unless you enjoy losing every single time and doing zero damage. They also had their newest players on DPS which is the hardest role, and a damage dealing support that's useless if you can't aim well. If they went on easy heroes like Reinhardt and Mercy and let botan and tower play DPS then they would have had a chance to win a round. Stars had their worst player on an easy tank so he was still useful. Also I'm guessing nobody here actually watched the stream but at one point astel was disconnected and standing completely still and botan just gunned him down Kek

>> No.57484983

i'm shocked that a team of people that struggle with the basics of minecrat had a bad time adapting to a game that requires adderall to understand what's going on

>> No.57485351

Kek holostars antis are getting so desperate that they are resorting to a petition? And everyone knows those things never work 90 percent of the time.

>> No.57486001

You know who is trying to put a stop to that though.

>> No.57486053

>japanese fans are vocal about Horizontal and they are not happy
You say that as if anyone was happy with it. This event has been a total shitshow no matter what angle you look at it from.

>> No.57487132

The problem is why are they giving stars important sponsorship money. They should have done Aqua vs. Botan with the 1st army as supports.

>> No.57487439

>Holostar anti
Their biggest antis are the homobeggar, turning even neutral Holofan against the homo

>> No.57487588

Why do japs always have those weird announcers...? in their tv shows, too.
Does anyone know what I'm trying to say?

>> No.57489473
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>> No.57490001
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Anything you want to say?

>> No.57490084
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A male vtuber in love with a female vtuber.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

>> No.57490510
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>> No.57494962

I just don't get why it couldn't be R6 or CS:GO instead of this horseshit.

>> No.57494968

> not even posting the petition
Anon i want to sign it.... where it is?

>> No.57495184


>> No.57495400

Blizzard money, well, Microsoft money.

>> No.57495742

>lui glued to botan's ass
I like this idea

>> No.57495784

homostars should stfu before they get doxxed and harassed

>> No.57495869

Mainly by based Astel.

>> No.57496075

valve never pays for marketing and ubisoft only cares about twitch

>> No.57496109

That’s literally how you play that character properly. You are unkillable even if you are in the open on top the objective. It is fucking obnoxious and you can dive whenever you want from that position

>> No.57496579

fuck, you got me

>> No.57496926

they could've camped them into the spawn easily if they tried

>> No.57497099

Cover's takeaway from this one-sided stomp is going to be mixed gender teams next time.

>> No.57497175

The petition doesn't exist !

>> No.57497264

i'm sure the girls also learned it's a lot of trouble if they participate in this shit.

>> No.57497416

>i'm sure the girls also learned it's a lot of trouble if they participate in this shit.
Of the five, only Irys and Lui would dodge

>> No.57498588

goddamn its been so long since ive read this pasta

>> No.57498772

>>believing women
Well, yeah.

>> No.57498964

chloe also maybe, her numbers were a lot lower than usual. she can say one thing, but numbers matter.

>> No.57499480

What do you mean fps skill tengoku nigger a DVa bomb doesn't even require to fucking aim you cocksucking fag.
Retarded idea to think this would have been competitive in the first place. If you want clear indication search for Fennel Female, they are the best japanese female teams playing in Valorant game changers (basically pro valorant for women) and they all play like a bunch of gold in a ranked match. All girl vs all guy team in a competitive video game could never work, even Aqua would get mopped on the floor by any random diamond guy in Apex in a 1v1 sce,arop.

>> No.57500212

>in fact they aren't even the best players of the company they belong to.
Just compare the rankings of them in SF VI and tell some holo that come close to it. Or watch Oga playing a plataformer versus any girl.

>> No.57500432

Ranking in SF VI is meaningless.

>> No.57500813

Well, show me some Holo that plays Mario Kart at 15K ranking points while doing zatsudan.

>> No.57500891

Retard newfriends

>> No.57502349

Now this is cope, Aqua is good in almost any game she plays, LOL she was great years ago, Apex she easily gets to master with trash teammates, in dark souls or Sekiro she had a speedrun in the top 500 and souls fags are huge autistic so being in the top 500 is quite impressive

>> No.57502695

The homos can do a double back flip and nobody would give a shit yet if a holo does a small jump thousands of people call that an incredible feat

>> No.57503302

They should stay away from OW like it's nuclear waste

>> No.57503973
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>even Aqua would get mopped on the floor by any random diamond guy in Apex in a 1v1
Holy mother of threadreading, the first thing Aqua did as soon as she reached Apex Master was winning a 1v1 vs a Pred, then got to champion with a 2-man team in the same game.

>> No.57504279

>>holostar mop the floor with the girls
Botan and Towa were the only players they had worth a shit.

>> No.57504333

Lmao even. Aqua is the best player in Cover and it's not even fucking close.

>> No.57504793

Because they were the sponsors? Too hard a concept to grasp? Company pay money; do game tournament from company who paid that money.

>> No.57505062

I’d watch. If they fuck I’d even cum?

>> No.57506208

Aqua, that name reminds me of someone. Oh, yes! That girl secluded herself for nearly six months after being embarrassed in front of everyone in Vsaikyo.

>> No.57506320


>> No.57506365

>talks about 1vs1 performance
>gets btfo
>change the goalpost to group performance

>> No.57506644
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>men... are better at games!?
Wow, next thing you'll tell me is that men are better at lifting weights!

>> No.57506810

>le vsaikyo
Your copes won't change that she's the best gamer in her company.

>> No.57507022

>best gamer
That's Korone.

>> No.57508075

Krone is the most prolific gamer, but definitely far from being the most skillful.
Unless you meant to make a joke about her generation, in which case I'd still give the title to Okayu.

>> No.57513790

Holostars are irrelevant

>> No.57513867

Aqua would turbo tilt against the homostars.

>> No.57514111

the shareholders, hololive was already behind nijisanji in japan for brand recognition and now they feel more and more threatened by VSPO so theyre gonna force talents who game casually to pretend to be pro gamers. this isnt going to be a dumpsterfire at all.

>> No.57514161
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one (1) onyon apex stream > hlzntl

>> No.57514164
File: 2.34 MB, 1546x1231, 123asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't people want to watch the ow2 event guys?

>> No.57514989

It would have been better if the boys only do the PvE and the PvP be girls vs girls.

>> No.57515488

Could. It would be their best bet.

>> No.57518144

well, there's an onion apex frame up now. so we'll see.

>> No.57519091

Me :)

>> No.57519281

anon. sarcasm reps

>> No.57519387

> I'm not a fat sweaty man or a skinny asian teen,
youre on vt

>> No.57521431

yes, the women are more established and have larger audiences. the Stars are still underdogs.

>> No.57521793

kind of funny that the practice sessions got more views than the actual event

>> No.57522720

Rankins don't mean shit except for bragging rights. Tournaments is where it's at.

>> No.57523758

>get free gibs from the big bad other branch, to the point that you are effectively on Hololive welfare
>management gives you disproportionate amount of support compared to your shit number
>by virtue of being a guy you are better at OW anyways
>But still nobody likes them :(
This is like a political movie where a governor wants to be president, uses government money for his campaign, gets approached by the CIA who tell him he has their support, and a few months before the vote the other candidate just stops giving speeches, but the movie still keeps going even thought every one knows the main character will win

>> No.57523835

yuribaiting is gay, it's just the faggots here refuse to accept it's gay that's how retarded /vt/ is

>> No.57527458

In that clip the girls are taking to the male announcers at the end. Did that cause any drama or did all the fans just justify it with another excuse of “well that doesn’t count because…”?

>> No.57529165

Holding back so hard Astel dc'ed in the first game but the girls still lost 4v5 kek

>> No.57529396

They gave them all a head start knowing that only Botan likely played beyond copper AIs

>> No.57529648

Menhera seaweed is a better term

>> No.57529869

We cheered on underdogs that try to claw their way up, not some underdogs that stay in their comfort zone doing fuck all
Only Roberu is worth it considering his efforts

>> No.57529986

The perfect example of underdogs in HoloJP is Miko and Suisei, and maybe Sora to a certain extent
Stars should learn a thing or two from them for the underdogs feel

>> No.57530283

You're fucking moron. She's is one of most popular girls in HoloJP. Miko is her own thing. Only Sora can be considered underdog.

>> No.57530639

They did it for Microsoft sponsorship money. And people hate both OW and the collab. Lose lose situation

>> No.57532172

>Didn't know about story of the adopted children of Hololive
Lurk more and do your holo history reps, newfag
They were the underdogs that successfully claw their way up to become the top dogs
>Miko was a complete shitter in Hololive
She was even worse than current Aruran
The complete shitter in StarsJP would be Uyu, right? She was something like Uyu in her early days
But unlike Uyu, Miko streamed diligently
>Suisei was an indie that almost gave up on her vtubing career and almost got rejected by Cover
She was also the shitter of Hololive, although her situation is a bit better than Miko
I won't spoonfeed you too much, but you can try to look up Sakura Miko project and Suisei during her time as an indie and vsinger in INNK
HolostarsJP...is quite a lost cause at this point
I was quite neutral with HolostarsJP because Yagoo was the one who scouted Miko and keep supporting her when she was a shitter, so I respect his saviorfagging tendency, but that doesn't mean StarsJP should just stay in their comfort zone and waiting for Cover to hand them opportunities
They should try to pull a Roberu because it works for him
I still won't accept the idea of Holostars and Hololive unity, though
I guess people weren't joking when they said there will be a time when newfags won't know about Coco

>> No.57532245

>Only Sora can be considered underdog.
Aki and mel would like to have a word with you
(flare too, to some extent)

>> No.57532511

it's hilarious seeing poeple say "oh people didn't watch it because they dislike overwatch, it has nothing to do with holostars", and yet we see them doing an overwatch collab without holostars two days prior and it literally did twice as well

>> No.57533430

Because of the whole Tempus fiasco, people are afraid they will get shit on if they utter a single word of disagreement on Hololive and Holostars collab

>> No.57533895

This always get me, they must be ignoring it by purpose, the only difference between the two streams are the MCs and the homos, the MCs never been a problem so the only thing remaining is the homos

>> No.57534366

i like how overwatch lists it as k/a/d instead of the usual k/d/a so the brain doesn't immediately recognize how terrible these scores are
