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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57361955 No.57361955 [Reply] [Original]

did you rike it?

>> No.57362010

Is this a shitpost? Why would the meme /mu/ man review kiara over mori?

>> No.57362035

/mu/ doesn't even like this guy anymore

>> No.57362055
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because orange woman

>> No.57362122

I hate this fucking soiboi.

>> No.57362164

light to decent 6

>> No.57362177

Damn, I went to check

>> No.57362183

Because even /mu/ knows all rap is shit, white woman rap being just downright garbage.

>> No.57362237

Kiara's chicken voice makes my ears bleed and her music isn't very good. Without the blue dorito label you wouldn't give 2 shits about this album.

>> No.57362240

Isn't this guy getting sued? Also, views on album reviews don't seem that good. Barely cracking 100k on most of them. The only recent album that seems to be doing well is a review of a Travis Scott album with over 1 million views and I can guess that he hated it because angry reviews tend to do well regardless of quality of the reviewer.

>> No.57362253

He hated it btw

>> No.57362307

People will try and disagree with you, but ain’t no one rushing out to cake albums.

>> No.57362312

Travis Scott the infamous Astroworld murderer? I guess the blood ritual worked if they're still letting him make music.

>> No.57362357


>> No.57362389

Even with the blue Dorito I don't give a shit about this album

>> No.57362395

How he has fallen

>> No.57362480

I've seen this guy meme'd for years but never watched a video. What do you do to review music other than
say stuff like "I liked this part", "this part didn't fit well with the rest of the song"

>> No.57362709
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I only care about picrel opinions in music.
He even hated Suisei's first take of stellar stellar, said it was dog shit. KEK

>> No.57362859

Pineapple is amazing

>> No.57362885

I love how he has a normalfag alogging community surrounding her>>57362709

>> No.57362953


>> No.57362973

Nice fake. He's never even dared touch Mori.

>> No.57362991

Don't forget to check it out!


>> No.57363218

Hey, I'm a little lost, is this the e-celeb thread where I can get "famous" people to tell me how to think about things?

>> No.57363247

absolutely zero vtuber songs are actually good, in the same way absolutely zero vtubers are actually entertaining
this "hobby" has no place for any objective standards
you're supposed to like stuff because it's cute

>> No.57363253

Stellar stellar is a bad song

>> No.57363273

No, it’s just Kiara seethe o’clock. We already have like 4 orange catalog threads.

>> No.57363301

This is the gossip board where you get random anons to tell you how to think about things. I hope this helps!

>> No.57363380

>her music isn't very good
Wrong. Kiara's songs get millions and millions of plays thus confirming her music is good.
>Without the blue dorito label you wouldn't give 2 shits about this album.
The Kiara anti is also a Hololive anti? Color me shocked kek

>> No.57363399

You can almost smell this anon’s BO as he furiously resets his router to keep reporting this thread

>> No.57363480

Seething/jealous 2view spotted

>> No.57363520


>> No.57363525

Because even melonhead knows she sucks

>> No.57363588

You fell for the same shit being used to market the songs, except from the other end, you idiot.
99% of the time the songs aren't written, mixed or produced by the vtuber, at the most (if they actually give a shit) they supply vague concepts and the songwriter does the actual work.
Their biggest involvement is their voice which is just an instrument like any other to the producer.
Especially for vtubers, every song generally has a completely different team working on it. Yet hundreds of composers and producers are suddenly cursed to produce trash just because the lead vocals come from a person labelled as a vtuber?
It's like saying an album is utter trash if its cover is yellow. It's asinine.

>> No.57363628

No anon, only niche indie artists with 4 listeners are true musicians, just like 2views are the only good chuubas.

>> No.57363637

She has an album?

>> No.57363777

Too much autotune or whatever it is that industry uses these days.

>> No.57364240

Yeah but it’s cool to pretend like I’m too good for chuuba music.

>> No.57364260

wtf this bitch has an album now? what the fuck are the "best" singers in EN doing? KEK

>> No.57364366

is this the egg guy kfp are always going on about?

>> No.57364510

realistically, how much he would actually rate it? 3? 4?

>> No.57364574

2 at best.
melonguy only likes kpop and rap

>> No.57365737

Wouldn't it be higher then? The album is very much kpop inspired. Heck, some of the writers for the songs wrote for LOONA.

>> No.57365873

Isn't he the pedophile who changed his name tot Magus after the character from Chrono Trigger? Or is that some fleshtuber who shaves his head to hide how old he is?

>> No.57365905

He would give Mori a 0/10 and the deadbeat cope would be hilarious.

>> No.57366008


>> No.57366073

cant find his video
is this just shitposting?

>> No.57366169

I like Suisei and her singing, but good lord I really don't understand the hype that exists around Stellar Stellar

>> No.57366258

They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.57366520

Can't trust any opinion about Kiara on this board anymore after multiple instances of some retard samefagging his anti posts. So I gave it a listen and liked 3 out of the 5 songs especially Retrospective and the great wanderer, really fucking good. Didn't like the autotune in Pineapple and Love Rush sounded very generic. Sleep Talking was alright.

>> No.57366816

>listens to the rymturbofaggot
anon, there wasn't any need to publicly humiliate yourself like this

>> No.57366984

Sorry anon, i was just baiting, i think he's a sad person who seems to thrive in hating things.

>> No.57367098

Lol that EP had over 3.4 on RYM before that video came out.

>> No.57367227

wtf is that NL

>> No.57367316

Anon you have to understand, my father monitors all of my online activity and he will beat me again if he finds out I like HimeHina and Hachi.

>> No.57367524

It just seems to me that Jpop isn't for this guy at all.

>> No.57368049

he gave inochi a 10 so his opinion on all things music is objectively correct

>> No.57368876

did your dad see the hachi ruler picture and decide she's a bad influence?

>> No.57369011

It's more like an EP, only 5 new songs and the rest are old releases tacked on

>> No.57369167

the songs are bad because they suck, not because they're associated with vtubers
I don't think non vtuber pop songs are good either for that matter

>> No.57369282

yes kiara makes everything worse great to see you understand

>> No.57369394


>> No.57369409

Marine's orisongs sans 出航 are bangers because she actually cares.

>> No.57369643

Unison is her only good song

>> No.57369672

He told me if I listen to this crap I probably don’t have the equipment to measure up to expectations like that.

>> No.57369968

I remember watching one of his album reviews, it seemed like he couldn't even articulate what was bad, just vagueposted shit like "muh mixing bad"

>> No.57370104
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>> No.57370244
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The Great Wanderer is her best song to date and now my personal favourite HoloEN original period.

>> No.57370571

TGW, Retrospective and Sleep Talking- god tier
Pineapple and Love Rush- still good, will probably be better with a performance and choreo

>> No.57370582

Her music is pretty decent definitely more better then 90% shit non holos put out there.

>> No.57370642

He should review specter lmao he will get big views

>> No.57370713

This guy just dosent get jpop he is also kind of mentally ill, 6 feet under was produced by TK it's a great song, so is her Collab song with Roel.

>> No.57370764

It's like #8 on worldwide billboard so his openion is trash lmao

>> No.57370775

Do you have a link to that?

>> No.57370864

>popular = good

Oh. Guess the best song of all time is Blinding Lights by The Weekend with 3.7 billion streams on Spotify.

>> No.57370951

It has more views means it suits more peoples music taste that is all there is to it, music especially is heavily dependent on taste as everyone at some level perceives sounds and the emotion in the music differently.

>> No.57371039


>> No.57371115

Damn baby shark really is the best song ever.

>> No.57371147

>definitely more better
Uh huh, surely an utterly trustworthy source of intellectual and well informed music discourse right here

>> No.57371196

No. No it doesn't. People can listen to music for more reasons than sheer musical enjoyment. For example, Friday by Rebecca Black. More popular than anything Kiara will ever make, still a shit song but it was so shit that people found it funny to listen to. Harlem Shake, a shit song that got popular because of the associated meme. I assume lots of Kiara's listeners are people who see her as her oshi and want to support her regardless of if the music is shit or not bexause they want to encourage her to keep going and get better.

>> No.57371250

I watch anime romance and i've never seen something so cringe in my life. Thanks anon, but i feel you missed the massive sarcasm. Also fuck this leech.

>> No.57371496

my comment was sarcasm in the first place, I had hoped the
>objectively correct
bit made it clear. I don't consume critic content, not even ironically.

>> No.57371606

Ok, I didn't really get Pineapple on the first few listens, but it's been a day later and I can't get it out of my head. It's as catchy as a parasite.

>> No.57371885

Based Hachi enjoyer

>> No.57372367

Yeah for babies it is, literally

>> No.57372740

The thing about this guy is that he has been shitting on DDs songs since forever (even before she became a holo i think) then she gets into holo and suddenly becomes a billboard artist so he is definitely seetheing and heavily biased against her.
He dosent even know shit about vtubers he literally said "Most vtuber songs are bad and are proppeled to the top by marketing" bitch the early vsingers have worked for countless hours on pennies and made countless songs to make this medium as relevent as it is, yeah myth did get the whole en community handed to them by their JP senpais dosent mean they haven't grinded to get as big as they are especially mori who has worked more then anyone in her own gen or the en community.

>> No.57372816

>jelous 3 view fleshretards try to fish clout by causing fake drama
wow amazing how about you end your lives? Your mother is disappointed in you anyway.

>> No.57372882

>The thing about this guy is that he has been shitting on DDs songs since forever (even before she became a holo i think) then she gets into holo and suddenly becomes a billboard artist so he is definitely seetheing and heavily biased against her
Wouldn't that reinforce that he simply doesn't like her music? At least it doesn't imply that he gives her bad scores because he's mad or jealous or something. He trashed her before, he's trashing her now. No change.
And most Vtuber songs are basic and boring shit- by design, even. They're just the most bland jpop idoru shit possible.

>> No.57373016

Seems to be doing well going by Kworb and Ototoy. Not to Mori / Suisei's EP / Album ranking for the first day yet, but was pretty close to around IRyS's EPs level (give or take) and is clearly ahead of Bae's.
All in all, should be a success.

>> No.57373252
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I will check full Fever Night because it's Astrophysics, but I already know it ain't no HOPE LEFT ME kinda stuff

>> No.57373256

>completely butchered inochi with shit tier editing
react "content" is unironically a blight upon the internet

>> No.57373372

isn't this guy going through a divorce too. kinda trashy desu

>> No.57373411

atp I'm not sure what it is, but I really dislike all VTuber music. Like, I haven't heard a single good song and I'm thinking it's as simple as "if they were good at it, they'd actually be artists"

Maybe that's a little harsh and it's just a mental block though, idk

>> No.57373746

It is a pretty good song, I gotta admit, although I prefer Rainychs cover of it because it's in Japanese.
Same with doja cats songs Kiss Me More and Say So, they're great songs ruined by Dojas crude lyrics and "nigga nigga bix nood feed my pussy dick nigga", Rainych fixed that

>> No.57373864

Well, not something I would listen myself, but as far as normie radio music goes it's not that bad.

>> No.57374048
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>> No.57374862

>although I prefer Rainychs cover of it because it's in Japanese.
holy shit thisnis the most egregious and unironic case of weeabooism (in its original meaning) I've seen in years.

>> No.57374899

you will never be japanese

>> No.57374994

I listen to every white woman making music in Japan since I discovered ORIGA (rest in peace)

>> No.57375065

>constantly shits on japanese music artists
"Why are my fans racist against asians?"

>> No.57375100

he shot himself in the foot when he started talking about politics. bitch i'm here to listen to you talk about music, i don't fucking care about your preachy rants and your retarded communist talking points, faggot

>> No.57375119

Good, it's better because it's in Japanese and not in a nigger language.

>> No.57375172


>> No.57375239

No one here is speaking Indian or Indonesian though

>> No.57375498

Fever Night is absolute shit because she left a friend write the lyrics. The writer mainly does rap, and it's shit rap. On top of that she didn't account for Kiara's esl-isms so there's a bunch of clunky lines in there that don't fit the song/beat. Fever Night is THE WORST Kiara song by a mile. Fuck Pinkii.

>> No.57375525

These guys are like the personification of shitty hipster music forums. Both /mu/ and RYM are the worst they have ever been. Honestly I believe they used to be good ways to find cool new releases (especially rym) but now if you go look at the 2023 chart it is mostly hip hop and pop for some reason. Seens strange that the pretentious music nerds all circled back around to thinking hip hop is the best music somehow.
Another thing about rym, and these two reviewrs, is that they all seem to hate Japanese music for some reason? It is constantly gets shit on, gets terrible reviews. Very rare anything Japanese gets over a 3.5 or even gets in the charts. Don't know what causes this.
They all love Korean music though. There is some strange bias against Japanese things on from these people.

>> No.57375771

Good, so only have to put up with one nigger language, english

>> No.57375793

>Doesn't listen to the full song
>Talks over the portion he does listen to
>Hits *Dog shit* button and makes a degrading comment
Saved you from watching any of his Mori videos. I actually felt a tiny bit of respect towards him when he said not to bully Mori or her fans...but then he just kept milking the same crap and fostering the same crowd of unoriginal antis as fans.

>> No.57375865

Because K-Pop is extremely popular and has a known rabbid fanbase. It's easy views , comments, and engagment if you give it a decent rating.

>> No.57376138

It's the worst song on the album.
>On top of that she didn't account for Kiara's esl-isms so there's a bunch of clunky lines
I don't think those lines would work even if a native speaker sang them.
But while the lyrics are shit, it's not what's making the song bad. The song is bad, because they don't understand 80s music and it's way too busy.

>> No.57376179


>> No.57376278

total nigger death

>> No.57376379

>I don't think those lines would work even if a native speaker sang them.
Specify which lines, please?

>> No.57376485

I found it on her channel just few minutes after posting, I'm pretty sure it was never uploaded to Astrophysics channels so I had no idea it's an older song.
>clunky lines in there that don't fit the song/beat.
That's definitely the biggest problem that had me scratching my head right away. I will just pretend this song doesn't exist.

>> No.57376530

Lol I watched his MCR vid long ago

>> No.57376536

Someone drop the fantano pasta

>> No.57376543

just listen to the instrumental man, astrophysics is legit great

>> No.57376547

It's surprisingly fine. Too much autotune, but I think the kpop thing works really well for Kiara.
It would have worked better as EP and would have felt more cohesive, but this is the best holoen release.

>> No.57376602

For me its when he had a full on psychotic break over one of Mori's RM songs.

>> No.57376668

I like Moona's High Tide and Finana's Tsunami, they feel like real songs

>> No.57376669

If you didn’t know about Fever Night I guess you also didn’t know about the better Kiara x Astrophysics collab:

>> No.57376777 [DELETED] 

I hate the fact I was born in a english speaking country and want to off myself because i get bullied by people like you and I'm going to do it today you've made me finally snap

>> No.57376859

Total Kiara Graduation
she needs to go

>> No.57376861

Is there something this bald fuck doesn't hate?

>> No.57376886

You really making me listen to the shit song again? Bruh. Try to sing "I need a thrilling red-hot melody" at 1:53 without it sounding clunky.
It has the problem a lot of english songs have, that were written by japanese. Too many words. Except it was written by an american.

>> No.57376941

Post skin colour

>> No.57376957

Yeah I didn't want to be wrong when I said it but there were a few monents that you could really hear while she was moving up notes that it sounded realllyy choppy.

>> No.57377000

Astrophysics is the only reason I took a long at that album, yeah. This one is a bit better, but generally I lean more towards songs like Trouble Making Friends, so not exactly my vibe anyway.

>> No.57377004

>written by an american.
An American who has been Japanized, so she has the English lyrical sense of a Japanese person

>> No.57377012

I was about to say, Pinkii isn't Japanese, she just sucks at writing lyrics.

>> No.57377046

>it is mostly hip hop and pop for some reason
>strange that the pretentious music nerds all circled back around to thinking hip hop is the best music somehow
That's because media is owned by [REDACTED]. They own major news sites in west are pushing nigger culture (like Pitchfork is doing it for quite a while), as result pretentious vocal hipsters like melonhead are joining the ride to get clout, and dumbasses from RYM and /mu/ consume that garbage thinking that it's new age Mozart. I don't mind (goo)kpop but I hate how shilled hiphop is today like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.57377126

There is no need to samefag anonchama

>> No.57377203

I don't know who is that and I not care about Kiara but see that man make me feel more worries about to be bald

>> No.57377228

As far as mainstream music goes literally what is the alternative? Insanely boring pop music? Indie that's been beaten to death 10 years ago?

Of course there's a shitload of more obscure stuff out there that's great but that doesn't generate much public discussion because it's obscure.

Hip Hop is the only genre that's both popular and is at least kind of alive in terms of creative energy and good production.

>> No.57377362
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>defends hiphop
>reddit spacing

>> No.57377449

Astrophysics and Kira are both on that album apparently and I like both, so it can't be that bad

>> No.57377522

You didn't answer his question

>> No.57377627
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Name one (1) Austrian artist that you know beside Kiara.

You can't even point the country in the map if I ever give you one.

>> No.57377670

I'm not making the obvious joke

>> No.57377680

There was that one painter, what was his name again, anyone?

>> No.57377702


>> No.57378130

>Of course there's a shitload of more obscure stuff out there that's great but that doesn't generate much public discussion because it's obscure.
My gut feeling has been that there used to be much more discussion about that kind of stuff 5-10 years ago and you could see them rank on online charts like RYM despite the comparatively low number of voters. Indeed, the Internet revived a couple of sub-genres and movements thought dead. These days I feel like I'm running much more into kids who complain that radio pop isn't very complex (though I believe it has been scientifically proven it has gotten less complex over the past few decades), which seems weird to a balding old man like me for whom "sellout" was one of the first words the Gatekeepers of Good Taste taught. Could be I'm just zeroing in on the dumbest kids as befits a grumpy old man and haven't realized how bad I've gotten yet.

>> No.57378558

The kids today are even more suspicious of popular artists. They think everyone is an astroturfed industry plant.

>> No.57378562

>What do you do to review music other than
>say stuff like "I liked this part", "this part didn't fit well with the rest of the song"
Discuss lyrical themes, music phrasing and structure, how the album as a whole in organized to evole feelings from yhe listener. When you hear something you like in a song, do you ever think about why you like it?
