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57342044 No.57342044 [Reply] [Original]

Are all Hololive big events prerecorded?

>> No.57342414
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uhhhh don't talk about that

>> No.57343015

so that’s why sora didn’t perform much in holosummer. She’s an oldfag idol at heart. That’s why only veterans like Azki and Suisei had the balls to perform with her

>> No.57343146

This has been known for a while, where have you been?

>> No.57348647


>> No.57348964

It's the mark of a true vsinger. AZKi and Suisei also prefer to do their performances live and I hope IRyS follows in their footsteps now that she has a 3D model to use.

>> No.57349117

Why are we pretending we didn't know most events are prerrecorded again? Running out of bait material?

>> No.57349166

>She’s an oldfag idol at heart.
idols love lip syncing

>> No.57350778

Apparently Sora didn't get that memo

>> No.57351114

Not only are the concert pre recorded. Most of the live streams are pre recorded as well.

>> No.57351306

>the streams are pre-recorded
>the chat is pre-recorded
>/vt/ seething is pre-recorded
>(You) are prerecorded

>> No.57351418

3D Lives used to be "Live" they only starts doing prerecordded because of technical errors and how shitty Youtube is. Also the reason why I don't watch 3D stream that often anymore. It just feels lifeless and effortless. Though Aki's and exception.

>> No.57351450

It’s a mix of both. I assume every concert has both live and prerecorded sections.

>> No.57351869

How come Sora hasn't been fired yet. She is the oldest, but only 1.1 million subs.

>> No.57352010

prerecorded live was normalised due to covid shit. and since then its been normal bc nobody was criticising it.

>> No.57352046
File: 98 KB, 1399x355, sora birthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora Birthday
Only manages to do what an average daily pekora video does.

>> No.57352117

>Why are we pretending we didn't know most events are prerrecorded again? Running out of bait material
they are always live what the fuck are you talking about nigger

>> No.57352138

I know you are being bitch, but she has a whole off site fanclub

>> No.57352225

anon this is not even up to discussion, it's not even something people try to hide or feel embarrassed bringing up, only a select few holos dare doing non-prerrecorded lives nowadays.

>> No.57352910

curious about the stats on that first date stream she did, i'm still reeling to this day with how good it was

>> No.57353444

Suisei should do pre-recorded instead, she was really rough last time she did a real live concert.

>> No.57353567
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I only watch Marine's la creatividad 3D Lives.

>> No.57353920

Her recent 3Ds are so kino. The Showa era tribute one is a real standout.

>> No.57353967

The BuzzRhythm show? She only sounded rough on Wii-woo-woo, the rest were studio level quality. I’m assuming it’s because she just got finished recording Seishun Archive, Nakmaka, Sugar Rush, or Star Peggio and her throat wasn’t cooperating.

>> No.57354697

Which one? She sounded fantastic in Shining Memory and during her sololive.

>> No.57356561

I feel like this was obvious. Suspension of disbelief is needed to enjoy most of these performances.

>> No.57357484

The concerts are prerecorded. Why risk something if you could just get the girls to the studio, let them change into the tracksuit, give instructions, record, record again, record again and do the chatter afterwards. Turning the screen 100% black is a perfect opportnunity for a cut.
Go rewatch HoloFes 2023. You can see what was prerecorded and live because the live parts weren"t in 3D and were filmed from the projection.
I'm fine with watching prerecorded stuff as long as they're not pretending it was live.
We had real 3D live shit years ago. I don't know why they stopped it. Probably because they ran out of capacity because of all the concerts

>> No.57357850

Notice how it's Gen 0 that actually does their performances live. The rest of your whores can't compete with them.

>> No.57357919

>The concerts are prerecorded.
we all know that, but even then there's still people (no more than 5 i'd wager) who insist on doing their own concerts and/or sections of holofes truly live, and sololives are still 100% live regardless of experience.

>> No.57358021

Why would they do the sololives live? I would believe the skits in between can be live but not the actual performances

>> No.57358103

Not just "love", but it is almost essentially necessary unless you are either a literal who or have some kind godly stamina, or the concerts are really short and infrequent.

>> No.57358338

because that's the whole point of the sololive, it's there so they can perform like on a real concert, after all they don't just give those away to anyone like birthday/anniversay concerts but rather it's what anyone who actually wants to do it gets to do. it matters less when it's a youtube concert (especially with guests). also, there's rarely any cuts in the image, and i've never heard any noticeable change in the quality/tone of their voices when they're singing vs when they're doing MC sections.

just watch the free portion of suisei's 2nd sololive, there's 0 chance in hell she's not doing the thing live (ESPECIALLY the skits for what you'll find are extremely obvious reasons), she sounds tired and she's hyping up the audience for them to scream, which mind you was something she actually hadn't even planned to do because up until literally a few hours before she was about to perform, because japan wasn't allowing people to cheer in concerts yet but they suddenly lifted the ban (which led people to joke about there being hoshiyomi in the jap government: https://youtu.be/Fx5eACbbFaY).).

>> No.57358421

The same way they want to perform with a LIVE audience. To performers there is nothing like the connection with your actual fans there cheering you on.

>> No.57358753

Fucking newfags

>> No.57359158

Suisei is dedicated enough to do her bday concert live as well. Maybe she would only have prerecord for non-holo guests. Even in group concert, I've seen Suisei set aside her portion of the concert to be live. In Holo, I believe sora, towa, Watame, Suisei are the ones who like to perform live, maybe some other as well but I don't watch everyone.
Even in Holofes, you notice the audio setting suddenly changes when it's towa and suisei performance coming up.

>> No.57359223

>Even in Holofes, you notice the audio setting suddenly changes when it's towa and suisei performance coming up.
Oh yeah, I remember people mentioning how a handful of holos's voices seemed like they were being adjusted (in volume and whatnot) in real time.

>> No.57359290

Feels good to know my oshi isn't fake

>> No.57359316

Last time Hololve doing pure Live 3D is when Youtube fucked Okayu's 3D Anniversary so hard.

After that, it's a mix of both Live and pre-recorded guest due to Covid policy hitting the mass at the same time.

>> No.57359389

If you can't hear your oshi puke mid-song is there even a point in watching?

>> No.57359414

So that's why nobody invites Sora as a guest for their 3D lives.

>> No.57359861

Pathfinder was literally a replay of the studio version and they didn't even record a new vocal track for her. But I blame the event planners, something must've went wrong somewhere.

>> No.57359927

Watch Suisei's second sololive, there's no cuts between her talking and singing. It was all live.

>> No.57360154


>> No.57360638 [DELETED] 

She didn't Sora

>> No.57360724

>3D Lives used to be "Live"
yeah things like the kanata roll or coco backflipping into watame are unlikely to be prerecorded

>> No.57360798

Sora, AZKi, Suisei and Mori are the only ones I can think of that try to do every performance live if physically possible.

>> No.57360848

Marines 3d stream where she released her last song was kino

>> No.57361161
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I get wanting to perform live but are you telling me she SINGS live too? Thats actually crazy if true most pros don't even do that and the ones that do aren't usually dancing around on stage at the same time.

>> No.57361317

Isn't Anya showcase also have no cuts? It's just go straight to MC after each performance

>> No.57361363
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>> No.57361803

When there’s more dancing she lip syncs

But otherwise she’ll sing live

>> No.57362089

listen to her during her bday stream where she got the hoodie/cap outfit
you can actually hear her out of breath because of the choreo AND singing she did
completely different from the typically sterile performance where you don't so much as hear a pant or any mistakes

>> No.57362116

You can tell when they're singing live, they usually don't have much complicated choreo and just sway around and move their arms. If there's a complicated dance routine it's gonna be lipsynched.

>> No.57362169

Unlike Pekora Sora doesn‘t pander to normalfags and children

>> No.57362223

I've been to enough musicals to know that professionals should be able to do all kinds of wacky dancing while singing for real.

>> No.57362322

Was that a YouTube issue, i remember her model just froze while she was singing her original song.

>> No.57363236

>Sora: I only do LIVE concerts.
Good for her

>> No.57363284

girls that spend most of their day sitting in front of a computer playing vidya to entertain your retarded ass aren't in the same league as professional musical theatre performers
as if this even needed to be fucking said you fool

>> No.57363563

idk but youtube causes lots of strange problems. like it suddenly starts to endlessly repeat one part like endless 1sec loop

>> No.57363633

A cope from someone who is still a company mascot of sorts but barely utilized.

>> No.57363655

>It just feels lifeless and effortless.
I don't see it that way. It's all a relative thing though.
The pre-recorded girls still had to learn all the choreo, and they did sing at some point. That it's polished, to a greater or lesser degree, in post-production doesn't deter me because I don't have any real illusions about this shit; almost all audiovisual media you consume has been doctored in post to make it more spectacular than it normally is, from still photography to video to even a simple audiobook reading. Everything is fake, but not everything is Fake and Gay.
It's a performance that required more effort than just sitting around playing MC or apexshit and I am entertained and appreciate it.
If you're not entertained to each his own, but it's still a performance into which a lot of time and money went into creating. Some may spend more money, time and effort than others of course but that's always very apparent. Some can afford to, other can't.

And as much as I'd be entertained by watching the shitty singers have a go at doing things actually live I understand why they'd want more polish than scuff. The girls are still girls and vanity is supreme.
That would actually be novel though: have all the known junkers from every branch together in the same Live together.
Just once would be enough.

>> No.57364069

>Jumping around the stage in complex choreography while fine-controlling your breath for singing
>for an hour or more
>without passing out

None of the holos are really hiding their respect for the ones that can do actual stage performances.
Major reason they rely on pre-recordings is simply that they need to keep the bar low enough to have some options when hiring new talents.

Remember that K-Pop talents go trough pretty harsh 5-7 year physical/dancing training before debut, Cover couldn't have possibly achieved this within its given lifespan

>> No.57364277

If Sora gets too many viewers she drops whatever she was playing for awhile to let things cool down.

>> No.57364501

nene's last bday was live, except for the nepolabo group song.

>> No.57364563

>Basically asking the owner to get fired
It should be a bannable offense to post something so stupid regardless

>> No.57364849

idol dancing is so easy there's no reason to pre-record anything. it's a skill issue.

>> No.57365098

prove it anon, show us your best idol dance in a cute outfit

>> No.57365330

The dance isn't complicated, Sora said herself she simplified the choreo for her Alien-alien performance because she can't sing and dance at the same time using the original choreo but then again singing Alien-alien in original key is already crazy hard that not even most singer able to do that regardless while dancing or not

>> No.57365466

And Santa is real

>> No.57365526

omg i love sora even more now

>> No.57365641

So was Polka's. Granted it was only 4-5 songs I think, but there was no cuts, and you could watch each guest walk on and off stage between songs. Mio even canceled her morning show because she had to actually be up at the studio that night to perform.
Even more impressive was the Gen5 concert being entirely live. Watching Nene nearly fall over at the end of the first song, or hearing Polka sob mid-song at the very end was pretty wild

>> No.57365670

Are any of Gen 0 or Towa/Mori/Aqua/Watame etc. at the level of running around choreographed on stage screaming their lungs out for hours yet?

>> No.57365807

you can also watch their karaoke streams for that. I think that is the best place to find out if a holomem is actually capable of singing at a decent level. My oshi Fauna for example is so bad at singing it hurts and there is no way she is singing live, during karaoke i need to stop the stream at some points. The talking parts between the songs make it well worth watching though as they are usually very funny.

>> No.57366082

Listen to Sora sing Idol live, she barely breathes lol. Very hard to sing live.

>> No.57366404

Hating Sora out of all the Talents in Holo.

>> No.57369352

>Are all Hololive big events prerecorded?
not really

>> No.57371238

sora quietly saying she's on another level. based sora.

>> No.57373043

>Are all Hololive big events prerecorded?

>> No.57373102

Nice samefagging

>> No.57375427

Sora just performed prerecorded in Connect The World.
captcha NWT0T

>> No.57376403

She didn't say she never do prerecorded at all, she even told people when part of her show like on some of her birthday or anniv or her Halloween live that guest part or some part are prerecorded, it's more about her solo performance.

>> No.57380475

based daisenpai. personally think the pre recorded ones are whatever but the ones that uses skinwalkers are the lowest of the low.

>> No.57380674

That's not what the OP says.

>> No.57381001

please understand, it was a group and the others suck too much to do it live.

>> No.57382431

Sora cannot travel by plane.

>> No.57384985

What, is she on Interpol's most wanted or something?
I'm not a doxxfag

>> No.57385258

Even first take is "fake", people believe that it is raw vocals but it gets polished up after the fact. Not really fake if it is done in the first take but people believe it is much more than that

>> No.57385753


>> No.57386093

based true idol

>> No.57386246

Not necessarily hours but Sora almost ran herself ragged during the Parallel Time concert. I think that was roughly 2 hours long.

>> No.57386372

This over priviledged bitch should get off her high horse she isnt even better at moona or risu at singing

>> No.57386424

Wow, two ID choices.... suspicious.

>> No.57386516

If i ever go to japan the first thing il do is meet sora and slap the ugly out of her shitface

>> No.57386546

>babby's first determinism

>> No.57386584

Wow what a bitch she thinks shes hot shit

>> No.57387279

>she isnt even better at moona or risu at singing

>> No.57387428

I understand why they'd do it with major paid concerts and such, but I really miss how casual their 3D streams used to be. The janky mocap had a charm to it.

Plus it was pretty fun to watch things like Luna running out of breath after every fifth step and staff rushing over to her with a bottle of water and a chair to sit on lol

>> No.57389389

Yea old hololive was scuffed but it had SOUL. Everything now is too scripted and manufactured and automated

>> No.57393954

You forgot the biggest soratomo, Migu.
