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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57318619 No.57318619 [Reply] [Original]

Cutie with glasses edition.


kawaii Idol Project Original Song:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndFvLEs-Mbg [Embed]

All song covers:


>Gen 1
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Gen 2
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

▼kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
Small corpos and AkioAir >>>/vt//corpo/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Nene's pet crustacean Kani - https://twitter.com/Kanikanizawa
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
and (You), the viewer!

Previous thread: >>57255911

>> No.57318683

Nia should graduate (from college) and prism out

>> No.57318737

Nene will apologize for deleting Hana's VODs during her soloconcert

>> No.57318922

save kawaii from the nijirat infestation graduate the traitor namiji freesia

>> No.57319020

Isla sex btw

>> No.57319075

I don't see the problem - it's a stable, monogamous relationship, just like God intended. We should wish that (and childbearing) on all of our Oshis (maybe not Charzu though).

>> No.57319085

Lua is a whore for not reading my chat messages

>> No.57319476
File: 183 KB, 392x402, 1676084460024399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a cutie!

>> No.57319547

I reccomend Nami not associate with any of the nijis they're terrible people who treat their fans like shit
praying for total niji graduation

>> No.57319610

Calm down cuckhall, kawaii will have its own male gen and you will have a meltdown.

>> No.57319896

>Even the autistic ritualposts are antis now
Any hopes for this general?

>> No.57319962
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Mini suzu will save the thread.

>> No.57320358
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Nami boobs

>> No.57321195
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>> No.57321513

holy based

>> No.57322149
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Yeah, with me

>> No.57322417 [DELETED] 

Lua has the most SEA and most cancerous fanbase. Shame because she is one of the best Kawaii girls.
Some of the biggest drama discord trannies happen to be birblings.

>> No.57322487

Can your next post be about something anyone gives a fuck about? I believe in you anon.

>> No.57322553

If you watch vtubers to see your oshi hook up with someone in real time, you are either a faggot or a tranny shipper and should be bludgeoned to death and tossed of a cliff.
>OoooOoOoooo sisters I hope they end up together!
That is literally what Niji EN audience is. Cancer trannies.

>> No.57322601

>tossed of a cliff

>> No.57322627

There is no hope for this place, not even the new gen will save it. What will happen is that the new girls will be added into the current rotation of shitting on the girls for anything.

>> No.57322635

No. This general is SEA and LATAM owned. They ruin eveything they get in touch with. People alwyas shit on burgers, SEA and Yuros, but speex singlehandedly ruined one of the biggest hololive threads on this board.

>> No.57322702
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>> No.57322745

I've always been more of a public stoning kind of guy myself. Works as a fun group activity and is a bit slower to actually kill them, which means you can all hang out for longer and have fun while doing it.
Still like the occasional cliff tossing though. Can't go wrong with the classics!

>> No.57322752

If they get a dedicated janny that deletes blatant off topic horseshit like this
along with all the other blatant anti posting like <insert name is a whore>, <implied doxx post>, etc.
It is honestly insane how even /lig/ or /wvt/ is comfier than /pkg/ . I tried to find what I thought will be a general that was much worse than this, and I couldn't do it.

>> No.57322756

inshallah death to sex havers (female)

>> No.57322845

You must be a complete newfag if you don't know that they not only ruined /hlg/ but are also some of the worst containment breakers on twitter, reddit and even facebook that they still use for some reason. Also 2 of the guys containment breaking on youtube are from south america.

>> No.57322870

Sapcuck, I'll say it again, you're the one shitting up the thread, I'll rather have that post than your crying posts every day, and Fauna is a whore, so is any of your phase sluts you like to watch.

>> No.57322928

so, 0 source, just whatever you can pull off your ass? got it!

>> No.57322981

Like someone already said previously. If a chuuba that I like has a boyfriend or whatever, keep that shit off the screen. I don't know why is it missiong fucking impossible for western whores to not mention how they got dicked on stream. What the fuck does that have to do with vtubing anyways?
I'm not even a unicorn or a hardcore gachi and even I hate that part of it. I can't imagine how someone more extreme than me would take it.

>> No.57323094

I like how one guy mindbroke you into believing that everyone is a sapcuck lmao.
We had those posts even before the alleged sapcuck came around. We also had multiple guys acting as the thread police for months (even before gen 3).

>> No.57323118

Why even tease Kawaii getting an undercover janny? It's never going to happen. There is literally no place to discuss Kawaii.

>> No.57323183

I am the only sane poster in this general. I just want to watch and talk about my oshi charzu but it's getting harder and harder these days.
What is a fella to do

>> No.57323207

denying being sapcuck is textbook sapcuck behaviour

>> No.57323246

move to /corpo/

>> No.57323314
File: 178 KB, 326x518, 1681089948952692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the /same/fag reveals himself! Kawaii will never fall, fag.

>> No.57323333

Stop bumping the thread if it's not already on page 1-3. It doesn't deserve the bumps anymore. Let it die.

>> No.57323409

why are you so concerned about what other people post, just post what you want about charzu and hide/report what you dislike, literally easy solution.

>> No.57323429

>you're the one shitting up the thread
Could be just me, but I'd rather see one post like that every 2 threads, than all the antiing and doxxing that our girls get. Sapcuck is the bad guy because he would like to see a nicer thread? Wow what a monster! Keep updating us with Lua's discord drama that no one gives a shit about, faggot.

>> No.57323500

cry more sapcuck

>> No.57323521

>why are you so concerned about what other people post
When your general becomes worse than generals for some corpos like vshojo, niji en or even phase, then you know it's bad.

>> No.57323534

if all you want is "good" posts, join the discord, you get banned if you talk shit, if you can't take schizos shitting up the thread or opinions you dislike, here is not the place for you.
Not your personal thread.

>> No.57323561

>Keep updating us with Lua's discord drama
Ogey! Did you knwo that luketheGOD is actually a cuck??????????

>> No.57323600

I know a lot of generals and I can say the worst part of this one is the thread police crying for mods everyday when they can just not take bait.

>> No.57323603

Thinking of starting a separate PK general for the new gen when it happens honestly.

>> No.57323613

That's what I've been doing but aside from 1 other random charlatan itt, I'm always talking into the void. I ain't even that bothered by the schizos, but we got to balance out the thread, it's literally 90% schizo and 10% normal posters.

>> No.57323641 [DELETED] 

>Be a retarded SEA tranny
>Sit in /pkg/, discord and Lua's member stream
>Post passive aggressive shit in this thread that is directed against 2 other discordfags and that only they will get if they read this thread
Wonderful usage of /pkg/. And this subhuman has been doing it for months now.

>> No.57323662

please take the kektomos with you

>> No.57323709

then killing schizos changes nothing, you would talk to the void anyways, what are you thinking? that moral and virtuous posters will materialize from thin air somehow?

>> No.57323759
File: 998 KB, 1152x1080, image_2023-08-29_175953443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a very strong part of me that wants to make an Isla split to try and escape this hell. Even if it dies and no other Coleknights would bump it except me, I'd still rather that than the brain damage I get every day opening the thread

>> No.57323761 [DELETED] 

>if you can't take schizos shitting up the thread or opinions you dislike, here is not the place for you
This faggy gaslighting started with gen 3. "Not your hugbox" became an exuse to completely shit up the thread by antiing the girls and even doxxing. If all other big and small corpo generals were like that, maybe you would have a point there, but they're not. /pkg/ just goes above and beyond to be garbage and some fags probably think they are peak edge lords for doing it. Like I said, 3rd world getting hooked on the internet was a mistake. Every other random subhuman acts like "le trolling" is all the rage, like we are in the mid 2000's again or something. Fucking neck yourself.

>> No.57323768

doxxknights will come back to /pkg/ if we kick cucklings and kektomos

>> No.57323802

cut the bureaucracy, become a discord mod of your won channel.

>> No.57323847

Not just an isla split, make it isla shee and charzu. Those are the only sane fanbases in pkg. You do that, and we'll have a normal general albeit slower.

>> No.57323856

I will bump Isla thread with whoreposting

>> No.57323925

Again, it's not shat up at all, aside from your whining and crying.
YOU are the one personally affected by it.

>> No.57324088

Some guy has a very shitty life so he comes here for attention

>> No.57324092

join kawaiifans discord for the real fan experience

>> No.57324142

yeah, me.

>> No.57324189

Souless ironic faggots that cant enjoy anything neck yourselves

>> No.57324205

>make split thread for two or three girls
>ends up deader than /same/
I'd rather not have to see that unless absolutely necessary

>> No.57324218

Just checked the last thread, a lot of deleted posts, he is literally crying for nothing.
Stop being a fucking carebear or go to discord

>> No.57324284

What the fuck is going on here? Came to check this thread because I saw Lua getting a new outfit and Jesus Christ...

>> No.57324287

Might as well get used to it now because ain't no way in hell we're dooming gen 4 with this thread

>> No.57324358

The usual, sapcuck complaining about harmless stuff and baiting
>thread is shit
timeloop that is 10 times worse that what he is complaining about.

>> No.57324359

That would be a good idea, a fresh start for the new gen.

>> No.57324391

This thread anti'd the girls during the concert people just left

>> No.57324475

The thread is good.

>> No.57324514

Completely wrong again, next time bring proof, not just state obvious false claims out of thin air.

>> No.57324558

Problem is some fags will inevitably create rivalries with gen 1 and 2 girls just to be epic trolls, the point is to get rid of retarded subhuman antis

>> No.57324582

I hope you realise that the antis here will just open that thread as well
New fans will come and the fags will just be buried

>> No.57324625

Ok I see, so is Lua gonna be a twin tails nurse? Really excited for something new from her even though her original outfit is really sex. One of the few designs that somehow completely fits her personality

>> No.57324637

You can get rid of them, make your own thread on discord and invite only people you like and bad opinions you dislike.

>> No.57324680

nurse? How do you know? I was hoping she would be cosplaying as a JK

>> No.57324703

Hopefully people will learn to ignore bored trolls there
I don't know why you fags can't do that here in the first place

>> No.57324721

twintails is shit but Lua is constantly trying to escape her age so it becomes cute in retrospective, if you like her that is.

>> No.57324727

Getting a nursing handjob from Lua!

>> No.57324752

At this point its too late for people here to ignore that kind of shit.

>> No.57324753

>professional dancers rrat
>shitting on and comparing the girls
>random le funny dox post

>> No.57324785

but it''s true that Nene is a nene

>> No.57324828 [DELETED] 


>> No.57324849

Multiple factors compounded for months
> thread police fag incite fags to shit up the thread more
> anti, troll and drama tourist get their reward with gen 3 leaving so they stick around for the next high
> discordfags being buttburt some girls diss discord but lurk /here/ so they shit up the thread out of jealousy
> ex-gen 3 and oceane fags also shit up the thread
> on top of the nene/parasocial anti that already plague the thread prior gen 3.
I hate to admit it but the thread needs a hardcore janny going full nuclear for a month, then maybe loosen up after the thread shitters are gone.

>> No.57324854

I don't know, that could've been poorfags just saying random shit they could come up with, I refuse to believe someone paid the concert money just to talk shit about it here

>> No.57324873

>comparing the girls
sorry but Shee fucking mogged everyone, sucks to have a mid oshi who doesn't shine in 3D I guess

>> No.57324888

I'm only guessing from the picture and that's all my coomer mind can come up with is nurse

>> No.57324939

if your post doesn't suck a girls dick, not allowed, sapcuck spoke the NEW law.

>> No.57324970

fr, Shee isn't even my kamioshi but she mogged everyone including my oshi.

>> No.57325008
File: 2.03 MB, 650x650, Shee-Diva[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4mbwhu.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shee rap > Nene Rap

>> No.57325029

the "rrat" was that some routines were prerecorded and there was good evidence for that from the stream itself, crying about people comparing their performances is peak womanshit and not worth even taking into account. Get some test supplements.

>> No.57325148

Too many IPs in the previous thread, the catalog gen 3 bait thread from today just reminded some bored third worlders they could get some easy (You)s from here, they'll be gone tomorrow surely.

>> No.57325180

I kneel to Shee, made rapcrap bearable

>> No.57325207

the funny thing is the guy he complains about does 1 ritual post and fucks off and sapcuck complains 30 replies about it, if it was the heh poster I would agree that fucker is obnoxious the rest is completely harmless.

>> No.57325297

>he thinks there's only one hehposter
clueless heh

>> No.57325382

>one hehposter

>> No.57325418

You go back or post your oldest kawaii membership right now you fucking tourist that came here just to shit up the thread. I repeat NO OTHER GENERALS ARE LIKE THIS you drama tranny. You act like shitting on the girls and soft doxxing half of the thread is normal and everything else is a "hugbox".
Here is your standard /pkg/ thread
>Luke the cuck is gonna do something crazy heh
>Nene is a whore
>Nene is a Nene
>Charzu company
>Nene got Charzud
>Around Charzu's never relax
>Cuckdom is having a melty heh
>Nene when will you apologize for deleting Hana's vods? I want to watch you again.
>Random comment about one girl "mogging" another girl in some game or a cover or whatever
Now look at all that, and put it side by side with 90% of other generals on /vt/ and come back to me and say that this should be the norm.

>> No.57325530

what the fuckaronii?? two heh posters?!

>> No.57325538

>If your post is not blatantly shit on the girls or doxxing them, you are not "fit" enough for 4chan
Heh, the biggest /pkg/ edgelord btw. This retard things he is posting on /b/ or something.

>> No.57325573

all inoffensive shit, grow up or join a discord.

>> No.57325628

>didn't even mention >>57319085
grudgeposter you're slipping

>> No.57325669

I'm fully convinced all of those posts are made by one, two guys at most. The moment he gets ignored by everyone else he'll fuck off. Problem is people can't ignore bait.

>> No.57325686

Dont you just like it that the people that keep saying go back to discord are the ones shitting up the thread. They really want people to think that what is going on here is the norm.

>> No.57325702

doxx is against the rules already and is deleted if posted, what you want? make it double against the rules?

>> No.57325749

unironically all me

>> No.57325848

Okay but Charzu posting is actually really funny.

>> No.57325888

It's funny because none of it is true.

>> No.57325886

Nene ones are based and canon

>> No.57325992

I want to believe, nigga

>> No.57326089

its funny because they all tie back into her kayfabe

>> No.57326270

softdoxx is a buzzword made up by bitch ass faggots who don't like certain jokes. Something is either doxx or it isn't, like posting THAT tenshi content.

>> No.57326350

Are these the last days of /pkg/?

>> No.57326375


>> No.57326486

we should merge with /same/

>> No.57326533

Jokes are meant to be funny retard, repeating the same shit every single fucking thread isnt funny.

>> No.57326549

The rrat was that the preformances werent live immediately debunked by multiple girls
Just like the comiket rrat

>> No.57326570

different strokes for different folks

>> No.57326666

no just discordnijiojis having a melty after getting called out last thread

>> No.57326678

This seems like a great idea, anon! Thanks for suggesting it, someone should go ask them if they're cool with it ASAP!

>> No.57326691

Hey faggot did you know people can be fans of vtubers???
Did you know this is a thread is for fans????

>> No.57326802

it's funny to me

>> No.57326843

Nah, ACKshually it could be the start if the ugly bastard knows what he's doing.

>> No.57326894

I don't care what they say, some of those routines looked prerecorded as fuck. Frame perfect match between models AND absolutely no sign of movement in their voice.

>> No.57326898 [DELETED] 

How it's Notgumon digi evolution called?

>> No.57326923

You are really tough definitly not some guy who gives money to anime women

>> No.57326925

Notgumon is a 1 stage champion rank

>> No.57327096 [DELETED] 

So be a fan, If I want to shit on the girls, it's not against the rules, I can shit on whoever I want, this is not a thread for the fans, that's your mistake, discussion can go both ways it is still discussion.

>> No.57327434

Then report the dox you retard, there has been many threads with Nene dox just sitting here.
But /pkg/ loves le secret knowledge jokes

>> No.57327574 [DELETED] 

Kawaii Friend John Romero is streaming!

>> No.57327758

is he gonna make you his bitch?

>> No.57327763

based phaseGOD

>> No.57327860

now this is a Kawaii friend I approve of

>> No.57327917

charzuposting is not doxx

>> No.57327971

He's a streamer now? Last I heard he had to work at a gas station

>> No.57328091
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>> No.57328314
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>> No.57328326

that "gas station" was in his basement

>> No.57328495

>a post relating to an actual stream was deleted
it's so fucking over for us, even the jannies hate us

>> No.57328534

I stopped posting about Nene and her unjustified rage because my oshi wouldn't want me to. I hope you're happy

>> No.57328557

I'm more likely to believe he self-deleted because eslism

>> No.57328604

>she see's my flaccid dick that won't get hard

>> No.57328691

hope Beryl has a good time in Vshojo

>> No.57328797

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits.

>> No.57329290

>not getting hard with Isla

>> No.57329309

I wish I had a gas station in my basement.

>> No.57329597

Whats the joke of a charzu post?

>> No.57329999

How do I ensure Nene marries only me and not the other tomos?

>> No.57330107
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Y'all extra goofy today.

>> No.57330115

abduct and rape her

>> No.57330196

Charzu thread lol

>> No.57330230
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>> No.57330287

charzu changed her smoke alarm batteries

>> No.57331859
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>> No.57332852

getting parasocial with shee

>> No.57333582

Nene is a nene

>> No.57334313

There's actual kids in Shee's chat too aren't there

>> No.57334418

Shee is being very based right now

>> No.57334489

sapcuck is gone talk about shee mogging people

>> No.57334672 [DELETED] 

Hey Niji fan here. Elira seems to like Nami so I wanted to check your girls out. Why is there not a male on stream all the time? I don't understand this form of vtubing. Like even if you announce a solo stream or a collab between 2 girls, there should always be a male there for no reason.
Don't have a male gen? Well, get on it. Or rent some fag on fiver just to sit on stream.
Btw you should check out clips of Mysta talking about deep throating a dildo. That is what vtubing should be all about imo.

>> No.57334962
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>> No.57335041
File: 59 KB, 479x542, 1689392028448846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how cute this little shit is. look at her.

>> No.57335227

It's 3AM and Shee still hasn't started the game. Will have to watch the vod during breakfast kek.

>> No.57335342

Shee is such a woman

>> No.57335743

>post contains over the top sarcasm
>this retard still has to point our that it's a bait
Do you also need help dressing up in the morning, champ?

>> No.57336037

shut youre bitch ass up KEKJay

>> No.57336387 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 260x63, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is wrong with this tranny?
how does this person end up in shee's chat?

>> No.57337174

can't wait for your meltdown kekhall, I'm sorry for Aliaga but he is a sacrifice I'm willing to make

>> No.57338133

That's your opinion man. I liked Nene's better, which was especially impressive because I preferred Shee's song and she performed it very well. Nene just put on too powerful of a performance.

>> No.57338366

That will never happen because she is going to marry me. I can live with sharing her but I won't let any of you take her from me.

>> No.57338415

Rap just doesn't fit her voice and delivery. It was a fun performance but in the same vein as watching a deer slipping on ice. Same with the babymetal song, it's basically shitposting and "it's supposed to be bad" stuff.

>> No.57338832

They were far from my favorite songs of hers but I liked her voice and delivery just fine. What type of voice and delivery were you hoping for for her songs?
I highly disagree with the "slipping on ice" thing, and it wasn't bad at all. I genuinely enjoyed her. Nene has great range and she can sing well in multiple different ways.

>> No.57339234

She's talked about moving away from rap recently

>> No.57339241
File: 438 KB, 1200x827, 1666747620763625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)

>> No.57339298

She has no rhythm or flow in the delivery, sounds like a grandma trying to rap. The timbre of her voice is also too soft for the kind of rap she was going for. I know she used rap as a cope because she was a garbage singer at the start but now she is almost decent. Her original song is literally perfect for voice but she didn't sing it lmao

>> No.57339307
File: 984 KB, 827x1436, 1664058249559354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57339342

Charzu in a hot minute

>> No.57339550
File: 15 KB, 1000x1000, 1665173199519245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isla shee and charzu. Those are the only sane fanbases in pkg.
>doxpires AND Kirigaya

>> No.57339728 [DELETED] 

doxpires dindu nuffin

>> No.57339741
File: 48 KB, 805x453, seductive Nene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so in love with Nene Amano I can't stand it.
Nene is so perfect, so beautiful, so talented, so smart, so hard working, so empathetic, so amazing. I can't think of anything but how much I want to hug her and marry her and spend every day with her forever.
How is it even possible for someone so perfect and beautiful to exist?! I wish I was good enough for her. I want to be her husband.

>> No.57339984

Okay this is just blatant anti bullshit now. She was never a bad singer, watching from her very first stream on her channel she sings pretty well, and her current singing is far beyond "almost decent". There is nothing remotely realistic about your post. Stop wasting your life throwing insults for the sake of throwing insults, you have limited time so do something that will actually help yourself or someone in your life.

>> No.57340130

deranged cloudtomos heh

>> No.57340408

She is almost decent now because her acapella karaoke had some song that didn't make me want to mute the stream. That's a lot because she was actually bad and she knew it, literally said it herself she used rap to cope with not being a good regular singer.

>> No.57340681

These threads used to be comfy. So sad what happened to this place. I blame Gen 3. They ruined everything.

>> No.57340693

I like her singing. The accapella was a hard one to sit through.

>> No.57340928

I watched the stream and that is not what she said at all. She was not bad at all, she's a legitimately great singer, everyone who listens to her knows it, managment and the other kawaii girls know it, her sensei knows it, and so does everyone here. You're a fucktarded liar wasting everyone's time. It doesn't make any sense for you to mute a singing stream, if you didn't want to listen to her there's nothing to watch the stream for, you can go to any other one of her videos to watch her model move.

>> No.57341006

I'm not really swinging positive or negative on Nene's singing in general, but I really liked her accapella stream. Maybe because her having the confidence to push through it was attractive to me? Maybe because I really hate the usual karaoke backing tracks? I'm not entirely sure.

>> No.57341628

Based charzu caring about the fans wallets

>> No.57341664

kaolin tried to make charzu a patreon whore and charzu said no.

>> No.57341721

>charzu said no
She's still talking. You don't know that.

>> No.57342045

>legitimately great singer
No. I know you are a copetomo for her singing ability so whatever, let me tell you one thing. She is the only kawaii vtuber who does karaoke who always has a segment before singing where she pretty much says that you are not allowed to criticize her because it's for fun. Make of that what you will.

>> No.57342065

more like new management making moves

>> No.57342160 [DELETED] 

ugly bastard CEO already jewing it up heh

>> No.57342214

they got kaolin tied up somewhere

>> No.57342217
File: 147 KB, 755x839, Never be a derogatory chump to me, myself, or cloudtomo again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's poor taste to dip into a stream and just complain. You can click away and watch billions of other things on youtube.

>> No.57342849

No one ever complained about Lua, Isla or Nami singing ability on stream even without that disclaimer. Nene knows she is simply not up to scratch and gets defensive, at least up to a few months ago. Now she is almost good.

>> No.57343095

>there are thread traitors in /aa+corpo/
i hope those faggots don't come back. this thread is not a hugbox. gatekeeping works wonders on soft babies who can't handle banter.

>> No.57343296

Will there be golf?

>> No.57343501
File: 83 KB, 349x929, most popular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57343503

no Miguel fuck off

>> No.57343599

You know for a fact she is a legitimately great singer, you have already failed multiple times to give anything resembling actual criticism of her singing. No one is coping but you. There is nowhere else you can go where you will find people agreeing with your stance and you only take this stance here because you can be anonymous and not held accountable. I have literally shown her singing to friends who never watched Kawaii and they think she sounds good.
>She is the only kawaii vtuber who does karaoke who always has a segment before singing where she pretty much says that you are not allowed to criticize her because it's for fun.
I'm glad I actually watch her streams so I know for a fact that you're lying out your ass, she talks about criticism but it's nothing like what you're describing. She says that because she doesn't want to be trolled by retarded anons like you.
Why don't you make yourself known and give your criticism on the streams? Come on nigger, stand by your shitty words if you mean them. Be genuine and let Nene and the rest of us know you're not trolling.

>> No.57343610

>thread traitors
this line of reasoning is why the sane posters are leaving

>> No.57343724

shit i can't believe nene and charzu are coworkers. charzu is too pure for this.

>> No.57343937

Shee making some cute noises

>> No.57343990

Shee making some sex noises

>> No.57344033

Even more blatant lies. I see people talking shit about all of them. Pretending to be retarded isn't a defense for your shitstain arguments.
If you even remotely believed in the shit you were spewing you would tell it to her instead of spamming it here. You post this anonymously because you know you're lying.

>> No.57344450

The only time Lua's or Isla's singing gets shit on is when someone is comparing them to Nene

>> No.57344995

this game is making females very paranoid

>> No.57345014

No one shits on Lua, Isla or Nami karaoke in chat because they are good singers. Nene needs to tell people no to do it, regardless of her performance.

>> No.57345301

/pkg/, responding to obvious bait since 2021
For fuck's sake, I posted a timestamp to Nene talking about her singing in her own words in this very thread. She's far from the greatest, but more than serviceable with the right setup and production. And she's gotten better of time. Hell, she's improved at playing the recorder and that's entirely a joke. Great voice for general speech and ASMR.

>> No.57345364

Shee is showing basic survival instincts, at least.

>> No.57345434

nene is more a voice actress than a singer anyway.

>> No.57345457

not gonna lie if I were as attached to Nene as I was 1 year ago I would definitely get the highest tier

>> No.57345511

>For fuck's sake, I posted a timestamp to Nene talking about her singing in her own words in this very thread.
>he thinks people watch streams

>> No.57345846

she(e) jumped back to the ex instantly shee dumb lol

>> No.57345932

I'm in wait and see on the RP if I stay with the $50 tier. I was leaning towards dialing back but I'm hit by the slippery slope of "well, it's only 20 more dollars than the $30 tier". I guess I'll stick around but I still feel like I'm being mugged a little bit.
a lot of hardcore porn subs are much, much cheaper than that and provide more value

>> No.57346027

Nene is technically limited. She doesn't nail notes, even within her optimal range. She is especially limited in the high register and lacks power because her voice tends to get too breathy. She has a wide range but the extremes are quite shaky. The potential to be a good singer technically is there, for now she is decent to below average depending on the song.

The thing that is good and was always good is her timbre, both in the high and low registers. For example Nami has good technicals but her timbre is fucking dogshit to me so I don't really like her karaoke. This is purely subjective though.

>> No.57346165

As with real estate, much of the value is in the land/location rather than the house itself. You are paying to retain your spot on the good boy list.

>> No.57346531

I'm pretty sure the purpose of the higher tiers isn't even for the content, it's just to prove to the girl that you want to show support. The real value is the good boy points.

>> No.57346627

and I don't mean to be a little bitch even though I am. I know time is a resource and there's not a lot of it to spare on her normal schedule. Fanbox was backlogged for months. I guess I would suggest making the sub cheaper to reflect what you're getting, but the whole point of it is to farm paypigs and the cost of everything is going up everywhere making the money not stretch as far.
I dunno man. Just frustrated a bit.

>> No.57346728

Yea, Patreon isn't really anything other than standard dono but with a bit of a reward back.

>> No.57346730


>> No.57346984

just drop in and out of that tier

>> No.57347077

Yeah I remember when the girls played the funny golf game too anon. Good times.

>> No.57347139

that killed the love illusion for me so im going to leave soon to

>> No.57347413

I never hear birblings talk about their patreon/fanbox experience. Maybe they're all too young? heh. What's the state of things in your house?

>> No.57347556
File: 570 KB, 729x825, sadge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57347579

Hey, Nene sounds really good in her latest short, has her singing improved?

>> No.57347727

GODlings don't leak anything, they just warn everyone else about Doxkekt Furrist and his MO (waiting for the chuubah to be audibly intoxicated and then asking them for personally identifiable information)

>> No.57347845

Obviously leaks are bad. Do not want. I was just interested in the sentiment of things. I assume they're happy if they're not speaking up about it.

>> No.57348097

>GODlings don't leak anything
It'd be a real shame if someone joined the patreons and started dumping to kemono then, huh, little cuckling...

>> No.57348119

birblings are to busy fighting on discord and shitting on each other here the only time they have talked about fanbox patreon shit is when doxxspect cuckfurnigist tries to doxx and make sexual comments to lua i dont know why they complain here instead of complaining to her directly

>> No.57348228

Seems they are the smart ones.

>> No.57348267

>instead of complaining to her directly
Because larping as a mod is cringe when you can just let her deal with it the way she prefers, which is ignoring it.

>> No.57348282

How does that kill the love illusion? If you needed to pay to get special treatment, that would be the love being fake. You proving your love for her is what makes it real.

>> No.57348585

Y'all goofy lmoa

>> No.57348703

Watching sportsball, any yabs?

>> No.57349052

I'm going to kidnap shee, lock her in a rural house to be my housewife, and feed her wild caught salmons that I catch myself.

>> No.57350749
File: 422 KB, 1422x2064, my wife at the hot spring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to have passionate, hand-holding, marital, missionary, baby-making sex with Nene.

>> No.57350790

>bumping the anti thread

>> No.57350809

Remember to make sure she has good internet, that was a requirement for her to be okay with being kidnapped.

>> No.57350919

Price increases and milking paypigs was always the goal of Patreon.
Very disappointing behavior, but not surprising.

>> No.57351321
File: 187 KB, 677x745, isla shrimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty erotic way to eat shrimp

>> No.57351428


>> No.57351719

I wish Isla would deepthroat my shrimp

>> No.57351934

Fuck that.
You'll know we're hitting incline when we see leaked stuff on nyaa.
If the company is going open season on bleeding the fans I say any piracy is perfectly justified.
Just don't post it here because spoonfeeding never leads to anything good.

>> No.57352247

Wtf is this real?

>> No.57352279

Common Isla W

>> No.57353639

Can't remember the last time Isla took a L.

>> No.57353958
File: 465 KB, 853x479, image_2023-08-30_011015236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are ACTUAL FEMALES watching Isla right now
>I was watching Isla also
See ya later virgins.

>> No.57354154

skeb chads, i need isla and lua eating shrimp cocktail in lingerie with big swollin allergic lips please

>> No.57354175

Well, I'd kind of lost interest in Nene, but I found out she's more based than I've been giving her credit for. I'm thinking I'm back in.

>> No.57354766

Shut up KayJay

>> No.57354804

How did you just find out?

>> No.57354993

To be completely honest, I was digging into the archive for something completely unrelated and saw a post that piqued my interest. I suppose it's difficult for me to find out how based she is when I haven't been watching her, so you can understand my surprise. I will do penance for my sin.

>> No.57356041

Isla can't ever reach the SEX level of Lua even if she tries.....
Poor Isla. It's okay, you are a cute dork.

>> No.57356255
File: 55 KB, 512x512, 1678840559088930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forever 16
>can never become a cake, much less a hag

>> No.57356267

Uhh no, don't know why the janny deleted it, just wanted to hear some wacky names for fun, like "Metalnotrealgumon" or something like that.

>> No.57356410
File: 348 KB, 500x500, 1625580706090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's... unexpected, thought it was around 95% male like hololive, are these rates equal for the rest of the girls?

>> No.57357057

At first I was a bit disappointed that Isla only had a handful of hidden comments but like always she delivers with a great zatsudan

>> No.57357079

does anyone have the cowkini Lua image?

>> No.57357272
File: 405 KB, 1549x2048, 20230830_002140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.57357391

holy sex

>> No.57357464

I'm picturing her being loud enough over this to get more noise complaints.

>> No.57358276

yes thank you

>> No.57358692
File: 78 KB, 780x438, intro-1618449852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lua's neopet that was waiting for her

>> No.57359705

Isla and Charzu are peak GFE (girl friend experience) and them being actually sexy would ruin it.

>> No.57359783

It is really nice how Isla's mom brags about her youtube superstar daughter to her coworkers.

>> No.57360497

Do you think Shee will beat Elden ring next stream?

>> No.57361168

Older and younger sister experience.

>> No.57361565
File: 8 KB, 327x187, 1689241910398759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The penlight is back in stock for folks that still want it.

>> No.57361947

Exactly what I want in a girlfriend. A screechy voice that's yelling at me and insulting me all the time.

>> No.57362011

nami fat btw

>> No.57362258

fat tits btw

>> No.57362602
File: 1.28 MB, 1447x2047, 1645493248201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To this day I can't fathom the idea of isla-chama being gf material

>> No.57362648
File: 15 KB, 579x115, 1662671453903430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6000/365 = 16.43835616
Ms. Asuka's neopet is older than Isla-chama
