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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57263911 No.57263911 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to keep the brainworms at bay, be it relaxing or doing reps. Wife still loves you.

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1696254231844471037

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters.

Previous thread: >>57209929

>> No.57264005

I love her.

>> No.57264018


>> No.57264059

I like pettans parchment filter he uses

>> No.57264696
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>> No.57264823
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>> No.57265071
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I am a simple man. All I know is "ball", and "good" and GRAPE

>> No.57265319


>> No.57265597


>> No.57265946

> tfw I didn’t get any shondo hair.

>> No.57266304
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join the club

>> No.57266672

Passionate love making with Shondo

>> No.57267697

It's been a while since I have watched Shadow, why do the threads stay forever up now?

>> No.57268301

I think people got fed up with waiting until she streams to dump out all the bullshit in the thread. Might as well post about it during off hours where it's less distracting.

>> No.57268585

or so people are coping
>wow a lot of people are being schizo in the threads lately
>well they'll just spill into other threads if we don't have them [citation needed]

>> No.57268961
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>> No.57269076

I think the threads have been okay so far. Also who cares where the schizos go, they sure don't.

>> No.57269378

then don't bake? the point was to keep "them" (mostly shondophrenics themselves) contained but they behaved just fine in other threads where there is an expectation to not be schizo

>> No.57269602

Just ignore the schizos.

>> No.57269788

off hours threads are good because i dont need to look at other streamers i dont care about

>> No.57269967
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>I hope to god some of the newer ones get a clue how awful these threads are when it comes to poisoning your perception of Shondo, There is a reason a lot don't stick around when you have endless confirmation bias. Hell, most I know now who are /here/ literally have no clue who they talk to on /here/ or why they have significance to Shondo.

>> No.57270035

>then don't bake?
The thread is fine, bakes should continue

>they behaved just fine in other threads
I see no issues with this

>> No.57270085

Damn, I have an early day tomorrow. Hope Shondo doesn't interact much tonight. Good night shoggas.

>> No.57270672

alt stream

>> No.57270811

so true fleece any day now wifey will acknowledge your devotion

>> No.57270859

bit late for that innit

>> No.57271139

she's a needy girl can you ever be sure

>> No.57272062
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My shonflower...

>> No.57272312

>just watched 4 episodes of breaking bad with her sister
>it's 5am
Does anyone in her family sleep normally? We know her forest elder doesn't go upstairs to bed until like 2am and stays up even later playing mobile games, which is pretty crazy for a grandmother, and the forest tree is up all hours too.

>> No.57272474

>ywn watch breaking bad in shondo while laying in bed
god dammit

>> No.57273267

apparently no https://twitter.com/syadouchama/status/1696373437202079953
these kids just aren't parented kek

>> No.57275379
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>> No.57275573
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I'm so glad for her ignoring whiners

>> No.57275640

whining about what? enjoying some time with her sister?

>> No.57275669

NTA but at this point what DONT people whine about?

>> No.57275685

I doubt she checks her mentions very often

>> No.57275720

this morning a DMer tagged her to complain that her friends get fumos early

>> No.57275842

what does he expect, her to just have them take up space and waste the opportunity to send them out to friends and as rewards

>> No.57276032

How dare Shondo be happy and have friends and not wallow in misery all the time. Also she only said I really really really love you instead of I really really really really love you! That hussy!

>> No.57276163

>stream ends with only one very in i love you very much
its actually fucking over

>> No.57276170

the mind of a shogger is at constant war

>> No.57276232

>she missed my dono in the giant hype train
bros why does she hate me specifically, did I not express enough hate for other women

>> No.57276302

But I like the brainworms. They make me feel less alone

>> No.57276787
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"wahhh wahhhh Shondoooo no one else can get their fumos before meee wahhhhhh why did x and y got them before meee wahhhh" made my fucking morning

>> No.57277292

Damn brat, go to sleep already

>> No.57277356

you first :3

>> No.57277430

she didnt include the part where the camera freaked out and spazzed all over the place

>> No.57277449

Post toes and I will

>> No.57277698


>> No.57277762

I love her more!

>> No.57279306
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Fellow, husbands, shoggers, etc, I would like help in understanding a lot of the recent names that tend to pop-up. I'm autistic and I've been doing my best to wrap my head around what seems to be this villian-of-the-week loop.
I try to be fair in understanding people but I feel like I'm missing something when it comes to a lot of the hate.
Mainly, Shondo doesn't seem to have an issue with any of these people and even scolds a few (such as Fleece). Even though she brings up toxic behavior (like the DMer who sent her the noose picture).
I try to put Shondo first and foremost and how she feels about people, in order to help me relate and I can't seem to understand why you hate most of these husbands so much when you even claim them to be her favorites.
Is something supposed to be done about them? If so, I do not see why you feel this way.

>> No.57279995

She has no issue with them, they are her favorites and allows them to impose their opinions on her, changing her beliefs.
That's why le fetish friends bad now instead of just not caring about them

>> No.57280324
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This doesn't seem bad to me if they are having such an impact. Maybe I do not understand your wording, but most of what I see is a positive influence and I would like to be one myself.

>> No.57281512
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I would like to make wifey smile more, I like when she claps her hands excitedly.

>> No.57281591

Kill yourself.

>> No.57281845
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I feared this may be a response I would receive as well. My apologies for offending you, I am trying my best.

>> No.57281876

It doesn't seem like you've been following this discussion for very long. The exact reason why someone ends as villain-of-the-week as you put it varies but the general guideline is that they have done multiple things which are considered poor behaviour or outright hurtful towards Shondo

>> No.57282510
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I much prefer to lurk and observe but I have been around for nearly 2 years. Discussions tend to be difficult for me but this recent loop has been intriguing.

I can reiterate my confusion. From what I have observed, she isn't removing those who seem to follow under the prerequisites you have just described me. She has, evidently, done so with those who have, even using your prerequisites.
This is where I become confused on how I should feel about our 'villains', when to her, they seem to be far from such a description.
I presume your prerequisites qualify for bans as well, but I wish to not be presumptuous.

>> No.57282619
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so pretty uuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.57282669
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>> No.57283764

forced bump

>> No.57284360

>This is where I become confused on how I should feel about our 'villains'
Up to you. I do believe somethings they have done warrants some hate. Wouldn't necessarily go as far as to call them "our villains"
>when to her, they seem to be far from such a description.
The only people I've seen Shondo remove were some fresh husbands who flaunted their cheating to her face. From what I understand She's extremely forgiving, especially towards husband who have been around for a while. But just because she's willing to forgive something doesn't mean it didn't hurt her and that's something which gets people here riled up
>I presume your prerequisites qualify for bans as well
No, not to my knowledge. I'll defer to Shondo and her moderation when it comes to bans, if they aren't banned for it then they probably don't deserve to get banned

>> No.57284396

What did she say we can @ her about on Twitter? I want to join in on it

>> No.57284505

I don't remember if she set any boundaries about twitter mentions. Obviously you'll get shit for trauma dumping and you aren't supposed to talk about any secret club knowledge in public

>> No.57285071
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I apologize if 'villains' was too harsh of a term, as it appeared accurate.
From what I can assess, it seems to be personal bias causing these feelings to rile up in husbands. I try to align with Shondo when she is willing to forgive, so I must also do the same.
This leaves me quite stumped, however. Your discussions here can be puzzling but I do hope some sort of resolution can be met. They are, as many here say, her favorites. I envy that myself.
It has me worried if I did attain such a status, I fear I may be a 'villain' as well! I jest, however.

>> No.57285654

>They are, as many here say, her favorites.
Are they? Shondo is pretty adamant that she loves all her husbands equally. Also if you've been here for nearly two years and you aren't getting name dropped in /shon/ I doubt you'll end up as a 'villain'

>> No.57286225
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From what I understand, Shondo will redefine the qualities that stand out to her. My phrasing was rather largely influenced by others here, as the husbands-of-the-week seem to resonate with the qualities that currently stand out to her.

I do appreciate your reassurance on the matter. I simply do not wish to stand out, but I am content with not doing so.

>> No.57286677
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I was gonna say something mean but then I realized who this probably is

>> No.57286988

I miss shondo

>> No.57288205

I kiss shondo

>> No.57289654
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>> No.57289894

shonchodes... status?

>> No.57290561

What's the optimal sleep schedule EST to interact with her the most? I think I can change my work schedule to accommodate it. I'm thinking 2am-10am sleep

>> No.57291060
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Good morning! I miss my wife.

>> No.57291731

Going to pee on her!!!
