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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57211540 No.57211540 [Reply] [Original]

How come /vt/ loves drama but have not posted about the latest Fuwamoco drama yet?

>> No.57211601

i posted jennie delete it

>> No.57211641

>Arguing for writers to get residuals
Full retard.

>> No.57211667

Why is this on Youtube and not his twitter?

>> No.57211669

He deleted that comment btw

>> No.57211706

Naaah aint fucking reading that, I'm sorry that happened to you, think thrice before tweet next time.

>> No.57211708

Because it's a comment on the video Rev says desu made on it

>> No.57211764

In a rare move, Mori does something right.

>> No.57211765

>name drops mori again
He really just must not want to work with hololive going forward

>> No.57211781

nobodies doesn't count

>> No.57211792

buy an ad

>> No.57211804

rev roasted him

>> No.57211820

I don't understand what happened? Someone explain to me

>> No.57211831

Lazy eyed furry can't stop seething. You love to see it. You dun goofed nigga

>> No.57211836
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>> No.57211837

if this is the gigafaggot you guys spammed a few days ago whining about artists not getting paid (literal whiteknight for artists who join this contest 4fun) im not reading his butthurt fag ramblings

>> No.57211849


>> No.57211865

This drama started days ago.
There were lots of post about it back then.

>> No.57211898

Laughing at this fag for burning his bridge to hololive, but I don't understand the other people still attacking him on twitter saying shit like his non-vtuber contacts would dump him too
I think some of them overestimate how huge hololive is. it's a big deal but it's not the center of the universe
Good riddance but I get second hand embarrassment for the other fags still trying to cancel him when Mori's actions should've ended this "drama" already

>> No.57211906

>How come /vt/ loves drama but have not posted about the latest Fuwamoco drama yet?
wdym? the guy actually went here to get people on his side and got shat on. He went back to twitter after getting banned by a mod for being retarded

>> No.57211908

Nobody outside of twitter trannies cares about this """"drama."""" They're upset that fwmc is doing cute kayfabe and not talking about cocks like their twitch whore oshis.

>> No.57211913

I'm more surprised the fact that /vt/ container breakers don't make fun of his strabismus eyes as much as I thought they would

>> No.57211920

Literal who with a bad take seething.

>> No.57211931

Big head retard being retarded and got blacklist. Try to damage control on 4chan(lmao) only for people to dunk on him even harder.

>> No.57211941

Stop giving attention to this literal who

>> No.57211958

did he really?

>> No.57211983

You're a week late OP

>> No.57212037

he did and it was blatantly obvious cause his twitter posts resumed the moment the retard was banned from here

>> No.57212089

It's not ending because he literally cannot shut the fuck up about it. He responded to that video really fast.
I do agree they should stop giving him attention though.

>> No.57212121

Yeah, he was mass replying to anons in the first thread about it. His Twitter went completely silent during the period he was posting here and the second he got banned here he started replying to people on Twitter again.

>> No.57212128

The people that bitch about this shit aren't making a living off their art in the first place.

>> No.57212129

I think fanart helps grow their brand much more than a jingle 99% of the audience will never care about. And majority of artists do it for free, fun or clout and visibility because that will lead to more eyes on them and more freelance opportunities.

>> No.57212154

thank you

>> No.57212620
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Aaaaahh fuck this bitch I would beat him ass up for stirring shit over something that has voluntary participation. I remember some faggot/faggotlady being butthurt over Saruei's fan art contest because Saruei's mod told them that their submission does not qualify to win but the mod refuses to elaborate further. Fan submission contests always end with some sidelined greedy talentless hacks being butthurt for no reason. Fuck Twitter artists. Into the gas chamber with these niggers.
What a pussy.

>> No.57212761

he's trying very hard to gain connection to hololive. Doesn't he know he might not get paid for his works?

>> No.57212845

>butthurt nigger over a literal whos comment
>shiori is his oshi
Holy shit, you need a therapist. Stop watching vtubers, you seem to only pick the worst ones.

>> No.57212881

Kys Joshua

>> No.57213191

People love Ame's Papaya bgm for instance but it could literally be anything else because what people really love is the memories and content associated with it. This retard has it all backwards

>> No.57213517

Some literal retard tranny (literally retarded and literally a tranny, this is not an insult, it's fact) who has worked with Mori on her music or something tried to cancel FWMC for asking for fanart, without paying for said fanart (yes, he's just that retarded). /vt/ shits on him, he mass blocks people who disagree with him on twitter, he comes /here/ to argue his retarded stance for a thread or two, then gets banned, and Mori unfollows him. Now he's trying to backtrack and damage control, claiming he didn't actually mean to criticize FWMC (an obvious lie).

>> No.57213519

OP, you already posting and bumping this again and again. This is not worth the drama. Can you post a more interesting drama?

>> No.57213589

Shill harder.

>> No.57213603

Forgot to mention, he kept trying to doxx/spread lies about FWMC being really wealthy even before joining hololive or something to justify his stance that they should pay for fanart (even if the fanartists don't want pay). Yes, he's that pathetic.

>> No.57213648

You just can’t keep your faggot ass off of here, huh joshua?

>> No.57213656
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You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.57213681

which thread did he do it in

>> No.57213696
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>> No.57213723

>That's a lot of words for "I'm sorry Mori, please work with me again. Bau bau"

>> No.57213772

Josh still screeching?
lmao, oh wait, that's his bad metal.

>> No.57213787

Yeah I saw that on his Twitter. He made things very personal against them for some reason.

>> No.57213800

>being really wealthy
Unrelated, but well are they? I remember them talking about sometimes not eating to have money on their favourite things/hobbies

>> No.57213812

Probably realized he burned down his future career opportunities for some schizo rant about fanart.
This reads like a "i was wrong (but actually not really), please hire me again" kind of post.

>> No.57213837

Its really oger for him. Its not about hololive blacklisting him its the holobox and their fans blacklisting him. There's no way you can get anywhere with that many people hating your guts. Literally an heroed his career.

>> No.57213884

Oh fuck ehen was that, I missed it

>> No.57213896

No. Kiara said the payments from Youtube come in ~2 months delayed, so they probably have what cover gave them as a kickstart budget and nothing else.
That's why Nerissa is still living with her parents and Shiori has to eat with craft scissors instead of high quality forged one..

>> No.57213932

I think during his second spergout?

>> No.57213943
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If someone drew fanart of their favorite VTuber, and then said VTuber uses it (with credit) on a stream thumbnail, is the artist entitled to residuals from the revenue of that stream? Of fucking course not. (In fact, while the artist may own the intellectual property of the art itself, the character being portrayed on the art is the IP of the VTuber/their company.)
As I see it, if the jingle composers decided to make and release their work for this competition, they sign off the rights for them to be monetarily compensated by doing so in the first place.

>> No.57213956
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Pero shat on this joshua kun on fuwamoco morning lol

>> No.57214043

No clue, I just watch for kayfabe, couldn't care less about any chuuba's circumstances off-stream. Though I think his reasoning was that because they travelled to Japan when they were younger they had to be megarich or whatever, which seems a bit retarded.

>> No.57214064

Is that Amerimutt furry cunt still seething? Ive made electronic for over years music but making a jingle is piss easy. Troons should not talk about it if they don't anything about how to make music.

>> No.57214088

If you have good parents and no partner, it's fine to stay with them, you save a lot of shitty expenses and can help them out with money too, so I don't think that's a mark of being poor.
And they have to get salary from cover for few months already right?
Eitherway I wanted to know because I prefer chuubas being poor because my saviourfag instincts and they take it less "for granted", which doesn't matter with FWMC since they are big fans of whole idol/vtubing thing.

>> No.57214155

what drama, it's just some twitter retard doing what twitter retards do

>> No.57214232

>my initial perspective
>I misunderstood
>it was never my intention
I feel like if this dude didn't have his soap box kicked out from under him and got the twitter clout he was clearly reaching for, then he wouldn't have felt the need to clear up any of these "misunderstandings"

>> No.57214259

No, they're not rich. They'd still be in Japan if they were.

>> No.57214314

bau bau...

>> No.57214346

Of course.

>> No.57214397

Rich enough that they could keep trying to bite at the apple for a decade+ until they finally caught it this time, poor enough that they were apparently selling their anime figures during lean times.

>> No.57214399

That was clearly damage control. Plenty of people on Twitter told him nicely (and not in /vt/ manner) that it was meant to be a fun event to foster interactions between FWMC and fans. He blocked all of those.
It's more like the faggot first noticed how big of a shitfest it was became and walked back into attacking Cover instead of FWMC. When that didn't help (and he had more time to calm down from his Internet shitting high), he walked back further into this because he realized he was dumb AF and was on the verge of slandering there.

>> No.57214536

considering how hard he kept double down, yeah. honestly, i think the issue is how often people overlook tranny meltdowns. they get used to everyone sucking off their shit takes. no doubt they'll be bitching about hololive for the rest of their short lives.

>> No.57214538

>Unrelated, but well are they?
No but it wouldn't matter if they were. Kek, this moron burned down his career for literally no reason

>> No.57214556

>I did literally no due diligence on the topic I was speaking about in hopes that I would gain clout and it backfired because I'm a retard
>I then proceeded to double down hard until I burnt any and all goodwill I had in the vtuber industry
>but it was actually fuwamoco's fault because they weren't clear

What a weasely little faggot. Not even a sorry or I was wrong.
"Even if I was wrong". Kill yourself.

>> No.57214641

They share a PC, anon...

>> No.57214646
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>> No.57214740

I can't take him seriously. His punctuation and sentence structure are unforgivable.

>> No.57214880

Praise where it is due. I'm no fan of the reaper but she did good when she unfollowed him and removed his music from her transformation.
If she keeps this up, i'll be able to even shill her to others even if I don't watch her myself.

>> No.57214979

nice headcannon
>I remember some faggot/faggotlady being butthurt over Saruei's fan art contest because Saruei's mod told them that their submission does not qualify to win but the mod refuses to elaborate further.
100% legitimate. Darius got exposed for being a powertripping asshole (not just from that but from previous interactions as well) and Saruei felt bad about how thoughtless she was and apologized.
>greedy talentless hacks being butthurt for no reason.
The girl was being sincere and just wanted to understand why the work she spent time on to submit didnt qualify, its wasted time. they talked things out and moved on so why are you still malding? this isnt an issue about a "greedy hack", the problem was the angry twitter mob that went after Saruei, nobody asked for that.

Personally I'd like feed back why my works arent good enough so I can improve, a "its kinda shit lmao" doesnt help anyone. Saruei had a fun idea but executed it extremely poorly and admitted it herself, so why are you still malding over it?

>> No.57215050


>> No.57215070

They share my PP, anon...

>> No.57215137

I wrote this

>> No.57215163
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>retard got baited by holoans
>not trying to cancel anyone
>proceeds to list whatshitcorpsdo to make parallels
>still calls it a contest
faggot really doesn't want to sink alone, still trying to sling mud, disgusting
