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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 502 KB, 1451x878, parasocial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57184439 No.57184439 [Reply] [Original]

Oh, it's going to be a good one when the other holos play this one. 4chan is going to be stormy over this shit.

>> No.57184488

>4chan is going to be stormy over this shit.
Wait that's us dumbass!!

>> No.57184597
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>Tries to shit on Holo
>Its Reverse Gender

>> No.57184599

IRyS is playing it this week, so expect some shitty threads

>> No.57184669

You also said the same thing with Needy Streamer Overload.

>> No.57184737

god i wish, it will most likely be a real female

>> No.57185122

True ending is good. The fake endings just reaffirm fears but it's a horror game so hopefully they go true end.

>> No.57185231

this time for sure sister
you were saying the same shit for weeks with needy girl overload

>> No.57185280
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>he doesn't know

>> No.57185306

You mean more forced bait spam? so boring when it is predictable.

>> No.57185329

I've only looked very superficially at the stream but there seems to be some twist over not only having a stalker but also multiple people like the owner of the building you live being in a complot against you to help the stalker. Your character is retarded too in acting against the stalker.
They also copied that old creepypasta of that person playing a seemingly realistic FPS exploration game until they realize it's happening inside their house.
In one of the endings your female friend literally shills the shitty combini horror game they made long ago.

>> No.57186082

I hate how nijis and their nijisisters on twitter changed the meaning of that word to be "bad bad bad". Parasocial relationships are bad when taken to the extreme, because most forms of entertainment and especially streamers play with parasocial relationships without even knowing it. To create a community and make people feel "a part" of your life, people have to feel attached to you in some way. It's not always the illusion of "being your boyfriend or girlfriend", other times it is friendship blabla Why I'm losing my time writting this shit

>> No.57186346

>some twist over not only having a stalker but also multiple people like the owner of the building you live being in a complot against you to help the stalker
It's actually much funnier and ironic than that
Actual spoilers
She straight up doesn't have a stalker, much less a parasocial one. It's just the ex-boyfriend who got the whole fucking condo on its payroll to make her believe she's been stalked, but it's actually all a farce to make him look like the hero by rescuing her when a dude he was paying breaks into her home.

>> No.57186569
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Its terrible how the game is both the game equivalent of clickbait, but it's also the devs jerking themselves off over their shitty horror games that Hololive and others only play due to permissions autism.

>> No.57186779
File: 203 KB, 1235x1301, 1686550766946310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like an absolute narcissist wrote this story.

>> No.57186834

That's not even what parasocial means jfc

>> No.57187007

The fuck is it with women and their retarded fetish of having a stalker or being raped and murdered.

>> No.57187052

I've seen in comment in the clips, apparently Kobo was doxxed hard last week to the point of family and address by her gachikoi.

Apparently that was the reason why she play this game.

>> No.57187127

kek what the fuck

>> No.57187191

do you think men don't have that either retard?

>> No.57187299

anons don't worry this game fails to get its point across. miserably. if anything it warrants a lecture on how not to write a story

>> No.57187308
File: 64 KB, 900x900, RE4wEag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears to be 2 brothers making these games and it does sound like someone's fantasy.

>> No.57187339

who the hell is even parasocial with kobo especially after everything she has done so far to prove she isn't the type to be a panderer? this is as dumb as sisters using Fubuki as an example to push their male collab agenda

>> No.57187364

Yeah, that's literally the only reason. Unfortunately, she lives in Indonesia, which is the equavalent of kicking a hornet's nest. You just need one actual sociopath to actually do the deed and put her life in danger.

>> No.57187379

As you'd expect of someone riding a flavor of the month term. A few months late.
I fully expect one of the people streaming this to go full autism "le parasocial ebil" on their viewers out of pure stupidity too.

>> No.57187492
File: 243 KB, 1080x1458, Kobo doxxed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57187506

>game is called parasocial
>there is no parasocial aspect

>> No.57187585

So the guy that got into matsuri's house midstream was just an actor?

>> No.57187597

I don't believe it

>> No.57188092

her ""brother"" is an actor?

>> No.57188146

So this is just like Streamer overload and Oshi no Ko.
They are doing this for you guys, take the hint already.

>> No.57188445

Anons chimp out when forced to be self-aware for a moment.

>> No.57188559

I watched Pippa stream it the other day and loved it. She's talked a lot about being terrified of somebody breaking into her house and raping/murdering her and then she had to roleplay it in the game. Also she taught us about some of the technology vtubers use

>> No.57188579

I genuinely hope Chilla kills himself to repent for shitting out 4765829 garbage games a year.

>> No.57188585

there have been no confirmed kobo doxxes as of yet. all of the lookalikes/soundalieks so far have no substantiation. if this were the other way around i'd be banned, but amusing because the truth is in her favor, i'm free to confirm.

>> No.57188708

hi reine

>> No.57188755

But I don't have a girlfriend, how can I go full schizo on her like in this game

>> No.57188862

They fail to hit home because they all do the strawman "You're my girlfriend and I'll murder you"
but if they were honest and made the story "I wont support you financially if you insult me" you'd cry it was unfair nobody supported your deranged worldview

>> No.57188991


>> No.57189111

The parasocial relationship is basically how the vTuber business works. Without it, there stops being a point to watching a vTuber as compared to a typical fleshtuber.

The people who flip out about parasocial relationships are people who think vTubing, particularly Hololive-style vTubing, shouldn't be allowed to exist and should be entirely done away with. IMO, I doubt most of these people posting this shit are Niji fans, I think they're tourists from Twitter and Discord who just go after anime and anime fans in general.

>> No.57189171

Unless you're a former WACTOR member or something, there's almost no confirmed doxx of any corpo vtuber ever.

>> No.57189213

>I didn't stalk and hurt her, therefore nobody will
Good for you, but not everybody's as sane as you

>> No.57189315
File: 170 KB, 800x986, 1693189903660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The stalker schizo in the game? It was me
>the hero? Also me and i am gonna make it with my oshi

>> No.57189483


Sounds like you're mad he found a productive and fun way to earn money instead of shitposting on 4chan all day

>> No.57189719

People are going to be fucked up no matter what anyways. People can be parasocial with fleshtubers too. Even without this parasocial feeling, the same people would likely act fucked up in their normal daily lives too. It's not something that's fixed by simply "going out and touching grass."

>> No.57189891


>> No.57189985

The truth and plot of the game doesn’t matter. People will watch a 2 mintue clip of the game where the vtuber playing talks about being parasocial and every will praise it. This is want chilla gets it doesn’t matter that his writing sucks or that the story and themes in his games all go agaisnt each other. It’s the clips that matter and make people think of him

>> No.57190101

Well has to be expected, sorry for the dev but writting a story about "parasocial" is litteraly doomed to fail. You can thank twitterfag who are unable to understand a simple concept and just use it as a buzzword to falcify their lack of argument and actual ground.

>> No.57190175
File: 177 KB, 325x325, 1658280051108378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you even talking about? The schizo in the game isn't a fan, it's the boyfriend. The irony in all this is how the game sorta ends up validating the feelings of unicorns, contrarily to what the title would make you think.

>> No.57190359

anti-unicorn and male feminist sex pest is a venn diagram with a large crossover

>> No.57190370

The unicorn is the stalker fan who was a willing participant, and the ending only proves that the vtuber can't trust anybody around her.

>> No.57190437
File: 81 KB, 783x592, Starcraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instantly reminded me of this

>> No.57190507

Oshi no Ko was supposed to be the downfall of /vt/ as well.

>> No.57190629

Anon that wasn't a fan, it was just some guy he was paying to play the part.

>> No.57190968

I dont know what ending you saw, but in the ending I saw it was the ex-BF who somehow got the stalker fan to play the part of the hero while the MC's lady friend tried to warn her he was part of it all along.
Its just stupid no matter how you slice it.

>> No.57191482
File: 123 KB, 668x475, 1684778269770077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57191649

So let me get this straight. Kobo is doxxed and some 10m subs guy decides to spread awareness by telling everyone that the Kobo doxx is available now to make sure even more creepy people can get their hands on it. Then Kobo plays this game to further remind everyone that the doxx is out there in case anyone wants it. Does Kobo have a fetish for getting stalked or something so she's encouraging it or what?

>> No.57191950

>SC to oshi to feel like a friend
>we arent friends
Welp thats it folks you're just a name on screen and just a simp, so easily swayed by sweet talk from succubus.

>> No.57191953

it's all an elaborate ad campaign for the game. you should play it, you'd like it! it will make you scared and then think about the story!

>> No.57191964

>4chan is going to be stormy over this shit

ah classic, I love retards that take things at face value. Nobody actually gives a shit

Wonder where the Schizo for Kson is.

>> No.57192007

>reddit spacing

>> No.57192128

Thats ok tranny, my Oshi will play Parasocial and have a laugh.

>> No.57192279

>you're responsible for things other people do
It'll work eventually

>> No.57192429
File: 62 KB, 329x305, 1693188063511757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chilla is a hack. But lol

>> No.57192496

It's like blaming violent video games when somebody commits a crime.

>> No.57192560

>>57192496 (me)
Sorry I meant it's like blaming the players that play violent video games.

>> No.57192561

>Being offended over another type of fan getting mocked

>> No.57192677

If you give money to anyone online you're parasocial. If you don't give money to them your opinion is irrelevant. Which is it?,

>> No.57192857

They were literally sending her real name to donate during her streams dude.
It's confirmed
Also, this guy really thinks mods have any confirmed info kek. There have been kobo pics here that got posted and people got banned for posting them, regardless of whether they were accurate or not

>> No.57192884

this like that faggot thinking that a user of this site is going to rape and murder a vtuber
it has never happened and it never will

>> No.57192966

>that wall of text
she got groomed by Rikiya

>> No.57193276
File: 60 KB, 252x226, 1693115103799901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a fucking minute, this is a chilla's art game.

>> No.57193413

Kobo was banned because of chat pfp with porn. What did she do when she came back? Proceed to show chat's pfp and get banned again.
She's not the smartest girl.

>> No.57195235

The scariest part of it

>> No.57195347

Reminder: it's not parasocial if the streamer says she loves her chat or gives kisses.

>> No.57195418

Normies threw a fit when it became an incest series

>> No.57195517

picked up

>> No.57195586

It's not her gachikoi. It's normies and minors who only watch Kobo because she's the most famous vtuber in Indonesia and they think they are cool if they know the vtuber's true identity.

>> No.57195601

It's not good, there's way better incest anime out there

>> No.57195608

damn i hate indie shit horror games so much

>> No.57195648

Imagine being parasocial with vtubers that collab with males. lol

>> No.57195678

name 8

>> No.57196139

this is retarded. gachikoi are the last kind of people who would dox the object of their desire. Maybe one would obtain the information, if he is a deranged enough individual, but even then he would keep it safe rather than hurt the person he loves.

>> No.57196325

>flavor of the month term
you are so deeply retarded

>> No.57196398

It's literally impossible for Kobo to have Parasocials lol

>> No.57196495

>anons think parasocial is the same thing as unicorn

>> No.57196568

They are

>> No.57196668

And vice versa, don't expect yourself to be safe after doing the deed unless you have billions to pay.

>> No.57196699

Lets go! I wanna see more of these vtubers educate and preach to unikeks about parasocial bullshittery. Its always a good day when they belittle those idiots to the point that rope is the only way out.

>> No.57196717


>> No.57196774
File: 562 KB, 1639x1058, veiClose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should watch vei anon.

>> No.57196958

Yes it is, because you are still delusional to fall for it thinking they are your gf.
Vtubers are evil for milking lonely simps on the internet but at the same time you guys are retarded enough to deserve being lied to.
Nobody realizes how much this whole vtuber aspect is the worst.

>> No.57197050

i think he was making a joke...

>> No.57197076

Blatant lie. It would be all over iketog if that's the case

>> No.57197290

Vtubers aren't parasocial because they constantly interact with their viewers, reciprocating all their feelings including love. It's not one-sided.
Checkmate motherfucker.
>ah but it's all made up it's kayfabe
Skill issue, find better vtubers then.

>> No.57197596

Anon people have been parasocial with actual artists on stage way before fuckers with webcam run the show

>> No.57197706

It's third worlders. There's a reason they're still a developing nation .

>> No.57197714

You are actually defending being a parasocial simp.
You my guy is the reason society is fucked.

>> No.57197737

Dude all you need to do is search Kobo Kanaeru at facebook and thats it.

>> No.57198801

>someone send a girl's name through donation so it must be her
That's even more retarded

>> No.57199227

Lol that retard gonna get an instant spec ops check.

>> No.57199244
File: 68 KB, 1000x1000, 1681787349835895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being under the illusion that you are in an intimate relationship is called "parasocial"
It's one thing if retards on /vt/ and whoretubers from /here/ missuse their buzzwords but actually putting a wrong definition into your fucking streamerbait kusoge annoys me to no end. What that retard describes is called having a fucking paranoid delusion called "Erotomania".
I can usually stomach the missuse of words but if someone is spreading missinformation about scientific and medical terms I just want to strangle them. fucking retards

>> No.57202075

i hate normies so much
>what do you mean the relationship alluded to since the second fucking chapter finally gets a spotlight
fucking low iq niggers

>> No.57202257

Iketog sisters don't care about ID

>> No.57202323
File: 89 KB, 909x1144, 1683849211141534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some nerd thinks I'm his mommy
dab on the nerds is cringe nowadays because 99% of people involved are nerds, but the ones who complain the most about 'parasociality' are basically the nerd with the fat girlfriend who thinks he's the chad among dorks, rather than a landwhale hunter

>> No.57202385

It's very simple: twitterfags are basically the bottom-tier women adn simps desperate for money or female attention. These ugly women like to think they can both acquire chad and get money from dweebs, while the simps appease m'lady in hopes of getting a crumb of pussy.

>> No.57202431

I read this doujin.

>> No.57202463

/vt/ only grows stronger kek

>> No.57202491

It's not 'incest' if he's acting.

>> No.57202530

No it's okay, give me my skinny low body count at least 5/10 nice government mandated gf (no older than 28) and I'll stop watching anime.

>> No.57202614

I can answer that question directly- watching Pillowdear's asmr where the female stalker convinces you to let her into your house, but then you stab her at the end made no sense to me because I was only thinking if a chick obsessed with my dick broke into my house to harass me and I had power over her with a knife I would definitely just rape her consensually.

>> No.57202624
File: 3 KB, 121x124, 1688688099184335s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u know kobo in IRL or atleast saw her JP travel photos, you will understand what kink she is into. Literaly the cutest yet degenerate talent in holo id. i

>> No.57202626

But that’s not the definition of parasocial at all.

>> No.57202707

that sounds too retarded to be true. I'm actually a little upset that streamers helped give this hack enough visibility to keep making garbage

>> No.57202743

no... she have a boyfriends!!

>> No.57203062

I want to choke subhumans who keep using the word gachikoi wrongly to death

>> No.57203185

I would do this to my oshi if I was rich enough

>> No.57203279

she's into being home invaded and raped so she knowingly tries to spread her dox? i don't get it

>> No.57203401

I've only enjoyed watching holos play that barista one, and mainly because it was calming to watch them frantically try their hands at a shitty wagecucks type job.
Also it gave me this Meru moment:
Reminder that Mel was the only one who thought to go arm herself with a broom; all the others either panicked and floundered and ran away screaming.

>> No.57203428

Holy shit, I forgot about that time a GET was so awful that moot disabled them entirely

>> No.57203529

Indonesians are not known for their intellectual rigor and powers of critical thinking.
You'd think that'd be obvious considering the absolute state of that nation.

>> No.57203556

Fortunately it's also Indonesia, you can easily pay people to kick the butt of stalkers who are usually some underage teens.
Back in my high school days there was this effeminate boy stalking the captain of the basketball team, and because the captain is a no bullshit guy and he also got mocked because of that, he hired some thugs to beat the boy and raped him in the ass.

>> No.57203838

>in IRL

>> No.57203855

they don't even care about tempus much less ID

>> No.57203956

famous last word

>> No.57204067

They'll laugh about it and move on, you drama starved whore.

>> No.57204135

It wasn't GET, it was just doubles. Also this was when he tried to just hide them, but people created scripts so they'd still be visible, Then moot removed them entirely.

I wish moot was back because he would stop at nothing to exterminate the reddit man and reddit frog because of how cancerous they are.

>> No.57204402

What happened to the holoID protection rrat?

>> No.57204872

She's stirring shit up so she can be relevant again

>> No.57208532


>> No.57210804

Protection is for Holoro only. They are the girls who have the army and secret service on their side.

>> No.57211018

What a win-win situation.

>> No.57211067

>a small corpo 3view i watch is playing this game right now
i hope to God this doesn't change her attitude towards her fans...

>> No.57211154

In this board people think gachikoi, unicorns, stalkers and psychopaths are synonyms. It’s like when a dude rapes a woman normalfag subhumans make it like all males are rapists. They take an exception within an exception and make it the new universal rule.

>> No.57211321

Protection from stalker/assaulter, not random monkey on the internet.
