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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 509 KB, 873x426, torisea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57124704 No.57124704 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody explain to me what happened?

>> No.57124769

get a brain

>> No.57124793

Birds eat fish.

>> No.57124804

Holotori is better, simple

>> No.57124876

Low effort meme song like your bait OP.


>> No.57124991

Umisea has a history of mediocre-at-best songs
Meanwhile, this is holoTori's first song

>> No.57125110

Holotori is good

>> No.57125172

To add to the injury, Umisea was posted in the Official JP Channel, while Holotori was posted in the debuffed English Channel.

>> No.57125220

Why should anyone bother when you don't care about the answer and just want to shitpost?

>> No.57125354

Holotori is a good unit, PoggersOcean is not.

>> No.57125705
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Especially Kiara, she loves eating fishy things

>> No.57125821

SOUL vs souless
also denpa is shit

>> No.57125982

eops dont know this, but basically every jp member but nene and kanata literally eat fish cum (shirako) on the reg

>> No.57126247
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>> No.57126457

umisea was corp mandated garbage while holotori wanted to do this themselves

>> No.57126638

Contrast the one with mori and a singer

>> No.57127029

Holotori is more of a group that fans actually wanted to be a thing whereas Holosea is of a corporate idea

>> No.57127781

Umisea is literally the most soulless group in Hololive, if it wasn't for Cover forcing it, it would have never been a thing
Holotori has actual chemistry as a group and several good collabs under the belt, especially the Reine/Kiara/Subaru trio, they have the Subaru duck buff, and people in it actually talk about it and keep it alive, while people forget Umisea even exist between one forced song/event and the other
Also, holotori dance is a better song
And I all say this despite the orange woman being in it

>> No.57127936

umisea is forced as fuck and has no chemistry while holotori is something that organically happened

>> No.57128057

Umisea has always been corporate forced and ranging from poorly to mildly received by the fanbase DESPITE having so many heavy hitters.
Holotori was organically created (and forced a bit too) with Kiara's persistence and drive by an endless fuel for its expansion.
Talents > Corporation

>> No.57128087

Youtube algo.
on my way to watch umisea

>> No.57128145

good song vs annoying song, that's it and all there is to it

>> No.57128232 [DELETED] 

Nobody even mentioned that the Umisea was on the JP channel which is like more than 3 times as big as the puny EN channel that nobody even subbed too. If it was both uploaded to the JP channel I'd expect 2 million views for holotori for now.

>> No.57128289

like half of umisea barely streams most of the time (even if aqua was once the GOAT for many), ina isn't a singer/idol at all and is there literally just because ocean theme. they also don't really do umisea stuff together - in part because some of them barely stream, but also because as JP-EN but without a Kiara-tier translator it's tougher to get by.

>> No.57128468

It's the same with IRyS. Even when she does release a banger no one cares because she has a rep of releasing bad songs. No one gives them a chance. Umisea burned their good will from the start

>> No.57128733

I'm sometimes stunned by the loyalty of the fanbases for Gen2 gaki trio, years of neglect and lack of streams and still so little oshihen occurs.

>> No.57128972

fan-endorsed unit of people who like eachother vs corpo forced unit of people who have nothing to do with eachother.

umisea is ultimate cringe.

>> No.57128974

organic unit > management forced unit
not very hard.

>> No.57129082
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>> No.57129839

Manjigumi are very talented and have great synergy with their models.

>> No.57130227
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>> No.57130349

Cartoony style
Generic anime.

>> No.57130486

Talent driven content is better than management driven content. Simple as.

>> No.57130650

I don't get the appeal of Holotori.

>> No.57130915

Birbs fluffy and cute, fish stinky and slimey, simple as

>> No.57131103
File: 184 KB, 1280x1280, 眼鏡のスバル.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The appeal is Subaru.

Also Lui.

>> No.57131631

holotori is only half as long, so you can listen to it twice in the same time.

>> No.57131703

I don't get her appeal

>> No.57131901

She is the main character of hololive.

>> No.57132348

Listen to any UMISEA song. Ina is my Oshi but I can't even get through a single song without cringing from the horribly written dialogue lines.

>> No.57133055

Doesn't seem like there's much chemistry with Umisea.
Holotori can communicate with their one JOP, while Umisea can barely communicate with each other let alone their one EOP.
Also 2D animated MV vs panning PNG MV.

>> No.57133076

>uuh eops don't know this
>common knowledge the en girls joke about

>> No.57133723

Umisea has been pretty crappy and guras star power has somewhat wained after the extended ghosting arc. Her 2nd solo original still hasn't hit 1m.

>> No.57134224
File: 140 KB, 757x1200, スバルだって.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holotori can communicate with their one JOP

Who would that be? I won't say they're native level fluent but Subaru and Lui both are pretty much 英語上手.

>> No.57135350

Same. Holotori at its core is Subaru, Reine, Mumei and 2 shitters of their respective branches

>> No.57135525

Soul vs Soulless

>> No.57136082

That's funny because Kiara and Lui have by FAR the best music numbers in this entire unit. Subaru never was a music powerhouse and her songs never did well, Holotori dance is the fastest growing song where she's involved, same for Mumei.

>> No.57136089

4/5 of Umisea is autistic shut-ins with zero social skills, not even Senchou can carry the group with the language barrier adding to it

>> No.57136171

Ina sucks the SOVL out of everything with her low effort mentality

>> No.57136244

Umisea is more "forced"
They're both forced units, but the difference is that Umisea was declared to be a thing by stupid management. Holotori happened because the members wanted it

>> No.57136345

The JPs save it. Subaru and Lui are top tier. Kiara is complete fucking garbage, Reine is alright. Mumei fades into the background as usual and has zero impact.

>> No.57136471
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Skin issue.

>> No.57136494

One song is barely two minutes, snappy and catchy. The other is almost five minutes long and way too busy. All the Umisea songs break up the flow with weird interludes.

>> No.57136505

>Mumei fades into the background as usual and has zero impact.
She's just like me fr

>> No.57136611

Lock Mumei and Lui alone in a room together and make them do a zatsu collab. Let's see this legendary sociability in action.

>> No.57137007

Marine is my oshi and Umisea fucking sucks. Sachihapi is the only remotely ok song they've released so far. Holotori Dance is far far better. You just can't beat organic units.
Turning Subaru's meme into "the holotori dance" was kind of soulless, but still way better than anything Umisea could produce with their invisible synergy.

>> No.57137090

This is just false. Kiara is the only one in the group with good music numbers. Lui has pretty comparable numbers to Mumei and Subaru has like 2 cover/music releases lol

>> No.57137198

One is soulless corporate mandate the other is umisea

>> No.57137224

moom cute
simple as

>> No.57137355


>> No.57137430

How the fuck can you say this when mumei was the sole reason their recent collab stream was actually good

>> No.57137444

>Not just merging them into Seagull

>> No.57137617

lui's music numbers are pretty ass considering how much she pushes it. mumei releases like 1 cover every 6 months without prior notice and gets a million views most of the time

>> No.57137972

She feels left out as the only one that doesn't speak JP desu. She would be better off making a unit of purely EN members with gura and others

>> No.57138115

We already had this thread

>> No.57138201

ofc put her together with another autist so we get another umisea where no one communicates,nah the birds are where she belongs to get her out of her shell more

>> No.57138434

Too much content and people can't keep up with all the shit going on... I sure can't.

>> No.57138445

But she already have a unit of purely EN members, it's called Council

>> No.57138500

>more autistic collabs
that sounds great

>> No.57138573

Council has bae and kronii. Its a dogshit unit. She needs to get away from those 2 disgusting leeches.

>> No.57138586

Simple as

>> No.57138648

the point is there wouldnt be any because both would be too retarded to make the first step

>> No.57138686

>hoomans calling kronii the leech now
ironic desu considering mumei leeched kronii for months post debut

>> No.57138856

Gura actually has lots of chemistry with Marine and Aqua, and her chemistry with Ina is obviously a given. They just needed to actually be themselves instead of whatever the fuck Cover is trying to make them be.

>> No.57138888


They're a bunch of girls just happy to be together and doing stuff.
This is the English Channel's 2nd most viewed short

>> No.57138897

members who actually interact, have deep friendships, wide variety of vocal ranges so they actually harmonize instead of blend/bump into eachother, and a song that's actually pleasing to listen too.
Whoever is making UmiSea production decisions has the worst fucking ear for music I have ever encountered at this level. Every song sounds like dogshit, the rythm breaks and changes every 10 seconds, it's like listening to straight up fucking noise. Discordant, arrhythmic, ultra high BPM, and just junk nonsense lyrics. They try and smash like 20 song ideas into one single song and it's always terrible, not even the buff of having some of the best singers and most popular members can save umisea until they get a competent producer to just make them a song without the manager interfering

>> No.57139028

1 song is good, 1 isn't.
Both groups have very good singers (Gura, Mumei, Reine, maybe Marine) but 1 group just simply has the superior song.

>> No.57139179


>> No.57139415

Lui is better at English than Subaru, but yeah I don't think it's fair to call either one completely JOP. Maybe if Subaru does an English only solo stream (Lui has).

>> No.57139454

>"ToO mUcH cOnTeNt!"
>When those videos are a year apart.
How slow you digest your media?

>> No.57139538

Naturally formed vs Corpo mandated.

>> No.57139621

Now I know which hoofaggot from /#/ is always shitting on Bae and Kronii with "leech" kek

>> No.57139874

When the FUCK is full color being released Gura? Listening to the concert audio over and over sucks

>> No.57139892

>members who actually interact, have deep friendships, wide variety of vocal ranges so they actually harmonize instead of blend/bump into eachother

All of this is actually true for Umisea, Gura and Marine have a really close bond, as shown with Gura mentioning all the numerous times they've chatted in private and much she loves talking with her. And Aqua is literally Gura's kami oshi. And they do have a good variety of vocal ranges. Chloe pulls off low notes really well, Gura and Aqua pull off high notes and Ina and Marine fit right in the middle.

The problem is that whoever is managing this group is doing an astronomically awful job. Umisea has put out some of the most atrocious pieces of music to ever come out of Hololive, and that's an achievement cause holy shit.

Solution: Leave Umisea alone and let them be themselves.

>> No.57139918

Mumei's skirt makes me cum

>> No.57139921

What's this from? Looks super cute.

>> No.57140083


>> No.57140181

I like Umisea. It reminds me of the units you'd see in Idolm@ster. I would like Holotori, but Kiara ruins it for me.

>> No.57140293
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Don't use my oshi to shitpost

>> No.57140429

>Solution: Leave Umisea alone and let them be themselves.

pretty sure they'll never do anything under the umisea banner ever again if they just let them be, which would probably be for the best.

>> No.57140529
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>Create unit as a meme as first
>More birds join, start getting serious about it after seeing all the projects other official groups get
>Try to convince Cover to back it
>They don't budge at first
>Keep pushing, other girls also push too
>Cover gives in, funds a song and makes a Hologra
>They're both extremely successful
The level of vindication Kiara is feeling must be terrific.
Lui should also get a special mention, since she mentioned to (a very surprised) Kiara that she was pushing a lot for Holotori to management in the background. I can just bet HoloX shilling privileges came in handy there.

>> No.57140874
File: 243 KB, 810x767, 1691954569492861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah something that's not getting mentioned in this thread is that Holotori gets an extreme buff from the fact 4/5 of its members are very outgoing and sociable, with Mumei being the one exception.
Umisea on the other hand, is 3/5 socially anxious introverts (Aqua, Ina, Gura)
2 of which are arguably the MOST socially anxious introverts in their respective branches of the company (Gura, Aqua)
Chloe meanwhile is just sort of there
This leaves literally all the planning, organising and leadership to Marine, who's already one of the busiest talents in the whole company.
It was a doomed idea from the start, no matter how you look at it.

>> No.57141285

This is very true.
Holotori has the EN Gigastacey, ID Gigastacey. Lui is almost there too and Subaru is an overflowing extrovert. Mumei is also capable of playing off them and going along with things.

Umisea meanwhile is just yeah, some of the biggest introverts (I'd say Ina and Aqua instead though).

Holotori I think also benefits from Kiara being such an idol lover and having a group like this she's mentioned before was one of her dreams joining Hololive. She probably fights any manager tooth and nail for the group behind the scenes.

>> No.57141532

>hoofaggot from /#/
Anon...there are no hoomans in /#/. They just did a holosort earlier.
literally ZERO hoomans. it's most likely a sapling or irystocrat just by the numbers

>> No.57141579

>(I'd say Ina and Aqua instead though)

Gura has anxiety to the point where she can't eat properly. She's the biggest introvert of the group lmao.

>> No.57141609

Gura is my oshi but umisea have released exactly one passable song with the rest being DIRE and holotori dance is catchy and cute as hell

>> No.57141711

Maybe, but Subaru and Lui are the JP members who are most likely to interact in English and can actually hold a conversation, especially Lui, and Reine and Kiara can both bridge the gap when needed

>> No.57141808

Umisea shines in their shorts, the manga shorts were adorable (even if the girls played up their characters too much for my liking)

Gura getting to do voice acting alone made Umisea a worthwhile group formation. It's just that their songs suck.

>> No.57141983

Holotori JP members can barely hold themselves speaking English and Kiara/Reine can speak fluently both English and japanese, mumei don't talk that much from the start and she charm the jp members by just random noises and cuteness.

>> No.57142053
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>> No.57142112

Yeah don't get me wrong I love every individual member but the songs are just fucking awful and don't showcase any of them well. They have worked well together in multiple lives so I blame outside forces.

>> No.57142162

Subaru to stronk

>> No.57142164

that's complete bs lol. i hop into /#/ sometimes when i'm bored and there is 0 chance that there are no hoomans in /#/

>> No.57142173

no soul

>> No.57142202

its just sperm retard. cum is the final mixture that has other chemicals and secretions in it to ensure the sperm doesnt die immediately outside the body before they can fertilize the ova

>> No.57142332

The Holotori song is more catchy / repeatable than the other one plus it's actually a song with dance move so people who dances tend to play it on repeat.

t. not fan of both groups

>> No.57142455

The fuck is this autism?

>> No.57142551

the replies to that post are pretty self-explanatory anon, tons of replies but no hoomans. you can see mumei is in a lot of people's top 10 there, which is you'll see posts about her there.
what, do you think everyone posting a mumei pic is a hooman?

>> No.57142654

>Holotori song uploaded in the debuff EN ch
Gets to 1 million in a week
>Umisea song uploaded in the buff hololive ch
Can't even reach 500K views

>> No.57143053

>Also, holotori dance is a better song
if you're 7 years old, yeah

>> No.57143219
File: 3.84 MB, 1280x720, holotori MIX [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4vxi6k.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57143513

Mori ate it too and she liked it.

>> No.57144463

Someday you'll grow out of your edgy teenager phase.

>> No.57144568

It's all dogshit, but people are voting with their meme tastes so holotori is more popular.

>> No.57144594

Soul vs Soulless

>> No.57144781

You just made his point and you don't realize it, anon.

>> No.57144796

The umisea song just isn't that good, I like sachihappy much more.

>> No.57145151

Dude, i listen to Welcome to Hell by Black Midi to then go full Holotori Dance, seems like you're really insecure with what you like lmao

>> No.57145393

yeah i try to listen to things that wont out me as a complete loser if my normie friends see me listening to it

>> No.57145410

Holotori is somewhat regularly brought up, have decent chemistry, and it's a ear worm song.

Umisea feels forced, has some of the worst members for chemistry (Ina, Gura, Aqua), and a generic J-pop song.

>> No.57145646

I don't, i just listen whatever the fuck i want, be idol, pop shit, rock shit, experimental shit, edgy shit, etc. Normalfags can suck my dick, they will ask me how to do the job properly anyway lmao

>> No.57145898

Aqua and Marine have chemisty, but Aqua certainly is tough since she is Sololive.
Gura could've chemistry but burns them all.
Ina is a wet blanket with no chemistry to anyone, I can't think of any Holo that is bad at it. Even Sora that got shieled because of her Daisenpai status at least interacted with AZKi and Iofi.

>> No.57146375


>> No.57146554

>friends with normies that will dump him over fucking music taste
Ngmi breh

>> No.57146732

cover has so many people who are bad at their job

>> No.57146783

Is holotori just kiara's plan to leech the other girls for as long as possible?

>> No.57146901

Excellent explanation.

>> No.57147060

not, that's your mom's plan to suck all dicks your block

>> No.57147130

She just wants to have fun. Maybe you should try it too.

>> No.57147884

holotori contains the chicken, so all of the kfptroons are playing that shit on repeat in 50 browser windows

>> No.57148053


>> No.57148506

It’s the language barrier. Language barrier doesn’t matter if it’s a short-term thing. They’ve done research that shows complete strangers tend to get along in short-term interactions if they have a sense of group identity. This can be incredibly weak—when a flight gets stuck on the runway, passengers start talking to each other and complaining about the flight because they now have a shared group identity as travelers stuck on a delayed flight.
Having to get along for an upcoming concert is enough of a bond for most people to get along. But trying to create a group long term when you can barely understand each other? You’re suddenly supposed to roleplay as best friends even as your skits are literally bilingual and the flow of dialogue sucks because it’s two different languages?
Two very different animals. You don’t need outside forces to explain that.

>> No.57148615

The other girls wish their music got the views she gets

>> No.57148644

It’s even more amazing considering 2/3 have bfs and don’t stream because they’re playing games with their bfs. Some nips are completely braindead: as long as the model and the voice are good they will support until the end. It’s a good example of why you should care more about how the person is rather than only the looks.
Also manjigumi are a zoomer nest and zoomers only care about playing fps, anything else is whatever to them.

>> No.57148985

Actual people that got together on their own because they like each other vs. Corporate number group

>> No.57149340

You can’t have any kind of relationship with people you can’t understand. Gura isn’t close to anyone in JP because she doesn’t fucking speak Japanese and nobody in JP speaks english besides a-chan (lui and sora understand a little bit though).
At best she sends marine a shark meme, marine replies with wwwww and that’s it.

>> No.57149427

Don't forget the week head start Umisea had

>> No.57150369
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wao..i didn't expect to see you here

>> No.57150483

Kiara is better at shilling

>> No.57150684
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>> No.57150708

One is memebait, one isn't. Duh.

>> No.57151902

Umisea songs blow fucking asshole, im glad they didnt go with that gross ear rape this time at least
t. chumbud

>> No.57153568

Gura and Ina both shut down the second the amount of people in the collab exceeds 3
That's the real problem with Umisea, not chemistry

>> No.57154880

i don't why japanese people always have autistic titles like this. the title alone drives away people from the ridiculous names they give them

>> No.57157250

Go the fuck back to #

>> No.57157442

>The 4 million Chumbuds cannot beat a bunch of chickens replaying a song
Chumkeks, you have lots of time though, when Gura does not stream kek

>> No.57157669

I wonder how many people know why Subaru is called a duck?

>> No.57157742

It's a Gilbert Gottfried reference right?
Subaru sounds like the Afflac duck.

>> No.57157908

>Kiara is complete fucking garbage
Delusional schizo

>> No.57158052

It still amazes me that an unit with Kiara debuff is more popular than a Unit made with big numbers holos.

>> No.57158208

>Caring what normalfags think
>Calls them friends, even though he thinks that they will believe that you are a complete loser just because of your music taste
Then stop being into VTubers in the first place you fucking friendless loser

>> No.57158273

>Kiara debuff
Only in your delusion

>> No.57158363

It's like the textbook unironic example of soul vs soulless. One song brimming with charming charisma with immense chemistry between members vs corparate mandated slop with chemistry of a dead carcass in the middle of street

>> No.57158501

She is one of the worst singers on holoEN, only Ame and Fauna are worse, she has the lowest numbers of the branch by far, even with Mori decline she is the last one when it come to views, the only reason some of her song get views is because she obligate her fans to watch it on 10 different tabs multiple times in a day.

Facts don't care about KFP unicorns cries.

>> No.57158509

Sovl vs Souless

>> No.57158527

as for live, subaru is super good at dancing, kiara is very good too i think. at least she knows how to dance as an idol so probably holotori looks more natural and less forced. also without dancing, subaru is still very memeable in line with the group concept so it looks funnier than umisea. in fact the top comments there are about subaru

>> No.57158699

>The only reason some of her song get views is because she obligate her fans to watch it on 10 different tabs multiple times in a day.
The absolute seething RUMAO, kys Egguardo
>She is one of the worst singers on holoEN, only Ame and Fauna are worse
RUMAO delusion

>> No.57158926

>MUH KFP unicorns
Oh so you are just a seething homobeggar

>> No.57159082
File: 581 KB, 687x631, 1688299909958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>D-delusion, you are an e-egg
Try to argument that I'm wrong, you can't

>Muh homobeggar boogeyman

What next, you are gonna call me a nijifag? Lose some weight

>> No.57159478

>Try to argument that I'm wrong, you can't
Maybe you should not package the point that Kiara has the least CCV in EN with retarded delusional seething like this
>The only reason some of her song get views is because she obligate her fans to watch it on 10 different tabs multiple times in a day.
>She is one of the worst singers on holoEN, only Ame and Fauna are worse
>KFP unicorns cries.

>> No.57159599

Nerissa in holotori when

>> No.57159628

>Lose some weight
Oh, no, no, no look out >>57158699 >>57158926 he is going to post that fat KFP next RUMAO

>> No.57159862

>The only reason some of her song get views is because she obligate her fans to watch it on 10 different tabs multiple times in a day.
>She is one of the worst singers on holoEN, only Ame and Fauna are worse
>KFP unicorns cries

Nah, no need for that, your guys are too pathetic already, I don't want you to kill yourself

>> No.57160054

>If I just say true that makes it reality and not just highly subjective compared to my point about CCV and views which has proof
Wow thanks for proving that you are delusional, but keep on being pathetic

>> No.57160244

Stream Do U, so your whore doesn't feel bad.

>> No.57160382

>I give up
Thanks for playing

>> No.57160505

It's not a common dish at all, it is an exotic delicacy. Most japanese don't eat it.

>> No.57160712

>I give up about defending my whore Kiara

Lmao, keep trying to argument, that she is good singer, no one has ever called her that in hololive. Even Choco is better than her now

>> No.57161103

If your friends leave you over your musical taste then you aren't friends, idiot.
One of my best friends we will show each other and talk about music we are into wither it is death metal or Aki's latest 3D concert.

>> No.57161177

>Doubles down with more delusional seething
Bold strategy

>> No.57161698

>Provides zero evidence that Kiara is a bad singer
Keep seething schizo

>> No.57161941

lmao, prove me wrong that Kiara is a bad singer. I will wait, her timbre, pitch and range are trash, there's a reason she is so unpopular and most people can't stand her voice.

>> No.57162210

>Her timbre, pitch and range are trash
>Because I said so
>Argumentum ad populum
RUMAO you have absolutely nothing that makes you correct, retard

>> No.57162417

>Prove me wrong
>Uses Appeal to Popularity and Dude trust me
Come on, read what you are writing instead of posting retarded shit

>> No.57162495


Prove me wrong retard, all you say is
>NO U, stream DO U.

By music metrics, she is only above Ame, Fauna has room to improve, the chimken has been a "singer and idol" for more than 8 years, the only thing she is good at is dancing

>> No.57162815

something something DO THE HOLOTORI DANCE

1 2 3 GO

>> No.57162893

>I am going to say that you said something that you did not say but I cannot adress your actual argument
RUMAO, seething schizo keeps on losing but still replies since he apparently loves being pathetic

>> No.57163201

>Noo you can't say Kiara is a bad singer
>Give you an argument about her timbre, range and pitch
>Nooo you can't prove it, Kiara is a good singer

Ok, it's clear you are delusional and Kiara can't do no wrong, I wonder how you guys cope about her past life.

>> No.57163281

The numbers prove Kiara is a good singer. Opinion discarded.

>> No.57163508

Don't you retards have an entire thread for you?

>> No.57163594

>Give you an argument about her timbre, range and pitch
No you made this claim "her timbre, pitch and range are trash", you did not argue why it was trash with actual proof, you fucking retarded Eggschizo

>> No.57163726

UMISEA has no compatibility.

>> No.57163805

BUT YOU SEE HE ALREADY GIVE YOU THIS EXCUSE: "the only reason some of her song get views is because she obligate her fans to watch it on 10 different tabs multiple times in a day", THAT TOTALLY MAKES HIM CORRECT SINCE CLAIMS ARE PROOF AND ARGUMENTS IN HIS MIND

>> No.57163838


>> No.57163931

>You just think Kiara is perfect, when you do not agree with my delusional seething

>> No.57164118

Kiara debuff cancels itself out, since shes more motivated than anyone to make her own idol group

shes hololives biggest idolfag, probably even the biggest vtuber idolfag. ofc she would try to make and organise her group to be the best

>> No.57164266

Why are you underage?

>> No.57164416

Why are numberthreads allowed outside of /#/?
Why hasn't SEA been rangebanned yet?

>> No.57164425

When Kiara finally decided to kick out Mumei from the group.That bitch couldn't even dance or communicate even in her own native language.

>> No.57164985

Corporate mandated is the brain dead take.
They just don't have synergy and Gura+Ina are meek because respect for Marine and Marine is meek against the getting in the way of Aqua and Gura

>> No.57165364

>she doesn’t fucking speak Japanese
For being employed by a Japanese company for this long, the amount of Japanese Gumpus McPedobait has even tried to learn should show how many fucks she gives about what she does (spoiler: none).

>> No.57165535


Yeah, that's not happening with Lui and Sabaru as part of the group. Or the Japanese management. Mumei is incredibly popular with them. Reine seems pretty fond of her too.

>> No.57166146

most chuubas I watch don't do a good job of selling their music. it's usually just announcing their song and a few mentions after that. meanwhile stream sparks

>> No.57168361

No, just Subaru.
