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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 405 KB, 500x500, Nerissa_Ravencroft_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57067882 No.57067882 [Reply] [Original]

I thought Kronies were saying she's their new oshi. Where did they all go?

>> No.57067976

Hololive winning deflecyion thread

>> No.57068030

kronies wanted a better kronii, not an off-the-shelf kiara

>> No.57068102

Frustratingly accurate.

>> No.57068203

She's not a good streamer. Better Kronii in every single way but not a good streamer. Once she gets reps she'll be better. Too much association with Kiara

>> No.57068233

nah, she's nothing like kronii. she 95% more like kiara with a mori personality who keeps swearing every second

>> No.57068307

Just because she likes Kiara doesn't mean she's like Kiara.

>> No.57068462

Who the fuck cares about swearing? Everyone swears all the time.

>> No.57068631

then you don't watch Kiara OR Nerissa enough clipwatcher

>> No.57068652


>> No.57068671

She's nothing like Kronii. She's an out of touch midwestern boomer who is obsessed with Kiara who isn't funny and can sing while Kronii is a depressed canadian gook that doesn't give a fuck about Kiara and is actually funny but can't sing

>> No.57068719

not as much as takamori dumbass

>> No.57068867

everyone who's saying she's a better kronii are just ex-kronies still desperate for kronii's love but got blocked. stop associating nerissa with that homocollaber

>> No.57068949

not very idol like desu even gura tries to stop herself swearing nowadays

>> No.57069283

She seems obsessed with Indie whores and nijis so for now she's a hard pass for me
Hope she learns the business better over the next few months

>> No.57069315

I mean, I never wanted to go away from Kronii. Nerissa is great, good music and cute personality, but I just prefer to stick to the depressed doomer girl though.

>> No.57069334

>everything I don't like is related to Kiara/Mori
>everything I don't like is "not idol-like"

Fucking retards.

>> No.57069378

Fuck you m8 I watched them both from debut.

>> No.57069413

Most Reddit post on /vt/.

>> No.57069994


>> No.57069995

You cant fix kronii

>> No.57070662

oh so you're a kfp? so that's why you're a retard biting on to bait posts kek typical

>> No.57070869

Completely accurate

>> No.57070871

just like her leech oshi then? kiara's the only one who spams niji collabs cause no one in holo, especially in council likes her that she had multiple breakdowns about it.

>> No.57071670

Does it piss you off that Mumei is friends with Selen. How about that birthday call-in or the Apex collab?

>> No.57072437


Literally who cares, are you 13?


"oh no she's kind to Reimu when she's in chat, she's obsessed!"

>> No.57072565

mumei was friends with selen before she knew she was gonna bit a niji retard

>> No.57072704
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>literally me
am I the baddie here?
The labeling was Kronie++ not Walmart Kiara, so I returned it

>> No.57072734

stfu kiara no one cares for your ugly ass, learn to stop being a leech first.

>> No.57072915

Kronii is not a good streamer either
Nerissa is much better than I expected, it's hard to believe she doesn't have any experience

>> No.57072992

I agree with this anon, she lacks experience as a streamer.
mostly she plays games to please herself instead of making it entertaining for viewers.

>> No.57073094
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>seething paypig Kronie spotted

>> No.57073195

They unironically crawled back to Kronii now Vesper is gone.

>> No.57073320

Homos graduated and Kronii started streaming again
No need for Kronii 2.0 anymore

>> No.57073800
File: 612 KB, 1476x657, 1692493859316326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, only took 2 weeks before you animals turned on one of your new toys.

>> No.57075610

They couldn't afford the bots anymore

>> No.57076410

but I can try

>> No.57077548


>> No.57078432

I don't know but I hope they fuck off and never come back. Kronies are a special brand of mentally ill and I don't want them to get their grubby little autistic hands anyway near my new oshi

>> No.57080656

sure kfp keep telling yourself that

>> No.57080813

Dont speak for me, besides apart from color design they aren't similar at all

>> No.57080944

no way we're going anywhere near a KFP onahole kek

>> No.57081649

>Too much association with Kiara
That's actually sad. Why do they like orange woman so much? It's not even a good role model excep the fact that she tries too hard.

>> No.57081867

The EN market is saturated and in decline. Even Hololive can only dilute their own viewer pool when they debut new talents.

>> No.57083688
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Knowing Kiara, she probably saw Nerissa as a threat and decided to leech on her early. Nerissa should know that she'll be fine on her own but now she's stuck with the annoying bird and it'll be bad for her image for a while. I'm personally avoiding all the shipping Kiara is forcing again.

>> No.57085094

oof, then it's worse than I thought. I always hated how she goes for the insecure vtubers.

>> No.57085269

She reminds me more of mori honestly. The way she talks at least .gives me teacher vibes

>> No.57085855
File: 122 KB, 1049x1039, 1639371197386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly yeah, it sucks too since Nerissa is promising unlike Calli back then. I remember never giving Calli a chance back then because of Kiara. Today I'm powering through Nerissa's streams and would just mute her when she makes some tangents with Kiara. It's already bad enough that I can tell some of Nerissa's tangent are fake but since she's has this weird charm Gura has that makes me stay, I somehow.. well. stay...

I'll give her a chance, I'm sure after a while she'll find her footing and throw away the leech like everyone else who she forced ship with.

>> No.57086027

They do not even want to have mentally unstable kronies as their fans, tho

>> No.57086528

Too midwestern for the stereotypical asian-american kronies

>> No.57086869
File: 265 KB, 692x720, 1665863750940604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still mindbroken by an orange chicken 3 years later that you turn a catalog bait about nerissa into an orange seethe thread

>> No.57087294

90% of seething about Nerissa is just seething about Kiara by proxy, in the same way Shiori just gets recycled 2020/2021 Mori rrats. Catalogfaggots are just endlessly spinning their wheels at this point.

>> No.57087463

she's perfect to me and i love everything about her
>i just want her to stop bringing up Kiara so fucking much

>> No.57087778

I don't even know how you can still seethe about Kiara when she's most likely the reason why two of the Homos got fired.

>> No.57089930

Accurate enough.

>> No.57090001

You can't force us to watch by insulting us, sister.

>> No.57090049

>depressed doomer girl

>> No.57090101

Turns out she was more Kiara than Kronii. Disappointing.

>> No.57090105

>shipping Kiara is forcing again.
God this shit is the most annoying part. Nothing organic happens around Kiara.

>> No.57090351
File: 54 KB, 2229x405, YjERdc2RFZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop replying to yourself nigger

>> No.57090376

I'm expecting Nerissa to slowly grow to dislike kiara eventually. It is a common rule to never meet your idols.

>> No.57090600

It's obvious out of all of the newcomers Nerissa is the most insecure, and she latched onto this act to comfort herself.
Once she figures out her streaming personality it should clear up.
Problem is how long that'll take, and if her streaming personality outgrows this corner she's in.

>> No.57090706

She also sucks at games. Actually negative gaming skill. Usually that's fine, because you can just cover it by being a decent streamer with a likeable personality. Unfortunately, she just wants to be a Kiara groupie and that reflects in her streaming.

>> No.57091005

>2nd post is in /∞/
lmao it's a deflecting kronie, hilarious.

>> No.57091297

What? She's fine at games. She literally speedran GOI.

>> No.57091378

Shhh. The people seething in here don't actually watch streams.

>> No.57091397

literally too white

>> No.57091689

Oh, my bad, let me start over.

>> No.57100492
File: 60 KB, 179x190, 1679102702509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm expecting Nerissa to slowly grow to dislike kiara eventually

>> No.57101206

She's not like Mori except the swearing. Despite this she's somehow less vulgar and much more approachable

>> No.57101233

>when she's most likely the reason why two of the Homos got fired.
Holy meds

>> No.57112000

>Where did they all go?
Still here. Please pay attention

>> No.57112557

Just as a reminder Nerissa sent a "Kiara I love you" message every single day since debut and probably before as well. She also does the same shit on her stream chat and even sends Kiara love messages during Kiara's members streams. It's super cringe but I think she actually likes her a lot.

>> No.57113112
File: 245 KB, 2167x1375, 1633156179934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother with the schizo, he's assblasted over the fact that one of the new girls turned out to be a KFP for longer than Council has been around. Though, I do hope she allows herself to be independant and not have to hold Kiara's hand all the time, she has potential to succees by her own merits

>> No.57113968

My honest answer? I wanted Nerissa to be more like Kronii but she isn't so I lost interest. I don't think anyone's going to make Kronii obsolete anytime soon. Her collection of qualities that makes her appealing to me turns out to be quite rare and difficult to find a replacement.

>> No.57114189

You're really taking this personally, huh?

>> No.57114569

She's a bad streamer with a noticeable lack of patience and at times a bad attitude. Maybe she'll get better though. Who knows.

>> No.57114687 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 1200x1200, s369597674784593983_p245_i1_w1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her collection of qualities that makes her appealing

Comprehensive list list of appealing Kronii qualities:

>> No.57115138
File: 1.58 MB, 480x270, merightnow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually seething

>> No.57115461

There is literally nothing relating her to Kronii other than being a tall character and blue. Anyone who even thought they'd be remotely similar is a drooling retard who operates on shitty gacha game logic where color determines how a character is. Like if you have assumptions on what a Vtuber will be like before their debut you are straight up braindead.

>> No.57115508

actually it's kinda cute if you think of her as a whiney little imouto. she's the youngest of her gen afterall.

>> No.57115704

she's supposed to be an oneesan type but she is so bratty, at least the past few streams. it's a crazy gap moe given how much she doesn't look the part.

>> No.57116008

kiara hate thread btw

>> No.57117177

So why doesn't she leech Fuwamoco as hard?

>> No.57118187

She had already played GOI before. I watched maybe the worst RE8 play I’ve ever seen today. Literally wanted to be spoonfed everything and getting snarky when she has no sense of direction and can’t read a map.
>where do I go, where do I go. I can’t see anything
Bitch, open your eyes look at the screen.

>> No.57118204

Fuwamoco are a lot savvier than their personas. I'm sure Kiara tried

>> No.57120353

it'll be more like, "never date your fans"

>> No.57120631

that's just the way midwestern women speak if raised in polite households, Mori's entire female family line seems to speak in the same fashion

>> No.57120782

yes the usual suspects are seething as usual

>> No.57121034

True but even still I find her better than Kronii, then again I'm a musician biased in favour of other musicians. Also prefer her desperate attempts to be sexy (and failing) over Kronii's weird frigidness about her appearance.

>> No.57121086

she will improve maybe, like myth and council did. what's more surprising is how experienced the others advent already sound

>> No.57121216

She's a huge kfp fan
She was the only one I was looking forward to and now she's dead on arrival

>> No.57122072
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>> No.57122634

>especially in council likes her that she had multiple breakdowns about it
Post them. I've seen many collab of Kiara with council members, even 1/1 collab so please post them i'm curious.

>> No.57122768

I thought kronies all went to shiori because they enjoy being cucked?

>> No.57123199

When will you fucks learn that making pre-debut assumptions of someone's character is just setting yourself up for disappointment?

>> No.57123477

If they were capable of learning they would not be unicorns.

>> No.57123590
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>> No.57123600

Who the fuck would want Kronies as fans?

>> No.57124935

despite their kayfabe, they're VERY savvy about vtubing.
