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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.57013217
File: 154 KB, 640x480, COMMANDMENTS[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frtcjvo.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/MANS/ Commandments
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.57013231 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 640x480, COMMANDMENTS[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frtcjvo.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/MANS/ Commandments
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.57013251
File: 1.31 MB, 1568x1665, 1668826454050614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57013260

>Thread is double blessed
Are things finally looking up bros?

>> No.57013302
File: 311 KB, 1536x2048, 1691525486708893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57013369

I was mad about the timing but now I think it's good that there's so much Rust happening that I don't need to think about those two.

>> No.57013396
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x763, 1670347590151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57013487


>> No.57013552
File: 1.51 MB, 1170x2114, magmama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57013610
File: 63 KB, 543x453, 1693044609543315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is actually the chance we ever get another generation of boys? Has it officially fallen to 0 at this point? Cover is probably too afraid that people will join, gain fame and then leave...

>> No.57013628

Damn. Furumi mama love...

>> No.57013642
File: 32 KB, 673x410, 1663181296436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57013707
File: 302 KB, 1088x780, 1684163401860200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God do I feel terrible for Pako and Furumi-mama.

>> No.57013722

Furumama, I always loved how you drew him. I wanted to see more

>> No.57013735

please never become a mama again and stick to drawing manga and illustrations

>> No.57013804
File: 141 KB, 262x220, 1691856823334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57013841
File: 786 KB, 1536x2048, 1693037567055128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57014041

He used to look so happy...

>> No.57014138
File: 125 KB, 1240x892, 1685001875619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57014507
File: 179 KB, 1120x944, FZEY0zsagAAEvyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The design is absolutely golden though. Without the arms we wouldn't have gotten magmites either. I still love all of it

>> No.57014550


>> No.57014614

tfw we will never get magmite plushies

>> No.57014650

Graduations are weird

>> No.57014748

true, but her art is just not fit for vtuber models. if she drew him like those illustrations she posts on her website it’d probably look amazing

>> No.57014785

I don't think it's zero, but they'll probably let the boys cook for a while before they try anything new. They could surprise us and instead decide that they need to fill out the ranks, but I'm not holding my breath for that.

>> No.57014792
File: 2.54 MB, 1154x2029, uuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never forgive Magni for that alone

>> No.57014884

Just recruit monkeys from favelas or SEA. Desperate poorfag recruits will guarantee them talents that are in for the long haul.

>> No.57015195

I really wanted official one too

>> No.57015388
File: 133 KB, 417x313, 1674436801128708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would have thrown so much money for a magmite plush even with the expensive shipping so i can recreate John Magginton

>> No.57015440
File: 288 KB, 1675x2100, magnoir3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57015859

This isn't a call center job. Culture matters a lot. The EN audience has to like and identify with the talents. And a generation can handle 1 member with a heavy accent, but not 4.

>> No.57016199
File: 32 KB, 134x135, 1669892042990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized we never got the other emotes Magni drafted, either. I was especially waiting to use this one as a reaction image but was holding out for an official release because it was from a member stream.

>> No.57016257
File: 322 KB, 402x472, 1671055519212917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck those two shitlords. I'm glad they're gone. They left tempus behind for their own selfish wishes. I sincerely hope Astel was right, that those two cunts live to regret the day they left Stars.

>> No.57016295

>hiring the ESLs for an english branch
>people that have had very little opportunity to train any skills they can use in VTubing
That will work out terribly. It doesn't matter how long they stay if it's just going to be empty.

>> No.57016377

I keep realizing all again and again, gosh I really wish I could get them back

>> No.57016553

>own selfish wishes
Care to tell me what they were, or are you just speculating with no proof and statemtns that can be interpreted many ways?

>> No.57016583
File: 69 KB, 1080x1146, 4EEDDF87-69A2-45D0-9154-9580BD3D7932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Magni and Vesper’s plans for 3D streams? There is no fucking way in hell they wanted to leave. At least not this early.

>> No.57016618

What Stars needs now more then ever is people with actual potential not low-quality meat for the grinder.

>> No.57016725

I would rather believe they got fired to appease the unicorns than to believe they just left on their own.

>> No.57016802

I'm so sad bros... I just want them back...

>> No.57016822 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.28 MB, 1694x689, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Bettel today

>> No.57016940


>> No.57016950
File: 181 KB, 1155x886, 1686661437033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Altare, the Holostar, in the year 2070, having absorbed the powers of all the other stars he outlasted (including the hand-me-down souls of Magni's former guildmates)
Please keep my oshi's memory alive ;_;

>> No.57016962

We’ve been saying since Miyabi debuted

>> No.57017091
File: 103 KB, 2000x2000, ABENDER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so....what have mans been up to for the past two days since the announcement

>> No.57017109

Go back

>> No.57017190

>Recruits talented high profile dudes
>They pulled another MagNoir again and potentially Bettel
Might as well settle Tempus as 6 man group than scouting for new peeps.

>> No.57017235
File: 122 KB, 1158x576, 1688352197308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57017241

i feel like dropping tempus altogether and watching advent instead

>> No.57017282

Cleaning my act up. Might apply someday and if I’m in I will shout out magni and ves to keep their spirit alive.

>> No.57017301

Crying Trying to drown myself in bg3 to take mind off of everything

>> No.57017340

Why would Cover want to fire the second and third most popular members of the branch? Debatably you could even say Vesper was the most popular. And right before an anniversary?

>> No.57017433

>those two cunts live to regret the day they left Stars.
The only thing Magni will regret is not showing off his dance move on stage, otherwise those two are already successfully brought over some of the massive paypigs to their RM. Not only that, they'll probably keep in touch and collab with each other to slake the thirsts of doxmites and vesties who followed them there.

>> No.57017445

Basically this, but less beer and more tears.

>> No.57017493

Astel is Covers sock puppet. Of course he’s going to switch the narrative that this was a mutual agreement

>> No.57017522
File: 382 KB, 1918x2163, Drunk Ame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coping that Cover will learn their lesson not to hire whores again so StarsEN3 won't suck ass.

>> No.57017523

catching up on 'Vesper' streams

>> No.57017526

Maybe they really did it for the unicorns

>> No.57017529

I have been switching from /orc/ to /here/.

>> No.57017590

Astel is also my cock puppet if you know what I mean.

>> No.57017605
File: 284 KB, 2000x1416, F4VaH7zXQAETNK_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers i will drink more for you


heard it is a good game. I watched some vids where they had a talkig to animal spell but i duuno i was drunk

wish i was half as entertaining to be a vtuber and apply also...

>> No.57017661

I do not know what you mean.

>> No.57017704

Watching Vesper's pre-holo streams. It's amazing to see the style of humor and his interests carry over.

>> No.57017715
File: 81 KB, 1000x524, 1666160506076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57017724

>Why would Cover want to fire the second and third most popular members of the branch? Debatably you could even say Vesper was the most popular. And right before an anniversary?

They terminated Rushia, their highest SC/Menshi earner without a thought. What makes you think anyone gets special treatment?

>> No.57017824
File: 402 KB, 1012x970, Benchtel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean he's my personal slut okay? My booty call on payroll. God you twatter tourists are such IDIOTS

>> No.57017968

Calm down sister, it wasn’t even that funny to begin with

>> No.57017983
File: 50 KB, 834x845, CHECK IT OUT-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cried a lot so much i can't even fucking open my eyes


good for you guys. i still can't deal with notvesper. im still mourning the death of my grampa

>> No.57017987

So... are we elves now or what? Maybe Alliance?

>> No.57018011

mainly over it now. switching using /orc/ and /MANS/ to keep up with Altare and his adventures with the rest of Tempus

>> No.57018044
File: 286 KB, 1520x1400, Plap Plap Kitsune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because like it or not, Stars is carried not by its member's talents but the brand name itself. Let's be honest here. Hakka would suck as an indie. Therefore to Cover you're a replaceable asset no matter how big you are simply because the Holo name is too strong in the vtuber scene.

>> No.57018090

Don't you have some other place to be

>> No.57018224

What are they doing?

>> No.57018241
File: 137 KB, 1160x1089, 1690735281358891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna give the orc a try but it ain't the same. I miss my grampire. I miss him a lot.

>> No.57018257

I had that yesterday, my eyes were so puffy

>> No.57018321
File: 347 KB, 1507x1831, 1693022993561090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to tie Gavis Bettel to a bed and choke him while I ride him to completion. And then I want to do it over and over until his cum is water and he's on the verge of passing out from all the orgasms I've made him endure.

>> No.57018353

so uh I miss magni.
need more rust soon.

>> No.57018468
File: 577 KB, 1000x1000, 1687488862775318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why were we not enough for him?

>> No.57018557

We are never going to see Vesper do the woah like he promised...

>> No.57018580
File: 138 KB, 886x789, 0D8D8515-CEEB-4F6E-BDFF-784003CFDA6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was fired. He had long term goals for Holostars that he was not allowed to achieve.

>> No.57018583
File: 129 KB, 2048x2048, 20230801_024530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thought kills the now permanently shriveled magmite

>> No.57018716

If you watched him you would know that he loved being in Tempus

>> No.57018734

Then it should be on Cover to seriously fucking reevaluate themselves if all the good ones are realizing it isn't actually worth it to keep working with them with the way you imply it.

>> No.57018826
File: 82 KB, 2000x2000, INFESTIEGREMLIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since this is the first time my head is a bit clear and im not bursting into tears, help me give the gremlin a new fit.

maybe this will help me let go lmao

>> No.57018845
File: 33 KB, 453x640, Vile Bourbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly the same. Working on my own content, but now wondering about how well I'd fit into Stars if I get in. I still want to, but it'll be harder since the members I expected to get along best with are no longer there.

>> No.57019000

Did regis altare get plap’d yet

>> No.57019085

What do you mean?

>> No.57019164

more unhinged

>> No.57019190
File: 510 KB, 2000x2000, 1680802983143553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57019191

Femvestie, riding on Vesoji's shoulder. Walking with an umbrella in the rain and holding hands. They wear VesTea themed clothes

>> No.57019232

of course. a lying whore will always bream his promises. good thing I dropped him when he started making excuses.

>> No.57019287

Bettel is built for domination, overstimulation and cuddles

>> No.57019316

it's all for the bit.

>> No.57019420
File: 6 KB, 524x356, vestie cry02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but also yes

>> No.57019449
File: 55 KB, 467x344, 1674499849652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, can't see the fit through my own tears

>> No.57019501

This is one of the things that hurts the most. I thought he enjoyed being Magni for us, I was so sure he enjoyed the communty. But maybe not enough... He always talked about magmites so fondly though

>> No.57019638

thanks anon, epic

>> No.57019731


>> No.57019761

Who does this cutie enjoy, or is she starting a new life?

>> No.57019822

Stop believing corpos blindly

>> No.57019869
File: 154 KB, 1176x603, F4dHoirW0AA9jHn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, why does leader look like SEAmonkeys?

>> No.57019885

It sucks that we will never know the reason

>> No.57019972

makes it all so much more difficult to accept

>> No.57019988

Same, it's nice to have something that shows unity like this Rust season as the first thing after the announcement. It doesn't feel as lonely as a bunch of solo content would.

>> No.57020027
File: 2 KB, 190x331, 1689370936516761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she will now play it safe with her oshi Morf but still looking for virgin ojisans to kidnap and molest

checking out hakka streams on the side

>> No.57020187
File: 16 KB, 550x318, 1689124425949054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magni was touching people's cocks on stream

>> No.57020195

Same shit I did when they were suspended. Watching the other boys and my Mori. Vesper and Magni streamed so irregularily the last few months it barely means anything to have them gone.

>> No.57020269

people would seriously believe that two people that had future plans and went months into planning for a redesign would walk the fuck out after a month of indefinite hiatus instead of stopping to question if there's some fishy shit happening in the background that might've caused it to happen

>> No.57020307
File: 2.77 MB, 1280x720, Magni chickadoo [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F7fbz97.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57020330

I don't get this self-blame/survivor's guilt mindset. There is literally nothing to indicate that he didn't like you, or that his departure had anything to do with you. It's more likely that not wanting to let the magmites/guild down is why he kept streaming at all even when he was clearly was having a shitty time.

>> No.57020391

everywhere i go this fucking gremlin follows me

>> No.57020515
File: 12 KB, 434x646, 1692617194888819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57020532

its a cope because they'd rather believe that than ask questions about the corpo

>> No.57020551

I'm full copium that this is some sort of legal thing that will take a while to close but when it does, they could come back, even just for a goodbye.

>> No.57020564

Sudden disappearance of two members of the Guild Tempus can mean only one thing.
Something is happening on the other side. Did they refute the conditioning of the Hollow Tree? Did someone manage to unplug them from the Utopia mainframe? Were they NPCs all along, and the Records Corruption finally got to them?
We'll never know. Such is the nature of Utopia.

>> No.57020604

I've been here for a while

t. vestie, magmite and hakkito

>> No.57020610
File: 359 KB, 2411x3017, 20230604_080746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much do I bribe Phantom to sneak naughty clown pictures to me and is it worth my immortal soul/100lbs of dog treats?

>> No.57020637

do cuckmites really

>> No.57020677
File: 218 KB, 1363x1471, bettelhead gremlin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the off chance that you become a bettelhead, it hink this design would be pretty neat

>> No.57020758

I want to cuddle with Magni to sleep

>> No.57020821

theyre not coming back stop the copium

>> No.57020850

Based and same

>> No.57020851
File: 180 KB, 864x864, 20230519_114505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me touch that butt

>> No.57020867

Sorry, best I can do is me.

>> No.57020875

its a psycopathic manipulator that only cares about his own gain desu

>> No.57020928

Maybe take inspiration of him, dress her in some feathers

>> No.57020975

are vesmites in their denial phase?

>> No.57020989
File: 592 KB, 2107x1476, 1692976862741453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote this post

>> No.57021118

that's something the other company could do, i doubt cover would but it's a nice thought.
also they won't even be alum because they didn't make it to the anniversary.

>> No.57021187

This, but also give her a vestie element on her shoulder or something, as a mirror of Hakka taking care of the vesties during the void.

>> No.57021192

Being a magmite gets to a man, there was a reason to hate themus and sometimes it's difficult to see if he really did

>> No.57021351

You guys gotta be shitposters or watched Magni from a different timeline because he definitely cared about mites. I'm not gonna say he's Altare or Hakka levels of love but he cared.

>> No.57021380
File: 150 KB, 2204x1347, FaRLzH2UYAEa7kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57021503
File: 881 KB, 1000x915, shinyspicy98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I just hope Axel will join Rust for a bit. His karaoke last night was really sweet and it'd be nice to see him and leader hang out a little and cheer each other up.

>> No.57021535

anon from yesterday being happy about the concert taking place to get distracted from the graduations...now even this event is fucked. I'm all so sad, I just want some happiness.

>> No.57021724
File: 204 KB, 1080x1096, 153AAE67-CC7B-4E8A-8085-4FF676EC3150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vesmites, who’s your Tempus oshi now that those two are gone?

>> No.57021741

>You guys gotta be shitposters
Well gee, i can't exactly picture anyone else trying to divide the fanbase with meaningless sophistry and baseless rrats, and vilification.

>> No.57021823

That five year old is my new oshi, holy shit.

>> No.57021835

none. i'll support the boys covers with making playlists and stuff but not gonna force myself to watch people i never found entertaining to begin

>> No.57021840

In Tempus, my oshi is Axel.

>> No.57021918

Why this picture...?

>> No.57021954

my other oshi is still in tempus

>> No.57022004

Tempus is my hakooshi

>> No.57022050
File: 76 KB, 1200x675, 1688497135626074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vesper. Just cause he's leaving doesn't mean he stops being my kamioshi. I'll stay to support the rest of the boys but no one can replace Vesper.

>> No.57022074

The group as a whole, but realistically, I'll watch Hakka and Flay most.

>> No.57022106

>my other oshi

>> No.57022118

they couldn't afford the server costs so they downsized and when they did they couldn't transfer magni's and vespers huge loads of data so they had to be deleted

>> No.57022125

I guess I'm a bettelpanion now

>> No.57022130

Based and same.

>> No.57022138

good answer

>> No.57022161
File: 513 KB, 960x1250, FcxguZcaMAYXfY8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May you shine even brighter from now on dingo man

>> No.57022200

Also this: >>57022050
I'll probably travel back and forth.

>> No.57022306

Tempus is my oshi as a whole.
I'll miss Magnoir dynamic and full HQ collabs, but we didn't have this proper ever since the incident anyway.

>> No.57022466
File: 1.07 MB, 2000x1480, 1690328591358721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disregarded magni when he became active on pl again
I warned you motherfuckers. When someone goes active on their fleshtuber and pulls the ~uwu I'm so stressed~ thing, it is OVER. SEPARATE ENTIRELY.
>still watching axel, mechabird

>> No.57022580

I am going to find Dimitri Jap and rape him in Minecraft

>> No.57022643

Dude, like half of Holo has/had active RMs.
It's normally a nothingburger.

>> No.57022647
File: 264 KB, 1178x674, rntertnjerkn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57022768


>> No.57022792
File: 16 KB, 613x147, Jap Penetration Kill[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6aln04.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57022919


>> No.57022931

>That one (loopstation?) stream where he said, if he ever leaves, don't ever think it was because he didn't want to make content because that's all he ever wanted to do
>The stream about the tattoos where he felt he couldn't let his fans down
>The streams where he says hanging out with the viewers is a destressor for him
>All the streams where he talked about overworking, burning out, horrendous work/life balance, health & personal relationships suffering
>The streams where he talked about the importance of money in quality of life and how much it means that fans are willing to give him theirs, and worrying over fans that might be struggling to buy things

He's always been appreciative of the fans' support, the friends he made in the company, and the creative outlet. But the amount of times he talked about unhealthy stress and struggles with workaholism really sounds like that was his biggest issue.

>> No.57022972

Who is this dimitri Jap i keep hearing about???

>> No.57023089
File: 341 KB, 1080x941, 1673686488475040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57023110

This. The only people who think he hates them don't actually watch the guy.

>> No.57023117

i want to smother magni in his sleep

>> No.57023118
File: 118 KB, 1397x1283, magmite .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Betsy, but I don't think I'm sane enough to identify my self as Bettelion. I will be proud magmite till the end of world.

>> No.57023396

Because Bettel is babygirl and gets everything he wants.

>> No.57023402
File: 122 KB, 1504x1207, 1691685025047849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that might be true, but I don't think that was a factor in his graduating. It's more complicated than that.
He definitely loved the magmites, though, that's undeniable.

>> No.57023431

all lip service to manipulate you into sending more akasupas and feel bad for him

>> No.57023495
File: 84 KB, 576x1123, 1673925044487547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57023535

He's the guy who replaced Omega as the head manager of the EN branch. He started working for Cover at the start of the year and basically anything that happens gets attributed to him.

>> No.57023641

Bettel is not neither a baby nor a girl

>> No.57023814

I just don't get it... I mean, it's not like Cover's forcing them to stream?

>> No.57023850

I always did believe in him but I do still feel betrayed. I wish he would have chosen to focus on us, as selfish as that is. Part of me is envious and angry, in magmites he found the most loyal and loving fans. I loved when he called us little mags... I wish he misses calling us that too

>> No.57023891
File: 141 KB, 500x500, it is dimitri![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ft0a4kj.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57023968

I am going to say
>magni's and vespers huge loads
with the understanding that the crying face is doing double duty as hornyshitposting and me crying too hard to properly hornyshitpost

>> No.57023977
File: 219 KB, 2048x1820, FvGZ9EqaIAAJfZ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57024040

And you... believe all that?

>> No.57024135

he loved cuckmites so much he graduated

>> No.57024142

>Dmitri Jap
I can't take any dude seriously with that name. Sounds like a russian weeb ngl

>> No.57024318
File: 231 KB, 1988x889, 1682889164457179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a boy is active on their fleshtuber RM and complaining about burnout, late to streams, or clearly phoning it in, I simply check out.
I am not their audience. I will never follow them to their 3dpd content, which was their goal all along.
I will not get invested in someone's side hustle only to have my heart broken.
If nothing else, I hope all the little mags develop a better radar for when a man doesn't care, because it will serve you well in life.

>> No.57024395
File: 1.23 MB, 1196x789, klmklkmlm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most handsome Holostar in Indonesia...

>> No.57024498


>> No.57024529

>When someone goes active on their fleshtuber and pulls the ~uwu I'm so stressed~ thing, it is OVER.
Yeah, I remember when Mori and Kiara graduated like two years ago. Tragic.

>> No.57024665

>mfw I heard mentions enough times to google what that was about and seeing it was the dude's actual name and not a derogatory nickname

>> No.57024917

And Ame, and Irys, and Noel, and there are definitely more I just can't think of right now.

>> No.57025029

feeling pretty cucked for more than just that reason, not gonna lie...

>> No.57025042

Cover does force them to stream but it's like at least 3 times a week. But yeah and axel is a full time college student and still able to stream even if irregularly but that's more because of his sleep schedule, i am sure magni could be able to handle two jobs too. He could do fewer streams a week if he explained his burnouts, magmites would have been understanding so why did he feel the need to stream every single day?

>> No.57025075

I told you I'm sorry, I didn't know she was your wife.

>> No.57025080

There are so much people who have active RMs and get stressed out easily, but i bet you wouldn't know that because you're not one to watch any goddamn streams.

>> No.57025224

Did omega even manage anything? he tweeted when council was around and only once when EN stars came out. Also is that dimitri just a manager? I'm just asking since I've never seen any credible info, just some brainlets on this board coming up with crazy headcanons and kids taking it seriously and using it as fuel in their forced culture war

>> No.57025247
File: 620 KB, 2000x1180, 1681015415312753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bringing up girls in a boys thread and still failing to make a point
Kiara and Mori are the opposite of my example. Kiara has never stopped the Hololive grind. Mori, for all her flaws, knows where her bread is buttered. These are shitty examples because none of the girls are ever going to make Hololive money on their indies.
I don't blame Magni for what he did. Stars isn't going to pay the bills. I am blaming (You) for not seeing the writing on the wall.

>> No.57025315

I loved him as long as he was here and he was brilliant. But I will not be following him, fuck that, he is insufferable as a fleshperson

>> No.57025326

Look at this doxxfag acting uppity

>> No.57025405

Is that the new tempus gen with him?

>> No.57025421


>> No.57025456

There had to be a better way... Why didn't they take it

>> No.57025468

To be fair, it's actually fucking impossible to watch more than a little Mori and not have her roommate recommended to you semi-frequently.

>> No.57025476

why join stars in the first place if he already had a sucessful indie career

>> No.57025514

Why indeed

>> No.57025572

He did make way more money as a holostar than before

>> No.57025595

He told us why. He was miserable and felt alone.

>> No.57025659


>> No.57025722

And now that he's used us for his own ends, he abandons us. Very cool, Maguni

>> No.57025784

You made a generalized statement about all vtubers, and are now trying to walk it back to "no, only boys count." Move your goalposts to another planet and go with them.

>> No.57025845

Trap pirate Holostar...

>> No.57025918
File: 182 KB, 200x200, 20230412_093136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57025927

I literally have no idea who they're supposed to be so they might as well be

>> No.57025957

hey that's kinda...

>> No.57025982


>> No.57025997

so he makes his friends and connections and then graduates?

>> No.57026034


>> No.57026101

bard, thief

>> No.57026169

ah yes my favorite fantasy class "woman"

>> No.57026179
File: 162 KB, 1000x1000, 1680820466644872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brings up a females
>one's rm is just a personal account she goofs off on. she never does any of the things i mentioned, like neglecting her hololive streams
>the other understands that she has no career without hololive
Cuckmites are illiterate.

>> No.57026704

Leader Rust now

>> No.57026743


>> No.57026798


>> No.57026804

>altare keeps investing money in his holostars work
bro please... just don't, it's a waste... it's totally over..

>> No.57026836


>> No.57026907

Prepare yourself for the waving at the end of stream. ToT

>> No.57026964

Mkay, but that doesn't answer anything about omega? If he's a director for holos now, then what does he have to do with stars? Don't they have different people in charge of them? Axel said that their producer is a super chill dude, he's the one who told JP upper ups to not nag Axel for swearing. I guess I answered my own question that he has nothing to do with stars prolly and him being the ultimate savior of unicorn larpers or something is just shitposting.

>> No.57027005

Oh my god the hands

>> No.57027042
File: 291 KB, 1860x1860, 1681573883657721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You made a generalized statement about all vtubers, and are now trying to walk it back to "no, only boys count."
>a boy
ESL death

>> No.57027078

I have no idea about Omega but I found that link for the other guy (NTA you originally replied to)

>> No.57027094


>> No.57027093

The King of Cringe grows yet more powerful

>> No.57027095

It's never over for The Holostar

>> No.57027121

altare's hand tracking is pretty good

>> No.57027136

god altare’s body language is so cute it makes me CRAZY

>> No.57027144

this is so cute
also judge magni reference

>> No.57027149

The "no legs judge magni" bit.....

>> No.57027154

"I haven't learned how to walk"

>> No.57027177

judge magni...

>> No.57027192

You don't understand, it was soul crushing. It was the spiritual equivalent to laboring in an African Cobalt mine.

>> No.57027225

How are his hands being tracked?

>> No.57027273

I'm gonna explode

>> No.57027274

>the excited fists in the air
jesas christ

>> No.57027302

He explained before that he got a new add-on today.

>> No.57027323


>> No.57027354

I can't recover from this, he has to stop right now.

>> No.57027398

Awwtare killing men with his little thumbs. .

>> No.57027452

I think it involves special gloves

>> No.57027463

What are the chances his official 3D model will have much less functionality than this?

>> No.57027495

didn't he already able to move/use his fingers and arms when debut watchalong stream? or is there something different I dont understand

>> No.57027599

Dishonest faggot that you are, you instead point to a reply where you pulled the exact same shit on someone else, and then pretend that's the post that I was replying to. I replied to this post: >>57022466
>When someone goes active on their fleshtuber and pulls the ~uwu I'm so stressed~ thing, it is OVER.
You didn't say "a boy." You said "someone." You're no longer stretching, you're outright lying. No reason to bother with you any further. Use that rose's stem like a pipe cleaner on your dick.

>> No.57027610

I wish he could have streamed less often/for fewer hours/taken more breaks to save himself longterm but it sounds like he just can't turn that part of his brain off (and also feared fans leaving him, which some of them did over shorter streams and travel breaks)

>the problem for me is I'm a tryhard
>it's hard not to commit every fiber of my being
>jealous & competitive
>looked at a picture of myself and thought I look awful
>I'm killing myself
>can't stop being a tryhard

>> No.57027641

>I should become a professor

>> No.57027645

Oh ok, I didn't know he was streaming today so I missed the start :(

>> No.57027699
File: 316 KB, 549x610, hehehehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57027778

I guess that's possible since he's in a group then it's kind of hard not to compare yourself to others. Damn. I just wish it could've been different ToT

>> No.57027787

Peace be upon you, vampire

>> No.57027800

He had full body tracking, but he seemed to be holding a remote which included toggles for hand signs among other things. I don't think it tracked fingers

>> No.57027807

Now that he's gone, he doesn't look ugly to me anymore

>> No.57027809

"I think I'm already in Japan"
I still think there's a chance Altare would somehow thrive and become a god when he goes to Japan

>> No.57027821


>> No.57027863
File: 150 KB, 893x895, 1682751899257670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use that rose's stem like a pipe cleaner on your dick.
You still didn't address the fact that both of your examples were dogshit, but maguni sounding torture.... ToT
I'm sorry anon. I've been angry at this faggot for months. I am unlikely to get over it, especially if not-Vesper glues himself to him again.

>> No.57027874

The official ones are pretty neat, at least on stage

>> No.57027878
File: 670 KB, 1163x895, WHAT A WHORE(ror)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2dpv0x.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll miss these whores </3

>> No.57027896

I missed it, is he mad? I've never heard him be so silent

>> No.57027951

ohh thanks!

>> No.57027980

He's doing a bit because people don't like his straight male interior design

>> No.57028027

>straight male interior design

>> No.57028076

It bothers me how the twitter doesnt know the concept of subtlety and instead make no effort to keep ex-talents and RMs apart.

>> No.57028126
File: 52 KB, 687x584, Deranges_vesper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i start drawing the 'vesper' sucking trucker dick

because he broke my heart

>> No.57028154
File: 452 KB, 1200x900, FUNCTION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with that

>> No.57028172

It just hurts to watch them now, like an aching dull pain constantly. I'm so sorry for Altare and Axel

>> No.57028232

pretty sure this is altare’s ideal living situation

>> No.57028254

do it in the other thread then, please. i don't wanna see him, he will always be a grampire to me

>> No.57028302

altare doing a loopstation..

>> No.57028315

this is the most lively elevator music I've ever heard

>> No.57028330

Being an Altventurer was the best choice I’ve made this year

>> No.57028348

"Ayo...I'm in a cave!"

>> No.57028373

what tf is "the" vesper?
if you mean what i think you do then post in the other one

>> No.57028411

We never got offcollab loopstation...

>> No.57028418
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, F4b5WPyWsAAK9tk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see the thumbnail until now

>> No.57028417

"Do not save project"
A wise move.

>> No.57028447

I logged out of my tempura twitter account yesterday, there's no point going there anymore, only cringe sappy art, bitter whining, toxic positivity, and RM posting

>> No.57028454

He's so dumb, I'm blessed

>> No.57028455

I really like Altare I wish his sense of humor was for me You go little blue man

>> No.57028458

Miyabi's AU is becoming real...

>> No.57028496

>tune into Altare
>immediately hit with whatever that was

>> No.57028542

He promised before he'd make "elevator music" to play whenever he uses the elevator, so he did

>> No.57028550

trust me even altventurers know he isn’t funny kek

>> No.57028610

Altare is funny

>> No.57028662

Mushrooms.. Fucking hell

>> No.57028744

t. cultare day 1

>> No.57028751

I'm glad leader's live, I was gonna go watch old tempus streams earlier but I put up Wheel of Tempus and realized that the only HQ there was him lmfao this is gonna suck for a while.

>> No.57028796

Altare didn't understand that 3rd rock from the sun meant earth...

>> No.57028853

it's just a meme, he's funny yeah but when he bombs, he bombs hard kek

>> No.57028866

That boy is young and not smart

>> No.57028871

I wonder if he's seen my posts about Shinri wanting the Altdick...

>> No.57028880

It took me a while as well as a kid

>> No.57028891

i wouldn't say i laugh the hardest at his streams but i usually laugh the most, comes from how much he talks probably

>> No.57028952

WHAT kek retard doesn't know what he's saying

>> No.57028984

shiny spicy love...

>> No.57029149

You Cali fucks have to stop your avo on toast propaganda

>> No.57029233

Same, honestly. Altare's style is just to throw every joke he can think of out there to avoid dead air, so he bombs a lot but he lands quite a few just fine as well.

>> No.57029298

Avocado juice? Ok that's too far.

>> No.57029333

never taste one? it's good

>> No.57029379

I guess I should admit this now, but I made that picture, and that is my pet chicken he is holding.

>> No.57029403
File: 123 KB, 1090x613, F4YRedxXYAAZ7wq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao Momi

>> No.57029422

I can't imagine what it tastes like, if it's anything like an avocado, it shouldn't be a juice.

>> No.57029438

Altare isn't funny but I laugh anyway because I find his efforts cute

>> No.57029442

Thanks farmer-kun

>> No.57029465

Cute chichic

>> No.57029499

Aww, cute

>> No.57029503

I always thought this was from a stream, huh

>> No.57029565

he's back to singing bits from copyrighted songs

>> No.57029610

oh he wrote his name in JP

>> No.57029627
File: 208 KB, 1042x1042, F4YSAowXcAE0NUv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57029643

shintare comfort seggs

>> No.57029688

while shinri's asleep :)

>> No.57029696

Shintare VR handholding

>> No.57029707

It was originally a screenshot of Magni holding tofu Vesper in a jar (painted out and overlaid with anon's chicken)

>> No.57029729

wait he can't flip the bird? kek

>> No.57029809

Have we calmed down about the graduation yet!
We do remember the 7 weeks they were kept from streaming and that them leaving has to do with that right?
They are not just doing it to be mean, there was a problem they just couldn't get through. Please be nice to them tonight, thank you.

>> No.57029843

I guess Youtube's brand account nonsense forcing me to make a separate streamwatching account for gift lottery has its upsides...

>> No.57029884

Do it

>> No.57029950

We're busy watching Altare use his tiny little baby hands

>> No.57029965

isn't having an elevator straight to his home a dumb idea

>> No.57030002

axeru in chat

>> No.57030003

Axel wrote this

>> No.57030022


>> No.57030076

cute, thank you for your contribution to these threads. I will miss Magni very much

>> No.57030128

i'm all dried up maybe once I eat I have enough energy to cry again. i'm still hurt but getting through it slowly

>> No.57030162

I know Axel.

>> No.57030174

I just read that post in his voice and was going write the same thing lol

>> No.57030219

i'm late, did altare get electricity to work in his mancave?

>> No.57030243

>You still didn't address the fact that both of your examples were dogshit
Because there's no reason to address the objections of someone who's already proven that they're willing to lie to "win" when you're trying to have an honest discussion rather than a debate. It's impossible to know whether the objections were made with any genuine concern in the first place.
>I'm sorry anon. I've been angry at this faggot for months.
Alright, I understand. But why? Because that's when started his RM back up? Do you think that was an act of dishonesty or betrayal? I genuinely don't understand why you would interpret it that way. Creative people usually have multiple projects going, because they love to create. Feeling creatively fulfilled is actually a psychological necessity for creative people, in a real and serious way. If I was in Holostars, whether I was making Calli, Kiara, or Gura money, or hell, even zero money at all, I would still be working on other projects, because there's plenty of stuff that I would want to do that management would never approve in a million years and just isn't right for Holopro's audience anyway.

If I wasn't making enough money in Stars for that to work, then I'd also be looking for ways to either expand the profitability of both, or to fund them from external sources. That wouldn't mean that I don't care about Stars, it would mean that I care enough about Stars to find ways to make it work even though it's hard. Now, it's entirely possible that I'm projecting about all of this, and that this train of thought has nothing to do with why Magni left, but my point is that there are valid, and even virtuous possible explanations for why he would start streaming on his other channel again. And that's before any possible corporate shenanigan's are taken into account. The fact is, we simply don't know why.

>> No.57030293

If they've left stop mentioning them when there are other members streaming :)

>> No.57030300


>> No.57030302
File: 157 KB, 880x823, 1692889696281058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still heartbroken but I won't be mean to them.

Because I hate fleshtubers and I hate orc designs so I won't be watching them :)

>> No.57030342

Yeah I'm good. I'm disappointed but it's cool, I get it.

>> No.57030386
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, Regis Altare Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN - BUILDING MY UNDERGROUND CASTLE【#ホロスタRUST Season 2】【DAY 2】 [LWq1otEXFQA - 1280x720 - 56m50s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little guy was jamming

>> No.57030409


>> No.57030468
File: 1 KB, 370x320, FoPbPiNaEAAQcPn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57030484

Anyone have magschizo's url

>> No.57030629


>> No.57030634

Altare in 3D is too much

>> No.57030787
File: 101 KB, 500x500, 1675815232900166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do think things were ok till Tuesday night tho

It seemed like Dez was keeping up with Hololive stuff through the bits an pieces I saw on his night streams, then he didn't stream from Tuesday on...

>> No.57030890

I also feel like the decision wasn't made until very recently, they would have posted the announcement sooner instead of making it dampen the orisong

>> No.57030930

Nope, you still have no proof of this and I am still mad but I'm not a crazy person who goes harassing people. Now watch leader and stop bringing them up only to make people more angry.

>> No.57030968

I don't know why he has a theme song for his cave but I appreciated it

>> No.57031009

He wanted elevator music for his elevator bucket

>> No.57031053

who would've thought some magmites are elves

>> No.57031102

>no proof of this

>> No.57031158



>> No.57031263

That Cover kept them from streaming and it was not a willful separation and decision not to do a graduation stream.

>> No.57031307

Of what exactly?

>> No.57031327

>flayon dunking on gacha addicts
Maybe he's not too bad after all...

>> No.57031398

is altare doing a raid?

>> No.57031405

I wouldn't call talking about playing Genshin dunking on gacha addicts desu

>> No.57031454

You're right mb. Genshin players are a different breed.

>> No.57031672

>One of my goals is to one day be tall enough to hit my head on a doorframe

>> No.57031720

Holy kek he BTFO’d that chatter

>> No.57031757

I can't bake. Someone please get it.

>> No.57031776

Could happen in Japan

>> No.57031816

what happened? was watching flygon
