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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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57004891 No.57004891 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57004931


>> No.57005087
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>> No.57005180

Don't mind if I do.

>> No.57005213

YAGOO will somehow still find Canadians in Korea for HoloKR

>> No.57005549

there is a sizable vtuber community in kr though it streams on twitch, if holokr does come it will be direct competition to isegye and stellalive would be interesting to see how the power dynamic between these 3 groups will be but i believe a holokr debut will be massive definitely above 100k.

>> No.57005632

That could be any japanese man.

>> No.57005690

is there a big kr vtuber scene in youtube though? hard to gauge how much competition the incumbents would be when they're on different platform

>> No.57005696

Kroni being replaced with local talent
no one will notice or or even pretend to care

>> No.57005812

maybe she already has been, she seemed not very hesitant to show off her assets lately

>> No.57005854


>> No.57005967

what i mean by competition is that both those agencies have a idol niche take this song for example its doing preety well.
ofcourse one clear difference here is that these vtubers give more of a kpop idol experience which i dont think will be the same for holokr as they will lean more towards being a jp style idol, there is some overlap but i think there values clash at some level which is why it will be interesting to see.

>> No.57006003
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He's trying to study KR boyband's success.

>> No.57006103

ojou.. when is the korean annihilation happening

>> No.57006117

How is his health looking? Has he recovered any?

>> No.57006140

HoloKR coming sooner than you think

>> No.57006192

holoKR would get annihilated pretty fast
Market is already entrenched and extremely cutthroat, then add korean jap hate on top of that

>> No.57006260

what's the difference it's all the same slant eyed bing bing wahoos

>> No.57006276

Holostars KR...

>> No.57006316

You can literally see the sign in the OP to know why he's there. Holy fuck this board is full of retards.

>> No.57006384

no matter how you look at it anime is well loved in Korea and holo sells out every event it does in Korea atleast there is a big audience there that will watch and spend money on a kr holo,
how well will they do in the "mainstream" there? hard to say but vtubers get a pushback everytime they try to enter mainstream, in every market so i do think its worth trying.

>> No.57006412

It would be the kpop stans vs vtuber simps.
I'll ready the popcorn.

>> No.57006448

???? there is a collaboration going on but its not the first one, there are many reasons he could be there.

>> No.57006456

Hololive has enough girls of Korean descent with Ina and Kronii. Don't need anymore slanted pussy bitches

>> No.57006473

Don't be surprised if EN4 are all ESL Koreans, Korean-American, or Korean-Canadian

>> No.57006520

HoloKR will have very hot girls on it

>> No.57006571

Vesper, you’re not in Hololive anymore…

>> No.57006682

HoloKR would be a doomed hololive branch since Cover is barely able to run HoloEN. Whether skimpy outfits, coomerbait models, or management disputes their would be sexism accusations floating around within 3 months. Cover is tone deaf with other cultures and that would be noticeable in the Korean market.

>> No.57006712

That is not the problem. In Korea, there is a strong gender conflict, and Korean men prefer Japanese women to Korean women.
In other words, many are not interested in women from their own country.

>> No.57006829

He's "recruiting" comfort women for the stars

>> No.57006843

Anon, do you think Yagoo attends all the collaborations with Hololive? That would be nice but that's logistically impossible.

>> No.57006897

That's not the first collab they have done in Korea. JP and EN have done those café collabs in Korea before and Yagoo never went there. RETARD

>> No.57007116

Nabi and Ayamy for HoloKR

>> No.57007359

miori for HoloKR

>> No.57007391

HoloKR might be 100x better than tempiss and tempoop

>> No.57007435

He need to fix the latest failure and if you think of male idol, where would you go?

>> No.57007535

Then he must do it like real 3D K-pop don't try to mix with girls side anymore.

>> No.57007577

It will happen once I've set a new stream hiatus record.

>> No.57007694

>Kiara suddenly starts to learn Korean despite having a kr fanbase since 6 months after her debut
>Yagoo seen in KR from nowhere despite being extremely busy
Yep it's happening

>> No.57007706
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>Sing japanese song
>speak English all the time

>> No.57007734

pic unrelated btw, i just want to post hot kronii pic that i save last year

>> No.57007842

Doesnt matter how well loved they are, it will be different when you enter the market. It is kinda like how a JSL non-jap holo in HoloJP would not be as beloved as a HoloEN JSL. There are different expectations. Plus dont forget outside forces that will use jap hate against HoloKR

>> No.57007868
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>> No.57007872

IMAGINE the comedy if they force the jp and kr girls to hang out

>> No.57007916

>but they only hire japanese women who can speak korean

>> No.57007917

Just like how VSPO has Tsuna as their korean comfort woman, the new HoloKR women will become comfort women to HoloJPs because they will want to escape that shitty country

>> No.57007921

also KR subs in hologra around one month ago

>> No.57008171
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She will be on KR1

>> No.57008228

Holo KR is coming! Kiara did a KR stream recently. It's happening!

>> No.57008351

>KR will get a real vtuber GF that licks their ears
>we cant even get decent GFE

>> No.57008579

most people in there 20s 30s dont care about several decade old conflicts

>> No.57008585
File: 172 KB, 1000x309, Hololive Korea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are coming

>> No.57008667

koreans are so fickle towards japanese media it's not worth it. One year they love everything, the next year they start vandalizing japan related shops and shit. They're more sensitive than bugs, not worth.

>> No.57008738

Great another language for Kiara to butcher.

>> No.57008832

Actually, most of anti-Jap sentiment comes from rotting boomer lefties trying to stir drama to retain their political relevance.
Majority of younger generations are cool with Japan and their culture/entertainment.

>> No.57008896

>Majority of younger generations are cool with Japan and their culture/entertainment.
except that one who created a sawn off shotgun

>> No.57008913

korean college students literally raided the japanese embassy recently

>> No.57008974

those are paid by Megalia

>> No.57008990


>> No.57008993


>> No.57009262

Only a small group of politically ambitious retards.
For some reason the Korean political left embraced hating japan and ass-sucking China / North Korea as their core identity, so throwing a fit in front of Japan embassy counts as a political career. Truly bizarre. Really hope those people would collapse and reform themselves.

>> No.57009639


Also, if it's for Korean otakus, they'd speak japanese a bunch and occasionally sing english songs.

>> No.57009826

>people think holoJP aren't nationalists

>> No.57009838

남자친구 못 만듭니까 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

For real though, I think that so long as cover draws a hard line on 우리땅 type yabs it should be fine (probably).

>> No.57010082

HoloPH when???

>> No.57010797

what? HoloPornHub?? fuckyeah

>> No.57010945

I think it'd be more interesting if Cover bought out an existing Korean corpo to make HoloKR.

>> No.57011074

They could just go to shin-okubo and find japanese koreaboos who speak korean.

More realistically, learning japanese is pretty easymode for koreans so there's no problem just shilling holoJP more in korea. Last time I was there, there was a giant-ass comet birthday celebration ad in one of the hongdae station entrances.

>> No.57011948

Ayame will dedicate the massacre of all gooks to spit in the face all of the anons above.

>> No.57013163

>source: trust me bro
oh goodie another american political science major brat

>> No.57013367

This, I doubt actual Koreans are going to care to watch a KR branch debase itself to a jap company.

>> No.57013532

hes searching for comfort woman, just like the ol' good japs, i mean what else you do in korea? a third world shithole

>> No.57013631

Ayame should already stream before thinking about the destruction I think. Also she doesn't seem to mind some new Korean pussy since she got really touchy with Ina when they met in Japan.

>> No.57013830
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>> No.57014451

It'd be worth trying I think. Zero chance of it happening but I wish they'd adopt Alice Mana like Suisei while they're at it.

>> No.57017758

Ban hada in holokr

>> No.57018086

holoEN is already half korean, I don't see the need for holoKR

>> No.57018327


>> No.57023059


>> No.57023250

Ojou is NOT going to be happy about this...

>> No.57023750

which girls are represented in this cafe collab? Do the Holos actually make any sort of appearance or at least provide clips to be repeated on the cafe TV, or is it just merch and holo-themed food?

>> No.57025278

Yagoo is so disturbingly skinny. Dude need to eat something. Feed him some hamburgers or something.
