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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 473 KB, 1300x1300, The Tempus Collaborators.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56941347 No.56941347 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the boys are gone, they cannot cuck you anymore. Surely you're not going to hold a grudge against them, right? Interacting with a penis havers a couple of times is not an unforgivable sin, right?

>> No.56941524

Two of them are still there

>> No.56941576
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I will literally never support Mori, Kronii, or Ame in any way shape or form ever. I will always think of them as lesser, I will always hate them, and I will always avoid content that includes them in any way, shape, or form. The reason is simple. They are anathema to Hololive and the values of cute girls doing cute things. They have shown through their words and actions that they are not the right fit for Hololive and that they don't belong there. Moreover they have shown that instead of trying to fit in, they would rather take radical measures to try and change Hololive. Hololive should not have to suffer people who are just there to cynically funnel attention to their roommates, lazy ironic weebs, or spiteful bitches.

>Y-You should forgive her!

>S-She's changed, she's better now
No she hasn't and even if she has, I don't care, she will never be forgiven for her past sins.

>Y-Your information is months/years out of date
Possibly, because that's when I stopped watching them. As I said, I'm not going to forgive them.

>Don't you believe in second chances?
All these girls got multiple chances and at every opportunity, they fucked it up. They showed they would rather "own the haters" or rather get up on a soapbox and dispense their stupid uninformed opinions to the legions of people who support them. What a lot of people fail to recognize is that Hololive IS a second chance. These girls failed at being fucking waitresses. They couldn't even do a basic service job. Just by being in Hololive, they are given a wonderful opportunity to make the kind of money 99% of the world will never see and they should be grateful because none of them could hack it in the real world. But instead of being grateful, they got full of themselves and decided to try the "my way or the highway" approach.

>Y-You're just a schizo anti!
Actually I'm being hyper rational. I gave all these girls chances and they all chose to make bad decisions. I do not harass them on Twitter, I don't stalk them, I don't even leave negative comments on their videos. I just simply do not watch them, I do not buy their merch, and I tell everyone on this discussion forum that I do not like them and that others should not watch them either. I inform people who are new, who may not know why they are hated, of the things these girls did in the past and why people have a sour view of them now. Obviously I cannot make other people stop supporting them, everyone is free to do what they want. But I will warn others of the type of shit they've pulled in the past and consequently the type of person they've shown themselves to be.

These girls are not worth your time or money. There are plenty of other girls who are.

>> No.56941599

you know the answer, here's your (You)

>> No.56941645

1 year probation first

>> No.56942733

They don't associate with the girls as much

>> No.56942859

No. Fuck off

>> No.56943011

They still gonna collab with the others guys like before, only 2 down.

>> No.56943044

Aha I was waiting for you to show up. Finally I can your shit on a text file.

I'll have my thesis ready to counter argument you.

>> No.56943075
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>> No.56943136
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Nothing to forgive. They chose their path, whatever. I'm simply not going to watch them, ever again.

>> No.56943277
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holy based

>> No.56943335

I forgive them, the lesbian redemption arc of 2023 will fix these bitches, with takamori + gurame starting up once more and council daily orgies making sure kronii and bae completely forget the taste of cock.

>> No.56943836

He is not based bitch. Let's have an analysis on the flaws of what this anon said:

>>Y-Your information is months/years out of date
>Possibly, because that's when I stopped watching them. As I said, I'm not going to forgive them.

This part shows that he is weak willed and is sensitive which is why he can't bother watching them, if he was actually hyper rational he would hyper analyzed why the girls aren't worth the time. And why do I keep saying "hyper analyzed"? wel let's focus on his next pointer.

>>Y-You're just a schizo anti!
>Actually I'm being hyper rational. I gave all these girls chances-

This anon establishes himself as a "hyper rational" despite how his actions actually go against what he says, he isn't hyper rational, he is just a thick and thin unicorn.

But let's focus on something else, which are the pointers that he says "You should forgive them, she's changed she's better now, don't you believe in 2nd chances" what are these cringe one liners did he steal them from a manga page?

The only thing wrong with what he is doing is his high-up attitude thinking he is the fucking leader of unicorn havers, saying he will never forgive tempus collabers the moment it happens and he won't take action to prevent it.

So in summary:
> This anon is lazy
> Won't take intitiative
> Lazy copypasta text
> Desperate to testabliish himself as a leader for his attention seeking fantasies

>> No.56943940
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>Lazy copypasta text

That's the fucking point, you silly Homo Erectus.

>> No.56943992

Wait, what about Bae?

>> No.56944004
File: 1.27 MB, 960x540, I ain't readin dat[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fc0ex32.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't reading all of that shit deadbeat. Nobody watches Mori anymore, fuck off.

>> No.56944134

Did Ame even collab with homos beyond the Worms collab?

>> No.56944237

the space thingy game that never got a part 2 despite the numerous claims of wanting to continue it. After that collab only the ID girls continued playing the game.

>> No.56944290

the boiiiizzzz are the effect, these girls are the cause. but whats the point if all we can do is give them deterrence. the best thing to do is to continue to support idol events and gachi friendly vtubers like kiara unironically.

>> No.56944377

>3 Worms collabs
>1 Gartic Phone
>1 Astroneer
>1 Karaoke duet
>1 Monopoly
She truly went in a Collab spam arc, nobody ever saw this level of commitment from her with Council or Advent.

>> No.56944408
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>> No.56944473

>Gartic Phone
I don't remember this one, you sure you aren't confused with Mumei, cause I'm sure Mumei is the one that did Gartic Phone

>> No.56944586

A tomboy butch woman like Ame prefers to hang out with men than other women, it's that simple to understand her.

>> No.56944590

They probably won't hesitate to shit on you as soon as they get a chance to collaborate again, better work on the girls who still have salvation.

>> No.56944688
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Here you go

>> No.56944713

>prefers to hang out with men

All of the collabs had with women though
>Astroneer: Most of the ID girls branch
> Worms Tourney: ID and EN girls are also there
> Monopoly: Served as replacement of Kronii
> Gartic Phone: ???? (no info)

>> No.56944908

If didn't had women besides her in the collab schizos would have a bigger melty

>> No.56944974
File: 1.92 MB, 1827x2574, 89782565_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii needs to graduate

>> No.56945027

only if kronii does another slurp slurp stream

>> No.56945541
File: 181 KB, 720x556, Vesper Yaba Daba Doo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so she can join her husbando on RM activities more

>> No.56945570

Yeah, I'll forgive Amelia. You are forgiven now Ame. Anyone have a vod for her recent unarchived karaoke?
Bae filters me anyways, but I see no reason to hold any kind of grudge.
Mori has crimes from before and far beyond Tempus, and those were never addressed. Was never my primary issue with her.
Kronii can never be forgiven. Her sins are too deep, and clearly does not want me anyways.

>> No.56945628

>Collabs for a month at most
>ignore them for nearly 11 months
>prefers hanging out with men


>> No.56945768

She succumbed to the schizos.
If it were up to her she would have Stars collabs every week, she said she does not get the separation between the branches after all.

>> No.56946040


>> No.56946483

Stop talking to yourself teamate

>> No.56946569


>> No.56947070
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>> No.56947402

>Sins, crimes, forgiveness.
Holy fuck, dude, you're not God. Get the fuck over yourself, you pathetic, mentally ill psycho.

>> No.56947712

There are 6 left, anon.

>> No.56947796

Tempus 2 are based and stay away from Hologirls.

>> No.56947799

This guy proves he's a schizo anti every time he posts this garbage. He's completely and utterly mindbroken, just like all unicorns are. If unicorns learned to enjoy their chuubas without all the kicking and crying then I would have no issue with them. Also, including Ame in that? Really? The worst she's done is tell the unicorns to better their mental if the idea of collabing with male colleagues worried them so mu-- ah, I see. Pathetic. Unicorns will never have happiness and will always be a liability rather than a boon to their "oshi". I hope you faggots get filtered even harder in the days to come. You don't deserve these girls. All you deserve is your own hate and misery.

>> No.56947884


Altare doesn't collab with EN girls, only with Kobo. Axel is a wild card. Bettel already collabed with Kobo and Bae both were justifiable reasons (tournament and interests). Flayon busy collabing with indies. Shinri doesn't collab with any women at all.

So in short, Axel and Bettel (?) that's 2.

>> No.56948002
File: 484 KB, 581x768, Thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56948168

Sure, all my girls get a second chance

>> No.56948316

it's amazing how little brainpower is required to vomit all that text
