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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56879311 No.56879311 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate the male sex so much? Are you all trannies? I really think that might be the given how gossip/drama obsessed you people are.

>> No.56879512

This board is populated by high-school girls.

>> No.56879535

You lost, an entire year of using him to shitpost against the girls and in the end you lost.

>> No.56879698

This is Hololive Board, build with CGDCT in mind, not some homos and trannys

>> No.56879739
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What happened, homobeggar?

>> No.56879773

he pumped and dumped
he clearly won here

>> No.56879821

It does feel like it. I've only ever seen girls gossip this much.

>> No.56879883
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That's correct.

>> No.56879921

They're jealous that Tempus has more personal access to all the girls.

>> No.56879999

wouldn't trannies enjoy stars cause they want to become... is my understanding of trannies incorrect here i'm so confused

>> No.56880061

Why do I want them to be separate? I liken it to me listening to female ASMR and then having a male jump into the middle of it to whisper into my ear, which I don’t want, but am told he must be included. I decide what I want, and I don’t want him. Just go away, it doesn’t work. It’s annoying.

>> No.56880099

Trannies don’t care about holopro at all, let alone the stars. They just want to own the unichuds.

>> No.56880157

>cute guys doing cute things

>> No.56880292

>listening to female ASMR and then having a male jump into the middle of it to whisper into my ear
Has this ever happened in the first place? A male entering into a female ASMR stream? I have never seen it, not even outside of hololive.

>> No.56880367


>> No.56880371

why the change of tones? you guys were shitting on unicorns the whole day yesterday. now it's your turn, you pretend to be a victim?

>> No.56880426


>> No.56880438
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lmao kys homobegger

>> No.56880444

A lot of Holobronies are psychos. It's as simple as that.

>> No.56880472

I liked Vesper, I just hate you.

>> No.56880585

wow I wonder why people dislike him.

>> No.56880687 [SPOILER] 
File: 315 KB, 852x810, 1655596137453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you hate the male sex so much?
Homo Homini Lupus Est
Cys Catalogshitter

>> No.56880702

I’m likening it to a situation like that in order to help illustrate why it doesn’t work for me. It’s similar in how ASMR is also dominated by females for a reason, and most people who prefer the females aren’t really interested in listen to the males. It’s called given an example of how it would affect you. To me VTubing is cute girls while guys coming into it doesn’t fit. They are mostly separate audiences.

>> No.56880767
File: 51 KB, 960x1042, 082877ED-8942-4E38-8586-B97881D185BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve never met a teen girl as retarded, bitchy and hysterical as some of the adult men on this board (and some of the adult men I know in real life, for that matter.)

>> No.56880790

I hate all vtubers with bishounen avatars.

>> No.56880794

I watch male youtubers, no problems with that. What I don't like is faggy gay ass anime dude idol vtuber. I'm not a tranny or a woman, fuck off with that gay shit.

>> No.56880870

Yes but collabs are usually something that's actually announced beforehand, atleast in hololive, I don't think you can compare the very occasional male collab with a girl doing a stream and all of a sudden a male barging in, to me they seem like pretty different things, one you can just not watch, while the other catches you offguard and can't really be predicted, I don't think you can really compare the two.

>> No.56880880

Shigure Ui would love this place then.

>> No.56880963

I'd love to see all those shitposts he now has to abandon

>> No.56881029

i believe it's a few different camps

>incels upset that males also exist under the hololive banner; have an idea that it's being "pushed" to them; don't like seeing them on streams; so they celebrate when bad things happen to them in general
>the women who populate this board; a lot of them have bpd and probably felt slighted by him at one point or another; became hardcore antis and celebrate when bad things happen to him specifically

>> No.56881032

I don't hate males. I hate males that act like faggots. Vesper was a melodramatic, whiny faggot with self-proclaimed mental issues. Good riddance.

>> No.56881081

Nah, it's men. You think you can out menhera a man when there is men in the word?

>> No.56881109

>don’t trust strangers
>don’t trust strangers but in latin

>> No.56881445

>Yes but collabs are usually something that's actually announced beforehand
I heard this argument before; the just don’t watch your oshi at that time. I would rather make the case that he leave instead of me. Also it ruins the vibe of the whole VTuber experience for me, at least how I perceive it to be. In other words: I don’t want the males to enter that world/experience that the girls are creating for us. I don’t want the males to be included in that story. Mh VTubing experience takes a dive when they do enter it. Since the audience is mostly separate, they don’t need to cross paths.

>> No.56881554

>I hate males that act like faggots.
You shouldn't be here then, like >>56879512
says this place is nothing but high estrogen male posts.

>> No.56881804

>Doesn't understand the proverb
woman spotted

>> No.56881969

I'm gonna be honest I accidentally trusted woman over you, until I realised this proverb has a polish translation I know very well.
I'd like to apologize for my assumption and side with you on this one.

>> No.56882074

I guess we just have irreconcilable world views, I won't waste any time discussing this anymore, there is no ponit.

>> No.56882098

Don't think that reaction is very live anymore, OP.

>> No.56882155

>What is wrong with you people?
cock too big
>Why do you hate the male sex so much?
I don't that would be idiotic as man myself, I just hate this particular group of parasitic faggots
>Are you all trannies?
No, but you are free to check the twiiter bios of tempus fans for a surprise
Anyway keep the tears coming.

>> No.56882192

Anon, it's a known fact that women come on here to larp as men. Just ride the wave at this point.

>> No.56882260

sucks to suck, what can i say. Maybe next tine dont antagonize that portion of the userbase, you filthy little twitterfags

>> No.56882406

I understand that some people who watch male VTubers enjoy combining the male and female VTuber worlds together, so I understand that by making my case that the two should remain separate, I probably am ruining the experience for someone else. I’m completely okay with this, for like I said, the audiences are mostly separate anyway. This way the vast majority will be happy.

>> No.56882606

oh that fair, sorry I was rude in my remark against you, this is for fun after all, plus I admit the latin have had very different interpretations over the years dependent on the person interpreting it.
What's the polish translation? Care to share? I don't mind just google translating it.

>> No.56882738
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>> No.56882866

You ok sis?

>> No.56882878

Oh fuck another one of these threads, stop it OP, I can only get so erect

>> No.56883094

Wtf is this peaceful disagreement? Do you know where you are?

>> No.56883304

That's just the male Vtuber splits. The rest of the board is men.

>> No.56883365

I want to say I agree, but lolcow exists.

>> No.56883392

Call us incel or something, trannies is literally the worst "argument" to bring up since we all know who watches male vtubers, and there's several proofs

>> No.56883664

Probably the most insecure trait out of any is denying reality, and deny negative traits in your peers because you share similar anatomy. They can't be men, so they have to be something else you can rant about? Nah, they're men. You actually share more weak traits in common than you want to admit because of how you chose to process this.

>> No.56883766

>Wtf is this peaceful disagreement?
It’s probably why I ended up a ruffian. I think we tend on be more easy going.

>> No.56883780

I hate men who try to fuck my woman. As anyone sane should

>> No.56883804


>> No.56883917

nigger you cant bring sanity when you claims anime e-celebs as your woman lmfao

>> No.56884014

Based grudge poster

>> No.56884026

>cant bring sanity
nta but who said anything about being sane?

>> No.56884111
File: 49 KB, 660x460, ShioriChadMenhera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He hasn't yet transcended sanity and ascended to the esoteric schizo realm
We're the only sane ones left

>> No.56884141

>respect my collab decisions
good thing nosferatu graduated before this match made in hell had their demoncore of a collab

>> No.56884179

The majority of people on vt are radical feminists. They have this meme where they speak out against homo collabs, and people think its bad because homo, but homo just means "same", FxF, MxM is homo. They are calling YOU a homobeggar, as in, you are asking for it, asking to be mocked.
Its really messed up stuff.

>> No.56884232

I wanna see you do a flip off your apartment building

>> No.56884237

I really, really like this image.

>> No.56884508

>shat on unicorns all day yesterday
>now crying victim when you get shat on in turn
Homobeggars really are pathetic. Keep seething while I keep celebrating.

>> No.56884721

I hate men because I love women, I’m not a faggot. How the fuck would that make me a tranny (faggot)?

>> No.56884766

Board is full of trannies, femcels, and uniniggers. There's your answer.

>> No.56884845

Do you hate yourself?

>> No.56884994

Thinking you're sane when you watch anime pngs for hours, accept what you are or admit being a tourist, that simple
>muh entertainment
If you prefer to watch a vtuber rather than read a book because entertainment you're a illiterate nigger

>> No.56885055

Do you like men?

>> No.56885559

>Do you hate yourself?
do you even know where you are?

>> No.56885994

No, Unicorns are just the biggest figurative faggots on earth

>> No.56886094

seethe they won all males will be purged from corpos

>> No.56886133

>having dignity is bad now
explains this board's degeneracy quite nicely desu

>> No.56886250

Just like how you purged yourself from the gene pool

>> No.56886339 [DELETED] 

>the unikike cries out in pain as he strikes you
I can see your nose through the screen, moshe.

>> No.56886560

Are you implying I must be a fag to love myself? What sort of groomer-ass logic is this?

>> No.56886577

I'm a man and I love myself.

I asked unironically because many people here have that issue!

>> No.56886912


>> No.56887577

I love men though

>> No.56888213

Just like Vesper is a bigger menhera than Kronii, men are more than capable of being gossip bitches and drama queen +1
Most of 4chin is mentally ill men

>> No.56888243
File: 206 KB, 1810x1192, 1650394077127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male VTubers are an abomination. Being a VTuber is one of the most un-masculine faggoty goddamned things a guy could do, therefore it disgusts most normal men to see such a pussy display. I don't fear my Oshi collabing with men and getting sexed up, I fear those faggots and their tranny fanbase of clip watchers ruining the nice thing we have.

>> No.56888756

not at all, the only funny thing about all of this is Vesper stopped a day after he got a new model that looks exactly like what you'd expect to see if a polcel put together their ideal male body in a character editor, erased the swastika armband, and called it a day.

>> No.56888864

I love male sex. Especially male on male.

>> No.56889282

i'm not gay i don't want to see men when i watch hololive

>> No.56889641

I don't hate males, I just hate male vtubers

>> No.56890183

>I'm a man and love myself, so I love man
What's this gay logic

>> No.56890372

Good riddance. Only trannies and faggots love homos. This mentally ill homo thread was particularly an eyesore.

>> No.56890445

They hate males because a male cucked them in their life.
That male?

>> No.56890484

Its not deep really just a bunch of incels basically. They are jealous of other men who clearly have everything they dont. But they are at least just contained here they are hated everywhere else.

>> No.56890581

Yeah "men" in the same vein as balding bearded capeshit loving "men".

>> No.56890689

We need more grudge posting. So many faggots were saying shit like this.

>> No.56890753

Not at all. Males are totally cool. But you know what's not cool? Man children who can't keep their ego in check.

>> No.56890775

I don't hate males, but I hate that 90% of male vtubers are groomers

>> No.56890845

Normal men wouldn't touch any vtubing with a stick anon.
Normal men are the tourists on YouTube who post "ey why she no show her face mus be ugly bitch ahh ahaha" and then go talk to actual women.

>> No.56890869


>> No.56890926

based schizoposter

>> No.56891549

in this context normal means heterosexual, sister

>> No.56891665

technically he did, which i don't know if it still counts but whatever works i guess

>> No.56892464
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>> No.56892580

i don't want those duded or any dude at all to have what i can't have. simple as that. stay away from my oshi.

>> No.56893376

To say the true a normal men won't even leave a comment on youtube

>> No.56893873

the less homos there are the worse off homo collab beggar subhumans are, simple as. nijiEN can keep its dumpsterfire of a branch culture to itself; hololive is for cgdct and that's always where the majority of fans and money will be

>> No.56895892

