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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56769441 No.56769441 [Reply] [Original]

>Imagine being IRyS
>Universally loved and regarded as one of the best En
>Develop one of the most loyal fanbases over the course of 2 years on the surface level atleast
>recently had one of the best weeks a chubba can ever have
>gets offered a sponsorship stream with her Jp senpai's and Homos
>the " Fans" flip out and start going menhera. Going as far as to cancel their membership without even hearing it out
>Will now eventually become the target for shitposts and rrats
>turns out the Holo girls don't even have to interact with the Homos while playing.

Two fucking years of trust thrown out of the window.
I am not blaming those IRyStocrats who entrusted her with this, it's for those retards who joined the shitposters and had a mental breakdown.
You seriously think the girl who put her fans ahead of Mumei, Bae and Fauna during New Years will betray you??
Also any Sane person would want their oshi to take this sponsorship stream and will want her to live a comfortable life. And the reason she was the first En to get this sponsor was because of her recent trends.
You all niggers who bit the bait and decided to go ballistic never really even deserved IRyS as your oshi.

>> No.56769522

I never doubted ber in the first place

>> No.56769585

Nobody reacted to it. Please take your meds.

>> No.56769665

t. blind anon

>> No.56769669

Ok, ai agree I wrote some mean things, but can you really blame me?
I though she was hopping on the homo wagon. And we know how straight IRyS is

>> No.56769700

I admit i was wrong to think IRyS would collab with the Stars but come on man, you can't blame us for jumping to conclusions.
Look how Kronii and Amelia turned on their fanbase with no warnings and no remorse.

>> No.56769826

When Sana graduated, I started watching IRyS and eventually became an IRyStocrat and man, the journey has been amazing. Surprised people have the guts to doubt this cute girl

>> No.56770038

I might agree I was in the wrong, but what IRyS did is not an excuse. She sold out for money. Atleast Kronii was forced by Mori and Bae wanted to collaborate with Homos out if her free will. IRyS's example is the worst and it shows me how money hungry she is

>> No.56770055

Nobody turned on anybody. Kronii and Ame are both doing fine as does their audience.

>> No.56770077
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>> No.56770230

Nigga, read the thread atleast, I am on your fucking side
Well, IRyS is not Ame or Kronii. As I said, you don't deserve her

>> No.56770299

A sponsorship stream is not an off collab orgy.
Or is it?

>> No.56770314

I still have to hear her speak first. If what Lui said was true I will kneel and get an IRyS tattoo as an apology.
I promise that

>> No.56770338

Audience of cucks. Ame barely has an audience now

>> No.56770359

>You seriously think the girl who put her fans ahead of Mumei, Bae and Fauna during New Years will betray you??
She just did lmao

>> No.56770400

They will comeback if nothing bad happens. Their voices are heard now though, even if it's a overblown

>> No.56770494

I don't care about irys
I wanted to bully her fans

>> No.56770636
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>what Lui said
What did she say?

>> No.56770662

You have to be genuinely retarded to believe anyone that wasn't retarded is actually upset to the point of dropping her.
Just one look at the anti thread should tell you it's filled with falseflaggers and newfags.
>drama addicted teamate
They got laughed out of /#/'s, that should say it all.
Luv IRyS, simple as.

>> No.56770755

Cover has built this atmosphere of distrust over years of behaving in a distrustful manner, especially wrt EN.
This is all on them.

>> No.56770764

She said I should live between her thighs forever and ever, only surviving by consuming her fluids, live on as animate chair

>> No.56770867

This is no fucking excuse. You lost trust in her and acted the way you acted. This is all on you.

>> No.56770946 [DELETED] 

How many times does it have to be specified that this place isn't for catalognigs to lurk on?

>> No.56770962

Serves her right kek

>> No.56771041

I am sorry Irys

>> No.56771061

I literally don't give a fuck about who she collabs with because I'm not an IRyStocrat but
>Also any Sane person would want their oshi to take this sponsorship stream and will want her to live a comfortable life. And the reason she was the first En to get this sponsor was because of her recent trends.
This is some retarded fucking cope.

>> No.56771133

>You seriously think the girl who put her fans ahead of Mumei, Bae and Fauna during New Years will betray you??
She literally just did. For money.

>> No.56771139

Schizos aren't people

>> No.56771265

not them, but trust are earned, not "hoping she won't betray you."

>> No.56771281

Learn the rules niggers.
Sponsored streams are not counted. This is why Gura's/Kiara's male collaboration weren't not counted

>> No.56771313

>turns out the Holo girls don't even have to interact with the Homos while playing.
while it does ease out the issue, why the boys though? the valo thing had all girls in it, what gives?
>without even hearing it out
as much as i want to trust what lui said >>56770077, she's got the week until the collab happens to address the issue, she's not new to having shitstirrers in her chat after all (case-in-point her response to the oshi switching "meme" pre-advent and her own share of homobeggars long ago) she's gotta make it count, clock's ticking

>> No.56771642

Chumbuds, KFP Saplings, Novelists, IRyStocrats and Deadbeats are the worst Holo fandoms

>> No.56771797

said the greyfag.

>> No.56771827

>AI agree

>> No.56772115

>You seriously think the girl who put her fans ahead of Mumei, Bae and Fauna during New Years will betray you??
Women have no honor. They only understand treachery, reinforced time and time again without fail.

>> No.56772351

>turns out the Holo girls don't even have to interact with the Homos while playing.

>> No.56772708

Considering all the shit that happened in EN so far you can't hold it against me. Anyone could pull an Ame/Kronii

>> No.56772858

She also said she had no interest in collabing with males when one of her pay pigs asked about it

>> No.56772906

They are going to play against each other. The girls are there to promote the whole thing

>> No.56772963

It took you 2 years to realize she sucks?

>> No.56773082

>why the boys though?
OW2 is already less popular than Apex or Valorant, and most of the girls are practicing for Splash Party.

>> No.56773144

chill IRyS, shit happens

>> No.56773157

Take your meds. You faggots have been shitposting about her all along anyway.
Actual people do not have meltdowns over female 'chuubas and male 'chuubas interacting. Her actual fans are not melting down.

>> No.56773820

Don't speak for me cuck. I won't tolerate my oshi collabing with men while i get third partied.

>> No.56774289

just be thankful its just astel instead of roberu. asterru already has his hands full tardwrangling one catwoman wife. ROBeru just takes all the women he can get his grubby mitts on.

>> No.56774475

Are IRyStocrats loyal? What have they done to deserve that title?

>> No.56774731

imagine being a hololive anti and posting about male collabs your entire waking day

>> No.56775045
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Twitter/X often gets touted as a "hellsite" but honestly /vt/ is just as bad in its own way, and made worse by the fact tourists and SEAposters don't fucking lurk more before posting.

>> No.56775347

Besides the splash party thing, is probably something from management and their 1000000000000th try on shilling the homos or the sponsor thought that people were more interested in a holo vs homo, which is kinda stupid because they can attract more people to the game by doing just holo vs holo

>> No.56775555

Lui. They are just gonna play against each other instead of playing against randoms, in their own VC and if they have to send a team leader there's Botan? and Fubuki as MC

>> No.56775673
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schizos where being schizos

>> No.56775767

>Two fucking years of trust thrown out of the window by her own shitty untrustworthy actions

>> No.56775893

>any Sane person would want their oshi to take this sponsorship stream and will want her to live a comfortable life
>implying her life is not comfortable and is in dire need of money
You had some good points, but stop tacking on bs. You just sound like a homobeggar, especially when the whole point of your post was people were wrong.

>> No.56777255


>> No.56777584

>It's our fault.
Fuck you, whore.

>> No.56777973

>Develop one of the most loyal fanbases over the course of 2 years on the surface level atleast
On the surface level, IRyStocrats had been the worst fucking fanbase who treated their oshi like utter dogshit for over 1 year straight.
They got a lot better now, just not the specific group from the /HiRyS/ general.

>> No.56780846

All you retards think she didn't know? Had the Homos not backed out of the Among Us collab Ollie had been prepping for literal months, IRyS would have collabed with Stars much much earlier. IRyS is and will collab with them, its always been a matter of time.
