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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56666609 No.56666609 [Reply] [Original]

Her vtubing style is still intimate indie/small corpo. She hasn't adjusted yet. The hate she gets just underlines how few anons /here/ branch out of big corpo slop.

>> No.56666772
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>> No.56666872
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>> No.56667027
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Maybe she'll dial it down and save it for member-only streams when it's available. But don't people like it when chuuba are being intimate with them, I don' see anything wrong with it either ways

>> No.56668198

>chubas hate their fans
>vt mad
>chubas appreciate and cloae to their fans
>vt mad
you can't please these fucker

>> No.56669023

>She hasn't adjusted yet.
Why do you think so?

>> No.56670193

the SC she's getting underline how few viewers branch out of big corps. people who watch indies can spot her grift.

>> No.56670261

I watch plenty of small indies or people just starting out, but even I can notice her weirdness. It's not what you're saying.

>> No.56670402

From someone who happily watches big/small corpos and indies, she's clearly still set in her old ways as an OG, such as specifically saying the usernames of people in chat or saying she recognizes them, hanging out in prechat and general topics of conversations that others wouldn't dare to touch so early on. Anons who've only watched Hololive think she's paypig grooming and manipulating when in reality almost everyone outside of Hololive is/was like this. She's not adapting well to the large audience but I'm hoping she mellows out over time.

>> No.56670427

If you want to talk about mountains of hate towards someone still acting like a 1view, watch 2 minutes from any Nerissa stream. She is physically incapable of NOT reading every single negative comment in her stream chat out loud. She hasn't been here for even a month and she already has the most toxic environment where it seems like 95% of her chat hates her and she hates them too.
Every stream is:
Chat: "dumb bitch, we can't hear you, retard! Skill issue!!" (She reads this out loud)
Rissa: "haha(passive aggressive) fix your ears, chat. Haha(passive aggressive) Also play the game yourself if you think you're better haha (passive aggressive)."

>> No.56670444

Can you clip an example of this so called "weirdness"

>> No.56670521

there's already a nerissa hate thread, go there.

>> No.56670645

I don't hate her, she's just not my thing. Largely for the exact reason you pointed out. If I was more interested in that, I wouldn't watch Hololive, but /wvt/

>> No.56670647

got a timestamp?

>> No.56670674

I don't hate her and like her interaction with chat. But still i can't trust her with her past rm cuck fetish. Is like she's doing this to make the cuck/ntr/bbc roleplay more hurtful when the time of her "collab choices" begins.
I will wait at least 6 months more to consider watching her seriously.

>> No.56670739


It might be so, but the extra "intimacy" so to speak is the reason why I'm liking her a lot. Not in a parasocial kind of way, I just enjoy her tangents and sense of humor a lot

>> No.56670756
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Be honest anon, you don't watch streams, you were never going to watch her. You'll still be posting weak bait in six months

>> No.56670766

Holos don't really have the pressure to toss shit out for attention like indies do.

>> No.56670791

kys dramamongering brownoid

>> No.56670959

so she's farming SC now but is planning to fuck all of that up with a male collab?

>> No.56671084

>ntr fetish
Yes, the full menhera goth gf experience
Anon is unaware how realistic Shiori kayfabe is.
True goth/scene girls are weird nerdo autistic girls who probably cheat on you and blame it on her mental disorders.

>> No.56671284

she doesn't seem to have much experience with men. one of the better advents for sure.

>> No.56671386

Kronii did a mengen stream where she read and analyzed dozens of posts from her day one members and biggest paypigs on why she shouldn't collab with homos anymore, agreed with them, and went "fuck you incels, I will do whatever I want" the next day. That was after a year of cultivating one of the most parasocial fanbases in HoloEN. It's really hard to comprehend what drives some of these women.
For the record, I don't think that Shiori will go that way, but you never know.

>> No.56671393

At one point we'll have to accept it's not really kayfabe, she's a menhera playing a menhera.

>> No.56671550

>For the record, I don't think that Shiori will go that way, but you never know.
At the end of the day, all women are whores so it's best not to trust any of them. Even Fuwamoco might have a Fauna friend lecture moment one day. Korean and Chinese women are the worst so just enjoy Shiori with a healthy distance and make sure you've got a backup ready. She warned everyone on day 0 without clarifying what she meant so anyone who gets hurt deserves it.

>> No.56671603

>is planning to fuck all of that up with a male collab?
that's just anon's interpretation.
her debut sentence could have a number of any other meanings. only time will tell.

>> No.56671619
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Nigger you are beyond saving. Vtubers are all you have.

>> No.56671686

She was fishing for the le ironic weeb crowd and she regretted it, she realized that the audiences those jokes bring in are vapid and won't stick with you for long, if at all. It's very obvious from her second channel, just watch the introduction.

>> No.56671911

>actual discussion to be had here about the differences in audience interaction between a holo and small corpos / indies, and the pros and cons of each method
>shitposters immediately derail it with BAIT BAIT BAIT SHIORI SUCKS SHE'S GONNA KEK YOU
This is why discourse is dead on /vt/.

>> No.56672085
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>But still i can't trust her with her past rm cuck fetish.
Believe in biboo, who believes in shiorin.
Now begone and sage!

>> No.56672181

>biboo, who believes in shiorin
This is the only thing that's making me hold my judgement.

>> No.56672257

>She warned everyone on day 0 without clarifying what she meant so anyone who gets hurt deserves it.
I mean, that's kind of true. She never really specified, but did deliberately leave the door open.

>> No.56672382

Or she's just autistic and didn't know how to word it. The way you frame this speaks a lot to your sympathies sister

>> No.56672437

She could have clarified at any moment since

>> No.56672482

Lets be the change we want to see. I personally feel like she is still bitter towards big corpos and is thrown by actually getting the slot and doesn't really know how to feel about it. Imagine what her old vtubing friends must be thinking of her. It's kind of like Mori all over again with her identity crisis. I'm sure there's a lot of stuff behind the scenes she didn't realize or appreciate about big corpos which might soften her views on how 'easy' it is for people who get in. She basically built an identity around NOT being in Hololive so she doesn't know who the fuck she is anymore. That's my take but I really think she's someone special and could be big if she let go of her past. I don't expect another Sana situation for she had a legit reason to be pulled away from vtubing whereas Shiori doesn't as far as I'm aware.

>> No.56672528
File: 2.23 MB, 720x589, Nami Bounce[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fiegmxz.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody in Kawaii does that, being small corpo isn't an excuse

>> No.56672543

sucks to be you whitey, that means more for me

>> No.56672640

Shiori Joker Arc LETSGOO

>> No.56672722

>hire a chuuba based on their last streaming experience and style
>They continue to stream in that same way

>> No.56672828

I know you're not black but it's funny to imagine a fat black anime nerd with his ugly fujo chinese girl, drawn together by bizarre paraphilias and vtubers. A match made in fetlife.

>> No.56672856
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>you should watch my oshi
I know!
Basically, I'm just not going to watch her.
>but /vt/ says she's le creatividad, and the experts and numberfags say it's essential that you watch and like my oshi
I know, I know! Haha, you're so right.
But, I'm just not going to.
>but we're literally spamming threads about her day and night, you can't just ignore her
I know, right?
To put it simply, I'm just not going to watch her.
>you're only not going to watch her because you're an incel unicorn who's mad about made up drama, you're no better than twitterniggers and cancel culture
>she lives rent free in your head!
So true. Absolutely agree.
But, I'm just not going to watch her.

>> No.56672907

who are you quoting

>> No.56673079

I just realized that Shiori didn't even get raided by anyone for her stream today but she instead raided to Bijou's 3 hour holocure stream without anyone bitching about the raid. Explains why there was relatively minimal seething for her in # today kek.

>> No.56674560


>> No.56676149
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No honest whore who took my money ever called me an incel to my face. If Shiori can be professional about running a virtual cabaret akin, e.g., Marine, that's great.
I did extensive research because I believe that she will either round up Advent or burn it down because gachi in fanbase at large will start developing trust issues after aggressive pandering into kekening pipeline 3rd gen in a row. Giving a vague warning in debut doesn't solve the issue if she's going to double down on pandering right afterwards.
For what it's worth, I trust Shiori more than I ever did Mori or Kronii. She has significantly more experience streaming, way less unsolved brain problems, and post-Omegatroon HoloEN instead of a company pushing nijisanjification as context for her decisions. Unlike cherry picking retards, I also saw some good things with regards to compatible mindset. She could be terminally hit with "I'm a content creator, not an e-girl" kind of brainworms, but that's imagining scenarios to be upset about.

>> No.56676397

It's good that she's doing something different.

>> No.56677039

She did
She said in a later stream(I believe it was her only up stream?) That she only wants to befriend people after an extensive time of getting to know the kind of person they are.

AKA the odds become incredibly good that she was just telling collab beggars to fuck off in an extremely autistic manner

>> No.56677434

Stop falseflagging with Kawaii in every other thread and in other generals you mindbroken retarded piece of shit!

>> No.56677583
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>Just 2 more weeks til she collabs with males! Trust the plan Sisters!!
Kill Nijiniggers, Behead Nijiniggers, Roundhouse kick a Nijinigger into the concrete, etc...

>> No.56677733

>Anons who've only watched Hololive think she's paypig grooming and manipulating when in reality almost everyone outside of Hololive is/was like this.
Yea nah that's still paypig grooming.

>> No.56677924

I'll do it more now, for you.

>> No.56678152

Mindbroken incel you are on /vt/ for literally 12 hours a day. You can tell when you go away because the thread instantly becomes better. Get a fucking life you retard. How is your catalog bait thread going you neckbeard?

>> No.56678375
File: 3.35 MB, 700x394, Nami-LOL[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7we0ud.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the mindbroken? lol I'm at peace, you're mad, read what you're writing.

>> No.56678564

Don't do ur dog reps then.

>> No.56679578

Maybe that's why she never make it as an indie, even with holo buff she still is the runt of the gen, and we all know that NTR blacked novelties hate hololive, don't need to make that more obvious

>> No.56682291

>t. definitely not a nijjcuck, trust me guys

>> No.56682548
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whatever you say anon

>> No.56683757

I'm pretty sure it's the Kawaii girls bitching on /vt/ about Shiori. She's offended that corpo before.

>> No.56684943

She never said anything kawaii. You probably think about the wrong chuuba anon....

>> No.56687144

She is already going on breaks like her lazy senpais. I think she is adjusting just fine

>> No.56688676

>The hate she gets just underlines how few anons /here/ branch out to watch *dogshit 2views
and yes, there's a reason that Holo audience doesn't want that type of streamer

>> No.56690514

Almost every member of Hololive in every branch was a 2view before they joined

>> No.56691226

The NTR phase was because of Kaneki Ken having sex with Touka and it broke her mind. Plus, her NTR is literally just her talking about anime husbandos in chat

>> No.56691910

Kek, but that that was the only good part of tokyo ghoul : RE

>> No.56692018

Additionally, she avoids reading romance because if she falls in love with the main character she gets fucking upset when the main characters gets a love interest. So everything about her going choo choo NTR it's a cuck or be cucked world is literally just her being broken by fictional characters being in relationships

>> No.56692160

She's a hot mess....

>> No.56692780

When she was indie/small corpo she wasn't my taste. Slapping the blue dorito onto her doesn't change that for me. Then again, I wouldn't say that I hate her, just that I'm completely disinterested. I can see where the hate stems from though.

>> No.56692837

I can fix her...

>> No.56692999

I don't have anything against Shiori, but I'll probably end up filtering her for a few months, or at least until the browns find another avatar to shitpost with. Maybe after that I'll see if her content appeals to me.

>> No.56697455


>> No.56697526

her voice and accent is grating and her content is beyond boring. Such a shame to waste of a good design

>> No.56697658

The fact that she wont play Holocure tells me everything about her attitude toward Hololive, alongside her silence in Holotalk.

>> No.56697693

Why watch minor leagues when you can just watch the major league, ie. Hololive?

>> No.56697732

Some of them (like Kronii) never adjust.

>> No.56697901

>Baelz (yes, she's bad)
>Kiara 2020-2022
>Ina 2022+

>> No.56698100

in her debut she said she's not much of a gamer, so don't expect her to play much. Marine doesn't play games either, so she's not the only one.

>> No.56698135

All gifted streamers.

>> No.56698309

The answer, my retarded friend, is that /vt/ is divided into normalfags and /vt/ards. Normalfags disappear a month or two after debuts to chase their next high, like posting on twitter about how they're a 35yo transwoman who is offended by THING, while /vt/ards stay here. /vt/ prefers GFE, normalfags think it's 'creepy'.

>> No.56699002

Everyone's streaming Holocure, it's actually grating to see it every other day.

>> No.56700320

And every single one of them grew out of that mindset on day fucking one.
Shiori just thinks too highly enough about herself and her "OG" experience/credentials to follow management instructions. There's a reason she's the only odd one out among an otherwise great gen of chuubas.

>> No.56700633
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>look up her Youtube
>she has videos talking about bugs
A girl that talks about bugs? Based

>> No.56700720

Her vtubing style is vshojo or homosanji. She doesn't belong in hololive.

>> No.56704548

How is he wrong though?

>> No.56707511
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