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56666405 No.56666405 [Reply] [Original]

>i think some nijien members have talked about it, about how currently its been hard to be a liver, i think i saw a clip about it. And I do get where they come from, you know.. like theres so many people at least that we know of that dislikes the company we work for, a lot, and i dont usually talk a lot about this, because a lot of people and we are aware about that, but its little saddening you know, because if we hated it that much why the hell are we still would be here? theres a reason we are still here, so.at least for me, its not.. i dont see anything terrible.. i mean yeah exactly, theres a reason why a lot of people are still here, if it was that bad then we wouldn’t be, you know what i mean? everything has its ups and downs

transcription might be shit but you can see it here

>> No.56666447

> if it was that bad then we wouldn’t be
Then why are they doing a graduation conga?

>> No.56666475

>if we didn’t like it here, why wouldn’t we leave
Easy, they’re addicted to the attention

>> No.56666693

Sunk cost fallacy. Both the livers and their fan kek. The only sad thing is how they can't keep the malignancy to themself but trying to spread it so other would suffer like them.

>> No.56666832

Unironically, it sounds like a case of Stockholm syndrome.

On a serious note, if and by IF he would also graduate from Nijisanji and then decide to go Indie, would his fanbase follow him too, or is the Niji brand the only thing keeping him afloat?

>> No.56667743

>if we hated it that much why the hell are we still would be here?
In Luca's case it's because he went from being a low 3view leeching off a twitch clique who looked down on him to becoming one of the big boys himself

>> No.56667849

most nijifans i know especially mystakes are not going to follow mysta if he going indie because they are attached to mysta model and luxiem and ofc niji. at least being in corpo net u more as consoomer than indie does

>> No.56667878

>because if we hated it that much why the hell are we still would be here?
Because you'd be 2view to low 3view shitters otherwise, and might have to look for a day job.
Basing your argument on the assumption that noone works a job they hate out of a lack of alternatives is so out of touch.

>> No.56668686

>everything has its ups and downs
very deep

>> No.56668850

>management's pet saying it's a ctually great here
Lol. He was the only one who didn't say anything about the AR live cancellation too when the rest of his mate were clearly upset.

>> No.56670953

The stupid thing is that with all the whining coming out of NijiEN recently it's just confirming that morale is at an all time low. Sure, it may be because of the fans shit talking the company, but maybe they should address the reasons the fans are shitting on the company rather than deflecting and ignoring the fans' concerns. But I guess that would mean having to acknowledge the fact that management is fucking them all raw in the ass, and we can't have that, can we?

>> No.56671003

I mean, he's probably never worked a 9-5 a day in his life.

>> No.56673706


>> No.56674020

How hard did management beg for him to say that? I’m not even shitposting, this doesn’t feel natural to say at all in the wake of the 2% merch split, people slowly leaving the company, and morale very obviously being at an all time low with a decline in viewership. That’s not even getting into how that one ID liver originally had her “I’m Cringe but I am FREE” graduation thumbnail changed to a generic “Thank you!” one. It honestly feels like a response to IdolEN’s merch rates and how they’re scared of losing new talents, or more realistically 3 graduations and one termination in less than 2 years.

>> No.56675820

>management favorite has no problem with management
Wow nijisanji must not be that bad after all

>> No.56680318

What the fuck is happening with NijiEN? Is it actually dead? This is hard confirmation that it is

>> No.56680759

This reminds me of one interview mohammad ali had, he talked about the black monkey or something, in the time of slavery there was one nigger who would be chosen over the others, we'll name him Tobias, so Tobias would learn how to read, wear nice clothes, eat good food and be treated like a human being by the master all the while your people are treated like shit, so when the slaves plan to escape and tell Tobias the plan of dipping the fuck out of there (to where who fucking knows) he would go like ''No, why would I do that? the master treat us well!!! you guys are the problem stop being to entitled!!!''
That's what Luca is, a SEA Tobias.

>> No.56680862

Because the other 4 are more manchildren than even Luca is

>> No.56681905

As if the opinion of Paul Li's pet has any value.

>> No.56682702


>> No.56682885

Any workplace that insists that you're all a "family" is very obviously being manipulative, seems like some of them really drank that koolaid.

>> No.56687956

To be fair, it is visible they treat Krisis much better than the shit they served to Zaion and asked her to swallow.

I only watch Vezalius Bandage but the love he is receiving from every1 in Niji does show that learned their lesson a bit, maybe.

>> No.56688870

Zaion also received love in her first month

>> No.56690233

And so did Yugo.

>> No.56691705

Not really, her first silent suspension was in December, barely three weeks after her debut. And shit was already going down with her and management pre debut if you want to believe her manifesto.

>> No.56692439

Here comes the Riku buttsucker. Do you let him use your face as his personal chair on the golden yacht?

>> No.56694529

mysta is graduating because he's mentally ill, he couldn't handle being a public figure. same thing went for nina, she couldn't handle it either. mysta will probably return to his indie life but nina hasn't returned and has no plans on doing so.

>> No.56696507

Good. He needs to graduate to atone for Mano Aloe's graduation.

>> No.56701396

Luca is living the life, he will never leave

>> No.56705427 [DELETED] 


>> No.56706089

>ctrl+f stockholm
>1 result
>ctrl+f sunk cost
>1 result
Go home, thread has been answered.

>> No.56710720

