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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56654938 No.56654938 [Reply] [Original]

What would she have to do to entice you into giving her your attention?

>> No.56655021
File: 59 KB, 640x644, 32846328763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will literally never support Mori, Kronii, or Ame in any way shape or form ever. I will always think of them as lesser, I will always hate them, and I will always avoid content that includes them in any way, shape, or form. The reason is simple. They are anathema to Hololive and the values of cute girls doing cute things. They have shown through their words and actions that they are not the right fit for Hololive and that they don't belong there. Moreover they have shown that instead of trying to fit in, they would rather take radical measures to try and change Hololive. Hololive should not have to suffer people who are just there to cynically funnel attention to their roommates, lazy ironic weebs, or spiteful bitches.

>Y-You should forgive her!

>S-She's changed, she's better now
No she hasn't and even if she has, I don't care, she will never be forgiven for her past sins.

>Y-Your information is months/years out of date
Possibly, because that's when I stopped watching them. As I said, I'm not going to forgive them.

>Don't you believe in second chances?
All these girls got multiple chances and at every opportunity, they fucked it up. They showed they would rather "own the haters" or rather get up on a soapbox and dispense their stupid uninformed opinions to the legions of people who support them. What a lot of people fail to recognize is that Hololive IS a second chance. These girls failed at being fucking waitresses. They couldn't even do a basic service job. Just by being in Hololive, they are given a wonderful opportunity to make the kind of money 99% of the world will never see and they should be grateful because none of them could hack it in the real world. But instead of being grateful, they got full of themselves and decided to try the "my way or the highway" approach.

>Y-You're just a schizo anti!
Actually I'm being hyper rational. I gave all these girls chances and they all chose to make bad decisions. I do not harass them on Twitter, I don't stalk them, I don't even leave negative comments on their videos. I just simply do not watch them, I do not buy their merch, and I tell everyone on this discussion forum that I do not like them and that others should not watch them either. I inform people who are new, who may not know why they are hated, of the things these girls did in the past and why people have a sour view of them now. Obviously I cannot make other people stop supporting them, everyone is free to do what they want. But I will warn others of the type of shit they've pulled in the past and consequently the type of person they've shown themselves to be.

These girls are not worth your time or money. There are plenty of other girls who are.

>> No.56655065


>> No.56655160

Help me!!!
My knees!
They're moving on their own!!!!

>> No.56655169


>> No.56655178


>> No.56655394
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>redirects you into Mori's stream

>> No.56655542

Lose weight

>> No.56655598

thanks for reminding anon! i would've kept watching if you didn't remind me

>> No.56655837

Were you not even fucking watching them, bro? I thought they were the best, most entertaining vtubers ever.

>> No.56655932

She actually knows why she lost me personally. I don't think there's anything she can do about it.

>> No.56656082
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here, you dropped this

>> No.56656144
File: 109 KB, 846x1200, __mori_calliope_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_myth1carts__sample-c397aae7bc4c35db14ea78584323cc37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slim down to when she gave a fuck.

>> No.56656208

>These girls are not worth your time or money
Don't get me wrong, i agree with you, but if so why are you wasting so much of your timesand efforts in hating them? even wrote an freaking essay, you are more obsessed with them than their fans.
For me i simply don't give them a cent, but will watch whatever is fun from them for free. My oshis are always prioritized over them, so it cost me nothing, actually made me happier than holding a grudge.

>> No.56656450

anon, i was referring to the forced redirection.

>> No.56656498

nta but that amount of writing takes little to no effort or time.

>> No.56656561
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>> No.56656619


>> No.56656768

Please call your DR if your hate boner lasts longer then 42 hours thank you

>> No.56656817

Be good at streaming

>> No.56656860

I am still watching this, these girls are going to turn me into a unityfag aren't they....

>> No.56656885

You didn't say what they did wrong. What did they do wrong?

>> No.56656907


>> No.56657056

get back into shape
her face looks absolutely fucking smashed now like she's some kind of drug addict
I miss when women were all into aerobics and fitness and shit

>> No.56657063
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>naked dogeza
>stop ralpping 5 ever
>go on a diet
>no homobegging
>floating skull mascot voiced by Ai terry a. Davis
>wrist tattoo "property of vt"
>remaster all live action episodes of the Mario brothers super show with Hakos as Luigi in bikinis.

>> No.56657135

lose 300lbs.

>> No.56657181

She is addicted to a drug. It's called alcohol.

>> No.56657225

Only thing missing is why. If they can't even pretend to be thankful for their fans who make up their audience and allow them to be, find a content creator who does.

>> No.56657228


>> No.56657345

Unironically lose weight. The care a person puts onto themselves or the things physically around them say a lot about the person. Being fit wouldn't make her a content creator worth watching, but the mentality required for losing weight and lifting would do wonders to the betterment of her life, the lives of people around her, and the quality of everything she produces.
t. former 290 lb landwhale

>> No.56657380

My point exactly. How did you not notice immediately that you got redirect unless you weren't even watching?

>> No.56657454

Stop drinking alcohol. Get 100% clean and stay that way.

>> No.56657497

The only thing I agree about this is the fact that you didn't harass them and keep it contained in this wheat milling forum. For that I'll kneel.

>> No.56657507

She was literally the only one streaming in EN other than Bijou, but they couldn't raid Bijou because all of Advent left for a Manager meeting, as confirmed by Bijou.
M*ri is a leech.

>> No.56657537

i am not fat as you, but i want to lose weight too, what are your tips?

>> No.56657613

My brother in Christ, stop putting so much energy into hating something.

>> No.56657635

>using gigachad picture while expressing your virgin rage of women speaking to men

>> No.56657669

You responded to someone who did a ctrl+c and then a ctrl+v, lmao. The only one putting in "effort" is you

>> No.56657685

Bold of you to assume that people who spend their time posting essays on why they are being a threadreading anti watch any streams. That guy doesn't watch Fuwamoco, he just knows that pretending to watch them and spamming BAU BAU gets replies.

>> No.56657727

LITERALLY have sex with me.

>> No.56657763


>> No.56657768

you do realize he have to write that first right? retard.

>> No.56657771

Tell me the secret of how to un-dislike something. I tried but eh

>> No.56657776

Based gigachad anon didn't even mention men, sister.

>> No.56657791

they are giving forgiveness, i am not.

>> No.56657797

Why do you guys care if she is fat? You are watching virtual youtubers.

>> No.56657811

>close tab

>> No.56657872

Learn the idol step

>> No.56657890

NTA but cook all your own meals - it gives you control that you'll just never have eating out, it's a valuable and attractive skill, it saves you a SHIT-TON of money.
maybe spend a couple weeks actually weighing your food and tracking calories - eventually you'll develop a sense for it that you wouldn't otherwise. you'll start to really appreciate the relative caloric density of shit, e.g "i could eat one greasy snack full of cheese and not be full or an entire bowl of rice + veg + chicken for the same amount of calories and be full for hours"

>> No.56657957

>Why do you guys care if she is fat?
NTA but it's indicative of a person's character and integrity. A fat fuck has poor impulse control and is selfish among other problems.

>> No.56657989

u ar gae

>> No.56658216

Too based for this gay board.

>> No.56658460

>same anon

lmao even

>> No.56658506

Actually show that she regrets her behavior

>> No.56659605

Sorry I wasn't around but this anon wrote what I would've said almost word for word and I'm kind of amazed by it. What little I can add to that is that indeed, you will really start to appreciate every gram, every calorie, every nutrient you intake and you will learn "how to eat", in a way. Avoid wheat, sugar, booze and trans fat as much as possible and if you start feeling weak or sleepy get checked for any potential stuff your body might be lacking.
And if you can do 16/8 intermittent fasting, I suggest you do.

>> No.56659681

>All these girls got multiple chances and at every opportunity, they fucked it up. They showed they would rather "own the haters" or rather get up on a soapbox and dispense their stupid uninformed opinions to the legions of people who support them. What a lot of people fail to recognize is that Hololive IS a second chance. These girls failed at being fucking waitresses. They couldn't even do a basic service job. Just by being in Hololive, they are given a wonderful opportunity to make the kind of money 99% of the world will never see and they should be grateful because none of them could hack it in the real world. But instead of being grateful, they got full of themselves and decided to try the "my way or the highway" approach.

>> No.56660078

No one can refute this?

>> No.56660882


>> No.56661084

holy shit

>> No.56661100

Unironically Based
I kneel.

>> No.56661138

just keep being interesting and make fun streams, just that easy

>> No.56661147

anon, what do you think they are?

>> No.56661177

Star making good music again.

>> No.56661194

Openly acknowledge the horse thing. And read the script.

>> No.56661213

Tell her fans to stop making threads on /vt/ daily begging people to watch mori again.

>> No.56661397

ironically i didn't give care about mori till she fucked it up for everyone and became toxic with the kronii fandom help convice kronii to tell Us ex-kroniies to fuck off and gloat about it.
didn't care b4 her other yabs then but now after learning more about the shit human that she is, i will forever anti her till she graduates and fuck off.

>> No.56661515

I don't have any more issues with her, she redeemed herself in my eyes. That said, her personality is still creeping me out, so that. Drop the weird wiggerisms, drop the moments where she says nothing of value and simultaneously hogs the air with random words and grunts, especially in collabs and stop being so American.I'm also not interested in the music she makes, nor in her connections, but I respect the effort put into her career.
But I understand that she does not have to cater to me and I already have my oshi, so if she feels fine and deadbeats also like it, I don't want her to change, especially since I have an oshi already and I don't intend on dropping her.

>> No.56661695

>the ex-kronii blames calli for what happened
really makes you think

>> No.56661775

Her voice sounds fat

>> No.56661877

oh it was mainly on kronii herself for sure, but that sad excuse of an idol really did add fuel to the fire
almost every fucking gen she has to fk things up for people, and ppl wonder why she keeps getting hate.

>> No.56661927

What actually is the tl;dr of why Mori is hated? I also have no idea why Kronii or Ame would be but I already don't pay any attention to any of the 3 of them since they're uninteresting

>> No.56661950

Ugly outside, ugly inside.

>> No.56661973

Develop a better sense of humor

>> No.56662096


>> No.56662100

She prioritized her alter ego activity and e-celeb chasing and everything else that has nothing to do with Hololive at all for the first two years of her time as a Holo.

>> No.56662117


>> No.56662154

hard r

>> No.56662163

>What actually is the tl;dr of why Mori is hated
You know how reddit has all their shitty "inside" jokes they spam, and that's why everyone here thinks they're fucking annoying? Well to them, they're having a blast getting lots of internet points from their fellow shitters, reusing the same jokes over and over.

Well being a mori anti these days is a lot like that. The people that type that kind of stuff just like the dopamine they get from joining a bandwagon and having other shitters pat them on the back.
They don't actually care about her, they're just shitposters.

>> No.56662323


>> No.56662368

i was shitting

>> No.56662402

>was part of the wave that attempted to change hololive culture from cgdct to streamers with an anime avatar
>cucked her fans regularly
>depises parasocials
>tried to get other girls onboard with her despising the industry
>prioritises things outside of hololive
>nearly completely doxxed gura
>started the rrat that gura got gangbanged
>too american
>unfunny memes that get forced into every part of the internet

She's calmed down a lot in the last year but ultimately, I never liked her anyway.

>> No.56662432


>> No.56662893
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>> No.56663045


>> No.56663047
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>What actually is the tl;dr of why Mori is hated?
She basically applied to Hololive as a joke, didn't understand it, tried to change its whole culture, regularly kills collabs by being audibly bored and disengaged during them(it's a mystery why she keeps accepting collabs that don't interest her), got involved with e-celebs including e-celebs who shittalked Hololive, lied that one of the e-celebs personally apologized to Myth which Kiara confirmed never happened, had a mental breakdown where she retweeted cuck porn of herself and said she was on drugs, dragged Gura to a dangerous house party which resulted in Gura locking herself in a room for her own safety, and is a raging alcoholic which probably has a lot to do with all of the above. The very worst part though is that she's a very sweet person underneath all her fuckups but she just cannot stop getting in her own fucking way.

>Well being a mori anti these days is a lot like that. The people that type that kind of stuff just like the dopamine they get from joining a bandwagon and having other shitters pat them on the back.
>They don't actually care about her, they're just shitposters.
Massive and hilarious cope

>> No.56663126

I fucking kneel

>> No.56663271

Somebody post the connor comic retweet, i lost it.

>> No.56663346

Posting a tldr sperg session with a chad image is just a cop out since you know you sound way too shizo and cringe without it. Shame on all the anons who constantly fall for this shit too. But it’s as expected of vtuber watchers that a jpg is enough to brainwash them.

>> No.56663375


>> No.56663531

I agree on Mori and Kronii. Disagree on Ame.
On the topic of Mori, instead of embracing the feminine reaper, she decided to warp a character into a gross wigger weeb rapper (like her REAL SELF). Fuck Mori. I hope she's happy with that slave contract she got from UMG.

>> No.56663759
File: 55 KB, 500x500, artworks-xXP5kTMTid2gqFNS-bHePig-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't like Ame more. At least you could say that Mori and Kronii are retarded and don't know any better.
Ame, on the other hand, is a spiteful cunt who willingly gets one guy'd. That one instance when she told a random apex dude to shut the fuck up when he pinged and then got all defensive when he rightfully told her to suck his dick told me more than anything ever could.

>> No.56663829

Why are all my oshi's viewers so fucking retarded?
I swear 60% of the most retarded posts on this board all have a Fauna pic.

>> No.56663885

You do realize it's been posted before right? mega retard.

>> No.56664130
File: 218 KB, 1199x1080, 18837b390f446e454a2dafefca482b7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not your oshi, friendo.

>> No.56664714

Suck my dick for a start.

>> No.56664878
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should be a pinned post. Too bad the jannies/mods are in league with all three of them

>> No.56664987

>trying to put Ame on one level with Mori and Kronii

>> No.56665030

Agreed, she's worse.

>> No.56665133

Imagine being given a chance 99% of people dream for and the thing you do has to be the same to a T. Whats the point of being given this opportunity though? Aren't we always judging rich people for not doing anything to innovate with their money? That the only thing they do is do anything to get more money? The moment i get more money than i know what to do with i try to do something for the benefit of me and the people who support me, in their case being their fans not doing the same safe thing.

This is not even about unicorns vs tourists, this is about being the kind of person who unironically supports the rich being richer by doing the least effort shit ad nauseam

>> No.56665261

h-hi mori...

>> No.56665371

Good seethepost

>> No.56665407

So that explains why so many people on this board are insufferable fucks...

>> No.56665487
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>> No.56665498

Fuck you man, what have we saps ever done wrong

>> No.56665554

>deadbeats are commies

>> No.56665732
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>> No.56665827
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Stop being the grim reaper.

That's literally it. She can keep her basic model and color scheme, but the horns, teeth and scythe must go. And she must state that the whole grim reaper thing was always just a larp.

I see clips of her where she isn't larping but being a sweet, loveable friend of Gura, or a cool cowboy.

But I can't watch someone who larps as the grim reaper. The same also applies to Nerissa and to a lesser extent Shiori.

I don't care about anything else she has done or been accused of doing, I am willing to accept her warts and all if she will just give up the grim reaper larp. I may have a low standard, but if you want my attention it must be met.

>> No.56665842 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 1044x1060, Today_I_will_remind_them2_111003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tried really hard to funnel people to her RM witth the "real deadbeats" dog whistle
>Treated Kiara like shit at the height of her popularity (one of the few things deadbeats can't gaslight about because she admitted it herself onstream)
>lies all the time about the most minor things, lied to Kiara's face about having listened to her songs twice
>Rager fiasco where she doxed Gura's location
>Every fucking instance of "owning the haters" ending in a trainwreck, most infamous of all the condom momey/lean fiasco
>Loudly talking to her own chat during collabs
>Collabs she's involved in always have the "EN curse" because she sometimes doesn't even bother to dowload the game, most infamous of all the cuphead collab
>Numberfagging now that her numbers are shit

>> No.56665857

>Enter company
>Don't like what the company does
>Change what makes the company popular into something that makes me comfortable instead
>Somehow don't get fired for bleeding the company money every time I forcefully try to change the company
>CEO looks downright bedridden, pale and underweight half the time
>CEO can't fire me because he's scared of being cancelled and #MeToo'd for expecting me to act in the company's best interest. Thank you for the immunity Coco!

>> No.56666042


>> No.56666053

I swear Mori would not be in hololive anymore if the dog whistle worked.
It's so fucking obvious that she doesn't agree with any of the hololive sentiment and would much rather do collabs with dudes and act like a prude. Most of her interaction on her RM suggests so, especially the TrashTaste stuff seeing as she EVEN used her hololive identity to go on that podcast again, followed by multiple Tempus collabs.
I'd say "Who cares, let her do what she wants", but you know damn well there is an audience of manipulators waiting to use Mori to jumpstart the career of their 3view boys and trying to normalize male collabs with the other talents too.

>> No.56666055

Go and watch Kanata, christcuck.

>> No.56666067
File: 121 KB, 1877x550, kroniiexplain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the best explanation of why Kronii is hated without resorting to easy shit stirring like SHE COLLABED WITH MALES as if Suisei, Fubuki, Marine, etc aren't all insanely popular. As for Mori the list is fucking long, and it gets longer the longer you've been around. As someone who was around for her debut, the bullet points are
>She never fit into Hololive, never made an attempt to fit into Hololive, and instead tried to make Hololive fit her
>At least in the beginning she made no attempts to hide how this was just a job for her, put in no effort, and put in a LOT of effort trying to funnel people to her roommate
>Brought in a wave of ironic weebs and tried to promote e-celeb cancer
>Fat wigger
>Just generally annoying, could not vibe in collabs, would resort to Shrek jokes, Adam Sandler jokes, or just very unfunny character she called "The Sheriff"
>Makes songs about how haters don't bother her when they clearly do, hence all the songs, the response to the twitter cuck comic, etc
>Is just generally immature and unprofessional and not in a cute way.

>> No.56666173

old clipwatchers misquoting mostly, but she did have some honest fuckups. She was a real rollercoaster for a while.
People like >>56665842 making shit up like the doxing gura thing when she was basically unrelated and it also didn't matter at all. She's just catalog's oshi because she made so many mistakes.

>> No.56666220

Do people actually base their impressions on Mori on people who make shit up and assume it's true?
Cool I get it, you don't watch her. How do you know what she actually said then?

>> No.56666253

People were asking about the ai generated horse and pretending it was real for a while anon. They just read the catalog and watch clips.

>> No.56666316

>inform people who are new
can you elaborate on these words and actions you speak of

>> No.56666372

Do not worship death.

>> No.56666393

Yes, don't watch Mori, Kronii or Ame if you have a fragile ego like this anon. There's plenty of other girls who are inoffensive to your sensibilities and commit to cute kayfabe that will satisfy your vapid taste. Honestly I'm glad FuwaMoco showed up to keep all you weak-hearted faggots placated, the less whining I see from you the better.

>> No.56666651


Also, not ruining the baldurs gate stream with her presence would make me hate her less

>> No.56667396

>one of the few things deadbeats can't gaslight about because she admitted it herself onstream)
Sure and she also said in the same stream she wanted to fix their relationship and she did.

>> No.56667460

>go on that podcast again
Well technically it wasn't the main podcast but their stream where she went to.

>> No.56667549

Still won't watch her.

>> No.56667760

>The same also applies to Nerissa and to a lesser extent Shiori.
You know FWMC are demons too right

>> No.56667804

Kill yourself

>> No.56668012

Was gonna say the same.

>> No.56668030

Uhh based?

>> No.56668218

Suisei and marine are both falling off in popularity anon, and there are plenty of examples of male collabers who do fucking terribly like ollie and matsuri. and idk where you got marine from, she doesn’t collab with holostars

>> No.56668254

Chocobos chocobros

come on now

>> No.56668273

Go now, give your weekly 5 dollars to the condom fund

>> No.56668276

They are about Shiori tier. Shiori looks like she's getting infected by some sort of black snot ball.

>> No.56668449


>> No.56668466
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>> No.56668480

>when people actually watched me, i didn’t give a shit about kiara, but now that kiara is more popular then me, now i want to be friends
Yeah anon, sounds super genuine

>> No.56668489


>> No.56668516

based. put me in the screencap

>> No.56668518

That stream happened before huge drop off though.

>> No.56668527

They’re called clips retard, it’s not hard when you retarded deadbeats are doomposting all the time

>> No.56668529

Seriously? improve her music, going back to the days of Red and End of a life instead of wall of text slop. Some times less is more.

>> No.56668541

Are you sure cause that clip only made the rounds recently, way after her decline

>> No.56668595
File: 20 KB, 512x600, 1664833524988019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so based

>> No.56668628

there are mountains of people here who genuinely believe all the insane shit people post about vtubers. all the talk about "everyone knows everyone is exaggerating and just having fun talking shit" is a massive cope for the fact that this board is sheep on sheep who genuinely let their perception of video game streamers be dragged into the gutter by some of the biggest schizos of all time. like no way dude... turns out the girl who said one thing out of context that rubbed you the wrong way in multiple thousands of hours of streaming in fact isn't actually a bad person who is destroying hololive

if you ever read global or any general like once every 3 days you'll get some guy dropping in to say "hang on, she's actually good? vt lied to me?" about literally ANY girl, even ones that don't have tons of anti spam like mori

>> No.56668652

Yes? That clip is from her members stream from march 2022.

>> No.56668745

Among other things, stop making her entire existence about haters. She took one good step halting her leeching at least, but I suspect she will start it back up again.

>> No.56668781

>1 minute after the thread was made

>> No.56668851

>halting her leeching
where? She still forced collabs before the collab ban on advent.
>But the collab ban was shortened for EN
yet you only see Mori, Kiara and Bae collabing, that means they are the ones forcing it for leeching purposes.

>> No.56668858
File: 111 KB, 1170x1665, 1631687557782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're lurking Mori. you fat fucking wigger. I hope you die a very painful death

>> No.56668914

How is welcoming new people leeching? How was the Bijou stream leeching when Bijou was the one who made the mod and wanted Mori to voice it?

>> No.56668922

Whoa deadbeat, calm down.

>> No.56668945

>Suisei and marine are both falling off in popularity
Which world line are you living in? Suisei is on the cusp of mainstream breakthrough in Japan and Marine is viral on JP tiktok. Just this month Suisei is headlining Youtube music weekend along with fucking yoasobi, and next month she will be a day 1 closer of kumamoto music festival, all the while being a host in a weekly national radio program.

>> No.56668951

1) admit her mistakes and condemn male collabs.
2) completely shut down her RM, clean it all up.
3) go through a 6 months to a year of probation.
4) never again mention the following:
>I'm your Dad
>Adam Sandler
>Retarded baby voice
>Cowboy LARP

>> No.56669112

I'm talking about her RM leeching.

>> No.56669222

first post best post

>> No.56669259
File: 141 KB, 341x443, 1577071943396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can forgive homo collabs. I can forgive shit content. I can forgive content that doesn't suit me. I can forgive peepeepoopoo jokes. I can forgive annoying voices. I can forgive complete disregard for schedules. I can forgive unsavory past lives. I can forgive lack of interest in idolfaggotry. I can forgive lack of outstanding talent. I can forgive menhera meltdowns. I can forgive stupid yabs. I can forgive extended breaks.

One thing I can't forgive is when these chuubas holding overwhelming power over their mentally fragile parasocial audience get on a soapbox and start lecturing as if they were not aware of how things work the entire time. They even feel like they have moral high ground. If you are not comfortable carrying that burden then just fucking say so and apologize or don't cultivate that audience in the first place. It's obviously not for everyone. But acting like a spiteful cunt is the worst fucking sin in this industry.

>> No.56669338

naked dogeza

>> No.56669441

>Suisei and marine are both falling off in popularity
And other shit deadbeats tell themselves to cope with the fact that she's now the runt of EN.

>> No.56669496

Just enjoy or not whatever you like, never let others tell you what you have to enjoy No matter the reason.

>> No.56669660

Unarchived hardcore hip hop. I don't think she ever listened to it thoughbeit

>> No.56669735

I personally don't support her because of the face reveal. I'm sure this is many anon reason too despite their claim otherwise. It's shallow yea but it is what it is.

>> No.56670211

Nobody thought that was real, it was just a funny joke.
Everyone knows that Mori is really a pedophile, not a horsefucker.

>> No.56671024

Based. At least half

>> No.56671244

>Girl who's 5'6 and a bit pudgy, probably weighs 140-160 lbs.
>At least half
>80 lbs at 5'6.

>> No.56671555
File: 30 KB, 125x125, 1655840314245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anon doing the good work

>> No.56671589

letting me smell her armpits

>> No.56672071

Mori looks chunkier than my sister who weighs 160 and she's 5'4. She's gotta be 180lbs at least.

>> No.56672262

Fair enough. For the sake of argument, let's assume that's the case.
>90 lbs at 5'6.

>> No.56672462

Mori if you are reading this. Here is a solid advice. Ask the Numbers Queen or the Numbers Apprentice. Pekora and Koyori knows a lot more about numbers than anyone /here/

>> No.56672701

Give me her lactation.

>> No.56673256
File: 219 KB, 854x480, I kneel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56673268 [DELETED] 
File: 2.38 MB, 1920x1080, fatwhore_062253.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, cuckbeat jannie woke up.

>> No.56673641 [DELETED] 

>still up

>> No.56673779 [DELETED] 

holy shit she must be over 250lbs

>> No.56673833

dogeza for corrupting Kronii

>> No.56673844 [DELETED] 

Her face has always been like that even during when she was in shape.

>> No.56673868

Also mori if you are reading this get the fuck away from my wawa with your sycophant personality and do more solo streams then some of us might stop shitting on you

>> No.56673910 [DELETED] 

I thought Hololive only hired attractive females? How did this happen?
