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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56610761 No.56610761 [Reply] [Original]

I feel our power growing

>> No.56611062

even normie streamer was playing it.

>> No.56611175

Kay must be over the moon. Not only have they worked on a shitton of anime, but now has developed a hit game played by thousands, maybe millions over the course of its life.

>> No.56611260

honestly good for him.
guy seems like truly enjoying in the holo community.

>> No.56611262

To be fair, OW2 is an extremely shitty game, coming from a washed up "triple A" developer.

>> No.56611878

I laugh at how hard they fucked up overslop 2.

>> No.56612068
File: 61 KB, 804x234, lacism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steam forums are filled with normie interpretations of hololive inside jokes

>> No.56612157

I mean this is bad metric since OW2 still has pretty big player base on BNet and consoles...

>> No.56612164

Most people use battle net to play OW2

>> No.56612228

Already on 27k players? This gets to 10k in 2 weeks.

>> No.56612363

he's right. who the fuck put a chinese looking fucker in my anime girl game?

>> No.56612372

Our? Get that SEA shitgame out of here

>> No.56612408

having more players than the worst reviewed game in the history of steam shouldn't be regarded as a high bar

>> No.56613777
File: 762 KB, 862x800, Watamelon 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your face you weren't one of the people that were swindled by Blizzard to "invest" into their "e-sport"

>> No.56613806

It's a triple A fps multiplayer game anon, a fan game having more players than that is ridiculous even if in the next week that number gets halved
Besides everyone trash talk sports games yet they're some of the most popular, normies don't care about those things

>> No.56614743

don't the majority of people play through battlenet?

>> No.56614826

lmfaooooooooo im still thinking its so wild about normies playing it

>> No.56615104
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>> No.56615309

Beating OW isn't much of an accomplishment. It's a 6 year old game with little content, shit matchmaking, and reeks of greed.

>> No.56615966


>> No.56616209

>It's a 6 year old game

>> No.56616325
File: 118 KB, 265x190, 1665242583571376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive. Very nice. Now show Nijicure's numbers.

>> No.56616636

Holocure won't stay in the top 30 for long once the new steam players run out of content.

>> No.56617469

Good on Kay.

>> No.56617523


>> No.56617730

Holodrones need to numberfag about everything

>> No.56617871

anon, its still overwatch. this game was supposed to mog tf2 and csgo esport numbers

>> No.56618283

Yeah, we nijichads don't need to tell our games numbers because we don't have one

>> No.56620749

I checked youtube the other day and watching flesh streamers play because it's popular has been fun

>> No.56620837

I wonder which will keep 5 digit figures and which will plummet into 3play when Cover decides the shilling's not worth it anymore.

>> No.56620948
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>> No.56621242

sorry, you meant to type he.

>> No.56621376

He deservers it. It's a good game.

>> No.56622852

NTA but unironically KYS you fucking zoomer who just discovered how language works.

>> No.56623205

>It's a 6 year old game
the joke writes itself

>> No.56623229

It's not at all.
They just fucked the audience out of content they promised.
The game itself is fine.

>> No.56623303

That's ironic.
A zoomer would be much more likely to use they instead of he/she.

>> No.56623959

So speaking of pronouns, do you prefer to be called a retard or a mongoloid?

>> No.56624069

The game is awful. Every character is designed to be as annoying as possible.

>> No.56624300
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Truth fucking hurts doesn't it.

>> No.56624354

I'm not a tranny I never use they/them if I don't know the sex of the person I'm talking about I default to he/him

>> No.56624446

You are allowed to have that opinion.
But it has been a very popular game with high reviews for a long time.
And it has gotten a lot of porn.
So I don't think the majority agrees with you.

>> No.56624545

>Every character is designed to be as annoying as possible
Nobody is going to take you seriously with that kind of ridiculously hyperbolic criticism

>> No.56624770

>1 year old game does better than a 7 year old game on its secondary launcher
shocked, I tell you.

>> No.56624871

Kay is multiple people?

>> No.56624910

"Nijicure. They can't be saved!" will be released at the next 30th of February.

>> No.56624956

Yeah it's me and my schizo personalities

>> No.56624965

>Fan made indie game vs triple A title
I mean yeah OW is in it's death throes now but that is still impressive.

>> No.56625020

You mean just like nobody takes Overwatch seriously?

>> No.56625038

Holocure is good but why compare it to the trash game of overwatch of all things? I don’t know if all blizzard users are forced to use steam now to launch it too but if not the total player count is higher but probably not much higher. Compare holocure to vampire survivors and after a month. I’m sure it’s doing better but it was just released on steam so it will be booming for a while.

>> No.56625061

>high reviews
>literally lowest rated game ever

>> No.56625080

Are english pronouns confusing for you?

>> No.56625115

>has been
Please try and keep up

>> No.56625125

kys troon

>> No.56625155

>has been highly reviewed by paid shills

>> No.56625180

I'll take that as a yes.
The education system has really failed us.

>> No.56625225

Was it played by paid shills too?
You are such a fucking retard.

>> No.56625273

Niji's game should be a "survival island" type game where livers eat each other to stay alive, and are periodically ejected from the island based on a group vote.

>> No.56625279

99% of discussion about this game is people whining about how annoying it is to play for a ton of different reasons. Shut the fuck up, drone.

>> No.56625305

I think he just wants to go back to drawing huge anime its

>> No.56625386

Have you never been on a forum for a popular game?
Whining about it is literally all that happens.
I'm sure according to you LoL has been a dead game for decades now.

>> No.56625408

Retard, those are nouns, not pronouns.

>> No.56625421

>Have you never been on a forum for a popular game?
>Whining about it is literally all that happens.
Blizzardshills are really delusional enough to believe this.

>> No.56625427

If you really think any of this HoloCure shit is organic and a mere fanwork by a single man, I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.56625429

This is larping, there is no way a guy with an anime profile picture doesn't know about holo

>> No.56625490

You are all fucking retarded because while the bulk Holocure was Kay, he wasn't the only one to work on it (https://twitter.com/nullrefrepro/status/1692319673176498194)) so "they" fucking works in this instance you brainrotted fucks. Get off the internet for a week or something maybe it'll help you.

>> No.56625541

That's really fucking funny.

I'd bet money there's a bunch of retards in the comments going errm ackshually it's a really fanny joke you wouldn't get it.

>> No.56625605
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"It's not at all."
>Promised PvE got scrapped
>they wasted 2-3 years doing nothing btw
>imbalanced Heroes, they are paywalled ofc
>skins are expensive as fuck, even the fucking recolors
>even if you have the Battlepass, you still have to give Blizzard more money to get a skin
>Skin quality into the ground, a mere recolor is now considered "Legendary"
>Soulless ranking system compared to OW1
>Ranked games dont show the exact rank of your team mates and enemies
>ergo, it's Blizzard excuse to put you on a team with people with different elos (there are Silver and Diamond players on the same fucking game)
>>>>>>>reciclyng the same fucking events because they lack the creativity to do something worth (Just keep playing Lucioball. chud!)
Blatant cashgrab, glad to see Holocure mogging that trash

>> No.56625685

if you think Holocure isn't at least a top 3 game of it's genre (and arguably the best), which got so popular it went viral with VS, you have a horrible understanding of reality

>> No.56625735

>"they" is for when their gender is unknown/undefined
>people tell Anon that the gender is male
>Anon insists.
your move?

>> No.56625770

>top 3 of a braindead genre
How in the bluest of blue fucks is reskinned barren levels and a hodgepodge of stolen mechanics and bloat good? It's blatantly obvious people are only playing because they want to see their wankwives "kick ass".

>> No.56625773

so it was, in fact, multiple people. you didn't need to get upset.

>> No.56625876

I'm afraid you have a terminal case of not being able to read my dear anon.

>> No.56625879

Touhou and Dwarf Fortress are still pretty niche.

>> No.56626290

Give it a year or a couple of months till the Homos arrive, can't wait for the numbers to plummet in real time

>> No.56626519

Make the Homos a dlc. That could work.

>> No.56626790

The one time they mentioned the Homos they said they were focusing on Hololive first; and they have new girls gens coming out in 3 branches constantly. I'd be shocked if they ever caught up before the game naturally ends (I dont think anyone can expect Kay to stay making this forever).

>> No.56626930

Yeah you will all feel this way until he adds the homos.

>> No.56626979

I love how every time someone uses "they" even when properly referring to multiple people it instantly devolves into a debate about pronouns and calling each other troons.

>> No.56627041

>kayyu must be so happy with ho popular his games got-
>hurr durr esl-retardedness
genuinely go neck yourself and rid this board of your below sub zero iq mouth breathing pleddit esl faggottry

>> No.56627134

Not really, its almost entirely people making "no PvE?" memes. Which is fair because it was promised. But Overwatch's current gameplay is good and obviously still has players.

>> No.56627224

I expected more bitching here about how Holocure bringing in more normies is a bad thing, but I suppose Hololive and /vt/ were already past that point long ago.

>> No.56627227

It wasnt made by just Kay, just mostly by Kay. What do you mean not organic? Do only games made by a single dev count as organic?

>> No.56627235

>Not really, its almost entirely people making "no PvE?" memes
That's only the most recent thing, retard. You have the memory of a fucking goldfish.

>> No.56627299

I cant wait for the colossal shit storm when Kay adds a dirty m*le to the pure idol game

>> No.56627345

When it came out it got generally positive reviews and the complaints it did have werent even about gameplay but about lootboxes. Keep trying to rewrite history though its quite entertaining.

>> No.56627398

No it didn't, retard, there was nonstop whining about matchmaking and broken annoying heroes even back then.

>> No.56627430

I would unironically play this game even if I'd never heard of Hololive. Im a big Vampire Survivors fan and this game is just better.

>> No.56627530

Every competitive game has bitching about some things being overpowered or annoying. It still made loads of money and player count so it doesn't matter. Any game with an MMR system has complaints about matchmaking as well. League, Valorant, Dota, pretty much every comp game has constant bitching.

>> No.56627586

>b-but money!!
And there it is. Shut the fuck up, drone.

>> No.56627690

>cherry picks one line of my argument and doesnt address the rest
I accept your concession buddy. Guess you dont want to talk about how nearly every comp game in existence has the same complaints as the ones you listed?

>> No.56627959

There is so much actually bad shit to criticize like the PvE, the new greedy store, or locking new heroes behind the battle pass. But no you go after the gameplay which is like the only good part of Overwatch and the reason it still has players. I dont even like Overwatch anymore I quit when they came out with Overwatch 2 but you are fucking terrible at making points.

>> No.56628024

I just hope the game is not cancelled for putting "yellow asian faces" as an enemy in game.

>> No.56628060

Yes, the gameplay is absolute shit, filled with stuns, slows, all kinds of annoying fucking bullshit and horrendous design. There is a reason nobody wants to play healer. There is a reason almost nobody wants to play tank. You can cope and deflect all you want, but it's a bad game.

>> No.56628110
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I bought Overwatch and they deleted my game and gave me Overwatch 2. Let me delete Overwatch 2 and get back Overwatch and then MAYBE I'll consider buying another Blizzard game.
Digitally owned games were a mistake.
Oh you bought a chicken sandwich? Here's some skunk ribs. Enjoy!

>> No.56628169
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>the absolute state of OW2
Thanks OP, I needed a good laugh

>> No.56628182

Please tell me one online competitive game that does not do this.

>> No.56628191

Just you wait till the queen arrived

>> No.56628218

>p-please recommend me a better game im begging you
No, stick to Overwatch. Retard.

>> No.56628233

Yes I said > fucked the audience out of content they promised

>muh skins
Everything else you posted is just whining.

>> No.56628352

I've never had a problem with finding healers, and ive played healer quite a bit myself its fun. Your just talking out your ass. Not to mention they took the feedback about tank and gave them big buffs and changes in Overwatch 2 and even reduced the player amount to make each person more impactful to the game as fans requested.

>> No.56628363

Amazing rebuttal.
I'm so glad we settled this point.

>> No.56628431

This kid has the biggest hate boner for Overwatch ive ever seen which is fair, but he has the worst points to back it up despite all the bad shit Blizzard has done lmao

>> No.56628479

>I've never had a problem with finding healers
Then explain 5 minute DPS queues you dumb fuck.

>> No.56628727

Because DPS is the most popular? Just dont play DPS queue retard. Go open queue if you absolutely must play DPS. You seem like the faggot who picks Hanzo/Widowmaker every game and refuses to switch as he misses every shot and feeds.

>> No.56628785

DPS is popular because the other roles are unfun dog shit you underpaid corporate deepthroater.

>> No.56628900

Blizzshills really suffer from a heavy case of Battered Wife Syndrome.

>> No.56630556

>mogged by one of the worst reviewed game in steam history
Hololive only grows... stronger?

>> No.56630798

I think fps as a whole, yes, even old doom is trash, yet there's lots of people that like it

>> No.56630994

Sports game are some of the worst reviewed yet they're the most popular genre alongside fps, I despise both, principally sports one, but they're guaranteed success if they're made by a triple A studio
Holocure will lose to it eventually but just staying in the same ground with them now is unbelievable

>> No.56631137

also he's not making or asking for money for the game, not even donations. he made only $3000 USD in 2022 for all his work on the anime industry.

>Without a shadow of a doubt, I would make more money working as a cash register.

>> No.56633490

stop projecting for a moment in your life faggot
not everything has to be astroturfed and faked
i know it's hard for you to understand though

>> No.56633708

You would be wrong. Anime in general is still a hundred times bigger than the Holosphere at the very least

>> No.56639073

>Blizzshills in full denial mode
You love to see it

>> No.56639255

Not when the anon is the quintessential picture of a retard or mongoloid.

>> No.56645612
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>> No.56646072

>so fucking scared of troons that he cannot comprehend using "they" as a word identifying a group of people

>> No.56647683
File: 27 KB, 460x666, 1632155609845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this same thread but in /v/
Friendly reminder to never go to /v/
we got fucking raped so bad over there

>> No.56647808

>Holodrones need to numberfag about everything
They're running back to /vt/ after the holocure threads on /v/ have been a disaster

>> No.56647947
File: 112 KB, 1526x340, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*concurrent players MOGS your all-time peak*
sorry holocucks, 50k is for grown ups

>> No.56648824

Some gamers like me main /vt/. /v/ is now filled with absolute casuals who only play western AAA trash or westernised jp AAA like the nu Crapcom games. The video game industry has had no games since a few years ago so the remaining few /v/ fags who don't play AAA manage to make the thread.

>> No.56648981
File: 13 KB, 252x240, 1451689718861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a real laugh go read the archived thread with the same OP as the image of this one: which is this thread https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/647978553/

You can tell the same simians who make shitposts here are the ones shitposting on /v/ and they're all getting btfo'd because the holo jannies aren't there to baby them.

Incredibly hilarious to see the holocucks yell out WHY IS 4CHAN BEING SO MEAN TO ME without a hint of irony, self reflection or self awareness KEK.

>> No.56649035

You can live off 3k per year in Japan?

>> No.56649188

If you offer Kay a backrub and a blowjob he might just release the source code so you can clone an inferior Nijicure game

>> No.56649221


The subject of the first sentence was "Kay", then was referred to in the next sentence as "they". That's not how english works you absolute fucking retard. "He" was the proper follow up, or "He and the others", if referring to the team. The rest of us aren't up for playing these stupid fucking word games. Use proper grammar or shut the fuck up. God damn.

>> No.56649528

I never understood why they put some random Cambodian guy at the end of the wave either. Also you all think they might add Deadpool or the Incredible Hulk to Holocure in the future? The game would be bussin with all the Avengers in it!!!!

>> No.56651347

you keep getting stronger

>> No.56651779

You'll be surprised about the amount of anime-only people who has no idea of things outside of anime/anime-games sphere.

>> No.56653539

>he wasn't the only one to work on it
>so "they" fucking works in this instance
>they … has developed
Is it how English works? Why it's not "have" then?

>> No.56653730

I keep trying to watch people play the game but literally all I get are vtuber clips and asmon, that's it.
YT recs are so fucked for me.

>> No.56653914

Is the holocure general banned here now? Did it move somewhere else?

>> No.56653986
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The vast majority of his cash is from working on video game animations.
He posted about it on the steam threads

>> No.56657578

Now these are the numbers I like to see

>> No.56659597

It would be so funny, imagine all the woke retards make an ass of themselves

>> No.56659828

As if there's gamers on /v/, they don't even try any game and just keep fighting over lgbt and others petty stuff, I didn't even played Holocure and probably won't but I won't go around saying shit about that, fags on /v/ shit on games that don't even launched yet

>> No.56660341

Vtubers are still niche.

>> No.56660395

Wasn't that the big difference between Holo and Niji? Holofans wanted newbies to come in, while Niji were the elitists. Granted, Holo was alot smaller back then.

>> No.56660757

That image of the crying anime girl holding a picture of her smiling has been coopted by unironically mentally ill faggots who think anime was made from dokidoki.

>> No.56660841

Yea hello its me kay please gib money I neeed for grandma surgery

>> No.56660874

>As if there's gamers on /v/, they don't even try any game and just keep fighting over lgbt and others petty stuff, I didn't even played Holocure and probably won't but I won't go around saying shit about that, fags on /v/ shit on games that don't even launched yet
/vt/ is /v/ at it's core
nobody watches streams
all threads are lies and slander
except /vt/ is dominated by holofags(nintendies) and there's no discussion allowed of anything else or they shit their pants.
At least on /v/ you have 30+ years of gaming and threads pop up about games from DooM, to katamari damaci, to Parappa the rapper every so often, threads like old castlevania, VNs, classic megaman, and so much more.
If /v/ was like /vt/ every thread would be about Mario and all the other thousands of games would be shitposted to death for no reason.

>> No.56660925

Those two can coexist, getting more players don't necessarily mean more normies, holo has quite a big following if you consider all the talents, even with the dead subs, if half of the fans that have a pc plays this game it would get lots of players. And there's no problem gaining new fans lol, the problem is when they want to change shit up

>> No.56660959

Even at 2 gigs every month with maximum potential payout thats $24k a year. That's terrible, probably earning less than a Mcdonalds worker at minimum wage.

I really hope that's not all he gets

>> No.56661018

>if half of the fans that have a pc plays this game it would get lots of players
game peaked at 45k and that's less than a gura karaoke from 2023

>> No.56661023

Im fucking stupid, glossed over the line where he said that was his side gigs.

>> No.56661851

Hey anon you got the wrong thread, the vspo thread is two blocks down

>> No.56661901

these god damned laughing asians man....

>> No.56662655

Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha Hololive and bronies sure are hilarious. They are not so tough being outside out here.

>> No.56662863

They probably have awareness of what Hololive is and maybe they've seen a few clips, but most weebs aren't following HL closely enough to know about Yagoo

>> No.56664424


>> No.56665139

Many of the Holocure players on the Steam chart could be existing players who moved from the standalone client.

>> No.56665199

Spoken like a true poorfag that can't afford anything but garbage F2P. There should be an entrance fee to watch vtubers. It would eliminate 80% of the problem fanbase.

>> No.56665234

Hololive has already sided with DC, Nijisanji might have a chance to get in with Marvel some time in the future.

>> No.56665333

Holochads won. Overwatch Lost. Heard their league is being phased out despite millions of dollars poured into it.

>> No.56665974

most of those millions didn't go into the pockets it was supposed to so it's shutting down. they also cheated the numbers by giving people skins for watching at least six hours of the league

>> No.56666035

>I had a super built Calli
I know what he means

>> No.56666272

built like a horse amirite?

>> No.56666302

Woah she did it. Rank 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf1mrDmGu2c&ab_channel=PeoCh.%E9%9B%AA%E4%B9%83%E4%B8%8B%E3%81%B4%E3%81%8A

>> No.56666517

What is the purpose of Overwatch 2 existing if the only reason they made it is to have PvE?

>> No.56666686


>> No.56667505

Let me tell you something worse; they didn't add a PvE mode. Kek.

>> No.56668384


>> No.56668474
File: 509 KB, 1920x1080, 20230822033008_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>max rerolls
>max eliminates
>multiple upgrades available still
>never see Gorilla Paw a single fucking time
Why is the RNG such absolute bullshit on some runs?

>> No.56668587

>farm build
>but with weapons?????
weird flex but okay

>> No.56668887

Just doing normal runs trying to unlock shit and level fandoms.

>> No.56669101

>smothing that you could earn is now only paid
>now you gotta unlock heros too on a battle pass and if you miss them good luck not having it on a competitive game
>the game was supposed to be pve with ow1 features but instead is literally just a dlc
and you still shill this shit lmao blizzard bootlickers love beign abused, they always go back to their shitty games and keep playing them after quiting for months for all the issues then come coping here

>> No.56669182

the numbers in ow are literally pumped by chinese bots and cheaters like any blizzard game, if you played this shit you would know lmao, theres a market of blizzard babies buying ranked accounts, just look at wow you see multiboxers farming everywhere i almost bet 25% of the playerbase are bots if not more, boomers love buying accounts and gold

>> No.56672562

Very nice

>> No.56673115


>> No.56673301

We used "they" 30+ years ago and weren't scared of weird boogiemen then. Why don't you say what you are really thinking? Is there a reason you are so obsessed?

>> No.56674857

Hololive only grows stronger >:3
