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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 180 KB, 733x207, bili2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56596004 No.56596004 [Reply] [Original]

Cover restarted Hololive's Bilibili channel.

>> No.56596049

the rrat was right after all
guess haachama is really graduating soon

>> No.56596087

But Cover never ran the bilibili channels directly

>> No.56596126

HI3, HSR , ZZZ streams let goooo

>> No.56596146

>Cover restarted
Cover has no direct control of or access to the account. After the chinkening they were completely locked out.

>> No.56596195

the gasps of a dying website desperately trying to hang onto whatever viewers they have left

>> No.56596209

Hoshiyomibros... we'll get Pieces back...

>> No.56596261

Yuck. actually considering dropping them for that. fuck any company that does business in china, we all know by now EXACTLY where that leads. ccp bootlicking and placating.

why are they even still chasing that market anyway? their economy is literally deflating and they have a massive youth jobless problem (you know, the target demograph for vtubers). if you want to expand then just open a holokr or holosp branch already, dont go back to the nation that almost destroyed your entire business because of a retarded population that thinks reading google maps on a stream not even allowed in their brainwashed nation is a call to war.

I sincerely hope they get burned for this. even children know better than to put their hand on a hotplate after touching it and getting burned once.

>> No.56596313


>> No.56596340

Shiori bros we won

>> No.56596352

Retard they literally don't have access to this account.

>> No.56596372

Dear fucking god, could you imagine? If she just sang it out of nowhere on a concert I'd cry

>> No.56596414

Welcome home Chinabros

>> No.56596441

Fuckin chinks running the account are really delusional. Renember that they were the ones who was running a coup d'état with HoloCN members and the wolf warriors

>> No.56596514

False, cover doesn't own or have access to that channel. These fucking chinks are ridiculous. Also why do they want them back again? Fickle as fuck

>> No.56596528
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>> No.56596548

Chinks don't stop until every since ant is stomped. Only then will china become civilized.

>> No.56596699


>> No.56596762

She's chink/flip

>> No.56596832

Her former bio literally says Japanese you fucking retard

>> No.56596871

Who is gonna tell him...?

>> No.56597060

B2 is desperate so i wouldn't put it past them to try this shit, the account was controlled by the cn branch after all which was in partnership with B2.

>> No.56597167
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Genshit impact activate!

>> No.56597203
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>They are coming back the end of the month

>> No.56597234

Finally, a good fucking game

>> No.56597261

She had genshit all over her debut stream.

>> No.56597264

>believing dilusional bugs.
They will keep being desperate and nothing will change.

>> No.56597351

Yeah, ok. Thats a fucking stretch.

>> No.56597390

can they masturbate using bilibili?

>> No.56597399

All frames will be blue archive, genshit, honkai star rail and girls frontline 2 I hope soon

>> No.56597407

>cant read
they are locked out of that account.

>> No.56597474

NGAbros, its our time! Get your wheelbarrows ready!

>> No.56597500

No access to that channel. is this even legal wtf

>> No.56597514

bugs saying bilibili is deleting all negative comments

>> No.56597518

no it's not legal but who's gonna enforce that in China LOL

>> No.56597562
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so thats why they allow shiori to mentioned hsr and genshit on her debut also bijou saying she might play hsr its all coming together now

>> No.56597569

Thread theme.

>> No.56597582
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>> No.56597666

>fuck any company that does business in china
You joining the Amish?

>> No.56597671

*B2 restared Hololive's Bilibili channel

>> No.56597711

So who's fault was it? ID? Yagoo? Shiori?? Miko? Aqua?

>> No.56597733

>China sees how Hololive is thriving outside of their sphere of influence
>Comes crawling back to try to get some money out of it
kek, you just know they're gonna try to spin it as Hololive coming back to China.

>> No.56597740

Her PL actually also stream in bilibili and had lot of connection there (including artia)

>> No.56597748

>crawl back to chinkland
It's over...

>> No.56597763

It's the other way around anonchama. They're licking cover's boots.

>> No.56597784

This is a Bilibili psyop. Not falling for it

>> No.56597803

My rrat is this is a test for them. They are seeing if Cover will take down their video. If not, they have free reign to basically copy any of their video and the talent's video as well and make money basically using cover's property without giving cover anything.

>> No.56597812

The economy

>> No.56597884

sorry guys, Haachama has to go

>> No.56597904

oh so they were capable of moderation all along, I see I see

>> No.56597923

God, considering the slimy law in ccp, just let them do whatever they wanted. There's no winning even if you win

>> No.56597930

cover can't take the channel down even if they want to its bili2 man
best just never throw the bugs any bones at all and let them keep believing they are winning again

>> No.56597982
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get ready for Kobo's genshin streams

>> No.56598013

Biden pls remove dim sum, i'm tired of china

>> No.56598103

Don't worry, China is removing itself.

>> No.56598107

what happened with the group bilibili were positioning to take Hololive's market share? can't be going well if they're crawling back after everything that happened.

>> No.56598170
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Kaela and Kobo will create their b2 channels soon

>> No.56598190

The bilibili channel is fanmade you retard.

>> No.56598232
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get ready

>> No.56598234

Whos gonna be the nxt Coco? My bet is on one of the IDs.

>> No.56598251


>> No.56598257

Yeah people did not understand how big Holo was on B2. They were fucking humongous and that was back in 2020 when they are just blowing up. The amount of viewership and money B2 would get from just stealing Holo content would definitely give their website a boost.

>> No.56598266
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>> No.56598283

When I thought I couldn't hate her any more.

>> No.56598313

Must be the shareholder pressure.

>> No.56598328

Cover needs to create its own PMC and invade Beijing

>> No.56598333

Man, what magic does Hololive use. Like they got a shit ton of options, yet went back to Hololive in the end?

>> No.56598336

Our saint Aqua will lead the charge and be the first holo to stream to bilibili only once a week.

>> No.56598345

The hilarious thing is that the pure desperation on display puts Cover into a position to dictate the most outlandish shit
>Hmm. well we can't throw events for you over there, but maybe you can take a plane ride over to your neighbouring country of Taiwan, we just hosted some in fact, check it out!

>> No.56598360

You now realize that Youtube / Google has Trust & Safety employees who are paid $300k a year to do nothing

>> No.56598395

They have the magic of profitability. Something that China has claimed Hololive wouldn't have without them.

>> No.56598397
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>> No.56598404

I mean have you seen Aqua? It's like she's made in a lab to be the perfect VTuber. Chinks have been trying to find a replacement for her for the past 3 years

>> No.56598406
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>> No.56598420

>it turns out that Jap was always in control of the B2 account

>> No.56598429

Yeah, Bilibili's

>> No.56598431

does China have unicorns?

>> No.56598466
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> Cover
They were never in charge of the channels in Bilibili anonchama...
All non Chinese companies need to let a local Chinese company handle their operations within China by law. This is so that the local company - that's usually run by some CCP guy - can steal your tech and make their own CN centric native version.

The whole reason the Taiwan yab escalated to such massive proportions was because of the changs over at Bilibili managing their channels tried to do a coup and take over Cover's IP and tech.
There's a reason that ALL CN holos had to be nuked, they had to prevent them leaking all their tech.

>> No.56598467

Someone post their cringe fanfic they made about Aqua when Cover pulled out

>> No.56598475

Its time to come back, artia.. doris.. echo..

>> No.56598516

I can only imagine how mad Artia will be when she finds this. All that bullying. All that boot licking. Kowtowing to the CCP. Just for them to meekly crawl back to beg Hololive for a crumb of their success.

>> No.56598528

The artist should be roped

>> No.56598540


>> No.56598563

Akwa.. my poor akwa..

>> No.56598600

That was where Cover's autistic server model that caused so many model dropouts saved them where something like Vtube studio would not. All the Chinese could reverse-engineer were the clients. The server-side was safe as long as Yagoo didn't bend to the CN management demands.

>> No.56598625

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

looks like were gonna start getting random fuck china phrases and easter eggs throughout holo streams (werent they doing that in JAV)

>> No.56598636

The signs were here all along..

>> No.56598708

Artia was high on her horse and thought she was naturally interesting when people only really cared for her since she fills out a certain niche in Hololive. One she's out of holo, that niche doesn't matter anymore

>> No.56598716
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>> No.56598733

I still kneel every day to Fubuki.

>> No.56598737

Hololive is so successful that the most spiteful bugmen has to kneel and lift the boycott.
YAGOO-sama, I... I kneel...

And jealousy cause Taiwan gets to freely enjoy Hololive and even got some collabs lmao

>> No.56598770

hololive x genshin collab soon bros!

>> No.56598795

Wait a minute, faggot. If Aqua were their oshi, then why was the 1st upload Holotori and not Umisea?

>> No.56598813

Cover couldn't do shit anyway.
They have no case in China.
China re-ups entire films and all kinds of shit on there on the regular.
I remember casually browsing around on there and some people were doing very public restreams of films.
I mean, to be fair, that happens elsewhere too. You can find entire fucking TV shows of nearly dozen-seasons on Dailymotion regularly as well.
I re-watched the whole of Red Dwarf on Dailymotion just because I found it when trying to find a clip.

>> No.56598842

>Aug 20
Damn....the foreshadowing...Hololive is entering the Re:China arc huh...

>> No.56598849

Run by actual Cover's staff on their payroll? The whole Taiwan incident revealed how little control Cover had on their B2 channels. Their "official" channels are run by Chinese fans/moderators that worked in a semi-official capacity, which basically went to shit during the Taiwan incident when those guys took the official channels hostage while trying to strongarm Cover into firing Coco. I'm pretty sure these guys also told the HoloCN that they get to keep their models and bypassing headquarters. I'll believe it when a Holo actually streams on B2 again.

>> No.56598870
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>Where is that 2%?
Sisters what she mean by this

>> No.56598880

It's the most recent upload

>> No.56598898

Umisea has the SECOND MOST VULGAR THING IN THE CCP Book Cleavage if you look at any gacha from China that got censored models the biggest thing they have to censor is any cleavage because that's apparently ultra criminal and must be R-18 only.

>> No.56598921

>They are seeing if Cover will take down their video
I think you've got the wrong corporate entity. They're seeing if b2 will do anything about it

>> No.56598955

Protect us from this faggotry, Kaichou

>> No.56598986

why are the Chinese such faggots holy shit

>> No.56599013

yeah, pretty much. bili is failing, so why not something they do best, steal content. My only issue is Cover silence, but it's still early so we will see.

>> No.56599021
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>> No.56599042

Man, doesn't this make Disney, NBA, Capcom (for a very silly reason), WWE, and whoever kowtow'd to China look like a bunch of cucks, if Hololive pulls this off?

>> No.56599048

Look up the chinks and mihoyo drama. Mihoyo made a exclusive event for global users to give some gacha characters slightly more revealing outfits and the bugs literally sent death threats towards their CEO. Not enough that they can't have it, others can't have it too

>> No.56599063
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not my problem

>> No.56599100

The people running that channel were contracted by B2 to work for cover. This is B2 trying to see if cover will do anything

>> No.56599101

Anon, you just a retard, just because her friend bought her that cake doesn't mean she magically a flip.

>> No.56599106

>bilibili requires irl info of the holos
>bilibili zhangs leak it to the bugs
>bugs flies to jp and rape ur oshi
we are all gonna be cucks

>> No.56599128

>sent death threats
Some Zhang actually tried to merc Dawei for the Bunny Incident. I was browsing /hig/ and watched it all unfold. Nevermind that they also forced Mihoyo to give them the rewards that Global got and Global got nothing while also having said event taken away from them.

>> No.56599130

Mind you it's not just death threats, but actual death threat like the CEO was actually almost got killed

>> No.56599147

You are all already cucks

>> No.56599150

Tbf they were very fragile to begin with. They wrote entire fanfictions to rewrite history to explain why Aqua was forcecd by cover to pull out of B2

>> No.56599159

because....of cleavage and bikinis? are they retarded by default

>> No.56599189

Its probably going to be the other way, china wants to slink their way back into cover and the way they are going to do that is by saying the problem was never hololive and always just coco.

>> No.56599221

It was bunnygirl outfits specifically, plus an MV with them doing some erotic-adjacent dances. Compound that with the fact that CN just had a "marriage" event and they felt like they got cucked.

>> No.56599240

Azur Lane collab rerun let's go!!!!

>> No.56599244

Welp, unsubbing kobo, shiori and whoever's gonna play genshit.

>> No.56599246

They are,there is more nuance but it doesn't make it any better. I'll explain it anyways. All the characters that were put in bunny suits and bikinis had chinese names so the chinks felt that Mihoyo were renting out their classy chinese PNGs to the foreigners for them to masturbate to. Essentially they felt like they became the world's cumrag masturbation material

>> No.56599258
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They already did, retard itt believe anything they say, eventhough they just censor aqua and roberu on bili2

>> No.56599329

fucking kek the bugs are so pathetic

>> No.56599347

Coco betrayed Hololive and claimed the company curtailed her freedom.

>> No.56599377

Although they got some people doing malicious compliance for those not in the know would think they complied but in reality those who really knew would realize they made it even more ero.
But yea thighs, hips and cleavage are often covered up and characters may even get breast reductions to comply with censors.
That's assuming Arkniggers aren't being narcs and crying to the CCP that OMG OTHER GAME (which makes more money than us) are breaking the rules!!!

>> No.56599390

Iofi have been tweeting genshin for years now wtf are you smoking?

>> No.56599392

They are not?

>> No.56599440

They would have much better results if they try to kill Xi and his cohorts

>> No.56599439

Look you're talking about bugs and it was them more seething that they couldn't get that. Because the CCP would force the skins to be censored and the Company didn't want to fucking bother with commissioning more variants.

>> No.56599456

anon.. some of them have been playing genshin offstream for a long time now

>> No.56599464

But Coco also saved Hololive by accident. She's complicated.

>> No.56599478

Azur Lane unironically needs Hololive collab to revive their franchise after reclining

>> No.56599542

Hmm should use a green text sorry for the misunderstanding
>Essentially they felt like they became the world's cumrag masturbation material
They are not?

>> No.56599668

i still remember when that shit happened, everyone was trying tiptoe around the whole controversy, then here comes fubuki tweeting about coco. thats when I knew everything was going to be alright. also the haachama rice

>> No.56599683

Eh Azur Lane's in this weird place where they're having absurdly steady profits with no real gains or losses off it's year to year.
They control the shipgirl realm and continue to carry on. While Kancolle just goes on forwards into infinity with like no new content. Just yearly throw a few new soulless units out and carry on forever...

>> No.56599695

If no one is going to be the next Coco, then the community has to become their problem. We are no one's bitches, and even less the chinks'.

>> No.56599716

Oh yea, I read some Xianxia and somehow the cleavages got censored like wtf?

>> No.56599719

Oh they are utterly fap material everywhere. Anyone not believing that's a fucking moron.
Although Prudes still exist in the gacha space so who the fuck knows what goes on in their brains

>> No.56599737

>holofags having even an ounce of integrity
roru, rumao even

>> No.56599741

hololive and genshit collabing will be the biggest money maker in human history

>> No.56599783

One of my friends links me tweets made my Genshin prudes and they're very unhinged. It's very weird to see but amusing nonetheless.

>> No.56599834
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will he come back?

>> No.56599837

Can someone explain what's happening right now in the CN scene of Vtubing that Bilibili had to reactivate the Hololive account there to make it look like they are coming back?

Is it floundering?

>> No.56599839
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>Coco betrayed Hololive
She graduated on good grace after destroying the bugs, so no she didn't.

>> No.56599857

It did though. She couldn't collab with the EN girls even though she literally created the very idea of an EN branch. She was nearly restricted from all collabs because of how unstable her situation was. She quite literally sacrificed her channel and her career in Hololive to understand how Cover could react against a massive attack like the one she received.
Love her or hate her, she quite literally single-handedly fucked over all of the chinks and took the problems upon herself instead of directing it towards other girls. She couldn't even stream on her alt without getting harassed, she does deserve her hero crown.

>> No.56599881

Its revenue is tanking at an extremely fast pace. They need any sort of income they can scrounge up so this is what they came up with.

>> No.56599906


fucking typo.

>> No.56599911

How is Bilibili tanking when they are the #1 streaming/video platform in CN?

>> No.56599914

Something Something Decadent West
It's something the Soviets seethed at as well so who the fuck knows. Probably some post Cultural Revolution shit lingering around too.

Not shocked. Prudes tend to be extremely good at projection and denial.

>> No.56599940

We honestly don't need to open up the floodgates to chink slaves, imagine chats filled up like an mmo

>> No.56599943

That's how bad the shit happened over there

>> No.56599949

we need someone like kuze this time

>> No.56599964

Like I am asking what is happening there right now that they think Hololive can save the platform?

>> No.56599973

>Wo ai ni BAU BAU

>> No.56599977

Probably because EN management didn't want pretty much their entire new branch to get burned by 24/7 bugman attacks.

>> No.56599995

#1in a race of maybe 2 people.
I wonder.

>> No.56600012

>the #1 streaming/video platform in CN?
It's like being the #1 in special needs marathon.

>> No.56600059

Entering the Chinese market means they'd have to step on eggshells constantly to avoid hurting the Chinamen's fee fees. But even if you're as careful as possible, sooner or later they will take issue with something you say in good faith and then you have to deal with your talents being harassed by a literally endless army of butthurt bugs who cannot be reasoned with. It's just not worth it in the long run.

>> No.56600081

I mean, it's fucking Bilibili, not like China has any copyright laws in the first place.
Also, I think this is them attempting to get a response out of Cover.
Which they might have to give, if the Chinese population starts believing that this channel is official.
Most I expect is that they will put out some disclaimer that the bilibili account is not owned by Cover, that they are not official uploads and just tell their actual fans to be aware of it.

>> No.56600084

Don’t they have Niji still? I was assured that Cover and Hololive would be nothing without China.

>> No.56600088

Fuck should word it out better

>Essentially they felt like they became the world's cumrag masturbation material
Umm yes,They think they are not?

>> No.56600101

He almost was. IIRC he was revealed by Tatsunokos to be a Chink living in Japan. Motherfucker (naturally) immediately pulled out of an art event he was previously going to attend.

>> No.56600115

it won't. shit is so bad they're grasping straw

>> No.56600138

That's all they really can do. Put out a notice that the b2 channel is not official and to disregard it because fighting Chinese for copyright is like punching a brick wall with those sticky hands.

>> No.56600147

start putting a watermark "we love coco" in every video. problem solved

>> No.56600162

The only way I could see Cover being able to placate both sides is to selectively upload heavily curated video that doesn't contain any possible offensive remarks to the chinks. That way they don't risk their talents slipping up or stepping on some retarded Chinese landmines, and being able to gain access to sponsors and games permissions. Although the chinks will probably complain about being treated like second class citizen with this arrangement and start harassing the Holo anyway.

>> No.56600169

Cover lost ownership of that account

>> No.56600190

but they don't? Cover literally made her quit

>> No.56600201

And no one is still saying what's happening in B2 right now and just keeps on answering vaguely.

>> No.56600203


Imagine if her excitement in this tweet was exactly due to getting Pieces back

>> No.56600215

Making your own youtube is fucking expensive so you will incur a huge loss at the start while you hopefully build up your userbase and find ways to monetize the shit out of your site. Plus now Bilibili has competition from Tencent and Bytedance to contend with further imperiling their projected future revenues.


>> No.56600221

Cover didn't control b2 account, retard-kun.

>> No.56600231

Wait untill her vacation edit is out im sure we will see a skin tone here or there, untill then stop assuming shit you don't know about.

>> No.56600251

Consider the fact that many, MANY CN natives are using VPNs (that are illegal) just to watch Youtube.
Yeah, Bilibili is THAT bad.

>> No.56600252
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never forget

>> No.56600254

Cover is never going back to China, it's just another waiting to happen.

>> No.56600271
File: 59 KB, 165x173, kobo153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started being a holofan after coco's graduation. is this a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.56600296

>complain about 50% cut
More like, she thought that she can make more money as indie.
Once she found out it's impossible, she joined with other company.
And it's been downhill for her career.

>> No.56600297

I doubt even holo can save them
If they just steal holo content then reupload, it might slow down the doom i guess

>> No.56600299

see >>56598466 for what's actually happening

>> No.56600310

It's a nothing. It's a "fan" run account and Hololive has no control nor connection to it.

>> No.56600318

Have you ever tried using it?

>> No.56600341

Cover did nothing

>> No.56600363

Is it time for ching chong?

>> No.56600379
File: 40 KB, 720x408, 1598450379461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Distinctively Benchmark
A Bench!
On no!

>> No.56600386


>> No.56600441

Streaming platforms struggle to make money. Companies like Google (YouTube) and Amazon (Twitch) are big enough to soak the cost and consider the cultural influence and market dominance to be worth the potential loss. As far as I know B2 does not have a gigantic tech company waiting to bail them out.

>> No.56600446

No way that true...right?

>> No.56600457

Virtual real isn't doing great and is running into standard niji problems. NijiCN on the other hand operate mainly on Youtube so B2 and china won't be seeing any of that money

>> No.56600460

no? stop pulling your information from 4chan threads newfagchama

>> No.56600471

1. This is them kneeling to Cover, not the other way around.
2. No matter where you are, almost every company has dealing with the them(very much more so if you are a burger)
3. Cover didnt get burnt. Yagoo basically pointed a middle finger at them and said fine if you gonna force us to kneel than we are out.

>> No.56600482

They have government tho

>> No.56600492

Lets look on the bright side.
What perms of value are there from CN that isn't genshin and muse dash?

>> No.56600500
File: 109 KB, 512x512, 7271A468-B3F5-4620-9963-72C381B2DD2F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over…
It’s over…
Final yab is upon us

>> No.56600507

The Government ain't doin' that much better chief.

>> No.56600530

The Chinese government has bigger fish to fry right now. Pretty sure real estate developers are going to be higher priority for bailouts than streaming services.

>> No.56600536

Yup..It's all Bili2 because they're the old partner of HoloCN until the backstab and coup attemp happened.

>> No.56600552
File: 115 KB, 774x718, 1603014243594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the irony
My information is from kson's tweet.
Your information is from holoantis's rrat /here/.

>> No.56600553

Well, Cover can still get those, they weren't doing to avoid harassment on the girls, and as far streamer content go, these Chinese games don't bring big views or anything

>> No.56600571

I would cum and crying at the same time i heard this songs on Live Concert

>> No.56600578

So there's no big CN IP that bili2 can bring to the table to offer in tribute to yagoo?

>> No.56600579 [DELETED] 

>its just some random chinkzoid uploading videos on bilibili
>this is a thread with retards thinking cover is coming back to china
/vt/ really is the lowest iq board filled with retarded SEAniggers

>> No.56600583

There really isn't. The bright side is only for the chinks cause they desperately need that "hololive collab". Hololive will just continue as it is

>> No.56600612

The tests plus you having to submit your identity really limits any foreigners from giving money to them. Youtube will literally take anything from anyone, even those poor Argentinians

>> No.56600614

Azur Lane was that, but they never managed to get anything on that level

>> No.56600620

Anon most of the people in this thread are laughing at China. Anything else is either shitty bait or actual retards.

>> No.56600629


Am Hoshiyomi too. Did you know the real CN Hoshiyomis never left? The Suisei Bilibili channel restarted activities a few months after the whole debacle and they still upload content until now

>> No.56600632

>operates on YouTube

>> No.56600638

It baffles me that /vt/ somehow managed to get a collective iq lower than /v/

>> No.56600650

Those phrases are anti-zhang tho. they arent random at all.

>> No.56600656

Based suipiss consoomer. Even CCP can't influence them

>> No.56600658

Why do asians prefer this over youtube?

>> No.56600680

Nigger what?

>> No.56600684

Youtube is banned in China so its either this or nothing

>> No.56600698

youtube is banned in china so they can only rely on B2. They used to be able to get VPN to get on YT but now VPN are being cracked down

>> No.56600704

All holomems knows about the coco yabs.
No holomems wants to make holofans feel uncomfortable by playing chinese games.
Even fucking shiori censored china on her vid.
Beside, holomems also need to take extra precautions to avoid changs' irrational angers.
So, yeah.
Playing chinese games would be a hassle to any holomems, when they can just play any game and get better value.

>> No.56600756

zhangbros.. we are so back..

>> No.56600796

>fan meet up in taiwan
>restart bilibili acc
genius move right here sasuga cover I kneel

>> No.56600800

its hard to tell on vt but i am of the opinion after a few years, only the coco fans still hold a grudge. Only time will tell.

>> No.56600804
File: 80 KB, 824x824, 1685354014904576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait for zhang vs holofags vs homofags. SO MUCH DRAMA TO BE HAD.

>> No.56600838

would Nijisisters be for or against their fellow countrymen?

>> No.56600852

Cover single-handledly repairing Taiwan Strait relations. Vtuber diplomacy For The Win! YAGOO wins Nobel Peace Prize.

>> No.56600895

but didnt she have a highlight video where china was censored

>> No.56600897
File: 256 KB, 1276x719, 1642002951143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my information comes from Coco's member streams.
retard falsefag

>> No.56600908

It's not just Bilibili is tanking, anon

>> No.56600961

I know that when Himehina restream their 3D show with Suisei and what i saw that the stream is full of CN Hoshiyomi.

>> No.56601005 [DELETED] 

Project the girls from your bot attack and return the perm of all game&music then we can talks, Zhang.

>> No.56601037

Cover appealing to China is infinitely better than appealing to jewmerica

>> No.56601070
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>> No.56601099

My rrat is the shareholder that asked about operations in China is somehow encouraging the revival of the bili channel, then if it gets a ton of viewership, use it as an example to ask the same question in the next shareholder meeting to prove his point.
I only say that because I wasn't ever really watching what happened on the CN side of things back then, so I'm not super invested here...

>> No.56601108

That's................ heh I cannot refute that

>> No.56601148

Artia is so evil...

>> No.56601199


>> No.56601201
File: 155 KB, 296x496, REMEMBER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess chama is officially dead

>> No.56601231

Can't you just use google anon?
It's fairly recently too

>> No.56601257

If Hololive was in Tienanmen square, would they be the tank, or the person standing in the path?

>> No.56601281

>take down their video
My god, some of you zoomies are beyond salvation. It's like that time some retards at reddit were sperging about how Putin would be put on trial in a higher court for the invasion.

>> No.56601308


>> No.56601312

Isn't Ame releasing a cover with her in it soon?

>> No.56601330

I don't get why after 3 years of no activity and suddenly it uploads the newest hologra. That just really mean they do have access to that channel or with the people behind it

>> No.56601332

IIRC it was kinda a unstable peace because nationalism, but that was before luxiem i would imagine all out war if HoloCN came back. They are quite a few unicorn zhangs.

>> No.56601353
File: 261 KB, 960x960, 15140f27cffc1e17240d95f70f90f603718de981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope we get along together, fellow oversea bros.

>> No.56601366

It was just the song from Ame's 3D

>> No.56601374

It has been collapsing for 3 years according to jewtube, any day now

>> No.56601401

I remember some anon say china will rise month ago
Wtf with the sudden collapsed left and right

>> No.56601404

There are*

>> No.56601462

Mr.Jap was Mr.Insect all this time

>> No.56601483

>They used to be able to get VPN to get on YT but now VPN are being cracked down
Is that why Luxiem numbers are so shit now?

>> No.56601487

China officially kneels to Cover and tries to get back some relevancy after their recent chain of catastrophic failures

>> No.56601529

Isnt mr. Jap part Chink?

>> No.56601531

>muse dash
I still remember how angry I was when they released there statement i will spit on those motherfuckers if they come crawling back

>> No.56601577

Do they still have FBK song on there?

>> No.56601598


>> No.56601605

So Niji is dying and now insects wants to leech of Holoblood. I recon they'll probably add some bug dude to the board of directors and screw it up just like they fucked everyone on Niji.

>> No.56601626

>Bilibili restarted Hololive's Bilibili channel.

>> No.56601631


>> No.56601633

isnt that channel owned by chink clippers?

>> No.56601666


>> No.56601696

I wonder how often the CCP went "hololive or us" to the brands collabing with Cover only to have them choose hololive over them

>> No.56601701

So whos gonna be in the new HoloCN 2023 gen 1?

>> No.56601702
File: 100 KB, 675x866, E3pk87yVEAINsIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56601726

I don't think they will just resume independently, they for sure have some contact with Cover

>> No.56601730

John Cena.

>> No.56601736

>>56601605 (me)
Shit, no wonder they did a private splash party for the shareholders.

>> No.56601746

Jackie Chan.

>> No.56601756

There are no Chinabros, only disgusting bugs

>> No.56601768

This reads like your average unicorn thread

>> No.56601770

>zhing gua cheng
>ming wong diang
>xiao wie wie
>wumao woru
>bing chi ling

>> No.56601792

>first to stream there officially is Haachama
Imagine the asshurt

>> No.56601798

China government themselves dont really care about cover / holo taiwan problem, so they never get banned by china government. It is more like the situation turned really really bad and the only possible solution is to get out, at least at that time.

I think this is just rrat shitpost by bored chink though. Both side are already in acceptance and can get by without each other.

>> No.56601816

>bugs came back grovelling after all

>> No.56601824

Don't encourage harassment

>> No.56601982

lol lmao. even the "official" translators holo used to hire went completely rogue in the chink out; and even before that they would still say whatever they wanted like promise pekora would do a b2 stream to then have her refute that completely. those retards dont give a fuck

>> No.56602003

Mahjong Soul is probably the one they need because other mahjong games suck

>> No.56602023

>Bae, Shiori, Kobo, and Kaela
Damn, we had an infestation for nearly 2 years and no one did anything

>> No.56602076

It’s the self censorship forced by CCP
bili with boycott holo before they got bonk by CCP, hence holo quit Chinese market

>> No.56602094

So here's a question I've had since forever but was never answered:
Why did ASUS (a TW company) ban their Hololive collab? I haven't bought ASUS products since that happened btw

>> No.56602105

But /vt/ told me she is based.

>> No.56602122

Wait? Is Bilibili losing viewers?

>> No.56602136

But not without Zhangs spamming dead rabbit pictures on pegor's socials for the crime of not doing a stream that she never planned to do in the first place.

>> No.56602141

It's hemorrhaging money, like many other Chinese things these days.

>> No.56602161

Viewers no, Sponsors and business partners yes.

>> No.56602164

I don't remember the details but I seem to recall that that incident was basically all down to one rogue manager scuppering the deal.

>> No.56602165

They literally have a jewtube channel for their "Anime"
Thats how much of a failure it is.

>> No.56602175

They said there can branch were not aware and cancelled it last minute, they might have Chinese investors or people in executive position.

>> No.56602206
File: 86 KB, 500x500, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck.

>> No.56602219
File: 216 KB, 666x666, 1680146543908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this fox so much.

>> No.56602236

It was originally a collab organized by the ASUS JP side. A rogue ASUS CN manager heard about it and posted to Bili2 and they said they were going to boycott. This was when everyone thought Holo was going to fail without China so they decided it wasn't worth it to keep the collab and upset the mainlanders. I also haven't bought ASUS since but for other reasons lol

>> No.56602332
File: 49 KB, 1019x480, 1603898811444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry chinkbois i have all the posts from that time and I will remind you of your shame every day.

>> No.56602340

It's funny to think that they were assblasted to that degree

>> No.56602353

It's funny how they place Anime on a pay wall, yet people pirate their Anime and upload it on their platform without being removed.

>> No.56602380
File: 203 KB, 963x1175, 1685276266741553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REF 2x:
Thank you FBK
you are my best friend
you are the peace keeper
you are the legend

Thank you FBK
stopping chinamen
helping smol Cocer
stopping the wrong fight

In 2020
helping Cocochi
two girls shaking hands
Kiryu and Shirakami

REF 2x:
Thank you FBK
you are my best friend
you are the peace keeper
you are the legend

These posts that we do
the way we thank you
this song that we sing
memories will bring

In so many channels
you are keeping peace
you are the life saver
you are pain release

REF 5x:
Thank you FBK
you are my best friend
you are the peace keeper
you are the legend

>> No.56602395
File: 532 KB, 872x602, 1603194561374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your misdeeds wont be forgotten or forgiven, china.

>> No.56602447

You fucking retard. Why is it always the ignorant who are the most vocal about their opinions?

>> No.56602502

is this your first time encountering astroturf

>> No.56602547

I may hate CN but I hate antis like you more. Looking forward to a CN x Hololive partnership just so u seethe.

>> No.56602556
File: 532 KB, 1259x1239, f48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.56602577

Pls Sauce....

>> No.56602593

here have some Chinese Kaela

>> No.56602595

t. Chink

>> No.56602641

I remember when chinks would draw guro porn of the talents involved in similar style to this.

>> No.56602646

there will be no partnership. B2 as a business partner is unreliable as shown by how they treated the situation, vanadlizing talent channels and posing as official cover staff. There will never be an official return to china. cope and kill yourself.

>> No.56602720

Outdated info, Youtube atleast breaks even now and Twitch is estimated to run at a loss assuming they pay market rates for hosting costs which they obviously don't since it's part of Amazon (whose main bussiness isn't e-commerce it's actually hosting)

>> No.56602747

fanbox of this guy

>> No.56602762

Took the zhangs almost 3 years to finally realize what they've been doing all this time is just stupid and that Hololive is surviving just fine without China.

Perhaps Cover is resuming business in China however this time it's because the zhangs are literally begging for them to return so Cover now holds all the key agreements, perhaps including one that literally says "Feel free to shut down all of your CN channel activities if you feel like we violated your feelings again"

>> No.56602777

thanks i got the loot.

>> No.56602786
File: 221 KB, 454x321, bukking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56602799

winnie the pooh bends the knee. What demands or terms should yagoo request of him?

>> No.56602829

Live execution of Artia and the revival of Yogiri.

>> No.56602841
File: 384 KB, 640x605, 1691243926089333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 plebbit accounts inactive since coco graduation have posted this "cover return to b2"
its a psyop confirmed. fuck chinks. there is no official return. fuck lying chinks, kill lying chinks, curbstomp lying chinks

>> No.56602845

artia naked dogeza endurance stream

>> No.56602887

I'd watch that for sure.

>> No.56602949

You WILL watch genshit and cuckrail! You WILL watch bugnights and goddess of nigger. You WILL watch Naraka cringepoint.You WILL watch mandarin duolingo!

>> No.56602961

>some random chink managed to """hack""' hololive bili2 account
>decided to upload hologra latest shit for the lulz and shitpost
>other retards believe hololive will return

>> No.56603006

there was no "hack"
its a chinese retard trying to push the narrative the "cover will return" to save face instead of telling it how it is, which is B2 needs hololive to survive.

>> No.56603011

Well it is translated so they put in some effort at the minimum

>> No.56603058

what does aqua have do to with all of this? was she ever involved with something?

>> No.56603077

aqua is craving chinese cock
but the reality is that a few songs are held hostage.

>> No.56603087

Why do you think all accounts are managed by a hivemind? Mea's chink managers simply don't know if it's safe to show holo so they censor it.

>> No.56603116

Aqua was especially beloved and active in the CN side of things, and mainlanders felt betrayed when she didn't "side" with them when they sperged out about Coco.

>> No.56603137

Wait aren't b2 currently in the really bad situation right now? no wonder they need holo fans to pump their money in their platform KEKW

>> No.56603140

For a lot of holos and fans, none of this mattered and going back to peace is fine with them.

>> No.56603199

Obviously not all zhangs are of the same mind on this, but dissent doesn't translate to much with the vocal bad actors among them being the ones who side with the dictatorship they all live under.

>> No.56603239

They don't matter. The minority of Zhang antis that spam Holo streams and harass the talents are the ones that matter.

>> No.56603345

So from my understanding this is a psyop by B2 to make it look like Cover is crawling back to China and B2 is fine with it. That's what B2 is trying to make it look like right?

>> No.56603385

Looks more like B2 is the one begging Cover to come back to me.

>> No.56603388

We don't know if it's B2 itself or the rogue Chink traitors crawling back thinking that Cover is going back to them thanks to the Taiwan concert

>> No.56603390

aqua was very popular in bugland, just when the coco fiasco was happening it was one of the lol championship held in china, aqua was invited as guest and she cover the whole “For the win” theme song (even with chink rap in between). But it was cancelled last minute n she got replaced by some niji chick.

>> No.56603412

You're actually retarded.

>> No.56603430

Yeah but you know CN pride right? Or more like haughtiness.
CN really though Hololive wouldn't make it without them. That is until now one of the funniest shit and the best thing Cover ever did.

>> No.56603449

They're like mosquitos only female bite for blood but you don't know who's who or what's what. So you kill them both.

>> No.56603494

>There's a reason that ALL CN holos had to be nuked, they had to prevent them leaking all their tech.
Nah, it's bugland: if you have an office with data there, assume any tech's already been stolen.
Fortunately, this is Cover in 2020, and their "tech" wasn't particularly special, mainly being a wrapper around L2D/L3D and related 3rd party tech.
The actual reason is probably to publicly deny B2 from adopting the holo CN assets.
I dunno how effective a lawsuit would be if B2 publicly stole the assets, but it's gotta be some barrier since B2 didn't do it.

>> No.56603504

aqua was nickname saint emperor or sth on the zhang side, bugs always had the delusion that fbk n aqua will stand by them in the whole fiasco

>> No.56603653

Just popping in to mention that Cover did eventually regain control of every Holo channel on B2 despite anons here saying they don't own them.

>> No.56603687

>Cover did eventually regain control of every Holo channel
They never had control of them to begin with you actual retard.

>> No.56603736

Reading through this thread. I realise i didn't learn anything new. Lets just wait and see what really happens.

>> No.56603747

They had managers who knew the passwords for all of them actually, they temporarily lost some during the spergout due to the fansub groups changing the passwords. But they now own them all.

>> No.56603784

>t.the voices in my head

>> No.56603805

Shiori's PL has like a year of videos in bilibili. I remember /wvt/ talking about her trying her luck with the chinks, kinda like what Kagura Mea did, though Mea was more successful.

>> No.56603817

The source is fansub group members talking about it 3 years ago newfriend.

>> No.56603845

Anon why are you being so retarded? Why are you spouting such blatant lies? They lost control of the accounts entirely. It wasn't an issue of non remembering the passwords, the passwords were fucking changed. It was a forceful takeover of the accounts.

>> No.56603894

But they literally can't own them.

>> No.56603905

I'm sure you have a link to them announcing this :)

>> No.56604098

>whole company have to share the same password to access the channel instead of having different accounts with different access privileges like youtube
lmao that's made in china for you, no wonder shit is falling apart

>> No.56604154

the chinese fansub groups had a podcast talking about it, search b2 for holo it's probably one of the tip results. you can also look up aqua's pirate group, they were the last holdout and made an announcement when they lost the official account

>> No.56604214
File: 2.80 MB, 728x512, 1691757639737656.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinks are so fucking desperate lmao, after what they had done 3 years ago they still have the gull to do all this shit, ww2 nips should had killed more of them

>> No.56604215

can you link it? dunno how to navigate the chink youtube.

>> No.56604236

consider what country he's from and it will make sense.

see who he bellieves as actual sources kek

>> No.56604271

> using chang sources
I rest my case

>> No.56604297

if you can't use the search bar on bilibili you will not understand 3 hours of chinese men talking to each other. search the /jp/ archive instead

>> No.56604371

Chief you can't just make a claim and then tell people to "just go look for it"

>> No.56604696

That's an awesome story, I actually wrote about it in my 2 sentence post that you didn't read. I'll post that relevant information again!
>they temporarily lost some during the spergout due to the fansub groups changing the passwords.
That isn't the end of the story though, B2 staff helped them recover all the accounts.
Foreigners can in fact own a Bilibili account despite what stupid people here post.
You can literally go to every single official Holo account and see for yourself that they all stopped posting long before Coco graduated, while the spamming campaign was still in full force. You can verify that the antis lost the accounts without knowing a single word of chinese.

>> No.56604737

>Foreigners can in fact own a Bilibili account despite what stupid people here post.
Yeah I'm sure Cover just magically got access to the accounts even though they were all controlled by Chinese people.

>> No.56604799

It wasn't magic, Bilibili staff handed them over.

>> No.56604818

Why would they do that?

>> No.56604851

It looks bad for Bilibili when official brand accounts can just get stolen and used for spam.
