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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 966 KB, 944x1232, 1691314007009270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56550170 No.56550170 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.


>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>Channel/Socials/Merch Links

There's a Kiki /i/ thread up if you would like to participate >>>/i/723670
Kiki is a rabbit ( ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ )

>Current Aggie
Previous Aggies: https://pyon.website/pools/1

>Danbooru (Art/Fan Content)

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>Kiki’s ASMR collection

>/pyon/ Cytube (Community Watchalongs):

>Kiki Notifications RSS feed w/ instructions

>Misc. Rabbalabs links (timestamp tagger, VOD search, /pyon/ archive)

>Champy Creative Corner
/pyon/ Worms game: https://mega.nz/folder/46VjwSRS#DihAVX2GfbOvMiY0X_1nEA
Kiki Ambient Album: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18C-GvhOs5uG90xx4Et-yIF2QJHSUV0Eg/view
A Day w/ Kiki: https://youtu.be/KY-2XziO8s8
Mahjong Champion: https://youtu.be/RTzk7KDWU9s
Kikiholes: https://youtu.be/jiJZpnaCzSc
Kiki RPG demo: https://kikirpg.itch.io/kiki-rpg (pass: debtdiskdeath)
Kikikore albums by Anon:
https://files.catbox.moe/p2e08j.zip – volume 1
https://files.catbox.moe/z8fzho.rar – volume 2
https://files.catbox.moe/7r6bz1.zip – volume 3
Kiki Koikatsu Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/Bx4XXYTb#o7L7D5bg4XverGHQ03upkQ
Kiki Noises Sound Effects Library:
Kikinese: https://files.catbox.moe/yv1xre.pdf
Super Champ Bros (SMB rom hack): https://files.catbox.moe/0tbbps.zip

>Recent Stream Highlights

>Clip channels

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Previous thread

>> No.56550282
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>> No.56550391
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>> No.56550742

gigi lovey rape

>> No.56550779

googles alveolar

>> No.56550781

Kiki Love!

>> No.56550873

love my future idol wife and her bloomers

>> No.56550970
File: 432 KB, 1280x720, 1689114791971331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56550982



>> No.56551206

I'm trapped in a room with distant family members, god save me

>> No.56551659

>[food she's never tried] sucks!
how does she keep getting away with it

>> No.56551804
File: 36 KB, 850x1133, GIGIOLVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56552325


>> No.56552416

nod nice

>> No.56552420

I VERY love Kiki!

>> No.56552501
File: 164 KB, 938x900, 938px-Pyon_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humble reminder to submit your chant and goalhorn ideas here https://forms.gle/bbs6eEcbuBiohZAk6 so we can have a nice pool to choose from.

>> No.56552563
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>> No.56552893

Food is a very delicate issue. I believe we possess strong instinctual drives when it comes to food, the kinds developed over thousands of generations that made our ancestors survive and avoid poisons, parasites, and diseases. When we get a mental hangup about some particular food, it hijacks those instincts, and it's VERY difficult to overcome that.

I think experiencing new foods should be encouraged, but I don't think anybody should ever be forced to eat something they don't want to, no matter what the reason is. Food is necessary, it's part of every single day of our lives, and it can either be a positive experience or a torturous negative experience. I don't want food to be a negative experience for the people I love.

>> No.56553197

humble take

>> No.56553344

Yeah, as much as I may mock Kiki for having the food preferences of a child at times, I think trying to force her to eat things she thinks are disgusting would just have the opposite effect.

>> No.56553874
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>> No.56554012

Kiki should be more wholesome like Fuwamoko

>> No.56554168

Kiki should be Kiki, fuck off

>> No.56554278

Kiki should be the best version of Kiki

>> No.56554313

Kiki is wholesome though. https://youtu.be/2EmE4w_qoRw

>> No.56554409

Kiki should be however she feels like being. If you want a fine-tuned pandering act then there are plenty of other chuubas out there for you.

>> No.56554558

This, I like that Kiki is a complex and varied person and doesn't try too hard to be one specific thing.

>> No.56554618

snake tamer gigi ToT

>> No.56554675

Vtubing is an act, why shouldn't the act be as pleasant as possible?

>> No.56554805

People like different vtubers for different reasons. All I can suggest to you is that rather than trying to change every vtuber to fit your own preferences, that you simply enjoy the ones that appeal to you and let others do the same.

>> No.56554866

my wife isn't your marionette, tourist

>> No.56554930


>> No.56555144

Kiki's ongoing transformation from hikiki into animal savior idolgigi is very wholesome and heartwarming
I hope she keeps the piss mugs though

>> No.56555158

Kiki would get more people watching her if she was a more pleasant vtuber

>> No.56555211

everyone puts on an act to some degree, but while some utilize what's essentially a completely manufactured and sanitized facade, others let that mask hang much looser and much of what they say and do is as real as anything. Sure, Kiki obviously has to keep a wall up to some degree for her own safety, but much of what she talks about is not an act.

>> No.56555221

and less people would have to read your retarded thoughts if you roped

>> No.56555665

You just want to limit her

>> No.56555776
File: 17 KB, 259x224, 1671203130397822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've got ourselves a saviorfag, boys. why don't we get the part where you call us all groomers of a 34-year-old woman out of the way?

>> No.56555860

she is not 34 yet champ...

>> No.56555933

i don't want that, I just want you to kill yourself, two different things

>> No.56555938

I unironically love Kiki

>> No.56555997

no need to make it too easy for the white knight

>> No.56556015

Kiki being true to herself is exactly what makes her so pleasant. There are plenty of other options if all you want is a detached act

>> No.56556134

This isn't about me it's about Kiki, if Kiki wants to get more viewers she should learn from Fuwamoco

>> No.56556145

i WILL save her from you all!!

>> No.56556315

Kiki could get more viewers by showing her cunny

>> No.56556366

You mean if she wants more viewers who are only there for an act

>> No.56556424

All of vtubing is an act, the only question is what kind of an act is it

>> No.56556682

not acting is also possible believe it or not

>> No.56556706

champs you guys must be bored if you're responding to an obvious troll

>> No.56556744

I am waiting for my oven to heat up

>> No.56556876


>> No.56557409

Are you a moighty rabba?

>> No.56557600

at this point its willful disrespect of kiki's wishes as shes pleaded repeatedly to not respond to bait

>> No.56557730
File: 18 KB, 217x219, 1674072571224526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56557840
File: 575 KB, 512x768, 1678672268648566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this image

>> No.56557931

I can tell

>> No.56557988

might someone repost this? dunno why post things in 1 hour litterbox in the bread, just max out the duration so sewerboys and eepychamps can see it as well

also is that a new one or one of mine? I know I prompted something similar at some point... that's one huge difference with AI art to real art because you're not involved in the creation on a personal attention level so you tend to forget if some piece is something you had prompted for. that's something that wouldn't happen with real art

>> No.56558099


>> No.56558242
File: 254 KB, 530x432, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56558347

I think it depends... If I put a lot of time into inpainting something and getting it just right then I feel like I won't easily forget that it was one of mine since I spent so long looking at that image and tweaking it and stuff, but if it was just a quick one-off gen that I didn't do much further with then yeah I might forget about it or just vaguely think it looks familiar but not be sure.

>> No.56558391

thanks. and the silly chair, the upskirt, i member it now
just kidding its the png info


>> No.56558446

I agree. I remember every AI-generated image I've ever posted, but that's because I spend a lot of time trying to get exactly what I want and then further edit it by hand.
I suppose if I was able to shit out gems without having to modify them afterward they'd become a bit easier to forget, though.

>> No.56558753

Yeah, I feel that. I'll often spend like 4 hours on a single image trying to get everything how I like it, and sometimes I think it would be better if I got better at making things come out looking good the first time without needing so much fixed afterward...

>> No.56558901

hadn't thought about it but i guess i do tend to post more of the "shat out gems" than ones i've worked on for long time. when working on tweaking something there's just so many ways it can go awry and i just end up more stressed about it and it all starts looking overcooked and messy and im not happy with it at all. which is kind of a shame because a lot of SD stuff that i do just goes unposted

>> No.56559081

I still think it'd be cool to just have a communal dropbox or whatever where AI Champs could dump lots of "almost there" images and then if anyone ever feels like using them as references, fixing them up for posting or even just perusing them, they'd be readily available without overposting in the bread.
Even just seeing what others are prompting up can be inspiring for other AI Champs or those who draw things.

>> No.56559162
File: 386 KB, 520x688, 00057-1284567686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I do think about going back to some of these old gens that didn't quite make it

>> No.56559203

face of a goil who spilled her beans

>> No.56559236

truly tragic

>> No.56559416
File: 256 KB, 1125x1844, mf'in bunday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56560121

Returned to Dota for a few games. I was afraid I was going to be matched against my old ranks and get patrolled for having years of rust but apparently my rank had decayed to kindergarten levels so it was nice and breezy games for me even if I felt I was playing really bad.

>> No.56560497

i tried drinking coffee while walking and spilled it all over myself

>> No.56560648

that's what you get for walking

>> No.56560889

Cheezus Ache Gryste, how hard did poor rabba slam her wrist

>> No.56560948

her bones are hollow like a birds, it allows her to fly

>> No.56560950

shes delicate rabba pls understand

>> No.56561078
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>> No.56561229
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need my fix

>> No.56561273

>shitting curry morning
delivery champa.....

>> No.56561302

it would be so hot to watch Kiki orgasm
I feel blessed to live in a world where Kiki orgasms are probably a daily occurrence

>> No.56561399
File: 5 KB, 105x73, 1683293116004483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56561408

kiki watches me orgasm

>> No.56562155

rewatching avatar
this part hits so hard man, I am crying like a baby

>> No.56562500
File: 2.87 MB, 1584x1365, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56562622
File: 2 KB, 144x144, Champy delivering curry2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, Papachamp decided to get a curry too, but somehow Mamachamp forgot to put my curry on the order, so when it came, not only was it late, not only was the delivery driver left confused as to where on the property to take the curry (I usally go out there to greet them, but Mamachamp wants them to bring it to the side of the house "because it's part of their job as a delivery driver", which I find way less convenient) but I had to eat Papachamp's order instead which was just a mild butter chicken.

>> No.56562660

its not real

>> No.56562698

Rabaroo bros..

>> No.56562823

i belieb

>> No.56562897

kek whats this from

>> No.56563140

Full Metal Alchemist alternate universe

>> No.56563429

you might want to check on your context clue noticing abilities

>> No.56563730


>> No.56563791

What did he mean by this?

>> No.56563840

sorry kiki might have to miss this one. have fun, nini

>> No.56563855


>> No.56563899


>> No.56563937
File: 13 KB, 196x224, thumbsup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep well, friendo

>> No.56564707

kiki imminent

>> No.56564815
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>> No.56564837


>> No.56565421

i want to pet Kiki's cunny all day

>> No.56565496

looking cute as ever gigi

>> No.56565508

`Stream start

>> No.56565538
File: 94 KB, 308x297, bumbumtakeiteasy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dressed like a little succubus you are

>> No.56565579

I am really concerned with your wrist and that it might hurt, that's why you will have to use your mouth on me instead

>> No.56565825

American McGee's Alice
cool guy, he worked on Doom 2 :v)

>> No.56565858

I want edgy Kiki wielding a knife to rape me

>> No.56565906
File: 3.00 MB, 852x480, Kiki Is Scared[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4m8vo7.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when Kiki got scared by the troll in Harry Potter

>> No.56565921
File: 1012 KB, 1200x1440, 1679383657938390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56566031

What if Kiki showed up behind you

>> No.56566083

I'd rape her, of course

>> No.56566095

that sounds like a pure sex look

>> No.56566128

`Kiki used to terrify herself with the faces she made in the mirror (-20)

>> No.56566223

`Kiki's haunted house experience)-40)

>> No.56566353

rape rape rape rape rape rape

>> No.56566363

I remember in one of those spooky house places
>dark narrow corridor
>glass walls
>when you walk in the middle lights flash on
>there's a little rabbithouse with two white rabbits beneath your feet under a glass wall
I don't know why but those rabbits were the scariest thing ever to me, I was mortified and started crying and ran out.

>> No.56566369


>> No.56566370

one year for halloween i had a fren in a hockey mask jump out from behind some bushes on the way to my front porch where i lured in the neighborhood kids to come get candy and they'd get a pants full of crap in the bargain

>> No.56566371
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kiki's face

>> No.56566393
File: 132 KB, 850x458, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

180 noscope headpat

>> No.56566395

That activates the "hug or fug" response

>> No.56566473
File: 188 KB, 534x428, 1675258439015434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the face Kiki made in the mirror

>> No.56566492

My niece used to always try to startle me when I was in the kitchen back when she lived here...

>> No.56566510
File: 125 KB, 980x735, spp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in a "haunted house" on an old ship that they do every year.

>> No.56566638
File: 2.89 MB, 300x300, peeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try playing this one

>> No.56566742

how is your arm feeling?

>> No.56566834

can i eat your arm if it falls off?

>> No.56566833

Might have to hide the overlay and put it back on again, I might have fucked it up when I refreshed my IP earlier today..

>> No.56566845

is your arm healthy enough to wank me off?

>> No.56566865

sorry just got here

>> No.56566910
File: 1.20 MB, 880x960, 00023-80ba7f87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would be pretty nice to have
I've got a lot of good gens then I never post because the AI forgot the ears or some other trivial detail

>> No.56566938

pain and choking play with Kiki!

>> No.56566999

i remember being an edgy self-harming rabtard too once

>> No.56567039

trips of tardation

>> No.56567071

slicing kiki's fucking throat open

>> No.56567075

nice numbers reverse satan

>> No.56567083

I used to like putting my hand on a hot frying pan to see how long I could hold it there and eventually I permanently damaged the nerves and still have no feeling in it to this day

>> No.56567133

she hubbad so hard it bruised her dainty wrist

>> No.56567180
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>> No.56567192
File: 568 KB, 720x1008, 1690423079398687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it bunnyday

>> No.56567196

most cooks can do that easily, working in a kitchen helps with your heat tolerance

>> No.56567202

I used to make wax fingers where you boil a candle in water and all the melted wax floats to the top and you dip your finger in repeatedly to coat it in a wax cast. The first few dips hurt like hell but after a bit you stopped feeling it.

>> No.56567283

`Game start

>> No.56567292
File: 146 KB, 1440x1080, 1667009269493587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56567360
File: 693 KB, 1920x1080, 1672977477476557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56567401

am cooking and lurking

>> No.56567506

whatcha cooking

>> No.56567870 [DELETED] 


>> No.56567873

this looks really cool

>> No.56567959

reminds me of demon's crest kinda

>> No.56568042 [DELETED] 


>> No.56568106

watch you eat chicken?

>> No.56568150


>> No.56568260


>> No.56568700

they say frogs are the birds of the grass

>> No.56568818

so true

>> No.56568825

`Cirno fighting

>> No.56569149

shes too good

>> No.56569249

`Stage 2

>> No.56569405

oh hi gigi

>> No.56569407
File: 13 KB, 203x224, 1689374977358482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to head out due to work. Have a good time with the new game! Love you, Kiki! Goodnight, everyone.

>> No.56569437

what if Kiki went up on stage and bit the head off a dove in front of everyone

>> No.56569526

take care m8

>> No.56569584

they call her aussie rabourne

>> No.56569616

have a good one

>> No.56569756

how rude

>> No.56569805

Have a good one, wagechamp

>> No.56569862 [SPOILER] 
File: 1017 KB, 3204x3107, 2023-08-20_11-14-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah gigi you can look at the new players if you want and didn't see yet.. (ignore the errant jerseys/bodies that's just me screwing up a setting on my side I think and won't be there on the actual cup)

>> No.56569863

partner attack is usually on Y, just go through other buttons when there are no enemies around to see what it's mapped to

>> No.56569966
File: 111 KB, 509x737, hold your rabbit gently and support her BUTT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56570140

`Hong Meiling

>> No.56570148

my heart

>> No.56570253

I want to squeeze her until she pees

>> No.56570536

Baby rab must protect

>> No.56570535

Partner attack is usually Y, just go through other buttons when there are no enemies around to see what it's mapped to

>> No.56570897

bogan only stream when?

>> No.56571439

Lets go rabba!

>> No.56571488

`Stage 3

>> No.56571602
File: 66 KB, 263x165, KikiMreow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's mr bones?

>> No.56572335

wall chigen

>> No.56572450

They call her the bone picking rab

>> No.56572506

the trick is to use your heart

>> No.56572605

I beleeb

>> No.56572712

So yeah rate limiting is an ongoing issue, I've been adding more accounts periodically (up to 9 now) though finding free proxies that work and haven't been used by somebody else for the same purpose already is kind of a pain. I think it may work better tomorrow when the accounts that have already been limited get reset again, also I've increased the polling interval from 20 seconds to 30 so we'll see how it goes

>> No.56572808

I have been known to be a bit of a loser at times

>> No.56572824

no way...

>> No.56572834

im making a kiki edit of remilia the 2hu vampire, should i include the bonnet thing?

>> No.56573088

Kiki has had a GPS tracker surgically implanted in her cardiac system. She follows her heart, and we can track her by it too.

>> No.56573151

I told my ex oshi today I'm dropping her for Kiki. It was awkward but she said she understands.

>> No.56573244

Is it time for my fav 2hu Patchouli?

>> No.56573253

That's not even funny.

>> No.56573303
File: 356 KB, 553x522, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56573347

Kiki been hitting the red bull again

>> No.56573356

They call her the One Too Many Brownies in Amsterdam Rabba.

>> No.56573369

>not my, you know
i dont kno, explain

>> No.56573523


>> No.56573609

somehow the demented goofball dialogue from touhou is kind of out of place with the aesthetic grit

>> No.56573776

Sakyua is so edgy she literally has
>teleports behind you

>> No.56573809

you got this gigi

>> No.56573954
File: 128 KB, 1000x839, 1690309323174996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turned out not too bad, she has a funny expression on her face

>> No.56574068


>> No.56574130


>> No.56574311
File: 40 KB, 264x480, FRPqyZsFeYryfRCX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spikyspoo bad
>rabbit good
what about a spiky rabbit?

>> No.56574417
File: 16 KB, 122x107, unhappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

methinks im a rabtard, i saved that picture as a fucking jpg

>> No.56574496

nice one

>> No.56574532

`Stage 4

>> No.56574650

hey marionettepoo, stob unnoirving my woif

>> No.56575005

remilia was just doing it for her sister ;_; she didn mean it

>> No.56575150

kiki is 100% rabbit

>> No.56575281

thats a lotta dollery doos

>> No.56575423

`Going over the schedule

>> No.56575522

bls use the money for your little hurty rabbity hand

>> No.56575532

womb direct

>> No.56575650

>moight play xiaoyu

>> No.56575663

cant wait

>> No.56576111

Ogey rabba

>> No.56576124

men always want to fix problems
but gigi needs for us to listen

>> No.56576146

only as strong as the weakest champ

>> No.56576260

wife is property, sorry

>> No.56576508

weak champs driving a wedge between us

>> No.56576569

gigi beat me up please

>> No.56576653

`Kiki explaining in great detail how she fucked up her arm

>> No.56576714

if doctors are free why tf would you not go for every little bump and scrape?

>> No.56576793
File: 2.81 MB, 500x500, chamachama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56576850
File: 17 KB, 288x360, kikilegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her arm is almost as bent as her legs

>> No.56576852

why did you draw a rabbit paw

>> No.56576863

more like wacoff lololol

>> No.56576883

dont know what else needs to be said that hasnt already been said

>> No.56576959

Imagine snapping Kiki's wrists like a twig

>> No.56577010

There are times where Kiki needs a hug and to be told that everything's okay, this is one of those times where Champ needs to be given a hug from Kiki and be told that Kiki's okay.

>> No.56577045
File: 188 KB, 1278x703, erotic wrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56577112

rember how easy your spine fractured

>> No.56577156

I remember when I broke my leg and my stepmom thought I was just dramatic and pretending but my dad took me to the hospital anyway and I was so smug when the X ray came out and it really was broken

>> No.56577164
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doesn't know about aussie wait times at the hospital

>> No.56577203

fragile rabba

>> No.56577220

crunchy boneitis stress toy wife

>> No.56577254

Is WallChamp okay?

>> No.56577457

its the same in canada right?

>> No.56577532

I once sprained my back at work and was in absolute agony barely being able to move and I'm stuck in the waiting room for hours and in the time I waited there there were like dozen nigger families with half dozen nigger kids each going to see one of the niglets booboo to the doctor and they were in and out of the hospital within 20 minutes while I was just pondering why do I even work and pay taxes.

>> No.56577573

`Papapyon yelled at a nurse

>> No.56577673
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ging nearly took his head off

>> No.56577683

I had to go to the hospital to see a relative the other day, and the waiting room was filled with illegals waiting to get their children checked out

>> No.56577728

One day she's going to slip

>> No.56577817

when i cut open my hand and had to get 13 stitches, they gave the rookie med student to patch me up. he was fucking up the sewing job so much

>> No.56577840

alternatively if you go to dogtor and come to find out nothing is wrong you can be smug and rub it in our mimimim'ing faces

>> No.56577858

slip my champickle in her

>> No.56578095

aiee blood test scary

>> No.56578158

I'm a type 1 diabetic and I'm so used to needles these days I can put a 2 inch needle in my stomach by hand now

>> No.56578255

Kiki can eat my red meat

>> No.56578262

i love my lean red /meat/ wife kiki

>> No.56578278

you're too horny to have low testosterone

>> No.56578309

>slipping testosterone supplements into Kiki's morning coffee as a prank

>> No.56578342

also autism is an inclination of (relatively) higher testosterone levels

>> No.56578413

in both
it's why men have much more auts

>> No.56578444

eat your damn oatmeal...

>> No.56578448

gigi the plastic eater...

>> No.56578482

No rabba, its because i feed you too much protein

>> No.56578509

Kiki has zero testosterone

>> No.56578530

having testosterone doesnt make you look like a man silly rab

>> No.56578552

Kiki's gonna turn into me!

>> No.56578553

what does that have to do with anything lol

>> No.56578617

the condition sounds like FtM transitioning

>> No.56578666

>body hair

>> No.56578669

>tfw realizing my mom probably has that

>> No.56578731

thought he said something about diabetes in the ad, suppose i remembered wrong

>> No.56578759


>> No.56578819

My cousin had that, she was really self-conscious about it

>> No.56578880

i might have kidney problems in the future so im hoping my family history passed a generation with me

>> No.56578932

pls dont explode the bath with bath bombs

>> No.56578961

I love how understanding Kiki is
Please do your best to protecc her

>> No.56578966
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>> No.56578987

sparkly clean idol rabba

>> No.56578996

strawberry flavored cunny

>> No.56579050

`Little Man tried to eat Kiki after her bath (-25)

>> No.56579087
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>> No.56579096


>> No.56579158

Your face is next

>> No.56579168

whos more irritating? little man or mimimi champs?

>> No.56579236
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YT chat is being a nigger to me

>> No.56579284

they chopped a headphone cord in one fell swoop

>> No.56579311

same, no worries

>> No.56579312

Little Man is king of the pyon household

>> No.56579351

how so?

>> No.56579385
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whaddaya mean 4 teeth?

>> No.56579400
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i tried typing "kiki needs those hands to hold mine" three times and it kept saying error

>> No.56579413
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>> No.56579520

kiki will you post us some pics of little man yawning some day?

>> No.56579547
File: 1.01 MB, 3072x4080, serious freakin dewlap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56579549


>> No.56579558
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>> No.56579576

ewww theirs skills look so nasty

>> No.56579639

gigi skull looks pretty

>> No.56579702
File: 2.49 MB, 960x1706, elephant toupee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56579710
File: 328 KB, 560x469, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a rabbit smile on many occasions

>> No.56579730

>making a trophy out of gigi skull ToT

>> No.56579811

love you gigi

>> No.56579821

>mamapyon has seen my penis

>> No.56579855

it was a fun stream, made my day

>> No.56579888
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you sure? woife likes to yell at her hubby....

>> No.56579896

that video when the elephant grabs the person hat and wears it is great AND THEN puts it back on his head

>> No.56579908
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>> No.56579917

toofy grin

>> No.56579997

pls excuse my wife, she speaks rabbanese

>> No.56580004


>> No.56580075

love you

>> No.56580127

>Bloody Kiki
>Bloody Kiki
>Bloody Kiki
>Bloody Kiki
>Bloody Kiki

>> No.56580329
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>> No.56580357

10 rabbits/10 rabbits

>> No.56580397

i missed her so god dam much/10

>> No.56580481


>> No.56580495

Always like me some 2hu games/10

>> No.56580546

i accidentally impregnated kiki sorry

>> No.56580638

I love my magical woife/10

>> No.56580813

being a goncernchamp is suffering

>> No.56580830

see you ramples in the new bread!

>> No.56580894

i know right, when she told me about what little mad did to her i feared for her life

>> No.56580922

woke up too late and missed the game, did she rike it?

>> No.56580956

Did you know that Kiki wants to be bread?

>> No.56580976

you will have to watch the entire VOD right now to find out

>> No.56581376

in case it needs to be said, i will never and have never judged kiki for being herself, whether she wants to tell us about her difficulties or say how much she is trying to better herself, or even just listening to her make silly noises for a while. of course if she doesnt want to talk about something i wont bring it up again since the last thing i want to do is make my wife uncomfortable/resistant to being open and honest. not a big deal about anything in my opinion but if im concerning it is only because i care. if kiki just wants a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen, im more than happy being that for her. as im sure other champs are.

>> No.56581563

I think she appreciates that you care, but at some point we have to respect that she's a grown woman and bugging her every stream to ask about some problem she told us about is just going to make her feel more anxious about it. I completely agree with her that champs shouldn't do that shit, but of course people are going to be concerned and there's always going to be that one guy so it's hard to get around.

>> No.56581641

one day she'll play hollow knight again mark my words

>> No.56581807

im feeling kinda cute today

>> No.56581881

>but at some point we have to respect that she's a grown woman and bugging her every stream to ask about some problem she told us about is just going to make her feel more anxious about it

yeah i agree, i try to only inquire about something if its the topic at hand. i trust her to make her own decisions since who am i to tell her how to live? love her though.

>> No.56581994

all it takes is that one rabtard that can't keep his mouth shut to throw all of us under the bus

>> No.56582083

>>one day she'll play hollow knight again mark my words

Silksong will be out before she does. Riiiiight around the time Winds of Winter is published. Estimated to be twenty or thirty years after the last year of the Millennial Kingdom.

>> No.56582089

kiki was very cute today, methinks

>> No.56582097
File: 153 KB, 599x619, 1680024083095693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's almost christmas, are you excited?

>> No.56582142

yeah, you

>> No.56582200

I want a gigi for Christmas

>> No.56582214

Don't rub it in, that champ felt bad afterwards for asking.

>> No.56582525

sometimes i actually prefer shorter streams since although i want to watch the entirety of kikis streams, i tend to fall asleep since im so tired after working. its nicer to see a shorter stream all the way than to have to catch up on what i slept through on the vod.

>> No.56582630

they honestly shouldn't, because it led to a long and interactive conversation about health in general which was fun for all

>> No.56582846

am baking

>> No.56582895

thanks for the early heads up

>> No.56582941

i was thinking of a different commerical

>> No.56583072

hi baking im champy

>> No.56583471

I installed koikatsu better repack but kiki has jean shorts instead of a bloomer...
what did I do wrong

>> No.56583541

did you place the kiki card in the right folder?

>> No.56583545

Are you sure you're on the right outfit slot?

>> No.56583567

you forgot the cunny expansion repack

>> No.56583680

idk, I placed it in userdata/chara/female

>> No.56583700

nta but which folder is the right foldeR?

>> No.56583819

absolutely loved the zatsu and for a fan game it was really good/10

>> No.56583941
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>> No.56584287
File: 1.29 MB, 951x821, crouton party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmnn nice and crunchy

>> No.56584499

i actually have no idea lol

>> No.56584635


>> No.56585259

no my pronouns are champ/champy

>> No.56585426

I wasnt, thanks
