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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56537253 No.56537253 [Reply] [Original]

He doesn't deserve the hate.

>> No.56537310

I agree Kronii. Now please tell him to tweet something

>> No.56537570
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>> No.56537638

He deserves a buckshot through his skull. At least

>> No.56538019
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He is a menhera who can't resist biting bait and feeding trolls. The second he started making
>I'm going after your oshi next
jokes and talking about doing collabs just to piss people off I wanted him gone.

Don't give a fuck about Magni, let the sisters have him back for all I care.

>> No.56538282

He is based and I'd do the same thing.
Collabs with Kiara, Fauna, Mumei, Bae, IRyS.
Hell I would have collabed with Shiori, Nerissa and FuwaMoco if I were in this nigga's shoes.

>> No.56538866

manchild whose entire personality revolves around being an annoyance, later wonders why no one likes him

>> No.56538897

Vesties really are the self insert fanbase.

>> No.56539280

le default nosferatu

>> No.56539458


>> No.56539746

That's unironically what i became after Ame cucked us, i became a Tempus fan and i only watch them when they collab with girls so i can self insert as a chad sweet talking Holo girls

>> No.56540736

It isn't based when you say it, it's just obnoxious.

>> No.56540949
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another Vesper thread?

>> No.56541105

He did what every holofan dreamed of doing, and they hated him for having the balls to do it first

>> No.56541121

Damn that's smart

not the part where you become their fan but still

>> No.56541322

Honestly I forget him already

>> No.56541489

what's he been up to lately?

>> No.56541555

Not fully but i subbed them. That makes me a fan in my head.
You might think i'm ironic but i can easily self insert as them. They are living the life every fan wanted, i always want to talk and be friends with Ame and Ina back when they were my oshis.

>> No.56541606

He does
All the other homos are fine Magni included but he deserves every ounce of hate he gets

>> No.56541637

After his passing I didn't feel like it was right to hate on him either.
He was just looking for something to belong to, because he thought it could help his depression.
Turns out even in a group, he shut himself out in the end :(

>> No.56541652

im sorry he broke your heart. the breakup wasnt your fault anon

>> No.56541677

Like the modern Republican party, gotta own le libs every chance you get same with vesper owning whoever he feels he is owning

>> No.56541740

What are you talking about? He refused to collab with his actual genmates, went insane in Japan trying to chase pussy, fucked up everything good hololive EN has just for a whiff of pussy.

>> No.56542187

>"ugh what a manchild, who does he think he is bothering"
>3 retards buttblasted over my mere daydreaming
lol, it's extra based because he is literally open about doing it out of spite, it gets fags angry and girls still collab with him
i'd be killing it if i were him. Don't have to deal with menhera shit

>> No.56542266

>insane in Japan trying to chase pussy, fucked up everything good hololive EN has just for a whiff of pussy

>> No.56542392

He went to Japan not because cover needed him there but because he heard the girls were there. He left his meds in the US and went awol and was running around Tokyo like a crazy person. He showed up a few times to do a "burger review stream" which was the most pathetic shit that has ever existed from cover corp.

>> No.56542410

Where do you get this from?

>> No.56542501

From a shill script by Cover where everyone who isn't a good boy on board with the company is mentally ill.

>> No.56542816

He IS mentally ill though, he left his meds at home by his own admission and started bouncing off the walls without them again by his own admission.
I don't know if the part about him going to Japan without being asked to by cover is true but what is true is he ghosted the one person who was excited to meet him irl (Axel) then went home and started his social battery hort arc.

>> No.56542924 [DELETED] 

He doesn't. But you know how VTubing predate on weak stupid men who develop parasocial relationships. There aren't many but they sure are vocal in this site. The good thing is that they can onlly be like this in this forsaken place. They by no means can act like this in any official media bc they're aware they aren't welcome anywhere

>> No.56542933

yes he does
t. Magni

>> No.56542956

He deserves it times 10

>> No.56542984 [DELETED] 

Source: "I made it the fuck up" and "Trust me"

>> No.56543017

He is mentally ill, lmao
That's why he killed himself

>> No.56543214

its always funny seeing containment breaking tools from any board talk like theyre on 4chan on sites like twitter and youtube

>> No.56543284

All cyclists deserve hate.

>> No.56543458

didn't he graduate?

>> No.56543811 [DELETED] 

Well yeah their fools and try their luck only to get completely roasted to the ground. Thats why you see them always talking about those site with contempt or saying everyone else expect here are a bunch of yes men. They cant belive people actually like the talent they are insulting. Another of their arguments is that you cant critizice them anywhere exept here and thats a total lie you can give contructive critizism as feedback even in their direct twitter not outright plain insults like they ussualy do here.

>> No.56543914

She deserves the hate for having more estrogen than any holo girl.

I bet he has gynaecomastia too.

>> No.56543993

At this point I'm just curious about what the fuck happened to him and magni. I even had a fucking dream about getting into holostars and even in the dream I asked and noone knew.

>> No.56544044

>He doesn't deserve the hate.
Yes he does. Fucking menhera Hololive-disrespecting sex pest.

>> No.56544145

Vesper ran across the border into North Korea. Magni went into deep cover to bring him back

>> No.56544179
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>There aren't many
Imagine believing this. The only audience that matters is the one who members, buys the plastic tat, the dakis, the overpriced concert tickets and actually watches streams. Your theoretical emotionally detached mentally stable audience is worthless. They can updoot a post on reddit or like Kronii's xeet but they are not a committed audience, clipwatchers at best.

All streamers are parasocial and for holo that audience is their bread and butter. Which is why advent is catering to them exclusively. You can keep telling yourself gachis are the minority but the proof is in the pudding.

>> No.56544361

This man single handedly brought about the death of Omega and is holding Cover hostage as he hunts boars with a spear. All after fucking a hot Japanese-Korean Girl.

/vt/ should build a statue for him

>> No.56544533

in aggregate, normies are the tide pervading the internet, with their memes and clips lapping at the lonely autists' shores where they can be found on their islands and conveying them into the chuuba's presence for monetary adoration. they are the medium by which the gachi becomes aware of his oshi, a means to an end

>> No.56544586 [DELETED] 

All of this are assumptions but there are 2 most likely theories people have been devating. The most "rational" one is that there have been a legal issue with their new models since this happens almost inmediately after their new models reveal. Cover was aldo very vague on the issue thing that if it was something they did they would outright say it like always. But since they didnt its most likely something on Cover side.

Another might be they got threatened. You know how psycothic some assholes. Some hololive girls had stalkers issues in the past its totally possible some extremist found out where they live, threathen them, cover find out and theres now a police investigation ongoing. Ofc if thats the case and when those idiots gets caught aside the massive sue Cover will stick far in their butts they'll most propably spend some years in jail.

Take everything with a grain of salt all are just possible theories theres no official statement and even if they come back theres a chance they wont be allowed to say anything anyway if its indeed a legal/criminal issue.

>> No.56544612

the cuckening was all omega's keikaku anon

>> No.56544779

Poetically put but no the early clippers that put holo on the map with their translated JP content are the furthest thing from normies I can imagine.

>> No.56544816

fair enough

>> No.56544976

The rrat about them being greedy is the closest to the truth so far. Gura, Ame and Kiara made a joke about then during their Phasmaphobia cleaning collab around 34 mins in.
These guys wanted an advance in their pay and brought lawyers in to review their contracts, Clover said fuck off, they are already getting their fair share.

>> No.56545063

"The most "rational" one" is a fucking cope that exposes that homobeggars don't know anything about homos.
There can't be a dispute over Magni model, because he didn't get new model.
Just a slight change to it.

>> No.56545085

If you are a pussy-less loser, how do you even have money to spend on e-whores that will never know you exist or touch you?

Like, you make it sound this is all insidiously preying on lonely men that are too mentally ill to make good decisions. And if you have the mental acuity to spend money on e-whores, you need to ay least make good decisions to make money, which contradicts your statement IMO

>> No.56545138 [DELETED] 

Well youre arguments are as valid as mine but heres the difference between us. I can prove it by going on any official media and talk normaly. You on the other hand cant say this anywwhere else but here. Go on put your money and reputation where your mouth is and say stuff like this on the main socials of the talents, hell send a SC claiming they owe everything to the parasocials and see how it goes. You know you cant and you will find dozens of exuses on why you wont because you know youre full of BS and know what will happen the moment you try. Whats left is you pretending to act normal everywhere else and schizo only here where you can hide behind your beloved and essencial anonymity.

>> No.56545188 [DELETED] 

>The most "rational" one is that there have been a legal issue with their new models
Which isn't rational at all since legal issues with their new models wouldn't stop them from streaming.

>> No.56545271

If you're such a based gigachad what are you even doing on fucking 4channel discussing a niche autistic hobby that's clearly beneath you?
Shouldn't you do something worthwile with your life?

>> No.56545374

so you admit it?
that you spend money on e-whore that'll never know of your existence?

>> No.56545433

He definitely self sabotaged here and there, but it's less something one does on purpose, and more small hiccups piling up until one's down in the dumps. If you listened to him talk about his position he was clearly super appreciative and well aware of the ridiculously fortunate, almost cheat code to life, gig he had landed. He always seemed on top of the side shit cover had them do and had a good system rolling right from the start. His real fault was possibly ironically being TOO appreciative, to a degree he started feeling guilty and undeserving, which became a catalyst for self sabotaging.

>> No.56545522

>The most "rational" one is that there have been a legal issue with their new models
Which isn't rational at all since legal issues with their new models wouldn't prevent them from streaming.
>its totally possible some extremist found out where they live, threathen them, cover find out and theres now a police investigation ongoing
That wouldn't prevent them from streaming either. Why do homosisters make up the most retarded copes?

>> No.56545549

It's kinda funny to see that all it took is 2-3 times of him making fun of containment breakers in his chat (membership post refers to this btw, not collabs) and saying one line before raiding to people to start sperging about how he's feeding trolls and trying to own the haters. People don't even notice how they call him a lolcow and acting like ones themselves, meanwhile dude didn't show almost any signs of live for almost 2 months now

>> No.56545606

>shameless bump brcause compared to your rrats the video evidence exists

>> No.56545667

what hate? his last words was "they can kiss my ass" from what I see he has more hate in him than the others

>> No.56545718

>legal issue with their new models
Vesper 1.0 mama recently came back from death on twitter so this rrat is getting stronger
>Which isn't rational at all since legal issues with their new models wouldn't prevent them from streaming.
cover jp autism as always

>> No.56545796


>> No.56545806

This nigga get it

>> No.56545839 [DELETED] 

They know it. But is all they have. Overweight, addictions, 0 social skills, 0 sexual appeal, poor, mentally ill and even if they actually did have a gf before lose her quickly by being an abusive/obsesive freak. I meak pick your poison this are the main reason someone goes from "hey this is a fun streamer and i would like to support her work" to "sHe Is mY wIFe, PeoPLe don'T kNow BuT wE arE iN lOVe aNd She sAY I love you iS OnlY fOR mE jue jue jue"

>> No.56545861

>My take is twitter approved and yours is not therefore I win!
Yes we already established that twitter will dunk on the parasocials then proceed to not watch streams and not buy merch. What is your point, do you even have one?
No matter how you feel about it, emotionally attached "parasocial" viewers are hololives primary market. You can make arguments about the morality of the whole thing but it doesn't change the facts.

Also the whole "go and act like a schizo in the girls chats see how it goes for you" part of your post is odd as fuck, you do realise barely anybody did that right? Most sane people just stop watching the chuuba in question when they start doing things they don't like. Happened with Ame, happened with Kronii.

>> No.56545864

>cover jp autism as always
No. A legal issue with their new models would just mean they go back to their old models.

>> No.56545940

I'm afraid I have to ask you to go back to twitter, tranny

>> No.56545978
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>> No.56546117

>i feel bad but not bad enough to change my behavior

>> No.56546135


>> No.56546381 [DELETED] 

This made me laugh more than it should. Fucking based

>> No.56546420

most vtubers don't.

>> No.56546471

please know outside of /vt/ you are the laughing stock of the entire internet.

>> No.56546540

He does, next question

>> No.56546585 [DELETED] 

michigan is full, fuck of

>> No.56546646 [DELETED] 

Nah i dont want to its fun coming here and calling you out for being such freaks. If this is a free place to insult whoever we want even if its uncalled for the you are as a valid target as anyone else.

>> No.56546680


>> No.56546747

The legal theory makes sense for Vesper, but doesn't really hold water for Magni. Magni's mama and papa didn't change right?

>> No.56546785

don't worry about it

>> No.56546842

magni's mama is the same. he just got a nosejob

>> No.56546912

>dude le spear le based craftsman and hunter le self sufficient man living in the woods
I hate his fake stories so much, they don't even make sense. He's just trying to make people believe he's this interesting person with crazy stories to tell like some Les Straud kind of dude, but it's all a lie.

>> No.56547048

Kek. Please know that your opinion about vtubing is completely irrelevant since you don't spend money on vtubers. You aren't even a customer. Into the trash you go, tranny.

>> No.56547056

This wasn't meant to be a personal attack on you or anybody, just me mentioning how I see things. But it clearly affected you. Sorry you see yourself that way.
Do you even have any idea what a "normie" is nowadays? You all like to scream about how niche vtubers are and shit, but the simple reality is that someone like Gura, whose character would seem to mostly attract lolicons and literal children, very few people inbetween, has like 4 million subscribers. 4 million potential customers. Liking anime is more mainstream now. It's hard to escape anime shit in social media. Women in their 30s, normalfag women mind you, openly talk about their nostalgia for Sailor Moon. Grown men talk about their nostalgia for Dragon Ball Z. Hell, shounen shit is more popular than ever, be it FOTM shit or stuff like JoJo, MHA or KnY.
We live in a very different world. Sure this doesn't completely translate into real life, but being le quirky makes you stand out and makes you seem relatable online. I was getting Kizuna Ai shit despite having 0 interest in vtubers in 2018.
I grant you that they make more money off of emotionally attached retards, but like it or not clippers are the middle men in many cases and they definitely introduce people to vtubers, Japanese, English-speaking or whatever. Because liking anime and streamers is very much normalfag shit nowadays. It's not like there are any vtubers basing all their content/aesthetics on shit like Lain, GitS, Akira or fucking Angel's Egg.

>> No.56547243
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how much money did you spend so far on the anime girl anon? did she say your name out loud yet?

>> No.56547268
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>Nah i dont want to its fun coming here and calling you out for being such freaks.
Ask me how I know you're seething

>> No.56547369

>how much money did you spend so far on the anime girl anon?
A significant sum.
>did she say your name out loud yet?

>> No.56547395

And yet people outside of /vt/ will come /here/ to seethe because no one wants to watch their pathetic irrelevant faggots. Despite the fact that they don't watch them themselves.
Malding troons who spend their entire lives fighting irrelevant ideological wars just for the sake of arguing and venting their frustration.

>> No.56547470

His opinion matters because corpo vtubers, the ones I'm sure you are defending, need to reach people like him. You can both expand and nurture the audience you already have.
Any that watches them is a customer.
Sorry tranny, but you might not want to throw weight around when you have 0 knowledge about how running a business works.
Better go to run to your oshi's discord and type up some melodramatic shit, or go cry about it to your poor 2view about it, while she is a day away from going to work at a strip club.

>> No.56547612

What right do you have to judge and comdemn those you don't even know?

>> No.56547616

You have a lot of problems, don't you.

>> No.56547727

If that's what you need to tell yourself to cope with that.
But I know I have fewer than you and 98% of this board.

>> No.56547724
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so true brother

>> No.56547774
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Homos still in limbo and the singular win that homobeggars and twitter/farms/doxxsite infiltrators thought they had with advent was Shiori giving her respect my collabs statement. The turnaround on her when she started with the GFE was funny to watch, the dogs are filtering thousands for being too moe, the rock is ignoring beggars spamming her chat with national tempus radio or Vesper mentions and Nerissa is unliking art with the homos.
Total gachikoi victory, seething sisters can vent their frustration by calling me an incel but then they have to go back. You lost, apparently to the "minority".

>> No.56547799

too long didnt read

>> No.56547904
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>Mysta literally graduating because the sisters are mentally ill and completely dogshit
>said sisters are now calling Hololive fans mentally ill incels despite the fact that Hololive is doing better than ever
the complete lack of self awareness is the most hilarious thing lmao.

>> No.56547908 [DELETED] 

And what did that accomplish in your life? Do you feel special that she said a user name hastily following the line of 10 to 20 others she have to read as part of her contract?

>> No.56547909

While I believe the legal issues rrat for Vesper, I am still not sure what went wrong with Magni. He still streams with his RM account, and as far as I know he hasn't spilled anything about what happened. So it's something serious enough he can't talk about it but also not serious enough for it something people murmur about.

>> No.56547931
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>vtubers need to waste their time trying to reach people who won't spend money on vtubers
Trannychama stop, you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.56548141

And what the fuck did YOU accomplish in life?
I'm sure someone who spergs about incels on fucking 4chan for enjoying their hobby is an extremely succesful individual lmao.

>> No.56548198

>my souless corpo is better than this other soulless company!
>i measure my self worth by literally defending a multimillion dollar corporation FOR FREE in my own time!
>i don't care that the only difference between me and the women i make fun of are the corpo i shill and defend for free, and what's between my legs!
Oh man, if hypocrisy and irony could kill.
>inb4 tranny, nijisanji, meaningless buzzwords
Nijisanji could literally cease to exist tomorrow, and Cover could have enough money to buy the world, and it still wouldn't make you any less pathetic than a sister.

>> No.56548266

curb the rage brother. im sure your anime waifu will stream again today

>> No.56548280

You think unicorns are the only ones that spend money on vtubers?

>> No.56548351

who said anything about unicorns

>> No.56548438

>all he say is tranny like the brainwashed retard he is
>shies away literally knowing that if he said what he believes to his oshi, she'd be repulsed and ban his ass (muh twitter is literally the weakest, most pussy shit ever, imagine being so intimidated by a faceless mob of soys)
You should tell your oshi to only do member streams from now on lmao, with your business savvy you'd put Musk and Zuck out of their jobs in weeks.

>> No.56548495 [DELETED] 

No you didn't just ask that with a straight face lol. Let me get this straight. YOU have a problem with people talking shit about you when they don't know you? Here? In 4chan? While you're talking shit about a talent who real life you dont know? Do you even understand how hypocrite you sound right now? Or what? its ok when YOU do it but bad and mean if others hurt youre feelings its that it? Grow a pair if you throw a puch you better be prepared to get hit in the face at any moment too.

>> No.56548524
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>> No.56548624

As someone who is willing to give the boys a chance, the menhera arc and the owning le trolls arc has completely filtered me from him. It's just pathetic behavior as a fellow boomer.

>> No.56548663

ogey homobeggar

>> No.56548724
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You're right, he deserves even more until his fragile ego causes him to end it all

>> No.56548748

>And what did that accomplish in your life?
Funding an entertainer I enjoy so she can keep doing her job.
>Do you feel special that she said a user name hastily following the line of 10 to 20 others she have to read as part of her contract?

>> No.56548752
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my rat for his hiatus is because he transitioning into wohmen

>> No.56548847

He's a charlatan who sold the illusion he was interesting and intelligent when it came to specific subjects (LE CALL VESPER FOR IT SUPPORT HES LIKE A LE GENIUS) when hes just a boring American nerdy white guy who has an interest in the outdoors.

>> No.56548862


>> No.56548949

a clever business tactic

>> No.56549124


>> No.56549184

>You think unicorns are the only ones that spend money on vtubers?
Unicorns and gachis spend the most money, yes. Ask Kronii how much she's earning after they left her.

>> No.56549254

Every Holofan dreams of completely destroying their own vtuber career in under a year?

>> No.56549333

Let me tell you a secret, touristchama. You will never be a woman

>> No.56549384

>ad baculum

>> No.56549406

I was on his side until he said he was going to fuck my wife

>> No.56549418

this vesper obsession is unhealthy /vt/

>> No.56549507

He doesn't, but /vt/ is full of unironic feminazis that hate men for being in le female only space

>> No.56549517


>> No.56549624
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Concession accepted.

>> No.56549689

I ditched tempus a few weeks in, the moment they started the cuck jokes, and given what transpired next I was quite prescient indeed

>> No.56549822

I genuinely don't follow you and your argument is making zero sense. But sure as hell you sound absolutely mad.

>> No.56549892

/#/sharts aka vtuber antis malding every day. Now that I think about it, bunch of homoschizos post exactly the way Kiaraschizos used to post. Coincidentally Kiara seethe is gone and now there's bunch of homoseethe. I swear some people just get off of being mad 24/7 and will change their arguments just to be mad. What having nothing else to do irl does to a mf.

>> No.56549920

I for one can’t wait until he’s on NTR radio with all the rest of the boys, and maybe a special guest that will make you all seethe… heh heh heh

>> No.56549956

>I genuinely am failing to recognize what a hypocrite I am and the irony of things I said
Yeah, I believe you.

>> No.56550140

>you're supposed to conform
How did a normalfag like you slither in here
Just stop for a second and look into yourself, try to figure out what drove you to post this then leave of your own volition when you realise what a waste of time and energy it was for you

>> No.56550213
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All of tempiss deserves it. Harmful failures, the lot of them.

>> No.56550238

Judging by what Magni is doing elsewhere, I think they are both done. Pity really, just looking at this thread makes me realize how much I'm going to miss Vesper baitposting - Few things can derail a thread this consistently.

>> No.56550266

he literally want the hates, i am not even shitposting, he lack the emotional IQ to not pick a fight, whether it be co-workers or fans.

>> No.56550293

Where the fuck is the hypocrisy?
This whole thread is malding sisters saying that Hololive fans are mentally ill incels for not wanting HoloEN to turn into NijiEN. I pointed out that NijiEN is filled with mentally ill fans and doing worse than ever despite appealing to your kind. Then you started rambling about multi trillion dollars companies and I lost you.

>> No.56550316

he can kiss my ass

>> No.56550453

Wow cool new look, would be a shame if this never even really got used and yet another Pako design was wasted.

>> No.56550530

.... Or does he?
You should stream instead of post dumb Tempus shit Kronii

>> No.56550626

>post Vesper
>get replies

>> No.56550852
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I accept your surrender

>> No.56551048

The hypocrisy is in talking shit about someone mentally ill, like you are, but feeling better about yourself because Hololive is "doing better" than Nijisanji.
It doesn't matter. At the end of the day, all you and sisters are are mentally ill retards defending millionaires for free. Cover's financial state and public perception do not change who you are, how pathetic you are, and how much lack of self-awareness you have for being just like a sister, except you wear a shirt for the opposite team.
Benighted catamite.

>> No.56551258


>> No.56551377

>defending millionaires for free
sister they defend my hobby

>> No.56551477
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>> No.56551514

If it’s so crazy to talk about this stuff, how crazy and pathetic does it make you to be seething about people talking about this stuff?

>> No.56551700

>seething nijisister

>> No.56551747

No argument, huh faggot? And no, they just take your money.
>you see things without bias!?
>y-you're le seething

>> No.56551906

Anon, you're literally seething because Hololive is kicking the shit out of Nijisanji.

>> No.56552043

Sure, bud.

>> No.56552091
File: 76 KB, 799x799, 1692307702892750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the biggest problem with homos is that they don't bring money like idols, it's sad when I think that you have a contract with hololive and despite all this a unicorn weeb who works in mountaineering like me has a higher monthly income than you, that's probably the reason for his manhera

>> No.56552205

Why are you here? Is it your duty to proselytize, to destroy? It's a hobby, escapism at the end of the day and the way hololive does it makes people happy and they want to gatekeep it. If you view it with such disdain just fucking ignore it and don't engage with it and watch any number of the other options available. I don't understand people like you.

>> No.56552224

Again you aren't saying anything. At this point you're just seething on cooldown and calling Vtubers fans mentally ill. On a Vtuber board.
>defending millionaires for free
if you're really going to pull a socialist argument about unfair wealth distribution in the modern world you're absolutely barking up the wrong tree. And again exposes you as a complete retard.
If we're still talking about mixed collabs and unicorns vs beggars then yeah the comparison between Hololive and Nijisanji makes sense.

>> No.56552279
File: 2.44 MB, 2048x1763, Kronii Vesper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont you have better stuff to do Kronii?

>> No.56552363

Yes. Nijisanji is suffering constant yabs and graduations while it's pretty much smooth sailing for Hololive and you're clearly salty as fuck about it.

>> No.56552484

Yeah, he deserve way more

>> No.56552606

Like streaming for my fans? naah

>> No.56552660

What happened to Shiori and Koseki? i don't know the story

>> No.56552749

>you can't make money if you're not having sex
What insane breed of logic is that?

>> No.56552859

unicorns act like trannies.

>> No.56553064

what site is this

>> No.56553067

What actually happened:
>Half anniversary of his gen coming
>Altares will meet up with Magni in the states so Vesper decides to go to Japan to meet up with Axel so both groups can do a cooking offcollab
>Vesper is scared of airport security arresting him so he doesn't bring his meds with him
>Has a mental breakdown, misses another all tempus Collab before hand, doesn't apologizes, avoids collabing after that.
>Makes a burger rating steam one hour before their half anniversary collab, he doesn't name it nor promotes it.
>He misses the half anniversary collab.
>Time passes where he doesn't apologizes, misses his genmate's all tempus birthday collab and spends his birthday stream alone chatting with a character.ai
>After a month of avoiding collabs with his genmate's he announces a collab with Mori and Kronii.
>Gets a spammers on his chat and says that he doesn't care, that he'll avoid collab with his genmates more and interact with Holos if that means making the trolls angry.
Thars pretty much the Japan arc, he probably said that last part because he was tired from the hate but it was shitty nonetheless, I don't know whether he apologized or not, his genmates doesn't care but there's still Holostars fans that still hate him over it.

>> No.56553084

>unicorns act like trannies.
That statement makes no sense. This suggests you're a tranny.

>> No.56553221

Bijou had people spamming her chat with national tempus radio when she asked what NTR was in a completely unrelated context and in her final fantasy stream they fought a vampire boss and they spammed granpire/vesper for the entire duration. She ignored it completely on both occasions.
Shiori just wrongfooted the sisters on the doxxsite with her GFE when they thought she was the "own the incels" chuuba and generated a lot of seethe amongst the sisters wondering why she was pandering with GFE after her debut speech.

>> No.56553240

No, as for now, just wait until the truth is know, you all gonna hate him

>> No.56553275

holostars fans dont watch streams so not a big loss on his part

>> No.56553372

Give us reasons why we shouldn’t, Kronii.

>> No.56553587

Isn't this weird, for the girls who seems close with mori and even ollie to ignore the boys like that. Its like the managements got fucked in the head by the incels.

>> No.56553643

>le invisible gun
Whatever you need to tell yourself sis

>> No.56553647
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this nigga gets it. its ether kek or be keked. there is not limits to ether side as they wither or fight with every breath.

>> No.56553767

He doesn't deserve the hate for the things /vt/ sisters throw at him, but he does deserve hate for being a compulsive liar

>> No.56553791

You're right, but this seems like an anti-thread in disguise. Oh well, hope that he's able to come back.

>> No.56553851

>Its like the managements got fucked in the head by the incels.
It's like management remembered Hololive is about cute girls doing cute things and told them to cut that intergender shit out so as to stop driving away viewers and paypigs.

>> No.56553962

You can't make that statement when you also don't watch them.

>> No.56554108

Irys already existed for long time.

>> No.56554521

Really? Because I'm starting to think most homobeggars ITT are unironic /vpol/ incels who hate Hololive because they are women and think Vesper is this gigabased chad self insert despite the fact that the dude has less balls and talent than your average HoloJP womanlet.

>> No.56554714

He has the gayest voice lol

>> No.56555284

>all the seething replies
Based. Vtuber fans literally always have a meltdown with confronted with the truth about themselves kek

>> No.56555683

i'm watching Flayon play Higurashi right now but ok

>> No.56555777

>troon replying to itself after getting called a retard
embarassing kek

>> No.56556189

>more seething

>> No.56556391

>Vtuber fans
Are you implying you aren't a vtuber fan? Why are you on /vt/ then?
>confronted with the truth about themselves
Here's some truth about yourself: no matter how many female hormones you inject you'll never be a woman

>> No.56556999
File: 47 KB, 750x611, 1692543344570307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened itt
