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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56212463 No.56212463 [Reply] [Original]

how can we save this game?

>> No.56212630

Story mode, make the game a beat 'em up instead of a figting game. Retain roguelite elements.

>> No.56212764

Remove any and all references to homos.

>> No.56212781

>He doesn't know nobody plays anifighters

>> No.56212804

Put Gura in and I will play your game

>> No.56213340

Those are already in Holocure. It being an autism fighter is the bigger issue here.

>> No.56213860

Before you can save Idol Showdown, you have to save Fighting Games in general. The game has problems exclusive to Fighting Games as a whole, comparable to Chess. The entry point is deceptively welcoming towards new players until you boot up a single lobby against other human beings.

>> No.56213894

I hate how despite the game is pixelshit, the text and non-game UX are hi-res. Holocure did it right.

>> No.56214791

Remove the homo references.

>> No.56215008

>Holos build up a lot of hype around the game on release
>lots of talk about tournaments and shit
>some even grinding combos and trying to git gud
>completely drop it within 2 weeks
>tournaments never happen since Mori can never be trusted to organize anything
>only one who still plays it is a Homo, sometimes
I blame the Holos themselves for its demise.

>> No.56215139

Add one playable EN character (preferably Gura) and matchmaking. It won't completely save the game and it'll never be as popular as Holocure but it's a start.

>> No.56215329

It's a fighting game. You can't save it.

>> No.56215374
File: 1.59 MB, 1501x1208, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fighting game anon, you can't save it.
There's a lot of game mechanics and other shit that requires a special kind of autism to enjoy, so you can't just pick up that game and have fun without getting absolutely murdered by either the AI or other players online.
Sure, you can play it once and have fun for a while, but if you want to play it for a bit longer, it requires a stupid amount of dedication and time.
Also I fucking hate the art style of this game.

>> No.56215450

Nude mods

>> No.56215564

>so you can't just pick up that game and have fun without getting absolutely murdered by either the AI
you have to be a special kind of bad to lose against the AI
the learning curve to be able to win against the AI isn't any higher than any other shitty game

>> No.56216140

I've spent 3 months making my game, it's still a month or two away from being done, but so far I've only gotten like 20 views on Twitter. It's going to flop

>> No.56216202

Have you shilled it on here? If not, why not?

>> No.56216246

>Saving a fighting game

>> No.56216286
File: 107 KB, 1592x897, NewUIPrototype.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have. Though there are a few people that engage I can't really tell how much interest there is

>> No.56216367

all fighting games die quickly. Even SF16 is dying. The games get a slight boos every year during Evo and then back to the casket.

>> No.56216371

Oh hey that looks decent. Ganbare anon

>> No.56216407

>releases just a few days before Street Fighter 6
gee I wonder why

>> No.56216476
File: 978 KB, 3194x2700, PrototypeNutClicker2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Here's Twitter link if you care enough. Game should have a beta out within next two months.

>> No.56216499

Played the game, literally just take out all the Homo references and we're good

>> No.56216545

The general public cant stand playing fighting games for a shit load of valid reasons.
You got a demo yet? Ill play it

>> No.56216559 [DELETED] 

Add some EN and ID talents and it'll get a boost, as an autismo who actually grinds and plays fighting games, the game is actually good.

>> No.56216605

Can you turn it to a beat em up or a brawler?

>> No.56216715

Nah no demo, the game is very close to a playable state (all I need is to fix the calculations for nuts to be shown in UI and add the multiplier upgrades for it to be playable) but an actual public demo is still a bit off because I have a lot of other stuff to add, like minigames and shop itens that make a meta for each player to explore. Plus interactions with Risu

>> No.56216808

Nope but a Hololive 4 player coop beat em up would be fun.

>> No.56217315

More males

>> No.56217617

Just copy skullgirls, recent updates notwithstanding

>> No.56217864

Making it an anime fighter was probably a misstep. Especially when you're also throwing in assists. The sub genre is more popular than it use to be but it inherently has a lot more casual filtering aspects. Its also much harder to get right, the doujin anime games that did blow up like Melty and Uni took a few versions before they were out of the kuso zone. A more basic traditional fighter would've been easier on the devs in general. I tend to find the best devs wanted to expand from simpler games they liked, rather than try to replicate games already taking things a step further. Cause usually rules had to be broken and fundamentals changed for new ideas to work.

>> No.56218106

>Fighting game
>Drip fed content
It was a foolish venture from the start. The FGC has an extremely low attention span for new fighting games that aren't the big ones. This was always just going to be a fotm game for them, and swiftly become irrelevant. Never even mind that normalfags don't much care for fighting games to begin with, so even amongst Hololive fans the staying power was never going to be strong.

>> No.56218217

Nerf Botan

>> No.56218235

You're under a severe misconception if you think a simpler game would make more people interested in playing it. The game had 10k players for almost a week, something that rarely ever happens with most other fighting games with an actual budget. Idol Showdown crashed because it lacked stuff like matchmaking, updates are quite slow (which is understandable given the size of the dev team) and it's a fighting game, a genre that's inherently much less approachable than a Vampire Survivors clone that is Holocure. The initial roster also didn't do the game any favors and the devs made a mistake going exclusively for the members they cared about and not balancing with the actual popular talents. Not having a single playable HoloEN member was a extremely retarded decision when HoloCure started with all of EN before adding the other branches.

>> No.56218283

Its an FG, so its the expected result.

>> No.56218494

it's a personal nitpick, but cramming a lot of references kinda turned me off from the game. one egregrious example i can think of was Botan's super turning into an FPS game when she performs it. i mean it's unavoidable, but i prefer if the memes were kept subtle (like chnging Botan's super into her just doing a much more powerful gun spray instead), and limit it to canon as much as possible (like Korone using a choco cornet as a weapon)

>> No.56218614

That's definitely a nitpick. Botan super is just a cool super that fits the character theme

>> No.56218715

Going back in time and revealing the game with a more sensible roster would be a good start

>> No.56218924

build a time machine to tell the devs to release this game 2 months after SF6 release
japs gonna just make their SF6 characters looks like their oshi and the rest...lmao fightan population outside of JP

>> No.56219045

Good ! you deserve it for chasing numbers instead of passion

>> No.56219123

Anon you're making a hololive themed clicker/incremental as long as you don't fuck up and exclusively advertise /here/ you're going to get a couple hundred people to try it out just out of curiosity.

>> No.56219252

I meant make sure to advertise elsewhere. Only advertising /here/ would be a complete misstep.

>> No.56219373

I don't even like constantly calling things reddit, but it's just really telling with this game's cast, and it was its undoing. If I was being particularly harsh, I'd accuse them of being clipfaggots, too, because this is basically the exact cast you'd get if you asked a clipfag from 2020/21 to choose a cast for a Hololive fighting game, maybe swapping out Botan for a more popular option at the time.

>> No.56219466

>You're under a severe misconception if you think a simpler game would make more people interested in playing it
But being more on the anime fighter side didn't help. It had 10k because Hololive, before the majority even thought about trying online they had to see how it played. Once they realised I'm gonna have to learn how to do big combos, or even just how to use assist properly. Their eyes glaze over. This was never gonna be a main game for people, it was always gonna have drop off before frequency of updates became an issue. So if its gonna be a popular side game it needs to be something you don't have to lab a lot. Something you can jump back into easily when you're tired of other games. This is also why Holos jump back into Holocure so easily.

>> No.56220380

Simpler mechanics wouldn't help the game because it's an indie fighting game without matchmaking and an honestly questionable roster, and it already has simple inputs. You can reduce fighting games to the barebones basics like Footsies and people would still be too scared of trying it out because it's a PvP focused genre and there's only so much you can do with single player stuff before it starts getting boring and repetitive.

>> No.56220656

The majority of players, who picked it up cause of brand, never got to online and saw its faults. You're not even helping your own argument here as you're saying they'd never stick around no matter what. But considering the game was largely aimed at non fighter fans and would at best be a side game. Being easier to jump in and out of rather than a game you have to grind would've helped. That would fit for the potential market. You can stamp your feet and say fighters can't be popular but more and more are doing well. There was a space for this game to be a minor hit and it missed it.

>> No.56220669

You cannot save it. It was always the Street Fighter 6 waiting room. SF6 is out now. It has to compete like literally every other fighting game. Right now it occupies the same spot as other small indie/old fighting games: an unstreamed side event at majors. Also their picks to put in the game just made NO fucking sense. Not ONE (1) single EN or ID???? Not one Gen 3 member playable until after your game is dead???

>> No.56220720

most people don't see coco that way

>> No.56221030

And the fighting games that are getting popular aren't the one shying away from complex mechanics and combos. You're the one arguing that mechanics were the sole reason for Idol Showdown's failure when stuff like mobas or even tactical shooters that are much more complex are infinitely more popular than the biggest fighting games out there. If IS was released with a more varied cast that was a better mix of actually popular Holos like Gura and Pekora and the devs oshis and a working matchmaking system it would've been more successful. Not hugely successful, but more successful than it is right now. But all in all expecting an indie fg to go beyond the 1k player line is delusional, even with the Hololive brand attached to it, and they never had a chance over Holocure because there's no truly dedicated fg player on Hololive with Korone being the closest to it but even in her case she's more of a generalist who enjoys fgs and not a specialist.

>> No.56221214

Poi clips were and are still top tier though, I can understand the reason why they chose Botan.

>> No.56221366

Nta but while I get why Botan is in the game it makes no sense that they added her and not a single HoloEN member when Myth debuted around a month after her and Gen 5.

>> No.56221655

Probably, they need to remove this artist. His art is trash, deviantart material. The sprites are fine though.

>> No.56221841

Repurpose it into a 4-players fighting game and add a metroidvania mode similar to hollow knight
Add Towa

>> No.56221853

It's a fighting game. It has gone as far as it can.

>> No.56222733


>> No.56222851

but chess has enough players so there are people from every skill level you can match up against, in fighting games only the sweatiest of sweats play consistently. the equivalent in chess would be a newbie 500 elo getting matched with NMs and FMs

>> No.56223052

art style is abysmal, holocure looks cute this looks like street fighter 1 and is played by hololive fans who are fgc spergs and piss moan and shit about le meta while abusing it on multiplayer.

>> No.56223219

when the dev tried to blackmail aki on twitter it was over. don't save the game.

>> No.56223357


>> No.56223456

Make it run in arcade cabinet then send it back in time to the 90s where it could actually thrive.

>> No.56223487

Make it a Smash clone and then it can be vaguely popular.

>> No.56223525
File: 67 KB, 220x206, himemori-luna[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzk8mwy.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add Luna

>> No.56223626

You can't save something that has no saving grace.

And most importantly, no overlap between willpower deprived gachi wankers and comparatively high-T fighting game fans.

>> No.56223642

By not making it an anifighter game in the first place, Fighting game retards will grab onto any new anime fighting game then let it die once they find a shiny new one, no amount of new character releases or balancing changes will save you now unless you release a sequel with a XX or extreme attached at the end of the title with some roster changes and "new" graphics.

>> No.56223693


>> No.56223740

>play game
>Vesper mention
>delete game and leave negative review

>> No.56223784

fag fucking went i'm delisting if aki doesn't follow me and then tried to play it off when she did.

>> No.56223898

I mean what do you want the Holos to do, all the references in the game are WAAAAY out-of-date and a lot of the hype was from girls who were willing to offer free voice work even though the devs have no intention of ever putting them in the game because they weren't popular three years ago.

>> No.56223916


>> No.56224009

>Refs are way out of date
>Still added homo refs
Yup! Doom to fail...

>> No.56224083

If this is true how do we not have 50 schizos from here harassing this fag already? Because this is peak low life behavior

>> No.56224095

Only /vt/ pisses and shits itself at the idea of a jpg of a male being put in the background. No one else cares

>> No.56224146

He made it up!

>> No.56224165

>No one else cares
True. Not about the jpg and not about the game.

>> No.56224209
File: 24 KB, 300x346, l99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the reasons that these people could've chose, it's Roberu. Have you guys even played a fighting game before? This genre filters absolutely everyone.

>> No.56224264

but I suck at Fighting games anon

>> No.56224320

unironically this.
fighting games are only fun if you watch them or beat up your friends

>> No.56224408

>all the references in the game are WAAAAY out-of-date

>> No.56224737

Holocure isn't a time machine to late-2020 era reddit like Idol Showdown is, and Kay Yu was smart enough to start with all of HoloEN instead of putting an already graduated talent on the starting roster.

>> No.56224831
File: 10 KB, 544x175, akinoticeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally went to her follows to find this

>> No.56224910

A ton of the item references are still old clip-tier shit though. Also, HoloEN debuted in 2020 too kek

>> No.56224935 [DELETED] 

I'm at my limit
I will kill Japan

>> No.56225008

Play Tekken it has players in all skill levels.

>> No.56225061

And with each new update they add new stuff so of course shit from when the game was first released will feel dated. And yeah, HoloEN did debut in 2020 but there's not a single HoloEN member playable on Idol Showdown outside of 2 assists.

>> No.56225103

FIx the fucking detection system
Make the windows for inputs wider and things hit more meatily
This game feels fucking weightless, you don't know what deals a shit ton of damage to you intuitively unless you keep an eye on your lifebar
Things that do a ton of damage should feel like it dealt a ton of damage
A fucking light screen shake on those attacks would make things so much fucking better

>> No.56225156

only one of these games has mumei being forgorful in it, don't pretend they are the same.

>> No.56225380

You're one of those types huh? Fuck off retard

>> No.56225444

unironic incel behavior... No offense by the way but even I wouldn't stoop that low jesus

>> No.56225450

A beat them up mode would be legit great desu

>> No.56225728

if my oshi isn't there i don't care

>> No.56225786

>it's not done
Well wtf do you expect? Everyone hears about projects that go nowhere every day. Finish it, put the meat on your customer's plate, then complain

>> No.56226408

Had to check for myself and its real, uninstalling the game now. Cant support people like that

>> No.56226793

Hey, tournament legal!

>> No.56229197

they should add more vtubers with the same moveset
Only the sprites would be enough
If It worked for SF1 with ryu and ken it can work for an indie game

>> No.56229510

>the learning curve to be able to win against the AI isn't any higher than any other shitty game
It is if you have platform fighter brainrot and keep trying to crouch cancel and shield

>> No.56229793

That Homo is from that same period. It's not like that was a current reference either.

>> No.56229822

I remember I practiced combos for six hours in training room after release for two days and when I finally went in I still got my ass handed to me.
Which was expected but I can't help thinking how much worse the typical beginners who went in expecting 236L to be the max depth of the game fared

>> No.56229915

Holocure's references that come from the dev are all out-of-date clipwatcher tier but he responds immediatley to fans and fixes things. Not just through quick updates that add stuff but that also replace or fix stuff after fan feedback about talents being poorly represented or their fans not depicted properly, etc. And today it's literally inserting current references in reaction to the reception to the game by talents and it's not even done.

>> No.56231506

It's almost like he's working on anime-adjacent shit he doesn't give a real fuck about but reaps him cred with the potential audience for his main work. I just hope, for his sake, he's getting money under the desk to keep paying for pajeet programming expertise.

>> No.56231674

fixating in combo practice instead of understanding the fundies are an easy way to get manhandled

>> No.56232535

See if you're an average normalfag you wouldn't even know what constitutes fundamentals

>> No.56233127

>nobody plays fighting games
They are literally the ultimate autist game genre. Nothing to do except memorize combos and throw them out.

>> No.56236645

Is it dead now or something?

>> No.56236905

As long as it is released before november it should be fine

>> No.56237392

remove homos

>> No.56237761

That's nuts

>> No.56237803

add Tempus

>> No.56237988

Live by the homo, die by the homo

>> No.56238762

Is the game any good?

>> No.56238852

I don't understand people like you. Why do you spend all that time and effort just to rip-off someone else? Why not make something original?

>> No.56238954

Clothing damage

>> No.56239002

Let it burn. It's ugly as fuck.
Let some Japanese indie game dev will fill the void please. I can't find the clip, but the video of Pekora with boxing gloves fighting Korone. It's low res and looks 300x better than Idol Showdown.

>> No.56239009

portrait art and pixel art are horrible
also adding westoid memes like ogey rrat is cringe

>> No.56239421

Sorry you didn't catch the algorithm. I look forward to it when it gets released.

>> No.56240321

I'm not a fan of Risu, but this looks cute. Will play it if you ever release it, anon.

>> No.56240915

Not OP, but in case you're honestly asking

Original creations are a hard sell.

The internet jokes about *name* the hedgehog being cringe and rampant, but creatives who try to push their OC's, original stories, original content, easily get lost in the zeitgeist. For every Tolkien, GRRMartin, Stan Lee, Toby Fox, Kim Jung Gi, there's tens of thousands of people whose original creation could not get any traction.

Creating tribute and derivative works based on a preexisting brand that is okay with it, is good practice and good portfolio work, it caters to the fanbase of said brand, and it's a nice gift for your oshi.

>> No.56241021


I can speak as an artist turned fanartist, I draw hololive girls both for the sake of practice and for the sake of hoping my oshi notices me and also get my picture out in front of people who like the same things as I do.

>> No.56241045

>Creating tribute and derivative works based on a preexisting brand that is okay with it, is good practice and good portfolio work, it caters to the fanbase of said brand, and it's a nice gift for your oshi.
It's lazy and it proves that you're bad at what you're doing.

>> No.56241179

But you presumably don't trace any existing pictures and claim them as your own. I have no issue with fangames, but games that are simply reskins of already existing games.

>> No.56241782
File: 381 KB, 900x533, 1677361216810921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys know we have a general for the game ri-right... >>56241299
please come play with us...

>> No.56241857

>idle clicker in anno Domini 2023
>probably made by a seanig
Yeah I can't imagine why your project isn't more popular.

>> No.56241928

>everything should be sequestered into generals
zip it nu-4channer

>> No.56242060
File: 138 KB, 790x530, 1684128638912045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board needs more generals it has too many bait threads and people being paid with gift cards to raid the catalog

>> No.56242114

If you finish it and you tweet it to Risu there's a high chance she plays it, or you can send her a smol sc and she will notice you

>> No.56242235

HoloCure is bad and lazy now?

>> No.56242318

>>everything should be sequestered into generals
For this board in particular? absolutely

>> No.56242808

I think with this game in particular the issue isn't so much that its too hard for the girls and casuals to play rather its that the game itself is just kinda shit. Now I get that making a fighting game that is responsive and fun to play is probably more difficult than making something like holocure but that doesn't change the fact that holocure is fun while this game really isn't.

>> No.56244159


Doing Mastercopies is a form of practice in art (drawing/painting). I dont see Holocure or any fanwork as any different.

>> No.56244598

It has more potential than a fighting game, good luck anon

>> No.56244992

It's a fighting game so it's hard to save. Like some anons said before, maybe adding a noob friendly beat'em up mode would help, but idk how much work or if the gameplay will translate good. I remember playing the Tekken beat'em up mode in my PS1, maybe that would be a good reference point? Idk to be honest I'm trash at fighting games myself, I enjoyed playing Bloody Roar 2 and MvC more than Tekken or Street Fighter.

>> No.56246225


>> No.56252123

put in luna

>> No.56253360

Fighting Games are much more complex to develop than a clone of Magic Survival or a plataform. Also the entry barrier is higher. Idol is not really a polished game (which understable because the size of the team) and being launched before SF6 didn't help either.

>> No.56253844

I hate fighting games because I can never tell what the fuck anything does just by looking at the animation, you have to get hit. Even something as banal as high/medium/low is always a guessing game.

>> No.56253863

Remove the males first.

>> No.56253899

Add multiplayer to the beat 'em up and the holos would use it for collaborations

>> No.56254042

Remove the males references or at least put a "SAFE MODE" for the girls be able to play without need to talk about dicks each 2 maps on single player mode.

>> No.56254850
File: 2.98 MB, 498x498, 1661637591639261.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add more homos.

>> No.56254890

by removing brett from the development team

>> No.56255000

So not only do you admit that chess is much more enjoyable to newbies (that's why there are more opponents to play with for weaker chess players) you also bite the bullet that for all the effort you need to put ij to play autism fightans you're actually better off playing an old-ass board game
Congrats, fightans really is the chess for niggers that don't know any better KEK

>> No.56256533
File: 95 KB, 822x777, foundermeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56256620

Maybe add some more characters and improve the balance a bit, I've paid for much worse fighting games.

>> No.56256765

Nah im a beginner at tekken and whooped the ass of sone people and got my ass whooped too even my sister who play video game a few time a years has a blast playing tekken and soul calibur.
I think its 2d fighting game that are too hard dont ask me why since like I said im a beginner.
But go boot up street fighter of Mortal kombat and fucking hell its hard.Doing even one combo feel like work.

>> No.56256769

You can't.

>> No.56256892

When are we gonna get a Hololive-themed shmup like 2hu?

>> No.56260340

Turn a fighting game into a defending game and replace some of the intense aggressive gameplay while adding more autism to it.

>> No.56260459

Fightan games are niche, so nothing

>> No.56260525

Why should a genre have to appeal to every gamer? It's okay for niche things to remain niche, not everything has to be AAA 6 gorillion players online at 2AM.

>> No.56263638

some guy had made a shmup with irys, nothing special tho

>> No.56263744

There have been several, but none were high quality enough to take off.

>> No.56264081

>beat 'em up
Yeah, the enemies are nijisanji vtubers, and the final boss is Riku Tazumi.

>> No.56264669
File: 135 KB, 335x323, -_-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it like Red Earth.
Focus on making the game actually fun in single player, as a stealth tutorial for how to respond to various actions from opponents.
But even still, the way I'd put the biggest problem the genre has is
>People play what people play

basically, if there aren't already people playing it, it's fucking impossible to get a scene going. Before anyone asks, I've spent months in person at my locals, trying to get people to play other stuff.
There's one guy I know who's down for whatever I bring each week, but it took like three weeks of just showing up with Type Lumina, and sitting there playing it by myself/offering to play, before people finally started joining. I have never once gotten any takers on Idol Showdown, despite a ton of the venue fucking loving kusoge bullshit, and me consistently offering. All of that shit is why I just play Street Fighter 6, these days. Any criticism of the game is kind of moot when I can't get people to play anything else, lest I go the discord fighter route.

>> No.56264941

You are right, numbers kills all joy in this world.

>> No.56265191

You can't, it's an arcade fighter, shit's been obsolete for decades now

>> No.56265323

Turn it into Third Strike.

>> No.56265487

remove coco

>> No.56265630

why can't fighters be simple like street fighter 2 was? can't be bothered to learn 50 hit combos, counters, breaks, recovers and god knows what else only for the game to die in two weeks.

>> No.56265853

Why do you want to play something difficult, without putting effort in? You don't have to play them, nor do they have to be made for people like you.
Games like that do exist, like Fantasy Strike, for the record. And if you want single player stuff, you can emulate Red Earth
